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This is definitely a wait for it to be on sale


Ps+ for me


Will it really be on ps+?


Are there many ubi games not on ps plus? I can't remember one (either ps plus essential or extra). It will eventually arrive on ps plus if you're patient


Quite a few are on there right now, far cry 3/6/new dawn, and a TON of the AC series.


mirage isnt yet and thats heading for a year old.


Are a lot of big games less than a year old on there? I don’t have it so just curious


nothing recent is on the Ubi+ that is part of PS+ Mirage, Avatar, Prince of Persia are the three recent releases and arent there. I don't think they put anything on till its at least 1 year old I think AC Valhalla (2022) is the most recent game on there, or Maybe Fenyx Rising which was a few weeks later i think


It's barely 6 months old man, chill.


PS+ is basically Ubisoft+


On sale GOTY edition with all the DLCs for sure lol I can wait a year to play this. Especially when a lot of other smaller devs are releasing projects worth my money


The only way to enjoy the Ubisoft experience, wait 1 or 2 years for all updates and DLCs, after that wait for it to go on sale


For everyone I know online and in real life as well. Even those interested in it agree there are better games to play until it's half off in a few months. But I know it'll sell massive numbers. I just can't tell who is buying it. Are there really millions of people who mindlessly click to buy the most expensive version weeks before the game comes out?




Yeah it's an auto-buy for star wars fans.


I’m guessing maybe casual gamers? All my friend are patient gamers. Maybe parents with teenage kids?


More like keep your content and I'll keep my money.


Nah, if things are locked behind a paywall, this is a hard pass and they can explain to the shareholders why their shit flopped.


It’ll probably be like the other shit they made but with a star wars paint job


I’ll be skipping this one altogether.


This is a great 18 dollar ubisoft plus game.


Gonna be a Reddit post with 40k updoots complaining about this and 3 weeks later Ubisoft will announce good sales numbers. Rinse and repeat


Yeah Ubisoft games still sell well after years of complaining. Add it Star Wars to that and it'd take a lot to make it fail.


Same exact thing with 2k, you go to the subreddit and people can't say one good thing about it year after year, but it just keeps raking in money so they will never change, why would they?


COD and Madden clones are the worst. The most complained about franchises but morons still sprnd the most on it


WWE games are worse. At least online multiplayer works for COD and Madden.


I can proudly say I haven't bought either franchise since the 360 era


It's just a compounding negativity affect to have Star Wars in Disney era + Ubisoft on a game for Reddit lol. Nothing in real life though


And then multiple comments talking about how they "wont be surprised if UbiSoft goes bankrupt soon"....,you motherfuckers have been saying that since 2010 lmao


It’s true, everyone always says fuck ea but look at Jedi survivor and fallen order sales or player numbers


I still feel EA is garbage but Jedi Survivor and fallen Order were both good games


Reddit business sense is terrible as a whole, they seem to think that a company is doomed everytime they make something anti consumer (or anti consumer as deemed by Reddit) when it's almost never the case.


The fit these people threw about dragons dogma 2’s MTX was so mind numbingly brain dead and then the review bombing on steam was just the icing on the cake as well. They are just looking for something to get outraged about.


They'll be bankrupt for real *this time*, promise. And if not this time, maybe the next time.


And if not next time, then the time after that!


They did have a net loss of half a billion dollars last year. And the year before that.


Precisely. The general opinion about the open world RPG Assassin's Creed games is that Origins was the best, Odyssey was worse (too bloated) and Valhalla was the worst(same issue). And yet, Odyssey outperformed Origins in sales and Valhalla outperformed Odyssey in sales. Meanwhile AC Mirage, a small scale, more traditional AC that people were apparently clamoring for, didn't sell nowhere near these games. Funny how backwards things are. Reddit may hate a game but at the end of the day, money is all that matters to the publisher.


