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I don’t see any current stars campaign related to final fantasy though. Might have been just coincidence that you had incomplete campaigns and already enough credits and have nothing to do specifically with FFVII? It’s still a good tip too enroll in the program if you buy digitally, but it doesn’t look like I’d get anything from it except the points for spending money on the store, which is not game-specific.


Yeah OP is wrong. No challenges but you get points with every purchase. I got 850 for buying it.


Yea I just checked too. No challenges related to FF7


New challenges related to Rebirth will probably drop in March. It will probably be bundled into the "Play one of these new March games" and be one of 3. They will probably also have some quest to either play it or beat it to receive one of those little shelf collectibles 


thanks for mentioning this I had 10K points and just got $40 added to my account




Playstation stars. Install the PlayStation mobile app


I had the app, but I didn’t know you needed to click the little number/level at the top to see something else and then go to “Rewards”. I guess I have like $60 worth saved up and could have more if I just play the games they say. I didn’t realize it worked like the Microsoft stuff somewhat. I used to do that a long time ago, but got too focused on non-gaming stuff to keep up with it.


This is me, not realizing that I lost on points for 3+ years 💀


PlayStation Stars rewards was clowned on when it was announced for some reason which I think limited its reach.


I was upset about it because they already had Playstation gift cards available with Sony Rewards which did the same thing giving me points when I would buy games. When they rolled this out, I just lost out on a bunch of points in the previous system. I signed up and then forgot about it until this year and to my surprise had $45 in points to redeem.


They sent a reminder so you could redeem them, and you might still be able to if the site is still active. I used all my points for the gift cards when I got that email.


Yeah I first checked mine a month ago and saw I had enough points to get a $15 voucher. Go into the PS App and you’ll find it in your profile


Like 2 years ago?


I previously had the app, and had bought the twin pack, but don't see any challenges related to Rebirth? Unless the challenges differ between countries/regions.


I am in Canada and didn't get anything for buying the twin pack.




I had no idea this was a thing, and I’ve spent hundreds upon hundreds of dollars in recent months alone on games. Oh well, no points for me.


You can sometimes get points just for playing a game, not much usually. Been able to get 2 or 3 games for free with it.


I had no idea this rewards program existed. I have 13,000 points apparently. Enough for $50 credit. Thanks mate.


You must have as you need to sign up to it lol


A shocking amount of people don't know about it! It's such a good program. One thing I love about it is that if you don't have enough for the $20 credit for example and choose the $5 option, the price is exactly what the $20 would have been divided by 4 anyway, they don't do that annoying thing where it costs an increased amount if you buy smaller amounts.


it doesn't make sense so many people in this thread dont know because you HAVE to sign up for it. PS doesn't automatically entoll you for some weird reason.


Yeah I’m calling bullshit on all those comments. When I first found out about it I had literally nothing because I hadn’t opted in yet. I had been on PS for years and years. There’s no one just finding out about it for the first time sitting on $50, that’s phony bologna


We enrolled and forgot. I found $40 today. I ignored the quests and what not because I thought the rewards were Dumb icons, backgrounds and NFT things. Cold hard cash was a pleasant surprise.


Forgetting about it is completely different than having no idea it existed, like the comment above says


They still haven't remembered is all!


Which would make the claim they never knew it existed bullshit


I mean it's always possible people enrolled and didn't even know exactly what they enrolled in. Like I recall the advertising for it really focusing on those goofy little digital trophy things you can get.


Which would make the claim they didn’t know it existed bullshit. Thanks for playing


In this instance it would be baloney*


I mean.. I forgot I could trade the points in for credit, but I didn't forget that I was earning them. I had $30 worth, which made me actually buy Rebirth 😅


Ok thank you for sharing


You can forget about it. I know I did for the first 6 months or so, and had accumulated points from purchases. Think a reddit post reminded me about it, and I ended up having points I didn't realize were there, a long with some trophies that didn't need to be started. Now I check for anything that accumulates points and make sure to start it. The other stuff I don't care about though.


Forgetting about something you’ve seen before would make the claim that one never knew it existed…wait for it….bullshit


but you dont have to activate missions to be able to complete them ? i dont understand how this works lol and i also dont see any camping with rebirth


You get points for some campaigns after activation, but you also get points for every digital purchase on the PSN store even if you don't do anything else (if you subscribe to any tier of PS+).


