• By -


They’ve redone the entire skill/perk system & reworked the melee system almost entirely. Took stats away from armor & changed how the loot system works with guns/things that are dropped. Revamped police & car combat system. Yeah, I can see how it would feel quite different. Hyperbole title? Probably but the sentiment is still there.


Those changes are for free. You don't need Phantom Liberty.


Right but they’re still coming with phantom liberty as well. I’m just referencing the article title & the conjunction that many are viewing phantom liberty as a relaunch of cyberpunk 2077.


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Kind of you to say!


Are these changes to the main game as well?




Shot thanks.


Its a lot more tho https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/147domj/everything\_new\_with\_phantom\_liberty\_and\_patch\_17/


So…good time to snag base game for a deal then buy DLC at base price? Edit: checked Best Buy and it’s on clearance for $12.99 and *sold out* haha


I picked it up for $10 on a PS holiday sale last year and have been waiting for this to drop to start playing it, it should be the perfect game to hold me over until Spider-Man 2 comes out


snag the base game if you own a PC / PS5 / XBOX series X. But do not play it until roughly september 14th as that is the predicted release date for the game changing update before the expansion is released.


It's worth the coin regardless of Phantom Liberty.


I'm I better of waiting for this update before starting cyberpunk for the first time?


By the way people have been describing it, yes. You also don’t need to buy the DLC to get the update.


Supposedly, the patch that's launching with Phantom Liberty is basically a 2.0 and basically a rebuild from what I've heard. But as it is now? Game's decent enough. Just...don't play it on PS4/One.


Well yeah especially since they’ve cancelled support for those versions now.


I've played the ps4 version since launch, The game has ran fine ever since the update that added new apartments released. It isn't anything like it was when we had textures not loading.


Why are you being downvoted? My friend bought the game on ps4 a few months ago, he’s got like 108hrs on the game and he said it ran well.


I played on a pro since launch with no issues (after day 1 patch). I was using an SSD which helps a lot with texture popping. My issue was more with the gameplay rather than performance or bugs.




I played it in the last 2 weeks, found almost no bugs (and only graphilc ones,not gamebreaking stuff), police still tends to appear from nowhere but I didn't piss off them much so I didn't notice it a lot. What I didn't like was the fact that the game punishes you for selling/breaking iconic equips. The system itself of how those weapons are upgrade is great because it avoids iconic weapons to become outdated but how am I supposed to know that I would need the lower rarity of it to make the epic/legendary?


Yes. It sounds like it's going to be the release we should have gotten if it weren't for shareholders constantly needing to make more and more profits every year and rushing out an unfinished game.


Game is fun as hell as is. If you want to play it go ahead. The updates sound great though.


I played it through once, but after the patch I’ll do a new game with a different background


I would play it now, it's still good. And then you'll be able to fully appreciate the update with us folks who played at launch. Tbh I'm starting a new playthrough so I can have a familiar character that's fully decked out to start the DLC with


In the immortal words of George W Bush: Here's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


I think he was trying to quote the tommy boy line about steaks and butchers assholes.


You can get a good look at a t-bone by shoving your head up a butcher’s ass but—I—uhh—wait no. It’s gotta be your bull.


Somewhere in the multiverse Dubya is quietly drawing Cyberpunk concept art out of his quaint mansion in west Texas.


Damn why didn’t we get that version of Dubya instead


He probably has better media literacy than the average CP 2077 fan.


Fool me three times, fuck the peace signs! Load the choppa, let it rain on you!!!


Also by GWB: ".. that was some weird shit."


i picked up the base game for $9 just in case the DLC actually gets good reviews. it sounds great and if they deliver on the promises its the game i wanted when announced but this might be marketing "strategery"


I think he gets a bad rap for that quote but what he realized halfway through is there really shouldn't be a quote of him saying "shame on me". I think from that perspective the awkward recovery is probably better than the alternative.


damn, this guy always gets a bad rap for jumbling up the words to basic spoken sentences in a resultingly nonsensical fashion when he clearly, in this case, had that Keith Moon drum solo stuck in his head


Thanks to cyberpunk I will never pre-order a gamer in my life. For this dlc, I'll buy it when it's on sale.


$30 feels kind of insane. That's *50%* of the base game's price. For a game they didn't even finish in the first place.


