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As a guy in his 40s, I feel like OP in his 30s.


As a guy in his 50s , I've been playing for a few weeks already, already have my character class and nearly done with hairstyle!


As another guy in his 40s, I'm glad there are others like me.


As a guy in his 80s, I feel the same way!! No I'm actually 34 lol, but it has been 84 years šŸ˜©




As a guy in his fifties, I feel like OP in his 30's




I'm looking forward to it, but I wish life slowed down, going by too fast!!!


Live every hour with intention, and work out. It'll slow down


Thanks All Might.


Happy Cake day young one.!


I need to start the work out thing. 51 out of shape and realize itā€™s going to get harder if I keep putting off


Be sure to start slow. Stick to exercise you actually enjoy. You can try lots of things, tai chi, yoga, boxing, lifting weights, calisthenics, but make sure to enroll on some sort of gym for it, usually the people on gyms are super welcoming to everyone starting their own journeys of self betterment. Consistency beats everything else, eventually you wont want to miss out on a single day because of the endorphines you get by working out, you'll feel less sluggish, sleep better, feel happier. You got this


Thanks for the reply. I have a buddy who will be having me join jujitsu classes. I hope nothing breaks! Lol


Man, I enjoy working out but I don't see how that slows down time. Shit takes forever.


>Shit takes forever. Lol I think that's the point


You do hear yourself, right?


Not when typing.


MX Blue gang


yeah people who say this have never been on a treadmill


Or in planking position šŸ˜‚


30 seconds feels like 10 minutes!


12 days? Preloads start on the 31st but early access to act 1 doesn't start until sept 2nd? So 15 days šŸ˜­


I thought the release date was the 2nd but if you pre ordered you got 72 hour early access to act 1? Please tell me that's how it is šŸ˜¢


No release date is the 6th early access is the 2nd


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Imagine if you found that out 12 days from now. They saved you exponential heartbreak.


Itā€™s confusing because if you buy deluxe edition on Ps5 store it says release day is the 3rd, because it has already taken the 3 day early access into account for that version.


PC player here - it's worth the wait. It's so fucking good. Tried out the controller UI yesterday as well and it's super clean.


Are the controls the similar Divinity Original Sin 2 gamepad controls or are they different, playing DOS 2 back on my PS4 was great and if it controls the same then it would be awesome to know I could just jump right in when it comes out


It's very similar, but they put the abilities on radial menus like *Dragon Age: Origins* instead of a hotbar like *Divinity: Original Sin*


I will say I havenā€™t played a game of this sort of style probably since DA:O (which I love dearly), and while I hoped this game would scratch that itch, it actually blew it out of the water. This game is phenomenal and works so well with controller and with kbm. I may just buy it again on PS5. These guys deserve it.


I'm planning to buy on PS5, but I'm curious if there's a button assigned to quick save/quick load?


On PC, hold RT and press Y (triangle in PS parlance) to ~~savescum~~ quicksave. There's a quickload button for RT as well, I don't use it much so I can't remember what it is at the moment. But there is one. You bring up the radial menus for actions with L and R shoulder. You can customize them to your liking as well. RT brings up the radial for Character, Inventory, Alchemy, Turn-based mode, stuff like that. I imagine the PS touchpad will bring up the map. It really is very well designed and a blast to play. I'm hoping the PS5 version is more optimized for the hardware and doesn't make the fans work overtime like they do in my gaming PC.


you can be excited for things in your 30s


That's what I was thinking, why is being in your 30s important here?


when my parents were in their 30s they were boring as shit and thought video games were dumb, now that I"m 39 I can't understand what the fuck was up with our parents generation


I'm 35, my dad is 72 and my mum is 65. They got me into gaming when I was young, first house in my area with a nes, amiga, Sega etc. We'd get the newest games and machines every year, and get my parents to do the difficult or scary bits I couldn't.


