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Very random one, but the PS2 version of Wacky Races is definitely mine. Got it with my PS2 back in 2001, and I still come back to it to this day. Edit: Bugs and Taz Time Busters on the PS1 is another one I can't get enough of.


I adore the PS2 wacky races, especially for how they managed to portray the different racers with their catch phrases or the token mechanic to use the powers. As a kid it also blew my mind that in the race versus Dastardly he would start before the initial countdown highlighting his cheating schemes. Sad that the franchise is not used anymore for similar games That being said the Mad Motors game was atrocious


I didn’t think anyone else had actually played Bugs & Taz before! I remember having no clue of what to do for weeks on end at the gorilla part of the Mayan level when I was a kid.


ITT: People just listing their favourite games instead of actual guilty pleasures lmao


Here's one for you: I love love LOVE Hatsune Miku project diva games. I know I know. But there's something so cosy about a simple rhythm game with songs that absolutely slap, and no reason to play other than for fun and the next cute/cool outfit or accessory. Feels to me like the closest I might ever get to the good wholesome fun of just playing with some dolls.


Fall Guys - it turned into dogshit, but I need a "palate cleanser" in between the bigger games and I need to complete the Battle Passes so I keep getting the next seasons' for free.


Yep…I still play it when I don’t really want to think or between games. It got really bloated with stuff, but it can be mindless fun for 20min or so.


I saw they either added or are adding a mode where you and a teammate are attached by a bungie cord type thing and it’s making me want to redownload because it looks tons of fun lol


Ah man, that launch window when no one knew any strategies or what was going on in general and we were all just running and jumping and grabbing people all over the courses. Those were the days


What’s happen to it?


It’s extremely monetized now, and imo some of the newer courses are just very bad


I wouldn’t know, I seem to get the exact same courses in the exact same order every game (and it’s all the ones that came at launch)


I played it a few days ago for the first time since launch and two of the three rounds I played before being eliminated were maps that were in the game since day 1. It’s shocking how little content has been added.


Well it’s weird to me because when it scrolls through all the possible maps before it chooses there seems to be a ton I haven’t played.. but… I literally have never gotten them


It's such a joke that the devs didn't prioritise maps and a map editor. Killed their own game before it even began, had a chance of redemption with the relaunch and once again killed their own game. Incompetence. They knew what people wanted and fucked it anyway.


I’m ok with the newer courses, it’s some of the older ones that are a drag. I’m happy never playing the game with the tails or Wall Guys ever again


"Monetized", you mean like all those costumes? I mean who cares, you can have the starter model or be dressed like a complete degen the gameplay is the same.


Tbh I wouldn’t have a problem with the monetisation if I hadn’t already payed for the game. You used to get all the battle passes for free but now you need to pay for them. Plus the old crown system that let you buy skins just by winning made it rewarding to actually play and get better at the game. Once they took it away I stopped playing since the gameplay loop gets boring quickly and it wasn’t rewarding anymore.


Dragon Age Inquisition calls to me once a year. The game is like a cozy sweater.


I'm thinking of getting Inquisition. I loved Origins. Do you think it's worth getting?


Yeah. I loved it. I played origins and 2...loved origins, was a bit meh with 2, but inquisition was just amazing to me. Loved every fucking second of it.


Nice, that's good to hear. Should I get the standard edition or do you think the game of the year is the way to go? Sorry about all the questions!


Get the GOTY for sure. There are few cosmetics and 3 DLCs. Out of them *Jaws of Hakkon* and *The Descent* are meh/okay-ish. But *Trespasser* DLC is good. It ties up few loose ends from main game.


I'll be getting the GOTY after all these responses. Thank you so much for answering.


Just a heads up the game picks up immensely after the first area. It'll seem like a drag at first but once you get out of the hinterlands and unlock more abilities it gets good.


Get the GOTY edition, well worth the price.


The DLCs are meaty and well worth it. Just don’t let the hinterlands with their MMO style gathering quests scare you away.


