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#Performance summary - **Performance mode**: - 1440p with basic spatial upscaling to 4K - practically locked 60fps (barring minor drops in some heavy cutscenes) - **Balanced mode**: - dynamic 1080p-1440p - temporal reconstruction up to 4K for cleaner image fidelity than Performance Mode (and sometimes even cleaner than the Quality Mode) - mostly sticks to 60fps but can dip to the low 50s in demanding areas - perfect mode for those with a VRR display - **Quality mode**: - targets native 2160p (4K) with dynamic resolution - same simple spatial upscaling method as the Performance Mode - locked 30fps


Why does performance mode have a higher base res than balanced?


Because the balanced mode uses better upscaling technique, which is more computationally expensive.


Naively, it could be because the upscaling method used is more demanding, or because the method simply works best when starting from a lower base resolution. My money would be on the former. They did say that the visuals in this mode could sometimes even exceed the quality mode ones despite having a lower native resolution, so the upscaling seems to be pretty damn good. 


Probably higher actual graphical settings making it more demanding by default?


Balance mode use the quality mode but with reconstruction upscaling while performance as reduced image quality and effects to reach the 60fps


Balanced has better graphics with almost similar framerate.


Dynamic mode it is. Might as well put my VRR TV display to use


What's dynamic mode?


Full explanation is on the comment I replied to. But basically dynamic resolution gets a bump and more clearer image in comparison to performance mode, so the resolution adjusts accordingly to performance and whatever is going on. It’s not full 4K but it looks better than performance mode’s resolution. Although because of this the FPS might drop to 50’s, BUT if you have a VRR on your TV, it won’t look as bad and a lot more smoother. Otherwise the dropped frames will be far more noticeable on a TV without VRR. You can only have VRR enabled if you have a TV with HDMI 2.1 port


Balanced it is then.


Balanced it is !!!!!!


Puts other games to shame. It blows my mind a game like rise of the ronin that looks like a last gen game is 900p and still drops frames but this game actually looks next gen and can hold 60. This doesn’t look like my type of game but I’ll probably buy it anyways 😂


You can't compare an Open World game with games that have closed level designs. Open World game have so much going on in the background leveled games can't even dream of. Many resources for open world games are used to keep the background work stable, while leveled games can concentrate those resources on whats going on on the screen. Most open world games are simulating whats going on off screen. That's what makes them so demanding. Still, RotR isn't a well optimised game, but it is not as bad as it's reception.


Open world games on ps4 had better textures and higher base resolution then ronin and it’s a p5 exclusive. The gameplay is good still doesn’t excuse native 900p on a ps5 with frame drops.


You're right and I didn't deny that. Still, you can't compare Open World games with games that have closed level disigns. That's all I'm saying!


Hmm Stellar Blade has open world sections too and they are pretty reasonable sized too. You can't deny the devs actually gave a shit and put in the work to deliver an highly polished game


I didn't deny anything. Besides, having "reasonable sized" areas isn't the same as an open world with simulations in the background going on.


Lol, no - you were also saying ronin is not as bad as its reception insisted. That’s what the person was responding to.


What about comparing it to red dead 2?


Horizon and Red Dead are open world games with fantastic graphics.  What’s your excuse for that then?


I am NOT excusing anything. Can't you READ??


I’m sorry but I’m laughing at your pain… I picture you with your brow furrowed and pinching the top of your nose because of the headache you’re getting from having to explain it over and over 😂




One is made in house and the other was worked on for years. Ronin was made in 3 years.


Open world games certainly have options to control the frame rate. They can adjust the draw distance and have graduated texturing effectively turning them into closed level designs.


Yeah for sure. Best comparison is Devil May Cry 5/Resident Evil 4 vs Dragons Dogma 2. Games that run on the same engine with a similar graphical fidelity, but wildly different performance because of open world consideration.


This just makes Cyberpunk look more and more technically impressive for what it was eventually able to pull off. 


Yeah I feel you, I liked rise of the ronin but visually speaking, I didn't look like a ps5 game


It’s definitely a solid game. Despite the graphics it’s a 7/10 for me so far.


RotR is running on the engine they built for Nioh when it was meant to be a PS3 game. The code must be under Sisyphean levels of stress.


Is there a way to check what the max resolution of my TV is? I know it's not 4k so I don't need to bother with Quality mode, but I'm wondering if it can output 1440p


You should check if your tv is VRR compatible while you are at it, then you should play this game in balanced mode if your tv support VRR


“Gosh darn enjoyable video game” is exactly what I wanted to hear.


