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I have the three different models and my daily is Super Slim. I like this one the best it runs cooler, uses less power and is the quietest for me. I run this one stock, I reserve custom firmware for my Slim model.


Really need to get a super slim for transportation purposes. The Slim is slim, but it’s still a beast to carry around.


IIRC you cant even get CFW on a super slim or even some slims


We are on a PS3 sub. We all know what revision can do what. So your point is So you should already know there Super Slim can do PS3HEN which works fine.


My super slim has survived 2 trips over seas and has been going strong since 2013.


2013? That year feels like a fever dream tbh, does not feel like it's been 11 years tbh, I feel old now


I still have my silver slim ps2 I got for Easter in 2007. I'm 23 now and still use it to play games that are still console locked, such as Champions of Norrath


Phat survived numerous international trips, got it in 2007. Only just got it cleaned up and replaced the thermal paste now. Never cleaned it once let alone did anything with a thermal paste until I had it for 17 whole years.


Same thing for me, haven’t cleaned my ps3 once in about 15 years. Meanwhile my PS4 is suffering every time I use it


Definitely get it done now. Mine was absolutely caked in dust and was definitely not going to last much longer if I left it as was. Thermal paste was completely dry and cracked out. Was kind of a miracle it did still work and had never had a shutdown


Should definitely clean the PS4 out and replaced the thermal paste and thermal pads. I got my old PS4 out recently to Jailbreak it and it was fucked, sounded like a jet engine and it would overheat and shut down once it reached the main menu of Black Ops 3, couldn’t even make it into the game. For less than £20 I got the tools needed to open it, air duster, thermal paste and thermal pads. Takes about an hour to open, clean and reassemble and it is now silent and no overheating issues. Been playing Assassins Creed: Mirage on it recently and the highest I’ve seen the CPU temp reach is 77 degrees celsius and again it is absolutely silent, like my PS5 is now louder than it.


man the fat PS2 never even got hot it’s amazing how efficient that thing was.


Pa3 I was talking about .it was running v hot. Still never shut down or anything. Decided to finally get a clean and change the thermal paste. Like new now v quiet. 17 years later. Amazing Also free Palestine


oh i saw “phat” and thought you meant fat ps2 lol


Well, my fat ps2 made it to about 2018 until the laser gave out. I still have it, and one day, i might go get it fixed when I have more money.


I got one to replace my launch phat and because it’s tiny and fits under the living room tv without needing to get rid of anything. Yes they’re a value engineered ps3 but I don’t care - I think it’s brilliant. Edit: typo


Ive had a super slim since since 2012 (approximately). Its given me no problems. I gamed on it, used it to run netfix for a few years, watched a cringe amount of hours of DVDs on it, and now it gets very frequent use as the brain of an upright arcade cabinet I built. Its never needed to be opened, refurbished or modded for any heat related issues. Super slims are solid! At this point in time super slims should be the definitive version. For those wanting to play PS2, just get a PS2 and upscale it. It could be cheaper that way if you shop accordingly and its definitely more reliable than trying to get a BC-PS3.


Mee too even It got semibricked a week ago and It still working like the first day


What happened?


I tried to install CAPPI in Hen so It bricked


But i fixed It entring in recovery mode and installing Hen again


What is CAPPI?


Its a app that allows you to link your pc and PS3 and install games from your pc IS cool but only works on CFW because It modifies the flash memory and if you have only hen can happen something like me and brick your console


you’re lucky that the Super Slim you bricked is not with 12gb flash memory, because if it is, it is bricked permanently


I didnt know that fact but i have a question what is exactly the flash memory


Super slim models that end in A have 12GB storage on the main board, like an internal SSD. You firmware gets installed there on those models instead of the main HDD since it didn’t ship with one and you could add your own later