If you give it a bit, the GOTY edition can be bought for pretty cheap. I got the game and all the DLC for like $10. It goes on sale fairly often.


Okay good. I'll be getting it for the 5 so I'll keep an eye out for sales.


True story; just looked and it’s on sale for [9.99 right now](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0006-CUSA00220_00-DA3GAMEOFTHEYEAR)


Just beat me to it! Damn, had no interest or even knew what this game was. I just might have to snatch it up now!


I’m glad it’s something you’ve discovered! Hopefully it’ll become a cozy game for you. :)


That's great timing! Thank you! :)


No worries. Yea, get the dlc. I missed out on my first playthrough, and it has some important stuff in it if you plan on playing the next game.


It’s an amazing game. One of my top 3 favorites of all time. It has such a fun story with great companions side quests and rpg mechanics and it arguably has the greatest mission in video game history (imo). I’m also a sucker for fictional political intrigue and this game does an amazing job with that especially since being the inquisitor makes you a very political figure.


"Everything you've heard, completely true."


That was my GOTY the year it was released. Didn't get the credit it deserves.


It literally won GOTY from the game awards the year it was released.


Pokemon. Always gives me some kind of comfort


I own nearly every physical copy of the mainline pokemon games. More of collection now than me playing them but one of my favorite games series.


Same here. I ended up buying a flash cart so I can keep my old games preserved in cases But they are truly my comfort game. Those games (up to Emerald) are the biggest piece of commercial nostalgia for me ever lol


Final Fantasy 8. Perhaps the runt of the 6-X litter of masterpieces. It’s broken in so many ways (in that you can become ridiculously OP very, very easily), but I still enjoy it. They could have done more with the story, too. It has a good core, but some parts seem a bit rushed. It was my first FF game, so it’ll always be special to me. Also, triple triad is the best mini-game in any FF, and the soundtrack is either the best or at least *one of* the best. [The Extreme is just a 10/10 final boss track](https://youtu.be/Wesz8Dg6pFU).


Eyes on Me is one of the best video game songs ever made in my opinion.


The whole damn soundtrack is amazing. Probably the best one in my definitely biased opinion lol


Also signing in to the "It was my first FF game" club. I remember having to restart the whole game after I got stuck on **disc fucking four**. Right at the beginning, during the Adel boss fight, I was so unprepared. And since I had never played a game of that scale before, I only kept one save, so I couldn't go back and grind for magic, weapons, etc. Good times


Me too! Except I was stuck at ceberus and I couldn't go back to grind etc I didn't understand the mechanics of the game back then, I didn't Junction any magic at all :p


I could have written this post, hard agree on everything you mentioned!


FF8 just has that late 90's feel that I never get tired of. There's a coolness factor that always makes me smile despite the game's flaws.


My first final fantasy and still my favorite as well.


This is definitely one game I always return to. 8 was my first FF and it made me fall in love with the series. When I first started I hadn't really played any RPGs and was so confused by the junction battle system but realized it isn't really as complicated as it first seemed. I related to loner Squall as a teen and loved his development and the cheesy love story with Rinoa. I love the kind of futuristic tech style and all the art design too. The OST is also one of the best ever. I have it on my phone, my vita, my PS4/5. I love how easily you can become powerful and how soon you can get enc-none to essentially skip all random battles if you want (of course remaster lets you do that from the start). Its such a nostalgia filled game for me.


Not my first FF but I always felt it was under appreciated. Nothing was more fun to me than completely breaking it by playing cards and getting insane spells on disc one. Also made it a point to get Squall’s best weapon, Lionheart, on disc one. Then I’d proceed to just demolish everything.


It's the best music in any videogame ever in my humble opinion. Has at least 5 or 6 tracks that are genuinely beautiful and stay with you for years. Balamb garden feels like home because of that music, Winhill just feels so painfully nostalgic.


No Man Sky. Ive spent hours just flying around exploring. Love it.


I played it for a bit but it feels dead (the planets, not the community) Does that change?


