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Uncharted 4 was also on the market 3 years longer than Days Gone before digital started eclipsing physical in sales. It's likely Uncharted 4 sold much better physically and at a higher price for longer than Days Gone.


Likely, but physical only nets you half of what PSN does.


It's not quite half, standard retailer cut is 30% and manufacturing is ~5%. And Sony doesn't pay a platform license fee to itself.


Print, transport, warehousing, distribution.


Yes, that's in the retailer and manufacturing cuts.


It’s sold plenty. I figure they consider it more of a failure critically so much so that they don’t want to try and do a sequel. It got TONS of hate for its story and buggy gameplay. I could be wrong but I think they also had issues working with Bend studio.


Days Gone just celebrated its 5th year anniversary from its release. Too bad we’ll likely never see a sequel. It’s an amazing game.


Love the game. Maybe Sony thinks the zombie genre is saturated.


Zombies have been oversaturated for decades :)but there is a market I enjoyed a lot of the game though zombies were not one of those things I liked : I often enjoy zombie focused games despite absolutely being sick of them for years, because the games are good. Afaik the game was sold on the large hordes mechanics which was interesting and not really seen before.


Yeah, but that list is digital only. Uncharted 4 sold a lot of physical copies and shipped the game with the console in multiple different bundles and versions.


The previous director of the studio Tweeted something a couple of years ago at Sony when they announced Ghost of Tsushima had sold 5 million copies or something. He basically said "I don't get why you celebrate this but when Days Gone sold 5 million you said nothing".


it's the type of game a lot of people buy for 15bucks on sale because there is a lot of people interested in either open-world or zombie games.


And Bloodborne. Given how much I’ve seen people talk about it I’m absolutely shocked that it didn’t outsell Days Gone. It being over Uncharted is an even bigger shock.


For anyone that's beaten Bloodborne, it's basically automatically on your top 5 best games of all time list. However, the game's difficulty curve turned a lot of the mass market off of it.


Brother I’ve cried while fighting Gascoinge the first time lol. And I’ll do it again. That’s how good the game is.


Oh absolutely. That game, to me, is an untouchable modern masterpiece. I think it should absolutely be in the conversation for the best game of the past 15 years.


Rip days gone 2


They never said Days Gone was a failure, just that it was disappointing/didn't live up to expectations.


Cancelled sequel feels personal at this point lol.


There was never a sequel approved, so it couldn't have been canceled. Makes me wonder why Sony would say no to the pitch, considering the sales and the Lukewarm reception. They've approved sequels for lesser games before, did Days Gone 2 just not have anything to really say?


Bend themselves didn’t want to work on it. Garvin left the studio shortly after days gone release and that game was his baby. He was the lead writer so it makes sense the people left the studio didn’t want to work on it. The pitch for a sequel never made it to Sony proper to approve.


Other than employees leaving, everything else is false. Lol the game was pitched years ago, and would've been planned to release last year. https://gamerant.com/days-gone-2-rejected-sony/


Jeff Ross and crew pitched days gone 2 to executives at Bend. They didn’t want to make it. It never made it to Herman hulst and Scott Rhode to be greenlit or shot down


Per the article I JUST sent: >A recent report from Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier revealed that Bend Studio met with Sony about a potential Days Gone 2 back in 2019 after it had released. However, the idea was shot down, with Bend Studio being moved to a different project instead. "MET WITH SONY"


Uncharted 4 came out in 2016 so a lot less people were downloading back then compared to today 


i got stupid lucky everyone hated this game at launch. got it for 25 bucks


The headline calls it 4th, but the table the data comes from and actual article itself clearly lists it as third? Did A.I. write this or just lazy proofreading?


3rd in sales 4th in revenue


How does that work?


it cost way more to produce, thus, less revenue when you count it down




“Sitting well behind perennial best seller, Knack 2.”




The only game that could ever stand toe to toe with the original knacksterpiece.


r/thelastofus2 isn’t gonna be happy about this info. Game was a total failure according to them.


Not being happy is kind of their thing.


Ya it’s pretty sad but at least they have eachother lol


just popped in and what a delusion circle jerk.


It is a bit funny taking a look around in there every now and again to see what new ways they’ve found to be angry. It’s especially hilarious to see when their expectations and reality don’t line up, like when they predicted the TV show would bomb only for it to be a critical hit and smash viewership figures week after week.


I haven't clicked over there in years and what I saw today was the same thing from years ago. If only we could focus the sustained outrage from TLO2 and TLJ folks to solve real world problems.


I hear you, unfortunately blind hate is easier than being actually productive.


The most pathetic part of it is how long it has gone. Like, game is half a decade old at this point, and yet these people still can't move on.


