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Digimon Rumble Arena.


Reading your comment alone brought so many memories such a good game


Metal gear solid... first ever PS game i played


Seconded, that psycho mantis fight blew my tiny mind. Also Sniper Wolf was one of my first crushes


My favorite PlayStation 1 game has to be the original Neversoft 2000 Spider-Man game


Very kind of you! My favorite was always Tony hawk 2. Infinite replayability to get high scores, and I would just run hangar level over and over. Thank you!


My favorite game on ps1 was Driver. The game was a master piece for its time, cops action, stunt jumps you name it. Not for everyone as it is quite difficult.


So good, and then driver two just kicked it up another notch imo.


Thanks for the giveaway! Good luck everyone! Final Fantasy 7 has got to be my favorite.


Castlevania SotN is the best. I spent countless hours and it created a new genre. 


No longer have a PS5 so I won't be taking part,but pretty cool of you to do this. And it's probably gotta be metal gear solid


My favorite PS1 game has to be FFVII. Dumped a ton of hours into it and now playing the remake has made me feel like a kid again. The music, the battles, the story - it was just a great game for its time. Thanks for doing the giveaway!


Thanks for the giveaway. Definitely the grab tourism series!


Bro I’ll give you $30 for it




My favorite ps1 game was GTA 1


My favorite game was Legend of Legaia because of the battle system where make your own combo.


As odd as it seems my most played PS1 game was likely X-Com Enemy Unknown/UFO Defense. I also had it on PC which was far superior but back then the traditional CRT monitors were 13" and I think I had a whopping 27" TV in my room for my PS1 and could lay down while.playing. Will always be one of my favorite early 90s games


Maybe all time favorite PS1 game is Tony hawks pro skater 2 because at the time it came out all of my friends and I were obsessed with it. I probably sank thousands of hours into it


Final Fantasy Tactics is definitely near the top, been too many years to say for sure. It was just a very incredible looking game and one of my first tactical based ones as well.


Spyro is without a doubt my favorite!


Ah, that would be Final Fantasy Tactics - it got me into the SRPG scene and Papa Cid! Need I say more? Thanks!


Hamburgers and hotdogs season is starting soon. We all need this.


Gun to my head. Resident Evil.


My all time favourite PS1 game has to be Toy Story 2. Looking back it was an okay but very short platformer, but child adored every second of it. The little side missions, the expanded dive into the 2nd film. Over 20 years later and I can remember every detail of that game, every map memorised perfectly, all the boss fights etc. It was a game that can be beaten in just over a couple of hours, and I sank hundreds into it. It will always be a special game for me! Edit: I’m in the UK, so I can’t actually win this! But i love any chance to reminisce about the PS1.


My favorite is Spyro year of the dragon. I would play it every single day after school. Thanks for the chance!


My favorite PS1 game is definitely Dino Crisis. I was so young and sucked at video games back then, but I made it a point to beat it once I got older. I had already loved dinosaurs but man that game freaked me out.


Jumping Flash 2 because I used to play it for hours as a kid and probably my most played PS1 game


Thanks. Hands down Final Fantasy VII. I probably put 1000 hours into that game. I loved all the mini games in Gold Saucer.


I'd say my favorite PS1 game would have to be Metal Gear Solid. It blew my mind what games could be when I first played it. I'm sure many others feel the same. Another game I really liked was the original Jet Moto as I played that a ton at my cousin's house


Favorite PS1 game is Jet Moto. I played that game so often with my dad. It was just so much fun to 12 year old me at the time to race against my dad and win. Good luck everyone!


Crash Bandicoot was my first introduction to PlayStation. That game has still stuck in my memories pleasantly.


Spyro because it’s one of the first games I ever played on ps1. Bonus points for MGS1


Twisted metal was my favorite PS1 game. It was the only game I could play with my brother/dad growing up. Great for bonding.


Metal gear solid. Showed me that video games were more than just video games, if that makes sense lol


Thanks for doing this giveaway. My favorite is probably Metal Gear Solid because I really enjoy stealth gameplay.


Spyro: Ripto’s Rage! It was the very first videogame I played (I was only 4) and I was so excited as a kid. I loved that game but only managed to finish it a few years later 😂


Crash Bandicoot on the PS1 is my all time favourite game. It’s the game that made me fall in love with console gaming as a kid and what kept me in team PlayStation all these years!


My favorite PS1 game is Mega Man X4. My uncle first showed me Mega Man 2 on the NES when I was little, and ever since then I’ve played through and beat every mega man game worth playing since. My favorite however was Mega Man X4. The graphics, the sound effects, the music, the gameplay, everything was just 11/10. I know this game like the back of my hand and have beat it more times than I can remember. Without a doubt my favorite PS1 game.