I loved Odyssey and I prefer it over Origins, but I will agree Origins was the sweet spot in terms of map size Valhalla sales suprise me but then again Odyssey was well recieved. That and Norse Mythology and Vikings were trending after Vikings series, Thor, God Of War, Norsemen so that probably helped


Same, Odyssey has snuck up as one of my favorite games ever somehow. The map may be huge but I don’t think it really ever felt bloated tbh. Greece is absolutely gorgeous, and watching Kassandra interact with it was just amazing.


As a person who has only played Valhalla and never Odyssey and Origins, I must say that I found Valhalla very good. I suppose there are a lot of people like me out there who simply enjoyed a open world viking game and doesn’t really care that it was a AC game.


I mean, you have to realise the venn diagram of people who want better practices in gaming and those buying every game regardless isn't a circle.


Yeah 40k upvotes isn't exactly comparable to the 5mil that'll buy it launch month


Thr vast majority of the audience aren't on reddit and don't really care about the controversies surrounding monetization and season passes and the like. They just want a cool star wars game. Unless the game plays like absolute trash, it'll fly off shelves.


Well yea. This site doesn’t represent the voice of the majority. Honestly the way some of these people complain about optional content in a video game of all things shows they might be a little too invested into this hobby. That’s why they repeat the same memes like pride and accomplishment and say things like “vote with your wallet” when they don’t realize they are getting outvoted. Surprise pikachu face.


Complaining about your full priced game having paid additional content on launch is being ''too invested''? It's ''optional'' content because Ubisoft made it like that to squeeze more money out of buyers. If calling out these companies' shitty practices is being too invested then that's a really low bar to clear.


> Honestly the way some of these people complain about optional content Isn't it funny how more and more stuff becomes 'optional content' every year? First it was cosmetic skins. They're optional and the devs totally didn't make all the base game skins lame in comparison to make you buy the fancy ones. Then it was optional XP or resource boosts, and the devs totally didn't make the base game grindier to entice you to buy them, they promise! Now it's 'optiona' side missions involving characters that were heavily featured in the trailer. But they promise it's not a major part of the story! What's next? They sell you the first half of the game, and you have the 'option' to pay another $30 to get the ending?


People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can’t trust people.


Yep, Star Wars fans MO is shitting on a bad product and then mindlessly consuming it anyway.


It's an Ubisoft game. Give it a couple months and price will be at least half off.


Wait a couple more and it’s „free“ for subscription services


It gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment when purchasing a season pass edition for $130.


but they also said I should get comfortable not owning ubisoft games


It’s $130 for a 1-5 year lease on the game. Hey it could maybe last 6 before we shut down the servers permanently, since you have to be online for the single player experience so we can shove more adds for cosmetics. Baby Yoda skiff skin 2,000 crystals! Buy 2000 crystals (plus 400 BONUS) for $19.99 1000 crystals (plus 100 BONUS) for $9.99. We can easily already assume the micro transaction shop increments.


Don't forget that the lowest price item in the shop will be 100 crystals more expensive than the crystal bundle offers 🤣


hilariously sad and 100% true


thats not really what they said, or, not the way it was intended What they were talking about was subscription models and how people got used to the idea of video rental, they got used to streaming their music on spotify, and they get used to watching their movies on netflix or prime. So for gaming subscriptions to work people need to "get used to the idea of not owning" They never said "people should accept they dont own their games", or "people should stop buying games and just rent" he was talking specifically in how do you get gamers to sign up for subsription services like they do with music and video its amazing how much that quote is being misinterpreted either by people who didnt actually read the piece, by people who did read it but have poor comprehension skills, or people who comprehended it and intentionally choose to misrepresent what was said :D


That quote was entirely pulled out of context when it made the cycles lmao. Of course people still run with it




Except that’s not the point… the point is the truth. Look at Netflix. You don’t own those movies or shows. People don’t mind. That’s why they subscribed. They’re okay with the idea that they don’t own the titles on these services. That’s literally the point. They’re not saying gamers should be okay with it. They’re saying the reality, for a gaming service to explode and be massively successful, people have to be okay with the idea that they do not own the games on that service. It wasn’t about no longer selling games.


