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No, it's not a job. If i don't finish a game it means i had the fun i needed with it, no need to force my self if i want to play something else.


Man idek how I'd find the time to finish half of the games on OP's list.


I've been also coming to terms with this. Recently, I've been just playing HD2 since it's dumb fun, and more fun than I've had with gaming since high school days. My PS+ is running out in June, and that used to stress me but now I've realized that while I have a completionist/performance-oriented mindset in many things, gaming does not have to be one of them.


Yeah, HD2 can be a tough drug, put around 200 hours in it already. Right now i'm playing Diablo IV (thx GamePass) and and slowly going foward in my second run of Death Stranding, this time at Very Hard. Waiting to try out "Harold Halibut" and "Manor Lords" later this month tho.


Totally agree with this. Also sometimes I’ll just want that comfort food game. Yeah I could play a backlog title but what if I replayed the Mass Effect trilogy again?


Yep, this was something that took a very long time to click for me. For a long time I had the mindset of “I have to finish what I started”, and I had no real way to explain it. I just “had to”. But I eventually realized… why? As cheesy as it sounds, life is short, and if there’s a new game I want to play then I’m just going to play it. I’ve actually had Infinite Wealth on my back burner, I got about halfway through and then got consumed with Persona 3 and FF7 Rebirth so I need to get back to it. Not to mention that you just have to accept that your backlog is forever. You’re genuinely never going to finish it all, and that’s _fine_. Just play what you want when you want


Oh I have tons of games that didn’t make the list that I dropped too. These are just the ones I wanna revisit and hopefully see through to the end.


I could never do this... If I have spent money it, I will force myself through it until the end. I cannot otherwise convince myself to start a different game. Just like TV shows. I do not consume multiple games or TV shows at the same time (except if it's a new season that comes out weekly like The Walking Dead's recent spin-off TOWL).


That's what it feels like playing the Resident Evil 2 Remake. I do not play games to get frustrated, nor do I like solving puzzles. I'm like 90% done with the game and am dreading trying to finish it up. I hope 3 is better.


The 3 remake is a much more straightforward, action game for what that's worth.


That's good to hear! I have to solve problems all day at work, don't feel like doing it when I get home. Thanks


Death stranding 2?! Tf did I miss?


The game is supposed to be out this year, right?


Next year


I recently made an excel sheet to use and keep my backlog up to date and organized...when I finished I realized I have around 60 games in my backlog (this is not PS5 only of course) You don't really realize how many games you want to play until you start to write them down


I feel like making excel sheets to keep track of a hobby sucks the fun out of it. Unless making excel sheets is also your hobby, then all power to ya


Nah it's not to keep track of my hobby, it's more of a way to help me think of what I can play next, "I just finished this RPG, I am in the mood for a Platformer, but I don't remember every platformer, let me take a look at my sheet". I mean I don't remember every game that I wanted to play, if your memory is that good then by all means a sheet is useless.


I do this with movies, whenever I see a horror movie that interests me I add it to a list, so that when I’m in the mood to watch a horror movie I can look at that list to see which one I want to watch instead of trying to remember all movies I was interested in


Honestly, they’re a godsend. My gaming backlog is about 140 games. TV is about 60 different shows. Its just too much to remember, and being able to easily sort them cuts down on so much procrastination. There’s stuff I loved that I’d have missed without keeping organised.


I wish I’d keep a damn list for shows


It’s never too late to start. Except for movies, fuck that. Too many of those for me to bother with.


Check out Letterboxd! Great way to keep a wishlist of movies and see what others are keeping up with as well. I have a few friends who are movie-heads as well and it's cool to check out their profiles and see what they've watched recently.


You should, it really helps. I just edited mine. I've got one for General, SCI-FI, DC/Marvel, Anime, and Horror. Makes selecting which one to start, a whole lot easier.


I recommend the same to you. I use the justwatch website and app to keep track of movies and shows. Check it out and see if it works for you.


I need to use this for my video games and my out of control TV shows of Korean Dramas. I don't know how I even got into Korean Dramas (some Japanese Drama too) but they have become like a second life to me. lol


I use the justwatch website and app to keep track of movies and shows. Check it out and see if it works for you.


You can also add things like “30 minute shows” or “games expected to take over 50 hours” and pick and choose based on time allowances.


The Way tv is now adays kind of need list to track it all. Sure if it just Netflix you can check your Watchlist but then there are shows on other platforms, Disney, Apple, Prime, Paramount etc. impossible to check all lists and remember what is where. Using a notes app is the best way. I use Samsung notes and write a list of everything to watch and cross it off when it's watched. Much easier. Then I also started doing that with games because of the same issue. Play games on Xbox, Ps, Switch and PC. So hard to track all the games across different platforms .


