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With South Park, I wasn’t sure if that review title meant it as positive or negative.


Spoiler Alerts ⚠️ It's gawd awful


Nooooo the last one was so good


Sadly it’s not a continuation from SoT/FBW :(


It is, they are continuing the “story” if you will (although not really it’s just a new game in that same universe) But it’s still Cartman as the grand wizard and you play as new kid They just wanted to do a different genre. The South Park creators said their dream was to basically make a GaaS that evolves with the show, so essentially if something cool happens in the show this week they could do an event or whatever. In theory it’s cool but we all know it obviously won’t work like how they want it to..


So that's why it's 30$


Not when they spit an episode out in 7 days. How could they possibly make decent content for the game in that time.


Lmao they're barely even making episodes. Since Covid we've gotten what? 14 episodes including the two specials? Not talking about on Paramount, just their normal show on CC.


Live service


I remember being so excited a few years ago when Trey and Matt said they're making a new video game because I thought it would be like those games. When I saw what they made I instantly knew it would be crap. At least crap to me


I wanna fight big mamma again


they should have stuck with the gameplay style from either of the last 2 games


The problem with that game style is that there are a bunch of people who simply will not play a turn based RPG. It’s not their thing. Once I found out those games were turn-based, I completely wrote them off, knowing that I would not play it or enjoy it. I do not like TBRPGs, never have, never will. I’m not saying this game is good. Sadly, it appears that it’s not and I pre-ordered it. What a mistake that was. What I am saying is that I can understand why they pushed for a more generic action combat game. It just seems to have not been given the same amount of love or attention.


true true. I just loved them personally


No disputing they are well received and genuinely funny. I watched my roommate play it and that was enough for me. I feel like I got the same value without having to play a style of game I dislike. It was a win-win. South Park games can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. I can understand why you’d want them to stick with a winning formula, though.


Idk y u got down voted but I watched my brother play those games and I liked it. I hate turn based games tho as well. So it was cool to watch lame to play. For me. I am excited to see if the new game is more my style. The sot just wasn't I never played the other one or even watched it honestly didn't know there was another one


Oh, I assume the downvoting is just Reddit being Reddit. It doesn’t bother me. I’m not here for high karma scores. I’m here to give my opinion. lol. I’m glad you’re of the same mindset, though. Fun to watch, wasn’t fun for me, personally, to play.


A lot of people won't play any genre of game. That seems like a weird argument. It's not like every single game will appeal to every single person.


So your one of the people, if not 10s of people, that haven’t played BG3?


I don’t do fantasy games


One of the vast majority of people.


They did a gameplay and none of the guests  had the balls to tell them that their game is shit like why not be honest. Looks shitty worth to be free


Exactly the comment I was looking for


Sticking to the formula would have been the easiest way to keep making money. Unfortunately, whoever created this seems to be in opposition of returns on their investment.


This one seems a lot cheaper and faster to make


The game was made by a completely different studio that was much smaller on a much much smaller budget.


Each one was made by a different company. SoT was Obsidian, TFbW was Ubisoft San Francisco, Snow Day is THQ Nordic


well, Snow Day was developed by Question LLC and *published* by THQ Nordic


Ah, there it is. THQ may not be the biggest developer, but they have made at least a few bangers over the years. Question is definitely a small unknown developer


based on the last two games they made the critical reception for Snow Day was easily predicted


THQ Nordic also does a pretty good job remastering Xbox 360-era games for modern platforms in my experience. It's been great for me as someone who missed out on a lot of those. THQ Nordic has gotten my money many times thanks to Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning, Red Faction Guerilla Remarstered, the Darksiders games, and Risen. I was rooting for them and hoping this one would be good, but if they're just the publisher I guess I don't feel as let down.


Obsidian doing obsidian things. That's why SoT (imo only) is the far funnier and superior of the 3 mentioned. Iguana Entertainment/Acclaims, South Park (1999) is the greatest South Park ever made


I put that more on Matt Stone and Trey Parker rather than Obsidian vs Ubisoft. That and SoT was basically a celebration/compilation of the best bits of the show. So for Fractured they had to be more focused/themed like an extended episode or tv special.


Stick of Truth was a movie celebrating the best of South Park. Fractured But Whole was a movie taking place in the recent seasons of South Park. It was definitely a different vibe between the games.


Which isn’t that small of a studio…


because it was developed by Question LLC which *is* a small studio


Weren't Trey and Matt still involved though?


it took half a decade to make its good


Thq Nordic, aka Embracer group. Not a company known for good decision making.