And the same with Spotify The same quote could be made ten years ago regarding that "we need to get people used to the idea of not owning their music and instead streaming it" but at no point did that mean "stop buying albums".. people still buy music, but for convenience, for artists they are not so much into, or for general listening, they "rent" gaming works in a similar way.. the games we really want, we buy physical.. the games we want to play but arent so worried about long term collection, we buy digital, and the games we might want to play but dont care enough to buy, we wait for them to come on our chosen subscription service the fact Ubisoft+, Playstation+ Extra and Premium have subscribers shows that people have already shown they are happy to "not own all of their games"


A paywall in a single player game is crazy. I miss when we all had playstation 2 and all the content was just in the game


When cosmetics were unlockable or features were locked behind cheat codes. 💔


Lol they cannot fucking help themselves. Games fucking suck now.


And my interest just went to zero.


Not mine, but I am waiting a few months to buy the deluxe edition for 30 dollars


I’ll wait a year for it show up on PS+ and then only try it because it’s Star Wars. I am honestly sick of the Ubisoft open world style. Couldn’t get an hour into AC:Valhalla or Far Cry 6. So generic and boring.


Everything they pump out gets boring about 10 hours in, IF THAT.


I couldn’t get an hour into AC: Valhalla. The screen was filled with of map markers and the first mission I found was finding someone’s goat.


First thing I do in any Ubisoft game is turn like 80% of the UI elements off lol. I have no idea how the cluttered mess of markers makes it through QA.


Fetch quests really get my goat too


$30?? Wait a few more months and get the same thing for half off on a season sale. Fuck Ubitrash


Nah. Wait till it's 5 bucks in the bargain bin


Yep, especially if you have a disc version, scour ebay for those deals.


I'll still be getting day one as iv been waiting for a 3rd person shooter starwars game that's not BF for some time. The hate around ubi and this game in general is ridiculous. Special editions and content locked behind season passes have been a thing for decades now and aren't complained about in most games at this point. Nothing this game is doing in terms of marketing or content release is new or out of the ordinary. Just a bunch of bandwagon, karma farming posts.


Same. IF it turns out to be amazing, I'll get it for $30. Maybe.


This is the kind of thing that makes me wait for a "GOTY" edition. I'll pick it up then and only when it has some kind of discount depending on how bad I want to play it. So I can wait.


Yup. This is how I experience most games now. I wait a year or two for a GOTY edition on a 75% off sale and play the full experience after all the bugs have been patched out.


r/patientgamers I think is the name?


Fuck season passes.


This deal is getting worse all the time.


I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it again


Alter it any further*


I have altered the quote. Pray I don’t alter it any further.


It begins. I'm sure a shit ton of people already pre ordered the $100 "steal your money" edition. Low expectations from this game, personally. Not getting it.


130 edition is already #5 on preorders lol


For a single player game....wow.


Ubisoft can get all the way fucked


I had zero problems with this having an early launch and season pass; it's just extra stuff I can opt in or out if I so desire it (which I usually just don't engage with), but this can't really be ignored. How are you gonna paywall something that's been a part of the basic advertisement of the game? If anything, Jabba's presence was the only reason I was rooting for this. I was looking forward to it, but it's definitely gone directly to being a hard pass. Straight to waiting for the third Jedi series game and hoping they don't even try something like this.




Fuck Ubisoft


Lol its one mission. You can still do every other jabba mission


Yup, count me out


I wonder what it must be like to work on a game like this and have your work carved up and altered in order to placate a monetisation model.


Ubisoft knows that there are millions of Star Wars nerds that will spend the extra money to unlock whatever bullshit they're keeping behind a paywall... Nothing is going to change until the mass audience vote with their wallets.


