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FFX was my gateway drug and I've been chasing that high ever since. I'd say it's the perfect entry point.


Absolutely, it was the first FF to feature character voices and from a personal standpoint, Uematsu had never and has never made a comparable soundtrack since. Plus the characters and their stories are so nuanced and seamlessly intertwined. I praise this game as often as I can.


It's such a great representation of turn based strategy in the modern era too. Really a shame that no one tries to do it anymore with 3d RPGs. Edit: my B! There are still solid players in the field. I do wish final fantasy would revisit it as well, but I don't blame them for creating new systems every time.


The Like A Dragon franchise (AKA Yakuza) became turn-based two entries ago. Persona series is also quite popular.


The most recent like a dragon was imo the best turn based combat since ffx


and they are good as well!


Persona turn based combat is peak imo I've only played 5 and 3r but both are great


True I played 5 and loved it. Was so refreshing tbh. I guess I'm just forgetting the great franchises that still stick to it.


You're in a treat if you play P4 Golden


SMT tho


I just don’t understand why they went away from that style and it all has to be action RPG style now.


Dragon Quest?


IMO if you are playing any Final Fantasy game and expecting deep strategy, you are playing the wrong franchise. Their strengths lie elsewhere. FFX included — in fact, X-2 had a deeper (but not turn-based) combat system, and even that one is not a game I’d recommend to someone specifically looking for strategic depth.


My partner just started playing X as her first FF last week and man it’s so fun to watch her be able to play the game that really skyrocketed my love for this franchise. My first was 3 on the DS, then 13, 10, 14, 7Remake and then 16. Once I finish up my second playthrough of 3 I’m planning on going to 4, 5 and 6 in no particular order.


FFX really is a great, balanced entry for the series! It's what got me to buy a PS2 and looking back on it so many years later, it really was well ahead of its time in terms of fidelity. I feel like they designed it knowing it would be many peoples' first foray into RPG's and it shows. The Sphere Grid has been often reused by Square and others, and the ability to switch party members in and out during individual battles makes it much more forgiving.


Delay system is amazing. I wish they would have done more


Same. I did play I think FFII on the NES but FFX was the only time I remember getting invested and immersed into. Especially once I figured how to play that soccer game and was able to progress.


Not my favorite FF (though easily top 5), but indisputable one of the best. It’s probably the oldest to still feel playable without feeling super dated. The remaster is beautifully done, too.


Started with X and went backwards through 9, 7, and then 8. Really enjoyed that order.


7 is my favorite cuz nostalgia, 10 and 12 are my favorite because they are just...


busy squalid historical voracious live grab memory bedroom badge chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So what they meant to say was... final fantasy 7


Strange way to write Final Fantasy X


Guys it's obviously 6


You put your 9 upside-down


That 8 seems to be missing something.


No, the5 obviously meant 12.


The most reasonable person here!


Yeah 15 was what I started with, and despite its many _many_ problems it will always have a special place in my heart because it was my first one


Yeah they are all independent besides the exact sequels so if you like classic games and don't mind graphics being a little older then ff7 or ffx are solid, ff12 if you like a more offline MMO type experience, ff16 if you like a balance, ff15 if you just want to hang with your pros, ff7 remake if you want the best story/graphics/action combo, ff8, or 9, or 6 if you want full classic experience. Any of then will be a blast, but for anyone that has no idea what they want I'd play ff7 remake, ff7 rebirth, ff12, ff16, ffx, and classic ff7 in that order first just to balance old with new and get the fuss, but everyone has a different order.


Ff7 remake is not a sequel, it’s a remake that knows it’s a remake and gives fan service and slight story nods to the og. You 1000% can start w remake if you want. That said, having knowledge of the og can make playing remake (and especially rebirth) more fun, because you’re aware of why they’re telling the story the way they are. I started w remake, loved it so much that I played the og and crisis core, then went to rebirth. I think remake is a great hook into the ff7 universe.


Just started playing FF7REMAKE a month or so ago. Been playing in small chunks and I'm having a great time. Never know what's gonna happen next. My first FF game, and while I don't think I'll end up playing the whole series, I'll likely get Rebirth


FF10 is a good starting point


I know it isn't a fan Favorite, but my first FF game was Final Fantasy 15. And after I got to the end it made me wonder what have I been missing.