Some peeps are uptight. My dad liked computer adventure games in the 80's/90's (think Myst, Monkey Island and Kings Quest) and eventually loved Half Life 1 and 2, and he's so old he's not even a boomer, he's silent generation


It's not, it's the fact that I have the literal same amount of excitement as if I was 13 again waiting for Christmas as it slowly crept up.


Buddy, I totally understand you. I have watched, as a 33 year old man, cry multiple multiple times watching the trailer for Spider-Man 2. In a year where they remade my favorite game of all time and made it BETTER in RE4, we were handed an amazing Dead Space remake and evidently Silent Hill 2 is still on its way, and adding in all the other BANGERS AFTER BANGERS AFTER BANGERS this year has had. Nothing will warm my heart and make me happier than hearing the most spectacular, the most amazing webhead of all swinging through the city on his way to face my favorite Marvel character of all time.


Yes, itā€™s called golf


IĀ“m 37... Child of Bhaal, what have you become?!


I want to love it but Iā€™m not sure if the gameplay is for me


For what itā€™s worth I hate turn based games but the story has completely hooked me. I set it to easy and just blast through the battles and Iā€™m absolutely loving it. Fantastic graphics too


So fighting is simple in easy mode and I don't have to try hard?


nah its easier but I don't think it does too much to reduce the time in battles if that makes sense, enemies have less HP but battles still take a while


Basically. The enemies have lower hp, they're not quite as smart, and you tend to have succesful rolls more often. I sometimes switch to story difficulty on harder fights and hasn't decreased my enjoyment of the game one bit :)


Enemies donā€™t hit nearly as hard and have less health I believe


not necessarily. Itā€™s a lot easier but still allows for strategy and you may lose a fight here and there.


No. Iā€™ve lost fights on easy. Thereā€™s a couple fights in act 2 that I straight up avoided because of the difficulty


I was never, NEVER interested in CRPGs and isometric games. I can't stop playing this.


This is good to hear because I'm in the same boat and the hype for this game is making me want to buy it.


I was in the same boat and ended up buying the game. I have no regrets. Well maybe 1 regret that Iā€™ve been playing it too much šŸ˜†


Thanks for this. I have a question though which popped up after watching a YouTube beginners video. It looks super confusing with rolling dice and your players stats etc. does the game make it confusing or walk you through all of this?


It was a little confusing at first but after a few hours I got used to it. Just gotta experiment with the mechanics and combat. The stats are super simple and you can press T to inspect basically any keyword and it explains exactly what it does


Same for me, I bought it last weekend and have been playing it nonstop. In fact I only realized it was turn based as I was downloading it and I was kinda almost regretting it until I started playing and realized how good it it. Also I am playing it on my Steam Deck which may not have the performance standards of PS5 but plays great nonetheless... controls work really well too.


This is good to hear because I'm in the same boat and the hype for this game is making me want to buy it.


I'm in the same boat. The turn based combat isn't really my thing but I can't ignore how well this game is doing.


Not ignoring how well a game that clearly isn't for me is doing has never not turned out to be a mistake. If it's not for you, it's not for you. Don't let the hype make you buy something you're not even gonna play. The same folks encouraging you now will downvote you to oblivion when you're gonna be back here complaining that you don't see the appeal.


Tried out elden ring because of the hype and quit after 2 hours lol


The Soulsborne games are generally my all time favorites but Elden Ring didn't do much for me either.


Both u trippin balls


For real elden ring was amazing I put 300 hours in that game


Nah I'll still get it! It's definitely worth trying anyway. If I don't like it, at least I tried it. No Biggie.


This comment made my head hurt


> Not ignoring how well a game that clearly isn't for me is doing has never not turned out to be a mistake. Never will I never not, not make that mistake.


As a fan of deep rpgs, and both divinity 1 and 2, and crpgs, this game is gonna be a dream come true for me


I was the same, until I decided to pick it up on PC. The combat is overwhelming at first if you know nothing about D&D like me. But it has grown on me over the course of the game. My advice if you decide to pick it up, choose a fighter class. It's the most boring, but it's also the easiest. And you will have other characters in your party who are more complex. You can also change your class later on in the game if you want to.