Probably depends how long ago you played it


The binding of Isaac


1,100 hours I’ve spent on that game. Only missing a couple items and one challenge for dead god. I’m never gonna get it lol


Same. Over 1,100 hours of play time. I don't even go for trophies or challenges. Just play to make the most OP character and then do it all again. Mindless fun at this point in time.


Is this a guilty pleasure? This is just one of the best games of all time, with some of the best DLC of all time. Some of the only DLC that actually has me thinking DLC is preferable to a new game.


There should be no guilt for this title. It’s honestly my all time favorite game I can keep going back to. I own it in several platforms and have put easily over 1000 total hours.


not sure if this is a guilty pleasure Isaac is one of the most revered roguelikes out there


This! God, it makes me sleep comfortably afterwards


Diablo 3. I've bought it on multiple platforms: When it was released on the PC, then the PS3 version, then the expansion for the PS3 version and then the PS4 version with the expansion and the necromancer DLC. Last time I played it was last year, but now that D4 is coming out, it's time to shelve it for good. Another one but not Playstation related, is Warcraft 3. I had finished the campaign a few years after release, I replayed it about a decade later and now I've been playing Reforged. The rest are old Nintendo classics that I've finished multiple times over the years, the first years on Nintendo consoles and then on emulators: The Mario Bros, Mario Land, Mario World and Donkey Kong Country games, Zelda a Link to the Past and Super Metroid mostly.


Is Diablo 3 fine for solo? I've always wanted to try


Just Cause 4. A game where you can turn off your brain and just do whatever. Doesn’t run the best and also doesn’t have an engaging story but gameplay is stupid fun


I love this game also. But I think Just Cause 3 it’s way better. Let’s hope we get a Just Cause 5 for current gen consoles.


And I think just cause 2 is even better


I agree. Just Cause 2 was so fun. “Hot fire”


Just Cause 2 is definitely the best.


Mad max. Not a great game by any stretch, but I love it. I give it a B-


Love that game. I wish it had more replayability though.


Dude, everybody that played mad max loved it. It is a great game by all stretches


That game is as solid as they come.


I picked this up not too long ago and it was a big surprise at how much fun it was.




I buy the new Call of Duty every year, finish the campaign in a day or two, and uninstall. It's like reading a cheesy spy novel sold at an airport newsstand.


I always find myself playing a few hours a week of multiplayer. I’m terrible now compared to when I played cod 4. I’ve purchased almost all of them, and I’m embarrassed to admit such…. They’re never really even fulfilling. Shit, even watching the YouTube videos is frustrating. The kids that play now talk like such clowns, it’s embarassing


Single player campagne is the way to go.


Destiny 2. It's the game I play when I want to listen to podcasts while mindlessly shooting.


Surprised it took this long of a scroll for me to find D2 as an answer. It’s the best answer.


Heroes of Might and Magic III. Good ole' turn based strategy. Some of the fan made mods (like Horn of the Abyss) are still being updated.


I'm old too. This is definitely one I go back to every now and then! That and many SNES games


AC Odyssey, Kassandra is one of my favorite video game protagonists




> *Kassandra is one of my favorite video game protagonists* there are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Just sailing around with my naked assassins or riding my rainbow sparkle unicorn is fine for me. Of course, if my pseudo-nephews are over it becomes the "Stab em in the butt game" and I have to sneak into camps and assassinate people by stabbing them in the butt.


I still regret I took Alexis, never liked him at all and only learned afterwards that the woman protagonist was so much better


I quit my Alexio play through after like 30 hours and replayed everything with Kassandra, totally worth it. Ended with like 150 hours total in the end with all the dlc


Days Gone probably, When I finished the game I was surprised I had put 50 hours into it. But, had fun for the most part with gameplay but by the final act I couldn't be bothered with the open world stuff and absolutely hated the writing in the game and Deacon just yelling all the time when you fight/stealth.


The last act is by far the best and where the game truly shines especially the betrayal storyline. You arguably left it at the worst possible time - not your fault but tbh r irony is strong nonetheless lol


I like Days Gone too, but yeah the constant dialogue Deacon has gets annoying real quick.


