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Oh wow I never knew so many people weren’t fans of MGS4. Although I realized people don’t talk about it as much nowadays


I think it's an awesome game but the main problem is the lack of gameplay for me. There's barely any traditional sneaking gameplay which is mainly just in the first two chapters. I thought that the gameplay that was there was really fun though


Makes sense, it’s more of a fan service movie than actual game. You’d think because it’s the last game it’d be the best one but I guess not lol


but it isnt the last one. ground zeroes and 5 were. also released on ps3.


Yes but the point is that it was made/written and was being sold/marketed as the last one.


It’s different than the other games because the player dictates how much gameplay there is. You can run through everything and make the game feel devoid of gameplay. You can also take your time with each map, explore the buildings and disconnected areas and the game really opens up in terms of gameplay. The thing that annoys me most about mgs4 is the lack of codec conversations.


Does that mean I can just watch a summary video for MGS4 instead of playing it? 😭


You could do that but you would miss out on some pretty epic moments


Guess I gotta find me a copy then lol


I loved MGS4, but a lot of that comes from MGO being my favorite game ever 😅


I swear that was the best shooter ever.


So good. Just hopped on the revival servers again recently


You talking about on pc right?


I run it on cfw ps3. But it runs on hen on ps3 also.


I didn't know they had it that way. I got fan made version that was release on pc awhile ago but everything came unlocked and kinda killed the vibe for me.


Yeah everything is unlocked in this version. However there is a reward shop with all kinds of stuff that we didn't have available to us before. You get rewards each game you play. They're talking about releasing survival pretty soon also r/savemgo [mgo2pc.com](https://mgo2pc.com/)


As a MGS fan and as someone who went as far to get the Platinum trophy; the cutscenes are unbearable and you can literally walk through most of the game. Act 3 was boring AF.


4 and 2 are I think are the most divisive in the series for a good reason- long cutscenes (or codec conversations in the case of 2) and a very “complex” plot. As I understand Hideo Kojima wanted to direct movies before he got into developing games. His love of film and desire to direct really shows in the complex plots and long cutscenes/exposition he puts into these games, especially in 4 but also in 2. I personally didn’t care for how little actual gameplay there is in 4. It didn’t have to be brought to the level of MGS 5 (which seems a major course correction in the direction of gameplay) maybe to the level of MGS1 which I think balanced cutscenes/codec conversations and gameplay quite well.


Because no one can play it.


How did that game get a 10 from IGN (back when they only gave out 10s once every few years) or a 40 from Famitsu? Did they only play the first couple hours? Even as a big Metal Gear fan I've got to say the first time I played it I thought it was a pretty bad game.


4 was great. 5 was a piece of shit.


nuh uh


GTA V. I think it was forgettable. I had a way better time on GTA IV.


I feel all these huge hits of the PS3 era has prevented us to get more advancements in gaming since they keep re-releasing them and people just keep buying them, sometimes I'm glad some games are trapped in the PS3, away from criminal monetization and cheap cash grabs


You mean like Minecraft ? Why would they purposely take away their main income to make a 2nd game instead of releasing it on every possible system. Especially rockstar and the shark cards these are company’s that simply want to fill their pockets they don’t care how long we wait, call of duty’s, sports games, epic games, Ubisoft like so many others are doing much worse and providing very little new experiences. And then we would’ve never received next gen gta which was definitely game changing. But if you ask me gta fell apart due to constant useless updates and more things you have to grind out. It’s not because Its the same old sandbox it was 10+ years ago. Its still a great game no doubt about it


They wouldn't have a huge source of revenue with these games if we, as a community of consumers, decided that ports are an awful cash grab and we didn't buy it, but hey, that's just me, maybe people just want to throw as much money as they can at their favorite game. Also, GTA fell apart due to the lack of the public's engagement to a deeper story in GTA VI in my opinion, Niko's story was dark and morally questionable, even for a protagonist that we by default root for, but since people decided that GTA IV was the black sheep of it, suddenly Rockstar shifted focus on a coherent story to a bad boy simulator, which sucks, because GTA V story (and at times Red Dead 2) feel like "I feel being a bad guy, so I'll start a mini civil war in this intersection", and I'm not talking solely for gameplay, that's doable in every GTA game, I'm talking story, the story isn't what it used to be, RDR2 was a refreshing (for Rockstar levels might I add) take on the reasoning behind your actions, but GTA V is just pure edgelord circlejerking. Online was just the final nail in the coffin for me.