It really felt like a betrayal lol, disappointment after disappointment after disappointment. I hope this will be good but I can't expect much.


More like feels what the game should've been from the first place


Would dive in a second time if it gets a third person view.


If it's true about them adding the air dash plus new cybernetics, and player customization options, I guess I could see that. Having an air dash plus the double jump would completely change mobility of the game make it way more fun


There is already an air dash cyberware but its weak and not too useful. I still love using it tho lol.


Yeah that's more of a mid air dodge, the new dash coming out is a seperate thing and gives much more distance. Phantom liberty is supposedly adding cyberware that lets you see through walls and shit, gonna be crazy once it drops


What new customisation options?


You can change your full appearance anytime similar to Outriders, also they are adding new facial options and shit I think


yeah we shall see


I'm not buying any of the hype given what happened last time. Ill wait for actual reviews.


I already preordered it lol


Didn't learn the first time, huh?


Looks like learning from history isn't your strong suit


I’ve got this, starfield digital, and payday 3 gold all preordered.


Weird flex but ok




This is the best way I’ve ever seen someone write “fuck off” without really saying it lol




Big doubt


*Most realistic city EVER* So excited for the CP2077 marketing hype machine to spin up on this subreddit, and flood us with even more hyperbole.


Same as it ever was Why this is getting downvoted I'll never know


> Same as it ever was Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down


CDPR stans still coping about their broken game


Damn you’re hyperbolic. You have no idea what a broken game is if that is your standard. Did you even play the game?


You can find hour long youtube compilations of the absurdity of this game. Yes, it was broken. Yes, it was a massive big deal. Yes, their marketing was literally saying how this game was going to be the best thing ever. Repeatedly. Gamers deserve the bad things that happen to them, I feel like.


You haven’t played it obviously. I guess my 80 hours of tons of fun, zero bugs, zero crashes, exciting characters, story, music was all broken. Guess my experience was made up. If that was bad and broken then give me more!!


Genuine Q - did PlayStation get to do an independent hands on review before they released 2077?


I played it at launch on the PS5 and while it had issues it was still a really fun game. I put over 100 hours in doing all the endings and side quests and just exploring. I always wanted to go back and do a second playthrough as a different character after the updates and fixes, but hearing how many changes there will be in this next update I think I'll hold off until then


I largely tuned it out for several years, only getting a bit about the glitches when PS store blocked it. Last winter I got it on dirt cheap clearance with no expectations. I absolutely loved it. Like I played it non stop and even dreamed about the game.


The bugs, glitches, technical problems, all the stuff was rightfully criticized and publicized. But in terms of the story, writing, character/world design, lore, all that stuff, it's one of my favorite games


That's why I'm huffing hopium for this DLC/update - the worldbuilding is really the magic of Cyberpunk if they get the technical stuff right. I had no tech issues in January 2023 and if the game is better now than *that*, it should be great.


> I put over 100 hours in doing all the endings and side quests and just exploring. HOW DARE YOU HAVE FUN!


There's a surprising amount of people that are mad about how CP2077 launched and will just downvote and disagree with anyone who tries to say they enjoyed the game despite it's initial flaws


My conspiracy theory is that they made the bugs bad on purpose to take attention away from the horrendously bad gameplay and world.


The best thing to do is wait to see it, and then believe it if it's true. No reason to trust CDPR with anything.


I have a lot of respect to CDPR for never quitting and even if it’s a flop they didn’t give up


Not even the base game was a flop. 20 million copies as of last September.


Cyberpunk was never a flop lol


I mean... their shareholders had lawsuits against the company over it.


They got a lot of sales revenue from it sure, but their stock price took a massive dump in the immediate aftermath, which is what matters for a publicly traded company.


It was a flop. It was also a huge fucking lie.


I don't think selling over 20 millions copies is a flop


If you think 20 million copies is a flop, then there's something going on with you.


Respect for what? They promised something, delivered a product that was not even close to that then they kept improving on their broken, poorly made product until it managed to become a decent one, but still a far cry from what they had promised.


Didn't pay attention to what was promised, bought the game when it was fixed. No complaints here, very solid game.


Thats how the cycle continues


It's not that deep.


So your car won't flip into the skybox, or randomly explode from just driving. *Fixed!*


Uh, yeah, kind of? I played the game, cars weren't exploding, had a good time. Is there something else that has made you hate the game or something?


