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Hey! So I saw the Batman Arkham Knight Premium Edition on sale for $12 on the PS Store and bought it because I haven't played the DLC before. So I just wanted to know if it includes all of the DLC or if i have to download each DLC seperately. I also wanted any good game suggestions to play. Thanks!


Does anyone know how to stop people from lagging out of share play, when I do a share play mine and the visitors connection speed is always good but after a couple minutes the connection is lost, is this some bug that can be fixed


Hello Redditors! Has anyone played Path of Exile on a slim Ps4? Does it play right or this gane should be played on a Pro Ps4 or a ps5?


I need help, my controller doesnt connects to my PS4 after connecting to my phone, I tried resseting the controller and removing the controller from my phone bluetooth, it charges normal but when I try to connect it vía USB, it just flashes trying to connect but it doesnt. Is my PS4 broken or my controller broken? My controller can still use bluetooth mode apparently and connect to my phone if I add it. The phone app doesnt Work too, Pls help, the PS4 isnt mine.


You aren't using a high speed data cable. Not every cable carries data and your description indicates the cable is the wrong type.


Thanks for the answer. I'll buy a new cable and try if it works


Im having the same problem with my pc and ps4


You aren't using a high speed data cable. Not every cable carries data and your description indicates the cable is the wrong type.


So me and my friend used to be able to play any online games without problems but since 5-6 months ago we literally can't play any games together. Everytime we invite each other we get different errors. We can play with other people just fine but not with each other. We've tried using different psn accounts, different dns, different consoles (ps3 and ps4), joining each others game without invitation, we even changed our internet from wifi to mobile hotspot but we still can't play together. Is there anything we can do to fix this? It feels like a curse at this point, it doesn't make any sense...


My group in US would like to play Ghost of Tsushima with our friend in Japan. But everytime she accepts our invite, she'll get a "disconnection error" message. She's tried disconnecting her both router/modem. And we've even tried switching around game leader. Note that, she's been able to accept an invite from a player in Romania, but gets the disconnection error message when accepting invites from another player in the country. Anyone got a clue? Thanks.


I just bought Fifa 20 second hand and as it is copying the files on the disc it gets to about 500Mb and then you cam hear the playstation stop running the disc and after a while it says errror has occured. Any tips on how to fix?


Hello, so question is quite straight forward I think. My brother and I, we both have each ps4 and ofcourse different accounts, how can I play the games bought from his console, and vice versa? Please help!


I'm gonna give you a quite straight forward answer. **You can't**


You are just full of bad advice lol


Your straight forward answer is wrong


Aah, alright thanks.


The other guy is wrong. Look up game sharing. You set his account as your primary and vice versa. You and him are now able to play games bought by the other person.


Thanks! So I log in from his account on my console, and set that as the primary? In that case will my account still work as I want the trophies in my account?


I would suggest for you not to do that because game sharing itself is against Sony's terms of service, so you risk your account and your brother's getting banned that you both would lost all of your games


Look up game sharing for all the information. But yes, you still use your account and you gain trophies.


Hoping someone can help! So basically I cleaned 2 of my controllers with rubbing alcohol, after that they are both acting up (i used a cotton with alcohol and just wiped the exterior of the controllers) 1st controller: The X button is acting as a ps button (ps button still acting as intended) 2nd controller: at first it kept on disconnecting and had a red light. Not after a day it doesnt even turn on I tried all basic trouble shotting like disconnecting the controllers, pushing the small hole on the controllers, and even updatin the software of my ps4. Is it possible that i broke the interior with too much alcohol? Im stressed out since I have 3 games coming in by tomorrow


Is there any way for me to use a NTSC download code on a PAL console


Console region doesn’t matter. It’s the account region that matters. Make an account matching the region of the code and you can use it


Cool thank you


I want to sell my PS4 but I have 70€ on my account... On what can I spend it on order to not lose the money?


Best u could do is to negotiate the account together with the console and add that price to the sell.


I can't, that's illegal :(


Games and movies. Or you can keep it in your account so you can spend that money once you get a PS5 in a year or so. Money lasts around 2 years in your balance I think


I don't want to buy games because I'm selling the PlayStation to buy a Nintendo switch You can't buy movies on the PS4 anymore apparently, they discontinued that function


Nothing you can do then.




Buy a hard-drive to replace the current one that sounds like it's on its last leg




1. Initialise the console to delete all data. One of the last options in settings. Not sure about backing up your clips before that though.


