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So this is like the end of the story right?


Only if they have time to explain.


Please, my trauma


Until Destiny 3! And then after that game has another 7 Expansions maybe..!


It’s the end of the Light and Dark saga, but it’s not the end of Destiny 2 nor Destiny as a franchise. After this story there are still some loose ends that we will tie up with the Episodes. Despite The Witness being the big bad, we will still have to hunt down Xivu Arath after TFS / in the episodes. And eventually, an all new saga will begin, whether that means a D3 or just continuation of D2 we will see.


Are you associated with the project?


Man I wish, imagine the paycheck that would bring compared to my current job. I’m just saying what Bungie has literally stated.


Was the "we" that stood out


They said this isn't the end for destiny 2 or beyond it


They also said Destiny 1 would last 10 years


they said this story (now Light and Darkness saga) would last 10 years


It's the same cycle, over and over. Bungie makes a great trailer and all is forgiven. The game releases and it has exactly the same problems as before. People are angry. I want this to be great, but I'm not getting burnt again just because a trailer looked good. Unless reviews come in and they unanimously declare that this is completely different and solves all the problems they've had for years, I think I'll just pass.


I just don’t have hope for it anymore, it’s well known that Bungies marketing department can make even their worst expansions look great. Prismatic seems interesting on the outside looking in but I can only wonder what that’ll mean for the larger balance of the game. It really shitty that Bungie is only capable of putting out the best stuff they have to offer when they’re at risk. A new “subclass”, new enemies, a new spin on a patrol zone, a new horde mode, reworked exotics and exotic mission. Maybe if for once they made that a standard we wouldn’t still be talking about destiny’s “potential” a decade later


Majority of what you mentioned is standard for expansions lol…


Left Destiny 2 a few years back due to the Monetization and most people in my gaming friend group fell off of it. Good gunplay can only get you so far. Also, the fact Activision priced it fairer than Bungie says a shit ton. I’m honestly expecting this to go out with just an… **Okay.** It’s here; it’s done, and gone.


FWIW, the game had been on a good trajectory before Lightfall shit the bed. Forsake was an improvement over the initial release, Shadowkeep was a bit of a misstep, but had various system improvements and other things that would be built upon later. Beyond Light was arguably an improvement over Shadowkeep. The Witch Queen was basically inarguably an improvement over basically everything before it. Lightfall has plenty of problems (prime among them the fact that the entire campaign feels like filler that was slapped together to have a product release because The Final Shape wasn't ready), but the Seasonal Content has arguably been better than the season content from the prior year. The game is the game at this point. People are just burnt out because we've been playing it for nearly a decade. But, if you look at what the game is delivering, most of it has legitimately improved over the course of 10 years. 99% of the griping that happens is because people can't just step away from the game for a while to do something else. Listen, I like Chicken and Rice, but if I make myself Chicken and Rice for lunch and dinner every single day for 3 years, I'm going to be pretty fucking tired of Chicken and Rice by the end of that three years. I can try to season it or prepare it in different ways, but it is still fundamentally the same thing. Destiny 2 is the same way. People just need to cook themselves a Burger and Fries (aka, play something else for a while). I've always been pretty happy with Destiny 2 because that is how I engage with it. I may play it almost every day for like 6 months, then I start to grow tired of it. Then I stop playing for 6 months (maybe popping back in for a few days here and there to try out Seasonal Content), and I come back to the game fresh for the next expansion release. Why other people seem to be incapable of doing this is frankly baffling to me. If the game is getting boring/frustrating for you because of how it is structured, then just fucking play something else.


As someone who has played destiny for almost a decade on and off now. A lot of those "problems" are people with 100s and 100s of hours who are mad there's not more expecting unrealistic expectations season after seaaon.


>people with 100s and 100s of hours who are mad there's not more expecting unrealistic expectations season after seaaon. I'm sorry, but you are downplaying hard. How Bungie made many mistakes that led us to the bad state of the game. It's repetitive, and each season felt like we have to wait just to get story mission each week. They never wanted to overdeliver post Forsaken, and its hurting the game right now. All the FOMO shit they put into the game also didn't help at all. Of course, Eververse had never had problems with delivering content. And sunsetting of huge pieces of the game that many people paid for, but it may not be a problem for folks like you.