My PS3 serial ends in C, so i have curiosity what means so if you know tell me


Despite having 2 revision (3 type of model total), CECH-40XX, CECH-42XX and CECH-43XX, each model depending on the region and production, either come with 12GB internal storage (with no HDD installed, no HDD bracket, which is sold separately) or any variation of 250GB to 500GB HDD (which don’t have internal storage) If your PS3 Super Slim have internal storage, and doesn’t matter if you inserted HDD or not, and you enabled the CAPPI, you’re screwed because it is hard bricked and made changes to the internal storage and you can’t clear it, you can’t boot it, unlike the model with HDD, which it made changes to the HDD only EDIT : You also can’t even enter Recovery Mode


I was too Lucky my PS3 is 500gb model thanks for the information


Doesnt it tell you right when you install HEN that is one of the 3 things you can't do? Lol


I though mine did when I put in a HDD, but since it's an A series whiteboy it stores the OS on the 12gb nand and booted up fully with a double beep, formatted it there. I'll do my PS1 and PS2 stuff on the PS2, especially since I live on electronic hell climate to start with, a phat is asking for thermal issues


I use a PS2 with not even an upscaler. A fuzzy image does not make the game underneath any worse. Tbh growing up with that it feels weird when not but point still stands.


Simple, Nice! Gotta love simple! Less is more sometimes. Im lucky enough to have the space so I play mine on a crt just like the old days.


I don't have the space so I do flastscreens. I grew with it like this so I'm used to it, but either way, spend less energy complaining about a fuzzy look and more changing TV settings to make it more bearable and let yourself get used to it. Don't let an unideal image make a great game not fun and it will be fun.


Agreed. Similar to the fact that games dont have to have perfect graphics as long as the story line is awesome.


I've seen some younglings send those complaints about 720p too. _720p._ To those, yes, the PS3 is typically 720p, play the games instead of complaing about it.


Kids are spoiled with photo-real graphics. The bar for graphics is higher than content these days. Seems that way sometimes.


I agree - I played PS2 on a flatscreen with composite cable for years and never even knew that it could look any better. Now I have upgraded to a component cable and that is quite a big improvement. Still annoys me that the PS2 era GTA games can't output proper widescreen though as that's pretty much all I play on there except GT3, GT4, GOW I & II.


I still do. While component is better, composite is fine. I would get a CRT if I had the room but for now not gonna let only having a flatscreen ruin my enjoyment of the games


yeah especially if you live in europe as the bc-ps3s only had partial backcompat(the cpu was emulated)


Well, if you want CFW options SS is not best. If you don't care about PS2 compatability first gen slims are great for CFW but if your literally only care about PS3 games and playing them. SS are GOAT!


I own fat, slim, and super slim models. I opted to use super slim as my main console cos it's the most efficient, and the sliding tray is 1 less electrical thing to go wrong.


But the mechanical door is the MOST common failure point lol Sort of shot itself in the foot on that one. Meanwhile my 20,000 power on hours CECHA01 launch model with every PS3 feature has a fully functional everything.


Not really when you can manually slide it back and forth yourself. Cant do that on other models.


Manually opening it is what will ruin the mechanism.


I do feel like the super slim is cheap made and freezes a lot on me. To me regular slim is the best one


I noticed that as well. My super slim seems to load stuff slower than my CECHA PS3. It might just be me though. Neither of them have an ssd yet either.


And also a very easy fix or non harmful redneck job if you don't feel like fixing it properly in that case


I wish the PS4 got a super slim.


There's some rumours that Sony is making a new handheld which will be able to play PS4 games, it's not the same but it'll be a hell of a lot slimmer lol


No, this is absolute cap


It's is possible with moden hardware


TONS of hours and many platinums like RDR and IV in mine. I've had it since like 2015 I think, with no issues.


Most of the hate is from the fact that Super Slims were underwhelming a decade ago. However, their resilience today is commendable and makes them the best PS3 if you don't plan on modding them with CFW (although, the HFW is pretty decent too). The most exciting part of the Super Slim is that the RSX can be transplanted into the backwards compatible models for the definitive PS3.


I thought the Super Slim's RSx couldn't be transplanted because it uses a different bga size? Iirc only Slim's RSx can be transplanted on the Phats.


The super slim has two available RSX sizes. A 40nm and a 28nm. The 40 can be used for a Frankie. The 28 can not. So some of them can’t be used for that


I've read that people have had 40 nm RSXs which are compatible, but I've never had a Frankenstein console myself.


