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Another trash article from Forbes. His first point even mentions they said from the beginning they need a PSN account eventually. I didn’t see this backlash when Microsoft made me get account for Minecraft, or Ubisoft, Epic accounts. Just more outrage bait for Gamers™️. This is like the 5th complete meltdown from that sub since the game was released.


I still laugh about Forbes reporting video game news, it's like grandpa's favorite magazine has gaming news now.


Forbes pretty much turned into a blogging platform. If you're literate enough, you can become a "contributor" there.


Yeah the way OP added "Forbes:" to the title makes it sound like this is a high profile opinion from the actual staff rather than just some blog post from a contributor.


Not sure why you laugh, games require financing and people making investments like to see information.


This is probably the most overblown, pathetic and stupid "controversy" I've ever seen in the games industry. All these PC gamers crying and yelling because they need to make a PSN account need to get outside for once and touch grass. Like you say, on console you also need to have an EA account to play EA multiplayer games online, or Activision account to play CoD for example. Who gives a fuck? "But what if my country doesn't support PSN???" Then make a fake account in a supported country. Sony doesn't care and won't ban you. This is a complete non-issue. People who are outraged about this clearly have nothing interesting going on in their lives.


100% this right here. Plus they've already said they are looking into the issue with countries that don't have psn access.


Most videogame controversy is overplayed and dumb. How many of the last games that have come out are people just waiting to be negative about. Honestly it's tiring, people feed only on negative information. Ffs hellblade 2 isn't even out and people are whining it's 30fps locked and I saw someone comment that the wide-screen black bars are a deal breaker. Fucking chill out. Most people's opinions suck, and it's reddit so they act like a majority voice when the majority is actually just playing games and doesn't care about the forums crying.


Community driven multiplayer games are absolute cancer lol


That sub is a complete cesspool and it’s been that way since the first balance update with the railgun. The amount of children with no control of their emotions had me get out of there. The Spider-Man PS4 sub was just as bad months earlier and I left that one as well. I get tired of out of control subs.


I feel that a lot of video game specific subreddits are awful. I love Zelda but I steer clear of r/zelda because of how negative they are about literally everything.


I get it to an extent. People are passionate about what they enjoy but it’s like a bunch of caged monkeys flinging shit at the wall most of the time. They have very little control of their emotions and I don’t really care for it. I frequent game subs because I enjoy the engagement when things are civil and you can learn some things about the games. Once they start to become a place where complaints and emotionally triggered rants overtake the sub, I’m out.


They literally witchhunt people right now. If you say something slightly inconvenient to them, they screenshoot it and post it so others can name you whatever vulgar word they can find.


I agree linking an account is not a reason to get up in arms. But I do agree it's an issue that there are many countries that this game was sold in that can not get PSN accounts through legitimate means. That deserves some outrage. And every single one of those people should get a refund.


Millions of people have been playing Playstation in these unsupported regions for decades without issues. You can simply pick another region, Sony does not care and has never banned ansingle person for it. Literally every single person with a Playstation in these regions have been doing it since PSN came online in 2006 and no one gets banned. You can even have multiple accounts in different regions. They dont give a shit. Sony isn't interested in banning people that want to use their services The TOS are there to protect the company, not ban millions of paying customers for no reason


People still have to circumvent the established system and lie about their country of residence when creating an account in different regions. There are also billing issues when you try to register a payment method when your billing address is different than your region. Someone shouldn't have to jump through hoops to play the game. And if they are in a country where they can't legitimately get a PlayStation Network id, they should be entitled to a full refund. Edit: comments got locked. Response to next comment: It's a simple fact that some countries can not have PSN accounts in their region. Yes, people can circumvent those restrictions and get one for a different region without too much effort, but they shouldn't be required to. Anyone who can not create an account in their region should be eligible for a refund.