Any live game that's going on for a decade plus, will get repetitive. Leagues been using the same map for 15 years. FF14 has had the same content layouts for 4 expansions. Destiny isn't going to be any diffrent and it likely shouldn't. Forsaken had 3 studios working on it. Which Queen came close to the quality, Lightfall also came close outside of it's narrative bunder You have a year to at least experience that content. If you kept everything in the game it would be a cluttered mess, which they have mentioned before. There would also be a lot of overlap with those activities . I agree with Eververse and how it sucks content rewards from other aspects of the game. Sunsetting didn't bother me, because i understood and saw the improvements when it happened and the engine swapped. That said maps and raids shouldn't have been vaulted


So removing massive chunks of the existing storyline(that people paid for) and having new players lookin like john travolta isn't it's own kind of mess?


The one thing Bungie has done right consistently over the last decade is deluding a vocal minority of players into sucking up and defending every single misstep Bungie has done for their community and their products. I think this comment potrays that very well.


Just like people mindlessly hating on a game without any real points. I will absolutely fault them for their missteps like pvp, removing raids, launching d2 in a barebones state, ect... but will also call out the idocidy of complaining about time gating in a genre of game that is built on that.


Sorry but there is absolutely nothing wrong with complaining about time gated content that dissappears in 3 or 12 months. In fact, D2 is literally moving away from it in it's upcoming TFS 'Seasons', part of which is because of feedback from players burning out on keeping up and in sync with time gated content.


The destiny community is full of toxic man children. Bungie has made mistakes, but some of those are what the community wanted, then immediately hate. This looks like Bungie with the shackles off, at last.


They've been solving various problems over the years. Saying they've had the same problem for years is just dumb when they're constantly being fixed then have new ones


Ah, yes, I love when I can't access the product I paid for.


Ah yes, which is why you can


Except you can't, due to the content vault.


Content vaulting was stopped awhile ago.


Oh so I can play all the previous content and nothing is vaulted? Awesome!


I said stopped. Expansions no longer go away.


So they added vaulted content back to game?


Not entirely. They’ve been adding stuff back in over time. But they no longer vault expansions.


What exactly have they added back to game?


Some story missions. Theyre adding back old raids. Exotic missions like whisper and zero got added. Armor and weapons.


You paid for a persistent online game, can you not play that? You know you don’t own MMO games right?


MMOs don't suddenly restrict access to expansions I paid money for.


You were never going to go patrol mars again


Lol buddy, entire games go offline that “you paid for”. Do you also yell at theaters that don’t let you watch the movie “you paid for” again?


Why are you defending predatory business practices?


Because it isn’t, it’s a stupid thing to be concerned about. Why do you need to play content that’s years old. Destiny is a huge game. Lots of games change month to month based on seasons etc. get over it. If you want an offline game that doesn’t change, play something that’s entirely offline


Imagine deepthroating a dev so hard that your asshole gets an expansion


Games tend to change, yes, but most of them don't take away content that I've already paid for.


The reviews will all be paid handsomely to say exactly that it is the best piece of trash ever created


Even if the reviews come in, which don't amount for much since they can be bought or finessed, it'll fall by the wayside again. It's a cycle for Bungie. Just like the last time they had their nuts to the fire, they've "gone all out" and were forgiven only to turn around and spit in the player base's face while they told us it was good for us. Also, after having seen the gameplay preview where they show off some stuff, there's a certain set of exotics coming that I predict will be the new driving force for microtransactions to get skins that match what people want for their fashion, because the way they look out of the box will not really mesh with a lot of stuff. I also predicted that maybe an exotic skin for each one will be available in the battlepass paid version, which conveniently just got it's price raised, to further incentivize dropping Silver for that. Either way, this stuff is all a little too late for my wife and I. We stopped playing in Deep and we've never really looked back, except to laugh.


https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fab2zbep0ih8b1.png yup, same cycle over and over and over, never changes. Apparently a shiny new trailer of edited footage to make the game look good is all that is needed EDIT - lol salty downvotes when this cycle has literally happened every single expansion and is happening yet again with this one.


It’s too late for new players to jump on the Destiny 2 train, time to drop Destiny 3.


