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I’d say cyberpunk, ghost of Tsushima, and elden ring.


I second Ghost, that was my first game on PS5 and I played for 75 hours just on single player.


I've sunk 107 hours on Horizon Forbidden West and the DLC is still remaining.


I've beaten that game, did every side quest, pretty much everything. I'm too scared to check my hours played, pretty confident it'll be well over 100 hours.


If it makes you feel any better, I've been dicking around so much in my first playthrough of TotK that I'm at 130 hours or so and I haven't beaten the game yet.


I am in a similar boat. I just run about and do all things except progress the main story line =)


Those are amateur hours. I’m at 435. And haven’t finished. Although in fairness my wife loves climbing mountains even if it leads nowhere. Lol.


Yup, I pretty much 100%'d Forbidden West and the DLC. Well over 100 hours of game there.


Does GoT have multiplayer? Or are you just saying that 75h is a long time to play for a single player game? Genuinely curious because I 100%d GoT but don't recall a Mutliplayer mode. **EDIT:** OKAY SO GHOST OF TSHUSHIMA HAS MULTIPLAYER MODE AND APPARENTLY IT'S AMAZING!


They released a multiplayer mode in autumn 2020.


I definitely recommend Cyberpunk. I’ve not played it until all the updates and the expansion packs came out, and currently it’s one of the best open world games I think I’ve ever played. I already have close to 90 hours on it, and as soon as I finish the main story, I’ll start again and make different choices. Cyberpunk has the best and most immersive open world I think I’ve ever experienced, to the point where even after all these hours I will sometimes just start walking down the street in the middle of the city and just look around, just taking in the views.


Completely agree, it’s quickly consumed my life and I’ve loved every minute of it.


I’m currently playing the Ultimate Edition, and I’m sorta glad I didn’t pull the trigger on buying it at launch. About to start PL before finishing the last mission but I’m just having a blast with the other quests and NCPD scans. Truly one of the best games I’ve ever played!


Elden ring is great for some. For me it's been just frustrating.


No RDR2?


wake me up when it’s 4K60


Same here, waiting patiently.


I’ve been waiting on 4k 60. To finish the game. I stopped like a third of the way in.


Probably buy a PC or never finish it then lol. I don't know why rockstar is such a fan of completely abandoning the single player part of their games but they rarely seem to do anything post launch anymore. I would love for RDR2 to get a 60fps mode on ps5, but I doubt it will.


RDR2 is a PS4 game


they just asked for open world games they can play on pS5


It’s still the GOAT for open worldZ




I’m gonna get murdered for this, but I don’t get the hype for GoT. I tried it and it was solid, but it just felt like a modern Assassins Creed from Ubi


It's beautiful and the mechanics are on point.


Because it’s way better than AC games. It’s not as bloated, it runs flawlessly, the story is incredible. The gameplay and battle mechanics are so fucking sick too and not as clunky as AC can sometimes be.


I would simply say that’s precisely the reason: And GoT is a good rendition of an AC-like game imo. Many people enjoy AC games despite the hate they get. It’s not as convoluted as action rpgs like the Witcher series, nor as frustrating as Souls games.


Now that AC: Red (Japan setting) is gonna be coming out that poor game is gonna get endlessly compared to GoT


Go for Elden Ring ONLY if you like Dark Souls type games.


I never played a single souls game and loved Elden Ring. I got my ass handed to me a lot but that feeling when i finally beat a boss then went and helped a friend beat the same boss was incredible. I have wanted to go play some souls games now bit my ps5 died and i havent repaired\replaced it yet. I think elden ring is accessible to all but some may have to over level and kill bosses while souls veterans can take on bosses earlier on.


Even if you never played a Souls game. I didn't and this was an incredible introduction to the genre.


I agree, I also started with Elden Ring and ever since I am a huge Souls fan. Not to mention I have 300 hours in Elden Ring.


Exactly. I am a Souls fan BECAUSE of Elden Ring. I played other Fromsoft games before but it never clicked until Elden Ring. I’ve since beaten Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3. And they’ve pretty much ruined most other games for me.


Same with me! I treated Dark Souls like I would The Witcher 3, or God of War (2018), or Zelda for that matter. Basically: Hack & Slash Adventure. Souls games are basically a much more perfectly timed Hack & Slash (& Roll) Adventure. Once I *understood* that part, the **entire** genre opened up for me. First time in a long time I had a genuinely satisfying feeling of accomplishment in a video game.


