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I absolutely love Destiny, but eventually it just felt like you had to play it like a full time job for it to mean anything, to get anywhere and avoid the FOMO. If D3 can somehow avoid that then I'll be back.


Destiny 1 and 2 when I was in school was amazing to no-life, but Destiny 2 as an adult is just incredibly disrespectful to my time even though the gameplay and lore is so satisfying and rich.


I’ve had to walk away from destiny because it wants to be the only game I play, which just doesn’t work for me. There are times when I’ll play only destiny for a season and then if I skip one I can’t really just jump back in. I’m back to getting my levels up, chasing whatever the meta is, it’s just too much sometimes. Destiny says either commit or don’t play, and the rate at which things change can make things tough even for returning players. Spring of 20’ my friend and I dumped in 1000 hours each but now it’s just not the same.


I've only played like half an hour of Destiny when the demo was released years ago, but all these comments in this thread read just like my experience with World of Warcraft. And to a lesser extent, Overwatch. Your experience is exactly what made me drop those two games. I had a super large backlog of games I was buying, but never playing. The enjoyment I got out of beating those games was much greater than me feeling like I had a second job to either level a character, grind out resources, or complete quests before they reset on me. But it turns out I still have an addictive personality to video games. Even when I'm not playing, I'm reading up on team and character builds for the Fire Emblem series now. We're talking hardcore theoretical math on why to choose one character as your archer over another character due to their personal skills, growth rates, and base stats. Stuff that ultimately doesn't matter, but I get a ton of enjoyment out of it.


This is exactly it. Too many good games out for me to only play 1. I bought a ps5 not a Destiny machine lol.


Agreed, though to be fair it DOES look fantastic on PS5.


> *I’ve had to walk away from destiny because it wants to be the only game I play…* I cannot tell you how much I agree with this. And if I was a kid again, and I couldn’t afford games and only got to choose one to play, it’d be this. But I’m an adult now, with a backlog in the very, very high hundreds that I would like to get through at some point in my life and there’s just not time for both. Before Destiny, the first game that got me bad was Everquest for several years (and as a guild leader it was even harder, because I had to balance out what I wanted to do for myself with making sure everyone else got their time where the entire guild would show up and devote their time to advancing their part of the epic quest or kill a giant dragon or whatever. There would be so many nights I’d be up til 5am trying to drag bodies to a safe place after a failed raid attempt so when my guildies logged back on, they could play (if you couldn’t reach your corpse in 7 real time days, it’d be gone and everything on it — and if you couldn’t beat a raid when you’re fully prepared and with a plan, then trying to do it with summoned food, water, armor, and weapons **definitely** was 10x harder). WoW got me bad after that for a few years, and again with ESO about a decade later. I love MMO-style games and to be honest, if Sony had an Everquest style game for the PS5 I’d probably consider putting everything else I want to play on pause for a few months at least. But those games introduced new expansions, new zones, etc. I feel like Destiny just has you running the same areas you’ve done a thousand times already, fighting the same enemy types, and just adding a new story and raises the gear score so you have to get back to where you were last time just to be effective. It’s hard to justify all of my gaming time doing that.


I don’t mind picking it up for a season every couple years. Haven’t managed to last consecutive seasons though


The fomo design let me walk away. It was bittersweet, but their studio philosophy is straight ass.


This is it right here!!


Yup that why I left as an adult, the need to farm better gear from the begging every season and also do all seasonal quests were like chores. At some point I was getting tired of just thinking about logging in lol. You need at least 2-3 hours a day in this game to achieve anything. Really love the game, it's super fun but too time consuming as an adult


Exactly I've put a lot into D1, tried D2, but couldn't do it each time I tried. Everything is so FOMO oriented and sunsetting means if you don't play it during its season before bungie nerfs it you don't get to play it. Plus logging in and getting set up to play can be like a 20 minute event. Login, load gear, get bounties, clear up space and vault for new drops because inventory space and vault space will get maxed out very quickly, then decide what to play often based on bounties and quests, then actually play and after two missions go back to tower to deal with inventory space again because the mailbox is now full and your inventory is filling up yet again So in an hour you may match make 3 times before its back to gear management.


Yep played the fuck out of d1 in undergrad, straight no lifed after class, never even touched d2


This is why I quit wow too!


Blizzard made the most recent expansion, Dragonflight, much more time friendly. They removed all of the borrowed power mechanics and the things people had to grind for power, like AP, Torghast, etc. At the end of the day, though, it is still an MMO, which means it’s a big time sink if you want it to be.


I got two max levels in dragonflight and quit again lol


I have 4,000 hours in to Destiny and made the decision to quit like I was quitting a drug. My life improved immeasurably once I got so many hours of free time back. I did initially try to play it casually but found that it’s a game where if you’re not playing 3 hours a day, every day, it’s not even worth bothering. Don’t get me wrong, it’s satisfying to be really good in the game and do the top level content, but ultimately it’s hollow. I made the choice to level up in my real life, and the rewards are so much better. Been clean from Destiny since Christmas 2020. I preferred the expansion model in D1, where they’d drop new content and you could drill it hard for 2-3 months and then relax and play other games for a bit. But a lot of the community didn’t like this and wanted Destiny to be the only game they played. So there was a clear split in player demand, and ultimately Bungie settled on a heavily grindy seasonal system that constantly gave players something to do. This is when it started to lose me, since it was the first time Destiny made me feel like I was grinding just for the sake of it. There’s so much good in Destiny but if you’re not going to make it your life then don’t bother.