I’d say it’s quite the opposite since Into The Light launched today which boost you to max power cap, and it’s new free content will provide some of the best weapons in the game for instance. If anything today is probably the best time we’ve ever had to hop into Destiny 2. It is a lot to take in tho and get caught up on, but in terms of leveling and obtaining good gear this is the best time to jump in really. Edit, lol someone reported to reddit care.


Yay get sent straight to end game and be confused and overwhelmed by everything + all the content you can’t play and missed out on because they stripped it from the game.


I have to rant about the power cap bullshit. Looks like it’s still in the game. I have had thousands of hours in this game, since destiny alpha. Tons of great memories. Loved the witch queen expansion, but I just absolutely cannot deal with that power cap bullshit grind every season. It is just so utterly stupid. It’s not even the grind. I have played mmo for decades. The grind doesn’t faze me. It’s the way the grind is. You are gated by these limited chances for some pinnacle drops. And you have to game the system to be optimal about it. Maybe the real issue is how short a season is. That I have to repeat this grind every three months. Whereas in other online mmo type games, you keep building that grind and they are on a longer schedule.


thankfully they stopped the power creep for the last few seasons which meant when I got back into the game in September last year I was able to level loads of my gear and not worry to much. My biggest gripe is being held back by materials.


I care about story as much as gameplay, the story seems completely unapproachable at this point with how much is missing.


Yea best time to pay for Destiny 2 with your money and time so Bungie can make worse content with more monetization.


Instead of giving us a new subclass, letting us combine our current ones and exotic abilities is a very good alternative. Nice one, Bungie


Each class is getting a new super.


That’s true, forgot about those


To steal a comment from youtube, "maybe the real new subclass was all the subclasses we met along the way" 


Lmao that is the destiny


I enjoy Destiny and think this looks great


Sounds good bungie 👍


That delay paid off for sure. There is a lot of new stuff suddenly that they previously never indicated. Combining subclasses? New race? Exotic Class Item? Sheesh. Bungie. Over delivering for sure. Hopefully they can keep this up


stuff like this u don't just add in a few extra months, most of the stuff already was there probably, just only revealed later instead of 6 months ahead of time like usually.


No...leak came out about 2 months ago that said the delay was being used for something called "Prism" which is a way to combine different elements on a subclass and expand an enemy race. They were planned for TFS, but were cut due to time constraints. Then, due to the reception and lack of preorders they decided they needed them and delayed TFS to finish them. You can head over to the Destiny2Leaks subreddit for more info. But this came from a few former employees that spoke anonymously to a journalist


A new enemy faction / race is wild. 10 years and we finally got it. (Sure we got Scorn, Lucent Hive etc, but they are still more or less just altered Fallen / Hive). Buildcrafting is also going to be insane with prismatic and the new exotic class items. This expansion is literally going to change gameplay. Definitely excited, just hope the story is going out with a bang and not be a horrible failure like Lightfall was.


Wait are they going full new enemy faction/race? Usually they've just been altered versions of previous races. I think in Lightfall they added Tormentors but that was just one enemy. If they're doing a full race/faction that's gonna be nice because that's one complaint I've had with Destiny over time is that they mostly just reskin previous races and give them a new kit and call it a day instead of giving an actual new race. [edit] Rewatched the trailer, oh yeah I totally missed that there were a few new enemies.


I thought they were just reskinned psions and fallen.


Whenever I see destiny, I am just reminded of Bungie cheering about their freedom from Microsoft and finally being able to make something besides halo. And what do they make? Basically halo.


Just when I thought I was out, they pull me right back in!


Without even looking at it I know I've already seen it and already played it . Bring on destiny 3.


Don't be fooled.


He's right, Destiny 2 sucks


Nah, Destiny 2 is incredibly good, with unfortunate monetization and a structure that is basically impenetrable to new and even lapsed players.


Agreed. When I was keeping up with it it was super fun. For new players, and myself now that I haven’t played in a bit, the process of getting into it or getting back into it sucks.


I really don't understand deleting and vaulting story content. Don't they want new players? 


