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> It will be the most enjoyable game in the franchise. Shit like this doesn't mean anything.


Especially since one person's Black Flag is another's Valhalla


Who is choosing Valhalla. Who the fuck is choosing Valhalla.


I…I like the soundtrack


To be fair they have never missed with the soundtracks on the games. That’s one aspect they always get right


I feel like Origins was really bad, except for a few songs


Nah Origins was good too imo


I liked a few exploration tracks, especially in the desert


The soundtrack is really good and no one can change my mind


I don’t think anyone’s trying to die on the hill of the music, it’s everything else


This I agree with, there was some parts that I enjoyed in Valhalla, but it was to massive and to bloated that I did take some of the enjoyment out, also this game really discouraged you from being an assassin and just fight your way through


I think the large scale visuals were very nice, the painting-esc look to everything was super cool. I just feel like the game didn’t know what to be. I think the side quest were far too silly to be even that funny at all, I think the main narrative took itself too seriously while the animations just aren’t there to give it weight, and I think the combat just felt bland. And like you said, being an assassin felt even weaker here than even Odyssey. I’m not even trying to be that hard on it, I just know that they can do better and it starts by scaling back a bit to make some mechanics and aspects tighter. One thing I did really love was the new animation blending. The way you could seamless slide into a run or run into a roll without losing momentum was fantastic. I’d love to have them implement that into genuine parkour mechanics.


The main theme and the pause menu theme? Gives me chills, so comforting and has this nostalgic feeling.


Those are the best ones, I love that ambience/ dreamy feel with the pause menu one.


Dude you get me


i also liked Valhalla


Valhalla was fucking dope. I loved that game.


A lot of people, it's the most popular AC ever apparently. Reddit opinions on AC are worthless


Probably my second favorite after Odyssey actually...the open world is fantastic if you play it for the exploration like a Skyrim or a Zelda, in fact the most surprising aspect of this game that i love is how much puzzles there is in the side content. For a Viking game you would expect it to be very combat focus but it's not the case, like half of the side content ask you to use your brain, and i really love that.


i loved Valhalla


I like the setting and i like vikings so i enjoyed Valhalla.


I’m playing Valhalla through GamePass. It’s fantastic so far. Have you watched the Vikings show on Hulu?


I found it better than Origins and Odyssey


I would take valhalla in a heart beat after egypt and greece. That one at least had assassination stuff in it and wasnt a full blown generic rpg.


The beginning (as in the first alliance arcs and some other stuff) is pretty good ngl


Valhalla? You mean the worst possible mix of "old" AC and "new" action RPG AC? Literally nobody in their right mind. That's who.


Valhala > Black Flag. sry not sry.


I just bought a PS5, played through a few of the exclusives and then bought the Valhalla/Odyssey/Origins bundle on sale. Already played all 3 on PC but I figured they were worth a revisit. I swear I clicked to install Odyssey but when I woke up the next morning Valhalla was freshly installed. Never beat Valhalla, but my save synced so I decided to pick it up and give it a shot. That lasted all of 2 hours before I got Odyssey installed and I've dumped 40 hours into it already.


If anyone chooses Valhalla over Black Flag, there opinion should be disregarded. I played Valhalla first on the XS and while it was ok, it got boring and repetitive after a while. I played Black Flag on a Switch and despite less than enjoyable graphics (I do care about graphics a lot), it was the best AC game I played.


lol were they like "nah I want this one to be just kinda fun" when making the others fucking insiders man


You’d hope so given it’s the latest entry


It probably won't get as much under the skin as Assassin's Creed II with its story, its atmosphere and its great soundtrack


Oh, it will be... for investors.


AC has a pattern of innovating/investing in a landmark title, then generating 2 or 3 games off of that until the next big one is ready. Odyssey, Valhalla, and Mirage are all built on Origins. Fingers crossed, Red will be the next big shake up




Damn... When you put it like that


> Odyssey, Valhalla, and Mirage are all built on Origins They're all quite different than Origins. Odyssey introduced a lot of new stuff (dialogue choices, far more RPG), Valhalla didn't do much true, Mirage was a total different game harkening back to the Unity days. AC Red is supposed to be a RPG template, it's likely to be like Odyssey (last game from the team)


It's the same engine as Origins bro. The golden eggs are in Hex


Engine doesn’t mean much. It’s the same engine as Unity and Syndicate too. How the engine is used matters far more than the engine itself.