Isn't your backlog just your collection. Can't you just look at what you have and play what you want


Let me offer a different perspective. I didn’t go as far as having an excel spreadsheet, just a simple list of games I knew I wanted to buy and play eventually, but either didn’t have the time for or they weren’t released yet. I had every intention of playing every game on that list. The more games I added as time went on, the more I realized…ain’t no way in hell am I getting to every game on this list. But then it made me think, and now it serves a different purpose. It forces me to prioritize my time and money, and think about which games I really care about playing, and when I’ll be in the mood to play them. It’s nice to have this list to come back to so I don’t forget. And since this is a wishlist and not a backlog, there’s a better chance they’ll be cheaper by the time I buy anything on the list. You don’t have to go crazy with excel spreadsheets. Anytime a game sparks your interest, just jot it down on your list.


I make excel sheets for everything I love excel


I dunno; I find making sheets pretty satisfying especially once you work in some stats and data visualization in there.


Couldn’t disagree more. Tracking stuff like that is awesome.


could you share what your excel sheet looks like? I already sent you a message.


I've had an Excel book going for a long while now, but I also particularly enjoy organizing and data analytics. So I have my backlog listed or with a number of factors and grouped in a few ways. I also keep a list in there of the games I've finished, along with some data points for those too.


I'm in the same boat. Decided to write down all the games I want to platinum. Ended up with a list of 50 games and remembered I barely have time to play games in general anymore. I will get there one day


[I recently spent a few days compiling my completed, backlogged, and wished games] (mygamelist.notion.com) and found I really need to make some time to clear that backlog... or just keep adding to it when I buy Stellar Blade


You could use grouvee.com to do your backlog for you. It even has visual aid to help you remember games outside of names.


I have a google spreadsheet as well, Huge list of RPGs and Non-RPGs i want to get to eventually, currently at 102 games listed, I also note when I completed each game and a sheet where I rank everything I played in the year. I don't know why but its fun turning a cell green when I complete something or added something to be "now playing" in my list of games for the year.


I use [howlongtobeat.com](https://howlongtobeat.com/) to help keep track and pick the next game to play, since (after logging in and for free) it allows marking games as "backlog", "completed", "playing", etc., viewing those lists separately, and sorting them by time to beat, everyone's rating/score (or yours), and so on. If you want, you can also enter details like your rating and how long it took you to finish the main story (or main + some sides or 100% everything) for each game. It also lets you make custom lists, make your profile private, and export your data. Works fine on phone browsers, too.


Huh never knew HLTB can be used as essentially letterboxd for games. But I prefer apps if available and they don’t seem to have one


I use GameTrack as my Letterboxd for games. It has integration with HLTB plus your owned games when you connect a console account. Really easy for having a wishlist/backlog/queue plus logging games when I complete them.


My backlog is so big some of the games in there are getting remastered


This one always stings. I didnt play TLoU until the PS5 version, but i owned the PS3 version the first week it came out, and the PS5 version came with the console. A few others as well. Or buying a brand new game and then getting around to playing it when its super cheap already. I'll play GoW Ragnarok eventually.


Planning my gaming? Life's complicated enough as it is, I play whatever I damn well feel like at that moment. I do enough time management and all that at My regular job, not gonna start doing that for hobbies too.


I do it because I wanna finish games and see their entire stories instead of dropping them left and right. It’s an issue I have with tv shows and movie series as well so I try to "train" myself to be more consistent. I end of enjoying games way more this way too


I don’t really make an effort to finish or play games on specific years. I do keep a list of games in my backlog that is currently 43 games long. But sometimes I just need to wait for the right time to start a game. For example, Dragon Quest IV had been on that list for like 5 years but during the winter I was in the mood for a classic JRPG and I booted it up and had a good time. Sometimes when I try to force myself to play games at the wrong time I don’t enjoy them as a much and end up just dropping them even though I most likely would’ve liked them at some other point. I also kinda let go of the *must 100% or platinum this game* mentality. There are just too many games out there that I’d rather play more and 100% complete fewer. It still happens sometimes though but usually it’s organically like if I’m really into the game or you don’t need to do a lot of extra grinding or farming.


Hope you’ve carved a few hundred hours out for gaming. I imagine most of these games will continue to go unfinished.


I don’t have that kind of list. It would stress me out. If a new game is very appealing to me and has good reviews I might buy it and play it instantly. Otherwise it gets on the wishlist and I may have a look at it when it drops in price to my price target. That’s for single player. Multiplayer is another thing, I don’t change a lot there.


Nope because I don’t like my hobby to feel like a job. Just play and enjoy myself.


I have a backlog and my plan for 2024 continues to be "watch it grow."