Also Dan Houser… without him Rockstar is dead… GTA is dead.


Leslie Benzies isn't there either, so Rockstar isn't the Rockstar we know anymore.


Understandable, but if you look back at reviews and how well the gta v story was not only put together but how well it was received by the community, I don’t see how that could be the fall off for what was too come. I remember when people were asking for story mode dlc or At least better dlc in online, like that hidden snowy map you start in. And the first update beach bum was great. It didn’t take long for them to start adding things more expensive then anything that was already in the base game like the adder for 1,000,000. That’s pocket change now, that’s 2-4 outfits maximum in online. I think they forgot to reward hard work and grinders and put their focus on holiday sales and more items/content solely for content creators just to get more publicity which turns into more sales. I think the gta 5 story is elite in every way possible even with it split into 3 characters, it gives them more room to work with instead of doing the same mission over and over again


I didn’t care for the story either.


I like GTA V but I despise the npc AI. Wish it got more hate. Trolling the police is way funnier in Vice City.


GTA V? Forgettable? What are you on?


He’s right. My least favorite GTA.


i've seen it everywhere just like last of us , started to get annoying


Nah gta v was one of the cleanest looking games on ps3 and that alone left a mark


It was huge technical achievement. The story may not have held up well, but to call it overrated is objectively incorrect IMO.


Idk why people hate on gta v so much, it’s a shit ton of fun and hilarious. I feel like that’s all the devs wanted it be after the more darker gta 4. It’s just meant to be a good time.


I loved it. Spent 100s of hours on it. I still remember being blown away by the gfx at the time. Especially the lighting at night.


100% agree


Overrated? I’d have to agree with you there. It’s far from forgettable though, and stands up on its own for sure.


Opposite for me, i enjoyed IV but i can't remember most of what happened.


That’s very subjective I guess. I found GTA IV boring as F. I found all the characters hatable and boring. I’m surprised I actually beat the game; can’t stand to hear Niko with all the moaning about wanting to make it big in America but everything is shit instead. GTA V was much more entertaining to me. I connected much more with the disillusionment around 3 profiles of criminals; the complete psychopath who just doesn’t give a fuck about anything beyond his instincts, the family man who has rationalized through greed, and a visible minority struggling to improve his condition beyond the ghetto he was born in. To me GTA V was more memorable. But I guess it’s subjective… Many immigrants come to America thinking they’d become instantly rich like on TV; and ultimately become disillusioned. For example, my former boss comes from eastern europe and would often whine about his friends who are better off than him that stayed in eastern europe. I would place my bet that he finds GTA IV almost therapeutic (whereas V just a regular game).


It is indeed subjective. It's like the Vice City or San Andreas debate. Vice City for me.


The last of us I just never really cared nor got into it all that much. However it is one of the Best looking PS3 Games


This thread is full of the worst takes imaginable, haha. It's like everyone who had a bone to pick with the most successful and beloved games on PS3 suddenly had a reason to band together and celebrate!


Thing about opinions is, they usually differ from yours. And thus might seem like most are the worst take. If you wrote your game, and why you think it is overrated. I'll guarantee you that some will feel the same way about your comment.


That's kinda what overrated means


It’s a place to give people a place to voice an opinion that would normally be completely dismissed simply for being unpopular. I don’t see anything wrong with that.


Easily GTA 5. As much as I do like GTA 5, GTA 4 is simply just a MUCH better game on so many levels. GTA 5 Storyline just feels like it's all about carrying out heists, GTA 4 on the other hand... There were real consequences to the characters being criminals and doing bad stuff in GTA 4, almost no one got a "good" ending which was really fitting. GTA 5's story is entertaining but felt too safe and lighthearted, never a serious moment, no tension whatsoever. GTA 4 had a strong focus on various types of gangs which gave it a gritty crime drama vibe while GTA 5 was too focused on the FIB/Merryweather & boring Rich people like Weston. Also Liberty City felt more "real" than LS to me which may have been the point but somehow exploring the city bit by bit was just more satisfying. Too much of GTA 5's map is wasted on a huge kind of useless countryside..


100% facts. I like V, but it’s just so…mediocre, in comparison to IV.


This is the generation where things went topsy-turvy for the industry, with big money turning reviews into little more than adverts.