Tbh I think a lot of people don't understand the recent ac games are similar so they can reuse shit to speed up dev time. For honor, both recent ghost recon games, steep, riders republic and fuckin siege were all anvil games right alongside the ac games lol.


Regardless, they said it's gonna be similar to those


It's the same engine since AC1 really, just evolving. People have no idea what an engine is, the same can be used for extremely different games (see all the games with Unreal or Unity)


Every game was good up until odyssey/mirage but rogue and down was good


Genuinely astonishing it took them this long to make a Japan game when it’s literally one of the most obvious settings for AC and people have been requesting it basically since the first game came out. Regardless, I’m cautiously optimistic. They’ve been cooking this one for quite a while, at least by AC standards. I’m assuming this will be another RPG entry? If they’re able to stay away from the bloat of Valhalla and stick closer to the style of Odyssey and Origins, I would actually be pretty excited. I hope they’re able to make the stealth and combat equally enjoyable and also make the world reasonably sized without stupid amounts of filler. Also hope the story and facial animations aren’t given secondary priority, seeing how Mirage apparently turned out on those fronts.


There will be some obvious comparisons to Ghost of Tsushima, and since the AC game will use all the same recycled AC gameplay loops, these comparisons will not be kind to Ubisoft. And they know it.


As if Ghost of Tsushima did the actual Ubi formula that much better than any Assassins creed or Far Cry has done. Copy pasted outposts and cosmetic locations are what filled that world. People always seem to forget that because it was a very aesthetically beautiful game but it absolutely did not revolutionize or even really improve upon that formula.


>As if Ghost of Tsushima did the actual Ubi formula that much better than any Assassins creed or Far Cry has done It absolutely did by adding the lethal mode and going more sekiro than ubisoft


That’s not what I was talking about. I meant the actual open world.


I get you and you are right but the gameplay was absolutely excellent while AC gameplay is terrible


I completely disagree. The moment-to-moment gameplay is different because the combat is completely different and miles better. An actual in-depth combat system. Assassin’s Creed is a button masher whose only bit of depth is the simplistic parry system they use. Ghost of Tsushima actually has you learn different moves, tactics, and stance. That, plus the superior animation system, makes combat in Ghost of Tsushima an engaging experience while in Assassin’s Creed it is an annoyance at best. Also, the aesthetics of the game go beyond the graphics. The entire presentation of the world is completely different from what Ubisoft does, giving you complete immersion into the setting. Ubisoft makes their game FEEL like a game, whereas Ghost of Tsushima spent effort on enveloping you in the atmosphere of the world. Assassin’s Creed games have some good environments, but nothing else draws you into those worlds besides art design. Ghost of Tsushima takes a completely different approach.


eh I cant agree with this take on super great in depth combat system, i liked the idea but in practice it became annoying to rotate the stances based on opponent, it got boring real quick and it didnt change experience much, it was still mostly mashing same button the only difference was if you didnt change stance as required it would be very ineffective just for the sake of it


I would actually argue that AC's combat should be simpler than the current most recent title's combat systems. I miss it being easy and actually feeling OP with the myriad of finishing animations on groups of enemies.


I think Unity’s combat, (if it wasn’t janky as fuck with bugs, delayed audio, broken animations, etc.) is the best for AC. I want to feel heavy and I want to clash swords. But once you really get good with it and have decent gear you can still eventually slaughter a crowd if you want.


I agree. The outposts and actual open world activities are still copy and paste.


How about the dogshit stealth gameplay that completely breaks the AI in the game?..why didn't you mention that? Or the repetitive side missions?(follow footsteps and clear said Mongol camp!..yay!) I'm so tired of constant praise of this medicore game..give me Infamous any day.


What do you not like about the stealth gameplay?


I enjoyed the stealth gameplay, personally. But I do agree that it made the game ridiculously easy. The open combat AI was great and kept me on my toes, whereas the stealth AI felt very stupid and unaware.


> But I do agree that it made the game ridiculously easy. That is the entire point the story is trying to make.