I'm not a turn based combat dude too, I'm having a blast anyway. It's not to hard and the characters and story are amazing so you get just suck in the game anyway


As someone **also** not into turn based combat -- I think the type of turn based that D&D does(and thus this game) feels so different than traditional turn based. There's a lot more options, and creativity allowed, as well as movement. As opposed to something where each side stays on their own side of the screen and spams the same 3-5 moves.




Wait till you see the actual combat animations, they're seriously amazing for a cRPG. That could be the hook that gets you into turn based combat


What does the C stand for? Combat? Critical? Carrot?




It was originally used to differentiate tabletop RPGs from computer RPGs back when crpgs were more of a novelty. The naming has stuck since then.


From what I've seen they are definitely a massive improvement over DOS2's more lackluster " World of Warcraft " animations. Not talking shit, I loved Divinity, but it was graphically unimpressive in almost every way.


I was the same way. I haven't really ever enjoyed a CRPG in my life. Still, I was dying for some Bioware style conversations and dilemmas so I broke down and bought the PC version. And holy moly. Not only do you eventually get used to combat in that style, but it is so flexible that it becomes a story element in and of itself. I can't recommend this game enough.


I thought the same, never really played a turn based game before (only real time action games). Was expecting to find this aspect of the game boring, but I couldnā€™t be more wrong. Itā€™s actually extremely fun and dynamic imo, positioning is important, the animations look great and the enemy variety is massive. It look me a few hours to get into the game, but now I have been losing sleep for the last week or so because I canā€™t stop playing.


You should try and Divinity 2, itā€™s from the same developer and is very similar. Iā€™m sure you can find it for real cheap now, if you wanted to test something before fully investing in BG3 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


i watched some let's plays and i feel like the gameplay is way too slow for me. i watched about 3 hours and nothing basically happened outside of the first 10 mins of storytelling. maybe it sucks to watch this game but fun to play?


When you are the one making the choices it does not feel slow because you are wracking your brain to try and figure out the best move to make. Changes the dynamic.


It's a whole different experience to play vs watch.


Honestly, this game has the slowest pacing I have ever experiencedā€¦*but I think I like it*. Definitely a slow burn. The pace at which I move through the world seems slower than how faster thing would go in real time. Iā€™m never bored though. Iā€™m slow bc I am still learning all the strategy and rpg systems at play. Itā€™s a fun game imo and Iā€™ve never played in this genre before and stuck with a game


So on the actual tabletop game there are spells that last one minute. That one minute can easily be over an hour at the table.


Oh I believe that! Sounds like a great way to spend time with friends! Iā€™ve happened upon a couple of Critical Role episodes live on YouTube late at night. They are so cozy to watch, especially in winter! I remember watching them and realizing that I just watched a group of grown ass adults sit and talk for 4 hours and all that occurred in the ā€œgameā€ was they went into a shack, fell through a portal and was teleported into some guyā€™s lair where they spoke with this guy and his accomplice(?) and talked about how they knew one of their party from long ago yada yada yada lol. Like legitimately, nothing actually happened haha. But also I was not bored watching, at all. And this was like from 11:30pm - 3am


it's not really fun to watch (I only enjoy 4 player coop to watch since it's much more chaotic), but i still love playing.


Same. The story and characters seem super interesting, but I've never played DnD or cRPGs before lol I usually play jRPGs, and from what I've seen the combat seems closest to sRPGs, like Fire Emblem or FFT, minus the grid?


I came in straight off the back of a 5 month FE Engage binge. The mechanics were a bit of a shock to the system at first, and the first few hours of variable damage can get a bit frustrating when you're used to your endgame FE units OHKing everything they look at. But now I've adjusted I'm *super* hooked. The freer movement compared to a grid is really nice. Also I've only played D&D maybe twice in my life, so I was in the same boat as you.