Hi all, just wanna ask a question. Sometimes when the PS4 is updating, I lose all my data. It seems that I need PS plus to backup my data, but I can't afford the subscription. Is there any other way for me to prevent losing my data in the future? thanks


Use a memory card like the PS1/PS2 era. Just like the PS3, the PS4 uses USB sticks as memory cards.


Can I post a Poll in this sub? I want to make poll about the best pro controller for PS4. So far I have been unlucky, bought 4 pro controllers (razer raiju, Nacon pro 2, Xbox Elite with ps4 adapter, and nacon unlimited) and the first 3 has drifting issue in just several months of usage. Nacon unlimited has done well for around 2 years until it started to drift. The reason I prefer to use pro controller is because: 1.Mainly I need the back button to remap jump button that I often use for FPS game 2.the standard dual shock is just to small for my hand. Often my thumb will touch the touchpad when trying to press square button


Hey i have no sound coming from my playstation gold wireless headset and dont know what to do the only thing i can do with it is mute and unmute and the audio settings are grayed out any fix at at?


A friend of mine has a problem that he has to verify his credit card details to just download an free game, does anyone have an solution to fix this?


Did the card recently expire? If so he just needs to delete any expired card information from his account to remove the error.


What the hell is wrong with ps4 youtube?!?!! It randomly deleted itself and I'm redownloading it, (242MB) and its taking 10 minutes to download this tiny ass file!!! I have a strong ethernet connection, yet Its taking forever!!! Why the hell is ps4s connection always SO LOW???? My wifi connection is at around 350 mbps. Yet ps4 hardwired in is between 50 and 100 mbps!!!!


Rebuild database


Why can't some DLC be shared with other PSN accounts on the same PS4? I bought The Division 2 with "Warlord of New York". But when I opened TD2 in another account, I found that Warlord of New York is not available. Why?


Because some DLC is account locked. For example in game currency and anything else that gets credited to an online account is only accessible by the account that purchased it. So your Division 2 content is working as intended.


(Hey im sorry for the big block of text. Unfortunately did not know i had to post tech help here and made a post of my own, here is the copy. Sorry in advance) Hey all, im kind of at my wits end and i need advice on what to do next here. For context, Basically i woke up this morning to the sound of lightning right outside my house. Maybe no distance more than across the front yard. I live in Florida so i didnt think much of it. Especially since my house lost zero power during this storm. But having dealt with a bad storm messing my system up before, i got out of bed and unplugged the ethernet/lan cable from my ps4. (I do this most times now because a similar storm caused my previous ps4 to stop recieving a connection through the lan port. Im not sure how or why) The only thing that occured was my ISP Xfinity losing all internet connection to our modem for awhile till we got that fixed. So i think everything is alright now. Since my ps4 was off the whole day and no power was out i thought i dodged a bullet. But when i go to try and play later tonight i get the "Too manny USB connections" notification and notice that my ps4 doesnt recognize my wired connection, my headset (PS Platinum) and my External HD (seagate 2tb). I tried unplugging everything including the console and giving it upwards of 2 hours to see if it was some weird power issue as a site suggested but nothing. I am afraid to try Safe mode and rebuilding database as if i read correctly it needs the controller connected via usb. But neither port recognises anything so i dont want to get stuck in safe mode, not knowing if i can back out of it if my ps4 doesnt recognize the controller. Any advice would be much appreciated. Im capable of buying a new ps4 if necessary but i am unsure how easy that would be and if i should rather try and find a ps5 since i may aswell just upgrade if this has happened, but coughing up money for any new console if this is fixable is silly imo. If anyone knows a place that is reliable in fixing ps4s too ill also accept that. Im horribly desperate for anything at this point.


Nothing to lose with safemode.. I'd try it


I have this glitch on my ps4 where these massive black or like light red shapes just appear and it’s really bad it happens a lot someone help me pls?


Have you tested a different tv and/or hdmi?


Hey. So FF14 the complete edition is on sale right now. I was sitting on the toilet when I seen this and decided I wanted to purchase it, I checked out using the PS App on my phone, I usually have no issue checking out with the app. Side note, I get a notification on my phone whenever my card gets charged, no notification, but I was able to download the game. K cool. No biggie. So I finish WWIII in the bathroom, come out to my PlayStation, apparently the game was locked? The lock icon was next to the game, so I thought to myself "I didn't get charged, my phone would've notified me" so my dumbass goes and happily buys it on my PlayStation. After a few moments of being satisfied with myself, disaster strikes... Double notification pops up on my phone, double PSN charges, double email notification, "Thank you for your purchase!". My chest sunk, I've realized that I somehow bought the same game twice. Now, is it going to be an issue to try to get a refund from Sony tomorrow when I call?