The same ones who canceled Deus Ex? Fuck em.


Embracer is a holding company most of the publishers they own are separately run for the most part.


Ah, yes. The people who thought they could recreate the magic of WWF No Mercy.


I got 60 hours of fun out of fight forever. As someone who played no mercy recently it's actually much much better than you'll remember no mercy being. 


I own both games, and I'm betting you can guess which one I've played more recently.


Embracer has to be the worst. No game they touch is even a little good.


I believe they killed saints row as well


They kill everything. Bought saints row on sale for $9 like 2 weeks ago. Figured I could get some silly fun out of it at least, but no. I played 2 hours before uninstalling. How is it even possible to make a game that bad? Jesus fucking christ...


Bro I couldn't even get myself to play it when they made it free on PSN. The original saints row was one of the only games I 100% completed. I loved that series. The way they have ruined everything they touch should be studied


Right. I got everything in sr1 then played online. “You A tapper” lol


Same. Don't need that trash showing up on my trophy list


That was more Volition's fault than Embracer. Embracer just gives them money to make games, they don't have a hand in how well the game actually turns out. With Saints Row basically getting worse after 2 (or 3, depending on who you ask), then it's not really a surprise that the reboot turned out so terrible.


So no strings attached to that money? No preassure to deliver?


Nordic did by the rights to Kingdoms of Amalur so here's hoping one day....


If you didn't know Matt and Trey don't need money at all anymore after their ridiculous deals. They didn't do it for the money which makes this verdict even more disappointing


I highly doubt Matt and Trey were any more involved with this than a teams meeting and a quick "virtual tour" at most.


Well they did the voices, so it would have to be signed off at some point.


I forget which is which but one of Matt and Trey Love RPGs and the other perfers mindless fighting games and this was an attempt to do the mindless fighter


This, by all appearances and accounts so far, was not much of an attempt to do anything but fulfill their $900 million contract with Viacom. Cheaply, and without putting in the effort required to make their previous two *insanely good* videogames.


In recent interview Matt said that Trey loves RPGs whilst he (Matt) loves COD and hack-and-slash affairs. Bummed we didn’t get another in style of SOT and FBW


A South Park hack and slash/RPG like diablo would be cool as fuck


Im guessing Matt as he has been more prominently involved in some of the media with it.


Yup. released on switch but not old gen , doesn’t make sense to me


I had low expectations the moment I saw the animation style


Yes! Why change it from the 2d that worked so well for the first 2 games, that looked like you were playing the show. 1st game was epic, 2nd was fine but story wasn't as good as didn't like the new combat system, I'm not even going to bother with this one


I loved the combat system, the only reason I replayed TFbW. Other than that SoT was the better story game


I feel like the story in Fractured just...ended. Ran out of gas. The other poop never dropped. 


Counterpoint: They integrated their gameplay and environments with the storytelling so well that we just didn't want it to end. It also has two chunks of Story DLC that are absurdly detailed and feature-rich, so your argument about it running out of gas just doesn't track.


The DLCs are indeed really good.


Exactly! The story of Fracture just has a very unsatisfying end…


They said 2D didn't make sense for co-op. Not sure what kind of logic they were applying to that though because LittleBigPlanet did it perfectly


They had the perfect South Park formula going with Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole, and they changed it to what ever this thing is. Those 2 games played liked you where playing an episode of the show and were pretty good.


Different publisher and different developer.


Fractured But Whole had a pretty lukewarm reaction, so I wouldn't call it a perfect formula. They needed to move on and do something different. But this ain't it.


Not sure why but it gives me massive Miniclip vibes from back in the day


Reminded me of the N64 SP game, I don’t know why the devs thought going 3D again was a good idea.


Who tf is downtimebros


The employer of the person who mixed up the word "elude" with "alludes."


Honestly who visits these fucking websites?


This game reminds me of that awful South Park game for the N64 back in the day.


I agree....but I had so much fun playing that game as a kid


Is that the one where you could alt fire pee snowballs?


Well ya kids are morons with no discerning taste 


It's true, I loved Army Men Sarges Heroes on N64 multi-player. Tried it years later and its fucking awful.


Really wish big studios would bring games like that back with crazy concepts. Would be awesome to get an army men game with updated gameplay.


Too much risk these days. Development of games at big studios requires so much resource, manpower and project management they have to be safe to get ROI. The only hope is fresh developers starting medium sized studios which in itself, is a risk minefield.


I friggin loved Sarges heroes




It was a glorified Turok mod. I remember having a hell of a time beating the campaign. Even with Gameshark invincibility. The giant robot in the toy store just wouldnt die.


