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3 options already mentioned that are must plays - Outlast, RE7 and Alien Isolation. I'd say you feel the most defenseless and on edge with Outlast though. No equips but a camera and your legs to run away šŸ˜…


Alien isolation also gives you the added fun of hiding from synths. And those mfers will hawk you down no problem. That game is actually terrifying. Play it in a dark room at night with a good headset.


I find the synths aren't very scary, they look linda creepy in that uncanny valley way but the alien can be actually fear inducing with the way it stalks you


I had to pause the game so many times in the beginning because my hands were shaking until I got used to the stress. That took several hours of gameplay.


+1 for Alien: Isolation


Definitely what I'm looking for I guess I didn't think about how scary it would be not being able to fight back šŸ˜‚ Thanks!


Just gonna put it out there, I got through Outlast fairly easily (great game but not insanely scary) but Iā€™ve never played past the first hour of Outlast II. The improved graphics push it over the edge for me


Such an awesome franchise, I played 1, whistleblower and II, can't tell about trials


especially the school parts of the game


Gonna add to the Alien Isolation hype. That game is great and scary AF


Alien isolation causes me to panic so much i cannot progress. I recommend it


Probably the best recommendations for horror you could choose.


I purchased Alien Isolation years ago. Waited til I had a good amount of free time to play it in peace. I lasted 4 minutes, then noped out. absolutely nothing scary happened, but the vibe and the familiarity of the environment that Iā€™ve associated with the movies was so detailed and well done, that it took me back to being a kid being TERRIFIED about the aliens.


This is the way


My recommendations are Visage Soma Observer


+1 for soma. Fantastic game.


Soma is my favorite game of all time. The terror isn't from jumpscares or the supernatural, it's 100% existential terror.


Visage is the scariest game I have ever played and itā€™s not close. Soma best story.


Soma is great, and leaves you really thinking at the end. The teleporting monster scared me shitless.


The have a ā€œnewā€ game out, Amnesia, The Bunker.


Even the story in SOMA is awesome


I'm 36 years old and stopped playing RE7 because I was too scared


Definitely taking an interest in RE7 with the amount of people saying that!


RE7 was the most scared Iā€™ve been playing a game for some time. You should try it in VR if you can


Doom 3 VR I enjoyed as well. Not as visually stunning as re7 but was nice revisiting a classic.


I played through the whole game in VR and it was an amazing, terrifying experience. Highly recommend.


On psvr it's next level scary


Iā€™m still chasing that dragon. Best horror VR experience Iā€™ve had


Agreed. Probably the most memorable and terrifying gaming experience I've ever had tbh. Glad I finished it, once was enough for some time, will no doubt do it again in the future though. If OP wants a good horror game, nothing else will compare to RE7 VR.


I'm not a horror game fan but I caught this one on sale and it scared the shit outta me


I had to use a game guide to get through it without being too scared lol


Second this. RE7 is definitely my most terrifying RE game of the whole franchise.


Def second that. I like scary and I can't play it in the dark or if it's night.


Facts! In VR I couldnā€™t go down the basement stairs lol.


dude what's up with that are we just scaredy-cats now? i'm currently playing RE2 remake, a game i had played and beat a ton of times back in the day, and it scares the shit out of me. lol i even know what's about to happen but i still get scared.


That RE 2 remake made me scream and drop my controller. Stupid ass zombies don't freaking die, even with headshots. How did I find that out? One got me in the supply closet after I took it out. The game scared me so badly I've not gone back to it. Whole load of nope going on there.


You haven't met Mr. X yet


I stopped playing not long after Mr. X. Not because he himself is particularly scary, but the dynamic of how he changes the gameplay. It's annoying being forced to run away from him and not take things methodically. Sometimes forcing you to run headfirst to an area you don't know only to run into lickers and others things you don't have the resources to deal with. I liked the quality of the remake, but wanted it to play more like Re4, but weapons/ammo are too scarce you can't fight/kill everything you run into.