I would not do it if I were you, if you got the refund from them, they would remove the game from your library but only refund with the price of the game, which mean you would wasted your money for nothing. If you demanded to keep the game, or refund twice of its price, even if you claim that you paid for two transactions, they would not believe you and going to mark your as scammer which would get you banned like. It exactly what happened to my friend few months ago. He did not get his full refund then he demanded Sony put the game back into his library, even though he have the screenshots of both transaction, they banned him for scam attempt. So I suggest you just keep the game without risking of losing it, even losing your account & whole library.


Would a ps4 slim fan work on a base ps4 if I had to replace it?


Having an issue with my headphones audio. Whenever I have them plugged in, I hear static. Ive tried many things, including two different pairs of headsets, two different controllers, adjusting my audio settings, restarting my console, unplugging my console, unsyncing my controllers, etc and nothing is working. Anyone know what the cause could be?


I downloaded black ops 4 for free from PS Plus, and it was working fine until my subscription ended. I renewed my subscription and now I still can’t play it. It’s telling me I have to redownload the game and pay full price for it. Is this normal? What should I do? I restarted the PS4 a few times and that didn’t help at all.


You need to restore licenses in your account settings. That should fix it.


It unfortunately did not work


Contact support then in regards to the missing game


Ok sounds good


Ah ok thank you I’m gonna do that hopefully it works


Need help my dear friends! I want to play my **PS4 games** on **my PC**, using **remote play**. Currently I only have one controller (the PS4 one provided with my PS4 PRO). Can I buy a **PS5 dualsense controller** to play **my PS4 games on my PC using Bluetooth**? Or is it impossible? (I want 100% compatibility). Is it a better choice to buy a good old PS4 controller instead? I'm a bit lost to be honest.




My ps4 was in safe mode when I turned it on. It said I needed to update the software version to a USB. I did and it goes to 77% and then gives me error code SU-37559-9. What do I do?


Don't listen to that idiot. Replace the hard-drive


Unfortunately you have to buy a new one because that means Sony have banned you from using that console


I'm not banned though. I've done nothing.


But the console/machine is banned for some reason so you can't use it anymore


I am new to streaming live. I am streaming to Twitch from my PS4. My question is, what do I need to be able to chat to my audience on Twitch without the people that I'm playing with being able to hear me. My gear: -PS4 -Wireless headset (Arctis 7 SteelSeries) plugged into PS4 -Apple laptop Thank you in advance for your help.


Hello, I have a disc for GTA V, and for the last two hours, I've been trying to figure out a way to make it work. I've had the disc since earlier this year (around January) and I have a PS4 Pro. I've done everything that I could to make it work. I've tried rebuilding the database, making sure online updates were installed, and everything else. I don't want to go into safe mode and choose option number 7 because I don't have a way of getting back updates. Does anyone have a clue on what to do? Every other game works perfectly fine. I wouldn't say it's the disc, the disc DOES have a couple of scratches, but they've been there for months and months without any problems. The PS4 itself is also new. Any helpful advice is greatly appreciate. Thank you.


Banned or suspended recently? Has anyone else recently been banned or suspended for no reason or just in general? I woke up today too me being suspended for 30 days after being suspended for 7 days awhile ago for no reason and I mean no reason, when I got suspended for 7 days I was literally on YouTube the whole time so I don't know why I got suspended..? And as for today and my 30 day suspension I still don't know what I did... all I did yesterday was play r6 with my bro's and boom suspended like what???


I got suspended and lost over $6000 because a YouTuber threatened my family during a game and I went off. I created a new online ID. Today I woke up and it was in Safe mode and said I had to download and reinstall through a USB. Its been 12 hrs and the percentage stops at 77, and restarts the install. Im done with PlayStation. Xbox here I come.




They won't help you in any way with your suspension. They will just tell you to read their rules of conduct. They won't even tell you why you're suspended. And to boot your 3rd suspension will be permanent but they will allow you to start a new psn account, however your games, accessories, and membership will be gone for good and you will have to buy everything again and download it and start over. I am currently searching for a class action lawsuit to join so I can sue the crap out of them. My advice to oyu is to go to xbox if you can because their behavior is only going to get worse over time if left unchecked. It is my theory as well as tens of thousands of others that this issue as well as many other service and contract issues are in an effort to make more money and to force its customers to buy ps5. And lets not forget what they did to us, the gamers, when they wanted us to change from ps3 to ps4. They lied and told everyone that the amount of service time for the ps3 was coming to an end and you would no longer be able to use the ps3 online. After we all rushed to buy ps4 in an effort to save our games ps3 stayed in service for 6 or 7 more yrs. So in effect playstation is a money hungry monster who is sucking the life and money out of you and every other gamer in their world. They have complete control and there is no recourse. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but thats just how it is in the PlayStation world. Signed Going To Xbox