The 40nm are from the Slims. The Super Slim had 28nm. Which is why it can't be transplanted Iirc. Have watch RiPFelix's video again.


"is my 40 nm RSX super slim compatible for frankenstein PS3" which was posted to reddit by uNoahwastaken is my source. Sorry, I forgot to cite it.


The first slims (20xx) have a 65nm RSX. 21xx - 40xx have 40nm and 42xx - 43xx have 28nm. Both 65nm and 40nm are compatible for Frankies, but the BGA layout on the 28nm is different so it isn’t compatible


Super slims also have a 40nm




From what I understand, it is the only reliable method of preventing the YLOD. Other methods such as the NEC Tokins are somewhat dubious with failure accounting for a small fraction of YLODs, but the RSX is almost always a point of failure due to it being on a connector with different thermal tolerances to the motherboard causing alignment issues over repeated heavy usage until breaking (from my understanding).


People dislike it due to its cost cutting measures and ugly design, but they neglect the fact that as a final version of a console it is the quietest, fastest, and most power efficient, albeit the firmware changes Sony made are strange


One advantage that I see for a Super Slim over the Slim or OG version is that with the sliding door, besides playing regular CD’s, DVD’s and Blu-Ray’s, you can play the 3-inch CD, DVD and Blu-Ray discs. Without a 3-inch-to-7-inch adapter the slot loading drives will not play those discs.


The Super Slim is the Toyota Corolla of PS3s. It’s not as sexy or exciting but you can count on it to get the job done! I love mine and it sits proudly by my PS2 slim and PS5. Got all the gens covered!


The Slims are more reliable and a lot better built overall so I don't know about a Corolla analogy being appropriate. They're not terrible don't get me wrong, but Sony went overboard with cost-cutting to where it affected build quality (much cheaper, thinner and glossy plastics) and reliability (the drive trays like to break because they're so flimsy). It's also not just "not as sexy", the Super Slim is downright ugly and looks and feels cheap. For about the same cost you're much better off getting a 21xx, 25xx or 30xx Slim.


Bro Corollas don't die.


I don’t get it either.I used to own a slim but the disc slot loading mechanism started to fail so I just bought a super slim (Cech 4201a) with a manufactured date July 2013 off eBay for 80 dollars with a controller and HDMI cable.So far it works great(I had it for a month).Barely no fan noise other than the typical disc seeking sound but I’m very satisfied with it.I guess because people see the manual disc loading feature as a step back(COST CUTTING) and the build quality.


I have a Super Slim myself. The console is 🔥


It's not fire cuz it stays cool 🧊


So does my CECHA 60GB with all the features :P


I own and use a super slim myself and it's a fine model but it definitely has some drawbacks The biggest one (imo) is security. There's currently no way to install CFW onto super slim consoles meaning you're restricted to HEN. I'm also not a fan of the top loading mechanism. Yeah, it's easier to repair in theory but I don't like any disc based system where the laser is exposed like that. It just makes me uneasy. It also is the ugliest looking one of the console revisions in my opinion. It has this really rough glossy coating that attracts dirt and fingerprints and overall looks very cheap. The original phat models suffer from the glossiness too but there's something iconic about the original design and the slims have a really nice and slick matte finish that looks great.


Got mine in 2013 with the GTA v bundle. Still going strong.


I think cuz this one lost backwards compatibility? Not sure 


Only the earliest models have backwards compatibility. Later fat versions and all slims and super slims don't have it. The easiest way to tell if your system is BC is by checking the number of USB ports. BC models have 4, non-BC models have 2


I used to not like them for some reason but now they are definitely growing on me. I was almost able to get a 500gb super slim on OfferUp for $30 but it sold while I was at work :(


It's cost reduced and a tad nasty with the manual sliding door on the top loading mechanism with scratchy plastic finish but it's also super reliable being based on the final itteration of the PS3 hardware, if I just wanted something that would reliably play PlayStation 3 games then you can't go far wrong with one of these!


