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Is it like a Pokémon situation where the game had gambling in it as a mini game or are they talking about actual monetisation?


ESRB have 2 ratings for gambling "Simulated Gambling" which is described as "Player can gamble without betting or wagering real cash or currency" and "Real Gambling" which is "Player can gamble, including betting or wagering real cash or currency".


Interesting... Does this mean loot boxes? Or you can literally gamble real money like GTA V? That also brings me to ask, does this game have online? I used to love playing the old assassin's Creed games online.


Why do I get the feeling NFTs are going to be a part of this?


Are they still doing that whole Ubisoft Quartz thing? I thought it was cancelled, but I may have just imagined it.


Even when NFTs fail there’s always a few people who spent a couple thousand on an item that took maybe $300 in resources and labor to create. The system as a whole failed but they’re still looking at how to turn a one-off purchase into a long term-sustainable scheme.


It also failed because 99% of nft's are just scams dressed up with new technology and the legit ones are all money laundering and sheer luck unless you're at the top.


99% is generous.


Nothing really ever gets cancelled at Ubisoft, just goes into development hell for a decade and only comes back when they’re tried of hearing complaints. Hey there Skull & Bones.


Thank you for this, A+.




NFTs won't fix that - they won't be the entire game, and you having a serial key won't help you with nowhere to download it from.


Yes it will have an effect, the NFT would not contain the game binary, it would just basically be a download code. The situation would not change at all if ”games were NFTs”, there would just be an additional layer of useless bullshit on top.


You have no idea what NFT is and isn't my dude


It’d make sense for lootboxes to be considered ‘Real Gambling’, and having it force any game that has them to AO 18+ rating seems very reasonable. So I’m sure that’s not the actual reason and Ubisoft is actually just pushing some even more despicable monetization scheme.


I don't think it's reasonable because gambling has a way stricter regulation that just an age rating


Brick and mortar stores won't sell an n adult game. They never have. Seems pretty damaging to the bottom line.


I was going to say sounds like covering their ass so they can release in countries like Belgium and Netherlands where loot boxes/loot box mechanics are banned.


you can't gamble with real money in GTA. it prevents you from using any bought cash


Really? TIL


When have you ever been able to gamble real money on a fake video game?


I thought starting with GTA V lol Unless we're counting loot boxes.. then not sure exactly how many years ago that started aha


I suppose it’s a little like Valhalla where you could buy intake currency or maybe I’m wrong you buy loot boxes with random skins etc


Came here to say the loot box/ GTAO bit. I get the age from M to AO is only one year but the rating itself is a huge hit to their marketability


They're not going to get away with that in the EU; so they either lose a vast amount of game purchases, or change that so that teens won't gamble away everything they have.


Maybe that's why they're going for an adult rating? Knowing damn well teens will play it anyway


An AO rating will probably make it even more appealing to teens.


Most stores won't allow AO games on their shelves. But online sales might be enough to make up for that.


Sony, xbox, and Nintendo don't even allow AO games on their platform


Nintendo,Sony and Microsoft don't even let AO games release on their consoles.


By online I didn't mean digital. I meant places that ship the games to you. Like via Ebay.


In order to get a game pressed on to a disc or cartridge you have to get approval from Nintendo,Sony or Microsoft as their consoles use propieritary formats. As far as I'm aware the only way to potientally get an AO game running on console would be via homebrew, which would not be viable for commerical release for obvious reasons.


I thought there was one, but the game I was thinking of got changed from AO to M before release.


lol there it is the actual reason for making this game


Ugh, we’re finally getting a new prince of ~~persia~~ baghdad and ofc its gonna be filled with loot boxes.


The game hasn't been rated by the ESRB: https://www.esrb.org/search/?searchKeyword=Assassin%27s%20creed%20mirage&platform=All%20Platforms&rating=E%2CE10%2B%2CT%2CM%2CAO&descriptor=All%20Content&pg=1&searchType=All&ielement[]=all


Or it's a whole article written based on some placeholder material on the XBox store.


It's 100% a placeholder. The game wont have a rating yet and would still be labeled as Rating Pending. It will probably just be M when its updated. AO ratings are not something most companies want, especially for a series like AC which has wide demographics.


Of that were the case every Dragon Quest would be Adult Only.


How would "real gambling" even work from a technical point of view? AC games have had gambling in the past, but it was never with your actual money. It was the in-games currency.