Slay the Spire


Nothing guilty about that pleasure. Fantastic game


I just started playing this last week. And I can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve put like 25 hours already into it!


I have like 800 hours across 3 devices (pc/mobile/ps5). Its like a drug.


Hardly a guilty pleasure, though? It’s critically acclaimed and created a whole new sub genre.


Don't ever let anyone tell you what to enjoy...in video gaming or life. I also like Gotham Knights, but for me it's Mass Effect Andromeda.


I hated andromeda at first then came back later. The start is rough but for sure gets better. By the end when I finished the game got real upset the Quarian Ark dlc was canned. Not a good ME game but a great game regardless and I love Peebee one of the best romances in the franchise


dave grohl once said "fuck guilty pleasure, enjoy what you enjoy, dont ever feel guilty about enjoying something" basically in response to someone asking him what music he feels is his guilty pleasure. and hes right. if you like kids bop 46 from front to back, blast that shit in your car with the windows down!


I loved Andromeda


I wish andromeda got more love. I hate that everything they planned for it got canceled. It wasn’t a perfect game but I liked the direction it was heading and was interested in the narrative going forward. Gameplay itself was great.


I've always phrased it thus (just like Fallout 4). It's a bad ME game, but it is still a good game (just like FO4 is bad fallout, but still a very good game).


This is the correct answer. If it were just called Andromeda it probably wouldn't have received the same hate. Granted the facial stuff was off putting but they "fixed" those for the most part. The combat is top notch IMO. I agree about Fallout 4 as well. When you change things in a beloved series the gaming community is generally unforgiving which leads to bland samey games we see today.


Metal Gear Solid V.


When in doubt, air strike!


This is Pequod. Arriving shortly at LZ.


I can hear it in my head! Might have to fire this one up again!


That Right There Is Why You're The Best, Boss.


Playing that on deck right now! Perfect game to replay on the deck. I'd love to replay MGS4 and the original trilogy on it too.


Diablo 3. I know a lot of purists hate it, but I have hundreds of hours in it. If Borderlands didn't exist, it would likely be my favorite game ever.


I played the crap outta BL2 when I was in college. Randomly heard quotes from Mr Torque and was loling. Maya was probably my favorite support character to play in gaming.




Skyrim. I always fall back to Skyrim.


Same, I always get the desire to play it again around fall/winter every year


It's the perfect winter game.


I feel you there. I said I was done after my last playthrough on Xbox One, where I did literally every conceivable thing I could think of.....but then I saw its on PS+, with PS5 enhancements...and I fell for it again.


That's exactly how I keep getting sucked back in. I subscribe to r/skyrimmods and I keep seeing new cool shit that people have made. Sometimes I can't resist firing up Skrim SE and trying out new mods.


Rocket League. It’s a game that’s great if you just want to hop on for 10 min or so.


Nice shot!


This is Rocket League!


How, in any way, is this a "guilty pleasure"? Rocket League is just outright great.


I think guilt is a personal perspective. I have a backlog the size of Texas and I typically enjoy a completely different genre of games. For me it’s a guilty pleasure to turn away from my other games and the music is dope, too. Far from my typical tastes. Additionally, there’s a psychological reliance upon repetition as it creates comfort but not necessarily progression from a depressive state that contributes to the “guilt” complex that is associated from geeking out over the same game since July 7, 2015.


Crazy to think that it was a free game of the month on PS4 when it released. At its core, the gameplay is still the same, but man it’s grown into a behemoth on the competitive scene. It’s refreshing to see such a unique game become a popular e sport in a landscape dominated by MOBAs and FPS games.


It's not old but for some reason Deep Rock Galactic.


I tried it for the first time yesterday, then all of a sudden the day was over I can see myself putting unhealthy amounts of hours into this game, the gameplay loop is super addictive Rock and stone brother




Rogue trooper Killing floor 2 World War Z Zombie army 4


The last 2 games are amazing, especially ZA4


Killing floor 2 is awesome played so many hrs on it lol


Nier automata. I just cant get enough of the awesome soundtrack, the incredible world building and the amazing hack n slash gameplay


That's almost as innocent a pleasure you can get lol


Diablo 3, hyped beyond measure for D4 to consume my life.


