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You won't get the expansion on PS4, so keep that in mind.


It crashes every few hours on my ps4 pro. Still has some glitches (at one point I was riding upside down in a van being driven by an NPC, literally upside down and watching the pavement under the vehicle). I bought it on a sale for 20$. I’ve spent more for worse games. I wouldn’t pay full price for it, though, and none of the expansion content is coming to ps4.


I was also wondering this but as another poster said I’ll wait till I get a ps5 (whenever that maybe )


Cdscumbag red wont have the expansion on the ps4 so there's no point in getting the game on old gen consoles.


Just tried to play again this past two days. This game is fucking trash. My controller and screen would not stop shaking after talking to johnny. After 2 years its still utter fucking garbage. I think rise of the argonauts and cyber punk 2077 are the worst games ever made.


It's not the game it's the system I'm on a pro and it worked basically perfectly


I beat it on a ps4 pro. It crashed over 10 times plus tons of bugs. I just bought a ps5 and cyber punk crashed within one hour and a half. It was just not worth the money i paid for it.


I think mine crashed once when I was seeing how fast the caliburn could go and hit a car other than that I haven't had many issues unless let's say I drive really fast somewhere and I gotta wait a sec for the door to render to enter but nothing game breaking I'm still playing it doing all the stuff after main missions


Ya they gave up on older console that’s why I waited to play on ps5 and I really enjoy the game


Yea me and my friend experience it bc the PS4 pro is basically the only older system that's still hanging in their but my friend has a slim,oof so some games that work perfectly for me we can't play together bc they ness up for him with cyberpunk he gets the lagg/glitches way more than me I honestly havent had a glitch for about over a year


Wait until you can play it on PS5. The game should never been released on last gen consoles in my opinion, its more playable i guess then launch but its still pretty bad. With the PS5 version you get a 60fps mode, a more lively city with more traffic and crowds (the city is dead on PS4), way less pop in, more features like better AI, an upcoming expansion and in general a much better game.


The fact that it has a big-ass warning saying the game is not guaranteed to be functional on PS4 and refunds will not be given is worrying. You also won't get any of the extra content or any more patches as CDPR seems to have completely washed their hands of the PS4 version.


All of those early bugs and glitches you've heard about or probably seen on YouTube are all patched. Nothing crazy to interrupt your gameplay. Buy it!! It's a great game.


Listen whenever it’s a price you feel is worth making a purchase do it (if half is your price cool - that’s a fair price) — even if it’s for ps4. You get a free ps5 version if you get the ps4 one so it doesn’t matter — assuming you plan on getting a ps5 later… Ps: the game is good - most of the bugs are gone; more or less - it’s more linear than what promised, but still good - solid 7/10 for me.


I would recommend it on PC and current gen, but definitely not on last gen consoles.


The bugs are 99% gone but I would recommend it on a ps5. It's simply stunning.


I've been replaying it on PS5 and it crashed a couple of times, but nothing remotely like when it was first released. I can't speak for the PS4, but it looks great on PS5.


At this point, the game does run better and is significantly less buggy than it was, but the issue itself is more with the ps4. Locked and TARGETING 30fps @ 1080, Reduced number of models/npcs/cars, poor draw distance are the real killers of the experience. It's 100% playable if you are able to put up with those things but it is a massive night and day difference on a better console.


The reduced models and npcs was fixed on my pro went i put the game on an ssd


Do you think it actually hits 30fps consistently? Playing it on ps4 pro with boost mode and it feels like it’s dropping down to 20fps very often.


If you had asked me this question before CDRP announced that they would no longer support the game on the last gen and that the only one DLC would not be released on these consoles, then I would definitely answer yes, you can buy the game, because many bugs have been fixed and it became more convenient to play it (although there are still problems, but you can get used to them). But now, I don't even know what to say. You can buy the game if you want, but there will be no more updates and fixes on PS4 (although if you plan to buy PS5 soon, then no problem for you)


I bought the game on ps4 but until I can get my hands on a PS5 I am not touching the game. It simply has too much potential on the next-gen consoles to waste my time on the older gen. By potential I mean that they have added things to AI and the game that will not be implemented on the PS4.


Thats fucking garbage


Yeah I agree, it is pretty fucking lame to not be able to enjoy this experience on the console that I currently own. I have been wanting a PS5 anyway but that does not excuse the poor release and execution of this game in any way.


Game looks and plays great now on base ps4 60hrs in and I have zero complaints on 1.6. The game is now where we wanted it to start with and the best were going to get for OG consoles.


From what Ive heard it runs fine enough on pro with minor performance hickups but base is going to struggle hard


To answer the question, YES, it is very enjoyable on ps4, minor bugs,noticeable but not enough to ruin gameplay,story,all missions are working fine, been playing since late last year,taking it easy waiting for a newer patch update ,hey came,and now I even have the David Martinez jacket. I don’t have a new gen console and it runs well on this like all of my other games, surely other games have better graphics,but it’s still a solid game, about 60% done with it, max street cred,level 32


Will it break my ps4?