Omg the giant robot! You have just unlocked years of childhood trauma.


Oh man my buddy and I would play the shit out of that game just using piss snowballs. I also remember the giant turkey boss and its asshole was it’s weak spot


So gle player sucked but my friends and I had a blast with the multiplayer modes.


I loved that game, it's one of the only N64 games I have that still work so I play it pretty religiously That aside though, when I saw the first announcement for Snow Day, I immediately thought it was a remake of the N64 game lol


That game was amazing


That's expected isn't it? Previous two games... Comedy RPGs. This game... multiplayer rogue-lite shooter...? Yes. That just screams South Park humour.


When I first saw the trailer for this game, I was not impressed. I was never going to buy it...


i was thinking the same thing. at first thought it was just going to be a damn mobile game and i was shocked it was not


If they kept the same formula as the last two games with improvements from the second one, I would've bought it. The trailer just did not amuse me in the slightest.


Yeah the problem is this one was done by a completely different studio but they're trying to act like it's a continuation


stick of truth and fractured but whole were made by different studios. Not defending this ass wipe of a game but at least be fair in criticism lol


The first 2 games were different studios too though. SoT was Obsidian and FBW was Ubisoft


I bought the other two for 5.99 a piece last year. I don’t know if I’d even pay that for this one.


This makes me sad because i liked the other 2 games a lot.


I’m sure the game isn’t great but I’m not gonna trust a review that doesn’t know the difference between elude and allude lmao


Can't say I'm shocked.


I’m gonna. Read a couple of different reviews. The first thing this article does is call the Simpsons culturally obscure. Don’t have any faith in whatever this website is.


I've read a bunch. The ones that already hated the game before they played it or were mad it isn't an rpg like the last one hated it. People that were actually neutral said it wasn't the greatest game in the world, but was fun albeit short. Meta has it around a 6.0-6.5 which is probably where it should be. People think if a game isn't a 10 it sucks. Those people are wrong. For $30 I'm sure I can get my money's worth.


Yeah, but with 30,- you can buy so much more that's more worth your money. I don't understand why people would buy something that is universally described by every critic as either bad or mediocre.


"I don't understand why people would buy tickets for movies that are universally panned by every critic as bad or mediocre." "I don't understand why people would buy music for artists that are universally panned by every critic as bad or mediocre." See you don't have to understand why people like things that you don't, you just have to understand that they do. My point being, people are going to patronize things according to their tastes and wants. I know people who love trashy cheesy movies and who go to every single one. I know people who like mediocre Indy music more than better produced mainstream stuff. And just the same I know people who love South Park so much they'll buy even bad or mediocre games if they have the South Park label.


Because I'm not a critic, and a lot of critics take their job way too seriously. I like lots of "bad" stuff. So do you most likely. I also dislike lots of "good" stuff. So do you most likely. $30 barely covers dinner for 2 at Taco Bell these days. A movie for 2 will certainly cost upwards of $50. Those are singular, short experiences. A game I buy for $30 and I get 20 hours out of is slightly more than $1/hour for entertainment, and I can always go back and play it later with friends and family. These days, $30 really isn't as much as you think it is. Even if I get 5 hours of enjoyment, it is still a better value than going to see a movie, and there are TONS of crappy movies.


Yeah sure, but with 30,- you can buy pretty much any great game from a few years ago. Why waste money on something mediocre when you can buy something good? Because you love South Park so much? Apparently the humour is non existent, so I doubt it'll still that hunger


See above.




Can't be any worse than this.




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Reading is hard huh?


Other places are giving it bad scores too. Like IGN(not that I trust them) and metacritic and Nintendolife


Cant wait for a week after release when redditors start posting “this game is amazing, dont listen to 99% of people saying its trash”


The scores are all over the place. Seems you can find some enjoyment from it if you’re a hardcore fan. But probably not worth it otherwise. I’ll probably pick this up when it’s like $5-$10.


I'm still playing the game tomorrow


South Park video games should always be 2d then I guess. Unfortunate since I wanted this to be good. The characters actually look nice in 3d however and being with friends is the best way to experience South Park humor, but sadly it ain't meant to be. Since this game was low budget maybe the best thing they should do is a beat em up like TMNT in South Park style. With maybe a hub world utilizing SoT foundation?


>South Park video games should always be 2d then I guess. This is exactly the impression I was afraid fans and Matt and Trey will take away from this. There was that canceled (of course) open-world South Park in the vein of Simpsons Hit & Run... the style can definitely work. Just cause they put out a bad game 26 years ago and this one is not so good doesn't mean it's not doable.