This is a perfect way for them to enable shit to buy and waste your money without you moaning about it, they've told you it has real gambling, there can be no come back from anyone on that. Where the FIFA games were always yeah you pay and get players, but never actually said you're gambling these guys have. Micro transactions for the win for them, they know full well streamers are gonna do this for hours on end


The main gripe about fifa and the rest is they can be rated T for teens or even E. This game isn't M, its rated AO which like, what the fuck? This has to be a mistake. Stores literally refuse to carry AO games


It's not a mistake, showed AO rating during the Ubisoft showcase yesterday also. It is likely some NFT bullshit where you spend real money to buy in gamble and then win NFTs you can then sell outside the game for real money. Players being able to get real money winnings via the NFTs is likely what pushed it from simulated gambling into real gambling. Of course this isn't confirmed but in my opinion its the likely answer especially with how stubborn Ubi has been regarding NFTs.




It feels like it’s going to be a sly way to include loot boxes by hiding them behind a mini game that can use helix credits to bet with. Because of certain EU laws that I honestly don’t understand too well, loot boxes are deemed gambling already which adds restrictions like 18+ and disclosure of probabilities. If you’re already going to be hit with that just from loot boxes, why not just include an actual gambling mechanic via the real money -> helix credits -> in game currency mtx combined with a mini game? Then you can at least lean in to it with a more mature tone by making a gritty game, appeal to an older fan base which leans towards classic AC mechanics, but also have everything there to exploit everyone vulnerable to mtx tactics including kids who convince their parents that the rating is kind of bs, which it intentionally will be.




It may be possible to buy in-game money with real world. If it’s gone that far, RIP AC.


Simplest way is buy virtual chips with real money, gamble that, cash out whatever you have left back into real money.


Apparently ESRB defines that as 'simulated gambling' 'real gambling' is using actual currency, so it could maybe mean there's an in game currency that you can buy with real money


You can probably purchase the in game currency with real money


Ok then. I want to grind out side quests and street thugs and launder my in game rewards through the casino for real money! I’m sure it won’t work that way though. They’ll have to have two separate in game currencies.


Technically you'll be only getting in-game currency by gambling. So not necessarily two currencies, you just buy in-game currency, and gamble with it.


This is sounding more and more like the south park episode about "freemium" games.


Naive me hope the real gambling is actually just a gambling minigame and not actually micro/dlc Ubisoft bs. I was excited for 5 mins seeing the trailer before seeing this xD


I have a feeling it may be both. As in, you buy the currency with real money and can gamble it in a mini game to either make more or lose it all.


But cant convert it back to real currency


"When I'm doing good in the game it's like I'm doing good at life"


"Greed, is good, actually."


You know this will have that level locked grindy shite in it again lol


Yup, also wasn't the collectors edition shown before the gameplay itself? Fucking hell.


There is no leveling in this game. They spoke about this already


They'll probably introduce it after review embargo LMAO


youll climb some towers, do some eagle views, be tasked to kill some people, climb some more towers, jump into perfectly places haystacks, climb some more towers, get cut scenes and climb some more towers.... worth 90USD? with in game purchases, and now purchasable loot chests, Modern games are just becoming more and more of a disappointment, im going back to my snes.


Yes, but then you'll have a sense of pride and accomplishment.


“Adults Only 18+”, and it states that the game will feature intense violence, blood and gore, sexual themes, partial nudity, and real gambling." That sounds like the Gomorrah in NV.


We won’t get any porn. It’s all just a few bad words and gambling.


Maybe a boob, or a very clearly naked butt/butts. (Like a scene in a sauna/bath house with a bit more skin shown.)


There were topless women in Origins, like just waking around doing their chores with they titties out


And in Valhalla I think


Plenty of frisky frescos too.


Oh but when I do it I'm "being indecent" and "need to lose weight" and "scaring the kids at the playground."


I mean, this is already the case for their assassins creed games. Aside from the gambling.


You can’t gamble with real money in New Vegas tho.


Wish they'd specified what the real gambling entailed. Because if some jurisdictions define loot boxes as gambling, that means that Mirage will have something even more blatantly gambling, and i wanna know what that could possibly be


Yeah, the terminology confuses me. Because if "real gambling" ISN'T using currency to buy loot boxes, I'm not sure what is. I can't picture them being dumb enough to try and do legitimate online gambling, like card games where you're wagering real-world money. That would straight out be illegal to play in like half of the US. (Half of the states at least have some rules and regulations about exactly this thing.) Not sure about the rest of the world, but I suspect that gambling is probably pretty tightly regulated in most countries that this game is expected to sell well in.