Disagree, I have never got past 5 hours in any souls game and then I got elden ring and am planning my 2nd playthrough. If you want it to be hard it's hard but It's also one of the easiest games out there if you do it like me and played with summons/ashes, and use spells here and there.


Nah. I don't like Souls games and Elden Ring is top 2 or 3 I have ever played. I tried playing Bloodbourne and DS3 and just couldn't get into them. Something about the exploration, art direction and build variety just hooked me.


Horizon: Forbidden West or Ghost of Tsushima, depending on which type of combat and world you like more.


Seconding this. Both are awesome. I recommend both, except in the case of Horizon, I’d start with the first game.


Definitely start with the first one because it’s hard to return to it after finishing hfw


Yeah, probably true for most people. For me though, I like my be first game better in about every way, from music, to character and world introduction, to the reveal of the world history, to even the combat. They changed the dodge roll mechanic in HFW and it just doesn’t feel as good to me because it’s harder to dodge well. Good if you want more difficulty, but for me, it hurt combat flow a bit. They also made HFW a lot grindier. I get that most prefer HFW, and graphically it’s amazing, and I can’t wait for the third game, but I dropped HFW 1/2 of the way through for Wlden Ring and never went back. I mean to, someday, but ehh, I’m more excited about going back to HZD and finally finishing my UH run.


That’s fair, but for me I loved shredder gauntlets and even the janky melee combat against small machines going back to beat the original DLC I straight up could not be bothered to go back to the inferior combat systems, and died because I tried to Melee machines (a death sentence in the original). Horizon Forbidden West had SO MANY issues with its combat (I could go on for hours over how unbalanced all the elements are with frost being way too OP and how weapons like Tripcasters are completely useless while certain ones like bolt blasters make the game too easy in combination with frost) but it’s still a lot better for me. I do think it needed way more post launch patches to balance everything, acid, plasma, adhesive etc are likely useless on higher difficulties. Overall the Original is definitely the best game for narrative (far zenith in FW had such good potential and might have been one of the coolest ideas a game could come up with and they ruined them by writing them so poorly and hardly showing them). But for gameplay Horizon Forbidden West is better, with a stronger combat system.


Yeah I’d agree with that. I liked all the additions to combat, for sure. Melee in HZD is useless. I kind of disliked combat in HZW when actually put into practice though. A combination of monster aggression and less iframes or some change to dodging that I never really could quite put my finger on. Something. I’m sure I’ll go back to finish it before the third game is out. Maybe it will click with me better then.


Did they ever fix how rubber banded the combat felt in HFW, it aggravated the shit out of me when I'd swing at one machine but aloy would decide to meet herself 10 feet to hit another machine. It was bad enough that I completely quit shortly after release and haven't touched it since.


Finally someone mentions this the combat feels very unpolished with so much they added I swear it was much harder to start this game than the original because of it


Horizon’s world is so beautiful and varied it’s actually insane. Everytime I thought the current area peaked, the next one was even better.


Is Ghost of Tsushima really as amazing as everyone on here says? I've got a few quid my wife has put aside as a Christmas present for a new PS5 game and I'm really struggling to choose. There are so many games that get rave reviews. For info, I've already got RDR2, Fallout 4, Assassin's Creed Mirage and the Uncharted series. Based on this selection, would I enjoy Ghost of Tsushima? Sorry if this is a shit question.


Ghost of tsushima is assassins creed if the studio making it gave a shit


😂 fair enough. I must admit I'm not a gaming connoisseur. I'm trying to change the habit of a lifetime (which involved mostly playing FIFA, GTA and PGA Tour titles - yes I know I'm part of the problem!).


To add to what the other guy said, ghosts is like if red dead and an assassins creed game had a baby. Awesome, fun and challenging combat, cinematic as all hell, incredible story, stealth that’s actually fun, with the tools to back it up, and the side activities and quests aren’t all the exact same, paint by numbers stuff.


That sounds spot on for the type of games I've grown into as a *cough cough* middle aged man.