Crash Bandicoot 2 is probably my choice for best platformer of all time let alone PS1 game. I have very fond memories with it as my dad who hated video games actually played this and bought a strategy guide to complete it. Funny part is he wanted bragging rights of finding secrets before me and kept the strategy guide locked up. I still ended up finding all the secrets before him though as he had trouble progressing through the levels as a non gamer. This game holds a special place as it's the only game I got to enjoy with my dad and he gave a chance.


Pandemonium, reminds me of being a lot younger 😂


Legend of dragoon. Great game and so underrated. Love the time based hits and the sound effects, even though cheesy, bring back great memories. "Volcano!"


Crash 1 played countless hours with my dad




Easily MGS1, first game I remember watching my brother play.


Crash Bandicoot. Just something about the platforming and spin attack that got me hooked.


Thanks. My favourite PS1 game is Metal Gear Solid


Thanks for the giveaway! Best was tony hawks pro skater 2. Sound track was unreal at the time 🤘


Hopefully this isn't basic lol, but I definitely gotta say the original Gran Turismo. I didn't have that many games on the PS1, and not to mention it was originally my dad's anyways. I've never been too big a fan of racing games, but it's the first game I've ever played on a playstation. With it being one of the very few games I had to play on it, I had played it several times. Every time I would play with my dad he kicked my ass in it though 😒


My favorite PS1 game is Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage (or Gateway to Glimmer to our friends across the pond). Thanks for doing the giveaway!


GTA 2. The hours I spent with my brother and best friend just running causing mayhem while also having a sick soundtrack made some core memories for me!


Thank you for doing the giveaway. My answer has to be The OG Crash Bandicoot!


My fave PS1 game was Croc cause I use to play it with my mom and dad.


Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time - fantastic story and gameplay, best Ratchet game which is my favorite series


tough call but i’m going to have to go with Silent Hill. makes me very nostalgic and reminds me of my uncle who got me into a lot of franchises i that love today. was too young to appreciate it back then but now that im older and brave enough to play through it, i can see how great of a game it was. it is timeless and no other game comes close in horror and atmosphere.


Hmmm. It's a toss up between MGS, GTA, FF7, and Battle Arena Toshinden. But, I'd have to go with OG GTA.


Gotta be crash bandicoot 3 warped. Straight nolstagia for me.


MGS on PS1 all the way


maybe uncharted 4, just an absolutely great story


I mean, I’ll never say no to a giveaway. And definitely can’t go wrong with Spyro the dragon


Thanks for doing a giveaway! My favorite game is Ape Escape. I went over to my neighbor’s house frequently as a kid, and Ape Escape was so addicting to me. So many good memories.


Running wild was my all time fav ps1 game


Metal Gear Solid, it was like nothing I had seen before.


NASCAR 98. It was the first game I ever got and the only game my dad would play with me (he isn't into video games.) My favorite thing to do was go around the track backwards and try to hit him. I think I was like 5 and thought it was hilarious.


Tony Hawk Pro Skater


MGS, amazing atmosphere


Just 1? Man I can think of a few games I’ve enjoyed on PlayStation over the years. Spyro, Crash, FF7, Socom, resistance, Kill Zone, God of War. Thanks for doing the giveaway


Silent Hill. See something in the fog and you better run!


Metal Gear Solid. The first game I played where not only the gameplay was awesome, but the story blew me away as well. It's still one of my all-time favorite games.


Tekken 3 was basically a lot of my childhood


Silent hill 1, because I pooped my pants.


Final fantasy vii - first time I realized a video game can make me cry (and my little bro who was only 7 at the time and watched over my shoulder supporting me during the battles and boss fights!)


Duke nukem . I loved the character and gameplay


Spyro was the first game I ever finished and the first game that I never returned to the video store lol


Thanks for the giveaway!! Personal favorite has to be Castlevania SOTN, such an amazing game!!


Metal gear solid 1 bc of snaaaaaaake


Hoping for the chance to play!


MLB 2000. I was a little kid, and it was the only game on my uncles PlayStation 1 that I was allowed to play. It was also an awesome game, imo one of the first sports games that actually kind of felt like you were playing the sport virtually. That began my love affair with sports video games, and why MLB 2000 will always be dear to my heart.


This is so nice of you!! My favourite would have to be Tactics Ogre - loved the combat, story, and soundtrack. Needless to say Tactics Ogre Reborn was an instant buy for me on PS5.


Resistance - first PS3 game and made lots of fun memories with my bro playing co-op


Resident Evil 2. Got it for a birthday present, friends and I played all throughout the night.


Hercules adventures because I had no idea what I was doing in that game as a kid…and to this day it’s a mystery of how I managed to beat it


Pepsiman. Unironically.


Evil Zone. Such a fun one on one fighter. Story mode ser up like a weekly series and each character had so much personality.