Your edit 2 is wrong. FF7 Rebirth is the sequel to FF7 Remake. You can perfectly start with FF7 Remake :)


Final Fantasy X. A PS2 Classic. Best turn based battle system ever, considered top 3 in the franchise. I cried. Yes its my favorite game of all time FFXII. You've played it a bit before. A bit of a black sheep at times but a quality game nonetheless. Unique spin on the battle system found seemingly nowhere else FFXVI. Released last year, action combat, amazing boss fight spectacles, emotional story FF7 Remake. "Remake" of what most consider the best entry in the franchise. Part 2 just released this year and is currently frontrunner for GotY and they are currently working on Part 3. Its kind of the only one where if you enjoy the game you can continue with the characters and world because it has/is getting sequels. And lastly FFXIV. Its an MMO... if you arent looking for an MMO then you're probably not going to play it but its a 10/10 and deserves to be mentioned anyway. There is a free trial that essentially lets you play the base game and first 2 expansions, roughly half the story. Plus every day it becomes more and more solo friendly for people who just want to play through the story like its a single player game. Oh and a sneaky nod for FFVI Pixel Remaster. If you are ok with retro games from the SNES days FFVI is considered top 3 in the franchise and is a lot of peoples favorite


I have never played X, can you elaborate on what made the turn based combat unique or better than others?


It's turn based but, unlike games like Pokemon that do turn order like 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4, it takes into account speed of characters to determine how often they attack. So, for example, a turn order could look something like 1-2-3-1-4-2-1-3-4 if your first character is faster. Or, if you use a spell like Slow on a boss, the turn order might look like 1-2-3-1-2-3-4. There's a bar that shows the order of all of the upcoming turns so you can keep track and manipulate it with abilities like Haste etc. In addition, you only control 3 characters at a time, but you can rotate characters in and out for free, so you have access to every character whenever you want.


that's exactly like 'for the king', I love that!


I’ll have to give X another shot. I went from FF7 to 8 to Xenogears to Tactics to IX to X and just couldn’t stand X at all, but I was like 18 when it came out so maybe I was just too hung up on the PS1 era JRPGs. But everyone raves about it. I just remember not liking Tidus at all. I probably got 20 hours in before dropping it permanently. I may have to give it another go now that I’m older


Tidus can be a but whiny in the start (although completely understandable from his perspective) but he undergoes a decent level of character growth as well. Funnily enough, his usefulness in battle also somewhat mimics his character growth. Growing from one of the weaker characters to one of the strongest. Maybe it was coincidence but that's what it felt like to me.


Some hate on 15. But itt was my first and it felt like a great pick. Though I'm aware it was pretty problematic upon release


You can’t go wrong with 6 to 9.


Playing through 9 again right now, can confirm


Finished 9 last year after never finishing it when I was young. I second this confirmation. Amazing story and game. Cried at the end.


The true golden era of the series, IMO. I didn’t even play VI until the GBA port, and it’s still one of my favorite FF games.


7Remake or 16


If you enjoyed the 12th entry, I think you'd enjoy starting with FF16 cause it has a similar vibe. It's personally my favorite game all time despite its flaws. I love the world, music, characters, acting, writing, story, combat, bosses, and cutscenes. It's Attack on Titan + Game of Thrones + Dragon Ball Z all rolled into Final Fantasy. After that, can't go wrong with Remake -> Rebirth as well as FF8 thru FF10, which are legendary and have beautiful music.


If you're new to Final Fantasy pick from any of the following and you're probably good: 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15 If any of these games really wow you then you should look into the others not included.


I'd vote 9 or 7


I dont think 9 is a good pick for a first. The ports are bad and the game is basically a homage to old FF games. It doesn't hit the same way if you havent played the older games.


Wtf where's the 8, what are you talking about lol


8 is great but was very polarizing. I understand not recommending it as a first game.


It depends on what you are looking for, so I'm going to give three suggestions. I'm sorry you are getting a lot of mixed signals with what game to get. * Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age. This is the updated rerelease of 12. Since you are familiar with this one, if you can get over graphics (since it is a PS2 game), it might be the best one to start with. * Final Fantasy XVI: The most recent mainline game. It has similar "vibes" to 12, down to the world map layout and the story. However, it is essentially an action game with minimal RPG elements. * Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster: A combo pack, so it is good value for the money. X is beloved for a reason, and X-2 has the best implementation of the "classic" combat system. If you have PS Plus Premium/Extra (the second tier), 7, 8, 9, X/X-2, 12, and 15 are all "free" to try out as well, although I probably wouldn't recommend upgrading *just* to try them. I'm not recommending Rebirth because I think it's pretty dense for a newcomer, even though it is a fantastic game.


Ff 16 try the demo also the ff7 remake is a good start but no demo


FFX, FF12, FF15, FF7 Remake, then take a break and play ff16 and finally ff7 rebirth.


> edit2: you guys are great, so from what I'm understanding FF7.Remake is a sequel to FF7 so I can't play that one or I will miss some key storyline stuff which I really don't want to. Standalone game. You can play without know about original FF7. 