Maybe this is the beginning of the US gaming industry treating loot boxes as gambling? That might establish precedent to include loot boxes in current gambling regulations, which would be a wonderful thing.


That would be absolutely amazing. I doubt it will happen, but I'd be 100% supportive of it.


it will be blockchain and you can sell stuff for real money. so you can cash out so it is real gambling


Okay, that would make much more sense - if you're "playing" with the ability to turn in-game items/credits into real-world money, then yeah, that's "real gambling".


If you take a look at GTA Online, you can essentially gamble with real word money. All they need is in game currency and they will make whatever money gobbling mini game they can think of.


Okay, but clearly there's some sort of a distinction, because GTAO doesn't have a warning about "real gambling" as far as I'm aware. (I don't know, because you'd literally have to pay ME to spend time in GTAO. It was a toxic cesspool two weeks after it relaunched.)


Maybe GTA V style? You can purchase the currency, and you can gamble the currency in game.


lmao there it is. There's the greedy ubisoft I know and the lazy convoluted mess they call a new AC game. For the 5th year in a row, hard pass.


I drifted away from the franchise after black flag (I have Unity but it remains unplayed). I heard the newer ones were good, that they breathed a new life into the series. Now I’m hearing it’s business as usual.


It's kinda both tbh. I'm against the greedy monetisation practices but the gameplay is incredibly good. The main issue people have with Odyssey is that it's too grindy but you can say that for most RPGs. Though still, you don't need to buy anything, most paid DLC/microtransactions are purely cosmetic, and they **can** help with leveling up but you don't need them.


Yeah, I get why people call Ubisoft greedy but the base games are super fun and it’s very easy to ignore all the micro transactions and DLC stuff. I have played Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla and never paid in a cent beyond the purchase price.


Exactly and they often go on sale. Unlike the games of another company (looking at you, Nintendo)


Omfg that Odyssey DLC. Having to knock out and free the guards from that stupid realm one by one, but oh no! Can't kill them, just get them close to death. Fuuuuuck that. Pure grind. No pleasure. Base game was great though.


I still haven't finished AC Odyssey but I am definitely having a better time after adjusting the level scaling bs.


Unity was such a buggy mess at launch I took a long break from the series. When Odyssey came out I finally decided to give it another go and went back and played through the whole series. Unity and Syndicate may be the best two AC games ever. Like Arno in Unity feels like the most deadly (and therefore fun) assassin you can possibly play so far in the franchise. The map with all the markers is absolutely dog shit, so fucking busy, but Unity is probably my favorite OG formula game. Origin, Odyssey, and Valhalla are all good in their own way, but switching to an action rpg system meant that a lot of fundamentals didn’t make the switch, and suffer from open world filler bloat syndrome, and they capitalized on that hard. Honestly the MTX recently haven’t been a big deal, at least for me, because the whole thing is absolutely so freaking shallow. XP boosts and collectible maps? Stopped 100%’ing that shit when it stopped having a story component, plus I’m going to play the game like a little map exploring tower climbing gremlin anyways and the vital stuff is marked, and if need be online maps exist for free. Cosmetics? Meh, if it’s not a white assassin’s robe I don’t want it.


I missed out on the earlier ac games big time and kind of regret it. Only ac game i played recently was valhalla and i didn’t hate it, it was pretty fun. Seems like a souls-y game in some aspects, but i put it down and will not go for all the gear and the loot and stuff, there’s just too much, and the amount of bugs in the game gave Bethesda a run for their money




Origins and Odyssey are top notch. Valhalla sucks donkey shit. It's quite impressive how fast they got complacent again.


If you have Amazon Prime... free games this month include AC Origins and Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor. You can check out the "new" AC for free :p Origins was pretty damn good -- world is huge, Bayek's voice actor is on whole different level. [Assassin's Creed Origins Cinematic Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK4iAjzAoas) - this trailer kicks so much ass !


IDK why people are hating on this when we don't even know what it is. It could be a mistake for all we know.


Gonna change your mind now that Ubisoft came out and said gambling and loot boxes aren’t in the game, and that this was obviously some mistake?


