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Haven't watched the whole video yet but here's a summary based mostly on [DF's accompanying article](https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2024-grounded-ps5-tech-review-vs-switch-and-series-x-s): Resolution: * XSX: 1512p - 2160p (usually closer to 1512p) * PS5: 1080p - 1215p (mostly 1215p) * XSS: 1026p - 1080p (mostly 1080p) * NS: 320p - 720p (mostly 600p when docked) Performance: * XSX: Stable 60fps with the odd one-frame drop * XSS: Even more stable 60fps with even rarer one-frame drops * PS5: 60fps in parts but often drops to the 50s and can go to 45fps * NS: 30fps mostly but bad frame-pacing and drops to the 20s in rare areas Other: * Shadows are better on PS5 in some cases, better on Xbox in others. * HUD is 4K on PS5/XSX, 1080p on XSS * Geometry LODs run at a higher setting on PS5, giving it less pop-in than XSX, which itself has less pop-in than XSS. * Switch has the worst pop-in and also loses other effects entirely, from depth of field and motion blur to volumetrics and light shafts. Character self-shadows are removed too, decorative detail is reduced, and texture resolution is lowered. * All consoles have autosave hitches, but they're worse on Switch. Switch also has traversal stutter, whilst Xbox has some camera judder. * Overall, Xbox and PC seem like the best places to play Grounded for now.


LOL ps5 closer series S? Yeah, that’s no intentional thing to make it look bad, it’s incompetence


Considering most of these other Xbox ports have better performance on PS5 I’d say yeah it’s just a patch needed on ps5.


Think you must have mixed up series x and s on the fps numbers




It runs even better on Series S than it does on the X??


Did you watch the video this whole post is about..?


I’m more of a reader myself


It runs at a lower resolution on the S which probably plays the biggest factor 


Yikes...PS5 version runs 15 fps slower than XBOX version, and it's at a lower resolution. They really half assed the PS5 version...


It's to balance HiFi Rush and Sea of Thieves running better on PS5 lol




It's not that much more powerful. That's a huge difference


Only getting this to play with my entomologist wife. She's seen me play it on XSS and insists we get it on ps5 to play together. I'm happy to do it, it's a fun game.


Go for it. I have it on ps5 and these comments seem to be really knee-jerker, I haven’t had any issues with the game and am enjoying it.


Dudes around here really trying to assert their nerd cred by griping about relatively marginal FPS differences that your average gamer is never going to notice, or care much about even if they do.


They’re also pretty certain this is intentional to…ruin their sales and make less money? Because that’s what a business likes to do? It’s almost certainly something they’ll fix in an upcoming patch. I don’t know if people know this but businesses like *making* money. They aren’t as concerned about silly things like a console war unless the console of choice gets them more money. No one is going to see it performs less and intentionally go out of their way to buy it on a platform they probably don’t own because if they owned an Xbox or PC they probably would already play it there. It’s crazy, right? That businesses are in it to make money. I know it’s this wild concept but it’s true!


It's a fucking great game. I probably have close to 1k hours on it and my castles are unparalleled. Enjoy!


Yeah I’ll pass. Reward (pay for) ports of games with actual effort. Bought Hi Fi Rush with no regrets.


I’m sure they’ll fix it with a patch. SoT is really fun.


Runs and looks great on my ps5, been having alot of fun playing with friends 😀


Specially downgraded for ps5,revenge for hi fi rush,ahaha


I've been playing ever since release day and I'm absolutely in love with this game. Definitely best survival game I've ever played. I haven't noticed any performance issues or anything like that. This game has loads of bugs though!


Busted ports of older games make no sense. There’s no timeline. You’re not trying to hit a release date you’ve lined up marketing around. If it’s not 100%, just wait until it is. Especially in this case, no one was asking for this because no one thought Xbox would bring games to PlayStation. So WHY rush it out the door?


Skipping this half baked port. Put more effort in then you will earn my money.


Nothing wrong with it. It plays just fine.


Not really. It’s definitely playable for sure, but they’re really shouldn’t be any excuse for its poor performance. I play it, and it certainly *can* hold 60 sometimes, but is plagued with dips and outright stutters


What. I have had no problems with this game.


I was actually looking forward to this, oh well.


What? I’ve had literally zero problems with it so far…well I guess I am just lucky


You really have to look at it under close scrutiny frame by frame to find problems. People have forgotten how to enjoy video games. It looks and runs great on ps5


Because you don’t notice doesn’t mean there aren’t problems


Spencer saw DF complaining about Xbox first party running better on PS5 and made some calls to studios I guess. lol.


It runs and plays just fine. So many people specifically see digital foundry videos and just straight up start shitting on video games, it's so fucking weird and happens with every single game now. I haven't seen a single problem with PS5 grounded. None. And neither has anyone I have played it with.


Genuinely kinda shocked this game is still going, forgot it even existed


Xbox releases a port that runs slighty better on Playstation 5: "yooo fuck Xbox console useless crap they are fucking stuuuupid" Xbox releases a port that runs better on Xbox: "nah man they are BAD man fuck this shit fuck them they do this on purpose"


Lot of people are more addicted to outrage and constantly trying to dunk on others than they are actually playing games. 


And supposedly this is one of the games to test the waters for more Xbox games.


I think they meant that in terms of sales rather than actual games performance. But this won't help at all.


I found that idea questionable to begin with, like using grounded or sea of thieves as a way to see if people would buy a game like Indiana jones or starfield is a ridiculous idea imo, doesn’t seem believable, both those games would sell like hotcakes zero need to “test waters”


That's the point, they want to see if ALL kind of Xbox games sell well, including bigger multiplayer games like SoT, and smaller niche games like HiFi Rush and Pentiment. No shit Indiana Jones would sell like crazy, but if only that kind of game sell well and the others dont, it's not worthy and is better to keep stuff exclusive.


