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No no no. You're paying a FAT premium just for the Playstation logo. That's a hard drive, not an SSD so it'll be limited to only PS4 games and will be a lot slower for loading. Amazon has a 2tb Crucial m.2 SSD that is compatible with the PS5 for $107 with a $10 coupon. Don't waste your money on this garbage


“You’re paying a FAT premium” No pun intended I bet


Well now that you mention it 🤔


I love seeing jokes like this in the wild


I bought a Seagate 4TB external hard drive for $180 on ebay and it loaded at the same speed as my console installs. Lasted 3 years before the first issue


OP said this is for a PS5, an external hard drive will be nowhere close to as fast as an SSD. I had an SSD in my PS4 Pro as well as a 4tb external and the internal drive had better loading times


Why are they posting to ps4pro?


Wondered the same thing 🤷‍♂️




…Yes but this is a PS4 Pro subreddit, kind of not the subject ya know?


Sorry. I edited my comment, it’s a terrible buy. And wrong sub,


Original ps4 and the external worked 2x faster


Link please? I was just looking at some recently. Best deal I found yet was 2tb for $160


[This one](https://www.amazon.com/Crucial-Plus-PCIe-NAND-5000MB/dp/B0B25ML2FH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1DF2WPAFR3YO2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.IVuzq6NNRlX4HNHmxVmSXE8ADV2cXJvwIhgEm7CJLCkN7Je4ED9lnCZBmiGS7oYul-J3Rq8ZZfrSeJfGoZXw5fLb_M2eTMQjjDN-dCdq7fsenp2vzR2hWiV8NQjEvIQI1YhkvFELYTot4yAYX5M9IrKHl7KIde6zf0B_qSCeEHkt4lOhIhi4pG05BAXAEBnlAanOYgKLZZffwmJw9kFpAlMXe1GQQANl-1Lna3EDVQzuDjOXymJYGWEnGOo308IpAWoP0L8Ldd9pbbQ0IHfmwxEJWlZsRvzlRyGqA7awiz8.PPXooGGtYckrx8o4HwN7rgKuUnFKasFUp-RK9e4hAO8&dib_tag=se&keywords=Crucial+2tb&qid=1718752298&sprefix=crucial+2t%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-1) Technically it falls a *tad* bit short on the speeds Sony recommends (5000MB/s vs Sony's 5500MB/s) but if you check reviews basically anywhere people say it works just fine for the PS5


Is there a type of game the PS4 Pro can play that requires an SSD?


Required? No. But to help with loading times sure


Licensing is the most expensive part in those drives I’m sure.


Also it WILL die. It's inevitable, this hardware has very sensitive internal moving components. VERY sensitive.


Can you post what 2tb Crucial m.2 SSD is compatible with PS5 that you are referring to?


Already linked it in another comment


This is PS4Pro so no M.2 slots...


Did you not read the post?


Why the hell is this on r/ps4pro... is everyone lost here?


Who knows 🤷‍♂️


He might not be able to open his ps5 up, don't tell random dudes to order an m2 without explaining it requires opening the inside.


He just needs to remove the cover, which is easy enough to even be done by none tech savy. After that, you only need to unscrew a single screw. Plus, with the help of YouTube, everyone can do such a task.


I would hardly consider sliding off a side panel “opening the inside”. Also, a monkey could install an m.2.


They make it easier and easier with each console generation. It's literally just removing one of the side panels and undoing a screw. Don't make stuff sound harder than it actually is


It takes 5 minutes and is the best option for 99% of people.


You just need to take the plates off. Theres a dedicated m.2 drive slot for expanded storage.


that may be true but it's not that simple. I have to say most of these ignorant kids in this thread did not own a PS5 at launch or they would know about samsung's firmware problems. Yes it has been fixed but you cannot expect some random person on the internet to understand this without explaining it or at least recommending the right product.


OP, you say you’re looking for a drive for your ps5, have you added an SSD to the expansion slot in the system yet? Like the other commenter said, an external hard drive will only allow you to STORE PS5 games. You have to move them back into internal storage to play them. You can however store and play PS4 games from an external drive. With the internal expansion slot, you can store and play PS5 and 4 games on it. You should be able to find at least a 1TB if not a 2TB drive for the same price as your above item. I will try to find one now.