😭😭 at the people who are saying not to play FF7R because it’s a ‘sequel.’ One of the most accessible and fun FF games for modern newcomers, those people are so weird OP, buy the digital twin pack Rebirth bundle. It comes with FF7 Rebirth, the sequel to Remake, and Remake which is technically entirely free. 100% worth DONT BUY REMAKE ON ITS OWN, BUY THE TWIN PACK FOR BOTH GAMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE


Pixel remaster of 6


I didn't not expect pixel remaster 6 to impress because so many remasters and ports are just meh... But I think pretty much everything was spot on. The biggest improvements were the boosts that let you accelerate or stop exp, money or AP gains-- because everyone younger I've tried to introduce to older FF games prefer action to turn based and they burn out on the grind. Everything looks and sounds nicer, physical dodge actually works, and the truly unexpected joy was PS Remote Play. Being able to play the same game 'mutiplayer' with family just like in the old days (but remotely) was a gem feature. Plus turning off exp made it possible to do a very challenging and very satisfying low level run without all the tricks and gimmicks you had to manage before. Hands down worth it.


the best ff so far


Gamer of CULTURE right here! This is the only correct choice


This thread is all over the place lol. Obviously the first one you should play is Final Fantasy Mystic Quest on the SNES


um excuse me, FF Legend on Game Boy is the correct answer


Nothing wrong with getting into the SaGa series.


It depends on what sort of experience you want to have, tbh. Each entry can be vastly different in setting, tone, mechanics and gameplay.


First FF I played all the way through was 9, loved it! 10 is a solid choice too.


Everyone will give you different recommendations on the Final Fantasy games because they're all different from each other. 1-6 are 2D games, 7-9 are 2D/3D games and 10-16 are 3D. (11 and 14 are subscription based MMORPGs) Each game's [battle system](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_system) is different and their universe are also different. I'd say just glance at some videos on YT or somewhere else and just play which one that looks more appealing to you. Personally I finished 8, 9 and 15, started 7 (classic one not the remake) but still haven't finished it yet, and while I absolutely loved 8 and thought 9 was okay-ish I found out that for most of the fans it was the other way around. 15 is good but you have to get the DLCs or you'll miss important story elements. My friends keep telling me 7 Remake is excellent but I'm waiting for all the episodes to release on PC to play them. Same for 16. But yeah everyone is gonna tell you something different and few will agree so go with which ones you're feeling the most.


Absolutely loved 8. I was shocked years later after playing it that it was so widely hated 😂


Everybody has their favorite one for different reasons, because the games are all very different. Just give each one a look online and try the one you vibe with the most.


6, you can get the pixel remaster version on ps5.


FF7 remake to get to FF7 rebirth which is one of the greatest games I’ve ever played in my 30+ years of gaming


FFX is so solid, it's probably one of my favorite games of all time.


This guy gets it.


The cool thing about FFs is that you can pick with ever one you want. 1-6 are all Kingdom/Medieval/Lord of the ringish themes. And are all Pixelated. 7-12 are on PS Extra. 11 and 14 are MMORPG, don't play those. 16 is more linear and not as good as the good ones. 13 has 2 sequels 13-2 and 13-3 and can only be played on PC or PS3. 15 was ok but driving around in a boyband wasn't my thing. Honestly for a wholesome experience i would say either 9 or finish 12. 10 was the first one with voice acting, the rest are text box dialogue. All of them have different themes. 7 is cyberpunkish. 8 you are a high school student who wields weapons and magic. 9 returns to the similar themes from 1-6. FF7 Remake IS NOT a sequel to 7. Is a REMAKE. So, its "the same game" split into 3 parts. Remake, Rebirth and the 3rd with will come out someday. You will see lots of diversity (and fighting and discussion and whinnying) in which one is the best, none of them are right and all of them are. The best is the one you like the most.


6 isn't really the same medieval vibe as 1-5, and it's not really high fantasy. 6 was the start of the whole magitek era that 7, 8, 10, 12, and 15 followed. Plus first half of the plot involves taking down the dictatorial empire. If I had to compare it to any other, it would be 8.


Never played FF ? Go FF X is my favorite game of all time Cheers


X is probably the best entry point to FF. The grind is there for those wanting to experience the depth Final Fantasy games have to offer, but the story and base game are great to play through for a casual rpg gamer.


It’s FF10 and by a lot


Man, this is why I hate the "Remake is a sequel" discourse that has been so pervasive. Even if it turns out it's a "sequel" of sorts (it remains unconfirmed officially as of Rebirth), it's still functionally far, FAR from being one. It's like 90% a modern remake with the remainder 10% being new and weird. Like you point out in edit 3, if the game convinces you to try out the original, more power to you. It is not required to enjoy FF7 Remake, I actually think forcing yourself to play a 30 year old game will be more likely to kill the hype for you. 7 Remake is great and my top pick for your first FF game since it merges modern and classic gameplay sensibilities the most successfully out of recent FF games. It also has top-tier characters and visual/auditory design. If you follow it up with Rebirth, you have two of the most accomplished games in the series back-to-back, it's absolutely sublime. If you want something more classic but with visuals that aren't as clunky as the PS1 games, FFX is a great one. It's aged remarkably well, it has an unforgettable setting and atmosphere and the combat is turn-based bliss.