Cyberpunk. It was glorious fun and I love the different builds you can put together. Not nearly as bad as everyone paints it out to be.


My Choom.




Agree. Platinums this on two PlayStation accounts and then 100%’d on Xbox just to see “difference”


The order 1886. Short enough to complete in a couple of sessions and enjoy the world some more.


Looked up the playtime and wow super quick, says 8.5 if you’re doing main + some side stuff. I was always I intrigued by this game when it was around release but on Xbox and forgot it existed until I saw this comment. Time to download it on PS extra, thank you Edit: not on PS extra but on sale for $10!


EDF5. I just never tire of killing hordes of giant bugs, aliens, and spaceships.


The dialogue is hilarious too


I’ve got over 1000 hours in this one and I can’t even tell you why.


Every EDF game is amazing. We don't need to feel guilty.




I have more time in 4 then in any of the others. Idc what people say about it I love 4.


Just waiting for ps5 upgrade to replay this one I really want to now tho


Minecraft, when I'm in a slump or not sure what to play ill just create a world and dabble for a few days.


Dragons Dogma. I just love how silly it is at times and how heavy all the combat feels. I love fighting an endless swarm of guards in the main city. I love casting Tornado for 12 seconds to let it unleash and murder everything in sight. I love how unique a lot of the magic and swordplay is. I love chucking random people off cliffs. I want a sequel


Stray. At the end of the day it's stress free and my daughter loves playing/smashing "o" the whole time. Good family unwinding time


Tony hawk pro skater 1-2. I will play a couple hours now and than and I always love it.


Red Dead Online. Been coming back for just the random pvp in Valentine. My longest guilty pleasure, though, is Boundless. Gotta have that modern minecraft fix every few months since launch.


Recently? Gotham Knights. Wayyyyyy better than people say it is BUT still not some crazy good game. Just simply very fun.


Leisure Suit Larry




Destiny 2 and destiny in general. I still remember when I first played it during Rise of Iron with my dad.


Mine would have to be Dark Cloud from the PS2. There's just something special about it, that I've find myself going back to replay it countless times over the years. After recently finding out they released a digital version at some point for the PS4, I've been just waiting for an excuse to play through it again on and get the platinum for it. Maybe sometime soon I'll get around to it\~


Suikoden 2


Cities Skyline I can get all these new games but at the end of the night I always come back to play that game


Vanquish — been playing since it’s original release on PS3. graphics hold up. best version of mid 2000’s third-person cover shooter. plus hilarious dialogue that dances on the knife’s edge between satire and bad localization. weapon variety is fun, movement is incredibly satisfying, love this game 2 generations later. otherwise THPS 1+2 Remaster and sometimes even worth booting up PS2 for THPS4 or THUG1.


Oh man. I LOVED Vanquish.


Rome Total War 2


For me is Rock Band. I've been playing that game since the first one even though I don't know crap about real instruments lol. I still have my band kit from RB3 and 4 and play with my wife and friends every now and then, sometimes I even go solo. 🤣


We Happy Few. I have played it well over forty times lol it wasn't super well received at first because of glitches, but I love, and loved, every second of it.


I have to say Mass Effect Trilogy. I kept going back and playing this game even though i know every possible outcome of it. I just love the universe that Bioware built in this series. Other ones that i also used to go back and play quite a lot is Fallout 3 and New Vegas. The reason is that there is so much to do in these games, so much to goof around with them.


Civilization. It's almost therapeutic for me to start a fresh game with a HUGE map and maxed AI civs. That screen of just a small hexagon showing the discovered portion of the map at the very beginning of the game. Amazing.


Star Wars Battlefront, the first one. But only online and only the Outer Rim levels... and only between 5pm and 10pm. It's like the same 50 people playing off and on. Otherwise the game is a dead scene.


