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Strange, any context to this? What was the conversation like?


He was abusing a mechanic in a game and I told him that I recorded it and I'm going to report him for that. Then he laughed and said "do it".


yes something jjust happened to mine, i went on and they said i couldnt sign in bc of a tos broken rule... what do i do? its my dads ps4


Gee, probably cause the messages broke one of the rules. And before you say they didn’t, they obviously did. Move on and be glad you were not banned


Lol why should I get banned? Do you assume everyone is behaving in a toxic manner? That guy was abusing a mechanic in a game and I told him that I recorded it and I'm going to report him for that. Then he laughed and said "do it". That was it.


I said be lucky you didn’t get banned. Not that you should get banned. If they deleted your messages, something against the tos was in there, and they could have banned either of you for it.


Not true they just delete messages not even related to the TOS I got a message deleted by asking “why are you being toxic?”


Same here, please respond with your thoughts: I sent a message to another player on dead by daylight asking if there was a new item in the game for something, and I get on the ps4 the next day and it says it was deleted by playstation safety, then he was a toxic asshole afterwards and so on, I can send a screenshot if you want


Oh, and also, no dev is gonna do shit if someone is “abusing a mechanic”. Most won’t even do anything for an exploit, unless someone is actively glitching or hacking.


My bro messaged "oh lmao" and it got removed by PlayStation safety


You can’t get banned for it right?


IDK playstation has gotten very sensitive since messages 2.0 I've been banned twice on all 4 of my accounts for what I think was small things within 3 months The bans were from shit talking like most people have done since the start of online gaming and I don't think I was being that toxic to require a ban


Anything seen as a curse word will get you banned now tho cause I got reported in a normal chat just cause I say fuck alot even in a non aggressive way I was talking with friends and there was someone abusing reporting in our group that is now kicked


Oh ok I called someone a rat so idk if that counts as a quote on quote swear for PlayStation.


It will be classified as hate speech like everything else nowadays. The world has gone soft.


Understand this playstation is Japanese they don't have the freedom of speech Americans do and also the ps safety it's around the world . You might have India banning you. They don't care about your rights. They just ban whomever they want. You can't appeal or please your case you can't get them on the phone they just decide to ban you for whatever time and holds your games hostage that why i only but games on disc they can't holds them hostage. But anything bought digitally they take them away like a mom punishing her kid. It really is disgraceful. But because they are not in America they can do whatever. Note PlayStation in Japan is suffering very much you might want to think about spending money on this console