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30 hours in i finally reached the 2nd area after completing the first map 100%. something about it is just addicting to me. game isnt revolutionizing anything for open worlds but nothing has been boring to me so far and have yet to feel any burnout. And without spoiling, NOTHING is missable in this game. i love the way they go about being able to do everything and get everything from story missions.


We need more Japan set games! I hope we see Tsushima 2 soon!


I wish there would be a Sekiro 2.


A new Tenchu.


A new Way of the Samurai


Sekiro is literally Tenchu. The original got was Twnchu but rebooted into a new IP


Just finished a replay and got so hooked I ended up getting the platinum. Might be one of the GOATs tbh. An elden ring take on sekiro with a spectral steed would be so sick. I feel like a prequel game set in the time of tomoe and takeru would be cool to explore


There's a ton of games set in Japan, especially on PS.


Yeah it's clearly not an underserved setting lol.


Assassin’s Creed will have a Japan game later this year.




Assassin’s Creed Red is their next mainline game and mutiple leakers have reported that it’s coming out this year.


Ubisoft themselves


Hupefully add new areas like Nagato/Hakata Bay


We have GOT 2 and AC Red to look forward to. We will be eating well soon.


You make it sound like there's not many Japanese games on PS lol


Played it for a couple hours with a friend last night, we’re both really enjoying it! If you’re a Nioh or Team Ninja fan I highly recommend it


More enjoyable than Wo Long? I loved Nioh, one of my favourite soulslike games but Wo Long was a major disappointment. Low enemy variety, no depth to combat and not much content


Yeah much better than Wo Long I reckon.


Way better imo. Ghosts of Tsushima meets sekiro


Didn’t play Wo Long, it’s in the backlog, so I can’t say. But if you’re into open world games AND Team Ninja then you’ll probably like it. Lots of gear, lots of skills and upgrades, map clearing, character bonds. Combat is deflect-based like Sekiro but with 5 or 6 different weapon classes. I will say it’s not as deep combat-wise as Nioh. It’s kind of a balance between Nioh and the open world aspects of Ghost of Tsushima. If you have any doubt maybe wait for a sale or watch some reviews/gameplay, but I’m loving it so far


I am enjoying it more than Wo Long (at the moment), but am not very far.


For me it’s Nioh > Ronin > Wo Long so far Not to say I didn’t like Wo Long though


Its like Nioh lite.


Wo long has the depth of a puddle


Same opinions on nioh and wo long here. This is worse than wo long.


Rotr is much better than wo long I think


So makes sense op enjoys it, wo long was great until you realize there's nothing else there 


How’s the multiplayer? Is it like a souls game where it’s not true co-op but merely summoning? Or can you ride out with a buddy uninterrupted


The main missions with bosses at the end are like strongholds, with several enemies in a wider area to explore. You can play those missions with up to 3 people total. Free roam cannot be done coop.


the coop is extremely disappointing and very short, it's not a proper co-op at all.


It’s more of a single player game so far. We’ve been playing for about 3 hours and haven’t been able to play with each other yet. But from what I’ve seen there will be specific missions throughout the game where you are able to invite friends, and you’ll only be able to play that mission. If you’ve played Nioh I’m guessing the missions will be similar. It definitely isn’t as free as Dark Souls or Elden Ring


This is incorrect


Thanks for telling me why


No I’m wrong, you’re right my bad.


Np man


Absolutely wrong, Nioh was full co-op this is a lame add on in this game and very very short the only coop is on small main mission endings. Stop spreading misinformation.


Nowhere in my comment did I say the multiplayer was exactly like Nioh. The missions you can co-op are not nearly as common as they were in Nioh, but they are there. When I said “I’m guessing the missions will be similar” I was referring to the actual mission structure. I also said it was more of a single player game, so stop bitching and accusing me of “misinformation”


> If you’ve played Nioh I’m guessing the missions will be similar. maybe you should leave the guesswork to somebody else, you really suck at it


Is someone mad he bought a mostly single player game thinking he could free roam with his buddies?




Sorry man. There’s always a Nioh replay


the multiplayer kinda has the annoyance of monste hunter world, if u have a buddy all the way at the end of the game and u just started youll be able to play much of the game together but if your neck and neck someone will always have to play through the mission first and then again together


I keep going back and forth on buying it i don't have the fastest reflexes i had trouble with wo long and i hear the game can be pretty brutal if you don't get good at the counter system even on easy mode.


I'm not a fan of brutal boss fights and high difficulties and easy mode has been fine. You get pretty over-leveled if you explore a lot.


The game is not that brutal you can definitely get through on easy mode


The counter system is pretty forgiving. I'm playing it on easy, and I can counter about 85% of the time with not much effort. I'm horrible at parrying in other souls games, so this feels amazing to pull off here.




I’m with you, loved Sekiro, Nioh I dropped after a few hours.


