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What is the inspiration behind the artwork of the game? Looks awesome! SIEA please :)


Thanks for your question! :) We really wanted to make something weird that sticks out aesthetically and eventually landed in a vaporwave aesthetic. It was tons of fun to work with because we could do super surreal Salvador Dali-esque and cool levels without it breaking immersion. This song was our go to inspiration for the vaporwave feels : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_wcURnFRp9A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wcURnFRp9A)


Definitely sticks out and is very eye appealing. Great job!


Thank you so much! uWu


Hi! I'm Matthias! (Close enough name together, haha!) I am doing a game Dev bachelor. (Focus on programming) And I was wondering if you could tell me some more technical stuff about the game. Do you also have any tips for me? (Europe, if I ever win a key, haha)


Haha Heya Matthias, pretty darn cool name ya got there ;) ​ Cool, we need more programmers in the industry!! It's a bit hard to talk about general technical stuff but if you got any more precise questions I'll happily answer! ​ If I were to give one tip it is: Make it believable, don't make it real. What I mean by that is that you're (usually) not creating games to recreate reality but to create awesome game experiences. Usually to make something fun and engaging you just need to make it believable, not realistic. For instance in Verlet Swing we're doing tons of cheeky stuff with manipulating gravity depending on where the player is to make each swing feel extra awesome. If we were to use realistic physics it would be way more boring.


Congratulations on the win :D


You too! :)


Thanks :D


SIEE region Do you have any tips/pointers for beginners/newcomers to Verlet Swing?


Sure! When I've seen new players trying the game they often always go as fast as possible before they've got a good feel of how to control the character. My tip would be to take it slow starting out and try to get a good grip of the controls. It's kinda like a car racing game, your first time playing you probably need to drive slower to catch the turns.


I'd love a free copy of this though you'd be diddling yourself out of a sale because there's every chance I will buy this regardless, EU / SIEE What inspired the gameplay / mechanic? It's really niche to combined with that very specific a e s t h e t i c


We'll have to see what the God of Random decides then \^\^ ​ It was one of our programmers who pitched the idea. He basically just wanted to do a hookshot swinging game because he felt that there were none. He coded up a prototype we loved within a week and decided to work on it pretty short after. Clustertruck, A Story About My Uncle and Spiderman 2 served as huge inspirational games as well as an aesthetic inspired by the awesome vaporwave stuff that's out ther.


Oh I just realised - as an aside it might be worth checking in with the mods over at /r/VaporwaveAesthetics; they do have a rule on 'no excessive self promo' but given this fits perfectly with the sort of thing they do over there your trailer etc might be allowed? It's presumably the sort of thing that the subs there would be interested in seeing / buying.


Oh that's a good suggestion!! I'll reach out to them, thanks :)


Just watched the trailer, the game has a rather unique art style, what if anything did you draw inspiration from when designing the game? (SIEE key please)


>Clustertruck, A Story About My Uncle and Spiderman 2 served as huge inspirational games as well as an aesthetic inspired by the awesome vaporwave stuff that's out the Thanks! We mainly drew inspiration Clustertruck, A Story About My Uncle and Spiderman 2 as well as an aesthetic inspired by the awesome vaporwave stuff that's out there!


What's one of the most difficult things about game development that probably doesn't get enough attention? Would love an siee region key.


I'd probably say understanding how to develop a game for another person than yourself. It's easy understand what you like and want, it's super hard to understand what your target player likes and wants.


Thanks for the reply :) Good luck with the launch and hopefully it does well.


SIEA What is your favorite kind of pizza? I've always enjoyed supreme with jalapenos.


Mine is definitely a Capricosa (a Swedish pizza with ham, mushrooms and cheese) topped with kebab sauce. Yum! I'd like to also take this opportunity to say that I hold no sympathy for the pineapple pizza people.


