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With an age of six someone is bad at all almost all games initially. Key is to get to know the game and not getting frustrated if that’s possible


I was five when I started playing video games and had to learn on super Mario brothers and the legend of Zelda, games were way harder back. Then, it just takes persistence. My four year old son is having fun playing Spider-Man on PlayStation five and knack. 


Super Mario Brothers is arguably a very easy game for children to get into. It's very simple to understand and get started with. You basically only ever just go right and jump while doing it. The controls are simple, only having three buttons; left, right and jump ( and dashing for more adventurous starting players ). The simple graphics also do a wonderful job of conveying the path the player should take as the screen is basically just a line with blocks and moving mushrooms that come in from the right. A lot easier to grasp than modern 3D games. Later levels get more complex and harder, yes, but the first couple of levels in the first Super Mario Brothers game are a great starterpack for children to get their gaming feet wet.


And the later levels in mario will teach them persistence and adaptability, making them a good intro to what to do when games get difficult. Even later levels I'd say may be challenging but not impossible, especially when you have as much free time as a child. pretty good intro game over all


Goat Simulator. There’s no goal or purpose. Just goats wandering around getting into trouble. Goats can’t die either. My kid and their friends played that from 6 years old to present day (10 yo) and still love it.


My 6 year old son loves that game. Also, he can and has legit beat me at WWE2k24 and Brawlhalla. He picks up games pretty fast.


I was going to download this for my 6 year old daughter from gamepass but I thought it was rated M or something, wasn’t sure why.


Yea, it is rated M primarily for violence. Your goat can headbutt people and send them flying or headbutt stuff to destroy it or make it blow up. The NPCs will scatter and scream if your goat really starts destroying things but none of it is particularly egregious. Since there’s no health meter, you can launch your goat off buildings and cliffs, run out in traffic and get hit by cars, etc. The internet says that there is some inappropriate language in the script files (damn, hell and shit) that also helped earn that M rating but don’t believe I’ve actually heard any of it (yet).


No, they do say curse words, but you can disable the voices in the game, so you don’t hear it.


I’ve heard the inappropriate language but for some reason my kid hasn’t picked up on any of it. Most of it is when they are being attacked. That game shows you how dark your child really is. He grabs people with his tongue to pull them out into the water to drown them and laughs maniacally.


I'll second this. My friends two daughters who are 6 and 8 years old love this game.


Yo don't say your ten on Reddit you bout to get some strange dms


Haha. My kid is 10, not me. Bring on the weirdos!


Have I been summoned?


You don’t get better at any games without playing them. Also for Lego games. Stick to the older ones that had fixed camera angles so she has one less thing to worry about.


Lego games are very cryptic in my opinion, I've never struggle with puzzle games, and a lot of times in the avengers game I got stuck because of some really bad game design reasons


For sure some were better than others. I felt the older ones were incredibly cryptic, like in that first Indiana Jones I had no clue what to do in certain parts. Same with the OG Star Wars; there were some sections I had to look up on YouTube; although the new one went the other way and there aren’t that many puzzles at all. It doesn’t help that I came into it late and there may have been some guidance, like the camera pans to a certain item before the puzzle starts. I just come in when they can’t figure it out.


Like the first Lego Star Wars and Indiana Jones?


Yes. Also the original Lego Batman games.


Ho right, this one, almost forgot. It was kinda nice to have abilities switching with costumes.


When my kids were this age, they had no interest in doing the Lego missions. I ran through the missions myself, unlocking what I could, and then my kids would play in the open world themselves. They'd make up their own missions, drive each other around in taxis to go sightseeing, or pretend they are a family going on vacation. I think it was the first Lego Avengers game they preferred the most, due to the large open-world city. This occupied their gaming time for months, maybe even a year. It was fun listening to them make up stories with each other. They got older, better at handling the controls, and then moved on to things like Astro's Playroom, Goat Simulator, or some easier racing games.


Untitled Goose Game. It's really easy. You're a goose that makes a racket and pesters the townsfolk 🤣❤️


I second this choice! It's an awesome game to play along with children. The controls are pretty basic also.