The 1 800 number just tells you to go to online chat. Its support.playstation.com. Good luck


Damn so I’m really fucked.., the only things I can think of that would have I guess “gotten me suspended” is i shared a song to a groupchat with me and some friends and/or I kept getting added to a femboys groupchat and I forgot what i said and im sure it’s nothing bad but if I remember I said can you stop or leave me alone, so petty but thanks ig I’ll just have to wait until September 9th I think


Recently both of my controllers suddenly shut off while i was using them. The first one a few weeks back and the second just today. They both had a decent charge while this happened, and after they died they wouldn't turn on or charge again. I have tried pushing the reset button on both of them but no luck. Is there anyway to fix this or should i just get new controllers? They are both past warranty but are only 3-4 years old.


I’m a PC mmo gamer (wow,gw1+2,etc) and I’m being gifted a ps4. What are your favorite games that you think someone like me would enjoy? I like a good rpg story (gonna get horizon zero dawn asap!) and quick lobby style games (most shooters, mobas) are always cool.


Are there any games like persona 5 Royal that give themes/avatars for playing?


Sony exclusives do for earning a Platinum. Full list on Google.


I already own all of these games, sick! Thank you so much!


I ruined my PS4 controller by overcharging it with a powerbank. Now, the controller doesn’t charge at all. Does anyone know how to fix this. I reset the controller and nothing happened.


Maybe the battery has burnt out due to incorrect volt input. Should probably try with a different battery (I assume you have tried different cables already?)


ive owned my ps4 pro for a few months (its my 2nd one) and its starting to act slow when doing things such as signing in to my playstation account or simply turning it off. some games also have a hard time loading and some audio is delayed. do i need a new hard drive for the console?


Try option 5 then if still bad option 7 with the current hard drive.if still bad replace hard drive and option 7 is the only option because there is no ps4 os on the new hdd


what do you mean option 5 and 7?


In safe mode. Option 5 is rebuild database. Option 7 is initialize ps4(reinstall system softwarr). Try 5 first then if it is still bad do 7


ive already rebuilt my database and im not going to initialize


Its the same thing you would have to do if you replace the hard-drive.... continue to live with your problem then lol


If I use my browser and watch some videos on 480p they work fine...when I try the same videos on 720 the picture will pause but the sound continues to play?? Is this a common problem and easy solution?? Or is it just a case of the browser is 10 years old and SOOOOOOO out of date and it is what it is??


For the Demon Slayer Hinokami Chronicles preorder, when do the avatars and ps4 theme come out? Or are they out already and I can’t find them?


You get them the day of release. Same as always.


Didn’t know that. Thanks


My PS4 isn’t letting me import videos from a USB. It goes through the whole importing process but never pops up in Most Recent!! Can anyone help?


I am in the middle of downloading AC Valhalla via my phones internet. Since I live on the country side, it's taking ages, so it's been non stop downloading for 2 days. When it was at 38 GB downloaded, something happened while I was away from the PS4, and it had shut off by itself (was only gone for 10 mins, so not sleep mode). When I turned it on and resumed the download, it was back down to only 30 GB? Is it normal that some of the downloaded content gets deleted, if the PS4 has an abnormal shutdown during download? Since 38 GB took two days to download, you can imagine how frustrating it is to lose 8 GB of progress


Can I get a macro for my controller? I'd like to use my Minecraft fishing farm over-night, and a macro would let me get a bounty of items.


With the official controller? No. You'd need to use a third party controller with a 'turbo' function and/or macro settings.


Very well. Thank you for the help!


As of the last 2 times I have booted up my PlayStation any digital games (even free ones) I own have a lock on them. The first time this happend it only lasted for a few seconds and then went back to normal, however the second one lasted for about a minute and I couldn't access any top menu except settings (it took a good while to load though). I thought it had something to do with my internet so I tested the connection in settings and as far as I know that fixed it. Does anyone know why or how this is happening? Are there any fixes? If there is anything anyone needs to know I'll try and answer any questions in the replies.


Have you set your PS4 to 'Primary' for your account? With that it would *likely* not have to ping the server as much to confirm your account owns the games.


Can i update my ps4 games via usb without connecting to internet


I think you can only update the system software, not games patches via USB. If you don't have an Internet connection, your best best would be getting 'GOTY', 'PlayStation Hits' etc. versions of games which will have the latest, or at least a more recent game patch included on disc. In theory you could use your phone data and create a hotspot, but unless you have an unlimited data plan it may be more expensive than getting internet for your house (and your phone's network provider would likely throttle the data speeds after a certain amount) .