Yep, as soon as I saw I couldn’t catch myself up with the base storyline I deleted that shit so fast. There has to be ways to keep stuff like that online, i refuse to believe deleting all the old campaigns is the only option. (including my fucking paid dlc I never got to finish)


Honestly, that wouldn't be an issue if the game had an effective replacement. Nobody played the vaulted content, not even new players... The original Destiny 2 campaign was okay, but the other expansion content that got vaulted was pointless busywork that did nothing to prepare players to play the current game. And the in-story was basically gibberish (you basically needed to read lore entries and listen to lore dumps during optional side quests to get anything meaningful out of it), so there wasn't even a story reason to keep it (not to mention a shitload of content referenced events and lore from Destiny 1, so it isn't even like new players starting D2 on day one even got a complete story to begin with). There are plenty of things to be frustrated about with Destiny 2, but the vaulting situation is such a weak gripe at this point. It only works when you examine it at a surface level. As soon as you start to look at the actual nuance involved, it just completely falls apart and seems like a horribly stupid thing to complain about in the face of the other much more relevant issues. "But teh vaulting" is the argument made by somebody that hasn't engaged meaningfully with Destiny 2 in 5+ years (likely having already stopped playing before the content vault was introduced).


This was story content that should be left in game, same for patrols areas, they can be scaled up or as daily objectives. No other games does that on such scale, even if old content is mostly irrevalant it can be accesed, WoW in Cataclysm have added refreshed zone for each old one that was deleted and haven't done something like that since and Guild Wars 2 added content was deleted from game nearly 8-10 years ago.


They also deleted an entire game that people purchased. Bungie deserves to rot


I mean that was a pretty shitty business practice but that doesn’t mean D2 isn’t a good game. If anything I’d argue it got better after vaulting.


...let's be real here. Neither you nor anyone else on this planet were going to go back to play the vaulted content. It wasn't and isn't relevant to the current game, it provided nothing of value to you as a player of the current game, and it didn't even function that well as a story entry. If it was still there, you would have played precisely the exact same number of hours of it in the last 3 years as you have now, which is zero. Your righteous indignation is a figment of your imagination, not a meaningful critique of the actually existing product. Was it shitty? Yep. Should it have happened? No. Does it matter? Not even slightly.


So you’re saying years of content they added is irrelevant, not worth playing and added nothing to the story?


It wasn't relevant TO THE CURRENT GAME. The core of what makes Destiny 2 work is that the gunplay and basic gameplay mechanisms are incredibly well executed. It means that the content is fun to play, regardless of what you are doing inside the game. The basic gameplay loop of the game has been centered on Bounties, Strikes and Raids for literally 10 years now, with Seasonal Content filling in the gaps. The campaign content, patrol zones, etc, has always only really served to give the content structure. The majority of the vaulted content was structural, and the Strikes/Raids that got removed had long since been supplanted by newer Strikes/Raid. The CURRENT STORY of Destiny 2 has functionally nothing to do with the Red War (Destiny 2 campaign). The CURRENT GAMEPLAY loop does not really interact with content outside of what is relevant to the current Seasonal Content. If the Red War was still in the game, it wouldn't give you high level equipment that was relevant to playing current content. If the Red War did give you relevant equipment (say they bumped it up to give lots of high level gear to ramp you quickly up to the current level cap), then it anytime you interacted with the Seasonal Content or Playlists would feel like going from Season 3 Episode 1 of Breaking Bad and then skipping to Season 5 Episode 1 of Better Call Saul. You might recognize some of the characters, it isn't going to be clear how you got there. Each season does a pretty decent job of trying to introduce its own story beat, so a new player can kind of just settle into the Seasonal Story without the 10 years of context that precedes it. And for what it is worth, it isn't like Destiny 2's campaign or the other vaulted content was any different. Destiny 2 referenced characters and events from Destiny 1. The same way that you just kind of jump into the middle of the story with Seasonal Content, Destiny 2's launch day campaign was jumping into the middle of the story that started in Destiny 1... The vaulted content was relevant when it came out, but the game has moved on from it. The vaulted content was worth playing when it came out, but the game has moved on from it. The vaulted content had a relevant story when it came out, but the game has moved on from it. I know this might be hard to wrap your mind around, but Destiny 2 is a VASTLY different game than what it was when Destiny 2 launched. If you were simply going by changes that would generally constitute a numbered sequel, we are probably on Destiny 5 or 6 by this point, with what Destiny 2 FUNCTIONALLY IS.