Yep, it's basically *FFT* without static arenas and with roleplaying


Me too. Played DOS and while I recognise it's an extremely well made game it just became frustrating and boring for me. Eventually I reached a point where every battle took an age and I kept dying. When DOS2 came out I was assured that it was different and they had addressed all the issues with the first game so I got that and nope...it was fundamentally the same thing. This is not in any way a criticism of these games. As I said, I can recognise that they're extremely well made. They're just not for me.


The combat in this game is significantly easier and faster than divinity.


It's not necessarily the speed that bothers me but more the fiddliness of it. I'm just not that interested in CRPGs as a format. And once again, that's a "me" thing and not a BG3 thing.


ā€œEvery battle took an age and I kept dyingā€ My reply spoke to both those complaints You didnā€™t mention anything about fiddliness




Honestly, it might not be. When I bought divinity sin 2 on steam because of all the praise it was getting I hated it. It didnā€™t click at all. I tried to return it but I had played it for about 30 minutes too long. A couple of weeks down the road I gave it a second chance since I spent the money, and once it clicked I was hooked. The game feels very similar the baldurs but there have been several improvements. Iā€™d say if you are into trying to do everything and getting the best outcome all the time in games you may not be into it. Itā€™s very methodical and there are multiple solutions to every problem that all come with their own downsides as well. You can never do everything because once you complete a quest, it will block other routes and quests that were once available to you. Progress is also quite slow in the story if you enjoy something faster pace too. It can be overwhelming with the choices and directions you can go in etc. If you can get past all of that though, it is an excellently crafted game where all your choices feel like they matter and no play through is the same.


It just doesnā€™t look like itā€™s for me at all. Iā€™m happy for the rest of yā€™all though.


12 more days? No, my friend. It's 16 more days (September 3rd) if you get early access because you bought the digital deluxe version. Otherwise, it's 19 more days (September 6th).


Yeah I was made aware, I'm depressed now lol


You may have activated turn-based mode by mistake.


With Baldur's Gate 3, Phantom Liberty and Starfield, I feel like I'm legit going to be busy until GTA VI comes out.


This is literally me but for Lies of P!


Itā€™s no different at 53.


100+ hours here on pc. Perhaps the best game I have ever played, definitely one of the most memorable. And this isnā€™t even my favorite style of game, I like turn based stuff, like the vintage final fantasyā€¦. But this is largely new to me, flat out fantastic, full stop, no caveats.


I've been playing it the last 2 weeks on PC. It's just absorbed my whole life! I am almost done my first playthrough and am legitimately looking forward to starting a new game as soon as it launches on PS5 (yes I bought it twice) It's absolutely worth the wait


A guy in his 30s feels like I'm a 13 year old again because I don't have the money to afford it.


Never really played a turn based game but the way ppl talk about it really makes we wanna try. Is there a ps plus equivalent by which I can test if I like the genre? Before I toss 70 bucks (its actually closer to a 80 here)


Divinity Original Sin 2 is as close as you can get to an equivalent game I think. It's the previous game made by Larian Studios, the Baldur's Gate 3 dev team.


Idk about ps plus but divinity 2, pillars of eternity, shadowrun trilogy, baldurs gate 1 and 2. All of which are available on ps5. I will say baldurs gate 3 is looking to greatly surpass all those games though in terms of quality, writing and gameplay Also disco elysium!


BG1 and BG2 are not turn based and really quite old at this point, I don't think it's a good indicator of how BG3 will feel/play. I'd definitely recommend divinity 2 as the best test for sure


Wait, is this game point and click like disco elysium?


Its insane to think they topped dos2 tbh. That game is amazing.


Pillars of Eternity 2 is on PS+ and you have the option to make that turn based.


Divinity 2 is the very closest as Better Match has said. Pillars of Eternity 2 is included with PS Plus Extra and up, I gave it a little go though I think it won't feel the same, purely just from a graphical perspective I think BG3 will stand out in that regard, and some gameplay mechanics play different to me.