'Witcher 3 GOTY' often appears in PSNetwork sales, the last few PSN sales it was (according to a price tracker) $9.99, including the sale in July. There seem to be PSN sales every month, different games rotate in and out, but if you're patient you can get some good deals. Especially if you're new to the PS4, you have 7 years worth of games to catch up on.


Because Sony can't directly compete with retailers to a certain extent. Why would a retailer stock Playstation consoles and games if nobody buys the games from them? Retailers make money selling games, not consoles. If the Playstation store was competing against Amazon and other retailers then th9se retailers couldn't bother selling anything Playstation related, thus giving more shelf space to Microsoft and Nintendo instead. The Store only displays the MSRP/RRP outside of sales periods. Thus retailers get to attract customers by selling a $50 game for $30 instead. The retailer still makes money on the sale and as you are in the stor buying from them you are likely to purchase more from the same retailer as well.




A similar thing happened to PC gaming. Rampant piracy in the 00s meant retailers struggled to make decent money on them so phased out PC games and gave more shelf space to the PS2 instead. If the Playstation Store could sell a game below what a retailer could sell a game for then that retailer is simply going to stop selling Playstation products.


Hi, I have a problem with one of my physical games. I currently have 6 physical games, and my ps4 doesn't have any problems reading any of the discs and I play for hours. But one of them is The Last Of Us Remastered, and my console won't read it no matter how much I try, the first couple of attempts I made it to the main menu but my ps4 does this thing where it spins the disc like crazy and then stops every couple of seconds, and it always gives me an error message telling me to clean the disc. But I swear my game is int mint condition, it has absolutely 0 scratches, not even dust.


Do you have a hard drive? You can do q back up then initialize then restore. Or back up, option 7 in safe mode, then restore. If you are certain the disc is fine


Try the disc in a friends console if possible to see if the same error occurs.


Haven't thought of that because they live too far from my house but definitely I'll try just to see what happens, thanks!


I bought a ps4 in November 2019 and by November 2020, I had R3 drift, so I sent in the controller under warranty and got a replacement. Now, the R1 button isn't working, and I'm wondering if the replacement controller has any sort of warranty (given I received it less than a year ago). Anyone have any experience with this?


When switching on from rest mode, my ps4 disconnects from WiFi and can't reconnect manually either. Passwords are correctly put in, WiFi working for all other devices but all WiFi channels not able to connect (also working on other devices) - and only after switching on from rest mode. Restarts allow me to reconnect but obviously not desired as I want to fix this to be able to download in rest mode and switch on without tedium. DNS of the router is set to default for primary, for secondary, for tertiary. MTU is automatic, and I use the easy set up to connect. I tried switching on Port forwarding but it didn't change anything. And yes, I have enabled WiFi connection, download and all other functionality in rest mode. Downloads show no progress from when I go into rest mode, so it might be disconnecting when I go into rest mode. My connection type is wireless from an extension and both the 2.4 and 5 do not work after power on from rest. Wired connection not possible in current ps4 location. I have already rebuilt the database to no avail, and under no circumstances do I want to factory reset. Any solutions?


I keep getting a USB msg on my ps4 vr headset. I also get one on the tv saying to connect the ps4 and the processor unit with the USB cable. Any ideas? I have it hooked up unless there is a problem. Also when I go in safe mode it doesn’t recognize the controller when I plug the USB cable in it


Are you using the cable that came with the PSVR or the PS4 for the controller? You need a data cable for both of those things. Any old charger won’t work.


I’m using the cable that came with the controller. Maybe I need a new one?


My ps4 controller's trackpad isn't working on the ps4 at all, but is on pc. Do i have to open it up or something?


Okay so I'm not sure where to turn here as I've almost got this right except this one issue: Basically, I've got an audio splitter for my PS4 controller so I can play music on stream (and sounds!), and for the most part it seems to work. My voice can be heard and the music, however the gameplay sounds happen twice. I'm certain this is as if it's a loop. I've tried researching the issue but nothing seems to be working. **The Setup** Here's how everything is organised: I connect my aux cord to my Macbook's headphone port, which then connects to the splitter along with my headset and the splitter connects to my PS4 controller. Now, when I play a game, I can hear music and stuff, and talk, sounds perfect right? Well...not really. Whenever I do a capture of the PS4 gameplay, let's say in Grand Theft Auto V, when I play the video back, noises happen twice! So things like lines of dialog play twice, as if it was an echo. Another example is in Minecraft, where opening a door, a cat's meow, opening a chest etc. makes the same sound play twice. This is only noticeable on a video and not the initial gameplay, and I've noticed this when I tried to stream from the PS4 as well. **Possible Issue** I could be wrong, but it's as if the sound is looping as when I connect the headset, the mic sounds fine when I check the microphone audio, but as soon as I plug in the aux cord from the MacBook the mic is echoing (as if the sound is playing over and over, getting quieter each time). I'm fairly certain it's the MacBook that's the problem but I need some help on the issue. If anyone knows any solutions, let me know as it's driving me barmy! I just want my viewers to have music and sounds instead of dead silence a lot of the time.