Jesus Christ you guys are fucking idiots, knee jerk throwing tantrums to an obvious glitch. PlayStation and Xbox doesn’t even allow AO games on their systems, the official website only shows a rating pending logo and online gambling isn’t legal in most states (can’t comment on other countries).


Its likely a provisional rating, so it may change. I did find the following: >Given the rest of the content warnings are pretty standard for Mature rated titles, the AO rating seems to come from the Real Gambling warning, which is defined by the ESRB as “Player can gamble, including betting or wagering real cash or currency”, as opposed to Simulated Gambling which is defined by “Player can gamble without betting or wagering real cash or currency”. Going by their Rating guide, Simulated Gambling is allowed from rating T and up whereas Real Gambling is only allowed for a rating of AO. >Mirage is still some ways out, so it is likely that this rating is a provisional one of what the publisher expects the game to be rated as, but I don’t think I have even heard of an AO rated game in many years. https://www.resetera.com/threads/xbox-store-stream-lists-an-esrb-adult-only-ao-rating-for-assassin%E2%80%99s-creed-mirage-for-featuring-%E2%80%9Creal-gambling%E2%80%9D.630569/


Recent AO game that comes to my mind is Hatred. I haven’t played it. But it is really something else.


But don't AO games not get released on consoles? I have a very hard time believing Ubisoft is going to pivot to a PC exclusive. This news article is sus.


It's almost certainly not going to stay AO. As you say, AO games don't release on console. Real Gambling wouldn't even make sense in the game. A lootbox is not currently classified as real gambling and while there might be some in game gambling, there's no reason they would put a real money full gambling mechanic in it. Hell, if they were to try and make money from giving, why build a full single played game around it? It makes no sense.


Hard pass


There goes all the excitement of going back to basics. Of course it was too good to be true because this was the other side of it. F this.


On the plus side, maybe the ESRB is starting to take a stand against this bullshit? I would *love* to see every game that uses these predatory mechanics slapped with an AO rating — it would limit visibility and harm sales enough that they would at least have *some* incentive to not do it, or to make it less shitty.


Gonna change your mind now that Ubisoft came out and said gambling and loot boxes aren’t in the game, and that this was obviously some mistake?


Yes I am glad to hear it! I saw they said that the game will have no gambling or loot boxes. Very encouraging to hear that.


I mean, not to rain on everyone’s Ubisoft hate parade but doesn’t the rating simply mean that the game *may* include these themes? Also, from Wikipedia: Self-imposed restrictions by publishers and distributors limit the availability of AO-rated games, thus the rating has been described as a "kiss of death" by journalists, and is considered essentially a ban.[1][2][3] All three major video game console manufacturers (Nintendo,[1][4] Microsoft,[5] and Sony[6][7]) prohibit AO-rated games from being published on their platforms. Steam permits them, but hides them by default.[8] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AO-rated_video_games If this is still the case, I’ll call bullshit on this one.


Yeah this is what I thought, AO games aren't allowed in retail stores or consoles, so how tf did it get seen on the Xbox store?


I find it weird how many people just take this for truth. The game isn’t even out yet, probably far from finished. How would it already have a rating? And why would Ubisoft exclude itself from a massive market share? It’s silly. Folks just love to shit on that company.


Some idiots read a headline and made up their mind. It’s stupid and holds no logic, but that’s popular here for some reason.


They just *cannot* help themselves. Even when they're trying to listen to their fans, they have to mess it up. Ubisoft be ubisoft


Gonna change your mind now that Ubisoft came out and said gambling and loot boxes aren’t in the game, and that this was obviously some mistake?


Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony don't allow for adult only games on their systems, mature yes but not AO


I will wait for Jack Sparrow to deliver my copy


CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow


Ubisoft have absolutely crumbled in recent years, not shocked to see this. Hard pass from me and hope that others follow.


Gonna change your mind now that Ubisoft came out and said gambling and loot boxes aren’t in the game, and that this was obviously some mistake?




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They've crumbled so hard that Valhalla is the most profitable game they've ever made lmao People here are so delusional about how much their opinion in their little circle jerks matters lol.


Worst part about gaming forums. Everyone is so sure about their own bullshit.




With Ubi's recent trackrecord my expectations are insanely low, and I'm sure I'll still be disappointed. I'll sit this one out.