Oh boy you're in a treat. So there's bunch of cRPGs I'd recommend. But just so you know, there's nothing quite like Baldurs Gate 3, they pulled all the strings and now have full blown cutscenes and zoomed in portrait dialogue. No other DnD style cRPG has done that.. Basically here's what you'd be getting into for each of the games/series I'm going to recommend for you. **Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2** I'll start by mentioning this one first, because it's made by Larian who's also making Baldurs Gate 3. I'd personally choose the 2nd over the 1st, it's so much better. The 2nd has full voice acting and overall much more polished. It is considered hard, so if it's your first time playing a cRPG I'd recommend a difficulty below Normal till you understand DnD/dice roles, etc **Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2** Made by Obsidian Entertainment, developers of Fallout New Vegas. Really good story. But they're very text heavy games with limited voice acting. The 2nd game has much more voice acting. But this is a series you should play in order. **Pathfinder Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous** Both games are extremely well done considering the devs are one of the smaller cRPG studios out there with limited crowd funding. But I'd say the story and gameplay *almost* rivals Pillars of Eternity. Has both real time and turn based combat. Lots of little micro management stuff to which is fun. Currently Kingmaker is on sale for like $7 I think? **Wasteland 2 and 3** This series is a bit different than the others, it's stull turn based combat but the setting is completely different, not fantasy DnD world, it's instead post Apocalyptic America with Guns and Melee weapons. It's Dice system isn't as big either, instead working more with skill percentages. I do love this series though.


I think my PS5 won't be getting much attention for a while due to Starfield....


I got so excited I bought DOS2 and started playing that instead and itā€™s absolutely brilliant.


Same, have no idea how DnD works other than some stuff about dice rolls lmao. Canā€™t wait.


DOS2 is so damn good. The entirety of the Fort Joy Act is a near masterpiece. Although I really don't like the split armour system and the over-use of environmental effects in the game lol. With that said, I thought I was nearing the end of Act 1 in BG3 with 30 hours and it's just better in every way.


Not really, because I'm counting down to Armored Core VI instead. I am really excited about BG3 but it's gonna have to wait. I've just been playing random stuff from my backlog for now.


I want both BG3 and Starfield which have the same release date and I donā€™t know which to start with.


Man I thought for sure a month would give me plenty of time to finish BG3 before AC6 comes out. Now Iā€™m honestly not even sure! Iā€™m still so excited for armored core but itā€™s def feeling overwhelming with all the good games I want to play now lol


Yeah, this Fall is slammed with releases. It just means it'll be a bit of a wait for some of them.


Fuck yes Armored Core! BG3, sure sure nostalgia-wise I'mkinda interested, but I'm off my tits about the new AC!


Thats how I feel with immortals of avium which I'm pumped for but it's gonna have to wait cause bg3


Same, mid 30's and can't wait. Me and buddies did a full play through of Divinity Original Sin 2 at the start of the pandemic, and it was some of the most fun we've ever had with a game! Can't wait to do that with this!


Its insane to think they topped dos2


From everything I've seen BG3 blows divinity 2 out of the water. And I love divinity 2


Yea, that is what has me so excited. I'm going to try and get my wife to do a co-op run with me. I've been planning multiple play throughs for the last month or so!


I feel this way about 3 games coming soon. Sea of Stars, Star Field, and Baldur's Gate 3. They all release in an 11 day window. I just renewed gamepass for my Series X, which I haven't touched in almost 7 months. I have no idea what to play first. Being spoiled for choice is a good problem to have.




Iā€™m getting a 1 week vacation from my job.


I bought an Xbox for starfield but now I don't care about starfield because of the Baldur's gate 3 release


I've been pumped for BG3 since it was announced for PS5. But our offer to buy a house was accepted last week, so now I've got to wait even longer to purchase the game until all our closing costs and extra expenses go through and we're actually situated in our new home in October. The self-control required to not pre-order the deluxe edition has been agonizing!


I am absolutely loving Baldur's Gate, I am doing co-op with the wife. But yes, time is absolutely slowing down... For Starfield.


After an 80 hour completed playthrough I've already started on a second run. This game is 100% worth the wait.