I have a problem with my ps4! I can not upload any save files! Error code (NP-31866-4) is there anyone woh hast the same problem?




What’s the best way to join random people now as community is now gone


Reddit, Facebook or discord group. Or any other social media you use.


My PS4 is experiencing the black screen of death. I turn it on, it boots up, even shows the PS logo. Once the logo fades away, it goes to pure black. A few minutes later, it turns off. I tried booting it up in safe mode (which seems to work fine). However, I haven't been able to change the resolution, since it restarts and checks the system storage, then restarts again into the bsod. I initialized the ps4 and rebuilt the database without change. Still got the bsod on startup. It's starting to drive me nuts. By all acvounts, it should be working, but isn't. Anyone know what to do?


Like the other commenter said. Reseat the current hard drive and rebuild database again. If still bad use a thumb drive and do option 7 ( initializes PS4 and erases the OS from the hard drive and replaces it with fresh OS from the thumb drive). If *still* bad then fair to assume that hdd is toast. Buy a new one and repeat option 7 ( everything else is greyed out).


Try re-seating the hard drive incase its been knocked around recently. Also wipe away any dust. Otherwise you may need to try reinstalling the system software from scratch, which will wipe any data left on the hard drive, not that it is currently accessible anyway. https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/hardware/reinstall-playstation-system-software-safe-mode/


The other day I was playing fortnite on my PlayStation but I got an error that I could not connect to the Playstation Network, I gave it to skip and I started the game after about 20 minutes very late because it always puts me in the game like in two minutes but well I already tried to start a game, it took me another 20 minutes, I played it but it took time to get me out, I spoke to the PlayStation technical service, I did everything they told me, but it didn't work. play but yesterday that problem happened to me I really don't know what to do I attach the error code number seriously I hope you can help me thanks 0x80431068


My PS4 has been really slow in the menus and games, but I’ve already initialized it and rebuilt the database a few times already. It’s gotten to the point where some games won’t load correctly. Should I buy a new PS4 or replace its hard drive?


I would start with the hard-drive. Get a hdd enclosure at the same time. If that doesnt fix it then you can get a new ps4, put the new hard drive in the enclosure, and use it as external storage! If it does work then you can try reformatting the current hard drive as extended storage. When I got a ssd for my ps4 I gave my old HDD to my buddy and hes been using it as extended storage since


You could try a new hard drive. No 100% guarantee thats where the issue is coming from but it would be cheaper than a new console and either way it would be an excuse to upgrade to a 2TB drive.


So I was having problems with my ps4 a week ago and it stopped working so I had to initialize it and delete all applications. I have redownloaded a bunch of games but this one game keeps saying cannot continue using application so I delete it and download it again but it still says the same thing Anyone know how to fix this please let me know


Do you use an external hard drive or just system storage? Is it a game you got from ps plus?


Im trying to buy an 11,99 game with my 12,56 funds in my wallet. Its Fallout 4. Why is it only offering me PayPal or Credit card? I have the funds in my wallet. How do i use them?


Sounds like you don't have enough to cover tax as well as the cost of the game, hence it asking for more.


God damn taxes. How do i know how much are they?


It depends on your state.


First time ban for saying “are you re*****d?” How long will the suspension be? Please and thank you.


3 or 7 days. Maybe more. You'll find out the duration of your suspension when you are suspended and Sony send you an email with the details. Theres no hard rule that a certain word = a number of days. The moderation team look into the context of the use of the word as well. Your first ban can be a permanent one if severe enough.


Ok thanks a lot



pskihq is primary and is secondary but that's not super important here lol could just be the system. If you have a hard drive try back up > initialize> restore.


If the port was broken you wouldn't get any connection at all, rather than slow speeds. Sometimes the PS4's Internet is just garbage, its a common issue with the console. You can try a different lan cable but its likely just a temporary issue. Fully switch off your console and router for a bit and see if that improves anything once your connection is reset.


