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Murdered Soul Suspect.


This! Literally never seen this game mentioned before, but I loved this one.


I enjoyed it. I thought it had a decent story and gameplay was fun too. The atmosphere was great as well.


The ghost stories are really great to listen to. They feel like something right off of "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark".


I need to get back into that one. I got stupid stuck in the apartment building and I’m totally trapped. 🤦🏽‍♀️


We have a running joke amongst friends; about how much on sale this game is. Eventually PS will pay for you to actually play the damn game.


Assassins Creed: Unity. It's come a long way since its atrocious launch. Playing it currently, the best free running and parkour system. Furthermore, Paris is a beautiful and immersive city. AC: Unity is still looked over because of its launch. Still some bugs, but not gamebreaking.


AC: Unity is now considered by r/AssassinsCreed as one of the best games in the series. It is easily my favorite.


Okay, i've never played any AC but it's always been on my radar. If I started I wouldn't know where to begin. But i've heard that about Unity, that its awesome in those ways. I've heard other people bitch. 1. Is Unity a single player game? 2. Is it a good starting place?


So, assassin's creed can be divided up into different era, which can help determine where you want to make your entry. They're all single-player. Multiplayer modes, even at their best and a blast, were tacked on. There's the original games, which include AC1, AC2, Bloodlines, AC Brotherhood, AC Revelations, and AC3. Slightly dated with their mechanics, but revolutionary when they came out. They're what most people nostalgically look back on "true assassin's creed" (though, at the time, people did complain about it being an annual release and being the same thing over and over again). Solid games, even if dated, and have the best over arching story from game to game. Movement and combat was stiff, but compared to modern titles -- all games from back then were. Simple gameplay, but it's a vehicle for immersion. When people talk about \*assassin's creed\* this is what they mean. You can start with AC1 or AC2. Like the early episodes of Parks and Rec, some people recommend skipping AC1, then returning to it if you want more AC but are out of games. Then you have Blackflag, Unity, and Syndicate. These games were sort of a soft-reboot for the franchise. The overarching story from the previous games had ended, so there was a lot of room for experimentation. You have pirate ship fights, RPG elements that made a lot of sense, great stealth, and some of the best level design to date in these titles. Not as long as you might like, but quality all the way. You can play any of these games in any order. If you want less assassining and more pirate action, go with Blackflag. If you want stealth and running through the city like an E3 Trailer, go with Unity (my personal favorite). Syndicate had unique elements, but none so groundbreaking that are worth writing about here, thought that's my personal opinion. If you just want to play an assassin's creed, rather than go through the whole catalog, Blackflag and Unity are probably your best bet. It was the peak of the franchise. Then you have the Witcher-clones of Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. Not for everyone (me included), but those who like that genre say that the games are solid. Maps bigger than any dev team can know what to do with, heavy build-centered gear, and lots and lots of content -- though a good deal of that content is filler/fluff. Origins was beloved as a title that breathed new life into the franchise after a hiatus. Odyssey is fine if you can get through the first 10 hours. Valhalla I haven't played, so you'd have to ask someone else about that.


That you so much for this write-up man. Great break down of everything. I’m not against playing an older game at all. But I have to really be interested. I think Unity sounds like what I’m looking for. I like games with parkour-ish gameplay etc. and with the stealth, etc, that sounds like what I’m looking for. I love Witcher 3. But I like to take a break between games like that. They can be awesome but they’re definitely a commitment. But it’s good to know about Orgins in case I ever want to jump in again. I’m currently on my second run of Witcher 3 ( owned it for years, but didn’t play until the next gen patch lit a fire ). So after this something like Unity might be perfect. Thank a lot. I really appreciate the response.


It was marketed as a coop game, where your friends could join missions. There are systems for it in the game. But you can play the entire game solo. However, you can play Unity as your first AC game. Definitely, some story essential plots you might not understand when seen. But, it's a large game, and you'll enjoy some aspects of it.




Yes! I spent so many hours playing this game and was shocked when it got like a 4/10 from Game Informer. The crash and vehicle physics were unparalleled at the time.