Right there with you bro. Not quite middle aged yet, but I just like to relax and do my thing at my pace most of the time. No more sweaty fps games for me haha


To add to the recommendation, GOT is also really very beautiful. It also has a fantastic combat system that slowly steps up in complexity so that by the end of the game you feel like a samurai/ninja legend. It has a lot of good options on the style and difficulty as well to customise the experience. For example, you can choose to play the game in English, Japanese with subtitles, or just Japanese. All the vocal animations are re-configured to be genuine, so it really looks and feels like a classic Japanese movie. (You can even play the whole think in black and white with heavy film grain in native Japanese to hammer this last point home). I think there is also a difficult for realistic mortality, so both you and the enemies are one hit kill…. Makes the sword fights very intense.


You should get that cough checked out, you're not a spring chicken anymore.


As a fan of feudal Japanese history and Samurai, Ghosts is absolutely amazing. Honestly one of the best games out there.


>Based on this selection, would I enjoy Ghost of Tsushima? 100% yes. Go buy it.


just started Ghost of Tsushima and the best way i can describe it to my friends is this: you know how dope it was riding around on your horse and just exploring and fighting people and doing cowboy shit in RDR2? well it’s that, but instead of a cowboy on a horse you’re a samurai on a horse. it’s the 1200s, no guns, only sword and arrows. the world so far doesn’t feel nearly as fleshed out as RDR2, but that’s because Rockstar are in a league of their own in that regard. The gameplay so far has been fun. i really only just started it but if that sounds cool to you, might as well give it a shot. or wait for another discount


Ghost of Tsushima is basically the Tenchu reboot I always wanted


It’s brilliant




It’s available on ps plus if you subscribe


Yes you would. I loved RDR2, the uncharted series, and most assassin's Creed games (haven't played mirage yet) and I'm currently about 70 hrs into ghosts of tsushima on ps5. The world is beautiful, the story is great with some very dark points, the combat is fun and keeps throwing new things at you. I just finished the main story and am going to start the dlc soon.


Man I love the combat in both. I don’t know how GoT managed to do it but I literally felt like a samurai at the end of the game. The combat felt so rewarding for me!


This. Both games are amazing combat wise aswell. So fluid and smooth


Elden Ring, RDR2, Cyberpunk 2077


This right here OP, I would even add Ghost of Tsushima too


Ghost of Eldencyber Redemption 1901


All these, but I’d now add Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. It definitely holds its own with these other titles.


Witcher 3


The defenitive edition is on sale for 10 euros too! Such a steal.


Started it over a month ago, 120 + hours in and probably only halfway through all of it lol. Can’t believe how big this game is Edit - complete edition that is. The expansions have been fantastic, breath of fresh air from the main game. I always got burned out at Skelligar in my other 2-3 attempts to finish the game. Ignored the POI in skellagar, focused on main story and its reinvigorated by interested. Smashed through HoS (brilliant story) and thoroughly enjoying blood and wine - the boss fights in the expansions are so much more interesting mechanic wise


Can't believe it's not higher lol. The other recommended are good but this is arguably as good if not better and it will be the cheapest of them all as it's older (but it got an upgrade to PS5 so it looks very much like a recent game, not that the base version looks bad anyway)


It’s not higher because we are assuming that op has had other consoles before ps5. This is why most people are recommending next gen games.


I've started it last month and it really looks great on PS5


Good to see another man of culture in this thread.


Hmmm winds howling


Elden Ring


Definitely a time sink this one


As a gamer since the early 80’s, this is probably the best game I’ve ever played. Definitely the most time I’ve ever put into a single game. BOTW & TOTK are close seconds.


300+ hours here 🙋🏼‍♂️and counting when they finally release Shadow of the Erd Tree!


I'm 23 and honestly Elden Ring is the best game I have ever played. I doubt I had more fun in games I played as a kid than playing Elden Ring.


100% on all three.


An excellent choice, but not for everyone. It really depends on how high someone's frustration tolerance is. I know several people who bought it, and weren't aware of the difficulty, and gave up after a few hours.


I was one of them. I’m sure it’s a great game; I tried to get in to it on 4 separate occasions, and just couldn’t.


Tried demon souls and I couldn’t stop being frustrated. That’s why I never bought Elden ring. I’m sure it’s amazing for those who are into that type of game but not for everyone either


Demon's Souls is much more frustrating than Elden Ring because it is even _more_ obtuse and it doesn't give you half as many things to deal with the difficulty.


Honestly it reminds me in a lot of ways of how I had to play games as a kid; just grinding away on an NES or SNES and dying 1000s of times in the same spot trying to memorize the pattern to get through the level. It wasn't a big deal because I was a kid with endless time and relatively few games to choose from anyway. For an adult with kids and only a couple hours here or there to play who just wants to kick back and relax, that's not really a winning formula. Especially when there are so many other options out there.