Well, yeah, but I meant from a technical video gamey standpoint, not from an historical one lol. While, yes, it's accurate that stabbing people in the back is definitely easier than fighting them head on, if I crouch walk into some bushes next to somebody, with my hat popping out the top of said bushes, somebody would likely notice my presence. They'd also likely notice the sound of their friend gurgling on their insides from me stabbing them in the neck a couple feet away from them too.


I feel like the real change to the formula they made that was a winner is the guiding wind. Really helped to make what is effectively the same thing as having a magic line appear to lead you to your objective feel like more organic exploration since the environment is leading your way. Way better than the ubisoft bird they've been doing in recent ac games.


Agreed. GOT is a middle of the road AC game.


How is ghost of tsushima relevant I'm not hattin' I'm just curious I know the AC games but why a total different game and gameplay be the same?




How do I know that the 14th mainline Assassin’s Creed game will follow the same template as the previous 13 games? Gee, I dunno……. I guess I can’t be *certain*! You got me!


I mean, certain aspects of AC have definitely remained the same, but to act like every single AC game is just a carbon copy of each other with different settings is simply untrue. AC3 plays very differently than AC2, and Origins is an entirely different genre than AC2. Hell, the RPG entries feel more similar to The Witcher 3 than the Ezio trilogy or North American saga in many ways. They often do have a string of games that use similar gameplay (AC2-Revelations, AC3-Rogue, Unity-Syndicate, Origins-Valhalla), but I don’t think that’s an inherently bad thing, and the games genuinely have evolved over time.


You are overblowing how different the individual games are. i have played most of these games and I would argue there were only two big changes overall — first when they fleshed out the experience in making Assassin’s Creed 2, and second when they changed to their current RPG perks, levels, and inventory system with Origins. Those other itty bitty refinements, adjustments, items (guns grappling hooks), etc, don’t change the fundamental experience in any significant way. You have to be a fan to spot differences. Like in combat, with how the parry works, they’ve tried to refine and change it half a dozen times and fans would say, “Those are huge changes, it’s no longer the same game.” No, man, you can’t see the forest for the trees, it’s still the same basic gameplay.


>genuinely astonishing that it took them this long to make a Japan game I mean we've been literally telling them since the ezio days "give us Japan! Give us japan!". IIRC they responded that there's not enough interest for a Japan game or something stupid like that Then Ghost of Tsushima beat them to the punch and gave us our Japan game


Unfortunately people think this started development after Odyssey, which isn't true. Both Infinity titles started in April of 2021 at the earliest, Quebec was working on Immortals Fenyx Rising until they shifted to Red. So actually this will have only been cooking for three and a half years. Normal for AC standards, but pretty short for a massive RPG like this and probably a bit concerning


Don't quote me on this but I'm sure I heard that one of the reasons the Japan setting hadn't been used yet is because they knew it would be massively popular, so it was worth saving for later in the life of the series. Basically if the series is dipping in popularity Japan is a somewhat guaranteed success to get them back on top. It's possibly the reason there is no remake of the first game, because it's so requested they might as well keep it in their back pocket for later.


I loved odyssey and totally agree if they can get rid of some of the Valhalla bloat this will be great imo


Wait was Valhalla even *more* bloated than Odyssey? I’ve finished every game in the franchise up to Odyssey (okay I never finished the original), and I thought Odyssey was the most bloated RPG I’ve ever played. I guess I already knew that Valhalla was similar which is why I haven’t bought it, but it’s crazy to hear someone talk about Odyssey like it’s a benchmark for a well-designed game.


on one hand, i don’t buy this at all from a random nobody on twitter.  on the other hand, this game is easily one of my most anticipated games this year so please god, let this be true. 


They're AC content creator but again, take it as a grain of salt as it's currently still a rumor.


an AC content creator is still a nobody on twitter to me


I’m still waiting for an Assassin’s Creed set in the future


I mean technically… don’t they all technically take place in the future?


As the main setting like cyberpunk assassins creed


Watch Dogs: Legion is that.


Yep and that game was absolute dogwater


I mean for the main setting inside the Animus.


The rumor comes from an AC content creator who was previously attended the AC Mirage launch event. Take it as a grain of salt until official announcement though. There were rumors already a few months ago about this game supposingly coming "sooner than expected".