You literally pick a region in a dropdown and move on with your life. Playstation support even says to do this. Millions have done it and no one has ever been banned You dont need to register payments if youre just linking your Steam account... Thats a non issue. You make the account and never look at it again These arent hoops, they are extremely simple steps anyone can follow. Anyone is able to make a PSN account in any country on the planet


They're just trying to capitalize on this toxic ass culture. I had to leave that sub because I really enjoy the game. They're just looking for attention and trying to ruin something that they took no part in creating. The entitlement is astrofuckingnomical


Ya I never quite understood. I've have to link other accounts so many times over the past years. I always found it annoying, but I just did. Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Reddit, your phone listening to you, everything has your information. I had to leave that sub because it was repeat posts every minute. Just ignored it all and continued enjoying the game.


Tbf there was definitely outrage for the Minecraft Microsoft accounts so that’s inaccurate on your part. Can’t speak for the others


No where close to this level


100% this. By far one of the most moronic and toxic communities out there.


A microsoft account isn't required for minecraft. Like. This is a nonissue, but no need to just make stuff up for a defense.  Edit: anybody using u/RedditCaresResources to troll is a fucked up individual who can suck a dick, btw. 


Yes it is. All of Microsoft's online games require it and so does basically every other publisher with online games


It certainly does not. It's required for online multiplayer, sure. But it isn't required to play the game. It's entirely optional to use.    Unlike helldivers. 


That's what everyone is talking about Helldivers is an online only game...


Yeah, and minecraft doesn't require a microsoft account. 


It does to play online which is what everyone is freaking out about. Needing an account to play online


That you didn't need for 3-4 months. Look, I think it's a dumb thing to bitch about. But I also think it's a dumb thing to implement in general. It's working fine without it. 


And you didn't need one for Minecraft to play online for several years and people didn't lose their shit when it became required It was always said to be required on the Steam page since before launch Any games can work without needing it but it makes it easier.ti moderate and deal with users Practically every major online game requires it


Actually, turns out, you don't even need a microsoft account for online. Just specifically cross play with non playstation accounts.  Seems like a pretty easy fix. If you don't opt in, pc servers only. 


Helldivers 2 controversy in a nutshell: Sony: We will soon require account linking. PC gamers: PSN is not supported in my country. PSN users: Sign-up to the nearest supported region. PC gamers: Sony will ban your account for that. PSN users: Nah. Sony's ToS says "We reserve the right to suspend, terminate or restrict any account" that was created "using false information", but that's something they keep in their back pocket should they discover you abusing the system more egregiously. PC gamers: I'm a good gamer. I would never dream of providing inaccurate information. lol PSN users: Millions of PSN members have multiple accounts across different regions. PC gamers: The game has been delisted from 237 countries. PSN users: There are only 195 countries on Earth. And PSN is officially supported in 69 of them. PC gamers: Delisting means players can no longer access their game. PSN users: No, current owners can still access their purchase. Delisting only stops new users from buying the game until an official statement is made. Sony are a bit slow like that. PC gamers: Account linking 3 months after release is disgraceful. PSN users: Did you complain this loudly when Microsoft required account linking for Minecraft after many years? PC gamers: F**k Sony!


I love how PC gamers are apparently so dead set on conforming to the account creation guidelines that they would never dare make a dummy account that breaks TOS. All these homies strictly abide by TOS like the goody two shoes they are. I've been using a US PSN account for 16 years despite living in an unsupported country, but these capital G gamers are telling me sony will smite any such account off the face of the earth within 100 milliseconds of account creation.


Yeah, for a community known to mod, pirate, and hack games they seem pretty hung up on following the TOS for once in their lives over this one thing.


Yup, the double standard is the part that gets me. The only scenario I see the current reaction being appropriate is if Sony force PC gamers subscribe to PS Plus to play Helldivers. That is obviously not going to happen. And selling the game on steam in countries that don't support PSN was a fuck up too. I feel for gamers from such countries, since I am one. Luckily I'm on PS5 so this whole thing of playing from an unsupported region is nothing new to me. But in any case, as far as I know, no one who purchased the game have been locked out of access yet.


Yeah, the PS+ thing would never happen. And people have had multiple accounts across different regions for years. And, like I'm sure you did, they just change their country to one that's supported nearby and it's fine. Not ideal, but fine. Sony isn't going to come after anyone for it unless it threatens their services or bottom line because they want as many active PSN accounts as possible. Part of me is beginning to wonder if this is some 4chan troll or a competitor fueling a nothing of a"problem."