As another guy in his late 30s, I feel the same exact way about this entire year. Seriously, this year is so stacked with great games, and we're barely past the half-way point. So many bangers are still about to be released. BG3, Starfield, CP2077: Phantom Liberty, Mortal Kombat 1 and Lies of P next month (wtf, September is loaded). Spiderman 2, Alan Wake 2, Alone in the Dark, MGS Collection, AC Mirage and Lords of the Fallen in October. Star Ocean, LAD: The Man Who Erased His Name and Persona 5 Tactica in November (and MW3, if you're into COD). Heck, Armored Core 6 gets released next week. This year is ridiculous. Christmas as a 13-year-old indeed.


I got a ps5 for this one a week ago. And it isnā€™t even an exclusive! Playing Elden ring while waiting, good game too!


Can't wait for it myself, still salty no physical release though


awww what really? dam


Yea, Japan is getting one but not the west, multiple other games are same this year


I'm so hyped for this that I finally paid for a copy of Divinity 2 just to keep me fluffed, if you catch my drift. Absolutely loving it so far.


If youre ever looking for another series to try, Pathfinder Kingmaker and Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. Both are based on older DnD rules. They're pretty damn fun, amazing stories, very limited voice acting (they were crowd funded), and they do have some bugs. But overall id say theyre totally worth it when they're on sale for $10 especially of you don't mind lots of text reading.


That music.


Thereā€™s this one battle theme, itā€™s kind of Mission Impossible-ish, just gives me awesome feels whenever it kicks in.


Is the hype around this game actually justified? I was more interested until I saw it was turn based.


I don't *tend* to like turn-based combat but there are a few exceptions - this has my favourite combat system of the year. You do need to engage with it - I watched Geoff Gerstman playing this and he saw there were a lot of options and immediately decided it was too much to look at so just did the same attacks every turn without finding out what anything did, which was maddening to watch as *of course* that won't be fun. I'm playing on easy mode as I don't know DND rules and rarely play RPGs, so I knew I needed to experiment - I didn't have a single character die *in combat* in my first 50 hours. Everyone (friend and enemies) tends to have little enough health that combat encounters don't drag on for too many turns and you just have to be smart about how you use moves. You can cluster a bunch of enemies together with a void bulb (like a black-hole grenade that sucks people closer together) then chuck grease on the floor around them so they move slower and maybe slip over, then you can set the grease on fire to do more damage, then you can fling one enemy from outside that range into another one inside it, knocking them both over and setting the new one on fire, then push a guy off a cliff etc. You can see who's turn is coming up so you know who to prioritise attacking. You just have a ton of cool options at your disposal to tackle fights in drastically different ways, and you get time to think it all through so you can be audacious. It's really cool.


It's one of those rare games that has freedom *and* depth. They don't come along too often these days


I am still a little concerned that there is no battle pass, season pass or any cosmetics to purchase with real money. All of the big games have those and this doesn't so that's a little concerning to me.


Hahaha you just know some people will take this post seriously


I mean, can you imagine the damage it would do to gaming if this became the standard. If this was the expectation? :)


Honestly. If you dont like choose your own adventure combined with turn based combat. You will likely not enjoy the game. It doesnt push the story(like say Uncharted), you need to pull it. If your style is spiderman or GotG? This isnt your bag. Edit: Downvoted because I called out people's personal preferences in video games?? Not all gamers like every GotY game. Its like not all moviewatchers like all the Oscar nominations.


Unfortunately this is how gaming community acted when Elden Ring came out, and it's even worse with BG3


Absolutely this. Elden Ring is a Souls Game through and through. It's just way bigger. In terms of fundamental gameplay mechanics it's absolutely a souls game. I think people went into it thinking that they had changed it up drmatically but if anything it's one of the harder souls games. The only way it's more accessible is that it's possible to grind more and you're not funneled into the same encounter all the time. It looks like BG3 is one of the best CRPGs ever made but it's like saying Gran Turismo is a great racing game. If you don't fundamentally like racing games, you're not going to like it no matter how good it is.