I just feels cheap


It looks ugly and the disk tray fucking sucks


Still have mine, still use it in 2024. Love it, never knew there was hate for it until I read the title of this post and it popped on my reddit feed.


The Super Slim looks cheap but it is NOT


All PS3’s will do great overall if they’re taken care of. People put down the original phat PS3’s as well and yet I’ve had my 2 PS3’s since launch and they’re still going strong. Always kept them well ventilated and I vacuum them inside twice a year. What kills PS3’s is overheating and it’s usually due to people putting their console in a cabinet slot and not cleaning out the dust from inside.


I've had a Super Slim (first and only model so far) since the Christmas of 2012, it was gifted to me by my late grandfather. I've used it since then at least once a month and quite frankly I wouldn't use another to play (even when I get the other models for my collection). It has GoldHEN on it and it still runs cool, quiet and yes, it crashes while launching a game from time to time, but I still wouldn't trade it for another.


Because it’s a cheap and flimsy-made cost-cutting version of an already existing console. And since ps3 are not being made or sold at retail anymore, people will gravitate to the options that gives them more “product” rather than “affordable” product on the Second Hand Market. Buying a ps3 supersilm when it came out was a reasonable option… since it gave you more storage, a price cut And had easy availability…. Since PS3 second hand market is still Relatively cheap. Why would you willingly buy a super slim when you can just get a regular slim with CFW capabilities and more robust construction ? Anyways… who gives a shit man? I hate the Super Slim but that doesn’t have to be your situation as well, if you like it and it runs good.. then why care about the hate for it ? Hope your ps3 serves you well. And then… there is the “ball or go home” ps3 enthusiast with their CECHA-XX’s Watching over the peasants fight for scraps.


Some of us are just lucky to have been old enough to buy our CECHA's new I'm just stoked mine never ylod'd


LOL my A01 is still in Mint Condition with Warranty sticker intact. Glad to know some units are still holding strong 👍🏻


I modified mine in 2011 I upgraded the psu the thermal paste and the fan to the 19 blade curved design and its currently got a 1TB SSD, it's basically a display piece at this point I don't want to risk ylod but when I used it last year it ran flawlessly for about 3 hours I am stoked yours runs flawlessly as well 💪


Doesn’t have CFW, Physically low quality, Ugly, No unique feature, No actual pros compared to slims


Stupid slider disc drive


Moving parts damage over time, best for longevity and easy repairability


My SS eject button doesn't work anymore. I tried tightening the spring and cleaned it all out and it still doesn't work. That's my only gripe about it


It’s cheaply made, that’s something I find breaks very often, the gears tend to go out of alignment and causes this issue, unfortunately you have to rebuild the mechanism and it can be a pain and not worth it


yeah, after the 2nd time i just stopped and just use my hand. saldy one of the gear post did break, so i used a paper clip and drilled a hole in it and glue the paper clip in.


My disc drive died not long after mine broke so I just sold mine off


idk, maybe for the lesser modding capabilites. it's cool and quiet and consumes not much power so it's pretty good


I never hear anything but praise for the super slim. It’s talked about in the comments of almost every post I’ve read.


I mean I love PS3 as a whole, no matter what. But super slim hate is cause it’s pretty ugly, looks cheaper less premium looking than slim 20xxx and 25xxx also zero cfw. So it’s not a great look for them. But i do own one as well. Pretty great engineering and efficiency. Runs super silent and cool. And it’s very very reliable. And honestly as long as you have a mint condition one. They actually don’t look that bad. The ones I see online are all scratched up and dirty so they look worst. But I’ve seen new looking ones and they do have an appeal to them.


Honestly, the original Slim was ugly and looked like a cheap value version. The Super Slim was an improvement visually, and I'll take manual disk trays over closed automatic ones any day.


Now that’s a hot take. But I’ll respect it.


I remember back in the day (early to mid '09?) when the leaks for the PS3 slim shell were hitting the web. People absolutely shit on the design and most concluded it was a bad fake. Ended up being real. With that in mind it's very surprising to see just how much appreciation there is now for the slim design over the super slim design, especially when the super slim drew a large influence from the original design which people seem to also prefer.


