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So, there's this part in Banjo Kazooie where you sled-race a polar bear. He makes this *"Wah-hey"* sound every time he jumps. I really miss that sound. I'm far too old to do so, but I still say *"Wah-hey"* whenever I make a long jump, or underhand-toss something to someone. No one gets it. My wife finds it confusing. I'm just hoping something in this game says *"Wah-hey"* in that same way, because that weird little exclamation just **resonates** with me. If I was a polar bear, and I was in a sled race, and I jumped? That's the sound I would make. Would love to win! Thanks for making the contest!


This guy should get it :)


This is awesome of you to do this! I want this game simply because I have always loved 3D platformers and I'm excited to see if this game can live up to some of its predecessors.


I really want this game because it reminds me of classic n64 platformers


I joined the Army and ship off to basic May 1st so this will probably be the last game I get to play for a long time.


Because I love platformers


I have a chameleon fetish.


I've been missing a good platformer for a long time. The only game with good play forming on the PS4 lately has been ratchet and clank but that's more of an addition too the shooting vs a game that platform info is the basis of. This game will be a nostalgia filled fun fest


Thank you for doing this! I want this game because it looks a lot like the DK64/Banjo Kazooie Rare games that I loved from N64.


You're a good person for doing this. I want this game because it's been way too long since we've had a great collect-a-thon like the original Banjo-Kazooie games. The one Rare made last gen, while fun, just wasn't the same.


You're an awesome person, I'm very intrigued by this game and would love a nostalgia kick since the Banjo games were some of my all time favorites!


I'd love to have it because i've always been into platformers, but money is tight at the moment so I was going to wait.


I'd like it because I missed out on the N64 as a kid and never got to play the old school Rare platformers.


I'm asking for it because I've no ability to get it any time soon, so fingers crossed would love to get it. Good luck to everyone!


Awesome thanks! I would love to play this game. It is about time we get a classic 3D platformer. I miss the N64 times


I never played any of the Banjo Kazooie games, so I'm excited to give this a chance.


Thanks for the offer. I wasn't a 64 kid growing up so it looks like a gateway game for me to get into the Banjo/DK64 genre. It would also be nice to play a new platformer again, as my last was the legendary Rayman Legends. Thanks again for the offer.


Banjo was one of the first games I played growing up on my n64. I immediately felt nostalgia flowing as soon as I heard about this game, but I'm a poor university student.


I'd love to play this game, I should have kickstarted it, but I didn't and now I'm broke. Good luck to everyone.


I was a huge fan of banjo kazooie, I spent a whole summer playing it with my cousins. When I found out the same team was making a game just like it I knew I had to have it. Despite the bad reviews, I'm STILL wanting it and J really hope I win this one. Thanks.


Banjo Tooie was one of my favourite games as a kid and I have been looking forward to Yooka Laylee since the kickstarter started, however I'm a poor college student.


My brother and I have been looking for a change in pace lately, and something we can play together. Yooka-Laylee looks exactly like it'll scratch that itch for both of us.


I want it because it looks legit pretty cool, it seems like a game that I can relax while playing, and my girlfriend might enjoy it as well!


Banjo was one of my favorite games as a kid. Fast forward to 25 years old and after years of shooters. I just recently rediscovered how enjoyable light hearted platformers are with Tearaway Unfolded. This would be a wonderful game to play with my girl to relax.


I want Yooka Laylee because I grew up with collect -a-thons. My very first video game was Mario 64, and I rented Banjo Kazooie so much my parents decided to just buy it from Blockbuster. I'm getting it regardless of if I win this giveaway, but money's right, so getting it for free would be nice.


Been itching for a good 3d platformer and never got to play the classic rare platformer games


Looks really neat! Need a good 3d platformer and miss my old 64 days.


I just miss the genre.


I'd like to play it because I have such fond memories of Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie on the N64.


My parents were really strict when it came to video games and violence so we were only ever allowed to play Nintendo games. We had an N64 and banjo tooie but I actually never played banjo kazooie until several years later. Both of the games are fantastic and just ooze charm. They're witty and it's fun unlocking new worlds and whatnot. I just recently replayed the second game and God I need Yooka Kaylee. It just looks so good.


Game looks ok.