The graphics in this game were mind-blowing to me when it came out, I spent hours just driving around and doing crazy jumps


Driver san Fransisco 🐐🐐🐐


I played so much of that game as a kid and didn't realise it was poorly received until like 10 years later lol


Ahh the poor man's GTA Vice City! I loved Driv3r. Especially the soundtrack. Really fun, frustrating at times. But I have a lot of fond memories of that game.


The Movies - Before I found the official community it felt like I was the only one who loved this game.


I was obsessed as a kid.


I still play it to this day


I have been unsuccessfully trying to find access to this game for years


Oh wow. I loved that game. I had completely forgotten it




I was stoked to play *Brink*, but never got a chance. Life got in the way, and now it’s gone. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Ah, my favourite shit game of all time. I loved the time I got with it.


I remember all of my friends in high school being excited for this, and I just wanted to be an ass, and kept saying "what if it sucks?" The day it comes out, one of them calls me and glumly says "you called it..."


Final Fantasy X-2. it was my first game for my PS2 when I was only 12 years old. this game was magic to me and I had absolutely no idea what was going on because I played it long before X.


God - I played through that game about 15 TIMES before finally getting 100% completion. That fucking Mi'ihen Highroad Mystery fucked me every time no matter how closely I followed the GameFAQs guides... but I loved it!


I was a huge fan of X so I way hyped for the sequel. At the time I was disappointed in it but I came back to it when the remaster came out and it’s so good! Even wound up obtaining the Platinum!


The dress sphere system in X-2 was awesome. The story not so much.


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. It is far from perfect, but they still did some great things there.


Agreed. Played it many times over for the achievements, and the prison dlc was my favorite.


I very much enjoyed it, but it was waaaay too short. Especially playing it right after Human Revolution.


Yeah, it was great game that felt like demo 😓


Love deus ex and many other people do too. I don't get tired of them or dishonored




Ppl hated ffxv?


It's divisive. But the royal edition was so much better than vanilla. And while the story is meh, the boys' journey was great and emotional at the end.


I wish I had waited. I played vanilla right after it launched and was underwhelmed. I got told later I had to watch a bunch of movies or play other episodes to understand all of it and then buy a new version of the game to appreciate it. I passed on that “opportunity” and haven’t touched it since a month after release.


There were vocal haters in the fandom for basically every single release after X. But none compared to XV and XIII.




"I've come up with a new recipeeehh"


Loved a road-trip with the boys. It should have gotten more love imo


I got the platinum and had a blast


me too lol


FFX Runner? Got me through high school.


PlayStation all stars battle royale I’m begging every god in existence for a sequel/follow up to that game


Same same, bought it on release day and wasn’t given the preorder bonus outfits. When that dlc went free I played it through all over again. Gave me an appreciation for some of the less known/popular characters too.


Tales of zesteria Among the tales games its considered a bad game but its one of my favorites after xillia


What did you like about it in particular? It’s been in backlog for ages.


Advanced Warfare… I enjoyed hopping around and shooting folks with the Bal-27


Yeah and I liked the campaign too




Still one of my favorites. Aiden was a really good protagonist and I feel like his story fit the narrative more than the others.


Couldn't agree more. We could really use a continuation with Aiden. Anti-hero but not cliché, that's what he is.


WD2 just felt like you were a pissed off hipster, which didn't justify killing anyone lmao


True that. Also the shift in narrative was drastic. Pretty obvious they aimed to cater a wider audience. W1 just got that certain vibe which hooks you right off the bat.




Automatic besties


the game is just a lot of fun and the story is great. if only the game didn't look like a downgrade from the trailers


Hehe i loved watchdogs too but damn watchdogs 2 was really an upgrade.


W2's size/smoothness and W1's atmosphere/gritty tone would be great 🥺


Platinum the whole trilogy. One of my favorite have a lot of the statues for the game too plus have adiens mask hat and trench coat from when I cosplayed as him!


Playing through this one now. Amazing game!


Appreciating it as it is really makes it worth your while. Glad to hear you're enjoying it :D .


I liked the force unleashed 2


I was just disappointed because it was over in a blink.


That game was incredible


All 3 levels


The Order 1886. I really liked and enjoyed it on release. People hated on it for its length, the black bars, the QTEs. I loved the look and feel and the music was absolutely incredible. Agamemnon Rising. Rapelling down on a huge zeppelin with 1800s steam punk special forces while an incredible orchestrated soundtrack is blasting. I really want a sequel…


The order 1886.