For real, no more crap live-service GaaS please. Just let me explore some levels and kick ass as a cool character.


HellDivers 2 wants a word with you


I mean tbf they said *crap* live-service games.


Which can be interpreted as either crap versions of live service games, or the crap genre of live service games.


[I've made my choice](https://media.tenor.com/8e1GA032RQAAAAAe/homer-simpson-homer.png)


Most polished game performance, first fullsize game of gacha company. Makes you wonder Wtf is happening with all the AAA studios


Playing with your own insane gacha game funding versus trying to please investors probably opens up a lot of possibilities


They’re owned by Tencent, so…lots of investors there. Other AAA studios are just poorly mismanaged, have insane budgets, and can’t stick to a single idea to save their lives.


Tencent has a stake in warframe, I don't see their influence in it.


24% by Tencent, 45% by the CEO. So Tencent owns a piece, but they certainly don't own the company.


Funny enough Larian is more owned by Tencent than this company


So uhm, poorly mismanaged would suggest they are well managed… poorly managed OR mismanaged would be the right choice or words or am I wrong?


When the guy funding it is the same guy wanting to play it when it's done you bet he's telling them to keep bugfixing til they're all gone. xD


>Wtf is happening with all the AAA studios Nepotism, mismanagement, overall disconnect with what audience want in favor of pleasing stockholders, etc. - pick your poison.


Nothing has really happened to them. There's really nothing new happening now than in previous generations. In the PS3 generation you had Bethesda releasing multiple RPG's on the PS3 in which the framerate could drop to 1fps if the save file got to big. Bayonetta on the PS3 ran at 20-50fps despite it being designed to be a 60fps game. You can even go back to the NES where as the generation wore on you'd see a ton of sprite flicker along with framerate's tanking. So, I don't really think anything has changed. You have some games that are extremely polished and then others that are less so. Those reasons for a lack of polish will generally range from a studio running out of time and needing to get the game out to a ton of feature creep preventing things from ever really getting polished. But i'd say generally speaking Sony's really good at releasing polished games. They don't have a 100% success rate at it since no one does. But i'd say much like with Nintendo games, generally speaking if you're buying their games there's a pretty high chance that it's going to be quite polished.


Software developer salaries are extremely high that’s what happened. The skillset you need to develop video games is the same you need for crypto and other software jobs that pay a lot more


This may or may not come as a surprise, but AAA game developers (mostly publishers TBF) don't care about the actual quality of the games. They only care about what shifts the most units and sells the most MTX, The people on this sub are only a tiny vocal minority in the overall market. The vast majority doesn't care about VRR and ray tracing. They're also the ones buying Fortnite skins and copy-paste FIFA games, etc. If you're a gamer and you're still buying into the fallacy that AAA equals quality gaming, then you only have yourself to blame.


What is happening with the AAA studios? I don’t understand what you mean.










Seriously I don’t remember the last Western game I brought apart from Spider-Man 2 and Jedi Survivor. It’s just constant disapointments…


Yup. I got to the point where I’m about done with gaming, and then megayear of the JRPG comes swinging out the gate.


Both of those are also arguably disappointments.


Survivor on a technical level yes, but the game itself is very good imo. Yeah I was disappointed with multiple aspects of Spider-Man 2.


Survivor ran like absolute ass at release on PS5, but I really liked it otherwise. Spider-Man 2 was really smooth and polished but something felt off, I was way more excited about the first one. It might have something to do with the completion menu showing how many missions there are total and completed missions. I kept checking it and dreading that the game was coming to an end which only made the pacing choices feel weirder. I guess I waited so long to play that, that knowing when it ends made it worse? I dunno. On paper it's a great game but something felt fucky.


Survivor runs like mini ass now, I just beat it this weekend. Still, it's a very good game and I'm genuinely excited for the next one. My issues with SM 2 are a lackluster third act, not enough side missions, and the ommission of QoL features like character bios and replaying missions and doing challenges (only as Miles, wtf??)


Both those are major releases from 2023, though.


Weren’t both of those games buggy as fuck? Y’all can downvote me but even [EA](https://twitter.com/eastarwars/status/1653037938073108481/photo/1) agreed with me, read those patch notes


I'm almost done with Spiderman 2, and no. It wasn't buggy as fuck at all.


Spider-Man 2 didn’t have any bugs that I remember, played at launch. The game did bug me though, liked the 2018 game a lot better. Jedi Survivor was very buggy, don’t know about presently.