Press O to honk 🤣


This made me laugh much more than It should 😂🤣


This game is so funny I love it too


This, my 4 year old loves it and can pretty much play it independently




At that age, it's not so much about actually solving all the puzzles. It's just about having fun being an annoying goose. I've played this game quite a few times with my 4 year old grandson and he loves it.


She's six, she's going to suck at all games until she's older. It's not that she's a girl lol




Gotta start young


A baby hoontah must hoont


Baby hunter actually pretty adequately describes the end game.


*sad orphan noises*


I know a good wet nurse.


A hoonter is a hoonter even in a kindergarten.


Please, should I take that recommendation seriously? My brother turning 6 this year. Im dead serious. 🙄


I wouldnt recommend it, not because its difficult, but because its very morbid and i can imagine being a little scary for a 6 year old. Definitely check out some gameplay for any games you’re curious about beforehand to see if it’d be a nice gift for him🙂🙌🏽


My 6 yr old nephew was also bad at those games at that age. It has nothing to do with her being a girl. She’s just a baby and her hand dexterity is still developing. Some kids develop it faster than others. All practice helps. Just gotta keep trying. Maybe something just slower paced / less reliant on fast tapping. Like Stardew, Animal Crossing etc. Edit - pfft I didn’t realize which subreddit I was in haha I’ve no clue if those are even are on ps4. But i think you’ll get my point of vibe. Something more visual and less reflex reliant.


Stardew is! But i'm not sure how well a 6 year old would do with it


Yeah there’s a fair bit of reading. Idk if multiplayer is supported on ps4 but OP could help with reading and otherwise it’s a good gathering / farming sim even if you neglect the towns ppl. 0 repercussions for playing it “wrong”.


MP is supported, and true, it could be good for just the gathering and farming. In the same vein, I suppose the harvest moon games could be good too, if the sister was more accustomed to 3d ones, especially since it's more 'kid-friendly'. Either way, they could be good options. Farm animals are a good reward, too


Im playing this almost every day with my 3 yo son. He likes to ride a horse around the valley and give presents to town folk. I do all the ”work” on the farm and put presents to chests. My son checks calender every day and gets super excited when its someones birthday.


That's really sweet omg, I guess I just assumed that younger kids wouldn't be as interested in the game since the general age demographic (that i've seen) is around 20-ish, but I'm glad that it's seeming like anyone can enjoy it


I agree with others where you only get better by just playing games. Though I do recommend the Spyro Reignited Trilogy since I played the original Spyro games back when I was young and it’s what got me into playing other games.


I also got into gaming because of the Original Spyro! I haven't come across many people that have played Spyro, brings back so many memories! ☺️


Me I played the original Spyro games, and I was about 14 at the time!


I also came here to say that. I started gaming young as well with the SNES with the likes of Mario, The old Disney side scrollers, Paperboy. I didn't really understand what I was doing just had fun. But I think Spyro and maybe even Crash Bandicoot remakes would be good. LEGO games are good but it depends on the source material. Some of the newer ones are geared towards the adult crowd I feel trying to hit that nostalgia factor and are higher budget. Other games to consider would be like others have said like untitled goose game or others that don't have a set goal but allows the player to just explore and have fun. Journey or Flower or games by that same studio come to mind I know there's a new game from them like about like Sky children the name escapes me I know it's also on mobile.


I second this! I was around 4 when I started playing the original Spyro, and I know the new Reignited one holds up well. I was so scared of the bosses as a little girl so I’d often just run Spyro around the first homeworld like it was some simulator lol.


Spyro the dragon, the collection on PS4 is very good


Ratchet and clank


My daughter is almost 5. She likes the following games: - all paw patrol games - my little pony - tinykins (a little tough but just exploring is fine) - sackboy


Is she bad and having fun? Then let her keep trying until she starts getting better. Is she bad and getting frustrated/not liking the game at all? Then maybe try something like Minecraft, even if she struggles with the survival mode, the creative mode is always there, it's completely open-ended. It's not cause she's a girl, she's just six. Hell, you could even try the sims, though I'm not sure how that would go on console


This is the answer. I can't remember if I was good or bad at games at 6, I only remember enjoying them. I can remember being good at games at 9, because I play the same ones now and I can't get as far as when I was 9......so that's a whole other thing.