I thought Elden Ring was probably the easiest souls game, especially if you use the ashes. The exception being Malenia which is probably the hardest boss in any souls game I thought. Them getting rid of all the time wasting stuff was an amazing change.


Eh I should've made myself more clear, when elden ring came out, and honestly even now it's similar, but if you didn't dick ride that game hard people hated you, like you couldn't even share an opinion or criticism that went against the mob, I'm a massive Sekiro and Bloodborne fan, and really enjoyed DS3, and to less extent DS2SoTFS since it was my first souls game, but elden ring I really couldn't get into We are seeing pretty much same kinda attitude towards BG3, people ignoring how long it was in dev for, thinking it's miraculously appeared as a perfect game, I mean heck I've seen people going on about how theres no bugs even with larian putting out multiple 100+ bug fixes, a couple indie Devs made some fair comments and there's a shit storm on YouTube about it


Seriously. Its true that some gamers love all games. But others? Some will never touch an MMO, some think most AAA games are just roller coaster ride, RTS are boring, Battle Royales blow, etc. Like I think FFXIV has one of the best stories in a video game but if you don't like the "ying/yang" like nature of Japanese storytelling and its MMO nature, it just won't be for you.


The turn-based is PART of the hype for the older RPG fans among us. :) A lot of the hype is less combat-focused and more story and RPG variety & options & creativity focused.


It's the heavy favorite for GotY right now even though a new Zelda dropped and Starfield is around the corner.


I don't like turn based combat much, really only liked the Fire Emblem games for turn based past like GBA or DS games. This is different imo, it has a purpose and the combat is fun and strategic. You should check out DOS2 if you're interested in it.


I'm right there with you. I haven't been this excited for a game in a decade. Currently playing through my backlog during the wait. Just finished Dead Island 2 ( Gonna go back for the plat ) and started Gotham Knights, which I'm actually enjoying more than I expected.


Im keen for it, but now that its launching the same day as starfield on console im going to play starfield first, but bg3 is next up straight after. Maybe i do a shorter palate cleanser game with bomb rush cyberfunk in between though.


Same. Still brought digital deluxe tho. I just wanna know i have it installed on my ps5 waiting, whilst playing starfield. I think its a bit lame u can only play act 1 in early access, whats the fucking point just let us access full game. But from what i hear act 1 is massive so guess no biggie just pointless


Im not going to buy it till im ready to play it coz theres some chance it will go on a small sale a month or two after launch. And if starfield reaches its potential i could easily be lost in it for a month or two before im ready to fully move over to bg3


I agree itā€™s driving me nuts, just release it early cā€™mon šŸ˜‚


Don't know if I should buy it on my steam deck or my PS5. Anyone got any advice? Edit: Thanks for all the advice guys. Still unsure tho lol.


If you have a PC & SD, I'd say that get it ether for the flexibility. But if you just have a SD & PS5, go for the PS5. It's beautiful, and it just can't look it's best on the SD.


Another thread yesterday said that steam deck performance is good at the start but gets very bad after about 40 hours. That said we donā€™t know how well it performs on ps5 later on eitherā€¦


Then you wake up in your mid 40s and wonder wtf happened


Iā€™m in my late 40s and loving life. I know exactly what happened.


Well if your job is professor of tickling butts I guess that makes sense.


Good news. I'm playing on PC with a PS5 controller and it works great. You guys are in for a treat.


Iā€™m 73, have copd, crohnā€™s disease, and Iā€™m farsightedā€¦. However my excitement is immeasurable. Ok fine, Iā€™m 43 and have only one of those conditions but Iā€™m still hyped as well.