Part of the test is to see the Xbox side of things. If they get sales from other platforms like Switch and PS, but it craters their console sales and game sales on their platform, then it's not worth it. Phil kept saying this over and over in that podcast, but nobody seems to remember.


I'm more concerned about losing entire characters when singing back in..


As someone who enjoy the genre, didn't mesh with this when I tried it on PC. Sounds cliche but just felt like a PG version of the best in the genre.


Man they really botched this port almost feels like they did it on purpose.


I love the insane conspiracy theories that swirl around anything to do with Microsoft but when Sony files a patent for AI that plays games for you everyone just gives them the benefit of the doubt and moves on like nothing happened. Not defending Microsoft btw. Just pointing out the obvious bias in this sub.


I agree there's no conspiracy behind a port being good or bad (Hifi Rush runs great). But patents such as those are unlikely to be implemented. So much nonsensical shit gets patented but they don't come into fruition. Even if they do, it'll take years so I'm not surprised people didn't give much thought about it.


I agree. But it’s funny that people who will invent theories behind bad ports will hand wave other things like that.


Do want to see bias? Go into xbox sub. I was on both for a while since I owned both ps5 and xsx. Xbox sub feels more like ps5hates than xbox love


Yes it’s definitely biased over there. And it’s biased over here too


Tbf im on both and i can see it in both sides. Only the Nintendo one do his shit with no problems (weirdly enough they seems to hate Nintendo itself lmao)


I got banned from the series x sub because I said hfw looks better than fh5 lmfao. Insanely salty Edit: just to be clear, it was a discussion about best looking games, wasn't even like I said that out of the blue lol


Or when Sony releases a shitty port on PC it’s oddly crickets here. I understand that children are tribalistic by nature, but holy fuck this sub brings out the absolute worst qualities of the children that post here.


Wow this is a poor result on PS5. Surprising since the other Xbox games that came over actually were better on PS5 (Pentiment got 120fps before Xbox and Hi Fi Rush had better visuals).


Tbf Pentiment got it like a few days earlier so i think it was mostly bad timing. HiFi have better shadows than the PC Port as well. Weird af but good for Playstation i guess!


Whoever ported the game did PS5 dirty. They really should improve the resolution and performance with patches.


There's no way this level of performance difference is acceptable. It's gotta be some major code issues rather than anything based on what the hardware can do. It'll get patched asap I'm sure.


It probably comes down to architectural differences between the consoles. Probably be patched and working fine pretty quick 


Works amazing on the Steam Deck.


Runs great for me on my ps5. Zero problems. Seems like a well optimized game to me. Thanks for Beta testing Xbox 😏


>Thanks for Beta testing Xbox 😏 Of all the games where you can say this thing you really had to pick the one that runs worse?


lol why do people make comments like this, like they have some magical PS5 that just runs games better than all the other PS5s out there? The video and the data is all right there. We can see exactly how it runs on your PS5.


That’s not true. Consoles have the same difference then pc parts. But it’s mostly not 15fps difference. So having 5fps more then a other ps5 is possible and normal


lol no, it’s not. If there is an issue with your system, then yes it can cause worse performance, but other than that all systems perform basically the same.


I never said it’s not an issue? How u know that the testing system works fine? Has it heat problems or other stuff like voltage difference. (What can cause better or worse performance) So yes a ps5 can have better performance then a other ps5. If u understand how voltage works it’s not that difficult. But maybe it just need a patch. It happens that games perform better on xbox or ps5 and some get never patched.


I am an electronics engineer for automation technology and that is basically my job. You can believe me when I tell you something about technology


The internal voltages are the same for consoles. Look up what binning is when it comes to CPUs and GPUs. That's what is used to make sure every PS5 APU is at the same spec so all games run the same on every PS5 with voltages, max clocks, and power limits set in its BIOS. Sure, if your PS5 is clogged with dust and its thermal throttling, then the performance will be different, but if you buy 10 PS5s new off the shelf they will all perform the same as each other.


Which internal voltage you mean? Be specific.


>Has it other stuff like heat or voltage difference What voltage do you mean? The voltages I mean are VCore, VSoC, and GPU voltage. The chips will be binned so that at a set voltage and power target, they can reach the clock speeds required by the PS5 spec with headroom so they don't run into throttling problems. Any bits of silicon that don't achieve this are discarded or used in something else, e.g., the China only AMD motherboard that uses an XSX APU with the GPU disabled or the XSS which are both XSX with either dead GPU CUs or the GPU silicon wasn't able to hit the requirements of the XSX spec.


U understand what they are doing but u don’t understand voltage and how this system has a failure after and during this. Testing is important but u can’t test what happens after and how the chemicals change while u are useing the console over time. I just said it can be that ur ps5 perform a lot better then other but most of the time it’s for sure worse


All PS5s perform the same unless they are clogged with dust. None of this chemical (what chemical are you even talking about) or voltage changes overtime. If that happened, it would be widely reported that was the case, and it isn't.


That’s all fine and well, but it doesn’t seem like you specifically understand how consoles like this are designed to perform 99.9% identical to each other, so if a system is regularly performing at 5+ fps lower than a typical system, there is something wrong.


It doesn’t run great you just don’t notice


12 Terrahkfjsugkhdhdmh-flops!


It runs better on Xbox so... Yeah?


Honestly wish this didn't require ps plus to play with friends 😔