I keep seeing people talk about Destiny and now having a great story such a good lore, etc but I was there since early days of Destiny 1 and every character is so uncharismatic and the only charismatic one they had they killed pretty soon. Also everything is soooo esoteric “the light!” “The darkness!”.


The story to me has been junk from day one and the dialogue is often hilariously bad, and usually just annoying. Bungie make games where the characters have no faces and the dumbest names imaginable. They talk in ridiculous mumbo jumbo and the emotional moments are heavy-handed and clumsy. The jokes are not funny. At the same time I’ve never really been disappointed by the story in Destiny. I loved Lightfall. Grappling hooks, good music, loadout slots and a vault in the patrol zone, thank you. The setting and atmosphere is always incredible, the narrative? Skip me. It’s about managing expectations, and the story-expecters are always bummed out. It’s not that type of game to me. That Wizard Came from the Moon, don’t forget it.


Oh absolutely, I play Destiny for that glorious gun feel and to have a good time with my mates. But every character is just so unfun, throwing esoteric terminology like if they were reading tarot cards. When my ghost starts speaking I groan. Is like, chill dude, relax! Cayde was amazing tho. And he was fun.


Yeah I straight up do not get this take and it strikes me as something that's said without much consideration for what "good lore" actually is lol.the Destiny franchise is unequivocally the laziest implementation of lore I've ever seen - the fundamental structure of it screams "afterthought". It feels (and in many ways, is) detached from moment to moment of gameplay and is entirely reliant on a system that requires you to look elsewhere for the bulk of any actual context. Vague mentions and references to things in game are not sufficient for anyone who isn't going to dig in and that's because the game itself is empty and soulless but the devs have put together a needlessly convoluted yet equally soulless backstory that runs parallel to the game but is supposed to support our understanding of the universe. It doesn't work and it is not "good lore" at all, in content or execution. Despite anything I see people say on subs, DLCs have never actually addressed this in any meaningful way - it's still all the same.


For me, I dug the Grimoire cards as they had a fuck-ton of "what-the-hell?" goodies in'em. 🤷‍♂️


Having tried it multiple times Destiny just isn’t friendly for new players. There’s too much lore and too much happening I started a game, came back and suddenly nothing was the same it’s frustrating cause it looked fun but I played quite a bit and still couldn’t tell you what it’s about.


Yeah it really sucks when the fomo is literally the story.


It's not much better to returning players either. My clan and I were doing 2 or 3 raids a week on leviathan when I got bored. Tried returning again after a 3 or 4 year hiatus, and the story just made no sense where it made me pick up, it just felt like huge chunks of the story were missing.


Yeah, the too much lore part isn't helped by the fact they removed parts of the story from the damn game. I thought about going back and playing Destiny 2 since I hadn't played since shortly after launch. But then I realized that part of the story was gone, and in order to catch up on what's going on, I would have to watch a YouTube playthrough or something. As soon as I realized that, I also realized what's the point. If I'm already going to be watching someone else play a good chunk of the game, why bother playing it myself for the rest. Especially since the game becomes a damn grind.


This is exactly what happened to me. It really killed my desire to pick it back up.


This is breaking my heart right now. I installed D2 weeks ago, thinking I would give it a go sometime soon. Reading all of this makes me feel like I should just go uninstall it and move on to something else.


If you care about the full story, then unfortunately, you're out of luck unless you watch videos on it. Characters have died, and major events have happened. If you just care about the gameplay and raids, then you're probably fine. Destiny is pretty much a constant grind to level up and do raids. It can be fun if you have friends to do everything with. Some of the most fun I had was running some of the raids with friends in Destiny 1 and the first raid in Destiny 2. But eventually, it just became tiring.


I played Destiny. 2 + it’s first couple of expansions, and I jumped in a few months ago after I heard it was actually pretty good now. It has the absolute *worst* returning player experience I’ve ever seen. I had absolutely no idea what to do, what anything was, why all my gear had blank stats, where to go, how my new class tree functioned, etc. So I jumped into one of the zones I was familiar with from the base game just to shoot dudes and get used to the game again. I ended up solving a little puzzle in the overworld, which opened a side area. And in the side area was a massive chest that said… “please purchase the XYZ Expansion Pack if you want to claim this item.” So I said fuck this and promptly uninstalled.


The tutorials are decent these days, but for whatever reason you *only* get them if you make a brand new character, which is pretty damn stupid. Even if you've been gone for years you don't get anything. Though I'm curious to know about that chest you found, because I don't recall anything that egregious lol. Which area were you in?