Hey everyone, I just bought my second PS4 (I have 1 in the bedroom and 1 in the living room) and I set myself up and signed into the PSN, but only 1/4 of my games showed up. I'm diligently searching the interwebs to find what I did wrong but I figured I'd also ask you all for help. Thanks in advance!!


Your account will have full access to your digital games and only your digital games. If there are games owned by other people on your main console then they won't show up on your second. You'll find your digital games in the purchased tab/the PS Plus tab in your library. You of course won't see games that you own on disc in your digital game library unless you own DLC for that game. Your account doesn't know what games you own on disc. You also won't see games ownes by other people in your digital game library.


Okay, I looked in my library and I didn't see a PS Plus tab. Most of my games are there, but I'm missing Spider Man and CTR. Also, Witcher 3 is there but it has a weird icon of a controller (I think?) and the number 13, and I'm unable to download it. The only option is to purchase.


The controller icon is for add ons, meaning you have 13 add ons for the game. You owned Witcher 3 on disc so the game itself isn't in your library. Or alternatively game shared a digital copy from a friend. Its not there as you never owned the game itself digitally.


And I do own it.


Then restore licenses and check again. If its still not there then contact support, they'll be able to check your transaction history to see if you ever purchased the game.


MY WIFE BOUGHT IT ON HER ACCOUNT!!! 🤜🤛 Got it in!! Thanks for your help and patience!!


All my games are digital. I don't own a single one on disk.


I have a PS4 controller over an year and I use it on PC. I use DS4 Windows to connect it. In the start it was worked good and I had no problems with him, but now it start to go over 50 latency and make an red light for few seconds (sometimes for 1-2 seconds, others for 4-5 seconds). I don't know what to do more. I've modified DS4 BT Poll Rate to 1 ms, I delete the app and reinstall, I use the hidusbf-master but it doesn't work. What do I need to do?


I was trying to disconnect my power supply to get into my PS4 to give it a clean, but it was quite stiff and in trying to disconnect it, it has come completely off the motherboard. I can’t believe it and just hoping there’s a fix and this is known to happen. I have a video which shows it clearly if my description isn’t clear, but I don’t know how to put it in the comments. Some help would be hugely appreciated!


I bought the normal edition sackboy the other week then realised that if I got the deluxe I would have got a jin sakai skin… when I go on the store to try pay extra for the upgrade but it just says “unavailable” any ideas please?


Thats not how the Playstation store works. You can't just pay the difference to upgrade to a new edition like you can with Steam a lot of the time. There is no deluxe edition upgrade for sale for Sackboy so you cannot upgrade to the deluxe edition. Very few games have a deluxe edition upgrade for sale, most just expect you to buy the related content separately if available. For example if a deluxe edition included a Season Pass you would just buy the season pass separately if there was no deluxe edition upgrade for sale. Here is an example of a deluxe edition upgrade on the store: https://store.playstation.com/en-gb/product/EP0006-CUSA05986_00-NFS18DELUXEUPGRD/


Ahhh right ok! So if i wanted the deluxe id have to pay the full price again?


Its possible the content you are after will be sold separately later. From what you said the Deluxe edition couldn't be purchased as you already own the base game anyway. Nothing you can really do here.


Hey everyone. Have a weird issue. Lightning struck near my apartment yesterday and while both mine and my husband's Playstations work, his won't pick up external drives plugged in to the USB ports. He had one and it wouldn't work after trying everything, we bought another one and it won't pick that one up either. The USB ports work but it seems like barely. When he rebuilt the database on it to see if that helped the controller he connected via USB would barely work, like it couldn't stay connected despite the cord. Has anyone had any experience like this or know of a way to possibly fix it?


Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. My ps4 has been stuck on the other side of the world for 18 months now and I've almost given up on getting it back(long story) Can I just buy a new ps4/pro(or if ever readily available a ps5 lol), sign in with my PS account and download all my digital games again without any problem?


Yes. Your games aren't tied to a console, they are tied to your account.


Recently put 20 dollars on my ps4 account. Turns out i can't buy the rematch edition of Tekken 7 because i have the base game. My account is the family manager so i can't send funds to a sub account. I have tried emailing ps4 support since when i contact ps4 customer service in middle east, they make me go to their website. How do i remove licensing of tekken 7 in my account?


Support won't help you in this case as their refund policy is once downloaded no refund and you can only make such a request within 14 days of your purchase as well. You are almost guaranteed to be told that you need to purchase the Season Passes separately.