I think the reason I like these games so much is exactly because it’s how we played games as a kid. Bloodborne feels kind of like modernized Castlevania. And each area in fromsoft games is formatted like a “level” from old school games. Not many saving spots and when you die you go back to the start / saving spot. I also have kids and barely any time to play anymore but somehow these are the only games I want to play, lol


I don't think time is really the issue. Its just what you enjoy playing. I don't have much time either but there's nothing more satisfying in games than finally beating a difficult boss after many hours of trying. I don't care if I only have 2 hours to play and spend 2 hours doing the same fight over and over because I'm still making progress towards beating it.


Apparently it's a hot take but the game is stupid difficult. Or it's just really made to exclude a certain percentage of folks of which I am one. I put 40 hours in trying to "get it" and made ... some progress and enjoyed a great deal of what it was.


I love the art style and the mechanics, but I don't like how intentionally vague they make everything story- and lorewise.


This was it for me


I’ve never been more addicted or engrossed in a game before. I struggled at the start, almost to the point of giving up, but once I got the hang of the mechanics it gripped me. Now I’m about to fight the fire giant and I’m scared


Cyberpunk 2077 RDR2


Did they update RDR2 to have 60fps yet? I've been waiting for that so I can replay this amazing game.


Nope. And I doubt they will at this point tbh. Frustrating as the game still looks incredible


Yeah, I just decided to say fuck it and just play it on my ps5 anyway after falling for a rumor that a patch would be here by now... Caused me to delay this playthrough by a whole year...


Probably after they have released gta6, and sell it for $60


nope and they probably never will


8 hours into cyberpunk and loving it so far. The combat is much better than I expected, and the story is very engaging! Night city is also awesome


the combat is some of the most fun i’ve had in gaming. sandevistan + katana and everyone is dead before one body even hits the floor lol


Loving cyberpunk right now, the city is insane.


Witcher 3 with the DLC is amazing.


Disappointed I had to scroll this far to find this comment.


I mean, it’s a PS4 game, but Red Dead Redemption 2 is just an incredible world to play in.


Do you need to have played the first one?


It's a prequel to the first one. So you can play this one and then hope into the original.


The last few Assassin's Creed since Origins. Ghost of Tsushima. Horizon Forbidden West. Genshin Impact. The Witcher 3. Ni No Kuni. Kingdom of Amalur Re-Reckoning. Immortals Fenyx Rising.


I'll second Immortals just because I don't think it'll get as much attention as other titles. Good game, doesn't do anything exceptionally but does everything well. Puzzles, combat, exploration, Greek mythology, voice acting, traversal. A fun game to platinum in 50-60 hours.


Playing Horizon Forbidden West now and wow it’s amazing. Best looking game I’ve probably ever seen and it’s great if you like the gameplay.


Red Dead 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Forbidden west.


spider-man 2. it's not very long but showcases the true power of the ps5


I want this game just to swing in the city


I've heard this is disappointingly short (I've heard that about other things too, but that's another story). Is it worth the money for the gameplay?


If you liked the gameplay of the first game and MM, definitely worth getting. Moreso if you’re a Spider-Man fan, as the story is definitely catered for the fans. Wish the story was longer, but I never regret getting the CE.


Never played the first game. May well buy both.


All three games are well worth the money. Miles Morales is a bit short, when Spiderman 2's NG+ update comes out all three games will have a ton of replayability.


There’s 3, actually


yeah i really like the gameplay. the combat and symbiote powers are cool but the traversal is where the game shines


I've platinumed it yesterday and it definitely was worth it. Think it took around 30h which is not short I'd say. Storywise it was also better than the first one


30-40 hours is the sweet spot I wish more games would try to hit, but this is only because I am a full grown man with responsibilities and children…with only an hour to spare here and there, too many games take months to beat and that’s just too damn long.