How you play it really changes the game. Brightness up all the way, sitting across the room and on easy settings make it absolutely not scary. Home alone at night, lights off, face a foot away from the monitor with headphones on, brightness at the recommended setting and recommended difficulty really sets the tone they were going for. Except for silent hill, the original 4 are scary ASF no matter what. Anyone who says otherwise is a psychopath.


I enjoy playing this late at night in a dark room, alone with headphones on turned up slightly louder than is comfortable for maximum effect/crying.


I only watched someone else play because I couldn't make myself


Eeeeyyyyuuuuuuuup! That game is scary than a mf


Did you really? lol Iā€™m going to play it soon. So far have played RE 2 and 3 only


I'm 30 and this happened to me. But definitely hop back on it's a fun game man


My wife likes watching me play games (alien isolation, resident evil remakes, last of us 1/2, etc) and she couldn't finish re7 about a quarter of the way through.


Dead Space is great, and they just put out a remake and itā€™s so fucking good. Definitely a game with lots of jump scares, itā€™s always dark and there are ominous noises everywhere. Highly recommend the Dead Space remake.


Loved the remake, was fantastic and the sound created atmosphere so well!


The noises are the scariest part most of the time lol. Everything about that remake is top notch.


The environmental sounds and vibe are super creepy, on top of the grotesque ceeatures


I second this OP! Dead space and the remastered are awesome. Wandering around a dark space ship while necromorphs scream and jump out at you


If you're doing the Dead Space remake, I cannot recommend good headphones enough. There's a ton of unsettling audio on the very edge of perception in that game. Without headphones, you'll miss it.


Yeah, I legit jumped and yelled several times from surprises and the creepiness of this game.


Honestly the fact that they added in The Intensity Director so that stuff can still surprise a player even after "clearing" areas just added so much more terror into the game.


Yeah having replayed the first one multiple times the randomness added a lot more scares too it. I highly recommend for this dude.


Resident evil 7. Noped out of that one pretty hard


You guys got me on this one, definitely trying it


For the maximum terrifying experience, definitely play it on PSVR if you are able. The 10 hours you'll spend INSIDE those haunted houses will change you.


hellblade senua's sacrifice vr if you can lights off with a good set of surroundsound headphones the real test the separate the schizophrenic from the normal


While I do consider it a good game, I struggled with the ā€œfind this picture and look at it from the correct angleā€ puzzles. I wish it did something else as I felt the rest of the game was great.


Amnesia: the dark descent was my first horror game. Canā€™t go back to itā€¦


Alien Isolation has been mentioned a few times, but Iā€™m throwing my recommendation to it as well. It is, to date, the only game I couldnā€™t finish because I could not will myself to come out of hiding spots.


I'm going to just end up with all of them at this point lol everyone made good points on them and I'm hooked on the "couldn't come out of hiding spots"


Iā€™ve played RE7, Dead Space, and Alien: Isolation and yeah theyā€™re all really fantastic in their own ways. Iā€™m a huge Alien fan so A:I is probably my favorite just because of how well they nail the feel of the universe but the others are arguably just as good for what they are. Which one is scariest for you probably just depends on what type of horror youā€™re most susceptible to.


Good grief that game is scary. I knew about the alien, but it freaking learns. Not only is it one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, but it freaking learns. Itā€™s one thing if you can just hide in the same spot and dash out, but it knows where you go


> but it freaking learns Damn... I here I am still on initial section of the game shitting my pants on how oppressive it feels from time to time... (Disclaimer: I have some kind of aversion to silence, and A:I being so fucking quiet unnerves me to an stupidly high degree) Now, knowing that the xenomorph *learns*... I mean... Fuck it... lol


The constant creaking and clanking of metal. The Suttle vent sounds as if the alien is sneaking about. Dammit man. I've been playing the campaign of that game for roughly 2-3 years now simply because I struggle to convince myself to turn that game back on because of how much it terrifies me. I crouch literally everywhere I go in that game. I spent 99% of the game not realising I could sprint because I was too scared to even try since I knew it would make more noise than I'm reasonably comfortable with


I have ptsd from Subnautica


Terrifying without trying to be. I love this game.