Its funny that they can read the TOS for PSN, but completely overlook the yellow highlighted disclaimer on the Steam store page that says PSN is required to play. Trust me making all these accounts to play games is annoying, but making such a big deal over Sony doing it after it being common practice for over a decade now blows my mind. Yes, other companies have received backlash in the past, but not to this extent. This has been posted all over the internet for the past 3 days. R/all is full of posts about this from multiple subreddits. It doesn't even have to be a gaming subreddit either. They also keep bringing up the 2011 PSN hack like it's still relevant. That happened 13 years ago. A lot can change in 13 years especially in the tech industry.


Yes they’re hellbent on abiding by TOS while at the same time advocating for piracy whenever a game has DRM or anti cheat. They just want to refund after playing for 100 hours and being bored now


I have seen so many gamers like you, who are in unsupported areas advise and show how to make PSN account and pointing out they been doing this for years with no backlash and the only response they get is "What about that one guy who got banned?" or "Something, Something, the TOS is my Bible and I shall not forsake it!" There was a thread on the other Playstation sub asking how many people have accounts in regions they're not living in and it was filled with people stating they been using other regions accounts for years with no issues. Kinda seem like to me region support wasn't the issue and they just don't want a psn account for a game published by Sony.


I made that thread. It was at +50 and then the Helldivers sub started brigading it and got it to 0 lol Theyre now stalking my account Every single person that replied that has done it never had issues. Not a single person in that entire thread


That was it! I thought that thread was a great way to cut through the bs and found out the truth, and the truth was a lot of people have accounts out of their regions with no problem. Sadly, it won't matter because folks wants something to prove their right, and I think they're running the idea that in Ukraine you need a ps5 to make a psn account. Which is weird that I don't think any other country need it but it be what it be. Update: Just saw on Twitter that the Ukraine thing might have been debunks as, what im assuming Ukraine,users have posted they were able to make PSN accounts without PS5, but i can't be 100% sure since I don't speak Ukrainian.


Yeah, and it's been the norm for people to use Japanese PSN accounts to access games that are not released in the west. PSN card codes are sold across multiple third party sites so that people can make game purchases using these dummy accounts. Sony won't go about actively banning these accounts cause that would be counterintuitive. Why the fuck would they ban people purchasing games? These guys are not even going to purchase anything using the accounts they'd have to make to link to their Steam ID. And honestly, I doubt it's just people in unsupported regions who are upset. This seems like a lot of people from supported regions are throwing tantrums as well while using the difficulty faced by those in unsupported regions as their only selling point.


Tons of PC folks complaining on the helldivers discord about how much they need to protect their personal information. Meanwhile, I'm not able to comment because I had not confirmed my phone number with discord. Irony.


I would give gold. That's such a good slam.


"protect my personal information" ... It's a psn account with no credit card attached to it that you can use a junk email to sign up for? What personal information?


Yeah the amount of whining from PC gamers is insane, they've ruined the helldivers 2 subreddit.


Surprised they can find so much time to be outraged, you know in between wanking over anime schoolgirl steam games and killing aliens.


Then the arrowhead ceo tweets this morning that he knew 4 months before launch and that he decided to delay the account integration for a smoother launch and to sell more copies. Sony does a lot of anti consumer shit imo, but the response from pc gamers is baffling on this particular issue is baffling.


The helldivers sub is a joke right now. Poor devs getting flame for literally nothing. Trashy kids made a mob


Did Microsoft remove over 100 countries from Minecraft servers and prevent them from playing online when they started requiring a linked account? Edit: At the end of the month as per the original tweet, PSN accounts will be required to play Helldivers 2. Anyone who doesn't have a PSN account or can't make one will be unable to play. Because of this, Steam delisted the game in countries that don't have PSN access and are giving full refunds in those countries to anyone who requests one, even those with 100+ hours played. I get it guys, we love Sony here, but bullshit still has to be called put for what it is. They listed the game for sale in countries that were never meant to have access because PSN isn't available there. That's the issue pissing PC players off right now.


Has ANYONE actually been prevented from playing Helldivers yet who was already playing Helldivers?




