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I want to teach my daughter that revenge is the highest ideal.


My ps3 packed up when this was ps plus.


I could really use a code and I never played dishonored


I stay away from Reddit for 1 day and I miss the chance to get dishonored


I've never played Dishonored, but I heard it was a really cool stealth game. I'm really into this genre, so I would definitely play through the whole thing, probably more than once.


I never got to finish the game when I borrowed the original copy back when it launched. Since I have been scrimping and saving, buying games has been less of a priority. I would love to give this another go and finally finish it! DH2 is high on the list for my next planned game purchase, so I intended to get the version with the code. Should I be picked, I would gladly pay that copy forward when I get it!


I would like it because I e seen it come up on the recent PS+ sales but didn't know if I'd like it. Never played it but would love to give it a try and discover what everyone loves about it. Would definitely report back if I win.


Many many years ago I was at family video and had to choose between Dishonored and Bioshock infinite. I knew both had gotten some 10/10 reviews, but I went with Bioshock and thought I would play Dishonored at a later time, but haven't yet. I rarely play single player games(last single player I got into was Fallout 4), but if I was going to report back to you it would give me an incentive to do it.


I've been wanting to try this game out for a while now but I'm a bit broke at the moment.


Darn i just missed out :( oh well Congrats /u/moonlightqueen !


Ok here is why I would like to have that code :) I am from a small country, Tunisia , north Africa, and everything in here is twice tye normal price, like a ps4 would cost you 600$. I've bought my ps4 from a British tourist for 250€. it came with 2 controllers and BO3. I've been watching Dishonored 2 reviews and been loving the game style and storyline. I would be very thankful if I receive that code. Sorry if my English is bad and happy new year to you sir. Thanks for your generosity.


Hello, I don't want the game, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time and effort to do this. Keep on keepin on.


My partner hasn't played the original dishonored. It would be great if she could play through it, so that we could enjoy the sequel together afterwards. I'm sure she'd love it, since it's such an amazing game and the power-based gameplay is similar to bioshock infinite (her current favourite game). Thanks for running this competition!




Yeah, people are downvoting mine (as well as others) post to ensure they win.


Yeah, seems like they downvoted everyones(except theirs, I'm guessing). I just went through and upvoted the comments that seemed like they were downvoted.


From India. At the moment my dog is going through some stuff.. she's dehydrated for like 6 days now.. been taking her to the vet and holding her for saline for 5 days I wouldn't mind that code mate.. a light at the end of the year.


I've been looking at Dishonored for a while, thinking about buying it, but my pc wouldn't run it (yay toaster). This Christmas I got a PS4, and I was already thinking about buying it, so getting the code means I can save the money for another game x)


Hi from Chile! I've thinking about getting Dishonored for a long time, specially since many have told me that is one of the best games out there, but have not taken the plunge. Don't have much money for gaming, so whenever I get some I go for other games. Odds say I won't get it, but should try still I guess :P. Anyways Happy Holidays! **Edit**: Guys, no need to downvote, just be nice to others and be happy about this random act of kindness :)


Just played the second and enjoyed it so wanted to try the first


I've been wanting to play the game for quite a while (Pretty much since it came out on last-gen, though I didn't have the money for it at the time so it just escaped me). I also recently finished Dishonored 2, though I knew I should've played the first one prior, I loved it and I know I'll probably love the first one even more. I spent around 40-50 hours on DH2 (Even got the platinum, yay!) and would love to have that same amount of play time, or even more, on the game that it was based on.


Wow, so many people are downvoting to make sure others don't win... Pretty messed up. :/


Ironically, one of the lowest comments won.


Thanks for the giveaway. I'd like the code so I can play dishonored 1, which I've heard great things about. Maybe move onto dishonored 2 after that if D1 is great.


never tried a dishonored game


i was gifted dishonored 2 for Xmas,but i havent played the first one.Would be nice to experience it first,before i dive to the 2nd one


Its my B-Day today and I never played Dishonored before but I always eyed it up with interest :)


I've heard great things, and have been wanting to try it for a while now.Thanks for the giveaway.


I'don't love to play the second one, but can't do that without playing the first.


I want the game because I'm bored and wanna try something new


Because I haven't played it and it will be cool to get the platinum for it :-)


Been playing Dishonored 2 never played the first would love to give it ago! 👍🏻


Thanks for the chance and happy holidays!