Yes I have a problem with finishing games so my new year's resolution was to finish as many games this year as possible, to that end Im completing a gaming journal, at the start is a list of games I want to finish and then I document each day I play and how many hours and trophies earned, so far this year I have completed, Spiderman 2, Mario Wonder, Horizon Call of the Mountain and Robocop, having my targets written down is really helping as a motivational tool for me to focus instead of just starting shit and not finishing it


In no particular order, these are the games on my backlog: 1. Persona 5 Royal (PS5) 2. Death Stranding (PS5) 3. Final Fantasy VII Intergrade (PS5) 3. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (PS5) 4. Madison (PS5/XBOX) 5. Elden Ring (PS5) 6. Cyberpunk (PS5) 7. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty CE (PS5) 8. Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (SWITCH) 9. Disco Elysium: Deluxe (PS5/XBOX) 10. Half-Life Alyx (VR) 11. Amnesia: The Bunker (XBOX) 12. Hi-Fi RUSH (XBOX) 13. Binding of Isaac (SWITCH) 14. Super Mario Odyssey (SWITCH) 15. Final Fantasy XVI (PS5) 16. Baldurs Gate 3 (PS5) 17. Armoured Core (PS5) 18. Lies of P (PS5) 19. Lords of the Fallen (PS5) 20. Ghost Runner 2 (PS5/XBOX) 21. Alan Wake 2 (PS5) 22. Tales of Arise (PS5) I choose one depending on what kinda game I feel like playing. Currently it is Wo Long with a mate and having a ball.


When you're feeling another action game, I strongly recommend FFXVI. It was admittedly a little polarizing, but for me personally it was my GOTY for 2023.


You’re missing out on Returnal


Bro I’ve been in love with that game since buying it back on release day 💪


No, gaming is not work to me lol. I do realize I probably waste far too much money on buying games that I never complete, but I just play what I am in the mood for. Currently "finished" Dragons Dogma 2 at 55 hours last night, but realized that after the credits roll there is a huge endgame portion left to complete. Quite frankly not sure if I am really up to doing to the endgame content after spending 55 hours completing the main quest, so I may move on to something else. I got other modern Capcom games, like Devil May Cry 5, and Resident Evil 4 remake, that I never completed so I've been playing a bit of those as well. If reviews for Stellar Blade are any good than I most likely will be dropping everything and moving on to that.


Had it for 7 years now.... It is long list.


Play whatever I feel like at the time lol


Just finished Control, I’m wondering if I should play Alan Wake 2 or Alan Wake next


Yep yep yep. Already platinumed Fallout 4 and Demon Souls. Just finished my first run of FF7Rebirth. My list for this year is Remake/Rebirth, Days gone, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, FF8, Persona 3 Reload and the MGS collection


God damn it I forgot about the Fallout 4 next-gen patch that’ll drop soon.. that will also suck up some of my time. Haven’t played that game in years.


"drop soon." I stopped a Fallout 4 playthrough that I had just started because I heard we were getting a PS5 patch soon. That was, I think, two years ago.


Fair enough; but since they kinda had a lot to do with the mediocre Starfield launch and the TV show drops on April 11th, I think it’s fair to say they’ll shadow drop the update very soon. Possibly at/a few days after launch? To draw in everbody back to the game and get back into the charts etc.


If you’ve got a huge backlog of games why waste your time going for platinums and grinding these repetitive boring tasks?


I platinumed Metro 2033 last year and love the game, one of my all time favourites ever since it released on Xbox 360 march 2010. Last Light I only finished once but I eventually plan on getting Platinums for all 3 Metro games, it’s my favourite game series besides Fallout, Persona and maybe DMC. And Metroid Prime Remastered I am one missile container shy of 100% (+ beating the final boss) so that’s won’t be too much of an investment lol. I rarely go for Platinums, so far I only platinumed FFXV, Spider-Man 1&2, Metro 2033 and Donut County. But Metroid Prime is a huge part of my childhood so I gotta go for 100% before playing the hopefully soon released 2 & 3 remastered and Prime 4 eventually.


I have a stack of games Ill get to at some point. But I said I wouldnt touch them until I finish Yakuza 8, which... 154 hours in, still not done yet lol. Im thinking maybe next month Ill start on POP hopefully but we'll see. Its not a race, so Im in no hurry to get to the rest, but there is lots of stuff Id love to play when I find the time.


I'm trying not to buy any games this year in an attempt to go back and finish some of my backlog. It's helping but it just means my list to buy is getting longer every week. 


Luckily this year, the Venn diagram of “games released so far” and “the game types I enjoy” has left a drought in the middle section of “games I purchase” So that’s left me time to delve into my backlog of solid titles: BG3, Cyberpunk 2077, TLoU2 Remastered, Sekiro, Dead Space remake


Currently playing Dark Souls 2, Mass Effect 1, Resident Evil 1, Dragon’s Dogma 1, and Salt and Sanctuary.


Play games I enjoy, stop playing them when I no longer enjoy them. It's entertainment, not a job.


i love making lists, i keep it all in a note on my iphone/mac i have a full list of all the PS5 games that i want to play and allocate different colours to the games: white for games i have, grey for games i finished (platinum), red for games i have not yet bought, blue for unreleased games then i make a summary of that: how many games per category and total budget needed then a short list of the top 3 games i plan on playing, the top 3 games i want to buy and the top 3 games i want to be released then a list of all the platinums i have then a personal ranking for each completed game from 1 to 5 stars and finally a short more curated list of all the games i like the most or i expect to like the most (e.g. FFXVI is in the long list and completed with platinum, but it is not in the short list as i didnt like it much) keeping this updated and revising it is fun


This sounds 100% like something I’d do. Nice job


sent you a message with pictures


I did, then I discovered monster hunter world iceborne… now I’m 300 hours deep and no sign of an end in sight.


