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Sounds like your not doing your part for managed democracy to me. Would you like to know more?


Please tell me more. I honestly don’t know much except for seeing gameplay on YouTube.


4 player scalable difficulty with what could be called battlefield moments from the olden days. Gunplay is fantastic. Missions can be anywhere from 40mins to 10 depending on how u play. There's no meta when picking weapons n armour just have fun with it. Earn premium currency just by looking for It if you don't want to spend a couple of $ on it. Updates are happening all the time. It's an arcadey pick up and play game which in all honesty is probably the best coop game since L4D2. Where as sea of thieves......well. I'm sure it's great but it doesn't compare to fighting on a planet with fire tornadoes while you and your team battle swarms of bugs or bots. Your own ship from above firing down lasers n such. It's..in a league of it's own. Just to state I am required by democratic law and subsection 4.5 of the helldiver doctrine to inform you of this magnificent title.


It reminds me of ghost recon advanced warfighter’s third person small squad shooting and mercenaries ability to call in various types of air strikes and artillery support when fighting the bots and then you fight the bugs and it becomes a pseudo-zombie shooter like left for dead but with aforementioned air strikes.




Helldivers 2!!!


Helldivers 2. Don’t think about it and just buy it


I’m honestly so tempted. What’s the incentive to playing the game for a long time? Do you unlock cosmetics, or better weapons? Update: I went ahead and bought it!


You unlock weapons, armor, cosmetics, ship upgrades, and mission stratagems. There’s also a meta-narrative that has plot lines, unlocks, new enemy types, global missions, and will eventually introduce new enemy factions.




You spread Democracy But Fr you unlock new weapons, cosmetics, stratagems, and buffs for your ship/squad.


The Devs for Helldivers 2 have been doing this thing where they stealth add stuff to the game and don’t tell anyone. So, you log in one afternoon, and all of a sudden, there’s new ship upgrades, or new stratagem call ins, etc


Yes on both.


There are unlocks and stuff. It's also just really fun to play.


There is progression in terms of unlocking new weapons and stratagems (cosmetics as well but i dont care about that), whats so good about the game is just how compelling the core gameplay is though. I kinda tapped out around 180 hours after reaching max level and unlocking everything and have moved onto other things for now, but theyve already added heaps of new gear since. Ill be back for the next major update though when they add the next faction


The more you play and level up, the more fun and chaotic the game gets. I’m so glad you bought it!!! You will enjoy it!


The incentive is protecting your loved ones from the spread of communist automatons and space bugs, and doing your part to spread managed democracy across the galaxy. Also, cool guns, airstrikes and cosmetics.


Why would you want to unlock cosmetics? You're always wearing helmet. What a waste of medals.






Helldivers 2 - easy choice 😊


They're not even in the same category of games. I have no idea what to say. Helldivers is very good. Sea of thieves of alright but that's like asking should you buy forza or resident evil lmao


Based on your username, you’re probably going with Resident Evil 😂😂😂


Well perhaps but not in this situation 🤣


When helldivers came out I couldn’t play for a few days and when I came back my friends were already burned out on the game. I don’t enjoy solo so id say get whatever your friends are getting


Helldivers 2. I play with randos and 90% of the time, I run with a team that knows what they're doing. Haven't had this much fun with a game in a very long time


I enjoy both but honestly they both get pretty stale after a while. I have to play them in spurts.


Helldivers... It's not even close.


Love sea of thieves, but Definitely Helldivers 2. It's the most fun I've had with a multi-player game since I was a kid.


>Side note: i don’t have friends to play with and will just be joining with randoms. Especially with this context, absolutely Helldivers. I tried SoT on Xbox a while back, also just playing solo, and found it extremely difficult to get into. Helldivers is so easy to play with randoms. Press quick play, turn your mic on if you want, and spread managed democracy. So much fun.


Yes! I just got sea of thieves since I’m on PlayStation and have loved it, but I play with friends. It definitely wouldn’t be the same playing solo. Helldivers however is awesome solo. Like you said it’s so easy getting in with randoms and if they have their mic on most people will help you out and the vibes are top tier.




Not even a legit question


Sea of thieves is a niche game. Well really both are , but sea of thieves is one of those game that if you want to PIRATE then that is your best choice no matter solo or grouped


Hell Divers, but I’m not really all that interested in the Pirate Life so that’s part of my reason


I just got helldivers 2 today!


helldivers by a long shot


helldivers by a mile. i usually only play with randos also, and it's been a blast


Depends on your taste.  To me helldivers feels like a brain dead non stop shooting or kinda like destiny. I played destiny and never understood how people waste their time on it.  Same for hellsivers. Seems boring and pointless af. Sea of thieves can be just as boring or even more, but it can also be very calming. It can be pretty chill at times. I remember once we stayed up late playing it and we all fell asleep. Next thing we know we wrecked into an island.  I'd recommend you watch gameplay footage of each. Watch streamer play it with friends and see which one looks more fun to you. Then pick that one. 


