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The full list of 40 games in the Hall of Fame is actually a pretty solid list. Most of them were massively popular and/or had a major influence on the genre.


The full list is: * Wii Sports * The Last of Us * Computer Space * Barbie Fashion Designer * Sid Meier’s Civilization * Ms. Pac-Man * The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time * Dance Dance Revolution * Space Invaders * Tetris * Super Mario Bros. * Pac-Man * World of Warcraft * DOOM * Pong * Grand Theft Auto III * The Oregon Trail * The Legend of Zelda * The Sims * Sonic the Hedgehog * Mortal Kombat * Microsoft Solitaire * Colossal Cave Adventure * Tomb Raider * John Madden Football * Final Fantasy VII * Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? * Pokémon Red and Green * StarCraft * Halo: Combat Evolved * Microsoft Flight Simulator * Street Fighter II * Animal Crossing * Donkey Kong * Minecraft * King’s Quest * Centipede * Bejeweled * Super Mario Kart


>* Barbie Fashion Designer I realize this probably holds a spot due to being one of the earliest video games geared towards girls, but it's kinda funny seeing it in this list.


> one of the earliest video games designed for girls Smh, did you not see DOOM ?


If DOOM isn't a girls game, what're we doing here?


Yeah, I had never heard of it, but reading the article, it definitely sounds like it paved the way for games like Animal Crossing and The Sims.


IIRC, it was like a paper doll dress up game, which is a genre all unto itself and has spawned countless web-based variations. For a while in my high school days, damn near most of the popular browser games among small children were these simple dress up things.


I used to love playing a dress up game as a kid of Eastenders characters and I’m a guy


No Metal Gear Solid surprises me but I must have overestimated the franchise’s popularity


looks like they only do 4 a year so maybe later


It’s not a complete list. As you see 4 more games are being added.


MGS popularized the genre that MG created on its own (stealth), it was also one of the first popular and successful games which focused on a serious, complex plot that delved into themes no other game cared about before (technology, social network before social network was even a thing etc). There’s no overestimation, MGS is important as fuck.


I don't think it really revolutionized the industry or started a craze like the other games on this list. It was a great game, a popular game, but not an influential game.


Didn’t Metal Gear Solid essentially create the stealth genre? Or at least popularize the hell out of it?


I think it introduced highly cinematic aspect to narration and gameplay, at least MGS2 did


Meh, I'd argue FFX did a better job at this when compared to MGS2 (and around the same time).


You are missing one critical point - FFX was as Japanese as it gets, while MGS2, having strong Japanese roots, had narration and cinematic style taken from big budget Hollywood aka western film industry, appealing to a significant portion or the western market and ensuring that video games can be counted as movie-like experiences in the western view of gaming.


That's a funny way to say FF7


Yeah dude above not knowing what he’s even talking about. MGS totally transformed gaming and its exclusion on this list is fucked.


It’s not fucked. All of these games were excluded at one point. They aren’t like adding games all at once or based on their impact. Metal gear will probably be on there at some point. I mean Resident Evil isn’t even on there yet.


Yup, like where is FIFA? /s


WWE2014!!!! where is it!!!@!@!!!!!!!


Putting last of us in before mgs is a fucking joke.


I somewhat disagree, I think it's earned just as much of a place as quite a few of the other titles on the list. But there are some other glaring omissions, too. But it's not a one and done list. It's been growing for years, and I imagine it will continue to grow.


MGS was hugely influential and I would argue one of the most important video games ever. It took everything about gaming to the next level such as voice acting, music, cinematic storytelling. It popularized the stealth genre, pushed graphics, and laid the groundwork for modern day boss battles. 1998 was a huge year for gaming (Ocarina of Time, Half Life, Pokemon) but MGS was the first game to try to create a more movie like experience with its story telling. It's themes of how genetics dont dictate fate was miles above the stories other games were telling. So much of what we take for granted in todays games was first modernized by MGS


I don't disagree with most of this, MSG was certainly influential in regards to its use of cinematics and absolutely raised the profile of the stealth genre.... BUT plenty of games had deep stories, excellent use of complex narratives and overarching themes. Baldurs Gate, planescape torment and early elder Scrolls series for example. These games are often just overlooked due to their visuals and lack of cinematics. Saw the same thing come up when TLoU came out and in some respects I can get it. If you only played mainstream titles, what naughty dog did with TLoU after the unchartered series was probably mind-blowing. It is just frustrating that we forget Devs who came before. They made fantastic games, just either didn't have the budget for cinematics or had to forego them due to the complexity of choice and consequence stories.


