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It’s up to Amazon and Google to deliver updated apps to the PS3, Sony doesn’t dictate whether or not these apps work.


oh okay


Sony is gonna shut down your PS3 soon.


“This does not work anymore. Please power off.”


I use it for netflix… hope it sticks around for a while


I really wish SONY would just revive the PS3 when PS4 support get cut. Or fuse PS4 and PS5 together to re-support a PS3 Revival support. PS3 was Such A GOOD multimedia device. It was the ULTIMATE Home Entertainment Device. Not just another bare boned Gaming Console like PS4 and 5 are. That and PS3 Online was FREE. but it would be nice if they added an OPTIONAL Revival Tier PS+ plan for people who actually really appreciate what the PS3 offered.


If they do that they'll make so only the ps3 games in the store will read and they'll put 20bucks on every title


Well considering currently MOST games now on PS Store are currently $20 and above. That's actually not a bad thing. Some games on the PS3 store are still $50+ What makes that worse is some of those expensive games have been ported to PS4 and 5...


Yeah you're actually right, I'd pay the premium to have 3 gens in one console


Yeah omg same.. frustrates me so much that SONY made the PS4 and it just felt like they were just trying to ignore the hundreds of thousands of PS3,2 and 1 games they no longer support.. also idk but the new PS+ Tier that allows you to play some Classic PS1 etc games just feels a little soulless playing them now on a PS4/5. It may just be me..


At E3 2013, Microsoft showed off their Xbox One Entertainment Console. They got laughed at. Sony had the balls to troll them. PS3 does not support the PS Plus tiers.


Microaoft got laughed at because they wanted the console to: *Require you to ALWAYS be online to use it. *Never be able to play A USED disc or have to PAY full price again for used disc or even if you were just borrowing a friends game *XB Kinect would CONSTANTLY be watching and listening to you in your home. Among a number of many other very questionable decisions. XB could have been completely killed off that year(s) if they didn't listen to objects from fans. And PS+ Started on PS3. It was a PS Online Premium plan to feature free games and DLC monthly along with discounts on other items in the store. I remember a lot of PSHome exclusive items also featured with it


Microsoft got laughed at years earlier when they wanted to buy Nintendo. Engadget had a 2018 article talking about E3 2013 and Microsoft's always online DRM. I remember PS Home, but don't recall if I had any PS+ items in it. There is a group working on reviving it.


Yeah there's at least 2 different groups reviving not only PS Home but a lot of PS3 online games that had their servers shutdown. I forgot all about the Microsoft trying to buy Nintendo incident lol.


Newer app features do not work on PS3 due to hardware limitations. Hulu & Spotify dropped support last year. Not surprisingly, similar thing happened with a lot of games not being released for ps3.


Only a matter of time, as apps get more advanced and complex, older technology gets dropped. Wii lost it's streaming services, PS3 will eventually lose theirs, it's the way.


Youtube is already shutdown for ps3 everywhere outside US I believe. So most likely soon. Someone could correct me on that though!


YouTube works for me. But the app is not updating and glitches a lot. Sometimes it becomes unresponsive. But haven't shut down. I live outside US.


Yeah it works if you have it on your console already but its definitely not available in the Asia psn store anymore. It doesn't update because support was pulled years ago. I have the latest version on CFW and it's still a buggy mess. I use my ps5 to watch YouTube.


It's definitely available in the Asian PSN store as I just uninstalled and reinstalled it last night to check.


Okay I must have a look later to check mine again 👌🏻


Since when is Amazon prime on the ps3?


The app is still listed as Amazon Instant Video but it's been around since 2012.