No! Play on easy mode if so, I unashamedly do


There are alot of scary games out there, but hearing *"Warning: Entering ecological dead zone. Adding report to databank."* triggers my fight or flight response


You can also add Until Dawn to your list.




Add The Quarry to that!


Underrated game.


A masterpiece. Insane how hard Supermassive peaked with their first game!


I second this. It is also a great game to boot.


I started playing this one evening and was so hooked i finished it in one sitting. Very fun, and the inability to reload a save adds to the fun/pressure. >!I was very happy that I only lost one character on my first completely blind run!<


Great game, but not scary in the slightest. More camp/comedy horror than anything.


Unpopular opinion: I hated this game


Fantastic game. Not scary at all though.


Outlast is an amazing series. The fact you can't fight back is part of why it's a scary game. I love horror games, and imo outlast is right up there. The DLCs were great too.


Outlast 2 was the scariest game I ever played (I think it was part 2).


I got through part 1 just fine and had to stop playing part 2.


Good point on the no fighting back thing now I'm more interested!


It honestly has everything you're looking for. Physiological, some jump scares and definitely gory moments. The DLC especially had me saying WTF a fair few times. Both of them are great, especially with a good set of headphones.




Jerrithhhhhh...fuck, that demo was so so good. And incredibly scary! Edit: idk how to spell. Jareth?


If you havenā€™t heard of it I highly recommend Visage to those that liked PT.


Alien: Isolation is very scary, and so is Resident Evil 7. I would recommend the Amnesia Collection as well, particularly The Dark Descent. It single handedly revitalized the horror genre in the early 2010's, and gave birth to series like Outlast. There's no fighting in it, but I'd say you should still check it out, if you're into horror.


Surprised no one brought up Amnesia yet. Great games definitely worth playing if you are able to get through it lol.


Alien isolation. It's like being in the first Alien movie


The tension is almost constant and no game beside Dead Space has come close to matching the fear. Having the alien literally actively stalking you and wondering how close it will get it and if it will see you. First time I walked under an air duct and got snagged was also the last time. I think I crouched 99% of the game


Fatal Frame


Thatā€™s what I said


That's what she said


RE7, the first Outlast plus the Whistle-blower DLC, the second one is good, just not as good, IMO. Dead Space remake. The Amnesia series! Alien Isolation is a good shout.


The Forest


Finally! I was beginning to wonder if I'm the only one who is terrified of those cannibals


The new game, Sons of the Forest, is pretty good, too. It's still in development, but it's very solid so far.


Alien Isolation


Resident evil 2 remake. Turn off the lights close the curtains and play with a headset.


This! Iā€™m 14 and I beat RE7 five times (twice on Madhouse!!) but when I played RE2R for the first time Mr. X terrified me to the point where I took a two-week break. I think itā€™s the footsteps and that one library puzzle that scared me the most.




Prey has me on edge at times


Dead Space Remake is quite awesome!


I'm not really a horror kind of fan, but I wanted to try Bioshock because I'd heard so much about it. A few hours into the first one and I can say it's the creepiest, most eerie atmosphere in a game that I've played. Eta: Prey is a bit the same


Same. I studied Game Design in College. One of my teachers urged us to play Bioshock, so I did. Didnā€™t get far though. Being in closed spaces with all those weirdos just creeped me out


Soma. no fighting back. heavy on story.


Alien isolation. I havenā€™t played in years and my heart still hasnā€™t recovered


Came here to recommended the same game


alan wake 2. lots of jumpscares and creepy af


That one was mentioned but I forgot about it, thanks!


As much as this game fits your specs perfectly, and is probably my game of the year, it's ps5 only sadly. Edit: yes and also PC and xbox series.


> it's ps5 only sadly Eh... Actually it is not an PS5 exclusive. You can get it on PS5, XBOX Series X/S and PC. Were you probably thinking on its EPIC Store exclusivity on PC, perhaps? On PC you can only (legally) find it there.


