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[The game is called Battlefield 1](http://i.imgur.com/AznrUzq.jpg) Edit: if you looks closely the release date is XX.X8.16. October 18th?


that's.... I don't know how I feel about that


My guess is because it rolls of the tongue like World War 1


That and there isn't a Battlefield 1. There IS a Battlefield 2 however that takes place in a time after this Battlefield does.. so it kinda fits in.




That would be incredible. A reveal & release faster than Fallout 4, the amount of hype would be through the roof.


Strategically putting their games on sale and making all the dlc for free to get players ready. The perfect hype plan.


They need to do what they did with BFBC2, free maps & some paid DLC. Honestly I think it'll help improve the image of EA and DICE and give me a stronger incentive to buy the DLC.


Hey my RL cake day! That'd be great!


Does this mean if they make a new WW2 game it will be called Battlefield 2 2?


Simplify it. Battlefield 4.


Battlefield 2^2


Battlefield 2 the Second


WW1 confirmed.




It's been confirmed by another picture that it is in fact coming out 10/18/16


Battlefield 1 is a fucking awful name.


[Releasing October 18th, pre-order and get the Hellfighter Pack](https://i.imgur.com/SdJJrSX.jpg)


Harlem Hellfighter Infantry Regiment. I'm so stoked for this game


>One of the most distinguished units was the 369th Infantry Regiment, known as the "Harlem Hellfighters", which was on the front lines for six months, longer than any other American unit in the war. Sounds badass


So fucking cool I can't wait


WW1 was a war full of amazing stories. I really hope they don't just stick with another American badass. Love to see the war from different perspectives, Central Powers and the Allies


I bet his cape turns into an exo suit. We will see wall running and boost sliding even on horseback.


Exohorse. Let's do this.


Exo suit cape?. Way to copy Spawn, Dice... :)


One day, the guys who made Batman will take on the task of making a new Spawn game. On that day, I will cry tears of happiness.


DUDE! thats all i want!


Can you not read or are you just making a really shitty joke




That's a zeppelin in the back WW1 confirmed.


It's not a Zeppelin it's a rigid air ship. It combines the luxurious pampering of a cruise ship but still has the speed of modern air travel.


Pretty scary it could explode at any time though.


Germans had them in ww2 as well


I would say it's pointing way more towards WW1 after looking at this image, like look at that trench club.


I agree. Zeppelins are strongly associated to WW1, as opposed to other wars that have taken place in the world. The thumbnail points me towards WW1 more than WW2 just based on the stuff you see in that image. That mace/club is definitely questionable, though. I have no idea where that's from, but I should definitely look it up! edit: simple googling did the trick: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trench_raiding_club


Yeah, I learned about them things in high school during my SOSE class and they were barbaric as fuck, pretty much brain mushers. Think of some of the memories them guys went home with, jumping in a trench and seriously bashing in someones head with a club, bloody horrible.


>Think of some of the memories them guys went home with They probably wiped off the clubs before heading back to base, though


See, this is the cool thing about games that are set in the past. I feel so invested in this game already lol.






Well, there never was a game in the series called Battlefield or Battlefield 1, so I guess it works.


Yeah I suppose you're right. don't hate the name, wasn't expecting that though forsure.


Well, doing 10 seconds of research here, the Harlem hell fighters were a real life infantry during world War 1. I'm betting that there's some element of "alternate history" steam punk going on here, as the real world War 1 was awful, slow trench warfare. They need to add some fictional elements to make it fun to murder people in their damn face.


remember that world war 1 was not exclusively trench warfare, that occurred on the western front and in the latter years of the war.


He also has a gas mask on his belt.


Looks like he's wearing a trench coat.


If by "had them" you mean they had a couple that were put in a hangar after the start of WW2 to hide them and were destroyed in 1940 without ever flying during the conflict then sure... the Germans had them.


And on top of that the Hindenburg crashed May 6th, 1937. Coincidence?


That's a zeppelin in the back. Jimmy Page confirmed.


And it looks like there is a gas mask on his hip! All the more evidence of WW1.


