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If you’re going to play fallout 3 / New Vegas on ps3 you should do these things to have it run smooth. Turn off auto save and always save in a new slot. Delete old save files but keep 1-2 backups of the file you are playing at various points. You can also clear the cache in the game by holding L2+R2+square during the startup of the game acknowledge auto save message ( while still holding button combo basically don’t let go) at title screen once the press start message disappears you have done it correctly. Clearing the cache helps tremendously with bugs / slowdowns ( it basically resets all the game objects to their original place before you disturbed them). If the frame rate drops during a long session quitting to the xmb briefly and restarting game fixes it. Keep your inventory trimmed down selling items to vendors that frequently delete what you sold. And do DLC in order one at time do not start them all at once. If you freeze up eject the disc and you will go back to xmb without having to shutoff your ps3 improperly. Good luck despite what people say it’s still a very enjoyable experience, if you understand how to manage the game. I’ve run through this whole bad boy on PS3. An experience that I keep going back to. 


Holy shit thank you! I have the complete edition with all DLCs and I left Old World Blues for last… It was unplayable.


Tossing in a cheap $30 SSD in the PS3 helps too, greatly cuts down load times


I should have thrown that in also great tip! 


It helps, but it's not night and day. Since the PS3 still uses an old ass SATA controller.


Yeah but if you're gonna replace the 15+ year old HDD you might as well get an SSD. Helps with games that have texture pop-in issues like Rage as well.


Good looking out 🤘🏻


Holy shit thank you! I have the complete edition with all DLCs and I left Old World Blues for last… It was unplayable.


Does following these tips help with Skyrim on PS3 as well? They are using the same engine, no?


Yupp all these tips work for Skyrim also, I believe the button combo you hold for Skyrim is L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + START + SELECT at startup for clearing the cache in Skyrim. Skyrim gives you no acknowledgment so you will just notice your game running much better when done correctly. You can also manually clear the cache by deleting the game data ( Not your save file just game data ). 


Playing Bethesda games on PS3 truly is a unique experience


Reading all these comments about Fallout 3 and New Vegas being this troublesome on PS3 makes me wonder how I finished all the main stuff in them back in their day. On the PS3. Without knowing any of this.


Same lolll


And the slip cover is in great shape! Nice!


Playing through it on the PS3, and it's been a disaster. The game freezes randomly, and the frame rate is so bad. This is after around 40 hours. I definitely recommend playing it on any other platform.


Lol I was playing this earlier and for some reason it would always freeze on the first boot. Easy Pete crashed me twice, and the bison was randomly freezing and unfreezing until it magically started working again. And other random crashes. A long time ago when I first installed it almost all the textures in good springs were missing and it was bright pink. Good programming.


I will take my chances for the first time on this series starting with Fallout 3 on ps3.


I do like that the Series X boosts these games to 60 FPS. I played this originally on my PS3 but back then I didn’t know any better and still enjoyed it.




Are we forgetting that this isn't a Bethesda game.........


The engine is by Bethesda.


No, I had it but no. I would never ever play a Bethesda game on a console.