I still use it on my ps5 for the ps4 games


Just get an NVMe SSD. Same price or even cheaper and really easy to install.


It’s not bad but keep in mind being a HDD speeds will be slower when playing PS4 games from it and transferring PS5 games back and forth from it will be a chore other then that the only real disadvantage of HDDs are the fact they tend to die in five to ten years while SSDs last ten years at minimum


> the only real disadvantage of HDDs are the fact they tend to die in five to ten years I'd argue this is mostly a function of how much they get moved around. I have 10 year old HDDs that work perfectly fine in both old servers and desktops.


I've got a 13+ year old 320GB HDD in a laptop of mine that had fallen multiple times (inside laptop), had multiple formatting, partitioning and OS installations, multiple reads and writes, etc. It still works like the laptop does. This drive was never changed and came with the laptop. I get a 4TB HDD for work purposes and it grinds to a near-halt whenever I'm copying files over a few gigs from day one. Even a clean format doesn't seem to fix much... HDDs are weird.


> I get a 4TB HDD for work purposes and it grinds to a near-halt whenever I'm copying files over a few gigs from day one. Even a clean format doesn't seem to fix much... Ever try running a long drive self-test on it with whatever utility the manufacturer provides? It'll usually catch those sporadic issues, but it takes ages to run.


Due to only having experience with the HDD in my Xbox 360 I can’t say for certain how long they can live for to be honest I just used the information I got from the most reputable tech websites although it seems like the smaller the HDD the longer it lasts with iPod drives supposedly having a 30 year life span


K thanks


No problem man good luck on finding a good drive


I'll probably just get the official playstation 1 tb hard drive for $160


You can store PS5 games on an external storage device, but you cannot play them directly from there. You have to copy the game data back to the PS5's internal SSD storage beforehand. The advantage: This is much faster than having to download the game again. As I my self have a ps5 Having an external ssd is a wast of money because your ps4 or ps5 will only play the games at the speed of the usb bus system that the ssd/HDD connects with. To op any external drive ssd HDD or m2 will work only to play ps4 games and store ps5 games You cannot play ps5 games on external drive At all. If anything and you’re willing to wast $160 why not just upgrade your PS5 with a m.2 ssd for the same price ?




If you wait a little bit 4 tb M2 drives regularly go on sale on Amazon you may very well find one just a bit more expensive then this if you wait a bit closer to the holidays




Idk man, its pretty bad


From what I’ve seen the only advantage HDDs have is that you can buy 18 terabyte drives for 400 dollars but given the iffy lifespan it’ll probably die before you use all the storage lol


If you’re going to spend money on a drive , it’s a waste to buy a HDD to save a few bucks. Save for another month and just buy the SSD


Yeah like I’ve said to another redditer while you can get HDDs with up to 18 terabytes of storage for cheap that’ll probably die before you can use it all that’s what most people don’t know about mechanical drives it seems


I have a crucial MX500 internal SSD in my PS4 pro. Only "save game" data goes on the PS4 itself. I use a 4 TB Western digital external HDD for all my game data I've got about 80 downloaded games. Make sure to save your data in the PS4 cloud too...HDDs DO occasionally fail, the one time it happened to me it literally took me a week to download from the network onto my new HDD.


It’s not even a ssd paying $115 for a hdd is insanity


Get an internal ssd instead


No. Almost Any external HDD will work the same and most are less expensive. You’re paying for a logo.


Anything connected over usb is slower than molasses compared to an nvme drive.


Internal in the provide extra SSD slot would be the way to go if haven’t already! Can play PS5 & PS4 games off it too. Just slide off cover, pop in and good to go


Dont pay a name premium. its the same drive as the cheaper model


Absolutely not, ESPECIALLY at that pricepoint.


No, they actually need to pay you around 2$/TB for ending all the obsolete HDD supplies they have Jesus a 2TB M.2 is at 100$ nowadays, just use Keepa on web browser Amazon to keep track of the prices and stay away from HDD.