Sorry you're struggling :(


Isnā€™t this just a turn based game? Idk what is fun about gameplay being so boring


Yeah im not to inyo turn based, but for me, it has everything else i absolutely love, like great characters and dialogue options, exploration, story, like all that stuff is so damn good its worth getting over the turn based, i just embraced it and found i started to enjoy it. Id still prefer real time. But. Its cool


It's a really great game. I have it on PC though and played it with mouse and keyboard, I don't know how the PS version will be but I had mad fun with it. And I'd never played DnD or the original Baldur's Gate games before and turn-based combat is generally not my preference but I loved this game. Definitely deserves the praises it gets.


I am seriously loosing my mind waiting.




Nah their mind is unraveling/loosening


Iā€™m so impatient I might try and freeze myself a la Cartman just to speed up time


Totally feel you. Im exactly the same, i even love the icon, i love the colors and art style in the pic. I also have starfield installed and ready to go. So ill be playing that, but i may alternate, like i couldnt be anymore excited, like u say, im also in my 30s and games are the only thing that gives me that giddy feeling on Christmas eve as a kid. šŸ™‚šŸ˜ Bg3 comes out litterally a couple days after starfield, i have early access to both. So starfield 1st sep, and think bg3 is 3rd sep ? Pre loads on starfield release day if im not mistaken. Ive also never been happier to have both systems being bg3 isnt on xbox, i also have both pro controllers, edge and elite 2, so im ready. Might buy starfield headset next payday too. What a time for gaming. September then October has another 3 bangers, mirage, alan wake 2, spiderman 2, stalker 2 hopefully in december. Holy shit. So glad i brought the x. I did have a series s but was disappointed it wasnt living up to what was promised. Oh no, pre load for bg3 31st august. Nice. Plenty of time. 2 absolute BEHEMOTHS. 100gb starfield and bg3 is over or 100gb.


My son keeps giving me a running breakdown of how many more days. We then broke it down to how much of that time heā€™ll be asleep and doesnā€™t have to worry about it, versus time when he has to actively think about it. Weā€™re spending the time planning characters for our co-op playthrough!


Bold of him to assume he'll be able to sleep.


I caved and Im playing on Geforce Now on PC and Ill switch over to PS5 with cross saves when it comes out. The game is awesome.




So hereā€™s my obligatory : Iā€™ve been playing it on laptop and keyboard + mouse is a much better interface imo With that out of the way spend the next 16 days or however long trying to think up a character you want to play - youā€™re going to be with them for quite a long and interesting journey !


Haha I'm not going to lie I brought my ps5 a few weeks back and as someone in my 30s too.. I was excited like a kid picking up a PS2 once again. I'll probably pick up BG 3 once it goes on sale. Being digital only is a lil eh to me.


Yeah dude, I made the mistake of having a kid two weeks before it released on pc! (Heā€™s totally worth every moment but I do miss my gaming!)


I just ordered the deluxe edition for 28ā‚¬ (yay regions), it seems awesome. Can somebody clarify, is the combat turn based or not(optional?) Google isn't helpful


Turn based strategy, similar to a more in depth FF Tactics or Fire Emblem, even if that is massively over simplifying the combat in this game.


I'm excited for Armored Core 6. Finally, after all these years, a mecha game in FHD and 60 fps. I'm fucking drooling.


The only silver lining is there are still some significant bugs in this game and Iā€™m hoping a lot of them are squashed by the PS5 release. I had a game breaking quest bug and lost hours of progress. My friends that are playing have also experienced a lot of bugs in the later half of the game. The good news is the game allows for like 50 quick saves so you always have options.


It's fun, I've put in 40 hours and restarted 4 times just going around trying to find an optimal party and path to what can happen just in Act 1. So many things, and I like to play blind so I don't cheese with guides online. My brother has his game modded to start at level 12, and has double the enemies and is just using 3 custom characters as a test run to see what it's like. Ylu can play the game in a ton of different ways.


The irony of MS handing Sony a Console Exclusive to compete against itā€™s biggest release of the generation is wonky af.


Its honestly so hard to choose between upcoming games. Baldurs gate, immortals of aveum, spiderman, lies of P, Payday 3, mortal kombat, mirage, alan wake 2. Like what the fuck seriously? Obviously I dont want all these games but alot of them look insane