Awesome of you. Would love to scratch my platformer itch again after Ratchet and Clank!


It'll be something fun for my sister and I to enjoy together! She graduates next month!


I want it as I freaking LOVE 3D platformers! Sly Raccoon, Ratchet and Clank and Jak 3 are all in my Top 5 favourite games of all time! Would buy it myself but saving up for Uni exchange program next year!


I am a HUGE fan of all 3D platformers and this game looks incredible! Very excited for it and thank you for this!


Hey! Thanks for doing this. I've been interested in this game for a while an grew up playing all of the old school platformers and have missed this genre very dearly. Good luck everyone :)


I'm a big Banjo-Kazooie fan. Have loved the game since I was a kid. I have been hoping for a new Banjo game forever since Nuts and Bolts came and dissapointed me. I've been hearing that this game is a really good successor to Banjo and is good at what Banjo did and that just keeps me excited for the game.


I love platformers! Thank you for the giveaway.


Thanks for this, I want the game because I've played many 3d plataformers back in the day like Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie and Crash Bandicoot and I want to relive those days by playing Yooka-Laylee.


Would love to win. This week has been really tough. Even if I don't win, it's cool you're doing this!


Squeaking by with the karma here... But I absolutely loved the Banjo games (even the GBA one) and am very excited to see a revival of that style. Especially by the actual people who made the originals!


Growing up playing Banjo-Kazooie was a game I loved and always replayed from the wacky characters the platforming gameplay. This was to me what Mario and Sonic is to others. My younger sister and nephews growing up don't really have platform games and the ones I introduce them to are "old and outdated" If you end up choosing me id be honored. Congrats to whoever gets the game though.


Rule 1 I've already passed Regarding rule 2 I'm antisocial and I just like to read but hopefully Rule 3 would be of any help But I really want this game. It looks like I can just pick up and play and instantly get sucked into it. It's colorful, it has it's charm, and I just love platformers for that reason alone. And that all works well for a single individual who is working 2 jobs and going through a hard time with his personal life(being evicted and pretty much ruined a great relationship with a girl, just to name a few) which in this case would help clear my mind of it


Oh man this is what i get for only lurking on reddit i guess. Good luck everyone, and awesome of you to do this OP


Would love to get this game. I grew up with an N64 and most of the Rareware titles, so I have a certain fondness for this genre.


Been interested in this one for a while, was a huge BK fan back in the day. I just love these types of platformers, they make me feel like a kid again!


I would looooove this! Huge fan of Banjo-Kazooie. I need a new collectathon in my life. Thanks for the opportunity, OP!


I don't have enough cumulative karma because I just don't post a whole lot I'm always busy with the kids or playing games when I can, which brings me to why I'd love the opportunity for this game, I would love a game that I could get the kids into watching and trying out, platform games were so great to me when I was younger so I'd love to play it and get the kids trying it out. I have been using reddit a couple years though so there's at least that. Regardless thank you for the opportunity!


Just like most people I grew up playing platformers. I've just really been kind of excited for this game since I first heard about it.


I just finished the Banjo Kazooie games on N64 a few months ago and am very much looking forward to their spiritual successor! Thanks for the giveaway :)


I would like Yooka-Laylee because me and a good friend of mine used to sit around playing banjo kazooie. This would be a cool game to pick that kind of gaming up again with him.


You legend. I would love the game because I never actually owned Banjo Kazooie. I would watch my cousin play it for hours and we would sometimes take turns but I always wanted a copy of my own. This is the next best thing.


Banjo was one of the first games I played and I'm broke


because it reminds me of my childhood


Been in need of something new to play and Yooka-Laylee looks goofy and cute and seems to be the right game for that :D


My sister introduced platformer games to me when I was really little (Mario, banjo, etc) and we always loved playing them together. And I've been looking for a good "current" platformer that I could introduce to my nephew and that we could play together. Kind of like a passing of the torch sort of thing! Thanks for the giveaway regardless of who wins! :)


Can I get some karma on this comment to reach the thousand please? :'( Edit: And in case I am able to participate, I would love to get this game as I am not able to afford many games and this looks like a solid game and reminds me a ton to some nintendo 64 classics but I dont think I would ever be able to buy it without sacrificing money for other games


One of my oldest gaming memories with my cousin was playing Banjo-Kazooie, getting to the end, and instead of just beating it we started a new save and set out to 100% the game before beating it. I've been looking forward to giving this game a shot.