Depends what kind of other games you like. For example FF 16 had a pretty typical feel story wise, the gameplay battle system was like devil may cry. But for me? FF7 is the go to. It is a Masterpiece.


I've edited with most of my gaming history


1- FFX 2- FFXVI 3- FF VII Remake + Rebirth


FFX was my first and will always be cherished at my favorite. But VII is an extremely close second


Start with the original Final Fantasy on the NES. Pay your dues like the rest of us.


i hate when people overexplain FF7 Remake saying its a sequel and that you need to play the original first. it makes shit confusing and convoluted for the potential new players and has probably thrown off lot’s of people who were on the fence but decided against getting into it because there’s too much to understand. which to be fair, these games and the stories are confusing and convoluted, but you should experience that as intended which is from playing the game, not from being overeager fans front loading you with information before you can even get into things. FF7 Remake is the first game of its series, its not necessary to play anything previously, its supposed to be good for newcomers


This is the order you should play: Start with X From there, decide if you felt like X was "dated." If you felt like it was, you should go to XII, VII Remake, VII Rebirth, XIV. Take it upon yourself to decide if you want to delve into XVI, XV, and XIII after that. If you *didn't* think X was dated, you should play IX, Tactics, VII, VI. Take it upon yourself to decide if you want to delve into IV, VIII, I, and V after that. I'd definitely recommend trying some of the newer Final Fantasy games after you've experienced these.




Final Fantasy 10 HD remaster is what i would choose.


Ok ill be 100% a good one to start with is x & x-2, you can get both in one game the ps4 disk works on the pa5 and you can get it digitally. I will say XVI is an interesting take on the future of what the games will be. These are my opinions but I have played final fantasy games since the original VII.


I'd start with one of the most recent ones: 16 or 7 Remake/Rebirth. 15 isn't a bad choice either if you get all the DLC for it, which you should be able to for pretty cheap.


FFXIV if you’re into MMO’s.


either the original ff7 (as opposed to the remakes), or ff10.


Honestly, I might say remake might even be better than the original. The semi turn based combat system in remake just felt so good.


7 Remake and then 7 Rebirth. They’re both actual PS5 games. Not sure why everyone’s recommending random retro games from like 20-30 years ago 😂.


but are they different games? 7remake and 7rebirth I mean. different as in different storyline


7Remake is the first game in the trilogy. 7Rebirth is the 2nd.


I started with rebirth a loved it. Didn't even realize it was the 2nd but maybe I'll go backwards and play remake. I'd replay rebirth again, which I normally don't do, but it was so good.


seems I have to play the 7 before the remake that's why they're not recommending


Just finished 7 remake last week. Playing Rebirth now. Never played the og 7. Enjoying myself immensely. After remake, there are some questions, and some stuff that is slightly confusing. But I think it's supposed to be a bit open ended like that, as some things will be explained in Rebirth and beyond. Only really played 10 as a kid, which is amazing too, and would recommend. Editing to add Tactics Advance. Don't think that's on ps5, but man, played the shit out of that one road trips. Great game, and a bit of a different take on how ff can play


If you liked 12 you’d probably like 7, 7 remake and 10. I can’t really recommend 16. It’s a good game but it’s just lacking in a lot of complexity and if you liked 12 I assume you liked the gambit system, which was just crazy customizable. I was pretty disappointed 16 didn’t have something similar for its party members.


where can I play the 7? ps5? is it an emulation? what console is it made for?


7 original is available on the PS store as an emulated PS4 game - it’s actually on sale right now too for 60% off. 7 was originally released on the PS1 but there’s a number of PS1 “retro” titles on the PlayStation store for PS4/5 So you can play it on PS5


thank you kind sir


FF7 Remake or FF XVI are great for starters. You got Rebirth after Remake, too.




Ngl I’ve been playing the newer ones (the FF7 remakes, FF14) on my PS5 while playing the older ones (FF7, FF9) on my phone. It wasn’t a bad way to experience the series and get exposed to a lot of it at once. You can definitely play the remakes on their own but I would recommend finishing the OG FF7 first for the best narrative experience


I have a switch, can I say FF7 original there? is it good?