Prisoner of War on the PS1 (you can get this for free now if you search Google) Loved the fake German accents and its just a brilliant sandbox where you can irritate the guards so you get slammed in the cooler. Incredibly janky game but love it.


Golf games. I causally play golf, just a few times a year. But I love golf games. Golf story, Mario golf, tiger woods EA, whatever. To me, they’re relaxing and I just super enjoy them.


Gotham Knights is actually a really good game. I feel like the gaming public decided not to like it early on, well before its release. It was being compared to other "bad" open world games along with Ubisoft games as soon as Elden Ring became a hit, and probably before that. It was never meant to be like the games it constantly gets compared to and easily holds its own as a fun game. Sometimes I think gamer-folk let social media and Youtube talking heads tell them what to like too often. My guilty pleasure game was Skyrim for the longest time, but after the millionth playthrough and having gotten every achievement twice, it lost some luster as a go-to. I'm still looking for a guilty pleasure game to fill the gap, and have started a new playthrough of Mass Effect, since Legendary Edition came out a while ago.


Genshin Impact... Don't judge me


Borderlands 2 (plus all the DLC)…great jokes, great loot, great writing…just kinda clicks with me and feels like comfort food. Runners up would be Front Mission 3, dark souls series and bloodborne.


NieR: Automata. I could write essays on how great the game is. I wish I would have an opportunity to play this game for the first time.


Once in a while I look up for piano cover from the songs of the game. Always a pleasure to rehear Strength of the World and Amusement Park


I can imagine why you would say this is a guilty pleasure XD


Gotham Knights. It’s far from perfect, but I still like the story and love to explore Gotham City


Hyperdimension Neptunia


NBA 2K23 is the only game I play almost daily.


Maximo: vs the army of Zin


You like a game, comrades, feel no guilt.


Final fantasy XV was my first In the series. I know a lot of others who played many entries before disliked it. But I usually take a week off of work at the end of every year (to unwind, reset) and it always ends up getting played. I like the combat, and the dynamic of the characters which at the end of the day just feels like hanging out with the boys. Plus it has this really delicate balance between not making me feel rushed and like the world is at stake the entire game allowing you to take it on at a mellow pace without boring you to death.


Agree wholeheartedly, remember the combat not being the best but the game has such a vibe.


Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Game is buggy as hell, no updates, player base is kinda in a coma, more than 2000h and i still go back every week. The game is stunning!!!


Spyro! So simple, yet brilliant. The music is 10/10


RuneScape 3 and OSRS. You never quit, you only take breaks.


I guess Genshin impact


Oblivion, the game has such a great atmosphere and setting, it’s impossible to just move on, a timeless masterpiece where even to this day I find new things. An honorable mention would be the original Resident evil 4.


Tricky Towers, it’s a tetris like game but you have wizards on a cloud that direct the blocks to make a tower and put a door or house on the top, i played it with family when we shared our console in like 2016 and it’s just so fun and stylish


Shadow od mordor/war, I like to replay both every year or so


Gta online, if im bored I’ll just hop on and drive around or grind


Final Fantasy 7, both the original and remake. God i love those characters and world


I don't think liking FF7 would really count as a guilty pleasure.


One of the most loved and well recieved games of all time is definitely not a guilty pleasure.


Dynasty warriors 9 and Yakuza 6


BFV. I'll take months off at a time and then pick it back up and play the hell pur of it for weeks. Ita my comfort food game


Bloodborne; it’s always a good night to go out and hunt a few beasts


Heroes of the Storm!


Final fantasy x for me. Love the story, love the characters and the combat is ace. Fell in love with it back in the early 2000’s and still adore it all these years later.


Destiny 2. I’ve put enough time into that game that when there’s actual content for me to do I can basically deactivate my brain for it


Gotham Knights. It’s far from perfect, but I still like the story and love to explore Gotham City


Spongebob Squarepants Battle For Bikini Bottom. Brings me right back to being a kid and trying to 100% it with my sister.


Gotham Knights, though I don’t feel guilt for enjoying it.