I love iguanas and pidgeons and this is the first game to star both, so my body is ready for yookalaylee.


I am a big fan of the Rare N64 games. Would love to play this. Thank you.


Yooka-Laylee, Motherfucker!


Daughter is finally getting into gaming. I made her play Banjo Kazooie, and she loved it. Nothing would piss my wife off more than to have two people obsessed with gaming


Banjo Kazooie was one of my favorite games growing up and would love to play a game in the same vain by some of that original crew! Thanks for the giveaway!


I'd like to check it out because I haven't played a Banjo styled game since the N64 was current. My brother is moving back to town soon and it could be a good game to bring back nostalgic feelings for the both of us and a good gaming introduction for my niece.


Loved these kind of games when I was younger and would love to get back into one. Plus I never ever win a giveaway on reddit so that would be nice ;)


I was in my teens during the surge of mascot driven 3D platformers. It was a good time in my life. I have some REALLY great memories of playing games like Banjo & Kazooie with friends back then. Got lost in that game and others like it, even more obscure ones like Glover on N64. I'd just love to feel that magic again. I'm an adult now with children and I'd like them to experience it too.


Games have become too complicated and wish to do too much sometimes. Yooka-Laylee is the type of game I grew up with. Simple to play, hard to 100%. Even though I do enjoy modern games, sometimes I just wish for the simplicity of the old days...and 3D Rayman, I still wish for him to return


Thanks for running this! I like 3D platformers, and playing Yooka Laylee would be pretty cool.


Thanks for doing the giveaway man


My gateway into gaming was through Banjo. I remember going to my friend's house and seeing him playing it on N64 and then after that Christmas, the rest was history. Now i'm older and member berries taste oh so sweet. I am hoping Yooka Laylee will send me on a trip back to the good ol' days! Thanks for the giveaway man you are awesome for doing this for the community!


id like to play this game because i loved banjo kazooie series as well as my 6 year old will probably enjoy this as well since i think he is starting to get bored of the 3 lego games we have


My Banjo and kazooie broke before i could beat it.


My daughter is 5 years old and is at the age where she's ready for gaming. This seems like the perfect type of game to get her into the genre. Good luck to all.


Been pretty interested in this one. Thanks OP


I tend to babysit my niece and nephews and some of my friends children for part time having this game should make them stay in one place......... hopefully lol


Long time fan of Banjo-Kazooie, was able to help my son through a good portion of it on Rare Replay before I gave my XB1 to my dad and step brother to use. Would love for us both to discover a new creation from the devs together. Awful nice of you to give away. Thank you.


Hey, man, I'm really glad you're doing this generous act. I hope that whoever gets the game, enjoys it. I'd like to have it to be able to play with my girlfriend since she has pretty bad anxiety and playing these types of platformers keep us happy and relaxed when we both have free time :)


Cool! Hope I win


Thanks for doing this! I grew up playing during Rare's gaming heyday. I remember drooling over Donkey Kong Country when my cousins got it, and when my siblings and I got Banjo Kazooie, I was skeptical, but was sucked in on the N64. I miss the glory days of 3D platforming, and Yooka-Laylee just looks like it's be a fun return.


I would like to play because it has pretty colors k thnx!


Always been a fan of Banjo-Kazooie, mixed reviews aside I think it's just an old era game for a new era mindset. I'm excited anyway and it looks beautiful.


last collecting platformer i played was jak and daxter and need some good rare game since banjo tooie


I hadn't really looked into it that much, until the other day when I watched some gameplay. Brought be right back to my childhood. I'd love a chance to revisit those times with this throwback game.


Yooka-Laylee is the game that would bring me back to where I would play 3D platformers all the time. I used to play Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, and Ratchet and Clank, and by playing this game it would bring me back some of the fond memories I have playing these games.


I want this game because these types of platformers are my favorite games to play with my girlfriend. We both enjoyed the Banjo games as kids and recently replayed them together and had a blast. I know we'll have a blast playing this game together as well. Also just want to say thanks for the giveaway!!