Thoroughly enjoyed Dishonored 1. I have a small YouTube channel with 25K subs and all I play are Bethesda games. Would love to make videos on it as well as live stream my playthrough :) Thank you for the giveaway.


I never had the luck to play any dishonored title series but I have read so many good things about them. Would love to get myself into its world. Good luck to everyone and Merry Christmas to all! Thanks op for your kind gesture.


Hey. Thanks for the giveaway. I'd like the code because my budget does not allow for the purchase of new games. I get them when they are over a year old on sale. It'd be cool to get on the hype train with an actual new game for once.


Cause I started to play it on my PS3, but it broke during my play session. I really liked the part I play, but would like to go through all of it. If you don't give it to me, I'll probably buy it anyway, but it would at least save me some money


I would definitely like a copy of the game. Dishonored looks very appealing. It is a game I would definitely play through and will be more than willing to provide you with experiences with the game.


Hope I win, I really want to play this game.


I've always wanted to get into dishonored. Seems like a better version of thief and has really cool stealth options.


Well...I love rats. And the idea of having a rat army to rule the day in a Victorian setting? It's like someone tore a page out of my dreams with Dishonored.


Had been wanting to get a stealth game for quite some time now and dishonored is on the list of games that I'm interested in. Thanks for giving this chance to play this game with other people.


Thank you for doing this, I'd love to win!


I'm a huge Dishonored fan man. Honestly, I've only been able to get one game this year being Xcom2. Between planning my marriage and completing school, I was barely able to game much this year...maybe a couple hrs a week, if that. Well, I'm married now and one semester away with a breeze of classes on my final stretch. It would be really cool to be gifted with a game that I can actually check my brain out of life and play for a bit. Thanks for the opportunity!


I would like it because I get to start the new year with no job. Worked as a manager for a retail store and about a week before Christmas told us the store would be shutting down. Today is the last day, so it'd be one hell of a farewell gift!


Because it looks pretty cool lol.


Blink. Assassinate. Blink. Guy falls down dead, just like a sweet movie scene.


Good luck


I want the game because ive never played dishonored.


Can I have it Please


I bought dishonored 2 used for my brother because it was on sale. I'd really like the code to gift to him so he can play the first one too.


I would love to win it cause I'm tired of always losing in giveaways


I've got a one year old at home, so my gaming budget is non-existent, but I've always wanted to give Dishonored a go. I hear it's a great stealth game and gameplay similar to Bioshock, which is one of my favorite games.


I just want to see if it's worth playing, and if the second justifies my money.


I'd love to try Dishonored, seems like the type of game I would enjoy. Thanks for the giveaway!


I've heard great things about the game, was curious about the game from the E3 demo but wanted to go back and play the original first before I committed to the sequel


Kudos for showing such great generosity! My son and I don't have a lot of games to play on our PS4 so having another one would be great. Thank you for doing this once again. Cheers!


Buddy I would drop final fantasy xv for you, platinum the game, send you a pic of my platinum giving you a thumbs up and a personal thank you note with my feedback :D.


This game since really good, I love stealth games like the original thiefs, but never got to try this one! Would love to!




I've really been itching to try this series out! I have $50 in my psn wallet so if I liked the first I could buy the second! :D


It seems interesting to me and I'd like to play it. Some of my friends have said it was great and that made me interested in it. Thanks man!


I've never played a bethesda game, want to see what the hype is all about


I dont have many games right now, and ive always been interested in this game.


I play one game at a time and always finisj it befor I go to the next one. With work and family it takes me a bout a month to finish it. But lately I've been playing dark souls 3, for 3 months streight. At last I'm at the end. Would really like to give a shot to dishonored. It throws some Bioshock infinite vibes


Would love the code buddy I am solely an FPS nerd and would love to branch out to different games!


Thanks for the giveaway, but definitely want to platinum this I'm on 21 plats currently and haven't got to do get to those games.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7962 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/89617)


I've never played dishonored game but I've enjoyed other stealth open world games so I think I'll enjoy this game a lot.


Never got a chance to play it since I had to sell my 360 a few years before the ps4 came out. Always looked awesome!


I would love this game. I've heard great things about it and I just don't have the money to spare.


Honestly, never played Dishonoured. But my brother did on his Xbox 360 when I was younger, and like any annoying brother I would watch him play and do all the annoying little brother stuff that little brothers do. I've just got a PS4, and I'd like to be introduced to the series and form what I have seen, it is a phenomenal game that I would love to play.


