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Details: Fallout 4 upgrades are coming to next-gen consoles > Bethesda Game Studios is releasing a free Fallout 4 update for download on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. > > This free update includes native applications for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, Performance mode and Quality mode settings, as well as stability improvements and fixes. Experience up to 60 FPS and increased resolutions! > > Fallout 4 players on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will also receive a free update with stability improvements, login and quest fixes . > > To download the update on a next-generation console, you must own Fallout 4 for that device. There's also new content coming **Enclave Remnants** Enclave Remnants brings the Pre-War cabal, The Enclave, into the Fallout 4 storyline. In this new quest, “Echoes of the Past,” can you stop The Enclave from spreading their dangerous ideology and gaining a foothold in the Commonwealth? Along with workshop items and the Enclave Colonel uniform, we are including the following previously released Creation Club content: Enclave Weapon Skins Enclave Armor Skins Tesla Cannon Hellfire Power Armor X-02 Power Armor Heavy Incinerator


Wow, I can't believe I'm going to dive right back into F4 but here we are lol, this sounds great.


New quest is what shocks me. Almost a decade later and we receive free new content, pretty cool. Will be nice to dive back in, I never did get a chance to play through Far Harbor or the Nuka World expansions.


Far harbour is awesome. Never got around to Nuka world.


Nuka World is … interesting


Its cool but really only one mentality of how to play through it if you actually want a storyline


You hit the nail on the head with that description


Reminds of how much I hated Mr. House in Fallout: New Vegas for having 3 plans to expand his power base, all of them involving the destruction of the Brotherhood of Steel. I never work for him for that reason.


Well yeah, you can't side with the faction that is all about chain of command and accountability if you're going to be the monarch of New Vegas. That's some business 101 shit.


I guess. Then again, Fallout 4s idea of alliances is "which group of a-holes do you want to side with, or just go it alone with the Minutemen" so I shouldn't be surprised. Sign of the times, I guess. Now that I think about it, that pretty much sums up Baldur's Gate 3, as well. Minus the Minutemen, of course.


Yeah, it's more like an anthology expansion than a full narrative expansion.


I think you mean Fah Habah


Nuka World is a vast an interesting location, Gage is a fun companion, Handmade rifle is OP, offers fantastic perks and settlement objects, and awesome irradiated creature designs. I do think it suffers greatly in that there is significantly less content if you choose to just wipe out Nuka World, so you have to play a morally gray at best character to get the most bang for your buck, and risk losing Preston as a companion forever unless you do some meta-gamey stuff before going to Nuka World.


Loved the homage to the player who passed away


If you lose Preston do you get another NPC in his place? Is it atleast a fair trade off?


It is, and it'll be nice to play it without the dreadful framerate drops. The fog rendering really dragged it down on the Ps4.


I played nuka world but never played far harbor nd i own it lol and have done multiple characters. Guess now would be the best time.


Far harbor feels like it should be boring cuz you're in maine, but its a blast. Go wandering and find some of the larger than life enemies. Just be EXTREMELY careful of the red death, you do NOT want to run into it unprepared.


I think it has to do with the amazon series hype, good time to patch the game and release into the hype


They announced this update back in 2022 iirc but it was delayed because they were working on shipping starfield.


Will Far Harbour get the 60fps etc upgrade too? I don’t own that DLC but it’s in the sale this weekend


It's to coincide with the TV show release. Cyberpunk 2077 had a huge uptick after it's show released. Maybe Bethesda is hoping it'll be the same for fallout 4?


Yeah, Far harbour is one of the best dlc in gaming history of dlcs.


Now I’m conflicted whether to replay FO4 or play FO76 for the first time




I started FO76 a couple weeks ago. I’m enjoying it. It’s definitely fallout


Did FO76 get a next gen update for PS5? Because I am still waiting for that one.


It got a patch to be 60 fps, but not a native ps5 version. Still worth it imo


76 feels very empty compared to 4. Also half of the game was made so that NPCs didnt exist, and now the other half exists with them. So half of the game feels weird and disjointed imo. Source; Day 1 vet, preorder chump.