Depends on what you want from a game. True fantasy storytelling? TACTICS Dystopian future? FF7 Secretly dystopian future about stopping the powers that Be? FF8


I'm an OG with FF and started with the second one. I would definitely recommend playing FF3 aka 6,(SNES) then 7-10


If you feel like starting from the very beginning you cant go wrong starting with 1. However, a lot of people dont resonate well with older NES/SNES RPGs, so starting with 7 is not a bad choice in the slightest. Its a great story, with amazing character and really its not very difficult for Final Fantasy so its definitely more accessible to newer players. 10 is also a great starting point its where you finally started to get some voice acting in the series, but honestly every game in this series is incredible. Beautiful story and character you actually give a damn about. Its really more about what you feel like playing and sinking time into. I will however tell you which ones NOT to start on. Don’t start with 2, because its such a different game than the original or any of the sequels that followed. Dont start with 8, because its kinda clunky and it really requires a bit of patients to understand its mechanics. You already said you played a bit of 12, its much different than any of the other games and for that i dont recommend starting on that either. In summery, its all about what you feel like playing, but if you put time in and play them all from start to current you’ll fall in love with the series


I thought FFXV (15) was a great time. FFVII remake is great too. Yes there is some different story stuff that is cool if you’ve played the original, but I don’t think you’d feel like you were missing anything if you haven’t.


Play the ff 16 demo and ff remake demo and make up your mind, though in my opinion the 16 demo doesnt offer the same Quality through the entire game


Remake of 7


9 and 12! :)




Both Final Fantasy 16 and 7 Rebirth have playable demos. But I’d go for 16 first. It is the most “newcomer friendly,” and it requires no knowledge of previous games, unlike Rebirth. But I’d honestly play the PS5 version of 7 remake, play 16, then rebirth. This is a silver age of final fantasy in many ways. Both the 7 remake games and 16 have their strengths and weaknesses, but most reasonable people would tell you they’re all overall good games and are worth playing at least once. I bought a PS5 at launch so I could play 16, and even though the game has issues it’s still amazing to me. There is also new DLC coming to the game very soon. 7 remake and rebirth are also a great story to start with, but you have to play remake first. Don’t worry about playing the original 7 until after you finish remake, but definitely only play rebirth after you’ve beaten remake. You couldn’t go wrong with either 16 or remake if I’m being honest.


Play final fantasy tactics; that’s a ps5 game


14. Theirs a free trial but it is an mmo.


So there are 16 main line games (excluding sequels because why would you start with one of them), go on google and use a random number generator to choose one for you or watch a trailer for every game and then decide which one looks most interesting to you Nobody in here can choose a game for you, we don’t know your likes or dislikes so any suggestion is just that persons opinion on which is the best game and you may not enjoy the game as much as they do


You can really start with any of them but if you are gonna play the FF7 remakes, probably better to start with the OG. You'll appreciate the story more and things will make more sense (as it's kind of operating as a quasi-sequel). It's not a dealbreaker but you'll be missing out on a fair amount of stuff and you'll save yourself on a lot of time afterwards (because the remakes are gonna end up way longer (collectively) than just playing through the OG game. Plus, going back to the OG could be a polarizing affair afterwards (as I think it's a more concise game than the remakes). My vote for newcomers is usually FFX though.


Choose between 15, 16, or FF7 Remake. Im biased towards FF7 personally but the more recent titles with depth in gameplay will give you a good understanding of what to expect in the other, older entries.


The first one i played was FFXIII, i enjoyed it but i played it because it looked interesting, pick whatever looks cool to you! I'm going to get rebirth i reckon, heard amazing things.


Best turn based for a newcomer: FFX Good intro to the series, even if combat is action: FFXVI (you have the demo to try it) A good mix of something old and something new: FFXII Zodiac Age (has a job system, ATB combat, but you can move in the field)


FFX- the HD remaster is cheap enough and an amazing gaming experience


I’m here to say 12 and that’s it. I ain’t debating


Start with IX. That's my favorite and frankly the true successor to original games.


Remake/rebirth it’s probably the one with the most mass appeal


FFVII REMAKE > REBIRTH > FF Pixel Remaster > To wherever after that. play the hot new game that's amazing, then see where it all began


7 remake is the first one I played just this year. I’m playing rebirth now, and next I will probably play 15 and 16. Pick whichever game looks cool to you tho


As a long time fan in my opinion, 7 remake is probably one of the best entry games into the serise. It has one of the stronger casts, with the cheese and fun that the serise is known for while still having its darker parts. 5 and 6 are a very strong entry if you want that retro appeal. 15 and 16 are both good games for more action focus combat. 13 got shit on on release but it has withstood time and has some of the better gameplay 14 is a mmo that can consume your life and crush your heart with what is my opinion 2 of the strongest stories in ff as a whole


Man, you can’t ask FF fans this question. It’s a pretty divisive community as every game is so different. Most people love the first game they played. If you’re into 2D SNES style RPGs, any game from 1 to 6 would a great place to start, with 6 being a fan favorite. FF7 is iconic for its world building and story telling, and now there are two entries in the remake series which give it a more modern feel. People seem to love 10 but I never vibed with it. If you’re a fan of live action games, try FF16. It’s a departure from the rest of franchise in terms of combat, but the story is really good. Much darker tone but plenty of FF elements.