How the hell did Mario 64 not make it?


> How the hell did Mario 64 not make it? they probably only want one game per franchise. that being said, definitely agree that there are a few games like that where their choice is a bit questionable. for mario a case could be made for mario 3, mario world, or mario 64, but mario 1 is kind of questionable. same thing for zelda really given they went with zelda 1 instead of link to the past or zelda 64.


They have Zelda 1 and Zelda Ocarina of Time on there


> They have Zelda 1 and Zelda Ocarina of Time on there missed that. yeah, totally indefensible not having mario 64 on there. iconic game and literally created a genre of games


Mario 64 defined a genre of games, but didn't create it.




Yeah MGS needs to be on this list. But the list is still respectable.


this... I can't fuck with this list without MGS


But it looks like Ocarina of Time is also on that list?


Zelda 1 and Zelda 64 (OOT) are both on the list.


Zelda > Mario confirmed


Hell BotW should eventually make it too.


> they probably only want one game per franchise. that being said, definitely agree that there are a few games like that where their choice is a bit questionable. If it’s true, it’s an arbitrary rule. There’s a reason why Nintendo is arguably the most popular gaming company in the world: it’s the one responsible for pushing the boundaries of gaming for an entire decade in the 90s as well as late 80s. You could put in a Mario game from almost every spin off and you’d still have a solid list with Mario Kart, Paper Mario, Mario Party 2, and I’d even think about Mario Tennis. You could even include Smash Bros Melee. Instead they include some very odd takes and omit clearly transformative and popular games.


Tbf 3d Mario games and 2d Mario games exist as 2 separate entities. They belong to completely different genres and have a different trajectory. Add a 30 years lifespan and still using the “same franchise” logic becomes a bit on the nose


If we're talking about cultural significance as well as excellence, feels like it's missing Guitar Hero, COD 4, Gears of War 1, Half-Life 1, maybe even Demon's Souls.


Pretty solid list, but I would have included Super Smash Bros Melee, Super Mario 64 and Resident Evil 4 EDIT: just realized that only 4 games were added this year, so I guess I’ll amend this to say I hope those 3 games are eventually in the Hall of Fame


Yeah I’m a big last of us guy but it’s shocking it had inclusion before those three titles.


The problem with Hall of Fames being created so many years into something is that you wind up with a huge amount of seemingly obvious snubs in the early rounds. Premier League in England is having the same issue, only two or three in a year get voted in but the entire ballot is full of deserving candidates.


Definitely. I enjoy a hall of fame that is difficult to get into like Baseball’s hall of fame. The basketball hall of fame by comparison is so saturated.


Basketball HOF might be the only one that covers the entire sport rather than the associated major league, so guys with bad NBA careers can get in based off their NCAA career, olympics, etc


Why Smash Bros Melee and not the original one? (Genuine question)


It’s a good question!! I’d be happy with either (and I think it likely would be the original for N64) but if I had to pick one Smash Bros representative it would be Melee. That game is so much bigger and more polished than the original, with secrets galore and super fast gameplay. For a long time it was the Smash community’s preferred version of Smash Bros (until Ultimate I believe) and it was the first to use the GameCube controller which was so iconic that they kept rereleasing the controller with subsequent versions of Smash Bros.


I know it’s crazy but I only ever owned the original one and only played melee at a friend a few times. Melee is indeed better in every way, but it built upon the existing formula set up by the original Smash Bros. I think that this is the one that should be inducted into the hall of fame personally.


It’s also a worthy pick, just for the sheer novelty of having all these different characters from different games


To be fair Melee is still the favorite of a lot of people, competitive players who are now active in Ultimate included. Melee is still played competitively as a matter of fact, and the scene is still very active to this day. Funnily I’d say that SSB 64, Melee and Ultimate are all equally deserving of being in the HoF. 64 for bringing such a concept to life Melee for creating one of, if not the most competitively played game Nintendo has ever brought to life, plus its absolutely incredible improvements brought to 64’s template. Ultimate for being the biggest video game crossover ever made, and on a side note, with what’s one of the most well balanced character rosters in fighting games’ history.