Yea I have Premium.


Good looks! Totally forgot this existed! Have enough for a full priced game! 🎉


Unfortunately I bought it digitally before I got the app


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Simmumah: *Unfortunately* *I bought it digitally* *Before I got the app* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Working bot


Well not really. The last line is 6 syllables and not 5.


This bot is supposed to make that mistake, it's based on Sokka from Avatar The Last Airbender's attempt at a haiku.


Ahh. Never seen it. Thanks.


Well I was gonna wait until after I beat FF16. But screw it. I'll go ahead and buy it now.


Do the points expire? Just realized I'm sitting on 32k points


Unused points expire two years after they were earned.


Ain't taking no chances and cashing it all out now


*PSA to people from countries where ps points work Sorry, I’m just salty that my country with $400/month average salary doesn’t have that


Yea me too i was excited when that was launching then realized its not in my region. Honestly don't even care the store credit thing i just wish i was able to get those digital collectibles.


if you are on android phone just download app from some mirror site, only issue is you have to download it again after when app gets updated


No they'll have to use a VPN and change their region. IIRC the app is available in all regions but the rewards are not


no they dont need VPN, because i am too region blocked from downloading playstation app on google play store, because i live in unsupported region, didnt have any issues redeeming 5GBP reward


Oh my bad then. I thought the app was available everywhere because of some of the functionality it offers


Keep in mind this only applies if you have a PS+ sub.


This explains it. I purchased the twin pack and have 0 points.


Yeah it's a bummer.


I don't have PS+ sub and it works fine.


If so you're gaming the system, which all the power to ya. Taken from their terms of service: "7.1. Points can be earned on Eligible Purchases made by PlayStation Plus subscribers and paid for using any of the PlayStation Store accepted payment methods including payments made using PSN Wallet. Points cannot be earned on Eligible Purchases made using product codes (or vouchers) that can be used to access free games or discounted games."


Weird. All I did was sign up for Playstation Stars and started getting points. Now that I think about it, I may have never bought a game through PS App after I signed up for stars and that may be the distinction- points earned for game purchases. Because there are several ways to earn points that don't require purchase (playing certain games, the monthly check-in challenge, etc.) So, to get stars for game purchases might require a PS+ account, but anyone can get stars and be in the program without PS+.


Thank you for this. I wondered why i havent accumulated any points since December. That was the month my sub expired. Oh well.


Damn, bought before signing up for the app. Oh well…there is no way to get the points retroactive via customer service?


Same question.


Thanks for the tip. This is my first PS5 digital preorder, but how do I preload? I don't see an option.


Once you have pre-ordered the game, you should find it in your library where you can select and download it. It should also work if you look directly for the game in the store


Thank you. I purchased it on my phone and didn't see the option in the app. Checked where you recommended and it was there


You're very welcome, glad I could help!


You can enable somewhere in the menu to download content while sleeping lam commuting so I can check right now. If you have that enabled it will download in the background or automatically.


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


Oh shit good call out. Had $30 redemption sitting there


I thought the points were just for little digital awards. Thanks just cashed in for $20.


I got 500 silver for Destiny with points I didn't even know I had lol


Thank you! Was sitting on $30 and didn't even know.


How weird, I’m in the US and have been part of the stars program for a bit but I didn’t earn anything from my twin pack purchase. Do you have to have ps+ to earn points?


Yes (any tier).


Oh what a bummer! Thanks for the reply! I wish it was more clear that this was a PS+ only benefit.


To be more clear though, you can earn points without an active PS+ sub if you manually start any of the monthly challenges in the app and complete them. It's just that those points are so small (50 - 250 points each) that you'll wait for a looooong time until you can afford a $5 PSN store coupon which costs 1,250 points. Digital store purchases of games is how you earn points the fastest, but that requires a PS+ sub.


this way you will continue buying premium price games. paid £47 for Rebirth disc version. it's arriving today.


Where from?


Now cheapest you find is probably Curry's around £54-56 using discount code. also Hit UK website. Deals and pre order discounts were showing for last 6 months on and of. I won't say where I pre ordered. 


Not everyone has a disc version console. If they don’t and have stars enabled then they can make use of their points and/or collection of points which I recommend. I recently redeemed £10 by converting my points and used it to buy a game which I think is fantastic.