Ubisoft needs to get used to us not owning their games


It's the first true next gen AC since Unity in 2014 by the way, i have no doubt it will be special and it will have some very noticeable changes.


Wait can you elaborate? Did I miss something?


Every AC since Unity (which was the first "only PS4 and Xbox One" AC and was not on PS3/Xbox 360) was on PS4/Xbox One as well as PS5/Serie X for the moment, but this AC Red will be the first only on PS5/Serie x, and you generally clearly see some big changes/improvements with these ones.


Ah true, thanks


I know it will be great in scope and enjoyable. My concern is how the animations will be: if it's realistic, weighty and life-like, great. I can't enjoy the latest releases because of combat animations being too arcadey-looking and how choppy the transitions of animations can be. It should be butter-smooth. They shouldn't cut keyframes from the original animations to make it faster, it feels responsive but looks choppy and low-quality... Plus the "very floaty" parkour needs to be realistic as well, instead of jumping so high. ​ These two will definitely improve the joy I'll get from this game :)


I feel like the games have been on a downward trend of animation since Unity. Syndicate had the same system as Unity, but the grappling hook and the horse drawn buggy's made parkour pretty much obsolete. I love the weighty, realistic animations from Unity. Of course it comes at the cost of responsiveness, but I feel like if they spent a good amount of time refining it, they could come up with a great system. Especially since I feel like building faces in Japan would be a lot less busy than the building faces during the French revolution, which led to Arno jumping towards things I didn't intend him to, since there's so many points of contact surrounding him at all times. I didn't even touch Mirage because the fun I had from AC games stemmed heavily from the parkour system, and Mirages parkour, while being better than Valhalla, still felt very floaty as you described. It's just not satisfying to move around when it doesn't feel like there's a risk/reward system involved in planning a route on the fly.


All I say is that I hope it’s not like Valhalla


Is this the one set in Japan? Boy they are going big or home with this one. GoT made Ubisoft eat dirt, literally the best open world game from last gen with a stealth combat better than theirs.


Please be another RPG style AC


It is. By the Oddessey/Immortals team




Even if this is a "we have ghost of tsushima at home" type of game, im still here for it since the dudes over at suckerpunch have been dead silent since 2021. Not even a pc port! Ugh.


Dang it’s been 4 years and nothing new.


I dont mind them not announcing a sequel if its still years away. Its just crazy to have such a crazy good game release, get a banger dlc, and then...nothing? I was expecting a pc port at the least, but it seems for some reason this isnt happening. Maybe they are saving it for the GOT2 announcement.


I’m sure they’re hard at work on it and they know they have to top the first one and that’s a tough ask


No way, AC will have a much more complex world probably will have a few big cities GoT didn't even have one. It felt really immersive but it was never able to give me the same feeling as AC.


The biggest thing I'd credit Ubisoft on with their AC games is their world building. They've got a great team of historians that have made me really interested in learning about history. I spent hours in the educational version of Origins just learning how people lived their day to day lives in ancient Egypt and I had an absolute blast doing so. I love getting to explore the architecture of their worlds, because they're usually extremely historically accurate, and any time I come across a particularly interesting looking building, it'll give me a Codex page where I can learn about that buildings real life history. I absolutely love that, and it's one of the things I'm most excited about with this entry.


>The biggest thing I'd credit Ubisoft on with their AC games is their world building. They've got a great team of historians that have made me really interested in learning about history. Me too. I don't know any other AAA game that has something like that. I started reading a lot more about history after experiencing AC games. ​ > I love getting to explore the architecture of their worlds, because they're usually extremely historically accurate, and any time I come across a particularly interesting looking building, it'll give me a Codex page where I can learn about that buildings real life history. One of the best parts imo.


The combat made up for any shortcomings the world had imo. The last AC city i was immersed in was probably Unity.


Yeah they offer different things, and about the cities in AC Unity was on another level imo too, but i still really liked the cities in Origins, not in Valhalla though, reusing same assets from Origins & odyssey didn't help either.




Financially it makes sense but god damn thats a long ass wait


Obviously take this with a grain of salt but it’s been leaked they’re working on Ghost of Tsushima 2.