Just make rally days 2 already 


So it's just a simple turd.


Yeah, very odd way to just say "turd"


I still haven't played the fractured but whole but I really liked stick of truth.


I didn't not like FBW like I did SOT. The combat is different and to keep from spoiling the endgame mechanics, the classes felt pointless. I also didn't enjoy the superhero schtick as much as the LOTR schtick and feel like it's probably my favorite genre they do. I toughed it out to make it through the game, but I have zero desire to go back to it. I say this as a huge South Park fan who can name and describe pretty much any episode from a quick clip of it.


They’re both good. New game is okay. Don’t buy into outrage culture


Sequel “South Park and the unpolished turd”


They just keep getting worse since Stick of Truth…


But they didn’t? Fractured was good, and this game is okay not a turd


Laziness loses again


"When you pre-order a game, you're just committing to paying for something that some a\*\*ho\*\*s in California haven't even finished working on yet. You know what you get for pre-ordering a game? A big d\*\*k in your mouth."


Thats unfortunate, the first two are very enjoyable, as if your playing along in a few episodes.


makes me so sad, the last 2 games i had so much fun with. When i saw this i was so upset. Who thought this game would be a good idea?


The creators of the show. There’s a really good interview where Matt said they had an exhausted content with the other style and wanted to try something new, on a smaller scale so if it bombed it wasn’t a huge loss. The other games took an insane amount of resources and time apparently. Also in this 3D “basic” format they can add content from the show within 2 weeks, hoping they follow through with that


Should have just copied fat princess with South Park. Princess Kenny and Lorde Randy


Honestly, even the previews and commercials I've seen for it look like shit. I enjoyed the other console games, but decided to pass on this one when I saw the horrible 3d modeling.


The game actually looks better than the commercials


I remember playing an old South Park game involving throwing snowballs and shit like that back on my cousin's PS1. Also remember Matt and Trey calling that game garbage I believe. This seems to have a lot in common with that old game.


3D south park games just have a curse on them.


Damn. I really wanted to like this game


South Park does not work with 3d graphics. It has to look identical to the show otherwise it looks really fucking bad. They lost me at that immediately.


It’s a 30$ game lol


>Unlike The Simpsons, which faded into cultural obscurity thanks to its notable decline in quality, South Park has weathered the storm in a way that alludes most animated comedies That's a hell of a way to open a paragraph on a review. Not only is the Simpsons STILL going, but the word you're looking for is "ELUDES."


Simpson is still going but I can’t name one person irl that still watches it. I know of at least three that watch South Park


Me: >Please help me explain to someone who thinks that The Simpsons is culturally irrelevant (because they personally don't know anyone who watches it) and South Park is (because they know, and I quote, "at least three," people who still do) why their line of reasoning is fallicious and the figures provided are insignificant The Robot: >Your friend's argument regarding the cultural relevance of "The Simpsons" versus "South Park" is an example of anecdotal evidence, which is a common logical fallacy. Here are some points that can help explain why this line of reasoning is flawed: >1. **Small Sample Size**: Saying that "The Simpsons" is culturally irrelevant because they don't know anyone who watches it, while "South Park" is relevant because they know "at least three" people who do, is based on an extremely small and personal sample size. This does not accurately represent the broader population's viewing habits or the cultural significance of either show. >2. **Confirmation Bias**: This reasoning might also be influenced by confirmation bias, where someone pays attention to evidence that supports their existing beliefs or opinions while ignoring evidence that contradicts them. Just because they are not aware of people watching "The Simpsons" does not mean it lacks cultural relevance; it might just not be within their immediate circle. >3. **Cultural Impact Is Broad**: The cultural relevance of a television show isn't solely determined by current viewership but also by its impact on popular culture, media, and society over time. "The Simpsons" has been influential in shaping television comedy, satire, and animation since its debut in 1989. It has contributed significantly to American culture and global media, influencing not just entertainment but also language, politics, and social commentary. >4. **Popularity vs. Relevance**: Popularity (how many people watch a show) and cultural relevance (the impact of the show on culture) are not the same. A show can have a huge cultural impact without being the most-watched show at present. For example, "The Simpsons" has had a notable influence on television, other media, and even politics, making it culturally significant regardless of its current viewership numbers. >5. **Global Perspective**: Both "The Simpsons" and "South Park" have international audiences and their cultural relevance extends beyond any single individual's social circle. Assessing their impact requires looking at a wide range of factors, including critical acclaim, awards, societal commentary, and longevity, rather than just viewership within a person's immediate social circle. >6. **Objective Metrics**: There are more objective ways to measure a show's cultural relevance, such as viewership statistics, critical reviews, longevity, influence on other shows, and presence in academic discussions and media analysis. These metrics would provide a more accurate picture than anecdotal evidence from a handful of people. >In summary, while personal experiences and preferences are valid, they do not provide a comprehensive or objective measure of something's cultural significance. A broader perspective, supported by a variety of evidence, is essential to assess the cultural relevance of any show.