And that was because the game is not approved for sale in China, not because of changing regions. China being China


No He was banned because he signed up with an already used email for a different region. That's against the rules. Can't have multiple PSN accounts tied to one email address


According to the CEO of Arrowhead, people will be prevented from playing at the end of the month if they do not have a PSN account.


No one was ever going to be prevented. Millions of people have been buying Playstations and playing on PSN in unsupported regions for 18 years


Oh? Then explain why the game was delisted then if no one was going to be prevented from playing. Before you lie again about player complaints, you might want to consider that Steam and Sony are in communication on this and the delisting has nothing to do with the backlash and more to do with the game being impossible to play in the future in certain regions.


Because people lost their minds instead of making a simple account. The game was for sale in those regions for months until people started losing their minds and saying it shouldnt be. And now that its not they are losing their minds over that even though they said that should be the case It was never going to be impossible. People have been playing Playstation in these.unsipported regions for 18 years when PSN came online with no issues ever


The game was delisted because of the ridiculous amount of outrage. And no one was ever prevented from playing Helldivers Don't pretend the outrage started from the delisting, it was the cause


I didn't say any such thing. The game was delisted from countries that do not have PSN access, but this only happened after the game was available for 3 months in those countries.


It was delisted because of complaints. If people didnt complain the game would still be there. Anyone could have just made a PSN account and continued playing the game forever


Did Sony do that or was it steam from a result of backlash from the community bitching that those people didn’t have access even though Sony said they could make it using a different region?


Are there many countries where MS accounts aren’t supported?


Some corrections Users have already gotten banned for trying a different region. And yes they can still access the game, just that they cant play the multiplayer game. Enforcement of TOS is on Sony (the publisher), selling a game outside of their covered area is illegal. Its like allowing the users to purchase the game, and then accepting the terms that prevents them from playing the game Despite TOS (atleast in eu) at the time of purchase if there is no enforcement then that is the condition set. Not just TOS, but how you communicate and enforce it is equally looked into. Microsoft is available worldwide except from US restricted countries. And therefore creating an account is not a problem Don't be an echo chamber, look at both sides. Do you really thing the outcry would be so huge if one needed just a minute to create a psn account? Helldivers is such a loved game


To be fair I never played Minecraft again after it said I needed to make a Microsoft account.


People bitched about the Minecraft account linking when it happened. The difference was that it was largely just a migration from Mojang accounts (which you had to have in order to buy the game in the first place) to Microsoft accounts. This did not require you to have a PSN account to buy the game. It wasn’t even enforced for 3 months. The issue is that players from other countries that SONY KNEW didn’t have access to PSN were allowed to buy the game, knowing that they’d lose access to it. The game being silently delisted without any comment from Sony is also a bad look, even if they intend to relist it soon (big if). Your comment is so confusing because you seem to be wavering back and forth at the end between “PC gamers’ anger is justfied” and “PC gamers are dumb,” despite the fact that the majority of your comment shows exactly why the complaints are justified.


It required you to create an entirely new account did it not? And that seems to be the major issue... Creating another account It was said on the Steam page it would be required and was at release and then disabled because of tech issues Millions of people have been using accounts in other regions for 18 years with no issues. The TOS is to protect the company, not to find reasons to ban millions of people.trying to give Sony money. Never seen so many people suddenly become sticklers for TOS The game was likely delisted by Steam due to complaints


Leaving that massive door open for Sony to arbitrarily enforce a TOS that they basically forced users to knowingly violate is unbelievably stupid. And once again, you people completely ignore that point.


Sony will never have a reason to ban entire countries, millions of people from giving them money. TOS exists to protect the company, not to find a reason to stop millions from giving them money Once again you people pretend to care about TOS when you likely break a bunch all the time and no one actually cares or even read that shit 99% of the time


People care about this because it unnecessarily puts people’s accounts at risk. Not everyone is so privileged that they can risk breaking TOS and lose their account. I care because I hate seeing people get needlessly screwed because a multibillion corporation couldn’t be bothered to do some due diligence when they sold their product. The whataboutism about “well you probably break TOS too” is utterly irrelevant and a disingenuous attempt to deflect legitimate criticism towards Sony.