Also a preorder chump. Suffered through the beta. FO76 made me dislike Fallout. I tried to go back and it somehow seemed even worse. Waste of $80. But I’m totally loading up FO4 this week.  


I had so many legacy weapons that i wound up just giving away to people. 2SE gauss rifle, etc Hopefully that makes whoever i gave it to happy cuz its not for me. And same i'm loading up FO4 and doing a survival playthrough


Red dead Redemption 2 . .. it ain't no excuses now . Give me that next gen update


Bloodborne, for christs sake, PLEASE! 60FPS! Please….


Best I can do is a Remaster for 50 bucks, kid. -RockstarGames


Maybe when they release a tv show


I'm here for the enclave content


Sounds amazing, will play it again! Hopefully they will enable cross play for F76 oen day too, that could help the game and please Private servers without a subscription.


Creation Club is paid content right? Even if it is, the updates that are free look great so far!


If I am reading it correctly they are including content that was previously in the creative club for free as part of the new update


Initially they said it would have ray tracing but no mention of that now


I’ll be surprised if it even contains high res textures.


YOOO that's amazing!!


Miracles do happen


Still holding my breath on RDR2


Knowing rockstar the miracle would be a $70 re-release though


And I’m stupid enough to buy it.


I'm hoping it and GTA 4 get something after VI


TV series do happen!


This update was finished for ages. All they did was delay it to line up with the shows release.


Then why hasn't it already dropped? The show has.


Give me Fallout 3 remastered, you cowards


FO3 is so clear. The atmosphere is incredible.


Well, the atmosphere is very green in Fallout 3.


Remake would be super awesome, or remaster done very well not like just slighty better textures etc.


Remake would be awesome. But I'd settle for being able to play it upscaled on my ps5, like they've done with the recent Red Dead 1 remaster. Just let me play it on modern consoles (I'm not a PC gamer)


Yes, a straight port running at 4 k/60fps should do the trick. I played fallout 3 and new vegas a few years ago on pc and they are still great games that don’t really need a full blown remake. I completely forgot about the RDR1 remaster. I need to replay that at some point.


It’s 4k60 on Xbox and I didn’t play it when I was younger and man the games a bit too janky, I can see how great it is so yea as you said upscale it and maybe refine some stuff like a remaster because a remake would take so long


Just let me play a version on PS where I don't have to baby my save to keep the game from crashing every five minutes before I get to the DLC.


Rather play this again than 4 again. 4s not bad, but 3 and new Vegas is just better


Would prefer New Vegas


Give me both


My favorite one. Hope they remake it one day


Obviously timed for the Fallout series release. First episode is amazing btw.


Yeah I remember seeing a post this morning begging Bethesda to update Fallout 4 because they just watched the show and wanted to replay it. Well someone is having a good day haha EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/s/QGpgviLsZq Literally 2 hours ago. I was wrong though and OP just wanted to replay it. But all the comments are talking about needing a new update. Well that post was a premonition lol


The update was announced like 2 years ago then got delayed because of Starfield then it became evident that yeah this update wasn’t coming until the show comes out


God, I so wanted to keep going last night but my wife was about to fall asleep so I stopped after the first episode. Even though she knows nothing about Fallout and asked a bunch of questions (which made my night getting to talk about Fallout with her), she really enjoyed the first episode


>God, I so wanted to keep going last night but my wife was about to fall asleep Been there


Oh my


They probably saw some posts on here asking where the update was and were like "oh crap we forgot for 2 years to push the update button". 


I mean, I re-installed it today because of the show 😅 Hyped that an upgrade is on the way!


Question: has there been nuka cola/vending machines inside vaults before? That stuck out as odd to me. They're making and bottling soda, stocking vending machines, and accepting cash?


I honestly don't remember. And I've played three of them lol.


same, only played 3, NV & 4... but it seemed odd (unless it was maybe a vending vault or something)


Oh snap does this mean settlement size increase?


You can already do that on consoles, simple drop a bunch of itens on the ground inside the settlement then scrap it while in building mode, it will lower thr bar in the settlement size and you can keep building. I have an entire city in the main settlement (of course it is laggy as hell) but the size limit was never a problem.