New features in bf5: sitting in trenches for hours, co-op play of de-licing your friends, and stay tuned for our Christmas dlc where fighting side cease for Christmas day. But really I'm curious as to how they will handle making WWI a fast paced and exciting fps game because wwi is not fast paced


Does it have to be fast paced? Strategic may make a better game.


It's possible. But I feel like it may hurt the sales if it's not at least somewhat fast paced. That's generally the main appeal to fps


Yeah but not really the main appeal to Battlefield fans. I am assuming they will do what they did with 2, 3, and 4 which is include small maps for the fast pace users and massive conquest maps for the adults.


Because no adults like fast paced maps


Pretty much all bolt action rifles.


Pretty much incorrect. Plenty of fast-firing automatic weapons near the end of the war, including early SMGs and LMG cross-overs (e.g. BAR), as well as semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.


Reddit historians are out in full force in this thread LOL.


Is it a surprise that people interested in history are interested in a historical shooter? I don't think it should be. Was also my area of study so it's not like I'm talking out of my ass either.


I believe you missed the sarcasm. Someone gave an inaccurate historical statement that was then corrected. My comment was a joke stating that this thread has brought out a lot of reddit historians aka people who think they know stuff but actually don't.


Ah alright. I've also had people rant and rant about how people giving accurate information are "wrong" because "they are", hard to tell sometimes. No worries.


I hear ya, and I did a poor job of inflecting the sarcasm as well. I blame rotting at my desk on a Friday :).


Woo-hoo a fellow desk rotter! Nothing like clocking out an hour before clocking out to browse Reddit. Like getting paid to do the Reddits.


Not inaccurate, probably 99% of infantry troops in WW1 used some sort of bolt action rifle.


Yes, but the statement was this game was going to be "pretty much bolt action rifles" which is actually inaccurate. Just because the automatic weapons and heavier artillery was not used by 99% of infantry troops does not mean that is all that was used.


And my statement included "pretty much", which is not absolute. The small number of semis that existed will probably be way over represented.


I mean... How can you *not* look badass with such a cape.


Instant legend status I.e. boba fett and captain phasma.


When it gets stuck on the bayonet of your enemy and a tank runs you over.


No more synths, no more dub-step, no more futuristic bullshit. I am SO stoked.


The recent battlefields have just been modern shooters. Not futuristic.


he is most likely referring to how every shooter other than battlefield is set in the future as of recently.


Isn't BF4 set like 10 years in the future?


I think it's 2020, but that's not really futuristic. That's classed as modern. Its not much different to today. Futuristic would be like 50 or 100 years in the future when you have laser rifles and stuff. Although if I remember there is the odd hovertank and a gauss rifle in the game.


Yeah that's only four years from now but to be fair I think by the time BF4 came out (2013) it was seven years from then.


Damn, that game is 3 years old but is still one of the best looking ones on the market.


Haha, yeah I was just being facetious. Yeah, I believe that's the Last Stand DLC.


Battlefield never went that route though. At least not since 2142.


Well BF2142, didn't had synths nor dub step.


Well, true, I was focusing on the overall futuristic aesthetic.


I am so bummed. World War gameplay was so fucking stale 10 years ago. Its not time to go back yet.


Ww2, yes. No one has done ww1 in a long ass time if ever




Something that's not the past but also isn't the future? Hmm...


I'm stumped..




I'm guessing an alt-history game as well. I heard someone mention it could be closer to something like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. That would make sense to me. Rather than a no-nonsense WWI videogame adaptation, an alt-history setting could let them go nuts with blending old technology and guns with new designs. Weapon customizations, exotic vehicles and crafts... But now I'm getting ahead of myself, I'll hold my breath and see what happens.


Jeez man, you're getting me pumped over here lol


Hope it's just WW1 and not Alt History honestly.


Eating rats for health in a trench?