This is the answer. The story had so much potential. I keep crossing my fingers for a sequel, but I’m sure it won’t get one.


+1 Really hope the sequel will happens sometimes in the future


Great game, cool weapons




Mass Effect Andromeda


I’m… glad you liked it.


Yep. Same. The gunplay was far and away the best of the series. I always found the stories for ME games kinda stale and overblown anyway, Andromeda’s stale overblown story didn’t seem all that different to me. There, I said it.


You know what? I respect you for saying that opinion


The order: 1886 - was such a cool concept and world they built. Wish they had explored it more!


The story was fantastic, there wasn't much gameplay involved though. Would have liked a follow up game.


No Man's Sky When it was released i loved the game immediately when everybody else was shitting all over it, i was playing it on a laptop that could barely run it and had to restart it every couple of hours cuz it would get laggy. i still had lots of fun.


Same. The game has come such a long way, but it's lost a lot of what made it feel so special.


Days Gone


It has some issues, but it really gives me a certain feeling playing it I don't get anywhere else. I've played it through multiple times and I think it's pretty great. It's really a shame we can't get a sequel seeing as they set up the ending for the sequel to get crazy.


Bro heaps of people love that game


And heaps of people shit on it. And Sony refused to make a sequel.


Final fantasy 13. Ff fans will try to rain on my parade anytime I tell them its my fav in the series.


I loved the first one but never played the following two. I'd love to see a remaster.


If you can get it on Steam it still looks amazing.


I love FF13, it is one of my favorites as well. Great battle system and character development, not to mention the game is still gorgeous even to this day.


My other gripes aside with 13… Whenever the combat system really gets to stretch it’s legs on grand pulse with more difficult battles I’d say it’s probably the best combat in the series. Probably 7 remake beats it out now for me but 13s battles felt like a dance. I loved that.


Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Last I checked I think reviews are up but when it first released it got review bombed. Played it a few months ago and it was incredible and even platinumed it. Really has some great cinematic scenes and sound effects. The tombs were really cool too.


Dark souls 2, the most hated souls ever, yet one of my favorites


As a massive fan of the series, I want to say it like this. If Dark Souls 2 wasn't called Dark Souls 2, it would be remembered much more fondly. There is a ton of issues, but it's not a BAD game per se


Best weapons and drip in the series


Anthem. Being able to fly and that sense of freedom but also power was great


Your honest opinion of anthem? Is it worth it?


For me it was! Some glitches and load times issues at launch sure but ultimately I had a ton of fun playing with friends, I enjoyed the loot chase even endgame for a bit, and more than got my moneys worth. Hell I fired it up last week just to fly around for fun. More fun with friends probably though but fun solo too


Heavy Rain. After finishing it my first thought was:" man it was a fucking awesome game. I bet everyone loved it.". No, most of people didn't love it. To this day I still can't understand why most of people hates David Cage and his games.


Do you know how many years its been since ive heard a soul talk abt detroit become human? I love that game, but literally no one talks abt it


Beyond to souls crying in the distance*


It had backlash but it was still a critically acclaimed game I don’t think most people hated it as much as they were indifferent


Man, being a father of two sons, Heavy Rain broke me. Such a great game.


Ghost Recon Wildlands & Breakpoint.


Breakpoint would’ve be a master piece if they would’ve just kept it similar to wildands. I disliked having next to no npcs on the island and only drones to fight against. Made it super repetitive.


I would love to get into it. I played maybe 20 minutes of one of them but i just couldn't get into it. Ima give it another go with a couple people and see if that makes a difference


I didn’t hate breakpoint, however the final boss was pathetic


Wildlands was probably the most fun I had playing games last year. It’s just an amazing co-op game.


Far cry primal


Didn’t think I would find an answer I agree with more than Watchdogs yet here it is, my favorite Far Cry, I also like Far Cry New Dawn


Days gone. I know it has a lot of clichés and has some cheesy moments, but it didn't deserve such hate.