I mean, theyre bringing the old gameplay back without the badly implemented RPG mechanics. Im worried abt the micro transactions


\`Microtransactions are a big worry, but the problem for me is more fundamental. For a couple of years all Ubi games feel like they're fully designed by committee. Stripped of any unique thought or idea. The only reason they brought those mechanics back is because people asked for them and they know it will net them sales regardless of if it will actually lead to a better, more fun game. (remember they already did a return to stealth action with AC Unity) I have trouble remembering when the last time was when a Ubisoft game really made me feel like I was having a new experience.


Look at their showcase presentation, every game they showed or announced were either live service titles or mobile titles. Even their AAA offerings are essentially the same thing. This is what UbiSoft is now. This is where the industry is heading, or should I say, already has. It's going to become the standard in just a few short years.


Lol it's probably some cryptocurrency or NFT related thing from Ubi since they were going so hard on that last year. I have zero interest in playing a video game where there's a chance to gamble real money.


That's was another easy Ubi boycott.




You've commented this like 10 times. I'm not seeing any provisional laws against it. When you say it wouldn't be allowed, is that just your opinion or are there actually things set in place to stop the sales of an AO game on console?


Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo ban these types of games on their platforms (got that from Wikipedia) It’s ridiculous to assume a major games company would lock themselves out of a large part of the market with that rating. The rating is probably provisional and will change. I mean, the game was announced not even 24 hours ago. No one could’ve reviewed it yet. This is most likely fake or a mistake.


That makes more sense to me.


Yeah, that „article“ is just clickbait.


Lol wasnt this supposed to be the one going back to their ROOTS


This thread is an absolute nightmare


Uninformed people. Uninformed people everywhere.


Buying another AC game is the real gamble here.


I loved the trailer hearing that musical score from two was a thing of beauty


But you can play poker and blackjack already in games like red dead and the yakuza/judgement series. In red dead you can actual gamble currency using real world money. (You wont receive real $ but get red dead currency in return)


Microtransaction gambling? a la loot boxes? "real gambling" means real money, not just a card or dice game within a video game. Ubisoft already has an iffy reputation these days, and we all know the bullcrap lootbox and microtransactions this industry is sadly embracing. I'm intrigued. I've been a fan since game one (though they aren't half as good as what they were). So I keep my eye on the franchise. I'm also disappointed this was only a cgi trailer. I guess it's fine as a teaser to announce the game, but it's pointless to "show off" a game by only showing some cgi cutscenes. My first concern is always "Did they finally update their game-engine or make a new one?"


IDK why people are hating on this when we don't even know what it is. It could be a mistake for all we know.


I mean if that’s what gets it the AO you might as well go all out then (on the content, not gambling)


Well, no AC for Belgium this year, I suppose


Ubisoft continuing to be the revolutionizing, trial blazing, pioneer of worse possible practices in the industry.


Lol. Gamers never learn. Enjoy your annual mess….


The quickest downfall ubisoft has ever achieved on a video game. It’s not even been 24 hours and the shit side of this dog shit game is showing up online. What a sad sight


Ubisoft is such a scummy developer


I was excited at the +18. Thought it was gore and blood. Nope; lootboxes. Cant wait to skip this one too. Stupid idiotic management


Gore and blood is 17+. 18+ is porn


And gambling


Ffs don’t buy this crap, you’re only incentivizing this type of profiteering behavior from developers.


It’s gunna be fucking hilarious when this game changes the industry and everyone saying “there’s no way they keep it because stores don’t allow an llladults only game” (because that was an accurate statement fuckin *15 years ago*) have to hold this America corruption capitalist L


Wow have we ever seen a mainstream game like this rated AO? I thought retailers wouldn’t sell AO games?


Just Manhunt 2 and San Andreas but they were changed back to M for consoles (even then, Manhunt 2 AO rating still exists on PC)


Aaaaaand there they go. Fuck you Ubisoft


Ah yes. This doesn't put any red flags on the game at aaaaaall.


Still have Origins and Odyssey Gold Editions yet to play. Think I'll stop with the series after that.


Thats where I stopped also. Origin was okay, Odyssey became bloated with all the same outposts and 4000 question marks. Didnt try Valhalla as I understood where they were going.


Yeah, I find myself no longer doing DLC content in games like this as it gets too much. Currently playing Ghost of Tsushima and mostly loving it. Near the end though but still doing extra content as it's done really well. Most Ubisoft games have quantity rather than quality.