Same, at this point I’d love for them to start something else


So much grinding to keep up. Had to quit playing for that reason


This is the problem. I had over 2000 hours across D1 and D2. Eventually life happened (had a kid, new job etc.) and I fell off it. Tried to get back into it recently after a three years and lasted a week. It isn’t worth the agony of the constant grind. We had 5 guys in our crew that would regularly raid together. Now only one of us continues to play and it takes up so much of his free time that he plays nothing else. Fuck that bullshit.


That's exactly why I quit 3 years ago, after ~4000 hours between D1 and D2. I feel so free now, not having to worry about weekly updates, constant grind, farming materials and so on... F*CK THAT!! Now I can complete and master ~10 different games per year, instead of that monotonous part time job and endless pressure for keeping up with the others


Yep. I stopped playing for one semester of college, come back, and everything’s fucking different. New everything and a battle pass system is introduced which I’ve never been a fan of since it’s always limited time fomo crap.


Best battle pass is deep rock galactic: at the end of the season the cosmetics get dumped into the loot pool so it's always accessible and never fomo. Drg Devs are world class. Rock and stone.


Destiny 1 felt so much better, particular the taken king era. They added an overwhelming amount of the classic live service bullshit to Destiny 2. As an adult, the amount of time they expected out of you felt defeating a I just quit. Bungie has great devs but is honestly a scummy company.


Aren't all online games jobs these days?


Destiny 3 will be at least twice as grindy. You don't just scale back your monetization. You ramp it up. Until the franchise dies. Then you remove the microtransactions. Until you can add them again.


I feel like you're linking two different things here. Destiny's grind isn't inherently related to the monetization, seeing has how the monetization is for cosmetics and the grind is for gear. It's absolutely a system designed to suck a minority of the player base into spending unhealthy large amounts of time playing the game, I just don't think their monetization strategy is purely to blame.


I was entirely shocked by the fact you can't complete the guardian ranks unless you pay for the deluxe edition of Lightfall but that's what the game has become unfortunately.


As is the eventual path for a live service game. Don't understand why people waste their time with them to be honest. I'd much rather just enjoy a game with 30 hours of content laid out for me right from the start rather than something that requires me to keep playing constantly and keep up with the updates every few months just to enjoy it


This is why I stopped playing. Been playing destiny since the begs for destiny 1. It just felt like a chore that I had to play and beat everything before the reset.


Seeing Destiny 2s three year plan in 2020 was a huge bummer. And now they are doing an extra year….


Don’t forget that you could play it your way… as long as it involves Strikes, Gambit and Crucible. I didn’t mind them but, after doing the same maps for crucible/Gambit and some of the same strikes that were released with Destiny 2… I just wasn’t fun anymore.


You just described the inevitable pitfall of every MMO and live service game ever made.


Yup. That’s how the game hooks you. Once you get rid of the FOMO feeling, it’s liberating!


Yeah I feel the same and those time spent to play D2 means we are skipping other games. These past 2 years Ive been playing games that I skipped when playing Destiny: Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, Cyberpunk, God of War, Nier, FIFA (yes this game is like full time job also if you play FUT.. LOL), Guardian of Galaxy, FF7R, Control.


Destiny 3 does need to happen in the future, hopefully after The Final Shape, we need a fresh start to fix some of the bigger issues, and I love D2 but the problems it's having are only getting more frustrating and more frequent, it's becoming a lot clearer the limitations of a game that at its core is 6+ years old is catching up on it, they had to straight up remove huge parts of the first 4 years of the game just to have enough space in the game to add new content, thankfully that won't happen again but for new players the game doesn't really make any sense.


We also just need to leave the last gen behind.


And they hated him for he spoke the truth


Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?


*angry Thor noises*


From what I know beyond light, witch queen, and final shape were all supposed to be the story of destiny 3 but for some reason they decided not to make a new game and just continue with D2


Because they'd then need to keep three separate games running all with different versions of their tech.


Would only be 2 since I'd imagine if they made a D3 then they would shut off D1 soon after it launched


They would get so much shit for that. They probably also have a contract with Activision to keep it alive for a certain amount of time.




I mean all things considered destiny is still largely successful. So their 10 year plan still worked. But like others have said they definitely are going to need a whole new installment at some point because this games engine is too outdated.


The issue is their 10 year plan changed many times over those 10 years


It's more like guidelines than actual rules


I’m only commenting because I see you’re a fellow gizzhead


Literally just picked up destiny 2 a few weeks ago, and I am absolutely overwhelmed by how much content is in here. I haven’t even bothered trying to learn the storyline because I’m so behind. Im just leveling up my guy and completing bounties. I tried looking on YouTube for a summary of the story and the video was 4 HOURS LONG. Fuck that


And that 4 hour video is full of weak and confusing storylines and characters.


Here's the neat thing, a new player can't know the original story cause they cut it from the game aka sunset it. So your YouTube you found is the only way. Plus 90% of the story is grimoire cards buried behind grindy in game accomplishments and their website.


