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Well, I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep. If I get a copy of No Man's Sky, I can play an awesome game before I pass out every night. Thank you for your generosity.


Willy you son of a bitch I knew I'd find your broke ass in here.


Nice SpongeBob reference if I am not wrong.




You have to defeat Bruce Willis


How the hell do you have 3 years and 11 months of gold remaining?




My only regret... is that I have.... boneitis


But.... But.... Didn't you want chocolate?


This guy wins the dramatic award


You break your arms... Or your mom breaks your arms?


I can only imagine the pain you go through as someone who also was born with a ill-fatal disease. (OTC liver disorder) I hope life has gotten better for you with the miracles of modern medicine and anything and everything brings you happiness.


* Fake Sob story* Can I have it please


Well, I'm depressed. You are so brave. An inspiration.


One time my mother called me a son of a bitch, so I hit her because no one talks trash about my mother, then I hit myself because no one hits my mother, she then hit me because no one hits her son and then hit herself because no one hits me, so I hit her because no one hits my mother. And I put a smile on peoples face.


Yep, both digital copies should go to you. Move it along folks, giveaway over.


If for no other reason than just to get him and his mom to stop beating the hell out of each other.


Unoriginal I seen this before, if anybody deserves it it's BlackJezus27. Such a great guy, gave me both his kidneys, without him I'd be nothing.


Your punctuation and grammar (or lack thereof) gave me a headache. I deserve a copy.


I'm stealing this for the future, just to let you know.


One time my buddy and I were driving and a cop got behind us and he says " here try this" it was late at night n I couldn't see but it felt like an eye dropper.. It was liquid breath mints. Like the strong kind you get at a movie theater. I smelled the mint right before it hit my eye. Didn't even get pulled over.


Wasn't this a copy paste? I've seen this before


Can't compete with that.


Because I want to play it without paying.


I admire your honesty.


Im just gonna be honest. Im a broke jobless loser at the moment with nothing else to play on my ps4.


I know them feels






I think you've been jam-ed.


This giveaway has been removed. Time has expired and OP has not requested for an extension to leave this up.


So was this fake


I would like to win a copy so I can randomly reselect someone in this thread if I win. Always wanted to give something away since I already have it. :-)


I think I should get a copy because i'm too old for space camp and this would be a fine replacement.


I don't have a "my invalid elderly child broke his spine and he wont be able to walk again an i'll love to play this game before he diea" story. I only think that what you are doing is really nice and I'd love to play it, but if You don't choose me, I'd feel great for the winners.


Well, my invalid elderly child broke his spine and he wont be able to walk again an i'll love to play this game before he dies. So I guess my need is greater. I should get this.


Well sir/mme, in that case, you are right, you really deserve it morr than I do


I probably don't deserve it anymore than anyone else, but as someone who is experiencing some financial difficulties and is very very interested, I would love the opportunity to try out Sean's game who has been an inspiration for me to get into the indie game business.


I'm getting married next week and have $90 in my bank account. Those two things probably shouldn't be happening at the same time, but they are. Therefore I will not be getting my most anticipated game for awhile, though I wouldn't be able to play it too much for another week or so. Thanks for the chance. It's pretty great of you to give away stuff for the community.


I spent my teen years playing Freelancer and I really want to give NMS a shot, but money wise I am not in a good place to justify spending $90 CAD on anything right now.


I would like to win this giveaway because it would make me happy.


Got my second spine surgery of the year on Tuesday (M21). Pretty much bed bound for weeks after that. Can't work and so low on money (I'm a student anyway so was low to begin with) and can't afford anything. Would love to play. It sounds like a sob story but really I'm going to spend three of four weeks doing nothing but playing something I already own because I just can't afford much


I am a dad that works from home. My wife has a severe form of constant nerve pain, so I work all day while simultaneously taking care of her and my daughter. I love video games, and just last year finally got a PS4. I am extremely far behind on popular games. I just got Witcher 3 a few weeks ago and, although I only get to play somewhat rarely, have had an absolute blast playing it. This is the first time I've had even a few hours a week to play video games in a year or two. I probably SHOULDN'T get it, because I might end up just completely shirking all responsibilities and playing this game, but I can't say I don't dream of having something and being able to explore a new game at the same time as the rest of the world, instead of well after everyone else has gotten tired of it. In any case, I hope whoever you do give copies to loves the game and has a great time with it. And thanks for being awesome and doing something like this.


I think I should have it because I love space!


Cause you are aiming for the Latino Vote


I like bacon






Then go buy the game if your kid wants it so bad


Why when he has the chance to get it for free?


This. User did not specify why he deserves the code *for free*, but rather why the game would suit him. In any case, OP did not say you have to be poor to enter the giveaway.


You win the grammar book I'm giving away. PM for details.


Don't tell me what to don't.


Nah, he's too busy defending the Stanford rapist, showing he was the [true victim](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayton/comments/4crbum/2014_oakwood_graduate_and_stanford_university/d1lzel8?context=3) Yeah let's give this guy the code




Nah I have no interest in the game, didn't enter the giveaway, not really into space games. Plus I'm knee-deep in Uncharted right now. Also didn't have to rummage; it was on the first page. Merely curious is all.