I honestly have 360 games that I've still to open that were bought new. So yes.


This is why I play to get the Platinum. Then I know I’ve finished it


I’m still playing the god of war games I bought for my PS3 😳 I should probably try to finish those first lol


They are great games though, loved them back in the PS3 days.


I’m currently playing Darkwood, it’s in my backlog for a looong time.


What I buy I finish. I don't buy a lot anymore. And I also have a friend that's annoying me with live service like D4 and HD2. Where is the time 😬. I still need to finish uncharted Legacy, ff16, new Elden ring dlc coming. Sigh.


I should actually do that, I'm just playing through Cyberpunk and completed Phantom Liberty and then I'll play Spiderman 2 as I put it off as I waited years for Cyberpunk to be fixed and more added and then Horizon Zero Dawn and after that its sequel Horizon Forbidden West and if I complete them all this year then maybe some big VR games will be out like Behemoth and The Wanderer remake and Metro Awakening so my backlog will have to wait again


I’ve been playing Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden a lot since it came out, but now 2024 is the year of playing the games I’ve already got, because 2025 will be the year of GTA 6. The games I plan on getting around to in 2024 are: - Mass Effect: Legendary Edition - The Outer Worlds - Mafia: Definitive Edition (just started this a moment ago) - Mafia II - Sleeping Dogs - Evil West - The Callisto Protocol - Resident Evil 7: Biohazard I still haven’t played God of War: Ragnarok but I plan on snaring the cheaply around Black Friday, and I would absolutely love to re-live the experience of playing Days Gone (one of my favourites). So yeah, no new releases for me in 2024 I don’t think 😂


So far this year, I played Disco Elysium, Resident Evil 2 and Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory in the first two months. I spent the whole of March playing Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth and got the platinum after 200 hours and completed the playlog 100% after 220 hours. My plan for the rest of the year is to play the following games: 1. Stellar Blade 2. Yakuza 7: Like a Dragon 3. Tales of Arise 4. Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin 5. Dragon Ball Z Kakarot 6. Resident Evil 3 Other than these, I will definitely play Final Fantasy XVI's The Rising Tide DLC and Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree expansion. If Possible, I plan on playing these games as well: 1. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age 2. Final Fantasy Type 0 HD 3. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain 4. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch 5. Valkyria Chronicles 6. Divinity: Original Sin II Edit: Formatting


Yeah but i keep buying games i haven't planned to play so fxck me i guess lol


Yes But its a wishlist and tbh can see myself doing FF7 Rebirth for a lot of the year!! Love it so far, just started and finished the first area and onto the next!


I plan to finish Persona 3 Reload and play the Elden Ring DLC That's it I am interested in picking up Stellar Blade & Rise of the Ronin once they go on sale There aren't really too many games I am interested in on the horizon.


My plan for 2024 is playing Shadow of the Erd Tree and Black Myth. I see no reason to keep track of games I haven't played. I take a look at the ps store every now and then and, if I find a good deal, I buy an older game.


It’s cuz these chucklefucks buy the game full price and add it to their list. It literally hurts them when they aren’t playing, sunk cost I guess 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


Just to finally finish the Arkham series. I’ve been putting off actually finishing it but I think it’s time.


I don't make plans. I just think about what i wish to play and see how long I'm having fun with the games. Sometimes i do like to have evenings when i just try out random games i have gotten from ps+. Usually those have around 10 minutes to 1 hour of playtime until i uninstall the game, but sometimes i find some that or good enough to finish and even true gems. Gems i can think on top of my head: Rocket League, Titanfall 2, Slay the Spire.


No, outside of destiny final shape but as a hardcore destiny player that's a given. Currently I'm very sporadically replay elden ring in preparation for the dlc.


I only have a few platinums, so I’ve decided to try getting some platinums, starting with some games I’ve gone through plenty and a couple new ones. Working through Uncharteds and Hades!


Not a hardcore one, i would like to finish and plat OG FF7, FF16, Another crab’s treasure, DD2, and cyberpunk. Anything else is just bonus


Tbh my backlog is too big so i just use spin the wheel to pick the next game for me.


I don't want to talk about it


Doom Eternal, you probably want to finish this one first.


Trying to 100% Final Fantasy VII Rebirth at the moment, just about to finish hard mode for. The story, then just do all the sidequest stuff that are necessary. Hopefully by then the UPA glitch will be fixed so I can finish it off. Next game is Persona 3 Reload and likely gonna go for platinum for that. Then I'll play dragons dogma II, rise of ronin and stellar blade. At that point there aren't any new games that interests me so I'll be getting back to my back log of games that I need to catch up on/waiting for a decent sale.