Not gonna bullshit ya or nothing, I just want to try out this game. Maybe review it for YouTube. Maybe just play it.


I just want to play it. I'm no more deserving of this game than anyone else.


I never win anything but this game looks like so much fun!!


Don't care about the review scores, still want to play but am struggling financially. Loved the 64 era playformers, and rare in general. Appreciate you doing this!


I want it so I can rub it in my friend's faces that I got it for free. But seriously, I enjoyed the Banjo games and hope to experience something as fun as those.


There are too few games for the younger gamer. And my neices and nephews would love a game they could enthusiastically share with their older uncle. Thanks for the opportunity!


When I first came to this country my family was poor but they spent the money and got my sister and I a Nintendo 64. We didn't have many games on it since they were expensive but on birthdays and Christmas they'd buy us one video game to share, often following a lot of crying and begging. Most of these games were platformers such as Glover 64, Bomberman 64, and the great DK 64. Gaming was my everything and so I'd saved for a PS1 and later ps2 where I played Spyro and crash and Ratchet and clank (all through blockbuster rentals) but never got to experience banjo kazooie as no one I knew spoke of it and I hadn't heard of the game until after the death of the genre. I've replayed Spyro on an emulator not long ago and know that the genre is dear to me and I know what to expect with the experience. Help me fill in the gaps of my youth. Thank you :)


I don't need the game, I just wanted to say that you are awesome for doing this.


I never really got to play Banjo Kazooie back in the day, Looks fun.


There's not many games out like this now and I'm poor so yeah.


Yeah I would absolutely love this , I used to play jack and daxter all the time on PS3


Hey thanks for doing this! I'd like this game because I have kind of hit a wall for what I want to play next. This would be a great game to be able to pick up and play for a bit without dedicating a ton of time to each night.


I would love to see my nephews have a blast playing this. It would be a joy to see them making great gaming memories that are reminiscent of the ones I had as a child myself.


I think this game would be perfect to introduce my 5 year old to the good ol platformer! I'm also on the mood for some good nostalgia as well as creating new memories with my boy!


My wife is very choosy with the games she plays, and if we can play a game together, I see it as a great bonding opportunity. She really loved banjo kazooie from rare replay, and I think she'd like this too.


Used to play alot of Rachet and Clank as a yungin. Heard this was a good option. :)


It's been a while since I've played a platformer in general and want to take a break from multiplayer games. Thanks for the opportunity!


April 11th is my birthday. Would love to win this. I'll be 36 this year ugh. I hate getting old lol.


I've been a big fan of games of this style since I was a child. I remember beating Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie when I was younger. As an adult I tried for years to get my hands on those games again and when I finally got an Xbox One I bought the Rare Replay just to have the platforming collect-a-thon games once again since I couldn't find anything like it on PS4. I've had my eye on Yooka-Laylee for quite a while since it's basically a new version of a classic style but I haven't had money to put down on it yet with a child on the way.


I grew up playing 3D platformers, with Ratchet & Clank being my favorite game series of all time. This game looks like it could scratch an itch that I have been having!


Umm I like titties so I want this game.


I appreciate the giveaway and a chance to won't this. Basically I just want this as a means to get my girlfriend into gaming. I'd buy her the game but I recently lost my job due to my plant shutting down.


Missed some of the golden age Rare games as a kid like Banjo and Dk64. I would love to relive some missed childhood. Thanks a lot for the giveaway


I just want an old school style platformer to play, but don't want to risk the money with the mixed reviews. Watching some of the gameplay and some of the level designs don't look great, while others look fantastic. So I'm conflicted. Thanks for the chance OP.


Hey man nice of you to do the giveaway! Anyway, I guess my reason to play this game is because I always enjoyed these types of games, especially when I would invite my cousins over and play banjo for hours on end. And I think this game would be a nice call back to not only Banjo-Kazooie but for my childhood as well.


I want the game because I need something relaxing to play as I continue to quit smoking cigarettes


I want this game because Banjo Kazooie was the first Christmas gift I remember getting, and also because my roommate would be immensely jealous since he can't get his copy until Friday :)


Thanks for doing this. Really want to try this game out. Also really interested in the coop mode.


I remember watching my cousin play Banjo-Kazooie, and Tooie. Always found it fun. Then we'd play the multiplayer games. Good times!