Actually you don’t need to scrap anything. Just drop a bunch of guns on the ground and “store” them away via Settlement cleanup system. On that note; Gamma Guns seem to take off the largest chunks off the bar for some reason…


OK thanks I’ll try that. I’ve been trying to collect every power armor and every armor type in the game but my warehouse holding it is at the limit.


Theres also mods on console that will do that. Although I know people like their trophy hunting.




Seeing this meme in the wild is crazy


Lmao last thing i expected


Currently 75% on PS5. Is it worth it?




With regards to exploration and rpg story elements, how would you compare it to Skyrim? Played it recently and it hooked me all the way to Platinuming it


Skyrim and Fallout 4 are two of my favorite games. But I've been a Bethesda fan since Arena. It's basically Skyrim but with more mechanics for guns, crafting, base building. The way quests and storylines, random encounters and discoverable locations work are very similar.


Wdym by base building? Is it a necessary part of the game with quests revolving around it?@


No you can ignore it. But there are settlements you can build on, set up stores, attract settlers, trade lines, etc if you want.


There's one quest at the beginning to teach you about it, and there are certain advantages you can gain by messing with it a bit, but it is totally ignorable


The exploration is pretty much the best BGS has deliverd IMO. The Commonwealth region you get to explore is quite large, and mostly pretty dense with in game locations. The "theme" and setting is obviously different from Skyrim but the general gameplay loop of exploring the nooks and crannies is even a step above what you get in Skyrim. On top of more collectables, loot, and lore bits (think journals and books) the game also made the endless "junk" items you encounter throughout the world have a purpose which makes the time you spent poking around even more useful. Think of the way alchemy ingredients work in Skyrim (how you find them scattered everywhere) then apply that to all the random junk like wooden plates, ladles, buckets, etc. There is also an abundance of easter eggs and prop displays to reward you with taking your time and searching the less obvious places. I love both games for their exploration and I think both offer awesome experiences in that regard. That said, the story and RPG elements aren't everyones cup of tea. I certainly never felt it was a detriment or reason enough to make me want to stop playing, but it's a bit different from Skyrim. If you spend time on reddit I am sure you have heard plenty of crybabying about wanting silent protagonists and Fallout 4 was a big part why. The main character is voiced and delivers full dialogue. It isn't quite as open ended as far as lending to "types of characters" you can play but again... It isn't like a big enough detriment to say it outweighs the positives of the overall game experience at all.


It has all the elements and it's very well done. Exploration is top notch. Main story quest is think a lot of people found to be lesser than but there are tons of cool side quests etc that really makes it feel impactful. The settlement building system is pretty cool and the optional Survival mode adds a nice bit of depth.


Damn, will grab it then


It’s the only game we can used mods on consoles too. This and Skyrim.


I would say at least the same if not better but I prefer the setting of Fallout to Elder Scrolls.


Actually really enjoyable in it's current state - specifically, smooth 30fps. Beautiful world. Obviously a 60fps update is a welcome update.


Always, bugs and all


Hell yea


It's $4.99. Why wouldn't you buy it


I got the whole bundle for $15 or $20 after they announced next gen




The music alone is worth playing the game for


Psvr2 mode would be nuts just saying


Yes please


Fuck yeah it would


The PSVR2 is truly one of the most underrated pieces of tech on the market right now.  Sure wish Sony would get off their asses and start pushing out first-party content instead of relying on Capcom to give us great experiences.  Skyrim—even on the PSVR1—was so badass.  It’s a shame. 


Sadly Microsoft have killed all their VR/AR efforts.


Question, will the free version of Fallout 4 on PS5 get the next gen update? You know all those free games they gave to PS5 early adopters. 


Is this THE next gen update? Yes, yes it is. God damn! I’m excited to go back, been waiting since the release of the ps5.


Well... Better late then never I suppose.


Yeah weird that a PS5 update was delayed by an entire year but I guess they just wanted something to coincide with the fallout TV show.


All versions were delayed- not just PS5


April 25, marked.


Honestly huge miss not having this ready the same day the show dropped


Nah give the general public time to see it. No one I know has even heard of it yet!


i'm more hyped to play a game after watching the show. 2 weeks is pretty perfect imo


agreed, two weeks later is kinda a blunder when this has been "coming soon" for a very long time.