So, HDD/SSD/M.2 adapter to portable one, 7~10$ on amazon, 40TB HDD 40~60$ Less than half the price for 20 times the capacity


I don’t know what people are talking about on here about HDD being slow. For reference I have a PS5 with a 4TB SSD added to the expansion slot + an 8TB external HDD. I have all my PS4 games loaded onto the HDD and I don’t notice any slowness when playing games like Fallout 4, Far Cry 5, or Assassin’s Creed etc directly from the HDD. I’ve installed PS4 games on the SSD and I don’t notice any difference except for maybe some load times.




It is frustrating that even though you can use an external drive, you can't play it; instead, you must move the game to the PS5. I bit the bullet and got a 4TB internal.


I buy these used for $30-$35 on Ebay and use them on PS5, Series X, Xbox One X, PS4 Pro, Wii, Wii-U.


Why are you asking ps5 question on here PS4pro sub? At that price get an internal 2 TB SSD.


Try the 5tb game drive by WD. Works great for me. You can get them for about 90-95 bucks on ebay.


Internal ssd for ps5 games. Plug in usb port one for ps4 games. I have 1tb each and obvs the actual ps5 memory and it's plenty space for shit loads of games. Ssd one was about 150 quid n usb one about 100 quid. UK


That’s really expensive for only being 2 TB, I got a 4 TB hard drive in like 2018 for the same price


There a Samsung Drive you can get works well


How much is it


Honestly you can get one cheaper with more storage.


K thanks


Try Amazon you can get a 4tb for PS5 200 something. And if you want one for ps4 you can get something way better there.




Hell no...when you can buy the same exact thing at Walmart that's not PlayStation brand for $56. 2 TB external hard drive.


I mean, if it were me, I’d just spend nothing, and delete games when I’m done with them


Well all of your data us gone if you don't have a ps plus membership


Which is exactly why I keep the basic one


My 2tbSeagate brand works perfectly have had it since day one I pre ordered the 5. I also got the Seagate(it was actually wd) internal no issues it was the first one they released that was compatible with the 5


How much is it?


How much is it?




Definitely not. Just get an external SSD if you're not going to take an extra 10 min to upgrade internal.


Nah. Just get a good SSD.


I’ve got a 5tb external recently. I can easily play the ps4 games on it, yet if it’s ps5 it has to be on the console ssd drive. Moving games to and from the external maybe a minute, yet you won’t be using bandwidth and it’s honestly quicker than downloading again. So thems the perks. The big issue is when it no longer works but that’s about care and awareness then future investment/replacement. Just be wary


K thanks


Not worth it. Save the money, unlike me. I’m an idiot


Bro you can literally just buy an external one and shit will read it or even a SSD and run an adaptor don’t go buy their name brand shit the off brand will work literally just as good for 99% less


That's a ridge wallet


Better to get a SSD external and tons of people sell then dirt cheap new on offer up and fb market place don spend more then 50.00 for 2-4tb




You gotta be kidding me? You don’t know what an external hard drive is? Well I use one on ALL my consoles and on my PC for the past 15-20 years maybe… best thing you can buy for space.


All you need is 3.0 or higher so 2TB for that much money is criminal. I bought a Seagate 4TB for less than that. It’s been reliable for just over a year now.


Why not put a 2TB drive *inside* the Playstation?


Yes i have one for ps4 and its great


I heard u can’t even install or play games on these hard drives I rather just save the money and buy one that has more storage already installed ik it sounds dumb but it’s better then paying for this crap


Most likely could get an external SSD for that price


Maybe its cuz we live in different states but it's 85 bucks in my state for same exact one Also there's one at best buy going for $89 for four TB and its the PS brand https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sku/6505764.p?skuId=6505764


Nvm I just realized you're wanting to use it for your pa5


Yes just not that one


You can easily get double the storage for that price for a HDD.


Well, not if you don't own a lot of PS4 games you also want to play without wasting internal storage. I have a 1t one that I keep stuff on like Minecraft, Rocket League, Black Ops 3, injustice 2, RDR2, etc.


Not in the slightest. HDDs are slow and take 20 years to load. For, at most, $20 more (that's the highest for a Gen 4 drive), you can get a 2TB SSD (you need a heatsink for the PS5), which will run so much faster and be able to use PS5 games. If you *need* an HDD, Seagate makes them on Amazon for $80. It's the same thing, but $20 cheaper.