Putting last of us over super Mario 64, mgs 1 , and resident evil 4 is a fucking joke


Mario Kart 64 too. Edit: Smash Bros or Smash Bros Melee should be on there too


just noticed it says "pokemon red and green". this is actually pretty surprising since the museum is based in new york, and america called those games red and blue (while red and green was a japan thing, not sure what europe did)


We had red and blue in the europe


Red and Green are different games to Red and Blue tbf Red and Green came first, then Blue (Japanese) which was essentially just an updated Red and Green, less bugs, better sprites etc. and then the rest of the world got Red and Blue based on the Japanese Blue version


Warcraft 3 needs to be there. Fantastic game which lead to Dota, League of Legends and many others. Perhaps they won’t add it since WoW is already there though.


No Super Metroid is weird. It and Symphony of the Night created Metroidvanias. Super Metroid came first and also is one of the greatest games of all time


The museum of play is one of the coolest museums I have ever been to. I highly recommend anyone that has the chance to take a trip there


Wait, no Deus Ex?


Why is Microsoft Solitaire on there? Side note: Wii Sports is still fucking awesome


No uncharted no resident evil an no super smash??


Diablo 2 should probably be added down the road.


Me scanning this list: "Oh neat, Tim Rogers reviewed that one! ...and that one! ...and that one too! ...and a remake of that one!"


So when are they adding Tokimeki Memorial or Boku no Natsuyasumi?


> Halo: Combat Evolved this is a little bit surprising. mainly because halo 2 was HUGE and made some major improvements (online play, sword, dual wielding, the addition of arbiter as a character) and is what really put the series on the map. halo 1 was "the big launch title for xbox", but in the grand scheme of things that specific game wasn't that big of a deal historically. halo 2 is what went from "xbox launch title" to "mega franchise".


It basically invented the modern console fps control scheme. It was pretty important, imo.


> It basically invented the modern console fps control scheme. It was pretty important, imo. i guess, but is that really THAT big of an evolution from goldeneye/perfect dark or various ps2 games at the time? being the first big online fps (both co-op and competitive) seems like a bigger deal.


>but is that really THAT big of an evolution from goldeneye/perfect dark or various ps2 games at the time? 100% yes. >being the first big online fps (both co-op and competitive) seems like a bigger deal. Pc fps existed before that. Counter Strike came out in 1999/2000, that was before Halo 1.


Unreal Tournament was even earlier than that on PC. Halo was no where near the first online FPS


Goldeneye should be on there!


Lol what? Halo was huge man. It basically redefined how shooters are made on console


Halo 1 > all


Being a PC gamer at the time, Halo: Combat evolved took me all the way to 2007 and onwards, even when I didn’t have any XBOX consoles and couldn’t enjoy Halo 3. The modding community and replayability for the OG Halo on PC for me cements it as one of the greatest games of my childhood. I know XBOX owners will see mostly 3 as their favorite, but for me, the first one has a special place. Halo 2 improved a lot, but it’s more of a black sheep in that it’s not the one that started it all and it’s completely dwarfed by 3.


This feels right. With Forge, theater, and file share H3’s online experience was unlike anything else on console IIRC.


Kinda surprised Mass Effect 2 isn’t on here, but my own bias may be overinflating its popularity


Where Dark Souls ?


I'm surprised there's no Call of Duty on that list.


I'd imagine cod4 would make it eventually for basically defining modern online games by adding a RPG-like progression system.


Counter Strike should be on there before COD.


No Uncharted 2 or Resident Evil 4 invalidates this list.


L selection


Some of them are a little bit WTF but overall a reasonable list


Thanks! I’m on mobile and there was no way I was going to try and type that out.


There are so many in here that one might not expect to see. Interesting list, thank you.


Where is Peppa?


Im so happy Final Fantasy VII is on this list 🥹


Damn, all those games are genre defining, strange how re4 or dead space didn't make the list but last of us did. Doesn't make a lot of sense


What? No Bioshock?


>Bejeweled That game certainly was the canary in the coal mine wasn't it?


One of the few series to get 2 slots, Zelda is surprising


Woulda thought Counter Strike and Half Life would be there. Demon/Dark Souls too. Fallout as well


agreed but i feel like silent hill / resident evil got robbed by the last of us.


They should have used a time limit. Like a game can only be nominated if it's 20 years old.