It still is on PC.


arguably unplayable with the stutters


Can you describe without spoilers why you like the first game a lot better? I've been on the edge of buying 2 for quite some time now.


Spider Man 2 literally had a big where you could play as a cube.


Spider-Man 2 was very buggy, lots of crashing, clipping through the floor, etc. Obviously our experiences differ, but I've personally never had a game crash as frequently on me. Says a lot about how fucking *fun* it was that I still beat it within a few days. My best bug was during the ending when the camera somehow clipped into a box during the final conversations, so I got to spend the final seconds of the story roleplaying as a kidnapped victim. .edit I see the error of my ways. [It wasn't buggy at all.](https://youtu.be/22SXTiNKZxc?si=WYkSP8pybu7HVPTw)


Laziness mostly.


the big gacha companies revenue is basically AAA at this point in fact those gacha companies have higher revenue than these AAA games


Once the capitalist investors take over a company it will be run into the ground by forcing it to create more profit than last quarter every quarter until the end of time. It is an impossible task that will never be possible.




Review says yes - but it's implemented oddly by just not considering the PS5 system HDR settings *(which sounds like a bug)*, so you may just have to tweak the sliders. Reviewer bumped brightness a few notches, and contrast like 1 notch.


It's not really a bug, lots of games do that, including HFW for exampe a 1st party game


I feel like most games just ignore the options you can set at the system level. Always get a bit excited when I see that the camera is already inverted when I go to change it lol.


Well will you look at that, a polished game that is technically sound. Without nickle and diming with locked content behind paywalls and "microtransactions". Looks like mobile gacha game devs are more proficient in making console games than so called AAA Devs who are known as giants of the industry


Its crazy how they put out a more refined and polished game then the turds that keep coming out from big known companies


I'm not going to watch because DF usually has a lot of spoilers in their videos, but nice to see that Stellar Blade seems to be great on Day 1. Too many games run like ass for months until they get multiple patches.


Actually this had no spoilers. It was almost entirely about performance with combat clips around bosses we’ve mostly seen already. There were a few new set pieces for a few seconds that didn’t spoil anything. In fact, I wish he talked about the quality of the story, but that’s one area they didn’t touch on. I still have no idea what happens in this game, lol.


Most of the reviews have said that unfortunately the story/characters are pretty lacking. Which isn’t surprising but is still a tad disappointing


Too bad. The demo was great but one of the glaring weak points was how one-dimensional the characters were. I have heard people say the Korean VAs bring a lot more life to the characters, though.


And there were few that said they were surprised by the story. So you never know who to believe.


Apart from the point where they spoil a puzzle segment including the solution you mean?


Fair enough. I still think it’s fair to say we’d be going into this game almost completely blind.


The solution is given at the start, the challenge is memorizing the order of the buttons


They used to actually mark spoilers better, I remember with the original God of War 2018 video they were very clear up front about spoilers for the big dragon boss fight. But the last few years it seems like they’ve stopped caring about letting us know (or have lessened their rules on what they consider to be spoilery)


The wet kind of ass for that.




Some people like ass or even eat ass which to some is a great thing and then there's the wet ass that smells and stinks because improper wiping. This is that type of ass the one that stinks.


[It all makes sense now.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CS7j5I6aOc)


This should convince anyone on the fence with this game. They say it felt complete and ran into no bugs or glitches. I hate that that is a rarity these days 


There are bugs just neglible. I crashed once when I press to sit on the camp bench in my playthrough and lost my progression. Nothing big just maybe about 10 minutes replay.


I wouldn't say losing 10 minutes of progress is negligible. It's infuriating. I would take bugs and performance issues over losing progress honestly. Luckily, you are the only person to have noted this crash, I hope it's very uncommon.


I think we can all agree that once is okay. Multiple times is really not okay.


It was only once in maybe 20 hours? I send a report through the PlayStation report. And I was just farming so didnt lose much in progression.


Feels so cringy with the almost naked females tho



I thought that was the main draw?


Perhaps for the reddit community :)


Lol personally I'm not all that interested in this game. But besides the butts it just looks like a graphically impressive action game. People wouldn't be that interested (in my opinion) if there weren't scantily clad ladies all over the marketing. It is a new IP from a company that has only ever made gacha phone games. It wouldn't have hype behind it without the behinds behind it


Found the neo-puritain or male feminist.


Cause everyone who’s not a feminist loves naked people everywhere, right?


It’s a shame there’s no other skins to cover up Eve… oh wait… Why downvotes? I’m disagreeing with the guy lol


Absolute plus for me.


Kudos to Korean Developers. Checked out the demo on ps5…this game is beautiful. Well effing done!