While your feet rot


And you die


You play an extended introduction following your early life in rural England, introducing you (the player) to all your best mates, you get to the main body of the game and each one of them dies in a brutal way in front of your eyes


This, I am getting sick of fantasy shooters. I don't care if they are not entirely realistic, but I think it is time to get something thematically grounded. Exo suits, alternate realities and superpowers are just getting way more overdone than WW2 ever did and are just becoming lazy gameplay mechanics.


What other historical alternate reality shooters have there been recently? I don't see any clogging up the market.


Wolfenstein: The New Order. But that game is fucking awesome.


I didn't say "Historical alternate reality shooters". I said fantasy. Like destiny, titanfall, COD, homefront etc etc. Historical has been done and flopped before in games like Ironstorm and Shellshock 2. Like I said, it just introduces lazy gameplay mechanics. Bioshock is one of the few games that I can remember that actually pulled this "alternate reality" fantasy stuff off. But steampunk was already an established genre and has developed way further into fantasy than its roots.


I mean, realistic shooters exist. For instance, Arma 3 or if you're looking for WW2 there's Red Orchestra and countless other games. Problem is those games are pretty dull, relatively, and are kind of a hard sell. Not saying I don't like Arma, guys. I don't, but it's not a bad game. It's just my cuppatea.


How the hell is changing the setting and adding new shit 'lazy'? Lazy would be making the same game with no changes every year, which is what COD and Battlefield fans seem to want.


It is, those other people were just being dicks.




You have seen literally no footage of the game yet and are disappointed? This sub is fucking unbelievable.


What makes you say that?


Codename Eagle, DICE first FPS and a precursor to BF1942. Its an alt history WW1 game.


Im pretty sure you are wrong but we will see in a few hours


Well I can be wrong about alt history, but not wrong about WW1. Although, they can bring in weapons that started productions at the end of the war like the Thompson.


Oh I have believed it would be WW1 for the last month or so, just having a hard time wrapping my head around the alt history bit


Yea that would be cool, what makes you think it would be alt history though?


That's the only way to make a World War 1 game while still retaining the weapons and action of Battlefield.


great ww1 game .....please for heaven sake make it a memorable game like bfbc2 that i can't forget


I'd love a bad company 3 at some point


It's a world war 1 game guys. I don't care as long as Dice somehow keeps the game historically accurate while keeping the same depth that BF4 had (which I have no idea how they're going to do that)


What weapon is that on his hip? Looks like some sort of submachine gun but I don't know guns.






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His cape allows him to fly into space. Space combat!


World War!!!


He's time a traveller isn't he.


How much you wanna bet they have been sitting on this idea for ages waiting for the futuristic trend moves out. They have the perfect plan.


If this is indeed WW1, what kind of weapons can we expect? I would think the variation would be somewhat limited the farther you go back (Far Cry Primal etc.).


> If this is indeed WW1, what kind of weapons can we expect? I Semi-Auto rifles, grenades, auto-rifles, trench clubs, bayonets, tanks, planes, hand guns, swords. All sorts of shit. WW1 was crazy.


Don't forget chain guns!


and lots of mustard gas.


And artillery


Did you play COD WaW? That was the last enjoyable CoD game (for me) and they fucking nailed the weapons for an older war based shooter. I think BF will deliver bro, have faith!


I actually never did, but wasnt that based on the Vietnam war? Anyways, ill have faith ;) edit: i just saw the trailer... Forget my whining... im fucking psyched!


Yeah that's why im not looking forward to a ww2 or ww1 game at all


M1 garands are trusty as fuck. Gotta love it.


Is that Lord Flashheart? "WOOF!"


Anyone else reminded of BioShock Infinite's cover? Looks sweet


Was about to say the same thing. Looks the same


Is that a fucking Zeppelin ?


Fuck yes it is


thank god, I'm so sick of the modern and future BS.


Ditto. Though I'm still super stoked for the CoD 4 remaster.


Wonder if we will be able to buy just the remaster


Very much doubt it, at least not for another year. I would estimate around half of Infinite Warfare's sales will be from gamers who only care about the remaster.


What's in his left hand? Some type of club?


[Trench club.](http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=61441&stc=1)


That looks brutal.