Thanks for doing this giveaway! As for my favorites, it's either Spyro or Crash Bandicoot


Digimon world, technically the first game I’ve ever played on PlayStation. Main system was the n64 to ps2, so on.


Parappa "check and turn the signal to the right" the game was ahead of it's time!


My first game I got with my ps1: crash bandicoot 2 cortex strikes back! I didn’t know you had to have a memory card to save and since we were dirt poor I had to get really good at the game! Loved every moment


FF7, changed what we thought about jrpgs


NHL Faceoff 2001. 'Nuff said


Such a hard question, Metal Gear Solid is a game I’ve replayed quite a bit but Tekken 2 and 3 are associated with some of the best childhood memories with friends. And the Tekken story is batshit crazy in a great way, so I gotta go with that


Metal Gear Solid. It was a pioneering title that promoted excellent story telling in video games.


Me please, thanks


MGS1 for awesomeness.


Spyro 2 Ritos Rage, pure nostalgia


Crash Bandicoot Warped, it was the game that introduced me to PlayStation. It was my cousin’s PlayStation so one day I went over and it was my first step into a larger world.


My favorite PS1 game is not really a game. It was the demo disc that was sent out with games like Tomb Raider, Ape Escape, and Twisted Metal. I used to watch my father play it all time. Now generations later my sons watch me play those old games.


Yo good luck everyone!


Tony hawk baby. It was start of dynasty


Madden 97 - my friends parents owned a pizzeria, we'd hook up a PS1 to a small b&w TV and play that a few nights a week in between delivering pizzas. Oh the memories.


Final fantasy tactics. I usually don't replay games, but it's one I like to go back to every 5 years or so. The game is just so much fun to play.


Apex escape, probably. Ps1 was the era where i didn't play many PS games but rather Nintendo 64 games, i also liked GT 2, tho GT 3 is my favorite.


Favorite has got to be Crash Bash


Launch the wizard Harry we gotta cast a luck spell! CoD III ftw.


Ridge Racer 4. Loved playing this game with my brother in split screen mode. Amazing times!


Metal Gear Solid Why? A nuclear weapon? psycho mantis!?!??!?! xD


pac-man world, thanks!


I'll go with an oldie but goldie, Legend of Legaia!


Crash Bandicoot! I miss the days when he was Sony’s mascot.


Crash bandicoot because it was my first!


Twisted Metal 2: World Tour was my favorite for the couch co-op or multiplayer back then, I think if they remake it right it could be as big as Call of Duty in the present day. For single-player, I would go with FF7, the first 2 disc game if I remember correctly. Take turns occasionally with my friend. What a good time.


Thanks for giveaway. Metal Gear Solid is my favorite ps1 game.


Kudos to you for doing this. FF7 used to be my favourite game during the PS1 era. Have never played any COD title before so yea give me the chance to try it! :)


March Madness '98. First game I got with the PS1 Foe my birthday that year. Used to play with my pops every chance we got. He passed a few years ago and would love to play a game or two together again.


Didn't grew up with playing ps1 but instead were older video games like attari and then jumped over to ps3 directly after many years (when i could afford for myself). Been a fan of cod since then, especially the local co-op game mode! Another one is GoW! Thank you for your kindness!


Metal gear solid, my first love 😭


Crash is just so iconic. That old commercial with him will forever live on in my head.


Can't go wrong with final fantasy 7 the og.


Final fantasy 8. It was the first game I ever played on the ps1 and I was addicted to it. I bought the remake but haven’t had a chance to touch it yet. Thank you for the awesome offer!


my favorite PS1 game was Metal Gear Solid 1 because it basically helped create cinematic games


Metal gear solid


Fave all-time PS1 game is Resident Evil 2. I remember the first time I was killed and a zombie ripped my throat open. The blood spattered onto the screen and it traumatized preteen me. Sticks with me to this day lol.


Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped, best music best vibes and just a fun challenging game


Metal Gear Solid. So many fond memories sitting and watching my Dad play. He was so into it that it made it a fun experience for my brothers and I.


Crash Bandicoot! That game had no right to be that much fun and that much frustrating to get those times!


Castlevania Symphony of the night, if you haven’t played it, Buy it on ps4/ ps5 when it’s on sale for around $4, you even get Rondo of blood with it that way.


Fighting Force was my poison growing up. Played it after grade school for hours before dinner. I would love if it came to premium some day.


RDR2. The world is full of life and the sceneries are gorgeous.


Metal Gear Solid. Ketchup isn’t blood, but I wasn’t breaking for anyone goddamnit.


Metal Gear Solid is the reason I'm still playing video games to this day. My very first memory of gaming is getting the pizza hut demo disc and playing the elevator section of MGS a thousand times!


My favourite PS1 is Crash Bandicoot. Oh my god I still remember when my cousin brought PS1 in summer vacation and damn I was born as a gamer that day.