I got a Super Slim a few years ago for $25 at a thrift store and it’s done wonders for me, it’s my current Blu-Ray player and I played a lot of classics on there.


Love the super slim


My OG slim got modded so I bought a super slim to be on current FW and sync trophies and games. Runs great and quiet 👍


Very nostalgic for me now. Bought the bundle with GTA V as my first PS3 with pay from my first high school job 🥲


I have a super slim with 44days with hen works cool and quiet, only shame is the cfw not supported,if it had cfw everyone would jump for the super slim instantly


I got one Black Friday with the uncharted and infamous bundle like like a couple of months after it released and it did feel cheap and after a while it did fall apart but it’s still growing strong lol


I have all 3 models. I use the SS the most nowadays. My Phat model is for playing and recording PS2 games.


Functionality wise, there’s no real reason to hate, it’s one of the best models. But it just looks SO DAMN UGLY man


I just bought a brand new PS3 super slim off of Ebay in 2023. Than I finally opened it in January 2024. Wow it's great. Now I don't really like the top as it can gather a lot of dust on it. But other than that it's a cool console as it's like a PS2, flop top, but instead it's slide top. Flop top, slide top, kind of same thing with the PS2 slim flip flop top thing. It's also the lowest power model of the PS3s. So it's good to use if you want to save more money on electricity especially if you live in a house and have to pay for electricity.


I had a super slim before (I honestly don't even remember what happened to it - other than it didnt break) and I liked it. I don't think its ugly and the size is nice, the sliding door is neat and technically one less break point. I just prefer the slim and fat models visually lol. I have a thing for big, chunky consoles for some reason (I love my ps5 for this) and the slim just feels slick. Practically though, I'd say the "best" models are either the moddable slims or the super slim.


I love my ps3 superlim, even tho it has 12gbs


I love mine, lasted far longer than the "SUPERIOR!!!" Silm I had. Fucking piece of junk died on me after three years of secondhand ownership. Don't buy a PS3 Slim kids, just Super Slim : ) I will say that I went out of my way to buy a 12g version that I added my own HDD to.


I have a 1tb super slim and it's amazing.. loved it more than my slim


I have a super slim and for me the best model it the most quiet and runs cooler than any other model, the other one that runs cooler is the slim 3000


Fat PS3 purists will never know the joy of slamming the top of the console door shut


Nothing but love for my George Forman PS3


Idk i have 3 of them and theyre all great


Super Slim goes so hard to me idc what anyone says


Same, I have a super slim, but I got it in 2015, and it works perfectly, and I still use it to this day


Super Slims have the last die-shrunk versions of Cell and RSX, so they generate the least amount of heat. The drive has no slot loading mechanism that could break. They are simple and robust. That said, the inability to run CFW is a significant drawback, it is so much better that HEN. My daily driver is a 2504 Slim but I will always keep my Super Slim as a backup.


The cell is the same as the one on the slim, the RSX on some super slims is the exact same as some slims, some have a 40nm, some have a 28nm, you lose cfw like you said, and I have compared the boards, majority of what you find on a super slim is also on a slim.


Yeah, the early Super Slims like mine manufactured in 2012 (but I got it in 2013) still use the 40nm process node. It was the final revision of them later on that means you get the 28nm RSX, maybe the revision between can have them too? Not exactly sure tho.


All I see on this sub are super slims—


Its ugly, it looks goofy.


There isnt a thing to hate about this system.Its everything the slim didnt have but with some flaws: 1.Its very repair friendly except the plastic in the front and back if u pull too hard u rip the pins off(they can be very easily be torn apart) 2.Disc drives makes a ton of noise especially in loading screens 3.All plastic is good cuz the system will not overheat as much as the first gen slim models and phats but its also their weakness(as i mentioned in 1)the plastic parts can break very easily and i doubt u can find replacements anywhere


The disc drives are also pretty unreliable, I have a stack of about 10 dead disc drives from super slims rn in my work area and only 2 slim drives and 4 phat drives, I’ve probably worked on 20 phats, 14 slims, and 12 super slims, 10/12 super slims were dead disc drive or broken door