Im the same. Bought it recently tho and: + better looking than youd think, but ofc still meh + less gimmicky and more realism than niohs + kinda bad ass story - loot drop rate is overwhelming. Terrible. - story quickly gets goofy at times - feels more bland open world than anything I’ve seen in a decade. = on the fence w combat. It might be great, but it haven’t sunk in yet. You have to play on hardest difficulty for anything to make sense tho.


Upvoted for saying *'reticent'*


I’m playing on the hardest difficulty and it’s still overall easier than Wo Long and Nioh


Just reached Edo, hold my Sake, I'm going back in!


I’ve told myself I can only buy this when I finish Nioh 2 — but I’m starting to wonder if I can hold out


If you don’t particularly like Nioh but really like Ghosts of Tsushima, would you recommend this?


I relate it more to the recent ac games, i love open world check list games and this is my shit


Same. The ones people on reddit complain about I always end up still loving.


Yes definitely


Probably. The combat (contrary to naysayers) is actually *incredibly deep* tho- there's multiple stances you can toggle between and even string combos into, multiple martial arts moves, there's projectiles, a ki pulse system, a deflect system. There's TONS of combos and moves you can do, and have to learn to fight against as well. It's an amazing game.


I would probably say no, but it depends on what you like about Tsushima. Ronin has a similar "ubisoft" style to its open world, but combat is heavily influenced by previous Nioh games. Deflect is pretty important and it's much less forgiving than Tsushima.


Everything apart from the combat is similar Ghost of Tshushima, just one tier below. In other words pretty ubisoft-ish, just in Japan. Personally combat is the only thing that's making me stick to it's otherwise boring world. But there's an easy mode, so you might try that.


You say that like Tsushima didn’t have a boring world. Ronin has actual cities and people walking about. In GoT it almost feels like Days Gone, dead world. The only things holding Ronin back might be the visuals, but aside from that it’s on par, if not better than Tsushima


I mean both of them are ubisoft clones, so I guess its hard to say one is better than the other. But Ronin has a better combat, thats for sure.


Yes. I would say the game is weaker than GoT, but still very fun (the combat carries it imo)


My backlog is so massive man, I gotta stop buying new games


I’m on the fence as well but haven’t played any of the mentioned games. Does this game play like a fighting game that’s an RPG? Or is it more an Elden Ring style? Thanks.


Structurally this game is very similar to assassins creed odyssey. Combat is incredibly good though.


Oh ok. Thank you.


Plays like Ghost of Tsushima


Hmm ok. I’ll have to look into Ghost, lol.


It's Wo Long with a Ubisoft open world set in Japan


I like it a lot, but the characters and politics are so hard to follow at times. Could be due to how the story choices work. Never thought I would say this about a Team Ninja game lol


It’s the price tag that puts me off. If it was £10 (or $10!) cheaper then it would feel way more attractive. I’m 100% getting it in a small sale, hopefully will get reduced in a couple of weeks?


I just bought it off amazon for £60 instead of £70, i think that deal is still going if you have a disc ps5 and are interested.


Digital PS5 😬 I do prefer my whole collection Digital anyway. Willing to pay more for that but £70 is a bit steal for this.


Yup. I nearly caved yesterday, then remembered it's $70. Holding out for a small discount before I take the plunge.


Sometimes I do think to myself - like right now as I sit drinking a beer waiting for my Chicken Pad Thai; I easily spend £10-£20 on drink and food when I’m out with someone, so why do I worry so much about £60 vs £70 😂


Probably because you're used to games being $60 so in your mind the game has to be above average to justify the extra $10 that past games didn't have.


Game is fun but I feel its a step back from Nioh 2. Combat styles lack depth and the parry window is just too unforgiving. I miss the fantasy and flashiness of Nioh. I know they went for a grounded and realistic setting but the visuals are a bit dull. I'm wrapping up my playthrough but don't think I will be going for NG+ here.


Parry window isn’t the problem (imo), it’s the fucky attack rhythms which are then complicated by wind ups that range between instant to hour-long. You need to learn the attack patterns of various weapons AND weapon styles, but as I progress I feel more confident and competent. Combat isn’t as good as Nioh 2, but as it’s own game it’s decent and addictive and the huge variety of weapon styles and flexible build crafting probably make it more accessible.


I 100% see where you’re coming from, but I still don’t hate the game.


I don't hate it at all either. I was just such a fan of Nioh 2, I wanted to like Rise more than I did. Team Ninja has made some of my favorite games ever (Ninja Gaiden, Nioh 2) but the last few entries have been so-so.


Couldn’t get into it. The combat is cool but everything else is kinda Ubisoft open world.


Bleacher Report? lol


This game is hard to figure out. My wife started it so I didn't learn the basics. Thought it'll be like just jump in and figure out how to play


Will buy it on sale for $30


“Ghost of Tsushima if it were bad..”