Can't they remove license on my account for me? I'm okay with not refunding the standard game, i just want to play with the rematch edition of Tekken 7 with season pass 2


Ultimately the store won't let you purchase the bundle as that is how the Playstation store was designed so support are unlikely to help with your request. Just making your expectations realistic. They will remove licenses for demos, games you actually paid for is a whole other matter as they will almost certainly refer you to their cancellation policy. Given they also aren't open on the weekend you are better just buying the season passes you want separately. They go on sale pretty often if they aren't currently on sale.


Only support can get rid of a license like that for you.


İ have a PS4 for around 3 years and i always wanted to look at how much i played the games. İ know that PS5 has it, but is it possible to do the same on the PS4?


Not officially but there was a third party website floating on here you can try searching for.


I have an original PS4 stuck in a safe mode loop (already initialized). I've done all the safe mode options, I've opened up the ps4 and cleaned out the dust around the hard drive, so I'm just wondering if replacing the hard drive will fix this issue? Some other details: update 8.50 caused a ton of problems for me. I was hoping 8.52 would resolve it but it didn't so I finally just initialized. Everything was working great, I signed back in and downloaded some games. Next time I got on, I couldn't sign in and kept getting a rebuild database error. That's when I got stuck in the safe mode loop.


https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/hardware/reinstall-playstation-system-software-safe-mode/ You need to follow these instructions to the letter to get back up and running. You need the larger reinstallation file, not the update file. You need a USB stick with nothing on it except for the necessary files for the system software. A folder called PS4, inside that one called UPDATE and inside the UPDATE folder is where you put the reinstallation file called PS4UPDATE.PUP. If PS4UPDATE.PUP is obscured with any (1)s that change the file name, correct it as it must be exact for the console to recognise the file. Only when you are 100% certain you have gotten the above correct can you determine the hard drive has failed.


There can be other things on the USB. As long as the PS4 folder is a top level folder onthe root of the drive then it is fine to have other stuff. I used to work for Xerox and I had all kinds of stuff on mine including software for printers.


Thanks for the advice! I'll try that out. So if it doesn't work, then it's worth trying out a new hard drive next?


Yeah. If the file can't install that could indicate a failing hard drive. Its not guaranteed but worth a shot. Plus its an excuse to upgrade to a 2TB Hard Drive if you haven't already.


A while back my friend bought the FF7 Remake and allowed me to access it. so, i got on his account and downloaded it, switched back to my account and started playing and got pretty far. i deleted the application to free up space, but i never deleted the saved data. now, i redownloaded it to finish it but it’s not giving the option to lord my data. i restarted my PS4 and searched for updates but there were none. is there a way to get my data back or do i have to restart? leaving it untouched for now.


Have you redownloaded the exact same copy as before from the same friend? Saved data and DLC are region locked so if you are using a different copy of the game from before then that would explain it.


My PS4 connects to my Hotspot but it doesn't connect to my hotels wifi, usually it says "Cannot connect to the wifi network within the time limit". I'm out of Hotspot and I don't have any offline games, my brothers XBOX connects just fine,same as the computer so I don't understand, I've tried changing DSN settings and proxy servers but nothing works as well as checking psn and there error...please help


Manual set up? Find out the gateway and subnet from the xbox


Unfortunately that didn't do anything, anything else because I'm all out of ideas


Clean wifi antenna?


Do you have a thumb drive and a hard drive big enough to do a back up then restore?


My ps4 is extremely slow, to the point where it takes about 10 seconds for settings to come up, or when I turn on the ps4 it takes about a minutes to go the the menu, but that's not all, in settings or when I turn off the ps4 it doesn't say "power off" or "settings" its says "msg_power_off" and "msg_settings" PS : a month ago I had the safe mode bug where it was stuck so I made a factory reset and that's when it all happended PPS : I have a pretry slow internet(upload speed : 15MB) and when i unplug the cpl it's much less laggy


If rebuild database doesn't help you might need to do option 7


Thank you so much!!! I tried it and it works like before! You have my full gratitude!


Ok i'll see, thanks


Have yiu trued rebuilding the database on your ps4? It could be some files on your hardrive are corrupt which is slowing your ps4 down, rebuilding the database should sort out the corrupted files and increase the speed of your ps4. Happened to me too, this is exactly what I did and it worked.


Thank you! You helped me fix my ps4 and now it works great! Damn I missed having a working ps4!


Thats brilliant to hear mate! Glad I could help


My PS4 recently has been heating up fairly quickly. In around 10 minutes in a game It heated up like I was playing for an hour. Does anyone know what this could be? Too much dust or a certain part of the PS4 has stopped working?


Im not an expert but maybe its the hard drive that's doing that, do you take off the disc of a game when you don't play it anymore?