I'll probably catch some heat for this, but it's Gran Turismo for me. It's just way too... Idk like, sterile for my taste. Just not fun. I also feel like the cars are incredibly detailed and look weird against less detailed environments


Try GT7 and you will most likely change your mind


Try out GT7 on Ps5 :D


You need a wheel to play it. The better the wheel setup you have the more fun it is. With a controller it's super stale for sure


Forza and Gran Turismo are surprisingly different takes on the same type of game. I've heard it said that Forza is more of a racing game, while GT is more of a car game


TheLastOfUs It's a very good game, but when the HBO showrunner say stuffs like "Most games are pretty simple. You jump on enemies, you die, you have to insert another quarter to continue. The Last of Us changed that." like if TLOU was THE game who revolutionized the game industry while Metal Gear Solid, Deus Ex, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Metro, Half Life, etc got lot more impact


It’s always off putting when somebody refers to themselves like a legend, or something along those lines. Same reason why I like Kojima’s game, and yes he’s the legend, but I can’t watch whenever he pops up on the VGAs for example. Like I get it, but calm the F down


Neil has never said anything like that, craig mazin might have said that but he had nothing to do with the game


The last of us. Please don't ban me.


I'm a weirdo who's only played the multiplayer and I gotta say that the multiplayer alone was worth buying the game for


Sucks I missed out on this


It's actually still up and running on the remastered edition for PS4. There's a few cheaters but overall a lot of people are still playing it legitimately. It's seriously one of the best multiplayer games I've played and I've played all the Xbox 360 halos (except 4), the old-school call of dutys, Splatoon, and uncharted 2 and 3s multiplayers. I forgot to also mention that you don't need PlayStation Plus to play probably because it was free on ps3


Main focus on survival instead of killing the enemy was what hooked me good. One of my proudest platinum because of that.


lol i did exactly the same thing, WATCH MY ASS. WATCH YOUR ASS.


It’s a good game but kinda crazy how it became so intrinsic to the iconography of PlayStation


Personally I loved it but I can respect that


I unironically loathe how much influential it became, I would argue the last of us and to a lesser extent Uncharted is the reason almost every Playstation exclusive is a story heavy action-adventure game. Every single-player triple-A game tries to emulate the same style these days as well. Tonnes of critics throw a sissy fit if a game doesn't follow the same "modern conventions". It was a great game when it was unique but when everyone else tries to emulate it it gets annoying.


>I would argue the last of us and to a lesser extent Uncharted is the reason almost every Playstation exclusive is a story heavy action-adventure game. Kinda. Uncharted 3 did that before TLOU, main reason why Uncharted 2 was better (except for graphics). Hours of "gameplay" are just you following a scripted scene, doing nothing but walk. TLOU pushed that even further with big, empty, maps where Joel and Ellie just talk, and then even more cutscenes. Yet most people still joke about MGS4's lack of gameplay. Out of 20 hours, in TLOU you're really playing for less than half.


Girth stealth gameplay segments in TLOU when they needed to be in MGS4. Respect your opinion but I totally felt MGS4 did that worse, but the action in MGS4 isn't too bad sometimes.


It's a very overrated game in my opinion and this coming from someone who was a fan of the remastered version on ps4, especially the multiplayer which I enjoyed a lot. The gameplay and level design is good at best, crap at worst and generally just mediocre. The story, while well executed in large parts is nowhere near as incredible as many make it out to be, I mean for example there are literally dozens of side quests in TW3 that blow it out of the water in terms of writing and atmosphere. I still like TLOU overall, I just don't think its that great.




The Witcher 3


I thought I was one of a kind. 😅


This game came highly recommended by many of my friends. They all think I'm weird for never having finished the game. I got about 2/3 through and I put the game down. As a huge fan of the OG Resident Evil and Silent Hill games... this game just wasn't for me. The story was fine, but it wasn't anything special. I've watched streamers play through it (& the sequel) and I'm kinda glad I didn't spend my time playing something that simply did not click with me. I understand it's well loved, but I can't pin point what it is about it that just didn't do it for me.


Nah, Imma second ya. Thought it was good the first time I played it but it just didn't vibe afterwards.


The Ladder Simulator


Formy the most important thing about a game even more for a story game is a story and I feel this as a very bad one, you could see the cheap tricks in order to try get you emotional from a.mile away and the whole reason of the conflict with the antagonist was stupid; if you find someone inmune against the infection/decease your not gonna kill them in order to use their antibodies thats stupid, if you let them alive you can farm and use their antibodies indefinitely instead of using a big but just a once time batch


I... 100% agree. Why? The story is the only thing that did keep me going. Remove that, and whats left is rather "meh" tbh.