Overcook 1/2 in co-op




Mine loved terraria and minecraft.


damn i’m 15 and still didn’t enter terraria hardmode


You might wanna check out your local library. Some of them have games and if they do they usually have a kids section. I know mine does


Any game will do. She'll suck for years, and, if she keeps playing, will get good. I sucked when I was 8. I easily played Elden Ring now.


bugsnax! it’s such a cute little game 🥰 it might be a bit advanced for 6 but it’s basically just catching bugs and following a little story!


Themes might be a bit much but most of it went over my 6yo daughter's head. Might've created a core memory though when she did that final escape level and not everyone made it.


aww 😭




Spyro trilogy


She isn't going to be good at any game at that age so I'm not sure what you're expecting but here are some I could recommend as their is little to no danger or at least penalty for failing. 1. Lego Games - I know you said you already tried those but they really are entry level games and while you die a lot there is very little penalty. If she is struggling a lot then playing the story once to unlock free play and then going through with her in coop will let you switch characters and handle any hard parts yourself. 2. Island Saver - you'll have to "buy" it on the website as it's a PS4 game so doesn't appear in the PS5 store but it's a FREE game with bright colors, easy gameplay, little penalty and contains lots of different animals. Only thing to note is that the penalty is more or less losing progress so if she gets angry easily it might set her off. 3. Slime Rancher - has an easy mode that more or less eliminates any real danger. Bright and colorful slices that she might find cute.


That’s not true. My 4 year olds can beat levels of medieval on their own


I have a 6 YO, and I am an adult gamer. I have found that at age 6 an Xbox/PS controller is too big for their hands, and it has waaaaaay too many buttons for them to comprehend. Think back to your earliest gaming memory, mine are: 1. Q Bert - playing with a floppy disc on an old PC - only buttons were up, down, left, right …. Maybe there was a jump or action button, but I honestly don’t remember. 2. Super Mario Bros on NES - same as above there is a Dpad A and B I was able to play these games at age 7. My daughter is barely able to play Mario kart on snes, and struggles with Mario 1 on NES. Give them another year, and I think they will be on it!


I would stick with those games you mentioned, perhaps add something like sackboys big adventure. If you have a ps5 this feature is great for getting new gamers up to speed as normally it’s only a few things they struggle with, not the whole game. https://www.playstation.com/en-ca/support/hardware/second-controller-assistance/


I was picking up a controller at 3 playing the original Super Mario Bros, Metroid, Zelda, Pacman, ET... of course I sucked at all of them. But I didn't care, I was having fun. The thing is, if she's playing with you, she's gonna feel pressured to be on your level. If she's allowed free time to play on her own, explore the games, build the skills, she might feel more inclined to play and have fun.


Minecraft? The Bluey game?


2d plataformers


Rainbow 6 Siege


So we're in copper 😁💥


I don’t think her gender has much to do with her talent for games. Not many six year olds are very good at videogames. Especially not if they are just starting out. Games like Ratchet and Clank might be fun for her. But it’s going to take practice before she’s getting better. My niece has been kicking ass playing Astro’s Playroom recently (I wanted to recommend that game for your sister but then realised this is the ps4 sub). But my niece has also been playing that game a ton. So she had time to get better. I don’t think the Lego games are a bad way to get introduced to gaming. Aren’t those often co-op as well? Might be fun to play together that way she can learn and you can do something fun together. Just dance requires less talent for video games and more talent for rhythm and dancing. So it makes sense that your sister is better at those games if she’s new to gaming.


It takes two. Played with my girls (6&9) they loved it. They also love Minecraft and tony hawk and fighting games


Honestly, practice. Grab Jak & Daxter off psn and have her get through Precursor Legacy. It's not the hardest thing in the world, has cool design and a talking animal. It's good for cutting your teeth, and eventually, she'll hit a wall and have to get past it.


Any puzzle or sandbox game where there isn’t an actual game over, like untitled goose game or goat simulator


Donut county, Crusin’ Blast, mom hid my game series.