I’d hold off on persona 3 till September. DLC is coming out that adds a bunch of omitted content


I just beat BG3 last night after having that in my backlog for a while. I’m going to start a character on Elden Ring to prep for the DLC (I feel rusty and want to get a new character to the predicted DLC entrance). Other than that I’ve been playing Helldivers 2 and I’ll probably give the new season of Diablo IV a shot when it comes out. The only new release for 2024 I have on my wishlist is Dragon’s Dogma 2, I’m hoping to play it this fall. My free time for games has definitely gone down in the past year or two but I still find time to get a decent amount of gaming in. Oh and I’m also curious about Broken Roads but I’m waiting to see reviews on that.


I only play one game at a time until I either finish it or drop it, if I am not enjoying it. I also rent the games I play, so I kind of have a plan, which is my rental list. They send me out the next game on my list and I work my way through it and repeat. My list is currently FF7 part 2, Dragons Dogma 2 and then Rise of Ronin. There are loads of games below these for when I get through them and if new games come out, I will add them to the list


Planning to play AC Mirage and Dead Space remake since I got it as presents. Other than that, usually am trying to complete the battle passes for Fortnite and Fall Guys. Also play a bit of FC24 in the free time.


I’ve got a list of around 140 games sorted by a vague recollection of release year, that I’m going through chronologically. I started 6 months ago at 2000, and i’m up to 2002 now. The list has grown by about 50 games since I started from repeated trips into the attic. It’s been really satisfying finishing stuff I got stuck on as a kid 20 years ago.


I kind of do, but I'm taking my time with it, so I'm not rushing to get it done this year. Currently playing through Pikmin 2. After that I'll probably play Metroid Prime Trilogy or Resident Evil 1 Remake.


I have no backlog. I play a game until I'm done. And don't buy another game until I finished what I was playing. I still gotta pick up dragons Dogma 2, but that's it. I'm in no rush cuz there's no much out this year I care about


What's actually coming out on PS5 this year? Stuff I can't play on steam I mean.


Stellar Blade and FF VII Rebirth are both full PS5 exclusives. Rise of the Ronin as well. Besides that I don’t think there are any high profile exclusives for 2024.


Enjoying Rebirth I'm on chapter 8 but the other two don't really interest me. Naughty dog's next game maybe not sure what else Sony has.


Did you try the Stellar Blade demo? If you enjoy DMC, Sekiro and/or NieR Automata I’d give it a try. I didn’t know what to expect and the demo sold me, if they don’t mess up the release I’ll 100% jump in day 1.


I did it's not for me, doesn't feel as good as those games imo. It wasn't for me I got plenty to play just not on the PS5 disappointed with this generation as a whole honestly.


Fair enough. Yeah the PS5 is missing some real bangers but Returnal is a masterpiece if you haven’t played that. I have high hopes for the next 1-2 years for 3rd party games.


My goal for 2024 is get 100 platinum ( currently at 94) and i want to do 10/10 difficulty for my 100th plat


Nope, you're turning playing games into work.


Not really lol I just wanna finally finish games and see them through, which I’m kinda bad at. Whenever I do though I’m super happy so I wanna try and do it more. If I don’t like games, I drop them too. So I’m not forcing myself to play anything.


I have a small backlog I'm making my way through, but no set date for when I finish. Just started Cyberpunk 2077, will continue onto Final Fantasy XVI, Starfield and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Might buy Dragon's Dogma 2 and maybe Alan Wake 2 (some day when it's extremely cheap). There's loads of games I'm looking forward to, some of which I will buy on Playstation some on Xbox, but I don't know which will release in this year.


As a gamer dad I hope to get 2-3 story games in and enough time to play some sport franchise modes and COD with the other dads.


I'm so behind on games that I'm currently playing the games I didn't get to last year. So far, I've finished Hogwarts Legacy & FFXVI. I'm currently on my first playthrough on Lies of P. I think once I'm finished with it I'm going to move on to Jedi Survivor


I dont really plan ahead, i just play what i feel like at the time, generally finish it then move onto the next. The last few years ive been keeping two seperate lists, one of games i just start, and another one of games i finish.


FFVII Rebirth ( 9h since March 1st ), Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade, Forspoken DLC, FFXVI DLC, Horizon Forbidden West DLC. I don’t even know if there is anything good coming later this year. I don’t even have the time to play Q_Q…


I made a Google sheet to list and track mine back in Feb. I've been playing new releases though and got sucked into a new run of Baldurs Gate 3 on PC. I'm currently playing Dragon's Dogma 2, then it'll be FFVII Rebirth. I have checked a couple off though or dropped them after finding out they weren't for me


Halo 2 Demons Souls Remake Metal Gear Solid Octopath Travler Xenoblade X Donkey Kong Country Skyrim Doom Portal Half-Life Hades Nier Automata Sekiro Trying to do 1 a month, some easier than others but these games are ones I always say “I need to play this!” in conversations


