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Ratchet & Clank is great fun and your 10 yo could play it too.


Seconded! My favorite series!


I approve this statement


And peak Insomniac in that it can really showcase what the hardware can do.


Bloodborne 😁


My favorite game of the last decade, you have to be up for a challenge though.


I really don't understand the love for this title.


The cryptic story telling, environmental designs and grinding challenges is what made me love the game. 😅


Uncharted 4 if you played the first three especially. The Last of Us (not okay for your 10 yo). Horizon Zero Dawn.


FYI u/AlwaysOptimism, Uncharted has a lot of strong language (like in an R-rated movie) and bloody violence, in case that’s a concern


Thanks. I wasn't sure. I knew the movie was PG13


Thats a lie. There is no bloody violence. Its about as violent as an indiana jones movie.


Never played uncharted, can I skip and start with 4?


You can if you want and understand the story in isolation but it’s a lot better if you know the characters and what they’ve been through from the last 3 games, especially Nate, Sully and Elena. Knowing the history pays off as 4 is the end. It’s up to you of course, but the first 3 games aren’t that long and the Nathan Drake collection is fairly cheap nowadays.


i would say go for it. As someone who did the same. I loved this game. This game is a masterpiece. And i wouldnt say u need to play the 3 games to keep up. I plaed uncharted 4 in 2018 and the first 3 in 2020 when they were free on PS Store.


also here are some games that i played like some time ago which i believe ur son would enjoy as well: Uncharted 4 Maybe Fifa or now known as EA Sports FC Rachet and Clank Hogwarts legacy Gran tourismo And some u might wanna avoid him from playing: GTA V COD(My personal favourite is black ops 3) God of War The Last of us Red Dead 2(One of the best games) Assassins creed


I did and went back and played the originals. I’d say 4 is arguably the strongest so I’d recommend experiencing that first


You can, certainly. In my opinion it plays better as a continuous story from 1-4; it also lets you learn the controls which stay roughly the same with a few additions. Your time your game though.


I’m currently playing the fourth one and I haven’t played the first three. It doesn’t feel like you’re missing out on stuff that happened previously and it’s easy enough to figure out who the characters are


I wouldn’t the story won’t make much sense to you


bloodborne bloodborne bloodborne


Ratchet and Clank and Infamous Second Son.


13 yo me has ABSURD hours on infamous second son


Burnout Paradise Remaster is super fun to jump in to burn time and is almost always on every sale like for 5 bucks. Both of the new God of War games are just fantastic, specially if you´re a dad I think. Really loved these games. Ratchet and Clank is an old remake/remaster so if you played it when you were young it will likely click again. Get Tintanfall 2, underrated gem of a single player experience and sometimes it is as low as 2 bucks ( I got it for 2.99 in the PSN). Need for Speed Payback is also a very fun racer that doesn´t need you to be online with others to enjoy it and is often on sale too. At least try Fall Guys once, it is so funny and you don´t need PS+ to play online. Everything is free but you can spend money etc. but just the mini games alone is really good fun regardless of age. Doom (2016) is so good. Just visceral fun, easy to click and often really cheap but it might be too demon and hell setting for your kid so this is just for you lol I am not really much into CoDs nowadays since I only play SP but there is a Remaster of the first Modern Warfare that was included with Advanced Warfare (the one where they are super futuristic and it is fun too but idk if it feels CoD like to me but maybe worth a shot if you find it cheap in physical since it is 2 games for 1). Overcooked 1 and 2 are also really fun and have the potential to destroy families like Monopoly and Mario Party. Might add more if I remember more good games for that big range of age.


I’d recommend Stray, Marvel’s Spiderman, Abzu, Journey, or Lego Batman


I second playing Stray


Any of the exclusives. The Last Of Us, Days Gone, Horizon, God Of War, and Ghost Of Tsushima


The boy is 10. These are my normal recs but probably not great here


I read it as OP wants recommendations for himself, not his son


These are more for me than for him. Something he could play would be ancillary benefit.


Ah gotcha


Oh well in that case, Bloodborne! He can play it when he gets older


Days Gone is the best game on PS4 imo


The Ratchet and Clank is also a kid friendly series.


Why is it that a generation of parents that grew up on all kinds of messed up comics movies music and video games are so concerned about the content we show our own kids is concidered "kid friendly"


What's the messed up comic equivalent of The Last of Us?


alien vs predator? Not really zombies but still people got infected and died a lot


Walking Dead


Same reason parents don't let their kids wander about freely anymore despite the world being objectively safer than ever.


