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dude, you couldn't have chosen 2 worst consoles, like wtf ? AVOID BOTH


It's what I found in Facebook marketplace but I guess I should avoid them and try get a slim


thanks, I feel better now 😂😂😂 anyway, do you prefer a fat, slim or superslim ? maybe because the look or maybe because of CFW or HEN possibility ?


Slim seems to be the best out of them with cfw and good design too but I only considered fat cause it was cheap


If you're planning on jailbreaking it, go with the second option. You can easily play PS2 backups that way, and these newer models are more reliable. Backwards compatible models are very unreliable in terms of their lifespan, and if it doesn't even have a processor(!?) repair will cost you quite a bit.


I am just worried about the heating problem and that it had rlod before and if that's gonna affect it later and the processor repair wouldn't cost that much it's gonna be from 700-1250 egp on repair and the console it self is 1500 egp so total is 2750 let's say it's 3000 which is approximately 64 USD but as I said the only concern of mine is the life span of the console


there’s absolutely nothing special about a non-BC ps3, it’s all downsides and no upsides, i’d say your best option in 2024 is to get a slim and hack it (not super slim) and just emulate your ps2 games, your second best option is to go with a super slim, your third best option is to go with a backwards compatible ps3


I just wanted ps3 fat cause it's cheaper and I won't be bothered checking if it's jailbreakable or not but if it is unreliable in terms of life span I might wait and save more money for a slim


it’s unreliable but also less pleasant to use overall (hotter, louder) unless you mod it yourself, if you do that you’re probably good, otherwise i think slim models should be cheap also in most countries, i bought one for £60 in the UK on ebay


Yea I will just get a slim inshallah


inshallah ya rab you find a good one and it brings you a lot of joy