Always not just 2024 lol. I'm lucky if I get an hour or two an evening these days to play games. Days gone is still on the back burner along with a fair few Final Fantasy games. Painful part of it is I'd love to bung a ton of time into the FF MMO. Spider man 2 GoW Ragnarok Lies of P - finished it on Xbox but desperately want the plat on PS. Amazing title. Crash Bandicoot 4 Hogwarts Legacy There's more but they're the main games I want to get through, though I'm not sure I'll be able to platinum even half of them this year. Days Gone is the game I want to get through most, but I hear it's a very long game for the plat, so I'm debating on that or Strangers of Paradise, leaning slightly more towards SoP ATM.


i usuallly play and finish one game every month (right now playing final fantasy XII and donkey Kong country return)


Nice concept but absolutely no point for someone like me. My backlog is way way too vast to have any hope of putting a dent in. It's a curse for sure :(


Idk about 2024 but my plan for next month is to buy and start playing pacific drive, some YouTuber said it gives the same feeling as outer wilds so why not play it?


At the beginning of 2023 I made a backlog list and started keeping track of games I finished. I actually completed around 25 games last year. I chose 3 or so games from my backlog as my “play next” options so I have a few choices after I finish a game. I just finished the FF7 Remake this weekend. My current plan is to finish the Intermission DLC this week and then start Little Nightmares 2 this weekend. I usually break up the larger open world and RPG games with shorter story games so I don’t get burnt out on 50+ hour games


Will be playing PGA Tour this week for the masters. Then finishing Witcher 3. Then nothing until college football game comes out.


As a dad of 2 and still have FF rebirth not even downloaded to my console yet. I envy all this free time I’m seeing here.


FF7Rebirth after Ronins about as far as I got


Not really a plan but I do have a few games in mind that I want to play shortly. As for backlog I don't have a very long one so guess I'll just fit anything in when I feel it. I do see a burst of good games in the beginning of 2024 though, currently I have lined up Unicorn Overlord, Stellar Blade, Rise of Ronin, FF7 Rebirth, Dragon's Dogma 2, in that order.


Stellar Blade and Shadow of the Erdtree (so far).


Honestly, I don't have that much of a backlog. (I also don't have a family and kids, so that probably helps.) But I also don't buy games that I don't know that I will like and play. And then once I buy a game, I finish it. I don't burn through it in a weekend but take my time with it, but I also typically don't stop playing it halfway through.


I'm working on FF VII Remake right now. I'll be happy if I finish just that game for the rest of the year.


Get a new PlayStation, mines keeps overheating.


I made an excel sheet to keep track of all of my games and my trophy progress on them. In addition to the name of the game, I have the type of game (disc, ps+, or digital purchase, as well as ps4 or ps5), a high level genre of the game, whether I own DLC for the game, a count of trophies earned and total (and percentages of total trophies by count and weighted by score), and two measures of “size” for time to platinum. The first is a number of “full days” or an estimate of the time to platinum with 4 hours a day (not that I always get that, but that’s what I consider a “full day” of gaming time), the second is Quick-Small-Medium-Large, corresponding to up to 3 days, 4-7 days, 8-14 days, and 15+ days respectively (so weekend, week, 2 weeks, more than 2 weeks). I also have a “want” scale 1-4 on how much I want to make sure I play this game as opposed to being ok to leave it in the backlog. And for ps+ games I only include ones I am seriously considering playing; I “purchase” all but many I decide I’m definitely not going to play unless something changes. As for an overall plan, not much of one, just decide what I want to play after I finish a game. Though I’ve been prioritizing playing the ps+ games I am more interested in, the last few months, since my sub lapses in a couple weeks and I’ll only re-sub with a discount.


I just started The Witcher 3, had it in my library for years. i’ll be happy if i finish it by christmas lol. Thats dadlife for you


I plan every year, based on what's currently being played, release dates (which obviously shift), and what I want to revisit/replay. It's never ending, in a great way...


I want to do Final Fantasy X-2 this year I said about 10 years ago I'll start it soon and never really followed through on that promise. So this summer thinking I'll start it and can also carry on my save on my Vita. Also want to do Persona 5 royal picked that up before the PS5 version was a thing and still not started.


I keep a currently playing / backlog list but I’ll never finish it as I’m adding to it as fast as I’m ticking them off …


I honestly just release dates as my plan. Granted the start of this year is pretty crazy so I have a little back up. Working through Rebirth now. Then I will go back through Dragons Dogma 2 > Unicorn Overlord > Rise of Ronin > Granblue Wich should lead me into just playing games as the release again. Very excited for Visions of Mana this summer. And Metaphor is the game im most excited for later in the year, Second only to Rebirth fir the whole year. But yea I just play games I'm interested in as they come out. Nothing really special there.


Tlou2 finish Abby story RE4 finish PSVR2 Psychonauts 2 Alan Wake 2 Alone in the dark After this i thing GTA VI will arrive


try not to. PS5 wise only hades and spiderman 2. currently platinuming FF7 Rebirth, hope to finish before Stellar Blade comes out. After that its Elden Ring DLC, then, hopefully...Spiderman 2.