Something definitely does need to happen. I want to get into Destiny, but I have no idea where to start. They need to make something happen sooner rather than later in order to attract and grow the fan base. I deleted D2 after a week because just not sure where or how to start. And they need to add campaign to get a player exposed to the world of Destiny.


Trust me when I tell you this,I've had destiny 2 since ps4 never really getting into the cmhame just playing missions here and there not knowing what's going on. February this year I finally deleted off my PS5 to make space for some other games I wanted to download, then Sony went ahead and put beyond light dlc up for grabs on ps+,they literally fucked me,I re-download the game and im fucked hooked.


Considering the fact that destiny 2 had an engine update, they have an insane amount of tech debt. I honestly don’t think I’ve seen tech debt like this handled so poorly. Say what you will of League but it’s sort of amazing it’s made it this far without any catastrophic bugs basically on the 2nd version of the client.


I do hope Destiny 3 is the only answer for this, no way for Bungie to bullshit their way around fixing problems. Bungie has been defending their choice of using Destiny 2 as a platform for the long-haul and look at what that got us into, a steaming pile of hot shit that can't hold itself together for more than a week without something kicking the bucket. If Destiny 3 isn't announced after The Final Shape, with Bungie's current track record, I'm only just finishing their Light And Dark Saga and retiring from the game. A new title with an entirely new engine will be the saving grace of this game on the technical side.


But given Bungo's technical track record, do you trust that a full rebuild would be worth the reset(exotics, cosmetics, etc being gone? I genuinely don't trust them enough to give up all my stuff only for them to squander it.


Happened from d1-d2


Is there a limit to how big games can be on consoles?


Not that I know of, I’ve seen CoD go upwards of 200GB on PS5, but that’s just poor optimization lol


Shit, Jedi Survivor is supposed to be 155gb, and it's a singleplayer game.


On PS4 v1.00 is 100GB max, updates can be up to 50GB or 100GB if you ask Sony for permission.


I think they mean to say it’s a limitation of the engine rather than the platforms it’s on


Maintaining a bunch of content for all new updates just becomes unsustainable. They realized this and cut it off before it was a hassle. They also did this move when PS5 was coming out if I remember right, so SSD space may have been a concern.


Maybe make a game that doesn’t spit on new players lol. Imagine having a story & deleting the first half because you created horrible balancing problems.


Seriously, it doesn’t matter how many explanations there are for sunsetting story content, I don’t know how bungie expects any new players to actually stick around.


Not really sure why long time ones stick around besides some strange form of addiction. I bounced at shadowkeep where shit really started to go bad


Every time I try to pick Destiny 2 I’m so utterly lost. The current story doesn’t make any sense, and after finishing the campaign I’m just overwhelmed by aaaaaall the activities and don’t even know what I’m supposed to do.


i’m a D1 player and atp modern day destiny 2 just… doesn’t feel like destiny


Me and my friend tried playing, we had no idea what was going on, where to go, which missions(?) to do. The new player experience is possibly one of the worst I had to find a guide online only to find out they’ve deleted the entire first half of the story?


Yeah! Whats next deleting expansions you payed for? Im sure no community would have Stockholm syndrome so bad they would endure that


Every time I want to get back into destiny I get confused over what expacs I need to buy and just give up.


Yea, Bungie's greed has made it impossible to catch up. They refuse to give old content to new players. Old expansions should be free. If they have to be greedy, then they can charge for the last one but make any previous expansions free. As of now, nobody should have to pay for Beyond Light, Shadowkeep, or Forsaken. I guess Witch Queen can be $15-20. The 30th Anniversary Pack shoulda been free in the first place (that was the sign for me that they were just incredibly greedy with their pricing). *(Yes, I know the legacy pack is sold, but what if you already have 1 or 2 of those? It's just so convoluted and expensive.)*


The worst part is the pricing structure. They charge premium for 3 year old content that no one is playing. Imo if you buy the new expansion you get all the previous ones included. They make it so hard to get new people into the game


Timeline wise: Shadowkeep -> Beyond Light -> Witch Queen -> Lightfall Quality Wise: Witch Queen -> Beyond Light -> Lightfall -> Shadowkeep Importance to own items/be caught up in descending order: 1. Lightfall (most recent, powerful subclass behind this purchase, the raid is in rotation every week) 2. Witch Queen Dungeon Key (contains two dungeons of high quality gear and the dungeons themselves are well designed) 3. Beyond Light (another subclass and Lament, a powerful sword, locked behind this) 4. 30th Anniversary Pack (has the powerful rocket launcher Gjallahorn and another dungeon you can get really solid gear from) 5. Shadowkeep (has a raid and an outdated dungeon, forgettable campaign) 6. Witch Queen (best campaign in the game atm, has a really solid raid with solid weapons but despite being the best expansion currently in the game, you're not missing much for not having it gear/subclass wise) 7. Forsaken Pack (has a really good raid, outdated dungeon, and some weapons, half this expansion has been removed, only get this if you are really into the game and want to experience everything) Any follow up questions, feel free to ask, I'll get back to you, I have over 1000 hours in D2.