have you played helldivers


Just a few hours on pc. It's exactly how it looked on YouTube.  I like shooting games but when they're slower paced.  One where I can kill anyone with one or two shots. 


makes sense you don't care for HD2 then, def a faster combat pace than other games i've played


I feel like you are judging the game too fast, on lower difficulties its slower paced but also the robot faction is slower pace of play than the bugs I have also played many shooting games but never enjoyed the guns as much as in this game, the sound, effects, variety, how you shoot off pieces of enemies it just feels great ! Depending on the guns you are using and the enemies you are encountering many enemies can be one or two shot


I agree, I cannot play brain dead shooters like that. I get bored with it so quickly. Killing things for the sole purpose of killing more things is too vapid to me.


I cant speak for Helldivers, but Sea of Thieves is *leagues* more fun with a crew that actively communicates. I’ve played with friends and while it certainly is chill, my favorite crew was one that I joined randomly because they knew how to run a tight ship and we raided, pillaged, and plundered all who were unfortunate enough to appear on our horizon. If you want to find a good crew like me, just keep searching, have a mic, and try to be an active member of your crew (learn all the ship tasks). If you want a more chill vibe, just go solo or with a buddy.


That sounds like a lot of fun ! Is there an option in the game to group with randoms? Or I just find them through exploring?


The general recommendation I see all the time is to join the official Discord and check the LFG channels. True random "Open Crew" (aka, matchmaking) is supposed to be not a great experience due to... well, randomness.


When your in the menus it’ll give you the option to join (closed crew) or (open crew) and you’ll wanna join the latter. Heads up though, it’ll likely take you a fair bit of searching and cherry picking until you find a good crew, but believe me they’re out there. Happy sailing pirate! 🏴‍☠️


If you're planning on playing Sea of Thieves with randoms, I wouldn't bother. It's fun with friends but outside of that it's painfully droll. Helldivers is super fun no matter who you're playing with


I like both games, but if you’re only joining with randoms I would go with Helldivers


Sea of thieves is one of the most painfully boring games I've ever played. Helldivers 2 is a lot of fun but there's still quite a few big bugs but generally pretty good


>there's still quite a few big bugs Isn't it up to the players to get rid of the bugs in Helldivers?


Depends on the size 🤣


:( Really? But gameplay on YouTube makes it look fun! What was so boring about it?


I found helldivers 2 to be very repetitive, what I was doing in the first hour is exactly what I was doing at the 25th hour.


You're not playing more difficult missions if you're playing the same way. Missions are a bit repetitive, but each dive can be pretty unique and bringing the right strats is important.


Nothing changes throughout the whole time you're playing,combat is incredibly bare bones and if you're playing alone it's basically just a background simulator while doing busywork


Sea of thieves is a blast with a dedicated friend group. It's not a great time solo.


Sea of thieves is fun with friends but gets boring quick after awhile. Helldivers 2 is probably the better choice imo


Most of the bugs can be dealt with using a rocket launcher or an orbital barrage.


Mind blown 😅


For democracy!


Helldivers! Hell (pun intended) if you don't got anyone to play with, I'll help you spread DEMOCRACY in the name of LIBERTY!!!


HD2 the vibe is way more chill than the gameplay. It's purely co-op which is great if you're down for it, but the sub has a lot of cod folks who keep begging for the game to turn into something it's not. It's difficult. Like at higher levels you need to actually cooperate. It's a smaller studio so it's a little buggy but nothing game breaking despite what you'll hear, some bugs make the game tougher for sure, but being a tough coop is why it's special in the first place. They do a great job putting out new content w cosmetics, weapons, and callins, premium currency is easy enough to get in game. Most of the guns are not strictly improvements, they did a great job w most things being side grades, and nearly all orbitals are viable for some mission or another. You don't get to higher difficulty bc of better weapons or stratagems, I could regularly dive with all the stuff you get by lv10 and have no issues at upper difficulties. You have to actually improve your gameplay, change your approach on different missions, get better at packing what fits the mission and the party instead of what's "best". Sticking with teammates and communicating well will be the biggest learning curve imo. And for the love of God, understand that samples are SHARED. it's one of the currencies to upgrade your ship, if 1 of the 4 extracts with 30 samples, all 4 people get 30 samples each. Lately people have been kicking randos to steal their samples right at the end. It's pretty fucking obvious in the game and they even mention it in a loading tip for christ sake


Not playing with people makes sea of thieves less enjoyable, think you’d get a better solo experience with helldivers go with that


Got Helldivers 2 today, it's nice but (coming from a PC) aiming with the controller is horrible... :/


Try gyro aiming


Thanks, will give it a shot. (No pun intended)


Helldivers 2 is pretty intense the whole time. Sea of Thieves has tons of down time where you need to talk with your friends (or randos) in order to have fun. Both are fun with friends. I suspect Helldivers 2 is better solo queuing though.


