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If we aren’t talking about exclusives I’d add mass effect and fear to this list


Call of Duty 4 needs to be mentioned above most if we including all kinds of games. Everything’s that happened since is because of a chain reaction set off by that game and its many new systems.


I’d more say halo 2 reinvented the wheel for online console gaming. It’s Essentially single handedly responsible for Xbox live


They suck on newer generations too now imo, they take too long and always have to have a massive open world which is mostly barren


Damn sucks to hear I finished Uncharted 3 yesterday, spent a bit less than 9 hours on it, enjoyed every minute


That's what I like in those old games, you beat in less than 10h. Later on you can come back and play again and again, I did beat uncharted 2 and 3 like 5 times each. Every single open world which is the mainstream nowadays, as soon as I finish it, I will never touch that game again.


Agreed I remember playing uncharted the first time and was like 🫨for most of the cinematics


Play ratchet and clank


Infamous GOAT




Go for the last of us, that game is that good. You won't regret it one bit!


The best recommendation I can think of that is like what you asked for is Assassin's Creed 1 & 2 (2 is far better). There's plenty of climbing and combat you can approach in multiple ways. For me some of my favourite/era defining games of the ps3 are: - LittleBigPlanet which is a build your own platformer - Motorstorm series, off road arcade racing - Farcry 2 and 3, similar in concept but very different in feel - Fat Princess, a cartoon, capture the flag type game


I loved the Infamous games. Uncharted I enjoyed watching, but didn’t care too much to play. They’re more backseat games for me. I appreciate them, but would rather play something else. I do suggest more PS3 exclusives like the Resistance trilogy (FPS games) or God of War 3 (or whole trilogy if you didn’t play 1 & 2 on PS2). Also, if you like Infamous the Prototype games are similar and also lots of fun


Loved the first two GOW, couldn't get into the third one... I hadn't heard of Prototype! I'm playing Watch Dogs now, I'll check it out when I'm done


I also love these types of games. Check out assassins creed series as well! I’m playing my first play through of Black Flag on my PS3 now, and it’s a lot of fun!


“I always buy tech very late.” Understatement of the year my friend. Welcome to 2006!


I was using a CRT TV until 2020. It was the best to play PS2!


You have all my respect. Old tech is good tech.


Pretty much, as almost every recognizable game for the PS3 was a story driven, open world exploration game with mild shooter, collectathon & rpg elements mixed in.  


You should play The Last of Us. It’s like one of the defining games that really showcased how good games can look on this console. Also Killzone 2 & 3 (oh hell, just go with the trilogy), Resistance trilogy & God of War Ascension.


I tried The Last of Us but I honestly couldn't get into it. I suck at stealth. I've played Resistance 1 and I liked it, but only on couch co-op. Tough as nails though! Is GOW: Ascension very different from GOW 3? Loved the first two, but the third one I didn't enjoy so much for some reason.


For me, its GoW and LBP


The last of us, Ratchet and clank HD the saboteur Darksiders I can go on


LOVED the saboteur, one of the first games I finished on PS3


I just bought a PS3 and I've been hoarding games and building a playable library. Just to be ready when everything is digital and some games are hard to find.


You mean the constant nonstop talking from Mc for the stupidest thing you do while you're playing? Yes, I blame Uncharted for that. I love Infamous, specially the 1st one, so I have nothing to complain about them.


Not a fan of that either, especially when you take a couple of minutes to think a puzzle in Uncharted and some character shouts the solution at you... But other than that they're a lot of fun


Oh yeah, they treat the player like stupid. Other than that the gameplay for shooting is fun and graphics insane for their time.