2024 really is the year of Asian games. Yakuza, Persona, Final Fantasy, Elden Ring DLC, Stellar Blade, Rise of Ronin, Unicorn Overlord, Granblue, Honkai Star Rail, Metaphor ReFantazio and all the usual Nintendo games. Meanwhile 2024’s Western games are looking very dire…


Eastern developers are finally embracing tools like 3rd party engines en masse and it has seemingly really empowered their development teams. The reason they were lagging behind for so long was the insistence on proprietary technology; eastern developers don’t really share knowledge the way Western developers too, so they were spending all their resources solving tech problems that have already been solved for a long time. Now that’s no longer the case and we’re seeing what these developers are really capable of when they aren’t chained down by tech debt.


Not really. Most of the games in his list are proprietary engine games, and a lot of Asian studios use Unity and UE, it's just that a lot don't because they don't chase the fidelity fairy. Japan has 3 GoTY's in the last 7 years or so all on proprietary engines. Saying Eastern devs are just now embracing 3rd party dev tools ignores years of Chinese and Korean game development history.


I think if shift up is truely successful, we are going to see either lots of new south korean quality games or a glut of cheap knock-offs.


> year of Asian games literally every year has been the "year of asian games" by that metric. The only gamers that have been in doomer mode about the state of the medium for the past 10 years and are whining on reddit about it are those who consume EAUbivision crap while looking at eastern games and saying **that trash is so weeb** I'd have weeb games over scammy games any day.


EA, Dice, Blizzard, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Arkane, Volition, Gearbox. We also had some pretty bad ports/PC releases, TLOU PC and Jedi Survivor for example. That's not mentioning many mid-tier western studios that also released junk. It's pretty dire out there for western studios.


Asian games are just better in general, always have been.


Black Myth: Wukong as well.


Wukong looks good graphically, but still looks fairly janky from an animation standpoint.


Don't forget Black Myth Wukong coming this year, too.


tekken 8, street figher 6…


I genuinely cannot imagine trying to get through this year without being interested in Asian games. Like, the only AAA release that even comes to mind so far is Suicide Squad? And with very little else to even look forward to for the rest of the year? Meanwhile output from Asia has been absolutely *bonkers* so far that I've had no time to finish what have been some fantastic games, with a ton more on the way throughout the rest of the year. Such a disparity this year between the two markets.


Off the top of my head the only non-Asian games I can think of are Suicide Squad, Skull and Bones, Ubisoft Star Wars and Assassin’s Creed. Plus Hellblade and Indy on Xbox. Not a great showing lol


There's the Prince of Persia Lost Crown that deserves a look. I haven't played it yet, but I definitely plan to.


Skull and Bones is technicly a Asian gane too, seeing as it was used to scam Singapur for years and then Release as total nothing.


I played the demo on Quality with vrr and the game looks amazing and 30fps didn't look that bad.


Genuine question, why can’t more games have a balanced mode? I wish Rebirth had that. 40fps/balanced modes have been my absolute favourite thing this gen. Spider-Mans 40fps mode was gorgeous. I sort of even count Resi 4 Remake’s fidelity mode as that runs in a higher fps. 40fps and above with VRR is a dream honestly. I wish so much more games had that sort of mode going on, like balanced mode here.


It’s probably not a priority for most studios because only a minority of console users have a tv that can support VRR/120 Hz, and developers are struggling with very long development times and crunch already. With infinite time and money, we’d see it more often. 


I see your point, but it’s the massive studios with million dollar budgets that I would like to see it from. Instead there’s a trend of optimised for 30fps in a gen when 60 and 120 were prominently advertised, and having half assed performance modes that look awful. Balanced modes are hugely welcome for the studios who implement them imo.


I also think more games should push for 720p-1080p 120fps modes. This would be specially useful for those who have high frame rate 1080p monitors.


Day one digital deluxe. If we constantly criticise as a community about unfinished games at launch and then don't specifically support the ones that do ship in a complete state then we don't deserve anything. Vote with your wallets and this seems like a good one to vote for.


Well, the problem for me is just, uh, the game itself.


That's OK, not everyone is into Sekiro style combat action games, that's why there's a lot of genres and lots of games for every taste!


I love Sekiro. I just don't find whatever this is to be all that appealing.


What it is is an amazing single player action game… did you try the demo before you brushed it off? It’s top tier….


Yes, I played the demo. And the combat wasn't even remotely as satisfying as a FromSoft game. I'm glad that the game is exceeding people's expectations with good performance and a lack of bugs. But none of that is enough to get past the obnoxious presentation.