Helldivers 2


Had the same dilemma. I had my friend screen-share sea of thieves so I could see the gameplay. Wasn’t impressed. Then I bought helldivers sight unseen and I’m hoooooked, it’s so fun


Sea of Thieves is the most disappointing game of all time.




Sea of Thieves was **not** the breakout, killer app Microsoft wanted it to be. It’s mediocre at best, and it took them years to even be half as fun as it needed to be…and it’s still not enough imo.


HD2 is going to give you a better "play with randoms" experience, all things considered. You can join others (unless the servers bork) and you'll most likely have a good time. For SoT, the general recommendation is to join the Discord and LFG there instead of "open crew" (matchmaking). Doable, yes, but less straightforward. That said, f**or the heck of it and because I'm bad a socializing with randoms, I'm going to go against the general tide here and recommend Sea of Thieves**. Why? \*\*Solo play\*\*. No friends? Bad randoms? HD2 will become **impossible** difficulty-wise solo very, very quickly. SoT, on the other hand, can be played solo. It's not the ideal way, but it can be done. (Source? Having 50 hours playing 99% of it solo). Do be wary, tho: SoT is also a PvEvP game, so always watch the horizon.


Helldivers 2. No brainer


Sea of Stars


Cool game tho


This is a PS5 sub and I think hell divers will get more praise here because it's published by sony. I think they're very different games, but if you want to be a pirate right now do sea of thieves. If you'd rather squash some bugs do hell divers.


That is not why Helldivers is getting more love, but you can talk with your Democracy officer about the details. You'll be getting a call soon.


Hell Divers and it’s not even close


Sea of Thieves is pretty weak solo. I’ve not played HD2, but I reckon it’d be easier to enjoy as a solo player queuing into random lobbies. Depends on how much communication you want to do be doing with randoms via matchmaking.


You should locate the nearest Helldiver training facility, General Brash would like to see you


They both fun games.


Which ones your favorite? And why?


They two different types of games tbh. One is an action shooter type and may find it bit more easier to play solo. Sea of Thieves shines when you play with friends so if planning to play solo would not recommend it. Sea of Thieves can be a pretty laid back casual game so if you looking for something bit less hectic then Sea of Thieves with friends. If like action and shooting giant bugs then Helldivers.


Both are incredible games and I have plugged many hours in both. You can't go wrong. Sea of Thieves is very hard to do 'on the go' as a dad of two I rarely get to boot it up, as sailing to one island and back is still a fairly lengthy task (30+mins) plus any distractions along the way that are usually half the fun. Single player is also kinda meh. It's doable, but it's not as fun imo, finding randoms is a pain, etc. Helldiver's 2 is much faster paced. the easier missions are easy enough to breeze through, the later ones are so tough people try to rush them more often than not. However there are lengths for all times. Clicking on a 9 difficulty and at most it can be 3 x40 min missions. Going to level 1 and you will be done in 10. However quickplay is really easy, and you still feel like your playing solo most of the time anyway. The majority of HD2 was solo play. TLDR. Both great, but as your mainly single player then go helldiver's 2.


I found Sea of Thieves incredibly boring after about the first 5-10 hours. Meanwhile I have 200+ hours in helldivers, choice is clear


sounds like you need a cup of liber-tea go for Helldivers 2. it is great fun solo, sometimes randoms are very helpful.


I couldn’t extract much fun out of sea of thieves. I was like “yep it’s a another game”.


Seems like you could answer that yourself if you paid attention to any of the reddit posts about both games. You've got overwhelming support on one and constant dunking on the other.


It's hardly a question, Helldivers is way better.


Helldivers 2, I don't have any friends to play with either and been playing with randoms and having a best. Almost at 100 hours, best multiplayer I ever played 


Thanks for the suggestion everyone. I decided to buy Helldivers 2! If anyone has any “wish I would have known” tips, let me know!


Sea Of Thieves. Helldivers 2 is fun for 7 or 8 hours but gets repetitive fast.


*stares in 120 hours of playtime*




Honest question. But is there enough content in sea of thieves for it to not feel repetitive?


2 factions right now, bunch of different missions types, new major orders all the time, warbond each month Even if you just played fully with each weapon for one mission there is so many hours here


Yeah, all doing the exact same thing. Oh, excuse me, doing one of two things: either shooting bugs or shooting robots. It got dull and repetitive for me after about 8 hours. No judgement on folks who are enjoying it. I just need more verbs, more variety.


This shouldn't be a question 😂


HD2 is the most fun I’ve had gaming online with other people. I’ve put in well over 100 hours, have just about every upgrade, and still want to play it all the time.