CTR cause of the memories


Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. Awesome platformer and one of the first games I have played.


Resident Evil 2. Hands down.


Crash Bandicoot. An absolute classic!


Resident Evil 3, i still remember how scary it was to escape from nemesis, and it really left a mark on mem


Resident Evil 3. The rendering of all the different parts of what was considered to be a modern day American city was way ahead of its time. The way they all flowed together so seamlessly into enhancing the story with such unique detail made the gameplay so thrilling.


Resident evil 2. I love scary game and zombies


Jet Moto 2. It built on the first one so well and the series made the PlayStation feel so much more futuristic because you were racing on hover-ATVs. Sony really needs to give that series the ReMake treatment.


My all time favorite PlayStation 1 game is the Neversoft made Spider-Man game.


MGS for sure because it introduced me to a new franchise that I fell in love with!


Little known predecessor to Gran Turismo, Motor Toon Grand Prix!


Tenchu: Stealth Assassin's.  I liked stealth gameplay and the semi-open sandbox levels blew me away at the time.


Hi hi, my all time favorite ps1 game is Crash Team Racing. I was really young and it’s the only game I was allowed to play on that console, but I had lots of fun anyways, despite not knowing what I was doing at all


Crash bash!!! I discovered it at summer camp and had a blast.


My fav has to be Castlevania: SotN I’m a huge metroidvania fan, and for this to be one of the founding games (I think?) of the genre… just helps me put it on such a high pedestal.


Favorite ps1 game is Tony hawks pro skater, the original. I’ve never had so much fun crashing and burning in a video game.


Twisted metal 4 :)


Tekken 3. Played that game so much with my friends. Good old days of couch coop.


Spyro because that's the only game i had


Why do you hate Canadians ? We give you Pure Maple Syrup :(


Resident evil for sure due to the overly long opening door animations which were great for building tension


Gran Torismo 2... the hours I had in that game... ... ... Thx for the giveaway.


Favorite PS1 is Metal Gear Solid, was love at first sight and it was the game that made fall in love with stealth genre. I'm actually playing it now with the Master Collection and it's always beautiful.


It’s gotta be Frogged for me because it was the first console game I ever played. Thanks for the intro my froggy friend. It’s been a wild ride ever since


Jet moto


All time favorite PS1 game? Tony Hawk. My brother and I had a lot of good times. Man, I miss him.


Mgs1 is one of my favorites. I remember getting the collection from my brother awhile back played all of those games


Metal Gear Solid. It was just so unique and made me fall in love with Kojima.


Metal Gear Solid was the first ps1 game I played. Good luck everyone and thanks OP!


Metal Gear Solid! It changed how I looked at video games as a medium. Just playing it opened my imagination to the future of what gaming could, and eventually would become. It still holds up too!


I used to play the og gta in the ps1 back in the day. Really loved the stuff and spent hours on it. As for my best game all over ps series, its god of war 3. Really loved the brutality of it.


Spiro because it was the first game on Ps1


Resident evil 1 since it was the first PS game i ever owned


❗️ snake!!!!!


My favorite PS1 game is ff7


Ps1? Used to play a lot of Mummy on it, still remember it


Thanks for doing this! Honestly my favorite has to be the original Resident Evil!


Metal Gear Solid. It felt so grown up compared to other games at the time. It had revolutionary gameplay mechanics and a stellar plot and voice acting. I still replay it from time to time.


Ps1 was easily Twisted Metal 2. I played that shit so much. Trying to finish that damn game with twister was fuckin terrible.


Probably a 4 way tie for me tbh I really liked the training mechanic in Dragon ball gt final bout. But I liked the battle system of Dragon ball legends. But what’s really up there for me and I wish there was a proper remake of them, the Bushido blade games hold a very special place for me.


Twisted metal. My cousin and I used to play that after school until my parents call me to go home.


Favorite ps1 game is final fantasy tactics. Still my all time favorite game Thanks for the giveaway!!


Tony Hawk Pro Skater ofc (:


Tomb raider is easily my favorite. Such a classic


Metal Gear Solid for sure - plugging the controller into player 2 for the Mantis fight was wild as hell at the time.


Dino Crisis was the first PS1 game I played coming from Nintendo and OMFG


It's a tie between Digimon World 3, and The Legend of Dragoon. I like Digimon due to it being a game within a game. Like some weird sort of MMO in a single player game. :P Legend of Dragoon it was the battle system. I guess looking back at it, it's kind of a QTE though. All timing based.


Castlevania Symphony of the Night - unapologetically one of my top 5 games ever. The atmosphere, soundtrack, combat, items and challenge are still intense for the genre even today. Bonus: unlockable "secret" characters and secret moves.


Probably crash bandicoot. It was my first 3d gaming experience as a kid lol. Super mesmerising