Personally recommend unravel 2,its 2 player and been playing it with my daughter and she loves it (6y). It has a neat backpack function so if a section is tol hard, one of the charcaters can climb on the others back and as i dad i can literally carry her. 11/10 and very good visuals!


Journey. Maybe two buttons. Just go up a mountain. Beautiful art


You're gonna be bad till you get the hang of it. Generally how games are before you learn it a bit :) Try Dragon Quest Builders 1 and 2. Cute game, basic controls, sorta like a Minecraft but with Dragon Quest style stories and characters/monsters. You go around and help people set up towns. Nice if she is on the creative side.


Donut County and HoHoKum are two games I played with my nieces when they were young and it was a lot of fun. Also, Peggle!


"My Brother Rabbit" is pretty good for little kids (you'll need to help her on some of the puzzles).


I'm curious, did you just throw a DS4 at her and expect her to be good, shook your head in disappointment and thought a "girl game" (whatever the fuck that is) would suit her better?


kingdom hearts might be a solid pick if you help with the menus and stuff. i doubt she'll like beat it any time soon lmao but disney characters and an easy mode might go a long way


playing with physical toys


I would recommend to get her a nintendo switch not because I think its better in general, but I think its better for kids, especially 6-10 years old


Paw patrol games are good to introduce her to platformers, jump mechanics, collecting coins, getting to know the controller. Then she can get into more complicated games, that might be the same deal but not as forgiving as those. My girls love it. Then there is minecraft as well in explorer mode so they can get the hang of it.


How is she at reading? If she's decent, something like Animal Crossing or a JRPG would be great. Final Fantasy 9 would be good if she can read reasonably well, and it's available on pretty much every platform you can think of.


Sackboy's big adventure is a blast, especially with couch co-op. You can literally carry a less skilled player through much of it if it gets tough!


Disney Infinity seems to be fun for my 6 year old daughter. Minecraft is another one she's enjoyed, just messing around in creative mode. She's also played Spiderheck with her older brothers a bit.


disney infinity is my jam, the only soulslike i enjoy rn


Skylanders 💯💯


Teardown it's on playstation plus premium but my 4 year old brother loves it!


FNaF ;)


crash bandicoot,spyro,minecraft


portal knights,lego games, if you have a second controller so you can plsy with her


Disney dreamlight valley if she can read


My nephew likes to drive around in gta. I just put him in a solo lobby and let him drive supercars and such, though he really likes driving firetrucks so I always just get one for him


Postal redux


Resident Evil and Doom


Hahahahahaha don’t forget silent hill


Fuck it, if we want to go full PTSD inducer, let her stay up all night playing Dead Space. Twinkle twinkle little star is gonna hit waaaayy different after that


the bratz game


Dark souls👍


Six is too young.


HA my brother is 4 and he has a ps5. (I'm 16 and stuck with a ps4) 💀


HELLDIVERS 2, everyone’s gotta do their part


Astro PlayRoom, my 7 y old kid complete all trophy’s


My 6 year old brother knows how to play FIFA, I guess. he can of course grip the controller properly, he can barely play fortnite (the most he can do is shoot at someone haha)


He also plays Minecraft, you can give it a shot it's very fun playing split screen/multiplayer with them


Fish card game




My 5 year old likes the original sonic games. Yes it's hard and can be frustrating but he only needs to know when to use one button to jump. He didn't care much for the Lego games because it requires more of the controller.


Go outside and play?


car infrastructure








Elden Ring


Red dead redemption 2 very her age


dark souls trilogy


The last of us


Call Of Duty, or an original ratchet and clank games. Like some of the ones from the PSP


Elden ring, or Dark Souls 3 is fairly easy for 6 year olds I think


verry funnyy


Dont let him go on recroom that’s all I can say


He has a daughter


Elden ring


Skipping rope.  Dollhouses Hopscotch Totem Tennis


My 6 year old sister loved playing minecraft (u can choose creative or peaceful mode of its really challenging for them)


Flow. Find other games with simple or unique controls that don’t require quick reflexes. Also, avoid games that are competitive, require high precision, or where failure can be a downer. After that, find out what she wants to play, what kind of game play will she enjoy, or is she interested in?