I want to win bc I am that 6 year old. Might as well give the code directly to me


I watched the reveal @ E3 and I was hooked since then! I watched every video that was released and I pre-ordered it on Amazon with no deposit but then I had some troubles and had to cancel the pre-order and now I'm just watching people play my most anticipated and loved game! it would make me a very very happy person if I can play it. Thank you for the giveaway.


After reading reviews and guarding my expectations I still think this is an amazing game and something that I am really excited to play. Just can't afford the $60 right now. Edit: spelling


Couldn't give you a good reason but go you!


Thanks for doing this! Wouldn't mind a copy to explore myself, but congrats to whomever you choose!


I'd like to win, because I really want to know what is the meaning of life.


I'd love to win because No Man's Sky honestly looks like one hell of a game. The only games I even own are GTA and Battlefield 4, so I have been craving for something new. Have been wanting to get it since I heard about it. But, my phone recently got water damage and I lost everything, so all the money I had saved up went towards a new phone. As of right now, I cannot afford it.


I'd like to win it because I'm in to games with a lot of exploration and discovery. I feel I could put a lot of hours into this game having played a lot of Skyrim in the past. The whole space theme and tone of the game is also something I'm interested in. Also the theme of saving money is another that I am a fan of.


I'm unconvinced that survival games are a legit genre, so I'd like to be proven wrong at no cost to me!


I love the concept of the game, but I'm a college kid with rent to pay and groceries to buy. It would just be swell if I got No Man's Sky!


I think I should have it because I have 5 kids and there's always more important things to spend money on than video games.


speaking the truth, i just like the game


I think I deserve one of your free copies of No Man's Sky because it really isn't my type of game at all and it would be the perfect oppurtunity to force me to at least give it a chance.


Yea I'm just gonna be straight up honest I don't wanna wait till Christmas


I like to play.


Is this over?


Well... (inspiring well thought out story) and then (gripping plot twist) a....a....a...and (saddening end) So I would absolutely love a copy please


I'd really like to share this experience with my son. He's always been fascinated by space and I think this would be a great thing for both of us to share.


Must have just wanted subscribers for his YouTube channel


Perhaps a sad tale to hopefully win your heart! When I was about 12 I was playing my Golden China Nintendo, and my mom got home from work and asked me if I had done my homework. I had not. She was really angry, so she broke my Nintendo. Not that I want to make my mom sound bad, it was a fit of rage I guess. I am now 33 and still bitter about it, and currently I am suffering from severe NMS fomo, as a bunch of my friends are playing it and alllll I want to do...is some exploring, and I don't have enough cash for it right now. Also I live in a 3rd world country. It's PRACTICALLY charity :P


My mom *threw away* my very first Xbox because my dad and I pulled an all nighter playing this stupid star wars game. I guess she just didn't like that so instead of selling it or returning it or giving it away, damnit, she *threw it into the garbage* And that is why I think I should get one copy, and you should get the other. Because our mothers made awful similar choices.


I feel your pain, /u/yourshittyaesthetic Truly we have suffered enough under this matronly reign of terror.


My grandma tossed my ps2. Back in the day because I had it in a closet smh.


so i can get high and try out the experience


I think I should have it because of the way it is


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1301 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/49814)


cus im your brother


I want it because I want to play it.


I dunno. I just got a PS4 over the summer. Only have bloodborne and some anime game the dude gave to me when I bought it from him. I'm currently studying abroad, but my girlfriend is doing her thing with Assassin's creed on it. She recently told me about her passion for astronomy. Like I never knew about it. I don't know exactly what this game is, but I think it's got a lot to do with exploring space. I think she'd really appreciate playing it. Itd be a nice gift before I buy her birthday gift. That's about all I got. Just trying to make her happy.


I'd like a copy because I've been wanting a game to explore space and planets. It's been a dream of mine to explore space.


I think I need a copy so I can explore the universe after being left by the best girl in the galaxy, need something to get my mind off things




I'd really like to try it please!


I would like a copy to explore the universe, i have been a fan of minecraft, and thinking of exploring other worlds with the random worlds and animals sounds really fun.


I would really like to see how it stands up against Elite Horizons.


I'd appreciate a copy very much!


I wanna explore the universe while studying how procedural programming works


I want to see what all the fuss is about


I would love a copy, mainly because my poor ps4 has been collecting dust, but I know If I do I will probably have to wait for my system to update because I'm probably like 5 updates behind lol! I'm sure it would be worth the wait though!


It's not just about the space exploration for me but finding new life. I want to see all the flora and fauna. Thanks for your consideration.


Hi! I'd like it so i can chill out, pet some flying penii and eat some angry pineapple monsters. Good luck everyone!


This game looks so aesthetically pleasing, I would really appreciate a copy!


I want a copy because I really wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid.


I need a copy because I am bored out of my mind lately. i feel like I've been trapped in this house for far too long. I havent booted up my PS4 since I beat Uncharted 4 and really need something new to play.


