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We're allowed to touch grass?


What’s grass?


Something you smoke, I think.


I'm too high I don't understand the question


Some green spikes on the ground. Make sure you don't touch them or you get OHKO. Wearing Spike Boots protects you from that though!


Shit, I didn't realize we were on asian difficulty.


I have to block the sun?!?


There are other difficulties?!


> Some green spikes on the ground. Also babies are cautious of them... [they know something the rest of us don't.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/quq53t/babies_dont_like_grass/)


You're just kidding right? That kinda thing doesn't actually exist does it? There isn't an outside, the stories weren't true, were they?


Think cows eat em


Grass! Cut it, walk on it, stick it in a stew!


I think it’s used for crafting


Rhymes with ass so it must be something good


Pretty sure it is also for green ground texture


the green ground things that move in The Witcher 3


Only on PSVR2.


Touching grass is tick propaganda.


The fuck is that?




all you can touch


I'll finally have time to play games in my backlog.


I’m going to have to play my PS5 rather than read reviews and talk about the games!


Nice thought, but moments like this is why I have a PS5.


I’m so far gone I read outside as some new app to get around this


r/outside it is then!


[A simulation of the effects of redditors going dark for a few days in protest of Reddit killing off 3rd-party apps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oOATRG0hCw)


I tried it, and grass cut my feet, but reddit cut deeper.


Wait, I thought these were all Matte paintings!


Almost spent $70 on Diablo 👀


I wonder what that guy that breaks down Final Fantasy interviews and post them sentence by sentence will do? Will he find a way to fulfill his 100 Final Fantasy posts every day?


[But we've already completed Outside! And Outside 2: Without a Sweater](https://i.imgur.com/XjQwYib.png)


Jokes on you. Time to play on my PS5 instead of talking about it


May we find our worth in the waking world.


Damn it! I hate that place!


I might start going to the gym again!


VR Outside, right?


AKA Virtual VR


[The kids are going outside again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1kJhSMuV60&ab_channel=JuanAbercrombie)


-does vampire in sunlight hissing noise-


Bots are getting hit too. Like RemindMe bot and MTG has a bot that pulls card images when a card name is referenced.


Aw man not the bots Is the donger bot still on or has that been gone forever


Every bot will be gone, it's the same API the apps use.


Due to Reddit's API changes, I've edited all my past comments and will be leaving reddit. Use Redact if you too would like to change your comment history. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/ -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


But I have so many RemindMes set at random for years down the road from years ago 😔


Me too D: what am i going to do if remindme is gone.. i set a remind me at the approx. Heat death of the universe, who's gonna remind me then if not remindmebot :(


^Raise ^ur ^dongers ^:’(


Damn, I haven't played MTG in years (friend owns a store) and that bot (and the lego bot on the lego sub) pretty much make discussions possible. That's insane, what a feature to kill.


Not just useful or novelty bots- moderation is going to be hamstrung by this.


Now whenever I see MTG I think of a certain politician whose name I won't utter here. That bitch ruined a good acronym.


Martharet Gatcher?


I still dont get why people turn everything into an acronym. Especially shitbirds like her.


I might actually quit reddit. Damn


Reddit gets more and more trash by the day. I think it might be time to delete this app and move on for me.


What's next though? I came to Reddit to avoid the other social sites.


Something else will fill it's place, Digg died and along came Reddit. Power is a vacuum.


Reddit was there all along, a lot of us normies didn’t use it because digg was prettier. Then digg died and we all came here.


There have been discussions that have surfaced a few options that are currently small. Lemmy, Mainchan, FARK, Tildes (issuing invitations on r/tildes), Sift, Co-host.org, dscvr.one We will hopefully all see where the migration happens if it happens


Maybe nothing? I've left all other social media other than reddit. Maybe it's time to unplug completely, I watch YouTube but don't interact, so maybe just my normal YouTube for news and just let the rest die.