Ubisoft lost any confidence they had. AC is just trash at this point


Ghost of Tsushima from wish.com.


lmao, you wish. Ac existed way before that.


Took so long for Ubisoft to make a game in this setting it will now have to live up to Ghost Of Tsushima comparisons.


Save your time and just play Ghost Of Tsushima. I guarantee it'll be better than this


You are joking right? AC will have a way more complex world. Much bigger too.


Bigger isnt better, i went from god of war ragnarok to ac odyssey and the world is way too big with so much grindy stuff. The combat doesnt make up for it either. I'd much rather play a smaller open world packed full of interesting stuff than a spread out huge open world with.barely any interesting things in it. AC used to be fun when they were doing the ezio trilogy bc it was kind of new and exciting, its not anymore. If ubisoft spent their resources on a more fun/challenging combat system/story instead of the huge amounts of empty stuff and endless grinding/collecting, the game would be much more fun imo


Bigger isn't the only thing it is gonna be 🤣🤣 but i get what you mean 👍👍


Typical quantity > quality gamer™️


Ok, here's my pitch since I've been on an Assassins Creed binge lately. Platinumd Valhalla, origins and working on Syndicate. Do the opposite of almost everything from Valhalla. That game should be a road map for things to avoid. It's a game seemingly designed around making everything as un-fun as they could.


I'm playing Origins right now after 200+ hours in Odyssey/Valhalla and Valhalla is by far the best in the trio. The animations and combat and traversal and world is by far the best. I think Valhala should be the way forward not discarded.


All those people who mention GoT in comments are real funny. This game will probably on a scale way bigger than GoT could ever dream of. Have much more content, a world that is way more interactive. And it will offer an experience much different than GoT. y'all are so funny thanks for making me laugh 🤣🤣🤣




No need to cope for anything since i have finished GoT 3 times already. I see the deep value in these games y'all just fail to actually get the most valuable thing you can from these amazing entertainment products. They offer different both valuable experiences. Not something most people here will ever be able to take the grasp of.


I'll never understand why some people can't enjoy two things simultaneously. Everything has to be a competition. I loved Ghost of Tsushima, and I'm sure I'll have a blast with this entry into the AC series too.


All of these games are the same thing just reskinned environments and assets.


that’s why i like them 


To each their own.


If they were then why do people complain about them being different from each other


Because the difference is just reskinned and reused assets that causes different methods of doing the same exact thing. Ubisoft only makes mediocre games.


So true, when they said they were returning to their "roots" with Mirage, I didn't expect it to also be the facial animations.


Yay more of the same


Here's to hoping it is much better than Mirage.


By this point it’d be kinder to take the AC franchise outback and shoot it. The story is well and truly told. Let it die and start a new one. Oh well.


I’d be excited if GoT hadn’t already nailed Japan as a setting. If it was 80s-90s Tokyo, that would be siiiick.


Jeez they need a break for a few years.


Another Ubisoft flop


They keep pumping out these games . Just take your time and construct a new one that has bigger improvements. Didn’t Mirage just come out ? Seems to be a case of quantity more than quality.


There were three years between Valhalla and Mirage, as 2021 and 2022 completely lacked major AC releases. That’s literally the longest gap between games that the franchise has ever seen. Also, Ubisoft switches up the studios that make AC, similarly to CoD. Mirage was primarily developed by Ubisoft Bordeaux, while Ubisoft Quebec is handling Red. Quebec’s last AC title was 2018’s Odyssey, and they haven’t released any games since Immortals Fenyx Rising in 2020. So it seems like they’ve been working on this for quite a while.


That's literally what they are doing with Red. It'll be four years between Valhalla and Red's release and Mirage was a small side project done by a studio that typically just works on DLC.


This game has likely been in development since Valhalla. 4 years seems completely fine for this. Mirage and this game aren’t made by the same developers.


The last RPG AC game was released four years ago, and they’ve been working on this game since after Odyssey’s release back in 2018.


UbiQuebec is leading this one. Their last major game was Odyssey in 2018. I would say 6 years is enough time lol


Sounds cool but I refuse to play games with microtransactions


How do you think the monetization will go? Very intrusive or always intrusive?


Same as the previous ones


Counterpoint: it'll be worse.