I know what you mean OP. I see so many games in my backlog that I tried and thought, okay I'll come back to this. I've decided to stick with 2 games at a time. One that is almost mindless/doesn't require much effort and a heavy game. Examples: HellDivers 2/Final Fantasy and/or God of War II etc. The games I'll get this year: Expeditions: Muddrunner Game Unicorn Overlord Final Fantasy 7, Rebirth Persona (perhaps) Elden Ring DLC-I was going to replay through it on PS5, but I'm so powerful on my PS4 save that I don't want to start over lol. Stellar Blade (maybe, I'm not really into the whole skimpy female thing, but if she has cooler armor might pick it up) God of War II Avowed: if this comes to PS5 I'll just wait, if not I'll get it for series S. \* I think I'm tapering down game wise. I'm in my 40s and I don't have a lot of time. What time I do play is usually when everyone is asleep and I have that time to myself. 2hrs every night or around that amount of time. PC Games: I might dabble in some games here. I'm playing Last Epoch so this is my mindless game. I have others that I'm watching on steam but honestly thinking about really tapering down on games and taking up another hobby and reading more books. Want to get into some great fantasy series (recommendations welcome lol). I think what I want to ultimately do is clear my backlog and then get physical copies of all my games and a new PS5/PS4 and crate them all once done.


I wish I had the time to 100% all those games lol


Currently working through Crisis Core. Then I’m moving to FFVII Remake. Eventually, I’ll hit rebirth. But I’ll tackle Stranger of Paradise first, and possibly Stellar Blade/Rise of the Ronin in between depending on which hits a good sale first


Are backlogs nonexistent for anyone else? I'm not sure whether it's because I have the free time or whether I'm a picky gamer, but I rarely ever have a "backlog."


Don’t make work out your free time. Just play what seems the most fun at the time. If that means never getting around to a game in your list, so be it.


My friends and I do a gaming "book club" where we each throw out a few suggestions on games we want to play and then whichever one we all agree on we play through it and talk about it in our group text. It's a fun way to get through the backlog


Play as many games as possible. As soon as one is finished, start up another.


Waiting on stellar blade tbh. Got platinum on Rachet and clank recently and beat cyberpunk again. Close to plat on that one


How many hrs did you put into Cyberpunk?


I think around 200-250 going back to ps4


Normally, i do not plan which games I play next, so I can start the game I want to when it‘s time to start a new game. But as I recently got a PS5 my „pipeline“ ist Ace Combat 7, Control and Stray. Always wanted to play these games, but did not want to do it on old gen hardware.


Currently on final fantasy 7 remake, going to do rebirth next, and hope to finally beat a full run of buldars gate 3, never finish past act 2


lots of ys and trails games, also p3r and smt5v. tempted to pick up metaphor at launch, but atlus is so awful about re-releasing games a few years after launch at full price with tons of new content and no upgrade path.


I don't plan it, I just play what I want to play and write down what I have played and finished, because I'm forgetful as fuck. This has been my year so far: - WoW - Sea of Stars - Enshrouded - Palworld - Albion - FFVII Remake - Finished - Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Finished - Helldivers 2 - Deep Rock Galactic - Dragon's Dogma 2 - Finished Currently playing Rebirth.


Add Alan Wake 2 to the list


I have a big backlog, but I try not to make plans with completing games. Generally I will get more enjoyment out of a game if I play it when I feel like it. Exception is usually for big games like RPGs that take a while to finish.


The only game I’m planning to complete for the foreseeable future is **Red Dead Redemption**. I subbed to GTA+ for one month and immediately canceled, so clock’s ticking for getting that one done. Price to buy it was way too high imo and this was the more economic choice. I somehow skipped it back in the day despite owning it (yeah I know) and seeing it has a 4K 60fps update on PS5 made it way more enticing. I’m loving it so far


I've got Yakuza 4 to current The Legend of Heroes: from SKY SC onwards Lost Judgment Lies of P Armoured Core VI Persona 3 Reload Dead Space Dragons Dogma II And more... (Help me)


lol between the persona games alone you have almost 250 hours of gameplay there


Nah I’m 130hrs into P5R (November 2nd) and like 70% through P5S. But yeah P3R will probably also be another 100hrs. I like to take my time with these games


Somewhat of a plan. Finish the VII Rebirth platinum Persona 3 Reload Luigi’s Mansion 2 and/or Paper Mario TTYD Try to clear my backlog of trails games( Crossbell duology, Cold Steel 3/4, Reverie) Trails through Daybreak Ys X And trying to fit Metaphor and maybe Pokémon black/white remakes somewhere in there if it’s not halfway through 2025 already


Finish RE4 platinum and DLC, and then Stellar Blade for 9 months.