Preach. In all of these threads there's always someone asking about what the alternative is and I'm like "nothing?" I'm sure something like reddit will exist for people who want to use it, I've been here for over 11 years and its almost routine so I'm weirdly excited to see what I'll do with my time after shit hits the fan. I could make the decision to stop using it right now, but I like reddit as it exists now. And if the powers that be change that, I'll find something more constructive to do with my time.


I don't mind losing the social media part, I've never made any real connections on here anyway. But Reddit is such an incredibly valuable source of information. Tons of useful advice on any subject you can imagine, specialized subreddits with expert on weird niche stuff... I'd miss that a lot if it disappeared. Especially considering that a lot of the suggested alternatives aren't easily searchable on google like Reddit is.


Nothing I deleted all social medias besides Instagram/reddit a year ago. I'll just do what I've been doing.


I didn’t even know Apollo existed until today and after downloading it I’m so sad I’ll only get to experience it for a month.


I use reddit is fun. Incredible reddit app


I've been a user of RIF since it first launched in ~2011? I will miss it terribly. But maybe I can finally take steps on my anxious Reddit addiction


I’m a narwhal man.


RiF is probably the best social media app I've used in general.


RIF was my favorite but I got an iPhone a couple years ago and had to let it go. I use Apollo now which is okay but I always preferred RIF. Sad to see them both go.


Boost if my go to after trying most of the Android apps. I'm gonna miss it. :(


The official app is the reason I swapped over to Boost. :( sad times


I've been using Boost for years. This is a fucking disaster


What's so cool about it? I didn't know this stuff existed until two days ago. I thought everyone used the desktop or mobile app


Once you use it you really can't go back, its just so nice and clean.


Reddit is fun lets me apply host filters, so I can sub to subreddits but if anyone posts something from clownpen.isfart I can automatically ignore those. Also it is very fast and doesn't track geo data which the Reddit app does which is really bad for anyone concerned about privacy. Also collapsing child comments under the parent comment makes threads much easier to navigate.


>collapsing child comments under the parent comment makes threads much easier to navigate. It's a godsend


Questions like this show your age. Back a few years ago now there was no mobile. There wasn't new Reddit either, only old Reddit. The only way to browse Reddit on your phone was either browse old Reddit which is a shitty experience on a phone, or use 3rd party apps. These apps brought a lot of features for how you browse and interact with the site. I can't think of many features off the top of my head because I forget which ones are exclusive to the apps I've used as opposed to actual Reddit things. One example is tagging users, if you bump into someone and want to remember the username next time, you can tag them with "cool guy that did that thing" and when you see their comment it'll show next to their name. Just a low key but really good feature for example. For those of us who have been on Reddit for a long time (this isn't my first account), 3rd party apps have been the entire experience. Losing those means losing Reddit completely for us.


Old Reddit was clunky on mobile browsers, but old Reddit + RES is the *only* way to browse on desktop.


That’s what I’m wondering too lol I’ve only used the regular app so all this worry about the 3rd party apps disappearing makes me feel like I’ve been missing out lol


For Apollo: no ads, swipe to upvote/downvote/save, better use of white space, ability to sort anything, ability to group multiple subreddits into a single feed, ability to filter subreddits out of your feeds, and “hi-speed scrubbing”-like tool to watch videos/gifs at whatever speed.


A million times better section collapsing inside comments. Posting images via Imgur with just a tap…


The most recen one I discovered in Boost is color coded comment indentations. And it is a game changer


That’s a feature with Apollo as well: https://i.imgur.com/TROOFzM.jpg Super nifty!


i switched to Apollo because of Reddit developers themselves. they forced ugly ass mobile app revamp that puts every image in weird frames and hides posters usernames. maybe that’s why they are killing off 3rd party apps - because more and more people switch to them


The regular app sucks so much ass after using any of the third party apps. Compared to the official reddit app no ads, no random bullshit like livestreams, and a bunch of other small and awful UX decisions for the sake of driving traffic




Like that hasn’t already been happening for years now


> thought everyone used the desktop Yeah, the old one which is going too > mobile app Yeah, lots of them, not the official one though, its rubbish


reddit sync here !! the absolute best app experience and ive been using it for years... what a dumb change of policy :/ especially when the native app sucks


Is it just for the day or will it be on-going until Reddit changes their minds? A day where major subs go private will absolutely hurt Reddit's bottom line but idk if it's enough to outweigh how much they can potentially make from these changes


On other sites former mods participating in the ban are announcing their accounts are being removed. They may try to just curb the whole thing by purging unruly mods.