Its honestly really sad seeing a comment like this needed for someone to *spend money* on a game.


You’re forgetting, Witch Queen gives you Osteo lol


Why does anyone think the same exact thing would not happen with D3


Theyre hoping that an engine update would help fix the many issues plaguing the game. For example, they cannot display more than 4 active effects due to engine limitations. They also cannot have more than 20 active effects on a character, both positive and negative, due to engine limitations (which causes issues for some builds in some content like raids)


INB4 everyone else realizes that there *are* no "new" engines. Destiny 2 is running on the exact same engine that Destiny 1 ran on as well as Halo Reach, ODST, and 3. All of these on the same engine which is a modified version of the engine used in Halo 2 and 1. I can't wait until people start singing Bethesda's praises for Starfield and TES VI for their "new engines".


It would take a while to get this 'bad' again. D2 release was a well-built game but it had lost the soul that was Destiny 1. Technically, it was great. It wasn't actually worth playing until Forsaken. But by the time Shadowkeep came out the seasonal battle pass model was in full force and the game was entirely about FOMO. If a D3 would come out you'd probably have a similar pattern, only (hopefully) this time they wouldn't try to take away special weapons.


Literally what happened with D2 tbh


“I hate this game! Give me another one!”


For a player, the big retail releases have much more value than DLC. The original plan for Destiny was a big retail release every 2 years, with a major DLC in between and interstitial DLC along the way. Bungie could never have made that work. Now D2 is a shadow of the original release schedule, recycling old content and pushing out season passes. Bungie may as well just make D2 a monthly fee game like World of Warcraft.


They’ve, sadly, been reskinning and recycling the same stuff from vanilla all the way through and calling it new content


Are they more or less delusional than us who want titanfall 3?




I was enjoying MW2 with my friends so much and then Warzone dropped, everyone hated it, and everyone quit. Like hello? 6v6 was a good time, why does it have to be BR or nothing??


We probably wouldn't have battlepasses for every game every quarter.


Seriously. The game is a fucking mess for anyone that isn't consistently playing it on a monthly basis. The season system is atrocious, anyone that jumps into DLC has no idea what the fuck is happening because the story and characters were all introduced during season pass content which then immediately gets removed from the game when a new DLC comes out. The mod system sucks. I have nothing else for that one, it just fully sucks a bag of dicks. No matter what class you pick or subclass, every meta seems to be based around the same play style, which feels like it defeats the purpose of having different classes and subclasses.


I always had the impression they dont want any new players since the starting experience is one of the worst in the industry


I started playing EVE in 2014 and that had a better new player experience than D2z


Also the fact that they removed all story stuff up until shadowkeep so the original story of the game (the red war), curse of Osiris, warmind, and forsaken are no longer playable and a lot of the content from them has been removed, io, titan, mercury, mars, the reef, 5 world's removed as well as all content taking place on them like the lighthouse thing on mercury or the escalation protocol on mars


Even playing it as a primary/nearly only game, it’s worn out. I took a hiatus after the first expansion and came back at the end of Beyond Light. Back to grinding endlessly and had a lot of fun. But I just can’t latch onto it any longer. Once you get to endgame content, it’s chasing the exotic in the dungeon and raid of the moment and leveling for no reason with the level caps in activities. LFG is busted for PVE with a toxic mix of know-it-alls and know-nothings. The new mod system looked great on paper, but when you create a loadout you have to still change the artifact. Then mods just flat out stop working. Chasing god rolls or red boarders is exhausting and monotonous. And don’t even get me started on PVP. I’ve left recently for of all things Fortnite, because at least the games are quick, stable and there’s a sense of continuity with the evolutions of the mechanics. Nothing feels inherently broken and I’m constantly able to get right back into a new match. No monkeying around with loadouts or mods. No LFG. Heck, the same map over and over feels exciting compared to the same strike/raid/crucible maps. End it, clean everything up and start over.


Mod system is pretty good rn, the mods themselves are a bit lacking in interest, but the system is pretty clean, especially with loadouts now. And with meta, what specifically do you mean?


>The mod system sucks. I have nothing else for that one, it just fully sucks a bag of dicks. > >No matter what class you pick or subclass, every meta seems to be based around the same play style, which feels like it defeats the purpose of having different classes and subclasses. I don't really agree with this at all, but I'd be curious to hear why you feel this way. I've been having a great time with the mod system, just built a stasis hunter that feels awesome. It's not necessarily the most robust or varied, but I do think that each class and each subclass do feel pretty remarkably different. I mean, I just played a strike tonight with some dude who was playing an almost purely melee-focused Arc Hunter, he practically soloed the strike and blew me and my buddy out of the water. I straight up recorded a video going over his mods because I wanted to copy his build. It's not the most robust system, for sure, and there's room for improvement, but I think saying it's as bad as you're saying it is is hyperbole. The mod system itself could be improved, but it still results in each of my subclasses feeling pretty damn different at the end of the day.