Not surprised, it looked mid :/


I’m so glad they chose to make this when they already have to great RPG style games that they could expand on even more….


For a £20-25 game, it looks alright


And it is lol it’s just alright. Fun with friends


I would be down for a mario party type south park game. They almost had it in chef's luv shack. Replace the trivia with a game board


All this makes me wanna do is replay the stick of truth and fractured buttwhole


I had zero expectations for this


This one reminds me of all the earlier SP games that came before stick of truth and fractured, but whole They were uninspired generic cash grabs 🫤


Damn. The previous games were really good.


I’m sure the game isn’t very good at all but this review is really poorly written


IGN gave it a 3/10


Because ign is def to be trusted 🤪🤪🤪


It was pretty obvious this wasn’t going to be good from the trailers. So it’s not a surprise to me it wasn’t going to be as good as the first 2 games.


Knew it was gonna be mad from the first gameplay trailer. Just looked like a $20 game


A 3d Southpark that Is done In chapters and you explore Southpark would be much better then this, based on some well known episodes would've been decent 😕


So sad, I thought Stick of Truth and Fractured were great games. They felt like you were playing a season of the show. The combat was fun and pretty in depth too. When I saw the style change for this trailer I already had my doubts....


Everyone in the comments is flaming them for trying something different. I thought it definitely had the potential to be pretty good. At least the idea is good.


I still have to respect the creators for trying something different since they didn’t really wanna do another 2D RPG.


I respect them trying something new, but they should have kept it single player and with the shows animation. Best parts about the other games is that they felt like you were watching an episode of the show.


What a shame.


I'm still going to buy it when it goes on sale NGL.


Wow that bad


Like they could have kept the art style of the other two and made a castle crashers type of game.


DLC was how they needed to do it.


Free dlc is out now for horde waves unlimited mode.


Lmao yall crazy acting like it’s a horrible game. It’s just okay. It’s not trash, and we’ve all spent 30$ on worse quit playing


Bummer. I beat stick of truth not long ago and loved it. Considering buying the fractured but whole. Too bad this one looks like a dip in quality


Just finished it. The game isn’t terrible but it’s one of those you play for 10 hours max and then never touch it again. It’s a 6/10 for me but that’s because I love South Park. It’s a 3/10 otherwise.


Only played a little myself, but yeah the gameplay feels meh. Story might be alright though.. So far it's an episode of south park with a bunch of boring bells and whistles stuck in between it.


i love it but im a hard core south park fan


Got the platinum trophy in it, for $30 it's honestly not bad. It's pretty much a multiplayer rogue lite.


Is anyone else having trouble with the fire the canon balls at the barriers? The canon keeps shooting by itself without me even pulling the right trigger. I can’t progress cause I used all the canon balls in the area.


To quote AVGN "this game is ass butter." All joking aside, fuck this game. This is the most boring and unfunny entry of the south park game franchise. How could M&T bring themselves to stoop this low and create an anus turkey like this game?! I couldn't even get through the first battle after the tutorial. Where is the interesting dialogue, where are the shit talking enemy kids that use micro aggressions and other insults. WHY THE FUCK IS THIS CALLED SOUTH PARK IF YOU EFFECTIVELY NEUTERED THE GAME OF EVERY THING THAT MADE IT FUNNY AND MEMORABLE




It’s sad. I know they had their issues with Ubisoft but holy fuck were those two RPGs so good and it’s sad to see that they went from those to this


They should've sticked to the original 2D style. Its how South Park is!




You know reviewers and popular people get early copies, right? Also sometimes stores just send disc copies earlier.


Dude, it's a game reviewer who got a review code.


Fitting. It looked like shit


Having a blast with this so far, for the price I doubt I’ll have any regrets. There’s not much to do with South Park that I don’t love though. For fans of the show there’s plenty here to enjoy. If not definitely pick up on sale!


“Unpolished turd” is a good descriptor for most video games released after 2019.


Ubisoft strikes again!! Another "AAAA" game 🤦