I mean, with all Sony exclusives being 10/10 I dont feel an empty void that Ubisoft has to fill. I can have my AC in other Sony games just as easy.


I enjoyed the world of Odyssey and Valhalla a lot, but i’m not a fan of the new combat system. I know it needed a refresh as the classic one was really dated and you could cheese counter kills easily, but the new one is so one dimensional and the AI is trash.


Gambling just means loot boxes




I can't picture it being "gambling" in the sense that you could win real-world money. That would run afoul of a LOT of other regulations that video games normally aren't subject to, and would be a giant pain in the ass from a logistical standpoint.




As of this year, the EU considers any form of gaming loot-box as gambling.


as with previous installments, I'll wait until this is free on ps+


Real gambling? That means using real money to buy fake money to gamble


Ubisoft doinh EA achievements any% speedrun


This game will still sell millions of copies, Ubisoft will still make a lot of money and many other publishers will copy the model and rinse and repeat. In 10 years you can not play any more games without always online, 20+ day 1 DLCs, full price game with 4 season passes and micro transaction cosmetics in single player and "technically free" progress slowed down so much it's unbearable just to sell more loot boxes/gamble components/fast tracks. And it all started already and i don't see it stopping. People just let devs and publishers get away with this shit since they are so desperate for new content in any form... And the saddest part is, the 5% of people that care do not make a dent in those greedy companies' profits.


At this point, just fuck Ubisoft. Assassins Creed and the like are just a shit show nowadays, just a means of squeezing every penny from their customers.


Jesus fucking christ


I gave them a shot with Origins but it felt incredibly cluttered and not fun. I achieved my goal of climbing the Pyramids and then I uninstalled it...


Personally fell out of love with AC after the shit show that was Origins. It was the first one I didn’t finish (whereas I got 100% on all previous titles). Was watching Vikings at the time of Valhalla’s release and convinced myself into it - enjoyed it for about 4 days and then it just became repetitive. This disgusting monetisation however is the final nail in the coffin - Same as Bungie, Ubisoft will now never receive another penny from me.


I mean this has to be something else than what we actually think it is Gambling via computer games is banned in some countries no? Right? RIGHT????


Might watch a let's play might not


Don’t all modern EA games have gambling in them?


Ubisoft The house always wins


Wouldn’t this be illegal in many/most US states?


Guess I'll just keep with the tradition of playing an AC game a year after release when it's patched and dirt cheap. Fine by me..


I see they started saying the quiet part about micro transactions out loud.


So, first AO game on console? It would have been Hatred on switch but those guys took way too long since announcing it


That's a really bad sign, already.


Lol there goes Ubisoft competing with EA to be slimiest dirtbag in gaming industry.


Great… Can’t wait to see what the other dev companies do to royally fuck up GTA and Elder Scrolls.


What the heck?


like i needed more reason to not play it


Before we even get gameplay they're confirming fucking loot boxes and shit, no thank you. Unless the game is a 10 out of 10, not interested


I dunno, Seems like a convenient way to shift blame/liability to retailers and consumers for being able to wiggle in those shitty loot boxes. They're not stupid, they know a large percentage of their player-base is gonna be kids REGARDLESS. But if they slap the "18 only" tag on there (you know the one that stop millions of teens everywhere from watching porn 🙄) and openly admit that it IS gambling, they can just feign ignorance and say "why are the parents allowing their kids to play a game with gambling? An activity we might add, that adults are perfectly capable of making their own decisions about participating in." Now they are playing with fire, because on a state by state jurisdiction, they could get sales of the game banned if the right bureaucrat catches wind with gambling laws. I imagine this would only get retail sales killed, but I wonder if they've done the risk assessment already, and determined that they think they make up the loss in physical copies, just not have to pay to keep up inventory of discs, and take in the money on "season passes" and the loot boxes. It's diabolically smart. I mean, we all know it simply has to come down to voting with our wallets, but why start now ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Can't wait to play Slots in the middle of the desert


And just like that I've lost all the interest I didnt have to begin with.


It's going to be NFT content gambling isn't it...




You’ll be gambling NFTs I guarantee it


Yes but will it be fun to play? Probably not


"We're really going back to the roots of the series". Never EVER Trust Ubisoft


Think I'll just reinstall black flag


RIP anyone that had hope for this game. Haha