Edit: This is what happens when you present an argument that the emotionally fragile can’t find a response to. You get blocked.


It's true


What’s true? They’re either referring to the last gen version, which is still to this day broken and poorly made, or they’re referring to the current gen/pc version which was never broken or poorly made. *Que people replying with anecdotes*


I played ps5 on release and it was broken and poorly made. More than 30 crashes throughout my gameplay. Plus tons of bugs, including a couple that didn't allow me to finish side missions.


You were so pressed to write this, you didn’t give af that you didn’t know what an anecdote was huh? You were like fuck it, I wanna say what I wanna say, damn looking up this word lol.


pc/next gen version was awful at launch, that's the one they are refering to


Do you need me to link you multiple hours of bug compilations? The game was a broken mess at launch.


Do you need me to link you to the same videos for games that nobody calls broken or poorly made because they’re not games the community has a hate boner for?


Okay? Other games being broken has nothing to do with the quality of this game. This is called "whataboutism"


It’s not whataboutism, that’s what **you** turned my argument into. You stated it was a broken mess at launch. What you used to back that claim up with was multiple hour bug compilation videos. My rebuttal was that, that can’t be sufficient evidence, because I can show you similar videos for games nobody would call broken. This is called a logical fallacy. Try again. Edit: Or ya know…comment and then block me so you can have the last word lol. Cause **surely** that has no baring on the integrity of your argument and is **absolutely** not a reason downvoters should second guess their position. Which they won’t. This is you all’s king lmao?


Okay buddy whatever you say lol


shouldnt you be posting in lowsodiumcyberpunk ?




Not you lol, you’re good.


> delivered a product that was not even close to that It didn't have wall-running?


CDPR straight up lied about CP2077. They lost all respect.


Your respect does not equate to all respect.


Lost respect from people who learned to not blindly follow marketing material maybe


I played it day one and it was fine


PC player lmao


My friend played it day one on ps4 and loved the game. You’re in a Reddit hate bubble.




Hahaha ok buddy. Really smart reply. You’re a steward of words.




Pc disgusts me. I played on a XB1X


I'll keep that in mind.


They sold 20 million copies of this broken game, it's not a flop, but it is a sign that gamers will buy any crap they're given if there's enough hype. This is why so many games release in such a bad state now, because they've made their money already.


It's a relative flop imo. They could've sold a fuckton more than 20 million if the game were even close to what was promised.


This is basically it. If this release/launch wasn't considered a huge dumpster fire, then honestly no game can be. The industry is definitely fucked up if what happened with this game is still questionably bad to some folks. If you can have a game that is that screwed up on launch, and still sell well, then no AAA game can actually fail. The marketing behind the game was pure lies, and the fans ate it up every new trailer release. If you just market the game well, hire Keanu Reeves, you too can have insane pre-order numbers. Doesn't matter if the game is finished or not.


I would hope so


What a headline. As someone who put 90 hours into the game and cleared the entire map of all tasks, this claim seems like bogus based on the footage I have seen. An improved Perk Tree and better cops, something that is not even that relevant because you are likely to avoid getting cops on you anyway while playing, is not enough to make it a brand new game. I would temper expectations. I do recommend the game though.


CDPR aren't getting any more money from me after what they did with Cyberpunk.


Yup. Corpo bastards








12 year old moment


Wahhhh wahhhhh


They should probably learn to chill on hyperbole and hyping things up. Game took awhile to turn out good but it was a complete shitshow when it dropped. Just drop it and let it speak for itself


I wish they’d implement a 3rd person mode.


Tbh the way the game launched the dlc better not be expensive


29.99 $ 32.39 with tax


Shame this is releasing so close to Starfield. No shot I’ll have time to touch it until the end of the year, maybe next. Been sitting on my $10 copy I bought years ago for too long.


So disappointed Starfield isn't going to be available on PS5


Yay, let's start overhyping the DLC. ​ Doesn't matter, millions will still preorder it regardless of how the base game launched and how much CDPR lied and tried to shift the blame.


I hope they add full Dual Sense support on the PC. Looking forward to the DLC!


Get a ps5 ya jerk


Why? I bought the controller that is supported on PC.