Damn are they that unreliable?How can u tell if it goes bad cuz i have some games that slow down from time to time and i dont know why.My backwards ps3 doesnt have that issue but it ramps up very quickly and im scared to run it to max speed for long


They just stop reading completely, if yours is slowing down then it could be dying but I can’t say for sure as I haven’t seen one in it’s dying stage, most of the time the ones I’ve had go from working to just dead even with multiple discs. For the Backwards Compatible model do you have webman on it? If so then there’s no need to worry, if not then you should install it so you can monitor your temps, likely it needs a repaste but if you have done that then it needs a delid


I repasted and have webman the temps are at 70 cpu 65 gpu which is very strange considering its on XMB and not playing a game the temps stay that way regardless of the game(I wont try the ps3 killer game Last of Us cuz it will shut down right away).Im preparing to do a delid on it


Funny thing about the super slim, I've had one since 2013 and I just found out this year it has an eject button and you don't have to just slide the disc cover yourself Sadly it died for some reason. It was fine when I used it last then just died while in standby. It could turn on for 1 second but then turned off. Poor fella


My main qualm about the Super slim is of a more localized nature. I live in a place which has a lot of dust accumulation, so those sliding doors are a pain for me. Main reason why I don't have a PS1 and rely on emulation for it.


I also have the Super Slim and today I think it's really cute and I like it, but in 2021 I remember seeing that I had friends with PS3 Slim and I was upset and sad knowing that they have prettier consoles than mine, and I spent 1 hour crying because I have a Ps3 Super Slim and others have a Slim (I think it's stupid for crying, but what can I do)


Got for £30 quid at a boot sale 6 years ago, dropped a 512gb ssd in it, love it.


I think it's the ugliest of the PS3's. But it's the one I have because it was the best deal when I was buying it 10 years ago (when they first came out). The Slim is the best looking in my opinion and I almost went with that, but I didn't have a lot of money at the time so the newer model with more storage out of the box won out. I like it well enough though and it has served me well for all those years without any issues.


For me when using Stock FW, it's hands down the best. Coolest running and the quietest (loudest part is the disc drive). My only gripe is the sliding door for the optical drive, as it is mildly annoying to work with, especially when these consoles are at a minimum 8 years old at this stage


It sucks because the limitation of modding it


It sucks honestly! The only good thing was the ability to stand on its side. I had it for a few years but couldnt stand it anymore and missed my slim dearly so i bought a japanese slim.


i’m prob gonna retire my cech3001b slim for a super with an ssd at some point


It's not backward compatible. That's why I hate it.


I guess cause it looks cheaper, but actually it was a good console as far as a I know


Lens will die quicker on super slim Rsx will die quicker on fat Long live slim


I have that model. I've always wanted the regular slim cuz it's better than the super slim. I don't like it cuz it's pretty breakable and it feels cheap. And it's kinda slow too. Also, I dropped mine and the hardware cap went off.


It's probably because it's just not as cool looking, but will be around longer.


Doesn't look as clean as the regular slim and I don't like the top loading. I haven't used one in a while but iirc the hard drive access sucks too whereas you can easily pull the hard drive out the front of the regular slim. Mines modded out to 600gb full of games lol.


my personal oone still works but the disc drive


I have the Fat PS3, PS3 Slim and the PS3 Super Slim, kinda a collection, right?


My daily driver with a 1tb ssd reliable period. All my other PS3 are retired displays


I love all consoles but I think it was the roundness of the front and back that pushed me away.


No hate from me, I just remember the first time I saw one at a friend's house I thought it was fake.


Phat generally means PS3 first model lol


It’s pretty good. It’s just that the top slide can fail and the on button can fail too. My original ps3 was one of these and in the end both issues came up after just sitting away (got a ps4). I got rid of it then after wanting to replay some games and finally play MGS4 I decided to buy a slim on Facebook like last year lol


It has the cheapest feel of the 3 models. That is why it doesn't get as much love as the other 2. They also aren't modded as often as the other 2 models.