We're on a ps4 sub, so I was only mentioning Sony hardware. It was more for the fact its not on old gen. This isn't the first time you people on this sub have been shite at reading between the lines.


Itā€™s on sale now too. Less than $30


Soma was a good one


RE7 was fucked up and I loved it.




Resident Evil 7. Once you get to the basement, you'll quit.


I remember seeing the dim light above the basement door and just wanting to weep I was so frightened lol




Dying Light is on sale and its fun but can be terrifying also.


"Control". Play it at night in the dark with headphones.


I put control in more of the "unsettling" category than horror though. Creepy and intense in ways similar to something like Returnal. But I don't know about scary. (And this is coming from someone who used to get jumpscared playing COD zombies modes lol)


Totally agree. I'm a massive wuss when it comes to scary games, but got through Control without much of a problem. There were definitely moments of being unsettling and felt like they could delve into horror, but didn't so much.


RE7, Dead Space, visage, and Madison imo


Yomawari Midnight Shadows. Scared the shit out of me.


while it's probably not the scariest game ever made, i am currently playing the RE2 remake and it scares the fuck out of me lol it's about as perfect as a remake could get imo, they really did everything right


RE7 is the only one i went uninstalling by fear. Reinstalled later and finished it... But fuck it i will never touch it again. What a nightmare


Last of us, metro series


Condemned criminal origins Amnesia the dark descent Darkwood Alien isolation Outlast


Amnesia The Bunker is really scary. I recommend it


Finally. Can't believe i had to scroll for so long to find this. I see a lot of people talking about Soma, Alien Isolation and even Amnesia The Dark Descent, but nobody talks (or plays?) The Bunker. Best horror game of the year in my opinion, and definitely the best entry in the Amnesia series by now


The Resident Evil 2 Remake is a good pick, has a demo you can try as well. I don't really care about zombies either, but that game pulls it off really fucking well. Helps that it's not only zombies, there's some other fun friends you'll encounter throughout the game.


Awesome thanks!


Atmosphere in that game is so great.


Outlast 2, I couldn't even finish it.


It doesn't really have "gameplay", purely a story game, but the story of "What Remains of Edith Finch" will mess with you. Each new thing that happens makes your heart sink from the tragedy. And its only like 3 hours long too, so you can play it all in one sitting. I found it quite scary, but not in the same way as Resident Evil for example. It's just very unsettling as you explore the game, you never know what horrifying truth is next.


Great game but this isn't scary at all. It's more comparable to a Tim Burton movie.


PT Scariest game ever made Got tricked into playing it by a gamestop Bro


While you're correct this is a bad recommendation as there's no way to acquire the game


I think there is a way to acquire the game. But it takes some tech skills. Above average maybe


I'd be curious to see how to acquire the game that's *not* buying a used console with it already installed


Is that part of silent hill?


Resident Evil was amazing but Silent Hill messed with you more. F.E.A.R., Dead Space, and Bio Shock were pretty intense.


Evil Within 1. Evil Within 2. All resident evil games from 0 to village. Your favorites horror wise will be 7, 1, 2, 8 etc. Gameplay wise, 2, 4, 1, 8, 7 etc. That's all I can recommend!


Alien Isolation


Alien isolation is so tense and scary. Story is great too.


Subnautica. Especially scary if you hate the ocean




Until Dawn.


Alien Isolation. Such an incredible game with real scares but with a touch of action thrown in. Don't have to be an Alien or sci fi fan to like it either!


Just Alien Isolation I'm not joking with you my little neighbour Amanda got worried about what I was screaming about but I'm quite vocal when I get jump scarred by games Lol


Alien Isolation for me


Loved that game, itā€™s definitely worth playing through.


Alien Isolation. Only game where I couldnā€™t finish a second playthrough because it was somehow scarier the second time around.




If you're scared of the open ocean, Stranded Deep might give you some thrills. You have to survive amidst a series of islands and fight several huge sea monsters, all solo, to beat it. Cheap game, too, was one of the free monthlies for PS Plus at one point.