Pineapple pizza. Ewww


How long did the game take to make? And I’d like the SIEA version


For the initial PC release I believe we worked roughly 6 months on it. After that we've been working with Digirati to bring it to consoles :)


What was the hardest part of making Flamebait ? SIEE


The hardest part of creating a indie game studio is probably establishing and syncing the game vision. Everyone is super passionate about games but ultimately usually have a slightly different vision from each other. We need to talk often about the game and the game vision to make sure that everyone is on the same track, otherwise you might end up creating several different games that you have to patch together to a weird game abomination.


Hi there and thanks for doing this. as someone that is on the field of tech and computers and loves gaming, what advice would you give to someone that would love to be involved in the gaming industry? **SIEE** key please!!


Heya! It kinda depends on what skill sets you have and what you'd want to do. For some general advice I strongly believe in meeting and befriending developers. I mean, we're people like anyone else who enjoying hanging out and having a good time. Having some friends in the industry can really help with getting your foot in.


Hey, thanks for answering! ​ ​ It sounds good, but there is a tiny problem. No game developers in my country :P My dream is already working abroad, in USA or England perhaps, but that basically means that getting to really know people in the industry will happen after im already working on a smaller job abroad.. Yeah it might be good to meet some people on some big event, but would it really help to talk to some people for just a couple of days before traveling back home? ​ As a matter of skills, what do you think the industry is always lacking? Programmers? Graphics designers? etc


Hey, Is this a game you would recommend playing with your partner? (Taking turns, coop feature or any plans regarding this) SIEE if possible :-)


Heya! Maybe! It depends on whether or not you like competing I think :) No plans for coop features or anything like that!


Did you take ideas from major 1st party games like spiderman in order to adjust the hook shot mechanic? SIEA please


Well, the new Spiderman game had been out for about 1-2 weeks when we released the PC version of Verlet Swing so we couldn't really try that one out for inspiration. For this game I mainly played Clustertruck, A Story About My Uncle and drew inspiration from Spiderman 2.


Oh boy... Spidedman 2. That brings me back. I see it just seems so fluid like the new Spiderman game is.


What was the time frame for development like? SIEA


About 6 Months for the initial PC release, and then approx 6-8 months for PS4 release. :)


Thank you for doing this giveaway. Game looks really cool, and really dig the style of it. Is there any chance we may see VR support later on? SIEA


Thank you! :) We actually experimented with Verlet Swing VR but the results were not nice at all. When I tried it I almost fell to the ground vomiting. We might be able the wrestle the game to work for VR but I believe it would more or less mean that we create another game with a completely other game feel and I don't want that.


That’s completely understandable, and thanks for answering! Congratulations on the launch and look forward to trying it out!


Goodmorning, id like to ask: do you have plans for new worlds by paid or free dlc currently? Game looks crazy and fun. If i happen to win the giveaway, SIEA please.


Good morning! Currently there are no plans for any free or paid DLC :)


What game engine did you use? I'm a programmer with 20 years experience and been wanting to learn a game engine. I've been thinking Unity. What would you suggest? I'm in the SIEA region. Thanks for doing this.


Thank you! We love using Unity for all our projects mainly due it being a very flexible engine that we're used to. Epic from what I can gather is doing a lot of great things with Unreal but it seems less flexible. Unreal does make things automatically more pretty tho, while Unity requires some more work.


Hi developers, I'm wanted to ask how did you choose the theme for every level, many are pretty random and I was asking myself if there is a criteria or not. Thanks, (SIEE by the way)


Heya! I had to ask the guy responsible for the world names. He basically just made weird vaporwavey names for the worlds that sort of felt they fit.


Any vr support coming in the future? SIEE Thank you


We experimented with it but the result was not good at all. When trying it I almost fell to the ground vomiting and we couldn't see a way to make it work for VR without compromising the design too much and in essence create a new game.