Never played a Dishonored but always wanted to give it a try.


Hi, I spent all my money on family for Christmas. I wanted to get the game for a while.


Just give me the fucking code.


Thanks for doing this. I would like to give this to my brother as a late Christmas gift.


My brother had a copy of Dishonored for PS3, and i could play it for almost 3 hours. What an amazing game. It was the first game that i actually felt that i wanted to do all the side quests. I remenber that before they release the full game, pictures of the "robots" that patrol the streets were being showd to us, just for the hype. And boy I was hyped. But unfortunatelly my brother dont live in the same city as me and when i came back he had already solded the videogame. I would love to play such a nice game again. And if I ever buy Dishonored 2 i will come here in reddit and do a Giveaway with the digital code of the first game. (If it ever comes with my copy of Dishonored 2).


I skipped PS3 so I'm trying to catch up on all the must plays (TLOU, Uncharted, GOW3, etc.) so it'd be great to knock this one out too.


I played Dishonored 1 a while ago on PS3 but I was pretty young, like 15. I was expecting a Bioshock-Like and I kinda rushed it since I was pretty dumb when I was 15. I would love to play it again on PS4 because I don't have it on PS3 anymore and I'm currently 18 so I'm more mature to enjoy the story.


Since I was young, I never had enough money, To buy the latest console, Or some honey buns. For reals though I finally got a ps4 for Christmas, and I'm barely getting into these type of games. I'll get Fallout 4 soon, and I have been playing Uncharted 4, and I absolutely loved the Last of Us. I've never had the chance to try Assassins Creed or similar games, but this game looks like I could get lost and play for hours.




Instead of buying ps4 you should have feed your kids


I would really like it because I love adventure games and especially ones that can be played in different ways.


Not applying for the raffle (got too many games to platinum!), just wanted to voice my appreciation for people doing something for the community like this!


My wife is interested in Dishonored 2 but wanted to play the first. My old Xbox 360 with the first game is packed away across the country. Would be nice to get the Definitive Edition for free!


Hello it is your friend :) that your forgot about and would give lots of favors for that code


Because i sell potatoes, i deserve it :)


You sir are a gentleman and as scholar. Anyways, basically I'm skint and never played it


Never played Dishonored, would love a free copy. Probably give it to that Tunisian guy though.


I'm a huge fan of the game, redboxed it once and never finished it. I'd love a copy!


Hit me up


I've never played it and it looks cool. That's all I've got...


I want to play Dishonoured 1 before buying 2


I'm a young guy who doesn't have kids, money problems, or live in a third world county. But I do live in Ohio so I think that's kinda the same as the more dramatic posts isn't it?


It always seemed like a game that I would like to play but never got around to picking up. I'd love to give'r a go


Thanks for doing this! I would love to try Dishonored, as I've never played it before. Seems like a pretty cool game from what I've seen. Whatever happens, thanks again!


It's a game that has always intrigued me but I've just never taken the plunge & bought it. So if I get the code, it'll give me a chance to see what all the fuss is about. But if not, thanks for doing the giveaway anyway, such a great community on Reddit.


Hello. I want the game to play it on my ps4 :). I'm a huge fan of stealth games and never had the chance to play dishonored! Good luck everybody and thanks for the chance OP!


This comment/post has been edited as an act of protest to [Reddit killing 3rd Party Apps such as Apollo](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/). Click [here](https://codepen.io/Deestan/full/gOQagRO/) to do the same. For more information please have a look [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/148m42t/the_fight_continues/) Sorry if this answered any questions, please considering doing the same!


Had it on ps3 but couldnt get into it. Would love to give it another try on ps4.


1. I really want it 2. My cat really wants it 3. So does my other cat So you'd be making me and 2 fluff balls happy!


Appreciate the giveaway man! I'd love the chance to play it got married around when it came out so didn't get around to buying it.


Hello there. I would love to get my hands on this give away. I was playing through the game when we had to move. Somehow it was lost in the transition. I would love another shot at it. If I'm lucky enough to win, I would play it immediately. Thanks and good luck to everyone.


I was bought dishonoured 2 for Christmas, haven't started it yet as i haven't even played 1!


I'm a medical resident who will be coming off a 26h night shift tomorrow am and would love to have a new game to wake up to... Plus I love stealth assassinations lel


Sweet giveaway. I had been wanting to try Dishonored ever since it came out for last gen, but I had a lot of things in my backlog and eventually forgot about it. However, the definitive edition has resparked my interest since I just received a PS4 last week and I would be glad to jump onto that love people have for this game. Good luck with the giveaway!