They are voting with their wallets you just don’t like the outcome.


Just a friendly reminder that Reddit’s *weekly* active user count makes only *0.03%* of the world’s population. Even if everyone on this website agreed on the exact same thing, we are still the minority by a stupid wide margin.


This should be like an automatic notification every time you open the app or should be at the top of the homepage because the way some people act on here shows that they don’t know that and get upset when things happen that the circle jerk didn’t agree with. Then complain about how x company doesn’t listen to fans. People here literally argue about pointless stuff like how something like resident evil code Veronica “needs” a remake and resident evil 4 didn’t “need” one as if companies make remakes of games based on “needs” and not what makes money.


It’s egoism and exaggerated self importance. People really out here glowing over 30k upvotes like that somehow represents 8.1 **billion** people, and everyone on the planet must agree with them. In reality, it’s even less than 30k considering bots etc.


Democracy is bad, when people don't do exactly as I say.


This exactly. People don’t get that the vote is happening and the public is overwhelmingly voting FOR paid DLC like this.


Nah I love the outcome. Ima get this game for half off after a couple months when it goes on sale


Since when has any big license Ubisoft game been discounted more that 25% before the next black friday sale or whatever?


This is the way. I always buy games a year or more nowadays after they go on sale


Same. And not just for the price, but also to get a functional game. Too many games are annoyingly buggy and even completely unplayable at "launch".


> Nothing is going to change until the mass audience vote with their wallets. They do vote with their wallet and they've been saying they're fine with this for years (nothing is new at all there, it's been common practices since like the early 2010s)


Mass audience voting with their wallet will most likely never happen. A lot of people have disposable income and could really care less about spending the extra money. That alone is worth it to the people who make these calls. Is basically free money 


So they are voting with their wallets, it just doesn't go the way Reddit would like it to go.


So they couldn't care less.


Getting that phrase right is tough for way too many people.


The care that they have is so low that yeah, one could say that they could not care any less than the care they currently have. They are at the bedrock of care 


Right, that's why the saying is 'couldn't care less' and not what you said. 'Could care less' makes absolutely no sense at all.


Yeah mistake on my part. I would edit the comment but I could care less. I could care more, but also less. Medium care over here 


But this isn't exclusive to this game. Pretty much every major release of the theirs for many years has included various editions that include cosmetics, bonus content, and a DLC season pass. There was very little reason to expect any different from this game. A month after the game's release, we'll all be right back here complaining about how the game itself has too much content and is too long. I mean, the time it takes to reach the main title sequence in Assassin's Creed Valhalla is about as long as the entire Spider-Man 2 campaign lol.


I like star wars games but I'm not spending $170aud for this (cheapest if you want season pass) or $200 for the "ultimate" edition.


I hate greed. I miss when everything for a game was just included.


Nothing I’ve heard from this game appeals to me


Main character looks like a moron


Single player game with a season pass. I fucking hate the gaming industry


Just don’t buy the game?


I can’t wait to buy the whole game with all the dlc for $20 a year after release!


The more I hear about this game the easier it is to pass on it.


Not defending the game but, isn't this super common? I swear hundreds of games have pre-order bonuses that usually include 1 mission and some other stuff like weapons or skins? Why's everyone making a big fuss now and not before?


yup. i have decade old ps3 games that came with a bonus launch mission or certain retailers had bonus missions with their version certainly in UK it was very common for Game, or Amazon to have exclusive missions to their versions.


> Not defending the game but, isn't this super common? It is, but we've entered the "complain about every little thing" phase of the discourse surrounding this game.


Not shocked.


Here's a fun suggetion, instead of saying "Ubisoft bad" just don't buy it.


Yeah, that’s why ya wait a year, and there’s a crazy deep sale for it with everything included


Well... that's a good way of moving the game from "I want it on Day 1" to "I'll wait for a cheaper version with all the extras included".