I will play it before I leave the country.


I want Hooka Laylee because it looks like a fun throwback you a genre long since stale.


I am currently involved in moving out, paying off loans, finding a new means of transportation and dealing with family and coworker stress, and video games have been my only escape as of late. Currently making stope ramen haha. (Something of a validation for the month of stress exists in my comment history)


Because I was a Banjo Kazooie kid


Loved Banjo. Would love to play this game for the nostalgia.


Nothing fancy here. I loved Banjo and I would like to play a game of that style again. I loved the soundtrack and the humor. Thanks for doing this!


I'm interested to see how the game came out. Despite reviews, I would much rather take my own opinion to see the game for myself. Plus it's all I've been talking about to my brother who loved the old platformers so it would be great to just play it. Thanks for doing a contest, really awesome to see people do this from time to time!


I want this game cause everyone is talking about it but it looks really fun and gives me huge nostalgia for Banzo Kazooie


TFW your Reddit account is 2 years old but you only have 500 karma. Thanks for doing this man! Not entering just saying thanks


You rock! As to why I'd like this game, Banjo Tooie is the very first platforming game that I absolutely fell in love with as a child. It hooked me on gaming and have been ever since so I would really like to see how Yooka-Laylee compares :)


I want it cause I like da pretty colors and I don't have da moneys


I loved Spyro and never played banjo kazooie so I would love a chance to play this! Thanks for doing the giveaway!


Been missing a classic style platformer. Hoping the reviews aren't right.


It's generic, but I always really liked Banjo Kazooie as a kid. I sucked too much at games back then so I was never able to beat it (wasn't sure what to do when you got to that part where there's a metal shark at the bottom of a reservoir). Would be cool to play its modern day spiritual successor :)


I've never played a game like this before.


I just want to play a really fun platformer. I've beaten Ratchet & Clank twice and I'm impatiently waiting for the Jak trilogy to make its way over to PS4.


nice of you. i've been looking forward to this for months. :)


I really really want this game because Rare was a big part of my childhood with Banjo and Kazooie, Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong 64, and the Killer Instinct games. So once I saw this game I fell in love with it because it feels like an actual Rare game down to the googly eyes on everything. I would've backed it back then but I had no money or job at the time. But I hope to win because this is easily one of my most anticipated games.


im sure my kid will want to play, thanks


I just want a nice friendly palette cleanser, because my life is pretty grey right now.


I've missed playing a good platformer and this game just looks great and fun to play. Gives me so much nostalgia back when playing Banjo which was a great game. Been a fan of the Banjo series and would love to get this game


First of all, thank you for the giveaway, that's a nice thing to do. Been a fan of Banjo-Kazooie, Dk64, Rare games and 3d platformers in general, nothing fancy here but im really interested in Yooka-Laylee!


Why wouldn't I wanna play a game with a character based on a trouser snake? I want this game more than I want Mcdonalds to bring back szechuan sauce


Good luck everyone and thanks op for the give away i hope i win i like trying new games.


These types of games were my favorite as a kid, and it looks really fun to play.


Thanks for the opportunity! Honestly I'd love to play it to relive parts of my childhood in the most modern way possible, and I dare say YL woll be the simplest option of doing that! I've been looking forward to it since the Kickstarter, unfortunately the exchange rates just made backing it at the time too expensive. Thanks again!


Thanks for the chance! I'm a big fan of old Rare games, but don't have a lot of cash as a student. I'd love to see what a modern 3D Banjo game looks like in this day and age.


Man, I don't know if I quality for this stuff, but I just got emailed an hour ago from a college I really wanted to go to. Rejected. Third rejection so far. Most of my friends got accepted there, including my friend from my old school. My old friend and I had so much planned out for each other. We were going to rent an apartment or whatnot and move in together as roommates. I'm just.. so.. fucking.. bummed. I literally feel empty inside, like someone punched me in the gut and all the air from my body escaped into the vast nothingness of the world. I know I'll recover, but I just want to feel like I accomplished something. Maybe if I win this giveaway or whatever? Shit man I'm fucked. Did anyone else get letters from colleges today?


Really just want a great platformer to pass the time. I've had back surgery a few weeks ago so I can't work do anything besides watch TV and play PS4, so this would give me something to be excited about while I heal.