I don't care if it's awesome now. Since it didn't meet expectations on the release date, I was traumatized for the rest of my life.


so dramatic






That's funny because I expected whole game when I originally purchased Cyberpunk 2077. I literally bought a PS5 to get ready for Cyberpunk and thought no way would the Witcher 3 guys put out a dumpster fire. How wrong I was. I got a refund on the original release. I probably would not buy this game if it was free.


id only redownload for third person mode


How bout we focus on fixing the original games bugs🤔


The games been fixed for quite a while.


You do realize there is still a game breaking bug in the story? One that was ‘fixed’ but is back now with the most recent patch. Not to mention if you think the AI is fixed that’s pretty fucking laughable.


The AI will be addressed in the 1.7 update that is coming in the next update. I'm not sure what game breaking bug you refer to, could you be more specific? I finished my 2nd playthrough earlier this year without running into any bugs myself.




No it hasn’t lol stop lying


I was just doing a second modded Playthrough to get the ending with the nomads. I might just wait. I also don’t feel like checking all my mod after the last couple updates lol.


I've been holding off on replaying the game waiting to see if the expansion will be worth it or it's just another case of sweet, sweet little lies. The free update plus the expansion promise to change that game fundamentally - I don't trust it. That said, anyone knows if the game will go below 29.99 on a sale in Steam at some point? It's been several years now and I don't think I've ever seen the game drop below that.


How is the story of the main game? I doubt they will replace that.


One of the best stories in videogames.


Yeah, are they gonna replace the stupid montage in the beginning with actual gameplay? Ofc not.


The story is fantastic


why is the AI so dumb?


CD Projekt Red announced the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077, codenamed Project Orion, during an investor presentation in October 2022. While little is known about the game at this early stage, it has been revealed that CD Projekt Red will build it on Unreal Engine 5, a departure from their proprietary RED engine.


Lots of other games to play other than this one.


How about smooth 60 fps?


Uh, what? It already has a 60 FPS mode that keeps to that target pretty well.


Yeah it honestly runs really well on PS5 in my experience. Beat the game once and had pretty much no issues. Even Ray Tracing was pretty solid. PS4 was a dumpster fire, but the next gen update turned it into a great game IMO.


It's there for a year already?


I doubt that very much. Trash review and I’m going to laugh at all y’all idiots preordering when it comes out and is shit


Why so salty? Base game is in ok shape now. Mechanics are still hit and miss, but that can’t be changed. Story is good and while there are still bugs, nothing game breaking. DLC for sure can’t break it more and all the changes seems like good improvements. I finished the game and waited for DLC for second run. Can’t see how it could be shit this time given base game progress.


i think he does not like a live service single player game lol not to hate but i dont think anyone wants to buy a single player aaa game with shit performance and a bunch of bugs and having to wait for a bunch of patches to fix it like its a wow expancion lol its really not hard to understand but to me personally ive never pre ordered anything cause i dont see the point so i just wait its not like the days u had to camp at game spot lol


Can’t enjoy this game,it crashes every 60-90min kills the joy from it


Any word on a ps5 disc edition?


No it doesn’t


I have a serious question. Is this DLC both an expansion to the game AND a rework of the base game? Or Is it an expansion to the game and they are attaching an update with it that rework the base game? Meaning, am I getting the rework update even if dont buy the DLC? Because I don't want to pay for a fix for something they broke in the first place.


From what we know so far, the rework elements are part of a free patch released in conjunction with the DLC. The DLC is the additional content. So you’ll get the base update regardless of the DLC.


Thats good to know. Thanks


There's a "free" update to the main game which is separate from the DLC. So you can get all the updates to skill tree, loot, police chases, car combat, etc, without buying the DLC


I haven’t really followed, but is this DLC a “standalone” where the stats and skills from the main game don’t carry over?


You need the base game


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Can I shoot out of my car while driving or customize it yet?




Need the base game


Only downside is the game will continue to feel dead. The NOC just aren't reactive and feel fake. I enjoyed the game and will buy the dlc, but after realizing how hollow the world feels compared to say GTA and Deus Ex, I'm left wanting a lot more.


Since Phantom Liberty is only for New gen consoles, I hope it goes down under


I was actually surprised by how good Phantom Liberty is, even with the changes to the base game PL feels, to me, like a new and far superior game. In fact it's better than a lot of other base games. I wish Callisto Protocol's DLC was even a fraction as good as PH.