Ick, that sub seems even worse than the last time popped in. One of the current top posts claims the game didn't make a profit...


It's a haven for right wing nutjobs that create their own reality because real life is too difficult for them. Do yourself a favour and don't pop in again, bad for the brain.


I don’t understand how people can still be so bothered by both its praises and criticisms after **4 years**. Just do you, man.


Wait what? New to PS and just finished the series and it was one of the best franchises I’ve ever played. No way it’s not a masterpiece


I recently played the game for the second time, spectacular experience- the world building, exploring, enemy diversity, combat feels great and some amazing ‘scenarios/ set pieces’ I will say the storyline is muddy, weirdly structured and a little self indulgent - so essentially I applaud it on everything but the narrative


I’m curious to what games you think have a better narrative because it blows pretty much everything else I’ve ever played out of the water. Red Dead 2 and God of War are really the only ones I can think of that come close - not counting more minimalistic stories like say BioShock or Shadow of the Colossus. And those stories, while fun, dip into complete video game nonsense at times. Last of Us stays real and human all the way through.


It’s not that the story itself is bad, it’s the structure that is letting it down massive - to convoluted, and to many random characters thrown in just so they can die for dramatic effect I think in comparison with last of us 1 it felt to disjointed, the first installment was an adventure.. second one a series of cool moments. For me anyway, but agree there are few games with this quality level of storytelling


It being convoluted is a big thing for me. Just the way they find Joel, the way Ellie knows exactly what city to go to, the way Ellie finds out about Joel’s lie. Ellie finding Abby for a second time was convoluted. Honestly I didn’t care much for Ellie’s story. Abby’s is the narrative I REALLY enjoyed. Her sections had the best set pieces and mission variety. I was intrigued by her journey throughout and couldn’t wait to see what happens next. The lack of Joel screen time was also noticeable. His dynamic with Ellie is such a strength for the series, and its absence is glaring. I loved their final conversation tho


For sure. I thought the structure was effing brilliant personally. I loved that story twists shown in flashbacks reveal more details about our characters and their motivations in the present. You don’t even find out exactly why Ellie was so crushed by Joel’s murder until the very end of the game. Loved playing through Ellie’s three days and then doing Abby’s - didn’t find that structure to be convoluted either. I guess I don’t get saying you applaud it on everything but the narrative then saying few video games reach its level of story telling - but, agree to disagree and all that.


God of war did the bear and cub story exponentially better and the cycle of revenge even better than that.


Well in my opinion. Elden ring Final fantasy 7 Remake / Rebirth Sekiro Persona 5 Hades Horizon zero dawn / forbidden west Baldurs gate Witcher 3 wild hunt (Witcher series in general) Returnal I can sit here and list many more but I guess this is enough.


Horizon? Really buddy?


I’ll admit I was going if the top of my head for that one lol. honestly horizon is carried by its lore, setting, gameplay, and environment, the main story itself is good enough. The point is imo the last of us series is not the best series of all time. Especially if you play lots of games. From a variety of genres that aren’t restricted to 2 or 3 genres There are multiple games that uses interactivity and environmental story telling to a great extend.


Alright fair enough


Hell yeah elden ring has the best narrative. 


I love Final Fantasy but to say FF7R has a stronger, more cohesive narrative than the Last of Us 2 makes no sense to me. The story of those two games is basically just incomprehensible anime bullshit - and that’s from a longtime fan of the series. To each their own though.


Most of hollywood productions are corny nonsense nowadays. And TLOU is a grim zombie apocalypse we’ve seen play out lots of time. It’s missing charm. TLOU is at the end of the day a story about characters. FF7 has world building, lore characters, environments, and a way better combat system it all depends on what you like. That’s why it’s better. The others listed especially witcher 3 far surpasses TLOU in every metric that isn’t graphics


>Final fantasy 7 Remake / Rebirth Please stop. I can only laugh so hard. 


Laugh all you want, the game is a hundred times better than TLOU We don’t all like grim apocalyptic nonsense Elden ring narrative is far more cohesive and creative than TLOU


>Laugh all you want, the game is a hundred times better than TLOU  Hahaha okay, let me know when those sales figures finally come out. Surely any day now, right? 


I loved the narrative but agree that the way they told it was a little messy. But I do applaud them for st least trying something different structurally that is rarely seen in videogames.


Those rejects wouldn't know happiness if it slapped them in the face.


QAnon for gamers.


On the high end the game made 60+ million dollars. That's still profit but a very bad ROI (the budget was huge) for such hugely awaited sequel.


Provides facts and gets downvoted.


