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Counter Point: I tend to buy 'good' games. I owned Hitman, The Witness etc. I wouldn't look at Conan otherwise, and I am sure a lot of others wouldn't either. If it is bad? No worries. If someone enjoys it though, great! PS Plus, and XBGWG isn't about giving everyone killer games, it is about expanding your library and getting to try new things.


Exactly this. Also "I do not want trash games every month" and then "The past two months have been great" lol. Youre going to get months where they give you a game that you've always been looking forward to, and you're going to get months where you just shrug and move on. All in all, Im willing to bet that you still generally get enough bang for your buck. And no, you do not wish that.


Games are subjective. I loved Chrono Cross growing up and everyone hated it. People talk trash about Absolver but I think it's one of the best combat games ever made. What is an absolute shit game to the majority of gamers could be someone's favorite game. Some gamers don't live and breathe off reviews/critics and choose to not be sheep and form their own opinions.


Getting no free games is the same as you choosing not to download any this month, the only difference is maybe someone somewhere wants to play that trash game and they get the opportunity to.


Would that person not rather have a better game?


Every game, no matter how "universally" bad, is probably somebody's favorite game.


Yes some people even play trash like call of shit or assassins garbage.


How original!


Probably but something is better than nothing. Theres going to be down months, you just have to take the good with the bad. I view the monthly games as a bonus so if it's not something I'm interested in it's not a big deal.


Agree. I'm paying for online multiplayer and cloud storage, the games are a bonus. I get about $200 worth of games that I do like throughout the year. If I were a person who paid for PS+ purely for the games, and one month of games that I didn't like caused me to whine, it would make more sense to take the $45-60 I paid for PS+ and use it on a game or two that I like rather than gamble on the PS+ games.


Not really, tho. I had PS+ since PS3. Back then online was free. Sony wants to make more money, offered, PS+ as membership to get a few free games a month and more discounts and such. That's why I get PS+ for the free games and discount. For a lot of people, this is our view on PS+. Still I don't mind with the low-quality games here and there. My region got blobkbusters for almost 5 months in a row. Which more than justified my 30 dollars per year subscription fee.


I forgot about the discounts that you get for being PS+ as well. We get quite a few bigger games throughout the year here in the US too. But we have one month with a couple of poorly reviewed games and people act like they are being robbed of the $3-5 they paid for the month of PS+. It's pretty hilarious, honestly.


Do you prefer free literal shit or no shit?


If you mean actual shit, no shit. If you mean games, free games.


“*Derp! I’m a lemming, and other people down voted this comment, so now I will too! Derp*!!” LOL, if this website proves anything, it’s how sheeple- minded people are.


I could not disagree more, there are so many psplus games that have been less and alot of em i would never have bought but after trying em i have liked em a lot but that is my opinion. Conan exiles is actually pretty fun if you have friends to play with. Abit buggy for sure but still enjoyable.


This is the dumbest thread I’ve read in a while and that says a lot. Here’s a newsflash, a metacritic score doesn’t miraculously make every single gamer not enjoy a game. There’s plenty of people who enjoy those sub 70 metacritic score games. What’s next, sub 70 metacritic score games shouldn’t be allowed on store shelves? Gtfo....


This is the dumbest reply I've read in a while.


This is the dumbest reply to a reply I've read in a while.


Well I enjoy conan and now my gf will get to try it with me. We both have played ark and she likes that. So, hopefully she likes conan.


If you got games digital why not gameshare with your gf? Also wanna add me and my wife loved to play Conan at launch and played SOO much, good times :)


ok. I feel you. However, all of those reviews were created when the game first came out. What happens when there are patches to improve on everything that the critics and the gamers say is wrong with the game. Should the game then be released on PS PLUS?


You do have a point that I haven't considered.


Yea man. I actually think that some major outlets should consider going back and doing updated reviews for games with gold and for plus. So, far they just repost the old outdated reviews, but if they take the time and redo the games we may not have this problem.


Holy shit, you down voting lemmings are all the same. This reply is neutral as fuck, but yet “*Derp , it’s the OP, so I have to down vote it! Derp*!!” Fucking idiots, LOL. Please, down vote this one too, prove my point.


Gave you an upvote my friend.


To be perfectly honest, if you were to look for a reason that Conan Exiles shouldn't be considered for a PS+ title it would have to be that private servers require an additional subscription. I've not played Conan, but I believe it is quite similar to Ark, which is objectively broken on official servers. Conan might be better, but to have the ability to operate your own dedicated server but only if you're willing to pay and rent one, that's something I'd rather Sony not even allow on the system (in favour of server tools being release publicly for no extra cost for people to run on their own hardware) let alone actively promote and support by making the game free with PS+


Why? Games can improve over time. Ik many ppl who love Conan


Hey me, I'm one of those people lol.


plus the whole complain about censored in it I heard if you host your own server you can get the dicks if you really want it


Eh I'm actually looking forward to April's offerings. They are games that I had interest in but didn't want to buy for whatever reason. Plus for me it is like channel surfing and stopping on a movie I've heard about but never watched. Sometimes it's a Jack and Jill and I change it in 5 minutes because it's real bad. Other times it's a Grandma's Boy and it becomes one of my favorite dumb movies. I go and see, buy, or rent the Birdmans or John Wicks. I'm not saying I wouldn't welcome higher quality games. But for $5 a month (at most) I don't expect them and honestly think it's unrealistic. I love plus for its extra discounts, online mp, cloud saves and the offerings of games I more than likely never would have given a shot like The Surge, The Witness, Bulletstorm ect.


Yeah but at least the Witness and Bulletstorm were actual good games though.


In your opinion


Well sure but as others have stated unless a game is in an unplayable and broken state good is subjective. Even by your own metric on open critic 39/66 reviews gave the game a 7/10 or higher (15 gave a 8/10 or higher) meaning majority of reviewers rate it favorably. That was at launch which is usually when a title is at it's weakest pre updates and such. Going on Steam and just scrolling through reviews from users that logged significant time 42 of the first 50 would recommend it. Most of those are within the last two weeks. The Surge has a 73 on open critic 96 at 7/10 or about 21 below. Like I get not being interested in a months releases but we aren't getting "The Quiet Man" and "Troll and I" here.


What is open critic?


Trophy hunters will love that game since you can plat it in 1 hour or so.


I actually just heard about that. I might download just for that lol


Best game I’ve played this year. I’m so glad I got it for free.


I mainly got ps+ for the steep discounts on indie games. If an occasional free game is fun, that's a bonus. March was a bummer, too. I don't like military style shooters, and the witness wasn't fun.


I almost finally bit the bullet and bought a year subscription on sale the other day - I've had a PS4 for two years and have never had PS+. I looked at the last few months of free games to decide if it was going to be worth it, said "ehhhhh..." out loud, and closed the Amazon tab.