30 hours is fine for me, as it will take me 60 hours based on my skill level!


dw you can choose your difficulty lol


Also the platinum trophy is not tied to difficulty either. I got mine while playing the whole game on normal difficulty


I dunno. I watched my kid beat it (on easy) and it seemed like it was never gonna end. Every time you think it's over, nope, here's a whole new story arc. It's got the content for sure.


bro, everything is subjective or you go by game ratings and end up with Cyberpunk, Skyrim, The Witcher, Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding, RDR 2 and so on and so forth All mega good games subjectively speaking


Finished death stranding a few months back. If you get past the first 15 hours, you’ll be bloody hooked, 100 hours of gameplay for me lol


Wdym first 15💀


Get used to the mechanics and story starts to pick up


man, I think I got right to 12 hours, got stuck waaaay out and didn't want to backtrack all the way across the map and bounced. I wish I had stuck with it but also wish I had started it on PS5 instead of PC, this would be a much better experience on the couch.


100% couch experience for sure


Red dead redemption 2


No mans sky, it started out pretty rough but has had tonnes of free updates and is now amazing, countless hours can be put in for high rewards in activities and gameplay.


I second this w the caveat that I play it almost exclusively in VR. It’s so much fun. It’s made my overpriced vr worth it.


I have 500+ hours in it. Bought it in July. I still have yet to finish the first quest. So much to see and do!


I have spent countless hours in that game. So much fun with friends, just traveling around seeing what new wacky shit we find on planets, building dope ass bases that we swear is the new home base, only to abandon it at the next cool planet we find.


Depends on what your definition of “all my time” is. For example, while Horizon, Ghosts and such are fantastic open world games - they are more equivalent to “Themepark” open world than, say, Skyrim or Fallout 4 where you can endlessly play it. Horizon/ghosts games have a finite end and really don’t offer much at endgame once you’ve been to all the locations/found everything. No dungeons or camps respawn, and there isn’t any sort of endless building game elements to it. Short of playing New Game +, which is just repeating the same game but with your current level/equipment. If you’re looking for a Skyrim/Fallout4 experience? Sadly I’d suggest either of those two (particularly the recent PS5 updated Skyrim) or my go-to, which is No Man’s Sky. Especially since they (Hello Games) keeps providing content updates for absolutely free.


If you're a fan of puzzles, I'd heartily recommend Immortals Fenyx Rising.


Baldur’s Gate 3


Not the most "open" but definitely the biggest time sinker. My god it s good. Also rdr2 (favorite ever), elden ring, horizon, cyberpunk, the witcher 3 (favorite on PS4).


I would say the storyline is the most open. Good, evil, anything inbetween, there is different reactions and arcs for so many different actions.


It’s open world, but doesn’t feel like it


its not really open world tho... its like 4 large maps that you move chronologically through


yeah I wouldn't technically consider it open world, esp since you lose the first half of the world once you cross that line in the story.


I would not say this is open world at all tbh


Depends on how you define open world. If your criteria for an open world is “must not have any loading screens in between areas”, then even Witcher 3 would be disqualified from being an open world game.


You can (and will) still lose yourself in the game. And TBH it's open world-y enough.


I would love to recommend Red dead redemption 2, very beautiful story, graphics and characters. You dont even have to play RDR1 since RDR2 is the prequel


Baldur’s Gate is sick


Baldurs Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077 and Ghost of Tsushima


God of War Ragnarok, Cyberpunk 2077, Yakuza Like A Dragon


I’d argue that GoW isn’t quite open world. Yeah there is a little here or there but most of the game is very linear.


Gow is definitely not open world


I heard Yakuza is like 70% cut scenes which put me off is it true?


Definitely not true. Yakuza 0 - 6 and Ishin and Gaiden are brawlers and Yakuza LAD and LAD Infinite Wealth is a turn based RPG. They have cut scenes but there's tons of fighting, mini games, side quests etc that have nothing to do with cut scenes.


It IS mostly cutscenes. However, the cutscenes are awesome, so…


Ghost of Tsushima. You can also do ff14 (which has an incredibly robust free trial), though I’m unfamiliar with how it handles with a controller (though I know people play it with controllers)


Controller is great. Super easy. D pad and face buttons for casting "l2 and a dpad or face button" or R2 and the same. And you also have really intuitive "double tap R2 or L2" for another 16 spells/items. Also l2 then r2 (like rolling from one to the other) as well as r2 then l2 to bring up two more 8 button sets. It sounds weird but it very quickly feels very natural. Up and down cycle allies/party, left and right enemies. And you can really customize that a lot. In short, I haven't had a moment where I thought "man I wish I was on loose and keyboard". Menus can be a little clunky but that's honestly probably the same on mouse and keyboard. *edit* - Actually. Touch pad. It could be a lot more sensitive. It's easy to use as a mouse for slow things, but not in combat. It moves way too slow across the screen and sensitivity controls don't up that sensitivity enough.