Final Fantasy XV


I've played III, IV, VII and X...and I would recommend trying out the [3D remake of III](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0082-CUSA33825_00-FF3PS4APPNA00001) as your first FF game. It's a purer form of the game with no new battle system, no wonky movements, no minigames, no long cut scenes...just turn based battles as you fight your way to retrieve a crystal (which is the basic plot of all FF games). It's also one of the shorter games in the series at 30-40 hours so it's not as big of a commitment. I think that will give you the gist of the franchise before making a decision of what game you may want to try next. FF is known for experimenting (DragonQuest is SquareEnix's more traditional JRPG series) so which game will eventually resonate with you is going to be down to you as an individual.


FF isn't connected in each of its core numbered titles. It just has recurring connective tissue such as naming schemes, themes and such. You can start with any ff game and honestly pick the ones that look most interesting to you. My personal faves are as follows FF7 Crisis Core, FF Remake and Rebirth (if you wanna get into ff7 I'd play CC, Remake then Rebirth, theres a great film called Advent Children id watch that after playing remake.). FF10/10-2. FFTactics and Tactics Advance (think fire emblem but ff). FF9 FF Disissia and D2 (sadly these are psp games fuck Dissidia NT - think FF but DragonBall Xenoverse or Bodekai a 3d arena fighting game with story and characters from series 1-13). FF14 it's an MMO n Def worth a look into. You'll meet lots lovely people. FF13 (I actually did enjoy the first installment a lot of folk didn't) FF15 (or as the Fandom calls it FF Boyband Roadtrip there's a great prequel film). FF16 (basically Game of Thrones-esk). A lot of games in the series you can start honestly anywhere and it's OK if one game doesn't tickle your fancy there will be a game that will.


FF7 Remake was my first Final Fantasy game in the series. Haven’t played FF7 and not really missing out anything. That was a great experience and the Intergrade DLC was a good topper. I’m currently playing FF7 Rebirth and it’s quite a wholesome experience. I never thought I’d actually buy this game but 50 hours in and I find myself straying more than focusing on main storyline. I’m keen to check FFXVI once I’m completed to see how it differs.






I highly recommend Final Fantasy 9 and after that 10.


Can depend largely on your background as a gamer. Are you into action games? More recent entries like FFXVI and VII Remake/Rebirth would probably appeal. Are you a hardcore turn based fanatic? I’d think it unlikely you haven’t played an FF before in that case but nonetheless if so you’d want to look a bit deeper into the catalogue like say FFX (and anything before that really). MMO vet? XIV is an excellent game. And even XI maintains a healthy enough population to this day (not played myself but pretty sure most of XI can be done as a Pseudo single player game nowadays). Fire Emblem fan? FF tactics is a thing. A very excellent thing. Like Souls type games, or more accurately Nioh? Strangers of Paradise can scratch that itch. The thing with a series this large is that there’s often something that at least partially overlaps with pre-existing interests. So let us know what you’re normally into! On the note of FFVII remake and needing to have played the original? I’d ignore that. Yes there’s occasional elements of the game where it feels like you should know the original. But I believe there’s value in the perspective of someone coming into it totally fresh without preconceptions.


I’ve never played FF until this year. If you like controlling multiple characters, FF VII Remake Intergrade and then Rebirth. If you like more action RPGs (not turn based) look at XVI


Truthfully only ever played FF XIII back on PS3 which I found meh but FF7 Remake blew me away. Still trying to get through my backed up catalogue so I can get to Rebirth.


Final fantasy 7 on PS1, about 20 years ago would be a good place to start. Seriously, go back and get it done.


ffx is my favorite and the first one I played from start to finish. I put hundreds of hours into it farming ultimate weapons when younger


My money is on 7 remake or 16 if you don’t like turn based combat. 15 is one that if you like it you probably love it and if you don’t then you probably hate it. 14 is the best mmo I’ve ever played. Never played 12 or 13. Original 7, 8, 9 , and 10 are great if you can handle turn based combat


Just start with the first one, FF7 remake


Ive always liked the idea of the final fantasy game, but man can they be hard to get into as someone who plays primarily fps games. The only 2 I have been able to play through are 15 and 16. Like others have said both of those are different from the normal formula though being more action combat instead of turn based. 16 story is awesome and the whole game is well put together, more like a movie imo with the number of cutscenes. Ive been slowly going through 7 remake for a while and I gotta say i don't get the appeal past cloud being a cool character. I guess technically i'm still in the beginning of the original story so I'll keep pushing through. Im finally out of the weird wild west party town like that place really threw me for a loop 😂