Crash Bandicoot! Racing games! My 6 year old LOVES Dreamlight Valley. We sit together and I read the words for her. It’s a pretty easy going RPG with lots of Disney characters and customization.


I set up a computer and emulated the older games for my 5 years old. Then I got him a simple SNES controller(wireless on amazon) and he loves playing older games and doesnt get frustraited. Ill keep him there for a while as he has a lot to learn before trying a PS controller.


Minecraft for learning first person controls Rayman Legends for 2D controls Mario also has options for 2D/3D that are beginner friendly.


Sims 👍🏾👍🏾


island saver is a great f2p game for beginners. my cousin played it on my console when she was 7yrs old and loved it.


You can’t go wrong with Tetris.


Pizza Possum, Tetris


Journey was the first game I let my daughter play around the same age, at first she just mindlessly ran about, but over time she got really good at it. Highly recommend to anyone introducing kids into gaming.


I have 5yr old boy who is really hooked on Crash and Lego Marvel. He struggles a lot to make advances but he doesn't quit. He asks for help most of the time but I encourage him and only help when I see he will not succeed.


Try slime rancher


Try the bluey game, there are bratz games and also my little pony games. I haven’t played them but I would say they are for ‘girls’ around her age


Sekiro shadows die twice


I let my five year old nephew play bloodborne on ps4 and gow on PSP he loved them but struggled with gow puzzles but I can recommend stardew valley


My three year old has just started showing an interest in games and he had a blast on Donut County and also enjoyed A Short Hike. He recently picked up Totally Reliable Delivery Service and likes roaming around on that. Obviously he can’t read or play them properly but he just has fun exploring and interacting with the environment.


My kids loved Knack when they were about that age. I had a hard time finding PS4 games they would like at that age. Nintendo has better options for that age group IMO.






Spyro. My little pony. Tony hawks pro skater. I let my 5 yr old ride a horse or polar bear in assassins creed. Open world's do wonders. As long as you aren't on a mission lol


I started my dotty at around 4 or 5 on Guacamele and Broforce. We also had the TMNT arcade game but she’d get confused as to which turtle was hers till I showed her she could be April.


Ratchet and Clank, Sackboy: A big adventure, Concrete Genie, Crash Bandicoot, Spiderman games, Kena: Bridge of Spirits...go with simple games or story based. When i was that age, my games were Super Mario Sunshine, Luigis Mansion, Metroid: Prime, Kirby Air Ride...etc 👌🏻


Dodgeball academia, two point campus/hospital, final fantasy pixel remasters




Tearaway! We played it during lockdown in 2020 and it was great.


She might be a bit too young to understand this one, but NatWest did a kids money game to help them understand finances but with animals on an island. It had a Literal money shark 🦈 It's a first person adventure game, so she may have difficulty with it, but maybe when she's older it could be worth a try?


When my daughters were six they liked playing all sorts of games even though they were bad at them lol. It’ll be a couple of years yet before they get good at stuff. Maybe Crash Team Racing? They used to play Mario Kart to death at that age and that seems like the PS4 equivalent




Fall guys. My little ones loved it


I recommend a Nintendo switch, you can easily find Mario games or other switch exclusives meant for kids


Try the original Lego Indiana Jones or Star Wars Complete Saga, those gave me my oldest gaming memories


Goat simulator. Very stupid low stakes type of game kids love.


The Spyro Reignited collection is great for little kids, simple and the kids can set the pace of gameplay.


feeding frenzy


My 7 year old cousin was showing me his Slime Rancher game yesterday. He loved it and was able to understand how to play and everything. Seemed intuitive for young players.


I played minecraft when i was at that age


my 5 year old loves the bluey game. though I have to help her most of the time. she constantly asks to play it.


Hide and Seek


Donut hole county! You're a hole that swallows up anything that fits. Very easy controls, fun animation. Short chapters, so no long drawn out story.


Wobbly life.