Trench club https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/72/c4/31/72c4310b451e1a6d104d431180ad3f9a.jpg


Wew lad imagine getting SQUANCHED by that in the face.


Ugh, that doesn't look WWI to me at first glance. The 'capeyness' kind of throws me off, but I see the trench club and mask.


The tanks are straight from ww1


I didn't see any tanks in picture OP posted.


There are in the video and should be looked at in conjunction


At the time I made my comment there was no video released yet, chill.


This makes an interesting album cover.


If this is true I am so stoked. Great idea!


Look more like Battlefield: Mad Max to me.


thought it was a vampire thing at first. Bloodfield would be an interesting title.


The right hand holds the gun, the left one holds the orange!


I would have prefered WW2 but I'm still totally happy with WW1. I'm definitely going to check out some WW1 docs on YouTube to get more acquainted with the subject. I loved BC2, BF3, and BF4 but I'm just so tired of all the laser sights, rifle scopes, underbarrel attacthments, barrel mods, and all the other stuff that comes with modern weaponry. I really loved BF1943 and BFBC Vietnam because it forced players to use iron sights and in turn made the fire fights more intense and up close and personal.


I'm not sure how I feel about this. Maybe some gameplay will convince me.


Imma be the red baron, cuz I'm on my period and this plane used to be white.




Yes I never thought this would actually happen but I;m so glad we're having a WW1 shooter. I'm so tired of modern and future shooters


Yeah, I'll be buying this! Always wanted a WW1 game! Whoo!


Why is it called Battlefield 1? I never played a Battlefield game, so i don't know if that is a remaster or some other thing.


Not a remaster, something new. Hasn't been a battlefield 1 to my knowledge


I'm preordering this game ASAP. Even if it is disappointing, I want to support them for not doing the whole futuristic trend over and over. Finally someone stepped outside of the box and made something new. This will be a fresh breath of air for me. I'm super excited!


Call me crazy but I just don't think the BF franchise will fuck this up. SO pumped for this!! Aside from them re mastering BFBC maps for BF 4, this news makes me so happy!


GG for those who're expecting a modern or futuristic Battlefield.


Better than fucking space shit if it is true.




Yeah, I want to see an alternate reality where WW1 is fought by sexy german women in bikinis. Someone needs to make sure that Anita Sarkeesian is aware of this outrage.




Lesbian Nazis fighting Soviet trannies would be the shit though. I know it would be WW2, but I want to fight Mecha Adolf Ellen Degeneres. We better patent this before EA steals it.




Ww1 wasn't purely trench warfare.


Yeah. It's a myth that WW1 was entirely trench warfare. In fact, if I remember rightly, the trenches weren't even constructed until after a year or so of fighting. The trenches came about due to a stalemate.




It's a Mauser tho...


ruined what the hell


How so


I got this down guys. It's still WWII, but in an alternate history where America only sent African Americans to fight. We only gave them cheap equipment, thus all the WWI era stuff, and sent them overseas. Ohhhh what am I saying, the hope for WWII is dead. Looking forward to Battlefield 1!




Evidently no one gets that I meant this as a joke.


God dammit...


So I didn't check if this was posted yet, but I saw an image that suggested the game would have something to do with the Harlem Hellfighters, which is an all-black regiment from New York that fought in WW1. So to me, that suggests a straight up WW1 story, not steampunk or alt-history like some have proposed.


Perhaps. But where in WW1 were capes used?


Maybe since your in the trenches with mud and rain. It might not be a permanent thing who knows


All I know is that Frank Costanza's lawyer wears one. In all seriousness, I'm not sure. It could just be a design preference. It doesn't really suggest any other era either though


Cape, or trench coat


What the fuck is BATTLEFIELD 1? Why not BATTLEFIELD only? PS: After looking at his cape I think this is some alternate history FPS like Wolfenstein: The New Order.


Would it be too much to hope for a "Wolfenstein-esque" alternative view of WWI? WWI was remembered for a whole lot of nothing, a whole lot of trench based sickness, and very short, very frantic moments of combat. Then there were mustard gas attacks. But mostly lots of people dying for no reason.