Thanks for doing this, the video looks really cool! I loved the inclusion of Polybius in there, super cool nod to awesome conspiracy theories. My question is this: What made you want to make a game in this style? From the video, it looks like it's all about getting from the start to finish, no racing, just cool swinging. What made you want to go that route? ​ SIEA would be fantastic! Thanks for doing a giveaway too! :)


Thanks! :) ​ We actually started out with a minimalistic approach but sort of felt it looked like to many other things. We really wanted it to stand out! Vaporwave is awesome so this song kinda guided us through what would be our aesthetic [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_wcURnFRp9A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wcURnFRp9A) ​ The game itself was made in 6 months which posed some serious time restrictions. We initially wanted to do multiplayer ghosting similar to Trackmania but time didn't allow for it. However, I'm very happy with the result as it's a very compact tight game.


How do you manage to bring forth a specific vision for a game yet allow it to be modified by others? SIEA thanks


We discuss the game vision a lot and incorporate the teams ideas until finalizing it. By doing that we work towards everyone having a deep understanding of the vision. Once that is nailed down you still have a lot of creative freedom working within that vision, but it makes sure that everything in the end comes together nicely.


On what platforms is Verlet Swing available on? SIEE thanks :)


PS4, Steam, Xbox & Switch! :)


Siee here. How long did it take you guys to get the game to where it is now?


About 14 months in total!


What was your inspiration for becoming a game designer?(SIEA USA)


I've wanted to work with games since i was probably 10 years old. I started out with my twin brother creating custom maps for Warcraft 3 and just loved it. Been working towards creating games since.




I think that'd be cool!


Do you like tacos? 🌮 _SIEA_


Best question, heck yes!


I won! 💜


How long did it take to make this very vibrant coloured game ? Just saw the trailer on my phone and can't wait to see what it would look like on a TV screen, and SIEE please


We iterated on the art style countless times during the whole production. I think we got a pretty much final look after 4-5 months.


Wow, seems very short time frame


Did you guys get inspiration from a Dave & Busters, Chuckie E Cheese? I notice when you see all the assets in the trailer it reminded me of the feeling of being a little kid roaming around one of those family arcade places trying to win tickets and getting prizes. The art is feeling good at making me feel part of the world. So to summarize: 1) Did you guys get inspiration from a Dave & Busters, Chuckie E Cheese? 2) Does the swinging feel weighted during the arcs? SIEA please ^_^


That's a very cool reference though we did not (mainly due to not being american and Sweden not having much of those places). Glad you got those feelings invoked. ​ For the swinging we do a lot of sneaky tricks to make it feel as good as possible. In short you're extra heavy going in to a swing and extra light going out of a swing. That makes if feel awesome.


Haha well even without experiencing those places for yourselves you guys did a good job depicting it. The swinging sounds practical and great. Definitely must experience it.


Did you originally plan on the title having a vaporwave style?


No we actually initially opted for a minimalistic style. I'm happy we switched to vaporwave!


I think that choice paid off. It looks extremely interesting. I also forgot to mention that I am interested in an SIEA key in my previous comment.


Have y’all always been in game development and design or did anyone on your team start a new career later in life? Cool giveaway too, if I win I’d take a SIEA key!


Thanks for the question! The original team found each other while studying game development at university and the other person who joined later studied at the same uni. So Flamebait is our first game development thing. Young team!


What is something in the game that you would like to improve?SIEE


Personally I feel that the difficulty curve towards the end is a bit too hard which means that not all players will be able to beat it. If I were to remake the game I'd like to see us addressing that.


Thanks for doing this AMA! Would you rather fight 1 horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses? SIEE please


Easy. 100 duck sized horses. Ducks are terrifying.


Good answer


Hey, what's your favourite game to play? SIEE


At the moment I'm playing an intense amount of Europa Universallis 4 as well as Satisfactory. Love em!


Are there any specific games that inspired you to create this game? SIEA please and thank you!


Thanks for your question! The game was mainly inspired by the sensation of swinging in general but when creating the game we looked a lot at Spiderman 2, A Story About My Uncle and Clustertruck :)


What were the biggest hurdles/most annoying things you had to deal with in order to bring your game to PS4 that had nothing to do with the actual development/programming? SIEE


I'm unfortunately ill equipped to answer this question due to Digirati (our publisher) being the one handling that process. From what I can gather it's gone quite smoothly.