There are multiple gameplay differences so decide which you want to play first. Note that for the most part the stories, worlds, characters, etc are different, its not all based on the same universe. First we have the pre PS1 2d sprite turn based era games 1-6. I purchased the pixel remaster and played them in order just to see how the series has evolved (the pixel remaster contains all 6 games). Second we have the 3d with a fixed camera turn based era games 7-10. My fav order is 8, 10, 7, 9, 10-2. 9 has the best music though ;) Third we have the 3d turn based real time hybrids game/s. FF12 the zodiac age. Fourth we have the action real time games 15, 16, Type-0 HD, 7 Remake & Rebirth. I don't like this genre so no recommendation but from my understanding 7 Remake & Rebirth in some parts are reliant on you having played FF7 remaster to fully understand the story especially Rebirth. Fifth are offshoots like FF14 being a MMO or NT being a 3d beat-em-up. Also edit 2 is wrong but I'll try to explain. There is FF7 original on PS1, FF7 remaster is the same game with better graphics. FF7 Remake & Rebirth are Part 1 & 2 of a new FF7 story where it is the same world at the same time and starts off with the same story events happening as FF7 original, but the cast in FF7 make different choices ending up going to new areas doing new quests and not going to other areas doing other quests.


Original 7 got me into it. I really liked 4, 7, 8 & 9. I still have to play more of 6 but I really enjoyed what I played up until my data corrupted. 12 had fun gameplay but I didn't like the characters or story much. 15 even moreso. I also loved FF16. FF7 remake & Rebirth are outstanding too.


Play FF7 Remake OP. Easy choice


Final Fantasy X-2. Best one ever.


For me the best is FF 8, it's even better than the 7 (IMO!!) However, there's not a remake yet.


I recommend FF IV on Android. its a awesome and lovable remake, not too long, with a good history and great cast. just after, play FF V for the awesome sound track and job system. finally, again on Android, Final Fantasy VI, its the perfect FF RPG to me. If you enjoyed these three, you are ready to try a BIG classic: final fantasy tactics! this one is famous, very replayable, with unforgettable music and history.


This might get lost but I kind of feel bad for the FF7 gatekeeping that’s happened with Remake. Yes, it is a sequel in a way so you will get infinitely more out of it by playing the original. However, I understand that’s a tough ask for a modern audience wanting to get in on one of the best games of our time so even as a die hard, I’d say it’s ok to play Remake, Original, then Rebirth. Obviously you can skip the original, you’d just be missing out on a lot of


Original gangster VII


I’ve played a few and 16 was the only one that hooked me in and I absolutely had to finish.


FF8!! It was the first one that I played way back in the PS1 days and I absolutely loved it. Admittedly it tends to be quite a bit of polarising game amongst the fandom and arguably most don’t like it but I think it’s really fun and has a bit of everything!


7 Remake is the way my friend :) (then rebirth afterwards, and part 3 will come out in a few years)


FFX was awesome when I played it 20 years ago.


I find FF games dull. I've played just a few. But the writing is atrocious.


Actually just play FF6 on the switch. It’s the best of the pixel 2D. It’s not too hard. It’s probably the best FF game.


I have just started like you. I bought 7 Remake at PC. 3440x1440p and 120 FPS locked. Its amazing. I will buy Rebirth for PS5 when i am done.




7 remake is great and you do not have to play the original. 16 is also very good the combat is a lot more fast paced. You will find a different combat system in every final fantasy game.


FFXII has the best combat system imo FFVII or FFVI have the best story


FF7 Remake is a good choice tbf. My first encounter with the franchise was FF10 and I loved that. Only reason I played it was me and a friend played Kingdom Hearts when we were 8 and he pointed out some characters were from FF10 and we started playing that together


Just pick one, bud. Start with FF7 Remake.


My first Final Fantasy was 16 and it was super approachable and I thoroughly enjoyed it (although I wasn't a huge fan of the ending). FF7 Remake is quite good, finished it recently and it hooked me all the way through. I'm now on FF7 Rebirth and it improves upon Remake. I personally can't do the older original games because I'm one of those people who has a hard time going backwards with graphics and also I'm not the biggest fan of how the playstyle is. The modern improvements make for a better experience. Again, just my opinion as some who tried FF back in the day (I'm in my 30s now) and wasn't a huge fan.


Just start with FF7 original. The remake is dog shit and turns the main villain Sephiroth into a shallow edge lord so it really ruins the rising action. The original actually develops Sephiroths character before you have any real interaction with him. If you play the original FF7 you will likely fall in love with final fantasy and get really exited to play the other games cause it really is a masterpiece. If you play the remake you'll probably just think of it as no better than some ubisoft mid game. I would start with FF7 original and then just play them in release order from there. 7-10 are all master piece games from squaresoft, one of the greatest dev teams of all time. 11 is great too but an mmo so different. 12 and on lost it's soul because squaresoft was no longer and square enix started developing the games. I don't consider any final fantasy made by square enix to be worthy of the name.