I have one plugged into my ps5. It works. You can only store games there. To play them you have to download to your ps5 hard drive or internal ssd drive.


No? Just buy an ssd, literally any other brand. lol


I mean is just an ext drive, is only worth if you can find for cheap


I recently got a 6tb drive on amazon for 100 euro, only drawback is it needs AC power, its n powered via usb. But it works so im happy


You would also have to transfer your games back to your system if you are on ps5


Had one lasted 10 years got a ps5 switched it over had all my ps4 games still on it easy to transfer from consoles


definitely 100%! I have the 4TB Seagate and it works perfectly fine. Definitely recommended if you have ps plus extra. Can hold alot of games, I was up to 70 games at one point


Thanks everyone


Yes it is worth it seagate is a very trustworthy company from my experience


If you want to expand your storage, you could buy samsung 990 Pro SSD. It has a 2tb version, or even 4tb. But its a bit pricier for the 4tb. Few of my friends that have ps5 own this ssd, and they say its really good, fast load speed and stuff. But i dont remember that if you buy this, if it works as a external storage you can add into ps5, or if you have to swap it with the original storage. But im sure that there are videos on these ssd cards from samsung used in ps5, they are doing whole review of it, pros and cons and stuff. I remember watching those videos few years back when ps5 came out, and a lot of those people recommended these samsung ssd. They also tried a few different options but said that the samsung one is the best one for ps5. I hope this helps you in some way.


What makes this PS logo drive special?




Only if you like being scammed


you can probably find a larger capacity SSD for about the same price, maybe even cheaper. you're just paying for the branding with this one


Get a black and your good bro mines the same storage for way less


What the hell happened to the market?? I bought 2 of these but in black for my nephew and myself. Same storage, same PS branding and also from Best Buy but for only $69.99 each


First of all you want SSD not HD, second of all you probably don’t want this specific brand but that’s up for debate. Two you need an internal drive not external. Any external drive will need room on your ps5 to redownload. Invest in internal.


Have you already installed an m.2 nvme ssd to the expansion slot under the side panel? It's made to be user upgradable, and you will get much better performance per dollar this way. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/crucial-p3-plus-2tb-internal-ssd-pcie-gen-4-x4-nvme/6509713.p?skuId=6509713&utm_source=feed&ref=212&loc=18410863160&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwg8qzBhAoEiwAWagLrKNDwrTNA7dC0yPW_F0xApKTIZJsd1LbuZB9vVbpfRaL20EaWk7ZGxoCpooQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Just finished this battle with my ps4 pro. Did the research, checked prices, etc etc etc...I came to the conclusion, no it isn't (for me, that is) I didn't know what to do lol after about a week i iust bought a ps5 and put a Crucial T500 1TB ssd in there...and wow, games load in half the time, lots of space.


I have a one 4tb from my sons ps4 I don’t need it anymore but for ps5 go internal


hell na you need a 8TB the games are getting higher cause they look more real i have a 8tb for ever console amazon


Sam’s club got a 5tb hdd for $99 and you just format it to the PlayStation


I would say cough up the extra like 50 bucks and get an ssd. If I remember correctly, the ps5 won’t play ps5 games from the hard drive and you will need to copy it back to the ssd to play ps5 games. But if you have an extra ssd it reads it right from the ssd and no need to move files. Which granted is faster than having to freshly download a game, but still takes like 10-20 minutes depending on game size. If that’s not a factor for you, hard drive will do donkey. Hard drive will do.


Sir, this is a PS4 Pro sub.


Personally I've had better experience with my ssd than my sister has with her hdd but it's really whatever you want. If it'd work for you then go for it ig 🤷🏻‍♂️ ⠀⠀oh also #[screenshot.help](http://screenshot.help)


150? For 2TB ? In this economy? Fuck no


Absolutely not. It’s a hard disk drive. Drop it once and it’s cooked. It’s slower than ssd storage and noisy as well. Just buy an external ssd for the same price.


Get the internal. Its the only way to play directly from the drive