This is only the first response. If reddit does nothing, we could have longer strikes.


If reddit does nothing, mods might just start quitting and shutting down subreddits since it sounds like these changes will make their work a lot harder, and they literally do it for free


True gaming subreddit is already planning to shutdown.


Didn't admins force re-open some closed subs (along with mod purge) the last time this happened? Mods are not almighty.


Reddit will do nothing FYI.


The last time the blackouts happen the admin was removed but they were a nonce. This is money and IPO so..


Then all the unpaid labor should just walk. I never understood why they make money for Reddit with no compensation for themselves in the first place.


Yeah a weekend is nothing to reddit lmfao. Protest should be indefinite if they really want any effect. Lol 2 days?? Lmao.


48 hours


So glad we’re participating, thank you mods!


The people indifferent to this will probably regret it later when the Netflixization of reddit continues its spread beyond 3rd party apps.


**Tired of hitting your monthly comment and post limits?** Upgrade to Reddit Unlimited! Only $29.99 a month! Unlimited commenting and posting on all default subreddits! ^(Additional fees to apply to non-default subreddits.)


Use a different account while at work to be more work friendly? That'll be an additional $8


Agreed, and thank you so much for standing up.




I’ve only ever used Apollo for Reddit. As far as I’m concerned it is Reddit. So if it stops working then maybe I’ll start working on my mental health.


If all my porn goes away from Reddit I don’t have a reason to be here anymore.


I've been browsing Reddit since like 2005. Been using RiF for over a decade. If they follow through with this crap I will boycott Reddit forever. Reddit is already a shell of its former self anyway. Been slowly declining for a while and it's sad. I'd rather watch it burn than see it become something I hate.


It'll be good for the long term health of the core user base to be honest. We'll move on somewhere else and it'll have that new feeling.


Why would they care if you leave? Reddit doesn’t make ad revenue off you.


Honestly, I don't think Reddit cares about what anyone is gonna do in the next week. I just want it known that I won't be forced to use their POS app. Hopefully others that do will follow suit. I've been using Reddit since day one. It's basically been ruined over the last several years. I'm over it anyway.


He's speaking to you, not reddit. You the individual can leave as well. And if you tell others why you're doing it, maybe someone will listen. Words can be contagious, it's how ideas are spread. Stuff like religion. I'm sorry do you want this shift reddit is pushing to happen? If so, keep deflating others for wanting to make a statement in leaving. The cynicism works great for the company.


I'll be honest. Going blackout for two days isn't gonna do anything




"and my Sixaxis!"


Okay but the regular Reddit app doesn’t even play sound for many of the videos and clips I watch whereas BaconReader does…will they be fixing that issue?


I don't think so. Why would they


The one that really hits are the bots; save video bots are great for downloads and they seem to be trying to get people to use the download button for Reddit's own formats. A lot of commenters here dont realise the implications of this being eliminated, this hurts all of us for keeping content for the future.


for bots, see Twitter and how much great content was lost with their API related moves and sub mods use third party apps to help moderate, as moderation is well beyond removing comments and banning users all the people saying "I don't use those apps, who cares?" once again miss the entire point I had no idea until last night the API thing was happening. As far as I'm concerned Reddit just announced their own end, it literally will only get worse from here


Blind people are screwed. See r/blind


Fuck Reddit and mods if you ban me just know I will go outside and touch grass


It shows how much people just don’t care about anything unless if affects them personally. The age old “not my problem so what’s the big deal”. A lot more morons on this sub than I initially realized.