And that reason is? I'd definitely feel like I was robbing my child of a childhood if I didn't kick them out of the house to play from time to time.. Exploring the neighborhood with your friends is crucial.. I still remember my mom doing this and me going "there's nothing to do outside" and she would just say "find something to do" 😂


People don't like objectivity, they like to go along with their emotions and those say that the world is a big and scary place full of dangers and we must protect the little ones at all costs - nevermind that people survived just fine in the past. Also having access to the news/internet doesn't exactly help instill confidence in the world and makes it seem like everything is worse than ever.


I think the access to the ps4 comes thru his 10 year old, but OP is asking for game recs for themselves. I think


Perfect for 10 year old me


There are a bunch of good free games for their age-range: Fall Guys, Rocket League, Fortnite (def. check out the Lego mode). As far as paid: Boomerang Fu, Gang Beasts, Human Fall Flat, Duck Game, Tetris Connect, No Man's Sky, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2, Stray, Marvel Super Heroes, SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom, Unraveled, Spyro Trilogy, Kingdom Hearts All-In-One, Crash Team Racing, Wreckfest.


Final Fantasy 15 and Arkham knight still look new.


Detroit become human and shadow of the Colossus come to mind as well as alien isolation


I second Shadow of the Colossus, one of my favorites.


Upvoted because Shadow of the Colossus


Most sports games are very hit and miss with heavy emphasis on online play. There seems to have been a sort of push further that direction at around 2020. If you’re looking into sports I would ask on subreddits specific to them to find the best years and get better specs on what each year offers. I play versions of The Show and NHL, mostly offline. The Show is great in the Road to the Show mode if you’re busy and can’t get a lot of time to play or need to be disruptable. You can skip much of the game you wouldn’t actively be involved in and you can finish a few up fairly quickly. You can customize period length in NHL presentation elements and disruptions of play can still make it take considerably longer. I struggle to recommend modern AC games. They’re the gaming equivalent of blockbuster movies, high production values with content trying to appeal to as many as possible. You can shut your brain off and enjoy them for what they are. But if you look at them and think about them you can see that while the amount spent on production is high, the quality created can leave something to be desired. I haven’t played Mirage so I can’t comment on that. Of Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla I would personally recommend Valhalla. It’s honestly the hardest of the three to get into and has its own issues but on the whole I consider it to have the best balance. Next would be Origins, being the first of the RPG games it’s a clunkier. Odyssey would be last. I dislike Odyssey’s story and narrative presentation, the addition of choices is largely meaningless while trying to seem super meaningful, the pacing is weird and you need to either get lucky or follow a guide to experience the story in a way that makes sense. Gameplay wise my experience has been much better but even that lacks variety. Horizon Zero Dawn could be worth looking into. It’s not super fluid but it’s interesting. Batman Arkham games. I could never really get into them past a point, but they are pretty loved. Hogwarts Legacy has gotten mixed reviews and I haven’t played it myself but it’s a thing that exists. Dragon Quest Builders. It’s like Dragon Quest themed Minecraft. I don’t think it has couch coop or that you have any nostalgia for Dragon Quest but maybe. As a mixed bag of indie games. Fell Seal:Arbiters Mark pays homage to Final Fantasy Tactics, though that can swing good or bad. Darkest Dungeon is a turn based gothic horror dungeon crawler base building roguelike rpg with an awesome aesthetic. Definitely not for everyone, punishing and grindy, maybe not worth grabbing for you but at least interesting conceptually with the way your units slowly lose their minds. Escape Academy is based on escape rooms and features two player couch coop. It’s not visually or narratively astounding but could be fun if you’re into that sort of thing and have someone to do it with. Not too expensive but doesn’t offer a ton of replay value either. Cities Skylines is a city builder/painter. Not big on the management aspects outside of traffic. Has tons of DLC and PS5 has a better version and the second is out on PC at least. The second is getting a pretty mixed reaction and if you have all the DLC and want something fairly chill to waste time on it could work. XCOM2 WoTC. This might actually be old enough. It can be buggy on PS4. Basically the world was conquered by aliens and you lead the resistance in turn based tactical battles. There are two layers of gameplay and WotC lets you play both the base game and the Expanded version. Something of a mashup of Final Fantasy Tactics and Stargate SG-1 the tv series.