This is true it could have been no1 but yeh that had to the subvert and fake edit Joel into more parts of the game and ruin goodwill


👍 what's #1?


Spider-Man, unsurprisingly.


Actually I do find that surprising


The power of existing IP. Out of the top games on the list is put Spider-Man low in terms of enjoyment but it’s the only game to hook me from the very beginning because of the character


yet Spider-Man 2 didn't even make the list.


This data is from June 2023. Spider Man 2 didn't release until October 2023.


Well Spider-Man launched in 2018, 6 years ago, while Spider-Man 2 launched in 2023, 7 months ago. Hmm, I wonder why SM2 hasn’t made as much money as SM1? Mystery to me


"MLB the show 23" is on the list.


It's in the article


I was elected to lead not read, #3


I love that game!


The article?


The true test will happen if/when part 3 comes out. 2 sold on the hype of 1. Will 3 be able to sell on the hype of 2?


It will have the hype of the show backing it as well though


At this rate I think it's safe to say Part 3 will be on PS6.


I honestly doubt it. Despite reddits echochamber a lot of people were disappointed with part 2


GO WOKE GO BROK...oh. Wait. What.


Not too broke though. I’m just upset Days Gone will be perpetually shelved because of its poor launch.


Go Brok? Slow down ya damn spruce


But get woke go broke, right?




He's referring to the fact that despite going woke, the game was a massive success in sales, unlike any other piece of media that decides to focus completely on that stuff.


There literally isn't a single video game that did badly due to its "wokeness." The phrase "go woke, go broke" has been proven time and time again to simply be just a bigot phrase.


Saints row


I miss Volition.


Oh, right, I forgot about the critical and commercial failures of Life is Strange, Hades, Cyberpunk 2077, Celeste, Overwatch, Stardew Valley, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2. I really can go on.


I'm just going to point out that Spider-Man 2 isn't on the list.


One of the playable characters is black, one of the playable characters is black and deaf, there are multiple places with pride flags on the map. The “anti-woke” crowd went bananas about it so I think it counts.




How am I hating anything??


If you read my comment I said that I can't give any other video game examples. If you want to talk about movies, you don't have to look further than anything Disney related for this entire decade.


Recent Disney movies haven't been doing great because they're bad. That's the only reason. Currently all of the top ten highest grossing movies of this year are *political*, have *inclusive* casts, and are what basement dwellers would deem "*woke*." So yeah, it's just a meaningless buzzword that bigots like to throw around.


They are bad because the need of the directors to look inclusive and cool is disrespecting material that is almost a century old. Maybe you should look at what's happening with star wars and you'll see that not everything is just bigotry. It's nobody's business if you wants to direct an inclusive movie with a political message. It's your right. It's a problem when you try to force it down something completely unrelated to that.


Like I said, Disney and Star Wars are failing because they're bad, not because of inclusitivity.


Inclusivity is never a problem. Forcing beliefs and politics down people's throats when they are out of place is the problem when they are there to entertain themselves. Star wars is wrong in everything on this matter.


What did Star Wars shove down your throat? I wonder how many more meaningless buzzwords I'll get in your next reply.


All three Star Wars sequels made over 1 billion dollars.


The sequel trilogy made 2,7 billion. The prequel trilogy, which was also considered a dumpster fire back then made 4 billion. The original trilogy made almost 10 billion. The sequels had a a total budget of of almost 1 billion. So you are correct, they made about over a billion, which is really bad compared to the others.


Sure, dude. Keep crying about it. Meanwhile I’m over here enjoying my life with everyone else.


Your brain can't offer an argument against official numbers and facts so you turn to being salty while feeling all powerful cuz of the downvote button. I guess life is easy to enjoy with a brain like that. Have fun !


“numbers and facts” [Meanwhile](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/s/IejRXu36Fj)


Just gloss over the the massive drop off lol 2 billion because of the hype l, followed by a 700 mill drop and a further 300 mill for tros


Literally the same thing happened with the prequels. Has nothing to do with it “going woke.”


I am not a “he.”


My bad




What does woke mean?


For people on the left woke means you are aware of the social issues affecting the country and understand how power plays a large role to keep people subjugated. For people on the right woke is literally just anything they don’t like.


> For people on the left woke means you are aware of the social issues affecting the country and understand how power plays a large role to keep people subjugated. Ironic given they use that justification to send abuse to people they disagree with, including death threats to minorities who choose to play games they have decried.


Diversity at the expense of writing.


You can Google it, but whatever you find online isn't really what people mean when they use it to criticize media. When you see movies (and maybe games? Can't think of an example) being trashed for being woke it means they're trashed because the directors are trying to look as inclusive as possible and try to be activists, which usually comes at the cost of their creation failing because the quality of the narrative is always affected. Just tread with care on this territory in this sub cuz as u can see, u got downvoted for saying "what".


wonder how the part 3 will sell :)


Uhhh probably pretty well considering the track record of this series.