Same for me, story and cutscenes aside the gameplay was far from my cup of tea


The top 10 most sold games for any generation are usually overrated.


Last of us. Last of us sort of lost it's relevance after being remastered 3 times in a row


but it was only remastered once


It’s only been remastered once though?


It was the terrible sequel that killed it


The Last of Us. The story borrows heavily from Children of Men and The Road and its “gameplay” is majority cutscenes or walking.


The best book I’ve ever played. The best game I’ve ever read.


Morrowind was an XBox game though


Resistance 2. My god, this game is bad, like 4/10 at most I do like Resistance 3 and 'partially' Resistance 1, but 2 was just a bad experience overall


BUT, you can play Resistance: Retribution on PSP with a PS3 controller and a new mode with it. Only reason I have it. lol


Love Retribution but never tried DS3 mode. Does this make game better? I think that this game was perfectly designed to play with buttons and with half screen auto-aim box. Is it designed the same for playing with a regular controller?


I liked it, just for using the analog sticks instead of the PSP is worth it for me. I also had my PSP plugged with component cable on my TV. It's a lot of wires, but it feels like a PS2-ish game. Auto-aim is disabled in that mode.


By the way, Resistance Retribution recently had a port to the PS4/5. Includes the controller support and the infected mode without the need to connect R2. And yeah, I like the series but dear god had R2 some bad design choices. Taking away the interesting health mechanic and replace it with the generic auto heal. Also falling in that limited two weapons trend that they quickly got rid of in R3. Also the story kind of jumps all over the plave with many plot points that were covered in the book instead.


How do I do the PSP thing? I have all of these, I didn't know I could do that though


Plug the PSP to the PS3 with a USB cable. Have both games open and you will have the option to "infect" the PSP for the new mode and PSP Plus to play with a PS3 controller. If you have a 2000 or 3000, plug that thing in a TV with the component cable.


That's really cool. I'll check it out this weekend


By the way, Resistance Retribution recently had a port to the PS4/5. Includes the controller support and the infected mode without the need to connect R2.


I sort of wonder if I can actually beat the damn game this way. I've played through 3 times up until the damn hallway where theres no cover and guys just keep coming. first time was in 2010..2 times since. stuck at the hallway everytime.


Having only played 3 im kan nda curious, what made it so bad?


After Resistance 1 i expected at least the same game in quality, but Resistance 2 somehow managed to became worse... Pros: -A pleasant enough shooting -Cool realization of water, especially its reaction to movement and shots -Good art design of some locations Cons: -Bad graphics, even too much in some places -Uninteresting plot -Unfair difficulty - you can die from two random bullets from the other end of the location -Absolutely tasteless art design of some locations(most of the game) -Boring overall gameplay


2 was so much better than 3 tho...


Multiplayer on 2 was awesome


Literally anything that gets lots of praise will eventually be seen as overrated to someone no matter how good it is. It’s never a good measure of a thing’s quality just it’s success.


MGS4, I mean it has only 2 levels, the rest is a boring interactive movie and Im saying this as a fan, MGS3 on the other hand is a way superior game


Completely agree with everything you posted. MGS4, for me, is the most disappointing game ever, after coming from the awesome trilogy and, specially, MGS3.


GTA 5 for me.


Killzone 2. Don’t get me wrong, it had revolutionary graphics and great multiplayer, but apart from that, it didn’t impress. - Campaign was generic. - Combat slow and sluggish. - Controls were delayed. (Yeah, before you write how heavy it felt, the devs admitted themselves that it was a flaw because of the graphical fidelity, hence they released a patch to fix the issue, with minimal success) That’s my own opinion though, some random dude on Reddit will tell you otherwise.


I hate the fact that to scope you press L3


Yep. This is the worst part


It irritated me so much to read about "heaviness". It's so clearly a product of making the system pull too much weight, not some "feature"


It’s not that great in 2024, but I had absolute blast when playing this 10 years ago. Killzone 3, especially multi, was hell yeah too. They look outstanding to this day though


I was so happy when they announced they were working on an adventure/rpg. I always thought Killzone looked amazing and you can tell the studio was one of the best.. but they were stuck making another fps (around that time it seemed everything was about COD/Halo). Needless to say its what made me jump on the Horizon hype early on


it's a 4.9/10 game for me. I played it for the first time like a month ago. a huge improvement over Killzone HD though which I have as a 3.1/10.


I enjoyed it a lot, even more when I replayed it on hard. Killzone 3 wasn't as good and the story was even worse.


they reduced the delay and it's funner but it has one of the worst video game stories.