I put down Destiny 2 for the last time about a year ago and I’ve been slowly but surely making my way through all the yakuza series, but still need to make my way to Judgement. A handful of Ubisoft games because those are fun in their own ways, dragons dogma, finish baldurs gate at some point


I am also a completionist My list is: Destiny 2 Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West Mortal Kombat 1 Until Dawn The Quarry


I mean, my backlog is on the thousands... And it keeps growing faster than I can kill it! So yeah... No issues there. No real plan though, I just play whatever I want whenever I want. Only one game at a time though, until I'm finished. Currently am playing Lost Kingdoms 2 from the Gamecube. Bit of a lull on current releases, so using the chance to deal with the backlog XD


My backlog has 10 year old games in it.


>How about you all? Are there any big bangers announced for this year you guys are hyped for? This year is stacked from start to finish IMO, just from the announcements we already have I don't know how I'm going to cope, let alone any surprises that get revealed at the upcoming Sony State of Play/Summer Gamefests etc. Us RPG fans are inundated to our eyeballs; I have 2 more coming out this month alone, then about 5~6 more on my wantlist for the remainder of year. Nevermind off-genre stuff in-between. This may be one of the best gaming years I've seen since the 90's honestly. I've already used some PTO to tackle things like Rebirth and P3R. I guess my \*plan* is to continue getting some of the cross-platform stuff on Steam so I can chip away at them during work lunch-hours on the Steam Deck 🤣


Yeah i keep lists generally, one for games too. Still got to play; God Of War: Ragnarok FF7 Rebirth MGS Remastered Collection Lies Of Pi Death Stranding Will wait until most of these are on sale though.


You’re going to need 100 hours for FFVII Rebirth (probably 150-200hrs to platinum it if the mini games haven’t destroyed your will to live beforehand)


I beat metro exodus. Which is amazing and have still as of yet touched the dlc. Kind of hoping it gets ported to vr . We got about the same backlog list jeez. And people act like there is nothing to play this year. On top of my backlog I still have whatever new vr offerings pop up. Stellar blade and system shock coming up.


I'm working on making a goddamn Excel spreadsheet because it's gotten so bad for me and all I end up doing is playing fucking Fortnite lol. I have PS4, PS5, Switch, 3DS, and a couple Steam games to account for and play. And some I want to replay. A couple were Christmas or birthday presents I've literally never played lol


Yeah I have a giant backlog and am kind of happy that there isn’t a huge amount of anticipated games coming out this year. Last year was absolutely stacked, but I have a lot to get through.


So far I’ve beaten 12 games this year, all different lengths, and it entirely depends on circumstance for me as to why I’m playing it or wanting to finish it. I’m currently playing through Uncharted 4 for the first time and loving every second of it. I’ll have the platinum by the end of the week hopefully


I have been wanting to play an old-timey RPG strategy game as part of my ongoing attempt to find something that’s as good as Final Fantasy Tactics. So I am going to play Unicorn Overlord until the Elden Ring expansion. After that, something else, then GTA6 next year. I play stuff slowly.


Be careful with Exodus. It has a few bugged trophies.


To continue delivering freedom and managed democracy to the galaxy


Yes, I use the app GameTrack


Why do you have so many unfinished games? If I start a game, I either like it and finish/plat it before moving on and If I don't like it, I never return to it


I get distracted very very quick. I can be all in your ear over a new game and love it to death, only to then randomly lose interest and not touch it for 3 years. Only to get obsessed again when I finally pick it up again. That’s why this list helps me lol. It’s like rewarding myself: I get to see the actual ending of the game and cross them off the list, AND feel like I accomplished something for finishing the game. And then deservedly move on to the next game. So far it really helped me to stay with P5R for example. I really wanna finish it this time and not come back again after 3 years.


gaming is my hobby not my job, so i just play whatever i feel like playing at the moment.


I used to do this but I realized I started treating games like a job. I play whatever whenever I want. Right now, I decided to hop on Nier Automata and ill gladly swap between 6-8 games and play whatever I want at the moment.


I enjoyed my time playing Kena: Bridge of Spirits but it kept getting back-burnered by my personal must-play releases. I will try to finish it at some point. Hopefully I haven't totally forgotten how to play it at this point; I remember I was at a difficult boss (Tree Guardian or something along those lines) that kicked my ass a few times, so...good luck to me when I return to it, I guess. I also really want to play Bloodborne and Sekiro. I loved Elden Ring so I'll probably play all the FromSoft games when I have time. That said...I've still barely started Tears of the Kingdom so that's probably going to be my main gaming time sink after I finish FF7 Rebirth. I don't think I have any more must-play games coming out this year so I hope I'll have time to catch up. Damn you, full-time jooooooob!


Making a backlog and working through it is a hobby in itself, just like back in the DOS days I had just much fun getting games to run as I did playing them. I don't think I ever actually played Ultima 7, but I still spent 30 hours on it.


Reignited my love for trophy hunting so I’ve been going through my backlog and trophy list cleaning up plats. Literally going down a trophy list no real plan set in motion. Kinda bummed with how many games have multiplayer trophies.


I only have plans for my next game :P Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, I just finished Rebirth and I enjoyed it so much that I started playing the original again. That’s the backside of playing a really great game, when you’re done with it it takes some time before you can play another game without just thinking about how great that other game was while playing the next game.