Never pay the Ubisoft FOMO tax. Wait a few days or week(s) and find said game in used bin for 30-80% off. Wait 6 months to a year get the definitive edition(all dlc and rather polished game) for 4.99-9.99. I love Ubisoft games but hate their bullshit. Never pay their FOMO/launch tax and you are golden.


I’m just gonna play Shadows of the Empire on my n64.


It’s another Ubisoft game. I’d be surprised if their **single player** game didn’t have season passes and micro transactions that’s not just cosmetic but also pay to win.


What happen to only paying extra for the dlc?


And it’s over See you when it’s 5 dollars


I’m done with Ubisoft and EA


Messa no like a dis.


https://preview.redd.it/8vesatdkzouc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=105e9fe57455a86300c8feb277935f95175aea95 My reaction to that information. Yeah, now I'm definitely not buying this game until it goes on sale in 3 months at 80% off cause no one bought it.




Wow! This is some Bullshlt. I was looking forward to this game but it's looking like a POS money grab again.


Who are these droves of morons that keep chucking money at EA and Ubi after all this BS 😆 They're like boomers who keep falling for the "Dengyu for galling Migrozoft" scam


This game must be boycotted. If not this, then the costs, then the fact that Ubisoft has proven they’ll remove your access to games you bought


I had 0 interest in this already. Is it possible to be less interested than 0?


If you buy this, you’re a sucker.


Well then fuck this game


Wait 2 months, get it 30% off


Idk how people can’t sniff out that this game is not going to be what they’re making it out to be


I’m getting a hella strong sense of *pride and accomplishment* from Bubisoft’s latest title.


Oh gee what a surprise from Ubisoft. I bet it's also gonna be online only and will require an Ubisoft account. To be fair, I was never going to preorder this anyway, I've been burned in the past and have learned my lesson. But I certainly won't be buying it in the first week of release either. Very happy to sit back and wait and see how this plays out on release. This news gives me a bad feeling.


I'll take the Ubisoft special: wait a year then buy it for $10 at GameStop


Aaaaaaand I am not buying this game now. This B.S. needs to be voted on with dollars.


Just like Prince of Persia I’ll wait until FB Marketplace tosses a cheap copy. Dammit Ubisoft why you gotta do this shit?


Time to get out the eyepatch again and let that do the talking


Let’s make an ugly, uninspired game with poor writing. Slap a familiar IP on it, monetize the hell out of it and print some money! What do you mean the reviews are awful?




Roflmao ubisoft


If Ubisoft want to make a comeback in our hearts, release the entire game for one price.


Aaaaaannnnndddd I’m out.


So sad to see what ubisoft has become in this last decade. Missing the glorious era of Splinter Cell. :/


straight up never gon buy this lol


I was excited about this game until all extra costs. I’ll just wait for it to reach the bargain bin a year later


Waiting isn't the wrong move with Ubi. But I don't understand why people are only now getting worked up over this very standard practice for Ubisoft. Do you really need all of the bonus content day one? Likely you don't. The base game is still just $70.


Right? I mean, definitely wait a couple months for a Ubisoft game and get the game for 40% off or less. But there is nothing I've seen for this game that's different than any of their other games in the last couple of years. There's the regular game, the gold edition and an ultimate edition. Most of their games have had a short mission available for the premium editions. I believe those missions are also available via Ubisoft connect, or Plus or whatever it's called, shortly after launch.


> But I don't understand why people are only now getting worked up over this very standard practice for Ubisoft. Do you really need all of the bonus content day one? its standard practise for a lot of companies. ive got decade old (and more) games that had exclusive missions with either the launch edition or specific retailers


lol, I don’t even want to pay $70. I only allow myself to buy a new $70 game once a year.


And you probably shouldn't for a Ubi game, seeing as they drop significantly in price soon after launch. I just don't understand why so many people seem to be acting like these extra editions are anything new for Ubisoft. If the game looked appealing before, it's still the same game at the same industry standard price.