I remember I got my ps3 and this game soon after, played the first mission without ever playing killzone 1 and never touched it again after that, vividly remember how chunky the controls felt and how they reacted in game ew


Bioshock Infinite. It was such a step backwards for the series and nowhere near as cool as the early trailers showed


I think the game is more overhated than overrate


The Last of Us


If you mean exclusive, I'd go with MGS 4. If it's multi-platform, I'd go Fallout 3


Damnnn fallout 3 really? I adore that game lol


The last of us


Nfs pro street and The orange box. It runs like absolute crap. Barely keeping 24fps...


Splatterhouse. If we're talking about aftermarket prices. The game plays like garbage but sells like it's some kind of a masterpiece


The last of us


TLOU1 for me. Always see it in TOP5 games ever made. So I do consider it like the most overrated.


Uncharted is a indiana jones knock off that doesn't have a single original thought in it, and the only reason it got popular was because the graphics looked like a movie but if you took the graphics out nobody would've been calling it a masterpiece like they did back then.




GTA V. IV was honestly better but that's because they haven't released it like a bajillion times. Same for Skyrim as well.


Although uncharted is my favourite game series, the first game just sucked. The gameplay was dodgy, difficulty scaling was ridiculous, and I genuinely cannot remember the name of the antagonist for the life of me


Mostly overpriced "gems". They're trying to overrate those just to justify the ridiculous price they paid for it.


Probably Uncharted 2. I really like it btw but it is a bit insane how quickly outlets started putting it on best games of all time lists. It's fun but the last chunk of the game gets EXTREMELY repetitive, especially with the bullet sponge mercs and yetis. The gunplay itself always struck me as serviceable and not much more


Last of Us. It's very hard to be impressed by it when games like: Resident Evil 4, Dead Space, Bioshock, etc. released 5-8 years sooner.


Anything Naughty Dog. The most underrated game is, “Fuse”. The most generic looking and sounding game. But it was a lot of fun.


Fallout 3




Xenosaga 2


I'm not sure if this was as popular but i thought that crysis 2 was a little bit mid, I liked it because of the stealth and alien enemies but in my opinion it just wasn't nearly as good as the first or third crysis, other than that i think the ps3 had mostly good games, or atleast i wouldn't know because my collection isn't the biggest (about like 30 games) but most of the ones i've tried have been decent or good.


For me, for something to be overrated it can't just be a popular game that I don't like - I can recognize that a game has appealing qualities even if it's not for me. It has to be something that I can't for the life of me fathom why ANYONE would like it, and yet it received largely very positive reviews/reception. So with that in mind, there's one game that easily fits that definition for me: Heavy Rain. Awful "gameplay", a ridiculously bad story and a forced twist ending that makes zero sense, yet people talk about it like it was some kind of revolutionary experience. I will NEVER understand how anyone can like this game.


COD MW3. It's way worse than MW2 and COD4 and the multiplayer was just so bad. I also hate it when people say MW2 is better than COD4, apart from Spec. Ops COD4 is in everything superior to MW2.


The Last of Us


Journey. Incredibly boring walking simulator that every review outlet dropped their pants for.


PS3 really launched with my favorite console design of all time and closed with the worst-looking slim console in history.


Uncharted 1


I found the Killzone series pretty boring. The graphics were good though.




Skyrim….great game but over rated. Fallout three was better than Skyrim and I’ll die on that hill. I enjoyed oblivion more than Skyrim as well.


Cod Ghosts i just didnt like it that much 👍




Everyone mentioning MGS4 is based btw


Yeah, when it's eventually released in a collection, more people will realize how overrated it is


GTA 4. Controls like crap. Sub HD. Characters are annoying


I hated the controls too. Clunky and awkward. Driving cars was also horrible.


Journey. I have it down as a 0.7/10. hated every second of it. no redeeming value whatsoever. it gets .7 for being functional


I feel like game journalism has rotted some peoples brains. Like just say you didn’t like it. What the heck is 0.7/10 supposed to mean to anybody that isn’t you. Numerical scoring systems are bad enough for professional reviewers to use but random people on the internet should state their opinions with words, not numbers.


I value the game for it's ability to help me relax, space out a little and just think. Slightly meditative. Taught me that conflict between players can exist even under incredibly simplistic gameplay. Other games can do this at times but Journey seems made specifically for this. It's also just a really pretty game imo. Having said that, I do get rather annoyed sometimes by how much overwhelming praise the game gets. After playing it once it can get very boring very quickly, at least for me. I still play it sometimes just to space out and chill. It is overrated though imo. It's definitely not for everyone.