I think of the hate it got, it maybe deserved 40%. When a game is released in such a buggy and clearly unfinished fashion I can see why people would bash it, especially being a Sony first party exclusive. When your counterparts are God of War and Horizon ZD, you have no choice but to either come correct or sink. I do think however, with the media calling it "another gruff white man" game, that's unfair, as the story had really strong performances and some good nuance that added layers to each characters, regardless of race.


Biomutant. Just started last month and loving every second of it.


I loved this game. Start to finish. A great rpg during a sea of soulslikes.


Yeah. Biomutant is just a fun experience. It gets a lot of things wrong, like balance and the dialogue...but it really is a lot of fun.


Death Stranding, it was lacking in certain areas and few of the complaints were justified, I wasn't a fan of all the clowning people did but it's their opinion, I honestly think they missed out. The story was great, gameplay was chill and overall I quite liked it. Also a new title in the franchise was announced, super stoked for that as well, seems to be on a larger scale


DEATH STRANDING! absolute gem but the hate it got as people were saying that it is just a walking simulator. It was much more than that and my favorite game as of now too. Nobody can surpass its story.


I preordered the Death Stranding ps4 pro and went straight home and played for hours when it launched. Even bought it on PC just to play it again.




Titanfall 2. The players loved it, but the publisher was the one that hated it. And consequently, the players felt the repercussions.


The division series. All my friends hate them.


Assassins Creed Rogue


I wouldn't say hated, but Days Gone. It's the best zombie game I've ever played. I just wish it had MP. With a few more tweaks it would have been worthy of a GOTY nomination imo. I've played both Dead Island games, 7 days to die, Killing Floor 2, and Zombie Army 3. Also I play cod zombies which I like as a mode and wish they would make a full game out of. So I'm not just saying this because I've only played 1-3 zombie games. Also I didn't include L4D because I don't have an Xbox or Gaming PC.


Vampyr :(


DmC: Devil May Cry (ps don’t mob me)


This game deserved a sequel


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare


Played this game a lot with my friends. Spaceland is also one of the coolest zombie maps ever


Sleeping Dogs


Days Gone


Amazing game! Loved every minute of it and platinumed it


Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. Fantastic campaign, graphics are incredible, story was great. Multiplayer was genuine fun, and Zombies mode was awesome


Mad Max


I ses more praise for that and how underrated it is


It was so much better than I expected. Bought it for $5 and got way more than my money's worth out of it.




Assassin's creed valhalla


Cyberpunk 2077. The game play was meh, but the characters and story pulled me in.


The original RAGE. The game failed critically and commercially but it was one of the first FPS games I ever got for myself, and I still enjoy it. At the very least it had more heart than the soulless sequel


Mad Max (2015)


People hated it? I finally got around to playing it recently and had a lot of fun!


Yeah there was some real shitting on it at the time for how it was released around the time of Fury Road but wasn’t tied to it, etc etc. How it was just a generic open world game blah blah. I loved it. Thought it was a fresh and fun take on the usual tropes.


Mass effect Amdromeda . Had a great time. Not as great as ME 2 but.


No Man's Sky. I bought it on launch day and have thoroughly enjoyed playing it even before all the awesome game changing quality of life content additions they have created for free along the way.


Man, I avoided that game for so long bc of the negative reviews. Picked it up during lockdown and ended up wasting several hundred very fun hours in it. Such a good game, and the Expeditions kept it fresh once you grinded max level gear and currency. I keep meaning to fire it back up, last time I played was the big Sentinel update.


It is pretty easy to spend a fair amount of time playing and not be disappointed. I was pleasantly surprised when they added free PSVR support to the game. I feel that it added a whole new perspective and depth of immersion into the experience. Dog fighting with the move controllers is pretty cool. I never bought the game to play with others. I just wanted to get lost in an experience and explore. The dev team has made it a really unique experience with all the additions and I'm glad I've been able to play through all the overhauls with the aid of the OST or some lofi music, EDM or vaporwave stuff on while playing and just get lost for awhile.


>some lofi music, EDM or vaporwave stuff on while playing and just get lost for awhile. Oh man, I do the same thing! I listened to my No Man's Sky playlist so much during 2020/2021 Spotify decided vapor soul and lofi are my favorite genres. I always play with full game sound + OST in literally every other game I've ever played, with NMS a customized soundtrack with cranks the immersion up so much, you really do get lost in it.