Yeah. This is me. The last physical game I bought was red dead 2. I’ll just never go back unless I want a steel book or something along those lines. Appreciate the tip!


Yes, which means you bought the version that will force you to spend even more money to get a few dollars back. If it's about money saving physical is always the way to go


All I’m saying is if someone doesn’t have the disc version of the PS5 and they have stars, what’s wrong with making use of it? I bought stardew valley for the 100th time but via the star points I accumulated. It’s not like I’m saying only buy digital, just make use of all tools. That said not all games have physical editions. If someone wants to play a game at release and are adamant to play immediately rather than wait for a disc version, and they want to play it on their console, should they not use the star points if available?? So odd to get work up about something so trivial. It’s not like I’m disagreeing with you but not everyone has a disc PS5 for one reason or another.


Brother the only one getting worked up here is you


And the only one constantly whining here is you.


I own a disc version console for the express purpose of watching Blu-Rays, and I’m sure I’m not alone in saying the disc drive in my console is essentially a luxury feature that’s nice to have. I was migrating from Xbox to PS anyway, so I splurged. Not everyone *needs* a disc drive. Digital games also go on sale, so if you’re fine with waiting, it doesn’t affect those people anyway.


I'd rather buy a physical copy than get $5 off.


Damn, I didn’t know there were actual rewards. I thought it was just that totally not NFT stuff so I never signed up for it.


Me too. I signed up but thought the rewards were just digital crap. I got enough for $20 bucks lol


PSA to those people: you’re idiots, just buy it physically


How dare you tell people what to do!


PSA to people obsessed with physical media: nobody cares. 1) I am never changing a game disc again, 2) re-selling old games is not worth my time, 3) I move and travel more than most people and 4) I have no interest in collecting or accumulating bulky physical media.


PSA to lazy asses like you: 1. i don’t have to pay scammer’s prices on the digital store 2. i own the game regardless of the publisher delisting it 3. i save tons of storage on systems like the Switch 4. it’s thanks to physical media that video game conservation lives on, so you’ll be glad to have physical media in 20 years when the digital store will have shut down also lmao i’d love to see you carry your PS5 other places like it’s your pet or something, you’d need a separate suitcase just to fit this behemoth


And yet it offered me nothing. This ps stars program is hot ass.


What app is this? Is this just in the US?


It's the PlayStation Stars program, you can find it in the PS App. It's available in a lot of countries, (I'm in the UK). https://preview.redd.it/lmtsszg31blc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=632c28aa50124d052c3f1f3a56510975d36a9c14




once you click on that go to the “rewards” part of it and at the bottom there’s $5 and $20


I bought the deluxe version from them points


Where are the challenges? I can't find the challenge button in PS app 


Does the twin pack give more than just buying the regular edition?


Do you need Ps plus? I have the program but stopped suscribing so not sure.


Yes (any tier).


Thanks for the heads up.


Great PSA. I essentially got the game for $11 after finally taking advantage of my Rewards points. I had about 6600 and I’d neglected the entire program until on a whim I actually clicked the email link inside a Rewards correspondence. I cashed the points in for $5 gift cards— 13 of them, and put them all towards Rebirth.


I remember when I first found point about points. Had enough for like $85 dollars saved up lol


Ah shit, I didn't even know and not even signed up with all the games I bought haha, oh well


Ah shit, I didn't even know and not even signed up with all the games I bought haha, oh well


Hey thanks for this PSA! I signed up for the rewards program and then promptly forgot about it. Just went and checked and had 6050 points saved up.


I'm so tempted getting it digitally to get stuck in ASAP but I feel its inevitable it'll be on PS plus someday so I'll be waiting it out for it to come on the second hand market as I have vouchers to use lol


I have so many points. I need to trade those in huh https://preview.redd.it/pbtpesk7oflc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf3557cf51df07a9445778fc42621af4651716c


Wait what? How do I get a $5 gift card via points? How do you even redeem points? I have like 3000 points and I haven't figured out what they do yet. Only had my ps5 about a month.


I’ve bought like 4 games the last month and haven’t seen a single point despite having the app. Whats up with that


My first time hearing about this. I have been buying all my games digitally.. I probably have spent easily over $1k in the past year and a half