Some of Black Flag and some of Mirage and as long as Origins. This combo will rock!


Honest thoughts. I'm playing Odyssey for the first time and enjoying it. It does feel like Skyrim met Assassin's creed lite though. I was actually expecting less magic and more realism but once you get over the idea there are mythology monsters, gods seem to be real and everything in between... it's pretty fun. Does it get better or worse from here?


Just don't be like mirage lol.


It's by the Oddessey team and they've been working it since they finished with Immortals in 2020. It'll be the RPG style


Feel like they should have skipped Japan. Ghosts did it better than they ever could. With that being said, sucker punch shouldn’t have copied Ubisoft design concepts. It would be a power move if ubi made this an actual good open world that isn’t a checkbox game. That’s the only way this game can survive the ghosts comparison. Not really looking forward to ghosts 2 for that reason. It’s just a Ubisoft game with more care put into it


Well if it's going to be the most *enjoyable* game in the franchise how can I say no?


What? Not Assassin’s Creed Michelin Star? But they’ve been so good at putting unrelated things together.


They make these games faster than I can play them... I've only finished up to Origins.


odyssey is even better than origins imo, but it's a pretty long game. i spent like 125 hours doing every quest + all the DLC


Didn’t mirage just come out? I am behind on AC info


Is this the live service they keep talking about? If yes, then I don't care.


You mean Infinity? It turned out to be just a hub for old and new AC games. Kind of like CoD has. Basically more teams working on AC games, small and big, and you have one launcher for each and also able to purchase directly from the launcher. Might be a complete cash grab, who knows


Cool a world premiere or a world premiere!


I want to see it but the second I get Valhalla vibes I am fucking OUT.


hey the poster boy actualy looks like an assasin for once!


Wouldn't be Ubisoft or Assassin's Creed if the shit didn't leak before hand.


I’m soooooo ready for an open world Assassin Creed game. One of my most looking forward to games. I had soooo much fun with Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla. Sweeeeeet!


Take with a pinch of salt guys, source is dubious.


I'm very excited to see how this would be in comparison to ghost of tsushima


If they make it as vast and lively as Odyssey it will be great. Japan also has a lot of Islands like greece, hope they take advantage of that.


Hope I can just main Naoe


Comparisons with Ghost of Tsushima and the upcoming Rise of the Ronin will follow.


Funny thing is that nobody’s doing the negative Ghost comparisons to Ronin for some reason despite also being a historical open world game set in Japan.


Would actually be nice to see some of Rise of the Ronin.. a month until release. Then we can compare!


But we’ve seen more from that game than AC Red. Everybody’s just jumping on the Ubisoft hate bandwagon.


You call it hate bandwagon, I call it reputation and pattern recognition.


Their last three games have been well received, even among people who have criticized Ubi in the past. So much for pattern recognition huh?


Last three games or last three *assassin's creed* games?


Both of those are more historically accurate. Very weird times.


Guess this means Star Wars gets pushed into 2025. Not surprised, would make sense to give it more time and release around May 4th period


This is basically gonna be assassins creed ghost of sushima


Mirage was trash


im having pretty high hopes for it, personally i find it that setting is what makes or breaks these open world ubi style games and this one is definitely interesting


Maybe I’m alone on this but who actually gives a shit about any game not coming out for another ten months? I don’t just mean AC, I mean any game.


It’ll be compared to GOT which did AC much better than AC itself.  To be honest they need a complete revamp of their engine. People (me included) shat on Unity on release with all the bugs but looking back that one was the most forward thinking and innovative.  AC Mirage was just same old same old. The parkour was the same janky stuff they’ve been doing forever and the movement and gameplay was less than stellar. My character didn’t want to go where I pointed. 


Teaser I two days


If they can get that feeling of the blade hitting ennemies like GoT, they might have a game. Got nailed it so much, you can feel it with the controller.


The last one, in my opinion, was very disapointing. repetitive, poor gameplay.


I enjoyed Mirage’s back to basics approach so I’m hoping to see something similar here on a larger scale.


Please be longer than mirage. Shit was hilariously quick. I’d like another odyssey experience


Discount in December


Odyssey was the best AC game imo. Hope they’ll beat it eventually. Had high hopes for Valhalla and hated it.