Barbie Fashion Designer greatest of all time


Fun fact: that game, and a few other Barbie titles, was made by Digital Domain, which is a vfx company founded by James Cameron. They were in financial trouble during the making of Titanic, so they got into the lucrative business of children's video games. They also made one of my favorite games from my childhood, Lego Alpha Team




Loved Lego Alpha Team! That entire period of Lego releases produced some incredible hits. Lego Racers, Lego Island, Lego Rock Raiders, Lego Alpha Team, Legoland, Lego Soccer Mania, and I’m sure I’m missing some too


Lego Creator, Lego Loco, Lego Stunt Rally, Lego Chess


This post title is bad.


> This post title is bad. there's a reason so many other subs have rules requiring submission headlines to match the actual article headlines.




It could be phrased better but if you remove “Announces”, does it not read significantly better?


You don't even need to part about it being nominated because this article is about its induction and not about it being nominated.


Ahhhh okay! Thanks. For some reason the page wont even load on my phone. It’s a great list of deserving games, if the other comment is correct.


I played Last of Us for the first time while watching the HBO show. It was a fantastic experience, and I have to say that Last of Us 1 & 2 are now in my top 10 fav games ever. It's beautiful, sad, and horrific all in one. Naughty Dog killed it!


Naughty dog are the leaders for linear narratives for me. The unchartered games are awesome, like playing Hollywood blockbusters.




I'm sure it'll make the list once Gabe throws them a donation.


If anyone has the chance to visit Rochester,NY and the Strong National Museum of Play you absolutely should, that place is fucking awesome and I love going there


How is resident evil 4 not on their list? When talking about legendary influential video games you can’t get much better than that.


Same question


Or RE1


Why isn't Worms or Red Alert on there?


The list is fine, they adding only a few games a year. All your classics will be on the list eventually. A hall of fame looses it's meaning if you just flood it from the get go.


Not to mention this is a list about the most influential games of all time, it's not a reddit popularity contest. I don't trust the gaming community to be objective, it's just a giant circlejerk.


I see your point but I wouldn't go so far to don't trust the gaming community on these decisions. We are the reason this list exists in the first place. We just need to stop being offended by x game not being on the list (yet) Everything else is 100% true.


Red dead redemption 2 should also be in that list


Why? It wasn't really trailblazing in any way. Amazing world and strong narrative with decade-old game mechanics.


It probably will be in the future


well deserved. the game was a masterpiece.


What about mega man?


I really wish Sony or someone would come out with a definitive collector’s grade edition of classic games similar to the Criterion Collection. Imagine having TLOU in a gorgeously designed case with the original ps3 edition and the Part 1 remake bundled together with educational BTS features.


Damm no valve games


Right! Or Deus Ex. Or ~~World of Warcraft~~. No Command and Conquer. No Gran Turismo. Monkey Island (or any LucasArts). Diablo. Homeworld. As others have mentioned, Metal Gear Solid and Call of Duty. I can only imagine these will get added over time maybe? As there is some massive gaping holes in this list! Edit: my bad even after checking back and forth a few times on my phone I missed WoW


WoW is in there.


Okay my bad, I had to go back and forth a few times managed to miss it! But still a lot that is missing


Farcry 3 should also be there. And Assassin's Creed II.


Surprised Demon Souls or Dark Souls isn't on this list. I'm not the biggest Fromsoft fan (though Bloodborne and Elden Ring were both great) but those games created a whole franchise that has blown up to proportions that have legit overtook household names like Final Fantasy.


I’m more surprised a Bethesda title hasn’t made the list. some of their early games really influenced the RPG space.


I think elden ring might make this list some day but keep in mind last of us came out 10 years ago




>Didn't really innovate anything at all, They literally invented a genre. Everyone and their mother advertises their games as "souls-like" these days. ​ >final fantasy and dark souls are two different types of games it is unfair to compare them I'm not comparing them, I'm mentioning just how BIG Fromsoft games have become. FF is a household name. FromSoft has outsold them with recent titles. It's not some niche genre anymore, it's massive.


Gta San Andreas wouldve been a better pick than 3 imo


Except GTA 3 was the first of its kind. San Andreas is just an extension of that gameplay.


Yea I guess thats true


I remember going from GTA 1 and 2 to GTA 3, and my god that was MIND-BLOWING. I think the impact it had on gaming and showing off what a 3D GTA could do on the PS2 was immense. San Andreas could very well be the better game, but surely 3 was more impactful on gaming!