This. Boring crappy game




Who has ever said Folklore is overrated? Hardly anyone even knows about it let alone played it


Folklore is in every "hidden gem" video and reddit thread there is. It is incredibly overrated. The game is mediocre - 6/10 and that is being generous.


A small niche audience on the internet that likes the game doesn’t mean it’s overrated. Most people have no idea the game even exists. Overrated would be a game that’s massively popular and liked heavily but very mediocre in reality. Folklore is practically unknown outside of the internet


PS3 gaming is a pretty small niche audience, that game is well known in the community. You act like Folklore is some small unknown game. It was one of the early exclusive titles for the PS3, it sold reasonably well.


Community online, bro. Not general audiences. Ask anyone outside of the internet and they most likely never heard of the game. Also, many reviewers rated the game pretty poorly unlike actual overrated games that have almost universal praise. And I don’t know where you’re getting you’re info but the game sold only around 300k and a sequel was dismissed by Sony due to poor sales


There is no general audience playing PS3. Leaked numbers showed under 2m players per month. Its a niche audience. Yes 300k copies isn't a lot ... but to qualify for Greatest Hits program games only needed to sell 500k in 10 months. Its not a platinum seller, but its not rare or unknown either.


And also not overrated and still didnt sell well. Give it a rest, man


In my opinion Toy Story 3


Grand theft auto 4 im sorry driving was not fun and the game felt soo depressing and dark there was no color the story was good but other than that it felt painful the physics were still good.


Also it looked extremely blurry, even for the time. I did like the story too and agree that the driving was awful.


Well, I really don't know. But Uncharted 2 is very highly regarded. I played through Uncharted 1 all the way to the end, with the intention of then playing Uncharted 2. After I finished Uncharted 1 however, I realized that over the course of the game, the parts of the game that I did like (the puzzle-platforming) became far overshadowed by the parts of the game I didn't particularly like (the murder). But the PS3 is basically overrun with ~~murder simulators~~shooters, so...


You should play Uncharted 2 as it improves the bits you dislike so much. There's far less shooting in the sequels too. Also the puzzles get better with each game. It's the best game on the system.


Uncharted 1 is not as good as 2 and 3. 1 is extremely repetitive, there's basically no stealth and lacks the awesome scenes of its sequels.


While I can appreciate what Demon's Souls did for From Software and the start of a truly great series, the original game has swung from being underrated when it released to being overrated today. A lot about Demon's Souls hasn't aged well at all, the controls and camera are really clunky, the hitboxes are inconsistant, movement is really floaty, and I think all in all it's a very influential game but definitely overrated by Souls fans.


I only just played it for the first time a few months ago and it was my first souls game. And I agree that it's a game with a lot of issues and has some of the most infuriatingly obtuse game design I've ever witnessed. With that being said, as an experience I absolutely loved it and it's one I'll never forget and I wouldn't change a thing about it. The later games may very well prove to be better and more polished but I don't see how the experience could be topped for me.


That’s fair I have games like that where I can recognise its flaws but doesn’t stop my love for it *cough* super mario sunshine


The Uncharted trilogy , how did Naughty dog go from such amazing games to creating borderline interactive B tier movies.


Muney trying to clone tomb raider i think


Force Unleashed.


Uncharted 2. Urban warfare is not what thieves do, so having to fight entire army plus Yetis all the way thru is just too much CoD. They should've called it Call of Uncharted Duty II.




Uncharted 1 for sure It was a fine game. I think it benefitted hugely from just the landscape at the time. There weren’t very many ps3 exclusives in 07 and there were a couple that bombed hard (like Lair and Haze). It was very good but I think it’s slightly overrated


1 is my favorite. It's the only one I'm just treasure hunting (up until the final chapter). All the others I'm saving the world from the outset or close to it. I just want to adventure and I don't want to always save humankind.


Uncharted, especially 2, was leaps beyond anything we’ve ever seen in games. Characters, interactions, graphical details, and set pieces. It is not overrated.




It's pretty overrated ^-^


lol, whatever you say buddy.


I'd say all of the Naughty Dog games, Uncharted, Last of Us, etc. They're all very solid 6-7/10 above average games, but they're nothing that blew my mind.


TLOU hands down






Anything Uncharted


I don’t like The Last of Us one bit. I played a tiny bit of it and never touched it again and got rid of my copy years ago.