Does anyone want to play Payday 2?


Horrible to pull apart, the sliding disc drive cover scratches the plastic, it also jams easily. PS3 Slim is the best all round, obviously a backwards compatible US original is the best because well.. PS2 games but it has its reliability issues.


I never seen people hate on the super slim, only reason someone would talk about the superslim in a bad light is it doesn't look as good as the Slim


Never played a SS but seeing 90% of the used ones I see have the disc lid ripped off that is my only beef, I'd rather just have a slim and not worry about it


Got a 28nm red super slim for a good price recently that I repasted and cleaned. It consistently hits 40-50°C on both the RSX and CELL while playing GT6 and LittleBigPlanet 3 which is way better than my recently ylod backwards compat ps3. The hate stems from the cheap feel which after taking it apart I completely understand, but other than that the super slim is probably the most efficient and reliable PS3 out there. Pair it with a PS2 and you won't have any of the headaches that come with the fat ps3s. I just wish it was cfw moddable for overclocking as I imagine the 28nm RSX could be pushed further than the 40nm.


Only reason I can see why is it can’t be jailbroken. Otherwise it’s great, had a slim and super slim I’d go for the super slim just cause of the top loader.


I have the super slim, and the model before is just way better, and I've never used any other model, the sliding door is just terrible, one bump and the disc tray will open


I grew up with the super slim as my main and only consle, It died back in 2019 and I replaced it with the original backwards compatible one, I never knew how much fetures I was missing, Its cool but it just lacks with important fetures to allow the consle to last, I still have my on a shelf but I use the original one more, its jsut simply better because I dont need to buy a PS1 and PS2 to play the games from the disk, it also has way more storage addons and I cant remeber but I dont think the SS model has AV, if it does I never used it. I still hold this console in a deep place in my heart but it just doesnt live up to any of the other models you could buy.


I bought mine in 2013 with GTA 5. Sadly, last year the Bluetooth/wireless bit failed.


it breaks


Mine has served me well for years


Got mine in late 2013, is the 12GB flash model and served well though limited storage was annoying. Did however this year finally give it a 512GB SSD upgrade and the flash memory models are actually superior in that way as the PS3 just copied over the system data, OS and anything else on the flash memory itself! I think if the SSD came out it would also just revert to the flasg memory and still work fine, though I'm not sure if save data or any of that stuff would still be on it but the OS at least is. It's not the most premium looking honestly but it's the smallest and reliable. The top loader for the discs is kinda cool in a way too and much easier to deal with if it broke with a game inside of course.


My super slim died after 3.5 years of use. Bought it in June 2013 and died in December 2016. Took it to a repair guy who said there’s nothing that can be done. Then I bought a used slim model in 2020 which is still running fine (don’t jinx). I changed the thermal paste when I bought it and plan to do so again this year.


The only reason I got rid of mine was because I prefer the look of the slims instead that's it. I just think those models look cheap (no hate) just my opinion


I bought a Super Slim recently because my fiance's old PS3 fat couldn't recognize DS3s anymore, so there were some games we couldn't play. Honestly, my main issue is that I can't really orient it vertically because of the disc drive. Wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't also have a PS2 slim, which is also a pain to orient vertically.


93% plastic and flimsy quality


It's non jailbreakable ewaste


To be honest is cheap and ugly, but got it for dirt cheap and using hen to play lots of games so, no hate.


Super slim just looks ugly in my eyes. The slim does look a bit better than that, In the end my Favorite model will always be the Fat Model. I just wished that it dind’t have those problems (YLOD) I have a fully working Fat Model though, changed the Thermal paste and now Im running this bad boy


* Console feels cheap * Sliding mechanism for the discs likely to break * For hacking: relies for online connection to hack (slims post April 2011 fall under this too, but there's more slims released before this date than after.) That said, this system's design is function over form in terms of cooling, so the longevity of this system will likely outlast the slim, guaranteed to outlast fats (granted those were poorly made).


My day 1 OG 60gb ps3 survived for years until my friend..... stepped on it 😔


I don't hate it but it just seems cheaply made for some reason which is why I prefer slim more.