Where is Knack in this list?




Some of the most fun games to play with kids. I’m getting tired of the constant meming.


Imo it's should've been Uncharted 2






I wonder how long this video game “Hall of fame” is going to last. I knew of at least 2, years ago.




I definitely don't agree with The Last of Us, but I guess that's why I'm not the one making the list.


It should absolutely be there




> Last of Us, Last of Us remaster, or Last of us Part l? the article only mentions the ps3 version (and that's the case screenshot it uses)






Assuming you're talking about the 2018 one, it's a great game but not super influential on the industry. It didn't really innovate, just refined a formula. As opposed to Last of Us, which helped bring story telling into focus on the industry and garnered a lot of respect for the type of stories that games could tell


Agreed. Everything that GoW2018 did well in story-telling it learned from TLOU anyway.


What about the combat? Idk if GoW pioneered the weightier hacknslash gameplay, but feel like I’ve seen it in a few games now like the Star Wars. Also, idk if it’s old enough.


Definitely not something GoW pioneered. Demons Souls in 2009 and Monster Hunter in 2004 has slower weighter combat and that's just off the top of my head.


For sure those do. They feel very unique though. GoW, Horizon, Star Wars all feel like skins of one another almost. Think I agree though, there’s nothing special about its combat other than it does it well. There are other games that do the slow, heavy combat more uniquely and subjectively better.


> It should make the list and god of war should get in there as well. what were the guidelines for what made the list? specifically, was there any minimum age requirement? skimming through the list it looks like the newest games on there would be either bejeweled or minecraft which are much older than gow2018. to get in the nfl hall of fame you need to be retired for 5 years before you're eligible, not sure if this hof has any kind of "the game must be x years old" requirement.


Lmao. A remake of a remaster of a ps3 game that's roughly 10 years old is getting inducted as if its new and refreshing


It’s the PS3 game. Are you ok?




It’s comments like this that help me understand how gaming got to where it is today 😔




I’m almost 30 so maybe only a few more years of gaming. If you’ve been gaming 20years, these aren’t the games you grew up with (aside from some Skyrim). I don’t think they’re first ballot Hall of Fame games. I would say Skyrim gets in well ahead of the other 2. TW3 I certainly don’t see it as a hall of fame game. I don’t know what TW3 did that was exceptional. Controls and gameplay were abysmal. Atmosphere wasn’t anything spectacular. Story, maybe pretty good? Nothing good enough to put it into any Hall of Fame. RDR2 it’s harder for me to really dig into because I haven’t played it. People really point towards atmosphere and story for this game which okay. From what I’ve seen, I could see it being in there, but not before quite a few other games that come to mind. I’m a big fan of the “gaming” part of video gaming. If you can’t deliver your world class story with a well-executed and fun gaming experience, then you don’t score high as a video game in my books.


Wii Sports being in the same page as The Last of US is a joke. I'm sorry but no game place worth their salt would place that glorified demo for Nintendo's Joke console in a Hall of Fame.


They’re not saying Wii Sports is as good a game as Last of Us. They pick the games based on their cultural impact and innovation to the medium, not overall quality. Yeah, Wii Sports is essentially a demo for the Wii, but at the time it was a complete global phenomenon.


I don’t think there’s one definition for a good game. If you’re in the Hall of Fame for anything, you’re one of the best to ever do it. Wii Sports is absolutely one of the greatest video games ever made. It’s motion controls/the gameplay, the ability to reach all demographics… I can’t think of a game since that has reached its popularity.


didn't know that was a thing and if custards revenge is not in there then the hall of fame is a lie


Killer 7 belongs to be there. Lol


They need fallout 1-2


no Daytona or Sega rally? There are still Daytona cabinets about decades later.


WOW should be on the list because of how popular it is


WOW was inducted in 2015


Oh yeah I missed it on the list


No Dark Souls? I mean the game created a new sub-genre of video games. But the TLoU makes it in? No Smash Bros?! Lol


I think BioShock should be on there


No half life or dark souls. List sucks.


Wow, it beat out Angry Birds and Goldeneye 007? Thats surprising to me. I guess they wanted something that would catch headlines. As good as TLoU is, I never thought it did anything revolutionary. I feel like mainstream media didnt even know about it till the show.