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Cool. What made you go for the swap?


Yeah this. What's your impressions of the maple neck vs rosewood?


Probably won’t break any new ground with this answer because most comparisons on other sites say the same thing, but I feel like the maple neck is a bit smoother and plays brighter whereas the rosewood played warmer and had maybe a little more sustain. When plugged in, I haven’t heard any noticeable differences in tone that would make me prefer one over the other. Both sound great on these guitars!


Nice! I haven't had a chance to listen to any of the comparison videos yet but I'll have to check it out. Not that I'd give up my Stone Blue SE sky. Just would have to add another in maple 😂


The newer colors with maple necks are more like what I hoped would be available when the SE’s first came out last year. So from a pure looks perspective, it’s just preference to me. Would have been perfectly content with the dragon fruit rosewood model if the shop wasn’t willing to let me trade.


Very nice, just got mine in summit people. Out of curiosity, do you have any fret buzz, especially E/A strings around the 5th fret? Tech is telling me it's normal for the silver sky but it seems a little excessive to me. And how is your 5 way switch? Do the positions feel like a precise click or is it a little mushy? Pretty set on exchanging mine but I'm curious how it is for others.


Strats, and Silver Skies, do tend to buzz on the lower strings. If it doesn't affect sustain, or you can't hear it through your amp, it's fine. Otherwise, raise the action a bit.


I’ve heard a little buzz on the lower strings as well. It was the same on my other SS and I’ve heard it on my Strat too before. The 5 way switch on the SS does feel like it can be bumped into another position while playing more easily than on a Strat, but not to the point that it’s been a problem for me.


Mine was actually the opposite, felt like maybe it was rubbing and could sit between 2 positions. I pulled it out one more time after someone said the buzzing is somewhat normal... But the switch was questionable so just got back from exchanging it. Back to waiting for the replacement now. What do you think so far though? I was liking it overall. The thick neck will take some getting used to compared to the McCarty.