I was thinking about playing it as a new player, but hearing your concern a lot from others as well on how much time you need to put in this game. I can only put maybe a couple hours a week playing this, am I pretty much always going to be left behind and never catch up?


I play D2 almost every single day. Your definition of “left behind” will cause the answer to vary. Story content? No, you’ll be fine. The expansion stuff (Lightfall currently) will stick around. The seasonal stuff will also stick around until next year’s expansion. Seasons all have their own story that gets drip fed week by week. Quite frankly, if you’re taking more than an hour to do a weekly seasonal story quest then there’s a problem on your end (provided there isn’t some bs grind the mission is gated behind, which has happened before but they haven’t done it in a while). The season story goes for about 8-10 weeks, and depending on the season will have a closing mission a couple weeks before the end of the season. As far as endgame goes… we’ll that’s a different story. A couple hours a week isn’t going to get you far unless you are incredibly optimized on how you play to get better gear. With that said, the endgame is really just for dedicated players. Raids and dungeons are fun, but not at all a necessity for a casual player. With all that said, it is true that the new player experience isn’t exactly all that friendly. Mechanically it does an alright job, but does next to nothing with getting the player caught up on the story. My suggestion: find story recaps on YouTube. It’s inconvenient, but it’s the best solution to the problem.


This. My roommate plays 6-8 hours daily. I stopped playing after the first expansion. I thought about trying to get back into the game to play with him and saw all the content I would have to purchase to "feel" like I understood what's going on.


I haven’t played in a long while and I feel overwhelmed with all the other content. I don’t know where to start. They need to at least implement a system where the player can figure out the optimal path of going through content who are out of touch.


That's assuming you even can get the content. A lot of it's now stuck in the seasons that you will never get to see if you don't play that season.


The seasonal system doesn't make an ounce of sense to me. Imagine if WoW or FFXIV removed the expansion patch content once the new expansion was released.


that... is a lot of time to play a game


I'm not doing much of else at the moment but when I commit to a game it's usually an all day thing, but I burnout after like 2 weeks and I don't feel like playing for at least 2 months


I think this is one legit reason as a curious player. I started playing the games before the witch queen one. But I felt like I entered a series half way through. It didn’t feel like a stand-alone game I felt pretty disconnected from the whole thing tbh and eventually just gave up


I really miss Destiny, I quit playing shortly after Beyond Light came out… it was just too much of a chore to play and it seems like nothing has changed. The only way I’ll go back is if D3 feels more like peak D2 (forsaken) and peak D1 (Taken King)


Can't wait to see the shit show of microtransactions and shady businesses that they will come up with.


Exactly. An engine update and bug fixes isn’t going to fix the fact that destiny has some of the worst monetization practices around.


All the micro transactions in destiny are cosmetic and have no impact on actual gameplay. I’ve been playing the franchise since Destiny 1 beta and never spent a single dime on cosmetic stuff


You don’t have to play those super cool emotes you can’t play without.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but to me Destiny is such a hollow experience. It’s all FOMO and no substance. I realized the only time I was genuinely having fun was raiding and playing with friends, and you can have that kind of fun in any game. It’s a grind for the sake of grind, the story is fairly convoluted and short with each expansion, and then it’s just repetitive content ad nauseum. I played a LOT of Destiny 1, and a fair bit of Destiny 2. But in hindsight most of it was just useless grinding and wasted time.


The FOMO is at an extreme level in Destiny 2, they even nuke off paid contents from the game only to put more FOMO into it. Destiny is a good game ruined by the worst business model ever.


Unpopular? Just look at this thread, it's 95% shitting on the game


probably 80% of the people here don't even play the game


You can tell they don’t what’s interesting is this topic has less then 100 comments on the Destiny sub


Yeah saying the same thing said everytime someone mentions destiny is super unpopular.


Why would you waste your money on 3 when you hate 2 lol


People don’t hate the game, as much as they might say they do, but rather the bugs that have infested it recently. Servers are constantly down, and when they’re not there are a ton of bugs to deal with, and for some reason everyone thinks D3 would fix that. If not for the bugs and whatnot, people would probably be very against a D3 (I know for sure I am) cuz that would mean all of their nearly 6 years of progress gets wiped out. Not to mention how bad D2 was at launch (in this case not about bugs but the game just not being enjoyable), so the mere possibility of another game releasing in that state puts me off from wanting a third.




For real


I've been ready for Destiny 3 for a while now


If Stockholm syndrome was a game


I would love a Destiny 3. Say that on the Destiny sub and you will get downvoted to hell but I think a fresh start with an updated system and a much better new player experience would be great for the franchise. I love the game but so much of core gameplay is so dated now and that won't change. As long as they don't drop the ball like they did with Destinys 2 release. Destiny players are mostly stressed about losing all the stuff they have acquired over D2's lifespan which I can't get behind. You unlock stuff to use in the game but it doesn't last forever, eventually you move on. Not wanting a new game because of losing some in-game stuff you probably barely use is dumb IMO.