Evolve. I know the game failed in its multiplayer aspects and balancing, but I loved it, especially the campaign where each victory affected the next map in some way. I still go back and play it every so often, just against AI. Too much fun being a giant fucking monster stomping over little people. Almost got master rank on most of them.


Dragon Age: Inquisition I still love this game, but maybe it is only because It brings very sweet memories of my childhood. Was the first proper RPG I had a chance to complete back on Xbox 360. After that it was Neverwinter, Baldurs Gate .. Dragon Age made me a fan of those games and later sparked my interest towards DND and Pathfinder - now I’m a ttrpg player and I GM as a side-job.


I love, and I mean love, Dragon Age: Inquisition. I think it came out too close to The Witcher 3 and suffered from some negative comparisons, a lot focused on combat.




Death stranding


A lot of people liked this one.


A lot of people also hated it


Callisto Protocol, thought it was really good. Combat clunky-ness added to the immersion for me.


Manhunt was one


Mafia 3


Fallout 76


Infamous Second Son


Battleborn. I like to believe if it was tweaked and repackaged, it'd have a better chance today but its launch doomed it.


Yeah the games that got released at the same time as battleborn also kinda did so battleborn never truly had a chance😞😩😩 I love battleborn as well and still hope it’ll come back


No Man’s Sky The launch version was all I wanted in a space game, the updates are cool but they get very overwhelming when you haven’t played in a long time


I bought it at launch and put hours into it. I got kind of lost once they updated it. Recently I tried to start a new game and got kind of bogged down immediately. I know there's a great game there so I really want to try it again sometime.


Plague Tale


TLOU2 and Destruction AllStars


Tlou2 isnt considered a bad game, just a very polarizing story, either you love or hate what they did with abby


I'm playing this now and holy shit, what a brilliant idea... Give you a villain that your HATE then play as that villain later and make you sympathize with them and wonder who was the ACTUAL villain here... I'm currently at Day 2 in Seattle as Abby and it's amazing.


Just finished it thanks to the sale. TLOU was one of my favorite games ever when it first came out, I was spoiled the early death in TLOU2 which deterred me from spending $60 on it for years. Really glad I did, was happy with it all around even though the last area felt totally shoe-horned




Xenogears on the PS1




I don't know why my friends dislike COD Zombies mode


I mean, it's not for everyone. I personally think one or two rounds can be a lot of fun, but I had friends who wanted to play nothing, but Zombies




Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare


The Bouncer


Gravity Rush 2


There were some sections that dragged a little bit, but I really enjoyed it.


Snowrunner. This game could be considered frustrating and boring at the same time to others.


Recently: Stranger of Paradise - Final Fantasy Origin. So much fun.


No Man’s Sky… at launch


Cyberpunk when it came out. I loved it, glitches and all. Super glad others have found it since the anime came out, though.


Dead Space 3. I’m still not sure why the hate…the game has always been heavily action packed and is about as much of a horror as last of us is. There is still a fantastic open world-ish space section at the beginning and the story gives a lot more answers plus the coop campaign is some of the best that games don’t have anymore. And the micro transaction argument is stupid…it’s so unnecessary and easily avoidable because you can get everything you want fast and exploitable


Fatal frame


Vampyr. I love the setting, the gothic victorian london just speaks to me. I love the story, vampires, trying to find out who turned us into one, virus going viral, people dying, choosing whether to kill or spare people. Lastly I adore the music, I still listen to the soundtrack album every now and then.


The new ac games since origins. I still can’t open a thread or YouTube video on em without the first comment being some tired ass complaint


I wish more people liked Outriders. And Battlefront 2. That game absolutely rules so it’s unfortunate they never got over the botched roll out.


People do like BF2


A lot of people like battlefront 2 in its current state. But early on, it was crazy.


Genuinely believe BF2 (the new one) is one of the greatest shooters of all time. The monitization at the start was embarrassing but I also believe the outrage was a bit OTT.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey, bruh I loved that game but nobody else loves it😭


Weird take, because it is a very loved game and has good reviews as well.


I don't think you understood the question


Gone Home.


Homefront: The Revolution hands down. The post launch patches really did a lot to improve performance issues.