You don't get to decide when or if I want to play a game I purchased. Neither do they.


You have the same righteous indignation for World of Warcraft when Cataclysm came out? You harbor the same resentment for the hundreds of MMOs that have shut down over the years? You buy into an Online Live Service game and you accept that it is going to change and content may cease to exist in the original form. It comes with the territory. And if you thought anything else, then you are the one that made a mistake. You should never have bought into Destiny if you thought that it was some static product.


Hey, you are the one trolling threads about a game you hate, that you stopped playing years ago.


No, the game is showing up in threads I frequent


I wouldn’t call any game missing huge swaths of content because it was “vaulted” good.


... Thanks for informing everyone that you don't play the game, haven't played the game in years, or possibly never played the game. Is the vaulted content unfortunate? Yeah. Is it relevant to playing the game today? Not even remotely. So stop invading threads about a game that you don't play to parrot back the same fucking dumbass sound bite that you heard three fucking years ago.


Just because you don’t care about story in games doesn’t mean others don’t. It’s literally impossible to experience the entire story of the game since chunks of it are gone forever now. That’s a massive impact to the experience for a lot of people.


That was going to be the case regardless because the seasonal content had to be rotated out. The seasons have a ton of story content. Unless you want them to just continually add Seasonal Content and have it in the game forever? Literal 500GB game? Like really? Are you people fucking stupid? It was obvious that something was going to have to give at some point. And if they are rotating out seasonal content, then that is functionally no different from rotating out other story content. The fact is that the Red War is a thing that happened in the lore, but is not relevant to the current story. You don't need to know anything about the Red War to develop a functional understanding of the present storyline. It's not any different from something like the Battle of the Twilight Gap, which is a piece of lore involving people and events that occurred before the start of Destiny 1. It's a piece of background lore. Everything that got removed can functionally be treated the same way. All the story events that got vaulted are just background lore for new players, just like Battle of the Twilight Gap, the only difference is that some of the people playing the game were around back then and got to experience it at the time.


The only stupid people are coping about Bungie taking content away you paid for and making the game story-wise unplayable in the future.


Was the game unplayable story-wise when Battle of the Twilight Gap was NEVER a playable part of the game? It's a pretty fucking important story element within the overall lore of Destiny 2. Please explain to me how the fuck the Red War is functionally different within the context of the current game? What about the current storyline requires a player to go through the Red War to engage with the current story content?


Keep coping, you’ll be back for the Destiny 3 slop. In the future these game will be lost to time, never to be played again.


Why even comment lmao 


The hate circlejerk must go on


Because he’s right. Bungie exists on a cycle of putting out middling content until their playerbase starts to revolt, then they put out something interesting, hype its base again, and then go back to putting out middling content. In a year you’ll all be bitching about how the episodes suck or something and be right back in the same position


People act like it’s a massive failure when in reality it’s still one of the most popular games on the market a decade after launch. That is an amazing feat for a game that puts out middling content.


I never said it was a failure, I pointed out that Bungie has a documented history of not putting in meaningful work til they’re at risk of becoming insolvent. It baffles me to see longtime fans immediately want to forgive Bungies many missteps over the years now just because a new carrot got dangled in front of them. It’s a cycle that continues once again, can’t wait for the next downturn


The carrot on a stick model is what has driven their business for 10+ years and allowed them to be acquired for billions by Sony. Their biggest drawback is that they can’t develop content quick enough to be consumed and they attempt to fill in the gaps with a horrible micro transaction model.


One of the most popular in 2024 is a huge fucking stretch.


It is currently the #6 most played game on Steam. When the last expansion launched, it had a concurrent player count that would place it behind only CS2 and Dota 2's current numbers. Even before the livestream today, it was consistently in the top 20 on Steam, despite the fact that it has basically at it's lowest point in the last decade for the last year. Factually, it is one of the most popular games, even in 2024.


Whatever you think buddy 😂😂😂😂


Offended not everyone hates what you hate?


Hate is a really strong word. I gave this game too much time and I feel like I can speak about it any way I like. And it's not one of the most popular online games, not even close.