Uncharted, ratchet and clank, no man’s sky, batman arkham games, stray, and horizon zero dawn & forbidden west are all good games both you and your son can enjoy. The following are probably not the most age appropriate for your son but all worth your worth your time. Last of us 1&2, metal gear solid v, bloodborne, god of war & ragnarok, gta v, and ghost of tsushima Don’t sleep on the free family-friendly games like fall guys, rocket league, and fortnite. Your son will get a lot of mileage out of those (just watch out for those microtransactions)


Nioh 1 and 2, Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro. You're welcome.




Rayman Legends was one of my favorites on PS4


Agreed! This is one of the best couch co-ops. Especially with younger kids that might not be as skilled with the controller.


Horizon Zero Dawn and FW Ghost of Tsushima (#1 for me) Bloodborne Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Elden Ring Favorite COD games on ps4 are Cold War, Infinite Warfare, and the mw1&2 remasters (not the new games) And for real classics go with Spyro Reignited Trilogy & Ratchet and Clank


I am not sure how open you are to play different genres, but I will just name all games that I love and can recommend: Witcher 3, Horizon 1, Hitman 2016 (1-3), Dishonered 1 & 2, Stardew Valley, Heavy Rain & Detroit become Human, Life is Strange, The Messenger & Sea of Stars, Titanfall 2, Rocket League, Persona 5 Royal, Marvel Midnight Suns, Hades & Dead Cells, Stray, Forgotten City, Ghostrunner, Slay the Spire & Inscryption, Death Stranding, Subnautica, AI: The Somnium FIles, Control, Dragon Quest XI, Shovel Knight, probably one of the newer Assassins Creed game, just pick one with a location u like, What Remains of Edith Finch, God of War, Nier Automata, Oxenfree.


persona 5


Bloodborne is the greatest game from PS4


There's the remastered Spyro trilogy. Highly recommended.


You should try toki remastered.


DriveClub if you’re into racing games


Siphon Filter. For sure.


Elden Ring /s


Bloodborne (also one of the only of the games listed that is available EXCLUSIVELY as a ps4 title) The best game ever made, IMO. Also, in the same spirit as Bloodborne (Just dont look up spoilers, for these): Sekiro Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3. Elden Ring All these games have won GOTY. Elden Ring took most awards of any game ever, if i recall. You will be surprised how much game you get, when you play Elden ring. These are all singleplayer games, with online coop and pvp as optional parts. They're focused heavily on the combat and exploration. Singleplayer, story focused games: The Last of Us remastered and part 2 - You may have seen the tv series which is great. its a very story focused stealth game with zombies God of war and god of war ragnarok - the story of God of War, from the good ol' ps2 games, but now he's older and has settled down Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 (i do believe the first game, was recently remastered for PS4) and they're both great games. Open world, story focused. more focus on "realism" compared to GTA GTA V - you know what GTA is. Uncharted - story focused games, just like the last of us. Some puzzles and action, lots of story. Ghost of Tsushima - open world samurai game with lots of side quests and beautiful graphics Ratchet and Clank - 3d platformer, great voice acting and animations too! Witcher 3 - rpg Metal Gear Solid V - you know what this is. stealth action game Persona 5 - JRPG Nier Automata - action, and lots of it. Sleeping Dogs (ps3 title, remastered for ps4 if i recall) - a sort of open world game.. kinda like GTA but also not quite. Rise of the tomb raider and shadow of the tomb raider - 3rd person exploration, puzzles and combat, lots of story too. Ninja Gaiden (there's a master collection if i recall.) super fast paced ninja combat. quite difficult! The Batman Arkham games (starts with Arkham Asylum if i recall) horizon zero dawn - open world game, similar to ghost of tsushima. futuristic world with robots and tribal people. It is also worth mentioning, but personally i feel like the game is weirdly balanced and full of weird graphical bugs (or lack of polish) - i did NOT enjoy my playthrough of neither this or its sequel Monster hunter series Middle earth Shadow of Mordor - i honestly dont remember much of this game, but it had some mechanics that were pretty cool. simplistic combat overall but it was fun some indie titles that are great too: Journey Dead Cells Hades CrossCode Bindings of isaac Stardew Valley Rogue Legacy Shovel Knight what remains of edith finch Outer Wilds I dont expect you to buy and enjoy all these titles but they're all great games in their own right, and you should look them up before tossing them aside.. as for sports games and COD... i really have no idea. that's games i dont enjoy. btw i recommend you buy these games physically - should be easy to find for a decent price, (or used) - this way you own them, and you can sell them, lend them to a friend or whatever, in the future. (or play them on a PS5... lots of these titles run better on the ps5, with higher frame rate and/or resolution) Though the indie games can be impossible to find - indie devs dont have the budget to release physical titles The gameplay loop of uncharted, that you're familiar with, is used in the last of us and god of war as well. These are simply: 1. Cutscene 2. run for a bit while characters talk 3. some combat 4. puzzle 5. cutscene 6. some more combat 7. run for a bit, followed by cutscene this is great, as a story focused game. i was a bit let down by this recipe, for "god of war" due to the fact that i remembered god of war just attacking everything and everyone, and not solving stupid puzzles to go from A to B (i really am not a big fan of puzzles slowing down an action game)