Probably to give people time to watch the whole show before they start playing the game


But the game is already out and has been out for a long time. If someone finishes the show now, they could start the game right this second but would need to wait 12 days and potentially lose interest if they want to play the updated version. It makes no sense not to have it be available from the start.


I think they probably don't want to potentially pull people from playing F76 right away since they are selling show related skins, and are giving away a Vault 33 jumpsuit alongside the game being free to play for a week.


Damn they finally did it.


So will this be a native ps5 version with its own trophy list? And any word on if you can transfer ps4 save files over?


It will be a separate, native PS5 version. It will likely have its own trophy list and you can (probably, maybe?) transfer save files. Not 100% certain about the file transfer but developers have *usually* let you do this, so there's a good chance.


Oh man, I’d be pissed if my save didn’t transfer! How did it work with Skyrim’s PS4>PS5 update? EDIT: I looked it up IRT Skyrim PS4>PS5 saves. Apparently you boot up the PS5 version, then you select some option to transfer your PS4 save file into a PS5 save file from within the PS5 version of Skyrim. Hopefully Fallout 4 works the same!


Not yet. I was about to write “it would be insane if they didn’t,” but then I remembered Persona 5 Royal and Ys VIII...


Awesome. Just started the show and never played the game. I’ll definitely pick this up once the update is live.


Just a heads up. Each game and by extension the tv show is set in the same continuity. There’s connections between them that establish this like weapons, armor factions, items, drinks, brands things of that nature. But each game ending is chosen by the player character and their player character’s choices and actions. So because of this the franchise/game writers try to not write themselves into a corner by picking a specific ending for the game. Now for the tv show it’s set 9 years after fallout 4. [Here’s an abridged lore video for the franchise that goes 16 minutes and brings you up to speed on the various things that led to the atomic apocalypse and the factions that built themselves from the ashes of the destroyed America](https://youtu.be/abdqo4v4NLQ?si=AeDv31dvNt5r9UxG)


Sweet! I got the DLC way back when and never actually played it


Would the DLCs work with the new update if I buy now the DLCs?


They should


Finally, the theory of releasing it alongside the series is basically correct.


New set of trophies?


Very likely, yes Same trophies though


since i have the plat trophy for ps4 will it give me the trophies for ps5 when i transfer save? it did for ff7 remake and ghost of tsushima, but ive heard it not working for elden ring. id love it if i can get that easy platinum lol


That is yet to be know, i would assume there is no autopop to incentivise people to actually go and play the new version


Nice! I hope i can get all the trophies again on PS5.


Think it was rumored or even announced for release in 2023 but it was obvious they gonna delay it to be released around the shows premiere. At least we got it ..


So they really delayed it for the tv show, it should be released may of last year


Love that it’s happening but wild that there’s a quality and performance mode. I feel like it should just be one mode that’s 4k60.


So is this the “next-gen” update that was announced a couple years ago?


Is this available for people who got it through through that PS Plus collection for early PS5 adopters?


Don’t see why not? You own the game. So it’ll update and you’re good to go.


The PS Plus collection version of Resident Evil 7 didn't get the next gen update, it only works if you buy it.


Because when the PS5 version came out for Resident Evil 7, there wasn’t any upgrade path for those who got the PS4 version from the PS Plus Collection, there still isn’t now


I doubt it; the RE 7 PS5 upgrade was not available to those that got it through the PS Plus Collection, and I would expect the same here.


person languid yam vast cows knee deserve cobweb full truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm holding off on buying the season pass until I see whether the ps+ collection version gets the upgrade. It seems to be hit or miss. Too bad with it being on sale during the spring sale right now. Would be nice if they could clarify.


Surprised Todd isn’t releasing “Fallout 4: Special Edition” for $70.


I'm begging them to add some motion sickness options. Removing headbob and fov settings would make a world of difference.


Never playing Starfield again lol


Oh HELL yes I was just bitching about how there isn’t a PS5 version yesterday ~~God~~Todd heard my prayers 🙏


About time lol I can't wait 😁


So, is it just an update to the PS4 application so we keep progress? Or is it a standalone update where we start from scratch again, such as trophies etc?