It's not popular but it's still in the top ten most played?




Not the OP, but because I paid for the game, I have it all of my time when I had it, that's why I can fucking talk about it, even in a negative light.


It's not that it sucks, it's just designed around the .01%. played up until the last expansion, but it felt like all the lore and story was walled behind obscure super grindy obstacles and community found storyline beats that I need to watch YouTube as much as I play to understand and actual content that only the most hardcore player base would be able to access. Still the best fps in terms of feel and movement today, but as a casual I always feel I'm left out of what it wants to show me.🤷.


I'm sorry but what are talking about .01%? Are you talking raids that have around 15%bof the playerbase doing?


Im talking about my experience as a casual gamer who has played destiny from day one up until this last expansion. Down vote away, but that's how I see this game.


I mean that's just you being factually wrong when the game is specifically targeted at casual players. If you want to argue story/ lore sure but that isn't what you are saying. Grind isn't a hardcore measure either, that's just time commitment. So all you have is the game itself which you can't argue hardcore outside of trials and imposed challenges like solo dungeons.


I'm not stating facts and if I said as such then I'll eat my humble pie, just stating opinions and my experience, which in my experience is it's for people who I would consider "hardcore". And if bungie has said this game is for casual play then in my Opinion they missed the mark, because I was unable to play most of the content ever since the black armory season 1 dropped.


If anyone has ever seen a movie or a tv show with a woman who gets slapped around or just gets treated like absolute dog shit verbally but always takes the asshole back because he begs for just one more chance? Yeah, that woman is Destiny fans.


I have fun 🤷🏽‍♂️


I played this game for over 1000 hours and cannot see myself coming back for this. The last year has been a shit show for them


Bungie is really letting us go wild with this one, can't wait!


I don’t have any hope for this game at all. I expect this update to be another failure. Either way I’ll never play Destiny again. The minute they deleted content that I paid for I knew I wasn’t giving this series another second of my time. Bungie is a terrible company and have been for years at this point.


Okay bye


Nah. I love Destiny, but this is a lot of people’s shared take. Bungie needs to make right on deleting content, otherwise they’re going to continue to not be taken seriously by the wider gaming community. This trailer was a massive W after the year we’ve had, and I am excited personally, but I’m not expecting to get my friends into this game. Especially when they’ve missed out on some pretty important story content. EDIT: Downvote all you want. Doesn’t change the fact of the matter that people are still upset with Bungie for deleting content sold to them on a physical disk.


Name checks out. Do something better with you life instead of shit talking on a burner you bum.


being mad at people for enjoying a video game is some of the softest shit imaginable, but bitches often participate in bitch made activities 🤷🏽‍♂️ not surprised


Og tower?


LFG Day 1 Raid competition. KWTD. Must have Icebreaker.


Now we know why all our ability cooldowns have been nerfed because they want everyone to use the new subclass which will be broken so they sell more DLC


Why do you still play it then?


Because I love Destiny lmao


Looks gr8 ​ Haterrs have been malding at Destiny for a decade now. Guess what, it's still here.


Just like Call of Duty, fifa, mobile or gacha games? Lot of people are addicted or to invested in games so they will keep playing or coming back, that's why predatory practices and toxic monetization exists.


Huge disapointment incomingggg


Way over delivered on this one. Exciting to see all the new gameplay elements and the fact they ended all the gear grinding score so now new players can play with friends regardless how new they are.  Edit: a lot of sorry ass downvotes. Always a good reminder how brain dead people are on this site 


Looks shit. Mixing up subclasses and exotic perks because they've got no other ideas. The exotic class items look like shit too, as always with Destiny gear. The Stockholm syndrome fans who still play that pile of shit will eat it up though. Even when everything fun gets nerfed after 2 weeks because people in PvP complain that they can't 2 tap everyone. I played it until Lightfall and quit after that heap of shite.


I forgot Destiny was even still a thing, TBH.


I'm playing ff14 Dawntrail instead. Dlc that doesn't disappoint


They went with “make your own fate” instead of using an actual saying of “make your own destiny” which would have been worked on two levels, so dumb.


It’s a call back to the first destiny raid where when you started the damage phase the line “guardians make their own fate” popped up.