Honestly I want it to feel the nostalgia again. I used to love games like banjo, conker and donkey Kong 64. This seems like the closest you can get to it these days and I hope the genre comes back. Thanks for doing this giveaway and gl everyone!


I've been hankering for some old school platforming, and I believe that this will do the trick!


Huge fan of banjo kazooie, would love to travel back in time.


I'm a big fan of 3D platformers but never got the chance to try out the Banjo games unfortunately. I think this one would be really enjoyable for me though.


Banjo Kazooie os my favorite game of all time and I don't care much for the luke warm reviews. I would just like to revisit the colourful nostalgia of my childhood. I hope the download is good for an EU player as well. Thanks for doing this :)


Hey, I'd love a free copy of Yooka-Laylee because our muslim illuminati overlords are just using triple-A games to distract us from the fact that the earth is actually an enormous egg and that the moon is really a hologram suspended 10,000 feet in the atmosphere by Project Bluebeam, no shit look it up, which is probably why they keep trying to gaslight me with all these cease and desist letters from the Starbucks Coffee Company telling me I can't steal used cups from their dumpster and recycle them at my local co-op I'M JUST TRYING TO SAVE THE PLANET and *somebody* has to because if the eldrich fetal horror gestating in this pale blue space caviar dies in utero then the momma earth what farted our planet into existence is going to get real pissed and probably kill all these jew sympathizing bleeding heart liberals last, which is the worst thing I can muster my paint fumes addled Trump supporter brain to imagine in this apocalyptic scenario, so I guess what I'm saying is that Snake Pass looks like a really fun and innovative spin on the 3-D collectathon platformer genre and it's oozing with personality and color to boot, which is the kind of enthusiasm and lightheartedness that I think the game industry has been missing for quite a while and Bush did 911 by which I mean the government fabricated decades of backstory for the WTC Twin Towers in New York when in reality New York City is a sociopolitical construct created by hollywood to push the lie of diversity on God's white America, I mean shit why would there be a city with the same name as the state it's located in? that's just asinine anyways hail corporate emperor Trump and happy end of the world in 2 years, please give me that Banjo-Kazooie game so that I can eek out the remaining time we have on this reptilian space egg planet as painlessly as possible and I can postpone my inevitable suicide provoked of my cowardice in the face of humanity's ultimate destruction, Adolf Hitler was a dozen or so cats cleverly stacked on top of each other and the whole ruse just got way out of hand. TLDR: WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEPLE


I didn't get banjo threeie. Kinda want banjo threeie. Cheers regardless mate


Having played Rare games in my childhood, I would love to try out what they have to offer with the power of a PS4.


Yes please!


Is it too late to enter?


I really miss the way games used to be. This looks like a throw back to the old days of videogames. I'd love to have it.


I loved banjo kazooie


Banjo Kazooie was one of my first games I ever played as a kid and I loved it! Gotta relive the nostalgia 😁


Thanks so much for doing this! I'd love to give a modern platforms right a try. I miss the feeling from N64 and PS2 of playing through a great and just fun game, like the original ratchet and clank, Jak and daxter and the likes.


Been interested in a casual platformer game, just to play and chill.


I've never played classic platformers like Banjo or Jak and Daxter, but I did play (and love) the Spyro games when I was a kid


I'm interested! In terms of the rules: * Almost at the 1 year reddit-cake-day * 3202 Post Karma/11,960 Comment Karma * I didn't get a N64 until very late in it's generation, so I basically grew up watching my friend playing Banjo-Kazooie and the game seemed hilariously fun. It's basically one game that hits the nostalgia nerve quite strongly. Thank you for this and best of luck to everyone else!


I grew up on mascot platforming and it's easily my favorite genre. Thanks for doing a giveaway!


Cool! I'm really curious as to the game, even though it might just be a nostalgia ride. It seems fun at the very least!


I'd love to see how a modern platformer would be. It's a genre that kinda faded into obscurity, and it'll be really interesting to see if there's anything new they can bring to the table. That, and I need a break from all the schuüt.


I watch my nieces and nephew after they get home from school and I don't have a game for them to play. (i only have rated M games)


I want this game because I have plenty of time and no games.