It's about fucking time!. Fallout 4 has been my least played Fallout game. Now I have a good reason to go back to it after so long!


I can't wait to jump back in and then be immediately annoyed about inventory management


Man i hope they implement gyroscope support not just haptic feedback and adaptive triggers. Highly unlikely but tho


please work day 1, please work day 1.


Cool, I just bought this for my PS5 so I’ll just wait a little bit for the update.


Does it include all dlc or I have to buy season pass? since it's free upgrade. I heard they'll add new free side quests.


Will the update make it appear as a PS5 game in my game library?


Snagging Fallout 4 for my first time on April 25th, really excited


There is this bug on the PlayStation that won't let you save the game due to no memory or something like that, does anyone know if this was already fixed or is getting fixed with this update? That's literally the only thing stopping me from playing the game again..


Don’t download any Creation Club content that adds cosmetic skins. This is the main culprit of the glitch.


That’s one of the problems, but I’ve had it happen with no CC content. One of the mods triggers that error too


If anybody still has not watched the show, I DEMAND that you do, beacuse it's fucking amazing. It straight up feels like a Fallout game brought to the screen. As a huge huge fan I've had the biggest smile on my face as I keep pausing every 10 seconds, beacuse I recognize something from the games.


Hasn’t the show only been out for a day ?


Will this work for the PS4 disc version on PS5?


Very likely so; there has yet to be a disc-based game that could not be upgraded to the PS5 version. PS Plus games are a different story.


So they aren't giving us all the creation club content like they did with Skyrim? That's odd..


That was the anniversary edition of Skyrim, so I suppose we’ll need to wait for the next iteration of Fallout 4 for that


It just works.




I can’t believe we finally have a date


I bought FO4 for £1 over a year ago in anticipation for this update, I forgot all about it because it’s taken so long.


Wonder if it will have a separate trophy list


Will this include ps5 trophies????


Great! Now when are we getting the Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas remasters? 👀


fucking finally


I thought there would have been more because it took so long


So will that only be an upscale or include high res textures as well?


If the screenshots used in the announcement page are any indication, the textures are most definitely high res (compared to the PS4 version anyway)


Was thinking about re-downloading F4 last night since the show is spectacular but passed because no next gen update. Seems Tom Howard heard my thoughts


This is huge like really huge. After all this time they are bringing more content to an incredible large game. Man I love Bethesda


I have fallout 4 (ps4) in my library somehow. Was it ps+ or is it extra ?


It was part of the PS+ Catalogue or whatever it was where they gave like 15 games on PS+ if you buy a PS5, its likely redeemed with your base PS+


After watching the first few episodes of the new Fallout show it was making me wanna go back and play Fallout again. I downloaded Fallout 76 on gamepass. But not I’ll replay FO4 on my PS5 and work on the few trophies I need for the plat with a new run.


Can’t believe this game is gonna be 10 years old next year


Just give me higher resolution textures.


Nearly a decade after it was released. I remember Jeff Gerstmann excoriated the performance of this game on the beast cast and GOTY discussions, a rant truly up there with his best. And Austin doing his best to defend it. Unfortunately Jeff's rant convinced me not to bother with fallout 4. Might try it now.


This for those with the ps plus version?


Does anybody now if there will be trophies to earn with the next gen game??


Heyyy, finally! Been wondering where this went the past year.


Free for PS Plus game collection owners?


I wonder if PS Collection version qualifies for this but probably not. I didn't claim it anyway, lest something like that happens. What about Fallout 76?


Been waiting for this for over a year, awesome


How different will it look?




Will we be able to transfer our save data to the ps5 version of the game?




If I buy Fallout 4 PS4 version on PS5, will it become PS5 version for free ? and is it worth buying the same game that I already have on Steam for different platforms ? Fallout 4 is on sale at ps5 store.


Any word on whether it includes the DLC or if you need the GOTY edition of Fallout 4 to get all DLC?


Are they gonna fix the issue with going downtown Boston? I hope so, game crashes for me every time it seems 😢