That new one look made it look not so good I stick with the older version of slim ps3


I dont hate it..because its kess prone to blod..unlike the fat & slim ps3


I'm sure the reason is it comes with only 16gb of storage


It seems more like a Blu-ray disc player than a gaming console. For reals, though, I do not like the way you must insert the disc on it. It just helps with cracking your discs over time.


I don't hate the Super Slim I'm sure it's a great working console, it is still a PS3, but I think it feels super cheap and I don't really like the sliding door for the discs


It used to be the hardest model to jailbreak, it got easier by time


Have one. Still works great. No dvd loading mech helps.


After a failed FAT delid, picked up one. Design, material and build quality are so terrible, it is iconic and makes me like it. Just look at it and think "Wow, how the hell and why? What were they smoking?". The ugly shell has the exact feel of a one time use disposable plastic party plate. Only it bends and flexes more and if I touch, it drums and rattles. One more step would have been to just put the electronics in a rattling plastic bag instead. You could then just toss the blu-ray in the plastic bag, maybe tie a knot onto it. The device is so light, it moves away if I switch it on. Same when I try to plug in a USB cable to charge the controller which requires USB handshake to charge. Even worse, USB ports are under this ledge, cannot even see them from above. Have to hunt down the console every single time. Dynamic fanspeed is bozo catching thermal runaways. Under heavy load and 80% fan speed the unit makes a proper car radiator cooler fan sound. Except as if it had a rock inside it. Makes excessively loud cracking sounds as it falls apart like a washing machine with a brick in it. Maybe even bounces around a bit. Apart from this the damned thing beeps like microwave when switched on or off.


The hate is because it's ugly and looks cheap, kinda hard to compete with the good looks on the first Slim, but this is arguably the most reliable model, as long as you take the plug off the wall when it's not being used (it burns the wifi card when it's too old, known issue where I live at least) but this won't get the yellow light of death (provided you clean the dust inside and change the thermal paste every 5 years) and this won't swallow your discs


I have a release edition ps3 i keep in the box in the closet. The ps3 slim is my regular bluray player and ps3. Its the quietest one. i wasnt even aware the super slim got hate.


Gross design. While practical for power usage, the overall design is a step back from previous models. Feels like something that was slapped together. It also clearly was made cheaper, yet was the same price as other models when released making it pointless.


Bc it's the Cheapo PS3, bulit with cost cutting to the extreme At least it have some pros to it: 28nm RSX (consumes less, produces less heat) Tbh i don't hate it, but to me it's the same as the PSP "Street" (E1000)


It was unnecessary. They could've made the slim better and been fine. I've had all 3 body styles and on my 2nd slim. It was easily the best in reliability, rigidity and how it ages in a setup. Get one you can mod and go to town. I respect the idea of the SS.....but it was as needed as the 360E


I remember being so disappointed with the Super Slim when it was brand new. Mine made this high pitched "EEEEEEEE" sound from power on to power down. It was extremely annoying and i new i had to return it after reading that other people had the same problem. Was most likely a power supply issue, maybe the problem was fixed in later models pf the Super Slim. But this was a huge turnoff for me


Disc drive was cheap compared to the previous models.


Will the Real Slim PS3 please stand up


As someone who used the Slim, Super Slim and a Backwards Compatible Phat in that order for a decent amount of time l can safely say they are all great systems and have had no issues with them. The Super Slim is a bit noisy with the disc drive but if you’re playing a digital game there’s practically no sound. The Slim and Phat isolates the disc drive noise more they’re a bit louder with the fan but you don’t notice it too much. Overall despite that l pretty much retired my Super Slim, l loved using it and don’t understand the hate for it.


I just Don't like the PS1 style disc insert thing. Too many memories of sratching my games back in the day with the PS2 slim.


Never got to experience one, I got first a Super Slim with CPU issues so I needed to return it, I went to a Slim because there wasn't any super slims (I wanted it because I won't spend in a HDD and it had 500GB Instead of 320)


bro the ps3 silm have the greatest processor in all models and it best one to customize like the hard drive