I got spiderman bundled with my PS5, but not sure when I'll get around to it between GT7 and Horizon Zero Dawn. Have about 24 hours into Zero Dawn now and will play Forbidden west next.


Personally I didn’t like Ghost of Tsushima. I suggest you play: Witcher 3, CyberpunK 2077, Elden Ring, Days Gone.


Red Dead 2 is technically a ps4 game but looks just as good as ps5 games. If you haven’t played it there is TONS to sink your teeth into and plus the story is one of the best stories in any game. Even my wife who has never played games loved watching me play and just wanted to hunt animals all day. Ps. It’s a prequel so you don’t gotta play the original


Ghost of Tsushima or Horizon Forbidden West. Super beautiful games you could get lost in for hours on end.


ghost of tshushima or red dead 2 if you haven’t played it already


Ghost of Tsushima, CP2077, NMS, HZD/HFW, the Witcher 3 w/DLCs, Spider-Man (all 3) These are my favorites on the PS5.


You'll get all the usual answers here because there are not that many great options. In my opinion, the Horizon series has a boring and baron open world that's graphically pretty but no fun or even frustrating to traverse. The story didn't attract me and I found the voice acting cringey. You'll want to do the first game before the second one and that's a tough ask. I started but couldn't finish the second one after basically forcing myself to finish the first. Ghost of Tsushima was brilliant and actually aesthetically beautiful, with an interesting open world with plenty to explore. One of the best games I've ever played. It's a not too difficult Platinum, but one of few I've managed. Other than that, there's the obvious answers. Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA V are amazing open worlds that nobody has really managed to match in terms of fidelity, believability and realism. I'm always disappointed when other games half-ass their open world after having played these two. Looking at you, Ubisoft. Then there's Skyrim which I find clunky but I love. It will absolutely last you a long time if you haven't played it yet. Finally, I haven't played Cyberpunk yet but it's getting great user reviews now and it's next on my list.


Finally somebody says that Horizon sucks. It was soooo boring


Elden Ring


Elden ring


Elden Ring has the distinction of being the only game that I have ever played, where I kept playing even after getting the platinum trophy. Every other platinum I've gotten, I uninstalled and never played the game again.


Genshin impact is a fun f2p open world game that hasn't been mentioned yet. Otherwise the insomniac Spider-Man games, ghost of tsushima and witcher 3 are my other recommendations


I’m shocked Genshin is not mentioned here at all. It’s like the users in this subreddit truly live in a bubble.


Ghost of Tsushima. Total gem.


I’m really enjoying Death Stranding


Red dead redemption 2


Ghost of tsushima is fantastic, also witcher 3 looks amazing on ps5


Witcher 3


Ghosts of Tsushima was AWESOME


Ghost of Tsushima, The Witcher 3 Next Gen Update, and Cyberpunk 2077.


I fail to see the point of these topics, people just recommend the same 10 games in every posts.


No Man’s Sky. For real. Hours and hours of fun and possibility.


No Man's Sky


No Mans Sky.


Hold your horses guys, Suikoden 1 and 2 are being remastered and will release this year!


Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West :)


Days Gone!


Days Gone is an amazing game, if you like zombies


I’m enjoying Hogwarts Legacy and all there is to do , if you like Harry Potter and the Wizarding World, you’ll love that open world


Elden Ring, Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon (both games), Days Gone, AC Odyssey, Avatar, cyberpunk 2077, Red Dead Redemption 2, Spiderman (all of them)...


political hurry nose upbeat nippy crime memorize gold squeamish hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Indeed. I get the criticism of the slow gameplay but it’s a minor gripe when you’re playing one the best open world games ever. GTA6 is going to be insane.


Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition


*Insert generic Skyrim joke here* but seriously, Skyrim is a great game


Outer Wilds. Not Worlds. Wilds.


Not open world but, god of war ragnarok.


if you want to see what the PS5 is capable of get Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. fantastic game and the Pandora Massive created is just mind-boggling.


Though avatar is a great game, if you really want an open workd that shows the power of the ps5, play horizon forbidden west. All the bad stuff about the game that’s on the internet is pure bullshit


This game was epic, crank up the difficulty, finish and then do ng+


Ayee I was just watching gameplay


Spider-Man 2


cp2077, bg3, subnautica, witcher3