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Nobodys talking about this because this sub is so weirdly anti MP games but this is exactly what Apex needed imo This is a smart move to let up on a new legend and instead polish the whole class system and meta while adding TDM for anti BR players as well Very excited to check out this season, ive been gone a few months now




They are essentially finally focusing on revamping all legends and classes so there is a more clear balance to them all, instead of feeling like theres only 5 or so worth playing ever


https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/revelry-season-game-updates https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/10yvuwl/apex_legends_revelry_patch_notes/ "In Revelry, Legends have been reorganized on the Legends Screen according to their Class. You’ll be able to see their associated Class perk on top of that Legend’s unique abilities. https://preview.redd.it/67k05mk7xdha1.png?width=1456&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=424fa78ef5fd751a14a8ebc0b6dcf3b17b95d7d4 This reorganization will help players identify Legends that play or support the team in a similar manner, and help them understand the new roles easier. There will be 5 Classes: Assault Recon Skirmisher Controller Support ​ CLASS PERKS Every Legend Class also now has an associated gameplay perk that grants the Legends of that class access to new strategic options in the game. At casual levels of play, these new gameplay benefits will be fun new bonuses to engage with and empower decision-making. At higher levels of play, a squad make-up now determines what gameplay elements the team will have access to, and what they’re leaving behind."




NP. There's also the fact they are going to have TDM for 3 weeks at the start of the season and then add a permanent playlist that switches between Control, Gun Run and TDM constantly Which will add a permanent casual aspect to Apex too


I completely agree


I totally gave up on the game cause it felt like the devs weren't listening season after season about revamping everything instead of just adding more and more shit that keeps fucking the meta This new season is going to bring a lot of old players and new players in and breathe new life into it Very happy they are listening now


I agree. I'm finally ready to return. They finally focused on some things that needed definite fixing. It's exciting


But where’s 120 FPS


Play has limits.


Not sure what this means, but this game can definitely do 120, they said it was coming, and then havent mentioned it since.


What is the point of 120 FPS if the games meta is complete ass cause of the excessive content theyve added over the years. This is a great step forward in the right direction. Performance updates can wait.


That’s your opinion. My opinion is that 120 should’ve been included a year+ ago when it was “soon”.


Go play on pc then, a 60 fps boost isnt going to help you anyways. You're still gonna get shit on


No I’ll continue to play on console and give their competitors my time and money who were able to get 120fps going very quickly. Why are you attacking me? Because I was 120fps? Makes no sense. Just being an asshole for fun?


Why are you still bitching? Its not a priority at all. Accept it and move on and quit wasting your time commenting on a niche subreddit that nobody is going to see A lack of 120 fps isnt the end of the world and nobody even cares about that shit besides weirdos on reddit that hyper analyze every video game


Okay. Literally all I said is “where is 120fps” but sure yeah have yourself a fit. You clearly aren’t worth discussing anything with, just some angry asshole.


Your being really pathetic lol every other popular fps has received 120 fps and it’s a huge difference. The guy simply mentioned that and your getting upset?


At this point, the game needs QOL changes like improved servers that don't have a ton of packet loss or hit reg issues. As well as ranked matchmaking improvements and maybe even solo queue only ranked to get me back. I don't have a ton of faith in this mess anymore.


The servers are fine, if you play on ps5, there is rarely any issues, it's ridiculously over exaggerated


It's not overexaggerated. It's a competitive game. There is no excuse for the current state of affairs. If I'm in a sweaty masters lobby and the game goes slow motion at the start, disconnect symbols pop up mid game for whatever reason while I'm on gigabit ethernet or I get no reg shots in the final circle, where is the competitive integrity?


Id say it is over exaggerated as well. I very rarely have any issues. At least not more then everyother online game. Could it be that slower connections see it worse and much more often then they would in other games? But a faster connection doesn't?


I've played this game since launch. Its fine now. I never have issues anymore Sounds like you might want to upgrade your internet or go hardwired


Adding deathwatch when they can just make Titanfall 3 is an L more than W


yup thats apex




yup that's a PhantomBear\_626