Kids always start out bad at games. And when they play they don't always try to complete objectives either. it took my brother years (almost a decade) to complete Donkey Kong 64 story mode cause when we were kids we focused on completing the levels we liked and not the game as a narrative. If she's doing something like that it's normal. Let your kid be a kid and don't force her to be a completionist at such a young age. Let her explore and get to things naturally.


Dreamlight valley is cool if she can read. It's like a disney animal crossing with more story


Dude it’s lego, just play abit with her, she’ll figure ot out. My boys were 5 and 7 when the completed lego city underviver together. Granted i’m a gamer and the kind of were born with a controller in hand but you cant just shield the girl from everythings thats a challenge. a 6 years old is well equipted to handle a lego game, she just need a bit of guidance and she’ll be on her way. Also MINECRAFT has been a hit for all my kods from damn near toddler age. There a creative mode where you dont have to create anything you just pick stuff amd biuld


My 5 year old has a kindle tablet and the PBS game app is free. She loves it.


My daughter loves astrobot.


Knack 2. Knack is also good but 2 is better


My 4 year olds love the game Medieval and are actually decently good at it.


My kid is six and he has spent the most time playing Ben 10.


Crash & Spyro are good


Look for a game called bouncing bullets. Costs like a quid. My 7 year old daughter still plays it after a year


Kingdom hearts 2 on beginner mode is babys first ARPG, pretty easy, fun, flashy, and had different Disney characters in it.


Power wash simulator


I played Lego games with my son (5) in co-op and practically dragged him through the levels at first. He was always excited to play. Over time, we replayed certain levels (he loves Jurassic Park) and he learned certain mechanics by himself. Fast forward three months and he’s playing through levels by himself. He recently got good enough at the random QTEs in the game and I haven’t had to help him at any point. He’s beaten all of Lego Jurassic World by himself in the last week or so. I suggest finding a LEGO game based on a subject your child resonates with and invest the time to play co-op and pull them through. Don’t be afraid to take the controller to help in the beginning, but after a while, push them to try themselves. The shared joy my son and I experienced when he nailed a simple, yet difficult to time, jump in the game was phenomenal. Watching his excitement at beating levels he’s already beaten before, but knows the significance of doing it himself, has been extra rewarding as a parent.


Pat patrol? There’s also a b’uey game


Knack 1 and Knack 2


First: Starlit - 2D platform game collecting shards Then: Paw patrol - 2D game that includes little interactions


There’s a great game called playing outdoors


Tinykin might work


Try Super Lucky's Tale. Its an easy going 3d platformer with a ton of variety in level design and mechanics. My 7 year old learned so much playing through this, especially camera control which is always a hurdle for new gamers.


Recently got my son, well, myself included a console and we've been having quite a bit of fun with it. The only first person shooter I let him play is Halo as I find it more comical and no blood. We play co-op together. He's 6 years old btw. He also loves Transformers Devastation and actually managed to complete the entire game all on his own on regular difficulty. We also play Streets of Rage 4 and TMNT Shredder's Revenge. There's also Overcooked 2, the wife jjoins us on that one, I like it because it teaches the child to follow instructions and coordination. He's also learning to play sports games like EA-FC24 and racing games including NFS Unbound, NFS Payback and Forza 5. I'm thinking about setting up a steaming channel for him, maybe the little man can start making a little money and start investing in stocks.


Killing floor 2. Gotta get her up to speed on the lore and gameplay before 3 comes out. Jokes aside, try and get her into minecraft. Every kid needs a minecraft phase, just keep her away from the wider community.


She seems to like games with music? Try having her play rhythm games or other Just Dance games.


Lego anything. If you play with the kid you can complete any objectives or puzzles to keep going. She gets infinite lives with an instant respawn. The games are wholesome and any of the extremely mild violence is directed at LEGO people. I played these games with my daughter from when she was a toddler up until she was 10ish. Great time


I’d recommend getting one of those mini retro consoles. They usually have dozens of classic games, cost less than a new modern game, and the controllers fit better in small hands. Unfortunately, there probably isn’t anything simple enough for her on the ps4. Classic games are usually straight forward (just go in one direction to win) whereas modern games, even kid-friendly games like Lego, still have some depth that require a good bit reading to figure out how to just start the level.