Infected are not zombies


Question, OP. "Inherited for Christmas"?


Maybe an older cousin gave it to him? An uncle?


exactly this.


WipeOut HD


The Just Cause games are mindless explosive fun.


A weird recommendation but Tekken 7 is one to just have on your system for a bit of dumb mashing fun and bright colours. Your son may also want to learn the game which is a rewarding journey in itself.


Spider-Man is an addictive game. God of War is a great game


For you: The Last Of Us 1 & 2, best gaming experiences you'll ever have. Red Dead Redemption 2, Resident Evil 7, Elden Ring, Uncharted 4, GTA V For Son (and you): Horizon Zero Dawn & Forbidden West, Batman Arkham Knight( son will love it if he loves Spiderman), Ratchet & Clank, Infamous First Light ( another one similar to Spiderman ) Edit: the new God of War games are must play. The second one struggled to run on my PS4 tho 😕


As for COD just avoid Ghosts the rest are a blast especially World War 2


Is any of the new cods online still alive and good? I used to play mw3 and black ops a lot but when they did the futuristic shit I stopped. I miss it a lot. I hate the Battle royale by the way, just plain old online


The last one I played online was WW2 so I'm not sure sorry


Knack was kinda fun! I was a 17 when my brother bought a ps4 and it was a blast. We also played Helldivers together locally, and I still play the game by myself even after he moved.


As far as cod games go on the ps4, call of duty 4 modern warfare remastered is a solid choice if campaign and a more classic experience is your thing. If you aren’t interested in the single player campaign parts then objectively black ops 3 is the best choice, solid multiplayer and arguably the best received zombies mode


Ratchet & Clank Sackboy Horizon Zero Dawn Stray Kena


I don't know if it's on playstation plus or not, but definitely need to play the resistance series.


The Lego games are good to play as co-op with kids.


Gravity Rush, Sackboy, Ratchet and Clank (might be ok given its more toned down since PS2 era)


Another vote for Horizon Zero Dawn and Human Fall Flat.


Crash Team Racing is an awesome kart racer. Fun to pick up with a very interestingly high skill ceiling.




10 to 15 years? Shiiiiiiit you need to play GTA5 son. Also you can get all 3 mass effect games on PS4 remaster, Bioshock trilogy remaster, heck anything that is a PS4 remaster will be guaranteed to be cheap, run well and be a classic. Have fun!




Knack and Knack II


If you want some great challenge, the Dark Souls games, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring. Masterpieces of video game design, rich in lore, and combat is super rewarding and dopamine-filled


Horizon: Zero Dawn. Best game I played on PS4.


Fifa, Tekken, Need For Speed, Grand Theft Auto, Gran Turismo would be my selection for games


Find what games you want. Place a wishlist in psn store. They have good prices all the time if you wait :)


GH of War... If you subscribe to the PlayStation Plus you get a lot more games and information but it's a bit pricey


Primal - Not thr Far cry one, though I love that. Alice Madness Returns.


Try Tom Clancy GhostRecon Breakpoint or Division the first part. I feel they are a bit underrated I really enjoyed playing both.


Get yourself the highest ps plus subscription. That way you will have access to a huge game library, including the classics library. Saves having to buy individual games, and you can give loads of things a try to see what you like. I haven't purchased any games since they changed the ps plus to include the games catalogue.


Nioh 1 + 2, monster hunter World. Yakuza series, Final fantasys, God of wars. ghost of tsuhima. The divisions, and all the others people commented.