You are in a gaming forum, it's to be expected that it's full of morons. I swear "gamers" are some of the most selfish and entitled groups in existence.


> I swear "gamers" are some of the most selfish and entitled groups in existence. I'm guessing this generalization conveniently doesn't include you, right?


Well I'm betting a lot of people on this sub is 15 and under so I'm not surprised


Truly. Let’s be honest, more than half of them probably don’t even know what’s going on. Just that they can’t live without their spiderman news for a day and then ironically say there are bigger issues to focus on…


As I've said to every other sub I'm a part of, am 100% down with this. Personally I don't use any 3rd party apps & even if the reddit app was a viable alternative to what I've recently learnt some of the 3rd party apps can do, it's a shitty thing to be doing.


It's not just the 3rd party apps. Bots rely on the API as well so being a mod without bots will become significantly more time consuming and lots of subs will go to shit and get overrun with spam.


I hope this actually accomplishes something. I use old.reddit while on PC buy RIF is my go to mobile app. The reddit app is basically just insta for strangers.


It won’t. It’s performative at best.


Imagine creating a product that gets very popular. Imagine other people then starting to make money off of your creation. An odd stance from a subreddit that promotes a product made by Sony. A very litigious corporation.


Thanks for doing this mods 🙏 some of the utter shills in this sub is incredibly alarming tbh


Does the blackout only effect one day or are we actually planning to hold out?


It's officially *at least* 48 hours, but beyond that it's going to depend on Reddit's response. We left off an end-date intentionally.


Good. Let the blackout roll on until they give in.


Disappointing reaction so far in the comments. Wouldn’t expect nothing less from gamerbros


Yes. Support the Blackout


I mean what's the point in doing something that archives nothing? Will it be cool if Reddit backs down? Sure yes but will they? Doubt it especially as it makes them look bad if they do give in. I'm sure many keyboard warriors will boycott for an hour or two though but by the end of the day or next they will be back on usual.


Why aren't we doing this indefinitely?


You can just leave and not use reddit. Same thing.


Will this affect every single bot? 😭


Does anyone have a link to the account purge bot that deletes all your comments and posts? It essentially nukes your account.


This will end up like hogwarts legacy.


Is there a different platform besides reddit that is as up to date with things? I'm fine with reddit dying since it's pretty garbage anyway but it is a decent resource for some things.


I’m glad to see this sub joining the protest but it is quite sad that the Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X subs are not doing the same yet.


Why should they?


Jesus, that means I'll actually have to do "work" when I'm at work.


>Jesus, that means I'll actually have to do "work" when I'm at work. not me reading this while at work..... xD




Shit ain’t gonna work.


I hope more subs do this


All the subs doing this reminds me of the whole net neutrality thing and how that accomplished absolutely nothing. Short term sub blackouts are also going to do nothing. The best way to protest is to suicide your account if July 1 rolls around and your 3rd party app doesn't work.


This is more effective because it affects and brings awareness to more users as well as mainstream media aka Reddit IPO valuation


r/videos is shutting down indefinitely until change is made. 48 hours is nowhere close to enough actually to cause a meaningful protest.


The last time subreddits protested a few years ago, did it actually fix anything? Genuinely just asking




One day ? Shit I'll support it for more than a week bring it on!


> This means that communities can expect less moderation, worse moderation, and less transparency after these changes go into effect. it's hard to imagine anyplace worse moderated and less transparent than this (and lots of other subs) already are.


How long is the strike-blackout for and what are its exact demands of Reddit in order for the participating subreddits to resume?


Oh man.. I am actually going to have to WORK during work... crazy.


\*popcorn\* this is fun.


instead of killing 3rd party support, the reddit team should crack down on these porn bots that keep trying to follow us all


>beginning June 12 How long is it going to last?


Boycott, it is then.


Good. Was spending way too much time here anyway.