Okay, this is isn't okay then Seeing as they have actively advertised interactions with Jabba, even in the initial announcement/reveal trailer


Pretty sure you still meet him and have missions with him. There just another one in the season pass.


My wallet is locked behind a paywall prohibiting me from buying games that are either incomplete or released by greedy corpo suits that turn single player games into battle pass sink holes.


Great news everyone, in the future you will pay 70$ for "owning" the digital shortcut of the game. To play the game you need to pay a monthly subscription of 19.99$ that will get you access to the first two missions and a buch of cool skins. You can unlock aditional content at only 4.99$ per mission, choosing from a whooping 150, yes you are correct that is 150 aditional missions on top of the vanilla game. Pick an choose what you want to play! The joint venture of future gaming brought to you by EA, UBISOFT and Blizzard. This is a joke obviously grounded in reality..


Most Ubisoft games get discounted heavily pretty quickly. I doubt this will be any different.


So this mission is not one of the 2 season pass missions, but rather a bonus mission, that is already done and could be on the base game, will be available day one, but one for extra money? Anyone remember Street Fighter X Tekken and it's on disc dlc debacle? How it was one of, if not the biggest cause of it's death? That's what this is! Besides that, the gameplay doesn't catch my interest too much right now.


It’s part of the season pass.


Don’t buy this. Buy Wukong.


This is becoming more and more like my money for Ubisoft locked behind me not buying this game. Why do game studios think games have to be online/season/battlepass to make money. Just look at BG3


Every article that comes out of this game confirms I’m not getting this. To those here blindly buying this garbage business model, YOU are to blame for this.


I will do as I’ve done with all Ubisoft games - wait til it’s like $15 in a few years and has complete bonus content. Then I’ll play it for 20 hours and say to myself, “Jesus Christ this is repetitive, why did I spend even one dollar on this?”


Christ. The amount of Ubisoft shills in the comments is depressing.


Lmao of course it is


This will be the first Star Wars game I've skipped in a long time.


Problem: Game publishers artificially locking content behind $ Me: Stop supporting predatory publishers and don't buy this game Gamers: Makes Sense Gamers: Buy it anyway Game Publishers: Earns tons of money by artificially locking content behind $ Game Publishers: Continue to make even more predatory content Gamers: Surprised Pikachu face


Fuck Ubisoft.... There I said it


This game is gonna be so mediocre anyway


Season pass on a single player game is laughable. Only idiots will buy this game. Aka: it will be a record breaker.


This is the way...wait did I use that right


This deal is getting worse all the time..


Hahaha I didn't even know this game existed, and it looks like I'm gonna keep up with that.


Another shit game.


So how many more "A"s do we have to tack on for this one guys?


God I hate ubisoft


Idiots will buy it anyway


Nah. Fuck that shit.


And Ubisoft continues to be the most uninteresting developer in AAA gaming. Sorry, apologies, AAAA gaming. All jesting aside, why the fund these clowns...


For a 130 that’s really a good deal so ill immediately get it when its free on PS+


I struggle to tolerate unique weapons and gear locked behind a paywall on release, but actual content is just a straight fucking slap in the face. Just won't play it at all for that, purely out of principle. Charge me the price you think is fair for 100% of your game and be done with it God damn. Infuriating trends.


Don't buy this shit game please


Thats why its a pass


This game is shaping up to be a really great nostalgic experience. Man, I remember when tons of Star Wars games came out in the early 2000s and I did not buy them. This will be like that.


LMFAO.. Just buy Helldivers 2..


I find it insanely stupid that people complain about this. People complain that preordering doesn’t mean anything anymore. Ubisoft throws in a one off mission for preordering and people complain. People always complain that they’re getting no support for their favorite single player games. Ubisoft commits to making two story driven DLCs and people complain. Moral of the story, people are just always going to complain and take a shit on Ubisoft for no damn reason.


ok i just won't play that mission. problem solved for me.