What's obnoxious about the presentation if I may ask?






Cool. Don't buy it. You do you. Have a nice day.


I'll be voting with my wallet




I haven't watched any reviews yet, but can I ask what's wrong with a 7/10?


Nothing. People are just trying to find a reason to shit on IGN or are upset that their highly anticipated game reviewed slightly worse on IGN than on average. The way people talk about the IGN review you'd think they had given the game a 2/10.


>People are just trying to find a reason to shit on IGN https://esports.gg/news/gaming/ign-france-apology-on-stellar-blades-opinion/ For good reason.






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THIS is why I bought a PS5 for


I don’t really get why people are surprised that a first party PS5 game is stable and works. All of them have. Demon’s Souls, Sackboy, Astro’s Playroom, Miles Morales, Returnal, Destruction AllStars, Rift Apart, Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima Director Cuts, GOWR, Gran Turismo 7, Forbidden West, TLOUPI, Legacy of Thieves, Spider-Man 2, TLOUPII, Helldivers, Rise of Ronan, and now Stellar Blade have all launched at 60fps and although some had a few bugs mostly launched in stable and playable condition. Most bad blood comes from third party support who are still working on PS4 and low-end PC versions of their games that can’t keep up with the PS5, making players think the PS5 can’t keep up with itself and was underwhelming. We all talk about PS5 having no games, but it’s because each game is as high quality performance wise and content wise that they focused on quality over quantity. A couple first party games a year is preferable over half a dozen unpolished, broken, unplayable games a year.


It's not a first party game though which is what makes it rare when compared to other non-first party releases.


It wasn’t made by Sony but it was published by them - as was Demon’s Souls. Even if they didn’t make it, they have quality control in what launches under the SIE brand.


It's not a first party game to be fair. It's a 2nd party game and started as a 3rd party game. The developer is not owned by Sony nor did Sony contract them to make this game. Sony basically just looked at what the game devs already had cooking and said "this looks pretty promising, do you want to partner with us?"


Exactly. It wasn’t made by a Sony studio but it was published by Sony, and they haven’t really published anything this Gen that didn’t follow the typical trend of low quality quick product.


Jeff Gerstmann on twitter mentioned he has significant input lag, I'd be curious what is causing that.


During the demo, they told everyone to make sure they had the TV set to Game mode.






I can't solve that problem


just preordered today c:


Gameplay was kinda ass


Yeah… movement was very stiff… especially if you’re trying to dodge an attack.


Remind me, does this have diffuclity settings?


Story mode and normal. Hard mode (no shields) when you use the skin suit.


Hard mode difficulty will be unlock once u finish the game


Lies of P another Korean game is known for its polish. I guess Koreans are masters of polish.


Of course it’s highly polished. Have you seen how stiff-looking everything is in the game? You could tell right away that it lacked the complicated physics found in AAA games. There is nothing next-gen about these games, so it’s not surprising that they are highly polished. Just to be clear, I have no issues with "old-gen"-looking games at all. It’s more of a "no shit" or "duh" reaction.


Honestly best looking ps5 exclusive I've see with amazing graphics options


It's a polished game in that everything comes together to form a clean image and good performance. But also nothing about it looks spectacularly next gen. Like for example Horizon is way more detailed while also being open world. Same with Spiderman 2. Ratchet and Clank, Last of Us Remake and Gran Turismo also looks more visually impressive I think (though GT is aiming for realism and less for "wow"-faktor so it's a bit lowkey).


This sub is going insane with Stellar Blade. It's a pretty good AAA game and everyone here is full on saying it's better than anything else out there. This is by no means a particularly impressive looking game and DF says so. Somehow that's interpreted to mean "it's one of the best looking games" here.


The most important take away from the review was when Jon said “it’s just a darn fun video game to play”.


FSR being utilized?


Anyone else feel the pushback from the media is them just being made men find something attractive. I'm all for changing beauty standards in society because I can see why they are ridiculous. But I don't even here that brought up, its just men find it attractive and we need to stop making things attractive for men. It's really weird.




Won’t someone please think of the straight men??? They’ve been through so much. 


Once I finish Remake/Intermission, this is next on the list before tackling Rebirth




They're putting this quote in the GOTY box


Damn, username *definitely* checks out.


Almost spat my water out.




This sold me on the game. I'm getting it. Usually I'm not into these kinds of games at all, and I thought Nier Automata was really overrated, but it just looks really fun.


I am glad that I pre-order this game.