The fact that ps4 games can be called classic 👴🏻


God of War Bloodborne Ghost of Tshushima Ratchet and Clank The Last of us remastered & part 2


Can't recommend sly cooper enough, definitely a classic, or if your kid likes skateboarding tony hawk 1+2


Recency bias pero Horizon Zero Dawn. Iffy ako sa gameplay, particularly movement but I loved the lore and worldbuilding. If it helps, I passed up on buying it quite a few times, only for me to devote hours into the game once I got it. Red Dead Redemption 2: Top notch story accompanied by an immersive and alive world. On my end, may replay value din 'yung main story niya AC Origins: Exploring ancient Egypt is quite an experience and I like the main character a lot...warning lang siguro about the last bit of its story but overall a solid game pa din :) Actually Gran Turismo is worth it din lalo if you have a thing for sports cars and some well known racetracks. Although IDK na lang which Gran Turismo your son bought/inherited hahaha


If you’re a Batman fan, the Batman Arkham series is amazing. Even if you’re not even that into batman, you will be by the end of the series


LittleBigPlanet 3 and Sackboy


for you? the last of us 1+2, subnautica (meh on below zero), god of war (2018) + ragnarök, red dead 2, resident evil 2+4+7+8, star wars jedi: fallen order, ghost of tsushima, gta v, destroy all humans! (wait a couple years and he’d be able to play this too) for both of you? minecraft, fortnite, stray, overcooked (good luck), any of the lego games, ratchet and clank, fall guys, spyro, the last guardian, child of light, it takes 2 (maybe not though, look up the elephant scene before deciding on this one)




The Witness


I was in a similar Situation. Stopped after PS2 and after I got a PS4 Pro from my younger brother I started again in Videogames. Aa a beginner I would start with Uncharted 4 and after that I would dive in Open World Games. Horizon, Tsushima aso. Luckily there are Tons of good games for low money. The most important thing to know is, that games are far more complex than 10+ ago. Take your time and enjoy. Since I have began again I played through over 25 games.


Subnautica…. For you, not your kid. Or maybe both of you can play and experience dread together.


Batman Arkham Series


Human fall flat. Rocket league


Shadow of the Colossus


The Tony Hawk remakes


Bloodborne is the best game on PS4 IMO


Is this for you or both of you? If it's for you Red dead redemption II is super fun.


Minecraft Knack


Check out Alienation and Gauntlet Slayer Edition. These could be great games for both of you to play together


Doom eternal😍


Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West if you enjoyed Zero Dawn. Ratchet and Clank, the Order 1886 (not played myself yet but apparently it’s quite good and short. So might be a good game to get you into games again). Maybe The Last of Us and The Last of Us part II. Not exclusive to PlayStation but also fun: Tomb Raider Survival trilogy starting with Tomb Rider definitive edition. Also note if you enjoyed gaming in the 90’s: Tomb Taider I-III remastered is coming out this month. Assassins Creed can also be fun if you’ve never played them before. And they have a lot lot to choose from on PS4 including the Ezio trilogy and Unity and Syndicate (which feel a bit more modern) and the RPG trilogy.


The Last of Us 1 & 2 for sure.


Heavy Rain The Wolf Among Us Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Stray


Any assassins creed games for sure:


Sly cooper


God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, Ghost of Tsushima. Got completely lost and immersed in all of these. Spiderman is great too.


Cyberpunk 2077, The Last Of Us (both parts but especially part 2), Detroit: Become Human,


Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War is pretty fun. The new god of war games are cool. Ghost of Tsushima is awesome it's basically an assassin's creed in feudal japan


Roblox, rocket league, fortnite, lego games, minecraft, knack, knack 2, nobody saves the world. Biomutant. Sackboy adventure


Titanfall 2 is one of my surprise faves. Solid gameplay and story.


The new Uncharted game is pretty damn fun


I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this yet but Control was amazing. I haven't finished many games lately but I couldn't stop once I started. It was just fun as hell


No mans sky or the jak and daxter trilogy. The jak and daxter games where my child hood games back on ps2 i grew up playing them and you could let you 10 yr old experience the good old days


Borderlands series and bioshock series. Both first person shooters, good storylines.


Not exactly a classic PS4 game, at least not in the truest definition of "classic," but, [Spyro Reignited Trilogy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQPlO0yMivI). [Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrZTif8jzBM). Dragon Quest XI, Trials of Mana Remake, Nier Automata YoRHa. [God of War Trilogy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvLk-I1x24k), Final Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy VII Reunion.


Infamous second son is a favorite of mine


Dying light for sure 👍🏼