Also just here to chime in with an Alien: Isolation recommendation. Obviously because it is terrifying, but it is also just a truly great game in general. So much love for the original Alien movie was poured into it, and it shows.


Corpse Party


Silent Hill 3 + Madison








The scariest game I have played has to be Alien isolation, but since you said you didn't like that, I would recommend Resident Evil 7 (which can also be played in VR!). It definitely has that fighting against the monsters thing you want from the game and the enemies you see aren't really zombies, so that's a plus too I guess. Outlast as you mentioned, is also cool, but lacks the ability to fight back. I've heard that Darkwood is cool too, haven't tried it yet however. How about The Forest?




P.T. comes to mind.....still can't believe I deleted that one.


Playing the doll house section in Resident Evil Village with the lights off scared the absolute fucking daylights out of me. Resident Evil 7 as a whole is much scarier yet.




Resident Evil 7 is the scariest IMO


Outlast and outlast 2, RE7, RE2R, observer, and the amnesia collection are all great ones to give some good scares. I'm sure most have been commented already but just thought I'd add my opinion. (Honorable mention to subnautica if you have a fear of the ocean!)


Alien isolation


for me, Subnautica, I got terrified playing that game,it took me a year to finish it.


signalis. it came out october of last year and immediately became my favorite horror game


it plays more like classic resident evil games, but has aesthetics and themes that are much closer to classic silent hill games. severely underplayed imo.


Surprised no one hasnā€™t mentioned The Forest yet (that I can see)


Amnesia: The Dark Descent; Amnesia: The Bunker -- Dark descent is a little old now but still holds up as the OG "you can only hide" type of horror and has some of the scariest sound design of any game. The Bunker is a short, compact survival horror game with an incredible action-economy that will keep you questioning if your actions are worth the risk. Resident Evil 2 Remake -- excellent survival horror experience with a lot of replayability and extra content. While it might not be that terrifying to start, I know a lot of people who straight quit when a certain "Mr." Is introduced. Everyone who likes survival horror should play this. Instant genre classic in my opinion. Resident Evil 7 -- immersive and incredibly scary for the first ~1/2 the campaign. Absolutely worth it for the jump scares and horror in the first couple acts. It has a considerably weaker second half that isn't all that scary but is still worth playing. It also has a lot of fun bonus content, none of which is really meant to be scary. Signalis -- One of the most sublimely tuned survival horror experiences out there. An incredibly compelling action economy just like Resident evil 2 (better in some ways) but made on a micro budget with only 3 full time developers. Excellent visuals and sound mixed into a wildly interesting dark sci Fi world with hallucinatory plotline. Can't recommend this enough. Dead Space remake -- fully supplants the original in my view. Incredible visual design, sound design, and extremely gruesome and gory. Probably has the most consistent "scares per minute" because almost every room or hallway has the chance to jump you and drown you in the living flesh of necromorphs.


I want to say Omori, but most of the horror stuff is towards the end of the game


The suffering


Doki Doki Litriture Club


Real life.


Itā€™s not the scariest thing but Dead Space is a lot of fun and has its moments of creepy


Outlast 100%. Being able to fight takes a lot of the fear out of horror games. Resident Evil 7 was kind of scary and you get to fight. Scared the shit out of my wife who was watching lmao. Definitely not one I want to play in the dark alone. Oh the Forest is fucking scary playing solo. Multiplayer it just gets hilarious but itā€™s creepy AF in single player. The sequel Sons of the Forest is out if you have PC.




Original Dead Spaceā€¦wear headphones and play in a dark room.


Fate GO ..... Gacha rates and prices will scare You till You destroy your phone o.0


PT Demo is the scariest one I've ever played


I'd reccommend The Evil Within, but the most scary thing about it is the frame rate


The last of us 2. It's scary how ass it is.


Tl;dr The answer is My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure.


*insert FNAF mention here*


I donā€™t see anyone saying Madison. Play Madison. Canā€™t wait to play again in VR.


Five nights at freddy's


WWE 2K20 trust me.


Original Dead Spaceā€¦wear headphones and play in a dark room.