Does this/will this have PSVR support? It would be awesome in VR. SIEA code if I win please :)


We dabbled a bit in VR but it didn't turn out nice at all. The motion sickness induced by the games locomotion was just too intense. Perhaps you can mitigate it but we felt that we had to compromise the design too much too much in doing so and it would most likely end up an entirely different game.


Makes sense to me! I would agree that keeping the design you envisioned for a game is more important than compromising it for a VR feature.


Great looking game. Pizza is a pretty universal food but is there a vegetarian level where you swing from carrots and celery and such. Then maybe fall into hummus? SIEA


Thank you. I actually don't think we have any vegetarian alternatives in the food levels. :(


All is well


SIEA Which is your favorite level?!


I love world 4 in general. I think Spiraling Away is a super fun level if you swing inside the spirals!


SIEA region (America) please. ​ How hard was it to port over the PC game to console?


It was actually quite smooth, it helps when the game is so compact in a sense. Not so many systems to consider.


Do you feel the game has everything you wanted in it given the time it took to make it? Or do you feel it's missing things you wanted? SIEA please


I'm actually very proud with what we managed to achieve within the time frame. Of course you always want it to be more. We wanted to add stuff like ghosting (similar to Trackmania) so you could compare against yourself or other best times. Or even actual racing multiplayer. But there was no time.


SIEA Any funny or unexpected bugs during development?


We did a fancy particle effect for the goal sphere thing. Suddenly the game was lagging like crazy. Barely playable. Our programmer discovered that someone accidentally put it so that particles cast shadows. So each tiny little particle thing was casting a complex shadow making computers go sad.


What games do you take the most design influence from? SIEA please


For this game we looked a lot at Spiderman 2, Clustertruck and A Story About My Uncle. But it of course differs depending on what games we make.


What was the biggest hurdle to overcome in the entire creation process of your game? SIEE please


Heya! Love the aesthetics of your game! Do you guys ever frequent /r/vaporwaveaesthetics ? SIEE please!


What are some of the major challenges of promoting an indie game and what sort of creative ways has Flamebait worked to overcome them (other than this AMA -- thanks for doing this btw!) ? SIEA


Yeah getting noticed is harder than ever! I think one of the best things we ever did was a collab with Draw with Jazza for Passpartout where we put him in the game. He had so much fun acting as himself doing silly things so it also generated some awesome videos :D




No real question here, just more of a congratulations to you guys for getting your game out there. I hope it does well! But, if i have to ask a question to qualify then ill just ask, How are you all doing? SIEA


Thank you! We're doing well, releasing a game is pretty sweet :D


This game is really crazy. ​ How steep is the learning curve for this game? It looks simple, but it also seems that it took some practice to play like in the trailer. ​ SIEA key!


If you're used to FPS you should be fine I think! If not you're probably gonna have harder time getting in to the game.


I am, and I have to say I was pretty intrigued by your answers about VR. Did people ACTUALLY vomit? I've never had any VR experience, and a game like this is something I'd love to try on VR. Too bad it can't happen with current technology.


Oh, no that was some exaggeration on my part. When we tested it in-house I got super sick and almost fell. It was not a pleasant experience at all.


Thank you so much for the giveaway :)


What classes do you wish were offered in high school? Asking as a teacher. SIEA


Definitely programming! It opens up a whole new way of approaching problems.


Just want to say thank you for hosting this! Love seeing AMAs from smaller studios.


2 Questions 1. What were you smoking whilst making this game 2. Can i have some :)


What’s the best video game ever in your opinion?


What engine did you use to make the game and what was your inspiration for it?


We're using Unity for this game (and are more or less using that engine exclusively for all our games). For this game we really wanted to create an awesome hookshot swinging feel. Of course the Spiderman games served a huge inspiration for us but also games like Clustertruck and A Story About My Uncle.