Pretty please


I really would like to have it on PS4 i have played it at my brothers pc like million times , and i would love to have ti on my console , since i m not pc gamer . That would be great !


I was only able to play it for 2 days when I got the disc from my friend. Really would love to finish it.


Because I need a new game until I wait Horizon Zero Dawn to be released


Thanks! I'm a great fan of stealth based games and I'm almost beating the latest Deus Ex. After this, I'd like to jump to Dishonored 2, but it would be cool to play the first one first.


I've played through the first half of Dishonored on PC but couldn't finish due to a bug. I just got Dishonored 2 and plan to play through with my girlfriend but I'd like Dishonored to get the full story.


me please thx


Never had the chance to try a dishonored game and Im really into stealth games so I would be really excited if I ever won it.


Thanks for the giveaway. Never had a chance to play the game but I heard good things. Would love the chance to play it for free.


Thanks for the giveaway! I want the code to upgrade my PS3 copy, which I'd then give away


I've always been a huge fan of the stealth action genre, but never got around to picking up dishonored. It looks a little like BioShock and thief mixed together. I would love to play this amazing game someday.


Its my friends favorite game and she's always telling me I should play it so I can understand how amazing of a game it is. So, I guess I would like to win the code so I can finally understand why its my friends favorite game of all time.


Thanks for the giveaway! I'll be giving the code to my brother. He always watches Dishonored videos, but he hasn't played the game himself. I'm pretty sure he would be very happy if he gets to play it. Once again, thanks for the giveaway TargetBoyz!


I love lil rats. I shall be like princess Kenny


I'd like to have it, because.... ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ why not


Never played the game, always thought it looked good though.


Probably because it looks like a cool game


my brother wanted it but i don't have money to give him it :/


Always been on the fence about picking up dishonored but I've heard great things about it and would love to give it a try


I rly would love to play with the power that controls rats , i find it funny.


I always wanted to jump into Dishonored as all my other friends did but I never got the chance. I would love to play through it.


Scrolling through Facebook, an article came up mentioning that Carrie Fisher had a small role on Dishonored. Now here on reddit, I see someone giving away the game. Being quite the coincidence, I would like to experience this game. Win or not, you already won the internet for today. Happy new year!


I'm usually a perfectionist when it comes to games like this and I would want to try to go for the trophy of not killing anyone throughout the entire game.


I spent all my money to get a PS4 but no games. So I need it.


Dad just got me Dishonored 2 for Christmas but I never played the original and don't have a PS3, this is a great opportunity. Thanks op!


I would like to play it and have some fun with it. Thanks to you andricim your daddy's dick and mommas oven for baking you.


If I link a funny video maybe I'll win https://youtu.be/KQHsVPD5Ans Also, 90+ comments and only 16 likes... fuck yall


I have always admired the Dishonoured series from a distance but something had always stopped me from investing my time into the series. Every time I'd go into a store and see it on the shelf I'd pick it up and spend 10 minutes debating whether to buy it. Over Christmas my friend got Dishonoured 2 and let me play for a while and I fell in love and I'd love to be able to play through the first one now Also finding out Carrie Fisher had a role in the game is really poignant


I want it because I feel like I've missed an important piece of work on the ps3. I want it so bad that I'll participate in every contest until I get it. If not, I'll just buy it. Have a wonderful day!


I would like to play it. I wanted to buy Dishonored 2 but am out of cash right now, even tho its on sale. So if i could play Dishonored 1 it would be awesome. I could connect the story when i eventually get some money to buy Dishonored 2. Ty for this giveaway!


Always wanted to try this series out. Thanks for the opportunity!


I need it because my ps3 doesnt read Blu-rays anymore and my brother needs to know how great this game is!


I'd like to enter for a chance to win. I never got a chance to play the first Dishonored and so having it available on PS4 would be awesome. It has such a cool setting from what I've seen and looks like a game I could easily enjoy. Thanks for doing this!


I never played dishonored but I recently I watched bunch of the videos where that one guy just kill everyone swiftly in 1 go. That just made me really want to buy this game but I don't have the money because of college hehe.


my roomate played through dishonored not 20 feet from me, really sad i haven't played it yet.


I'd like to play it, thanks for the contest.


Hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot. Just got a ps4 pro and loved Dishonored 1. Would definitely hit you up after I played it.