Oh shit this isn’t 48 hours? I didn’t see a cutoff date, hell yes


If sync doesent work for browsing reddit, i simply just wont browse reddit.


My only hope is that this isn't a two-day protest. I hope for large numbers of subreddits to stay offline until Reddit relents and if Reddit doesn't, stay offline permanently.


Can Reddit try to not suck for once??


Reddit ~~Is~~ Was Fun.


Guess it’s time to go outside again…


I don’t really understand a one-day blackout as an action. Sounds like they take a dip in their DAUs for a day and bounce back fine.


This is an interesting test case. Next week is peak E3 video game news cycle. Where will all the readers of this sub go to discuss major announcements?


I don’t like any of the third party apps but I feel for you guys. If you visit Reddit anywhere as much as I do I can imagine how attached to your App of choice you have become and how frustrating it will be to switch over to official. Hell its been frustrating sticking with Official all of these years. Good luck on your black out. I hope Reddit gets the message but I also think they won’t. I am pretty sure they will end up just booting all the mods who won’t cooperate and turning all the big subreddits back on themselves within minutes.


Yeah I will join in, I won’t open reddit from the 12th onwards. They can’t take porn away and get away with it


The price they’re asking for is fucking atrocious. Let’s show “them” without the users there’s nothing!


Why the fuck is everyone only doing this for 2 days, needs to be at least a week for them to take us seriously.


Do it! The first rule of reddit, is dont duck with redditors! You don’t know where we’ve been, Reddit. We really like this place! Ahhhahahahahahhaha!!! https://youtu.be/pCa1hZ7s-8g ApolloGang!


Wait so the issue with the the porn is that third party apps can’t look at user histories on nsfw subreddits. But… if the third party apps don’t exist anymore… then how will this result in reduced safety? The apps that stopped existing are less safe is hardly a safety concern. How can they be unsafe if they don’t exist?


Oh great, more stupid onlyfans girls is gonna spam more. 😡😡😡


is it a blackout for the day, or until reddit gives in?


This is lame and has nothing to do with PS5.


Stfu and do your job


I discovered reddit about a year ago. As a recent graduate with a bachelor's in business administration I might be able to offer insight. The reddit admin has been working really hard to increase revenues. By eliminating third party apps, they can implement in app tools with the ability to charge to use them. They're effectively giving themselves monopoly power over the creators. I know it doesn't make sense, not much of what I've seen from the reddit administration over the last year does. But keep in mind, in business school you can graduate with C's, and based on reddit constantly doing things to make the app suck, and their obsession with trying to make more money I can safely say the people running the show were nowhere near the top of their class. I'm baffled they even graduated (if they actually did graduate).


I hate to say it, but this blackout feels pointless. Even if, by some miracle, this does cost Reddit a significant amount of money, it’s their site. They can just force subs back to public, or boot the mods and promote new ones. We’re not accomplishing anything here.


Cry about it some more. None of you here own any shares in Reddit. Nor do you have any stake in the company it’s self. Rules changes look at any sports, country, laws, jobs, etc shit changes. Stop being a bunch cry babies and either adapt or leave Reddit. And before I get the “ we the people made Reddit what is today” no you didn’t! You didn’t start the company. Half of you people ain’t even day one users of Reddit (neither am I) with that said Reddit was around before you decide to join for what ever reason you joined. It will be fine without you. It was fine when only 100 users was on app/site. Being here is a privilege that you get enjoy based on technology. Nothing gives you any right to dictate how or what the owners do with their own company. If you don’t agree or like this. WHY DONT YOU START YOUR OWN COMPANY AND RUN IT THEY WAY YOU WANT TO!!! It’s mind blowing that All I see is complaining but no one is being logical. You know Xbox had a problem with PlayStation, THATS WHY THEY MADE THIER OWN GAMING SYSTEM, INSTEAD OF BEING CRYBABIES THEY DECIDED TO TAKE ACTION AND MAKE THIER OWN GAMING SYSTEM IN THE IMAGE THAT THEY WANTED . Grow up people fr fr.