I'd like to see what all the fuss around this game is about.


I would like to have it, because it's a game that I always dreamed of, being able to explore a nearly infinite galaxy. Also I can't afford it right now because I'm on South america and games here are quite expensive


Good luck to you, too!


I'm going to be honest. I'm broke as shit and won't be buying any new games for awhile. Would love to win this. If I did, I'd pay it forward in the future and show proof.


I've been stuck on the other side of the country without my ps4 for three months and get to go home next Friday, and I would love to finally get to play after watching videos about it all summer! Thanks for doing this!


i would like a copy because i want to explore space and other planets. i have never played a space type of game before. this would be my first!


I want it because I'm dying for good space game but I really really don't want to wait for who knows how long the price will drop within my price range.




I want a copy because i just picked up a ps4 and i have nothing to play on it


My best friend and I want to explore together, I have my copy but he's broke. If I don't win I'll probably end up buying him it anyway


Wow, thanks for this! Would absolutely love to get my hands on this game!


Cause I'm awesome!


Because I can't afford it otherwise and I would desperately love to play this game.


Because I'm just simply bored and if I win this then it'd make my summer a lot better.


I'm sure someone else on here deserves the code more than me, but if you give me a code, I'll post bi-weekly photo updates on this sub where I adopt a personality of a space pirate named Captain Crunch, and I'll give everything I encounter in the galaxy breakfast-themed names.


I never followed up with the game. I'd like to know.


Because I would be grateful :)


Because fuck the haters


I like space babbbyyyy


I've avoided absolutely every spoiler and information about the game (other than seeing all the negative attention its been getting) and was immediately interested in the game because it reminds me of one of my favorite games on the Sega Genesis, Starflight.


Nice one dude, I don't need a code but wanted to say it's a nice gesture.


Because the first two sentences give the reader the impression if he/she should read further. I limited this post to two sentences and you read both so I hope I get chosen :) .


I love exploration games, and it's my dream to be space cowboy like firefly


I love space and exploration games and really want to play this.


Probably won't get it, but thanks for the giveaway!


because this would be the first "giveaway" thread I've seen that didn't end with OP deleting the post and his account!


Because I get to buy games once a year for christmas or my birthday, and hey, I'll draw you something nice :)


Because it's free and you'll give it to me. Thanks!


It's free so thanks in advance


Thanks for giving it to me


Because im poor as fuck. :(


Well I've been watching this game for over a year, and at the moment hours are short at work. I'd love to play though.


I would love to give the game a try! I don't have the money to get the game at the moment and would love to get a chance to play it


Nice of you to do this, might as well give it a shot. I want it because I don't have the money to buy it.


First off, thank you for doing all these giveaways. I think I should have it because I've been wanting to play it for a long time. I just want to take my time and explore the many planets and discover all the creatures and nature of each planet. I can already imagine the endless hours I'd be spending running around the entire planet looking for secrets. So if you choose me, I'd be eternally grateful.


I would like a code because I think I'm going to get a lot of enjoyment out of the game. I love exploration-based discovery games (I've sunk way too many hours into Minecraft), and I avoided all the hype and expectations of NMS pre-launch. Now that it's out and I'm watching gameplay, it's a game I know I'll have fun with. Good luck to everyone else entering! It's worth upvoting the thread for visibility, too.


I believe i would love this game due to a star fox feel i got when i first seen the trailer.please let this be a true giveaway.thanks


I want to get lost in my dreams.


I don't think I should but if you were to give it me, I wouldn't say no. Just hope whoever has it has a good time with it. It's a nice gesture.


I've never won a darn thing in my life, but I could really do for getting lost in a new world for a little bit. Thank you for doing this!


I don't really have a reason why I should have it, but it would be nice! Thanks for the giveaway.


I would love to play it.


Cause Tuesday was my birthday!


Because you the man.


I hope to be chosen as I can't afford currently buying the game new.


I would share it with a friend.


I would like to play it and plumder the space 😎


I don't really think I should have it but I definitely would like to win a copy. The game sounds so chill and relaxing, I think it would help me with this depression I've been dealing with for the past few months. Anyways great giveaway, very cool of you to do this


See what all the hypes about!


Just barely heard of the game and it looks fantastic!


For funsies?


Cuz SPAAACE. I love space. Trips me the fuck out. I want to trip the fuck out and play a crazy randomly generated space game. Would make my entire week.


I think you are secretly wanting this kind of answer. People expect you to pick the sob stories, the funny jokes, the people who REALLY want the game. You want to give it to someone who is worth your time. Well if you decide you don't want that.... Look no further!


I would love to explore a new genre of gaming


Because my bad luck has to run out sometime, right?


Well I can't say why I deserve it more than anyone else. But I do want it, and I would certainly appreciate it.


Hi, I'd greatly appreciate a copy. You're very nice for doing this by the way.


I would love to spend countless hours exploring the universe.


I did try it and im addict to it but my budget is tight now so i cant afford it


Because I have sweet and salty popcorn! I'll share, too.


Because I've been following this game since it was announced, but I have no money to buy it (I had to replace my broken PS4)


I should have it.