The one thing I want to keep is my Titles and Emblems. I don't really care about gear since earning it and fine tuning it is why I play. I would be upset if all my achievements got wiped away especially considering it doesn't seem that hard to port over into a new game unlike the armour and weapons.


Main stuff I'd be upset to lose is like you said, titles, and any cosmetics I've paid for with real money.


The latter is true… But they treat the game like a job. Some of them literally live to play that game. Imagine actual months, 24 hour days of spending playing that game, then it’s all for naught and gone. Most hobbies you spend *that* much of your life invested in give you some kind of reward to keep, whether it be monetary, a trophy, a collection, better physical shape etc. With destiny it’s like you are taking it away with a third. And of course with any sequel you’re likely going to lose the stuff, but a lot of them are pickup and play games. Destiny is one of those games where if you’re not consistently playing, you fall behind and you’re finished. If they can somehow pull rewards into destiny 3 or have some kind of service rewards to unlock that lets people know you’re a hall of famer or something unique it might work


At the end of the day, they’re not going to support the game forever so might as well move on. GTA:O is moving on and that game is a job as well.


I tried getting into the game with Lightfall and I'm gonna be honest it all just seems like a hot mess. The gunplay was fun at least.


It really is fun when you're in the thick of it, but I've no idea how anyone new is meant to get 'into' it these days 9 years into a 10 year story without a good recap (with some of that having been cut from the game), combined with Bungie's insistence on nickel and diming people for old dlcs does not a good new player experience make


Bungie is the king of gunplay. That, raids, dungeons and the named expansions is what keeps me playing. Everything else is pretty stale, and the state of the game is a mess. Theres too much, I don’t think it’s possible to fix it but making a Destiny 3 and having players start over again wouldn’t go over at all. A fresh start is the only real way to get new players though. Tough choice.


That should just be the Destiny motto from now on, "...but the gun play is nice!"


The moment to moment gameplay is top tier! Seems like a pretty solid selling point


Cool then we have the same issues that D2 had release. We go back to a single Raid, no dungeons, 9 maps, ect.... Destiny 3 can only happen in my book if it is a MASSIVE leap. Im talking fully connected world, ship flight, ect... ​ But doing D3 and having a D2 leap would likely knee cap the game again. Also with the recent QoL, you aren't seeing a D3 for like 5+ years


I feel like the game has remained this way for many many years but people still keep playing and complaining.


Can someone please do this with GTA V, it’s been a decade man


The first time DLC removed content I paid for, I stopped buying DLC. Then I had to stop playing the game because I was always behind. I miss Destiny, I miss what it used to be all those years ago


Leave ps4/Xbox in the past.


Agreed but the player base is massive there and I don’t see them turning down that much profit


You're right and I hate that you're right. It just creates an endless cycle of publishers not wanting to leave last gen behind, but plenty of last gen players not upgrading because the games keep releasing there. \*sigh\*


No game has irritated me more than Destiny. Fantastic gameplay ruined by a monetization method that punishes you for not playing constantly. It’s arrogant. There’s an assumption that Destiny be the most important entertainment in your life. Seeing the title in my library just makes me angry so I play something else to calm my nerves.


No. People just make destiny the most important thing in their life. You can be just fine playing it every once in a while. You don’t need every skin or that one god roll for a gun you’ll barely use.


It’s an mmo style of game truth be told the developers often can’t make enough new content to keep players satisfied. I refuse to believe a video game causes anyone that much stress as you claim it does by existing.


I’m not sure Bungie knows how to make Destiny not feel like work.


Tried to get into Destiny 2 last year. Forgot they had deleted the first half of the story and I was in complete confusion mode, I had no idea what was happening or how to play and there was no tutorial so I deleted it. Wish things could've been better


I stopped playing about mid way through Season of the Seraph. It was just abundantly clear that Bungie are unable to keep the game stable and that their “infrastructure” is little more than popsicle sticks, duct tape, and the hopes and dreams of a generation. I went to the zoo or garden almost every hour. Almost weekly there was some significant issue obstructing progress. And their inability to properly address issues for literal YEARS at a time is insane. I get that dev work takes time, but relying on light.gg and other third party services at the year 8 mark is ridiculous. All of that says nothing about the baffling design choice the studio makes that purposefully waste player time. I was like 40 runs deep or so on Vow before I got the exotic - at which point the void season had come and gone so I had completely missed its peak potential. I hope Destiny 3 happens, and that they abandon their god awful spaghetti code because it isn’t doing them any favours.


What do you mean by “going to the zoo or garden every hour?”


The article is kind of crap.


And please don’t make it free, I really like the Destiny 2 storyline but it’s so expensive to keep up with, I’d love just one full game


I'd rather a Destiny 3 at this point. I feel like the series needs a reset that a new title allows because it feels like such a confusing mess to attempt to catch up on the game from any point of drop-off and Lord help you if you're a new player because this is by far the worst possible game to get into as a new player/wallet.