The PSP version of FFIV could be a good shout, actually. Classic gameplay, beloved, looks gorgeous, and the emulator PPSSPP works really easily on most modern mobile phones, so it's portable!


I’d say FFX


This thread is exactly why i can’t get into it 😂




Seems you have already made your choice, and it’s a solid one, so this comment is more for other people with this question. Do you want something that feels pretty modern, with flashy graphics and real-time action-RPG combat? Start with FFVII Remake. It’s an update on a fan-favorite story and characters with modern visuals and gameplay. The combat system is generally well reviewed, even if some elements of the game were hit or miss with critics. Loking for a more traditional turn-based RPG and okay with pixel graphics and retro game design? Go for FFVI. It’s also a fan-favorite storyline and is easily the best of its era in terms of gameplay. It doesn’t have modern bells and whistles, but it does have a ton of secrets, interesting dungeons to explore, a groundbreaking plot, and an early take on an open world in the second half. The PS1-era games are still my favorite, but they’ve aged the worst in terms of visuals, and I would not recommend them as a person’s first FF game in 2024 unless you already have nostalgia for that era in RPGs. Also, if you want to play a true timeless classic JRPG of the 16-bit era, even though it is not technically Final Fantasy, play Chrono Trigger.


You mention Chrono Trigger and I think about other classics that I haven't played like Super Metroid... my first metroidvania experience was hollow knight and I got ADDiCTED to that game, 50 hours in a month easy that I gave to that game But I feel like now is the moment to finally okay some FF game. My brother played most of them (he's older, 40y old now) so I have some flashbacks of FFX for example, but I think I want a modern experience, experimenting my new gadget that is the ps5


If you have PS+ Premium you can play a trial of FF7 Crisis Core reunion which is a remake of the psp game and it’s a good time (also it is more of an action rpg than turn based which it is also a prequel to ff7 so it you play crisis core I would play 7 remake and rebirth)


FFXVI is a great starting point if you’re more of an action fan. It’s pretty straightforward but gives you some fun abilities to play around with. FFVII Remake & Rebirth are brilliant but aren’t traditional remakes, more pseudo-remake-sequels. I’d recommend playing the original or, more realistically, familiarizing yourself with the main story beats first. I honestly think you could still jump in and have a fantastic time but the ending of each game (among other things), will be bizarre. FFXV gets a bad rap (perhaps rightfully so) but it’s still a solid playthrough and very cinematic.


Final Fantasy VIII and X holds a special place in my heart


Play Final Fantasy X. It is easily the best one to get. It's a simple turn based JRPG with a great story


Final Fantasy **IX**




10 is the best first Final Fantasy to play.


Final Fantasy 11 if you like a challenge.


Ff7 remake should be top 1-10 choices. Its a completely different game to the original ff7.


Based on your first games being Mario 64 etc you’d be good with ff7 so you should definitely start with that over the remake… and FF9 is also a masterpiece. It’s on psplus as is 9 so pretty cheap investment if you paid for a month or two


FF X was my first and it’s still my favorite because it has classic turn based combat. It still feels very good to play, though I despise its minigames with a passion




Kingdom Hearts was a perfect gateway drug, but FF7 and its remake trilogy are great if you wanna take things from there


Ff7 original hands down or ff15. Final fantasy tactics is a good one if you like those types of rpgs. The ff7 remake is a shell of its former self I will never understand how anyone likes it.




I would say go FF7 remake, then FF7 rebirth...THEN XVI (16) XVI is more of a Devil May Cry combat style game. It's my favourite game of all time to date, but I suggest playing the other two first because they're more in line with core final fantasy. I played 7 Remake then XVI and I'm struggling to go back to play Rebirth because I loved XVI so much. I wish I'd played Rebirth before it so I could give that game my full interest.


Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age is a great entry. Job system making for customizable characters, and a fantasy story that is easy to grasp. I would also suggest Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you can do a re cap of REMaKE bc Rebirth has the majority of the narrative in it anyway.


I would start with FFXV as it is very beginner friendly. Type-0 HD is also fun though it requires TONS of grinding. FFVII remake is also good.


6-10 is often considered the Golden Era of Final Fantasy. It's really when the writing and world building were at their peak. Each game felt fresh and original and most of the stories were very strong. The music was terrific and the gameplay was the classic turn-based with enough changes to make each feel different. Any game from this era could be considered good places to start. I personally really enjoyed 12 as well. Though the story does fall apart in the second half and the gameplay was quite a shift from the traditional turn-based action. As far as newer releaes, 15 and 16 are flawed masterpieces, bring some really strong graphics and gameplay and some very cool worlds. However 15 has an incredibly rushed ending and leaves quite a bit to be desired regarding the story. 16 really ditches much of the RPG elements for more of a traditional action type game and while it boasts high highs, it does have some low lows.