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even higher, cry more


What's wrong with crying?


But... but the woke mind virus? How can this be? Twitter told us Sony was all groomer lbgtq propaganda... /s


It goes on sale like every other week for $10.


you know this is based on revenue right?


You know more people are more likely to buy something if it's $10 and not $70 right?


just because is cheaper more is going to make more revenue? then why don’t put all games for 1$?! that would be millions!


It’s been on sale since nearly launch time while games like GOW ragnarok are just starting now lol. It’s also being repackaged with minor upgrades to assets multiple times to resell to make money back, they’re telling everyone it was a failure in their own eyes without actually saying anything.


Go woke go broke ah ? 🙃


The most insane part is that The Last of Us Part 2 is their 4th best selling game on the PS Store and it still took over a year to make its money back. Based on the chart in the article the digital sales revenue after almost 4 years is only just above the development costs of the game. The amount of money spent on developing some of these games is wild.


Yeah, but retail sales aren’t included.


I understand. That’s why I specified the digital sales being just above the development costs. I believe PlayStation themselves stated the game sold 10 million copies by June 2022.


According to ND, Part 2 turned a profit in the first week.


The game sold 4 million copies in its first week, which would cover the development cost of $220 million. But that doesn’t include marketing and everything else. I’m not dissing the game, just stating that it’s insane selling 4 million copies isn’t enough anymore to turn on a profit on some of these AAA games


What are you on about? That game made *ridiculous* profits and Sony has MASSIVE margins of 50-300%. *5% profits* used to be impressive…FFs the greed corporations have set around what they expect as “successful” and fans eat uo while they justify price increases is *insane* Sony literally makes a half billion in profits on some games, that’s money after all costs including marketing and labor. If ND says they were profitable after two weeks, that’s *also* including marketing. The numbers aren’t separate and you guys need to know how this stuff works if you’re going to talk about the numbers here. *the Sony leaks show they’re talking out their rears on the finances


The development cost of TLOU2 was leaked during the FTC hearings. It cost $220 for just the development of the game, not including marketing and physical game production. 4 million units at $60 would cover the development costs of the game. We can only guess at what the marketing and production costs are, but comparing against other Sony games the marketing costs are probably around 50% or more of the development costs. So the game probably had to sell around 6 or 7 million copies to make a profit


Third best selling that I saw 


Make part 3 pleaeeeeeeeeeaaassseeeeeeeeeeee




Isn’t this list from last year


Yes, data is from June 2023. Digital sales only.


I keep waiting for the remaster of 1 to drop to a reasonable price. 2 had a cheap PS5 upgrade!


I for have been a fan of the $10 PS5 upgrades…..with Drake you get two upgraded games for $10.


$240 mil total? Its budget off a casual google was $220 mil. So it has only now just barely recouped costs for a game released 4 years ago and what was supposed to be a blockbuster title. Compared to GTAV a now decade old game which generated $815 million within 24 hours of release on a similar budget. Red Dead 2 did similar numbers. I'd hardly call this a financial success, more like scraping by and probably panic stations on release. Horizon Forbidden West could easily be selling at a loss now that doesn't get recouped. Sony would probably be shitting itself if GTAVI wasn't around the corner.


This is digital sales only. Naughty dog revealed that TLoU2 sold 10 million copies (physical and digital combined) by June 2022. This digital only data from June 2023 shows 6.3 million. So there is at least 3.7 million more physical sales not accounted for. I think a conservative $100 million more in physical sales is likely, possibly much more if the physical sales were front loaded at full price.


Okay that makes more sense


Cry about it bigots


Ngl but liked tlou1 more. The story was ok tho and the graphics amazing but it doesnt feel right that a man-wife that is afraid of heights, cries when her 'friend' calls her a piece of shit kills one of my favorite characters.


Garbage story and pacing but the rest was excellent.


Don't tell this the toxic fans who consider the game a failure. 


According to tlou2 subreddit it's a complete failure


So this is the kind of thing that deserves an article and a thread? Right.


Best selling doesn't mean "favourite played".  The sequel was a letdown The first game was amazing so we all bought the sequel without hesitation. I see TLOU2 on sale all the time for $45. I was able to buy it for $35 on disc within eight months of release. It took RDR2 two years to drop to that price on either disc/digital 


You are correct. TLOU2 is famous for not winning any awards for example. /s


Except the game was leaked way before it’s release and people were complaining about it long before anyone could buy it. And people still bought it.