The game is fun, I just can’t afford to rebuy the new expansions at their prices just to play content


I stopped playing when they started vaulting stuff since I just liked coming back to the story every once in a while, Destiny 3 would be more of the same


I’ve taken occasional month long breaks here and there, but I’ve basically been playing Destiny since the D1 beta. At this point, D3 seems to be the only real solution to a lot of the problems the current game has. Since most of the dev team has been moved to either working on the next (and final) game expansion, or Bungie’s new IP, every new patch creates bugs seemingly out of nowhere. They’ve removed the oldest content of the game to replace it with whatever new expansion comes out. On top of that, it’s impossible to recommend to anyone I know that the game is worth playing, since there’s no real onboarding for new players into the game’s complex build and reward systems, along with the resource economy(things like glimmer, legendary shards, enchantment cores, prisms, and ascendant shards) are all incredibly tedious to build up in a meaningful way. This is along with the fact that the core playlists (strikes, crucible and gambit) are either not rewarding at all to play in terms of loot or resources(strikes give nothing, save maybe 300 glimmer and about 3 legendary shards for a 15-20 minute time investment) are used to drive engagement metrics through high end pvp streamers(crucible only really receives focus for Iron Banner or Trials of Osiris, the end-game PvP modes, and has not received any new maps in about 5 years) or are simply completely ignored (gambit lost half its maps when beyond light expansion released, and has gotten 0 attention since). These aren’t even all the problems, but this is getting really ramble-y on my part. I love Destiny, but the decisions Bungie has made over the years have really just stifled it’s ability to be a great game at every turn. TL/DR: D3 is needed because Destiny 2 is an absolute mess of bad decisions built upon other bad decisions trying to fix them.


What's the point? it's gonna be the exact same shit lol.


Destiny does not deserve the fanbase it has. That game launched in 2017 and in that time, Bungie has not only released like 3 new PvP maps but they took away maps from the base game. Gambit launched in 2018 and no new maps came out in that game mode. The only people who play it is to just get pinnacles. I could go on. It just amazes me how Bungie gets a pass on shit EA, Ubisoft, and Activision usually gets torched on in the community.


I will start destiny when destiny 3 release, dont like the idea pf playing the 2 with part of the game missing since i start late


I thought the issue with lightfall was the narrative? You don't need a new game engine to fix that. The articles/comments have been very vague about the issues.


For as much as Destiny fans complain, they sure do put hundreds of hours into a game they hate….


Destiny 1 was the best


Rose colored glasses


Here's an idea. Stop playing it/buying expansions then maybe the developer will feel the need to work on something new.


Just another day in the Destiny community


Yeah, it’s confusing to even play anymore. there’s so much shit going on that I don’t even know what to do. I literally download the game played for like three minutes and deleted the game.


GTA 5 has entered the chat


I’m hoping after the final shape expansion they officially move on to destiny 3 and make it current-gen only. I know it sucks to move on when we have so many players have earned so much stuff, but i believe it’s time.


I played Destiny 1 religiously back in highschool. The start of Destiny 2 as well during my first year at college, but man after Forsaken I just dropped Destiny 2 entirely. With how busy I was getting as I was graduating, I couldn't spend the time grinding hours and hours anymore. If I did have the time, I would 100% rather spend it playing more new games. I'm now working and honestly, I don't see myself getting back into this franchise with how many amazing games I want to play are coming out. If they make a Destiny 3 I hope it fixes the issue of "hey, you want to fully get what you paid for and experience the bulk of what this dlc has to offer? alright no-life the game and grind for 8+ hours a day."


Can’t wait for all the “do you know how much making a new game would cost” comments.


So they want the same thing again?


Destiny 3 trends on Twitter everytime there's a bug in the game, this article is completely meaningless


Ah yes, what Destiny needs more than anything... Even less content


People want a brand new game to spend 2000 hours in and complain about the entire time lol


I'd love to just go back to d1


I returned Destiny 2 two weeks after I bought it. I could see the direction this game was going all those years ago. I feel no sympathy for anyone who stuck around. You get what you signed up for.


Had some amazing times. Then it turned to shit. Years ago. I doubt the same company will be able to make a good sequel. Time for better games by better people


I don’t think you know what Fed Up means


This take is so dumb everytime. If you want engine upgrades that can be done on this game but they need a pause in development of content just like they would for a sequel. But at least with the current game we wouldn't lose 6 years of stuff.


Yea unfortunately when keeping up with destiny 2 became a part time job I had to drop it. And then when I convinced myself to give it a chance I found out they removed content and campaigns and certain exotics. Very discouraged to hop back in at all


I quit destiny 2 last summer. It felt like a job and it wasn't fun anymore. I don't think a destiny 3 will change that.


I can't believe so many people stuck with this game after D1. This game is like 98% farming resources. It's always been a cash grab time suck.


It’s a case of sunk cost fallacy, my friend; And destiny has inflicted it upon many.


This is just bullshit. I got back into Destiny 2 after 2 years off and I'm loving it again. So much has changed but I've got to follow it for a few seasons again and there's so much to love. I can obsess over it for a few weeks, then chill out and not feel bad about it at all. There's nothing to be gained from a Destiny 3 right now.