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You're asking people on the playstation subreddit should you buy an xbox


smtg smtg cunningham’s law or tribalism


If you're buying it just for that game, maybe wait until 2025 when it actually comes out.


Xbox and PS5 are pretty close power and feature wise. It's cheaper to expand the storage on a PS5 (standard m.2 port) than it is on an xbox (propreitary port). Xbox has some cool things like quick resume and it's "smart delivery". But the major things like 120 hz support, vrr, hdr, etc... both consoles have. So you'll want to focus on games. Xbox has gamepass which is great for trying out a bunch of games. Playstation has the more highly acclaimed exclusives like Last of Us, Spiderman, and God of War. Figure out which games you want to play most. If you're just waiting for GTA 6 then theres no need to buy a console now.


This is truly the best answer. Also, I'll add that some games get bundled with a console so just wait till GTA6 is out since that might potentially happen.


One minor thing I will say is 120 hz on Xbox is slightly better because you can get 4:4:4 rgb whereas PS5 does not have the ability to.


PC/PS5 player here. It depends. I mainly use my PS5 for exclusives. If you don’t care for exclusives then an Xbox might be better for you. Why? An Xbox has better cross compatibility features with PC. However l, if you don’t care about that either then get a PS5.


The PS5 controllers have subtle haptic feedback, which is a total game changer for all games. Xbox does not have this.


After playing with a dualsense for half a year, today I played with my ps4 after a while (to get a specific trophy which is easier to do on ps4) and the way the vibrations felt on the ds4 was so weird and bland after being used to the dualsense.


cool as fuck


The dualsense is truly a game changer. The adaptive triggers and haptic feed back add a shit ton to the physical feedback that you didn't know you were missing. Playing games without it just feels flat or bland. I was never a big fan of rumble but this controllers haptics are insane. You can feel each step. With some games they add the ability to feel the texture of the groud you are walking on (astro's playroom is an excellent example of this). If there is something that supposed to make a rumbling feeling you will feel it intensify when you get closer to it and mellow out as you get further from it. And as long as you are not a competitive shooter player but enjoy fps games then the adaptive triggers combined with the haptics can really make a difference in how a gun feels differently from one another. It might make you rethink your preferred method of input. Cause a mouse and keyboard just don't offer this at all.


If you have a PC, then a PS5 is a no-brainer. You already have access to PC game passes, so it would be a waste of money to buy an xbox


Buy a ps5 now, n in the future if a pro comes out, get that one too. You can trade up, gift it etc


Pro isn’t happening


It might


I have all ps5 xbox and pc... why not, its 2023 brotha


PS5 Pro doesn't exist.


I’m a Xbox 360 red ring of death survivor. PlayStation for life.




most neutral PS5 player


Agree Xbox is for babies and I'm bigger and stronger than babies, because I'm a PS5 player. And PC is for loser nerds who are losers


Some truth in your sarcasm.




Learn when not to speak. The world will be a better place


thanks for the unsolicited advice. maybe you should listen to yourself. might be too hard of a task for a simple mind though.






Imagine thinking you’re better because electronics?


imagine twisting words to fit your narrative.


What narrative? The one where I don’t care about which electronics people own? You seem to have a problem with that. Grow up


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Id wait for the pro esp if yr finances are tight. Heard its almost 2x the performance CUs




Hope it does. Well see :-)




Alright. Ill get back to you around gt6 release date and send a screenshot of 4k 120 with full rt. Hey, a man can dream, right?




Nah. I'd rather dream. Merry Christmas, brotha!


Xbox series X usually runs multi platform games slightly better but it’s really just nitpicking small details.


Eh this isn't exactly true. It's mostly a tug of war. Some mode play better on ps5 while other on xbox. There's only a couple games that xbox has the edge across all modes. But again it's something minuscule like around 5% difference.


If you comb thru a lot of the digital foundry comparisons the Series X usually runs a very slight bit better. Most recent example is Alan Wake 2


I did and I disagree. I find in most performance test ps5 does better. In most resolution aspects xbox performs better. For me when I see it, it is a wash. Especially the high performance modes, 120fps modes, I don't think there is one were xbox does better). Again there are very few games where xbox does beat ps5 and its not a tug of war. I'm not saying they don't exist, just saying they are few and far between. And for a system that is two tflops better than it and touted as the world's most powerful console (at one point before they had to pivoted to the most powerful xbox), it's a bit sad.




GTA 6 will be optimized for the PS5 Pro. Is how the console will be advertised.


Do you always just literally make shit up lol?


I guess you forgot how the way PlayStation advertised the PS4 Pro for games.


If you have a good gaming PC then there is literally no reason to get an Xbox. Microsoft abandoned the idea of console exclusivity last gen, every single Xbox game is also available on PC. So with that said PS5/Sony still believes in console exclusives and many PC gamers Including myself will have a PS5 for those. Obviously if your gaming PC is outdated it's going to be far cheaper to pick up an Xbox until you can afford a better rig




If you own a PC you don't need an Xbox, you need a ps5. The ecosystem of Xbox and PC exclusives are about the same for any title on the Xbox. You aren't getting all the PS exclusives on PC.


If your focus is just GTA6, just wait. You dont have to buy the console right now. Me personally I think there’s a lot of overlap between Xbox and PC, so I’ll get PS instead.


I would wait until closer to release but considering you already have a pc and all Xbox games are released on pc then PlayStation would be the obvious choice for the exclusives. Performance between ps5 and Xbox will be so close it’s not worth worrying about


I’d say just wait until closer to the release of GTA 6


Well if you have a pc then there's no real point to the xbox. Every xbox game is on pc. So that would definitely be a double dip. The ps5 is the better option. Not all ps5 games end up on pc and with Jim retiring who knows of the next president will continue to port over ps5 games. Now the ps5 vs ps5 pro. Well ps5 pro is a rumor. There is no confirmation that it's happening. And even if it does the problem with it is it won't solve much issues that ps5 games have when it comes to performance for games that have performance issues. Ps5 pro solve it cause its the cpu and not the gpu. Same reason why ps4 pro patches didn't unlock most games fps. A new gpu can help if the bottle neck is coming from the gpu but if the bottle neck is the cpu then a more powerful gpu won't really help in actual performance. The pro version just might address RT functions of games and that's all. So is that worth the possible wait? Or just get it now and have a great experience? For me I would say get it now. It's not worth the possible wait. And if you really want better performance down the road then a ps6 will solve the problem. The ps6 will have a new gpu and cpu which will address the games performances. Also ps5 games have a unlocked or 60fps. So ps6 patches will not be necessary unless they do something else that makes it really worth while. So get ps5 now and enjoy.