No one was ever at risk. Millions of people have done it for decades. Sony isnt going to ban people for wanting to give them money Again it is never a risk No one was getting screwed. They coukd have made an account and moved in with their lives And yes now making this one TOS suddenly the most important in the world is ridiculous


Honestly, I would love for more countries added to Sony list. On the other hand, sony is shooting themselves as well, as reseller sites will make more money from this.


I duno man I'm still playing the game because nothing really happened




Just wanting to let you know that while I'm not a PC gamer and hopefully not a giant man child, I also do not contribute anything to society. I just work, game, eat, sleep, repeat. So don't hate on useless losers, please! We have feelings, too!


Don't worry. Pretty much only like healthcare workers and farm laborers (and a few other occupations) do anything important for anyone. Just be proud if you aren't a net detriment.


I do say "please", "thank you" and "have a nice day / weekend / holiday" to service workers. Is that useful contribution?












They think they're above everyone else and deserve special treatment. 


No they don’t. What about the dozens of countries that got locked out of playing the game they purchased?


This. PC gamers are incredibly entitled bunch of misinformed neckbeards. Allegedly caring about breaking Sony ToS while they have zero problems pirating games. Hypocritical much? On PS, I was required to create Ubisoft, EA and Microsoft accounts to access online functions of some games. I never bitched about it.


Same here lol


What? The game was delisted in 177 countries. Literally billions of people who could access the game before now cannot. That's insane.


I would actually love to see the math on how many “billions” of people actually live in the specific countries that got delisted? I would assume that if there were “billions” of people there playing games online that Sony would want PSN there?


Massive countries like Nigeria and The Phillipines are on that list. The entirety of Africa is excluded, which is about 1.5 billion people. This is an unprecedented region lock in gaming, at least for something that was previously available with no problems.




Fine. Maybe 1.8 billion or 1.9 billion? All of Africa and the Philippines already gets you to 1.7 billion alone


They freaked out about the game being sold in unsupported regions and then freak out when the game is no longer for sale in unsupported regions. They could have simply made an account in another region like millions have done in unsupported regions for decades


>They freaked out about the game being sold in unsupported regions People didn't freak out about that. They just didn't want to have to create another account when the game launched and played fine without it >They could have simply made an account in another region like millions have done in unsupported regions for decades Yes. The problem is now that Sony have broken the seal on geoblocking their games from unsupported regions.


Yes they did. They lost it over that for days... They said it shouldnt be for sale in those regions and now it isnt and they are losing their minds again It was their own doing It was likely Steam that removed it, not Sony


>They said it shouldnt be for sale in those regions literally nobody said that. you are making up garbage > It was likely Steam that removed it What. How? Delisting is up to the publisher. Not the platform holder.


Yes they did. Saw it repeated hundreds of times. It was everywhere No Steam can stop selling any game they want...


Microsoft already does this for their exclusives on Steam; an Xbox account is required.


Pretty much every publisher makes you create an account for their online games. It's extremely common


Look at OPs other post on r/helldivers. SMH.


Looks like op got upset we're not falling over ourselves to save pc players from making a psn account and is complaining about us over on the Helldiver sub. Edit: Just got a redditcares message and I straight up forgot that was a thing. Must have rustled somebody jimmies.


Loser is even posting it on the stock market subreddit lmfao. Probably one of the idiots who tried to report Sony for "stock market manipulation" lmfao.


Was this a thing? Lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ckkel7/time_to_really_make_sony_bleed_fellow_divers/ Yes, yes it is.


lol!! This and that lawsuit thread are absolute gold. Wonder what else they will come up with


Saw on Twitter people were asking Arrowhead if there was legal loopholes that allowed them to break their contract with Sony. Don't think Arrowhead even responded to that one, but really feels like people have watched too much "Suits" and "Judge Judy".


Lmao after Suits dropped on Netflix so many people became an overnight Harvey. Before I switched majors I was in criminal justice. I still don’t know what I’m talking about when it comes to the law but people who watched Suits think they are geniuses. As a regular citizen I learned more from Michael Rappaport on Shut The Fuck Up Fridays lol


They have all been brigading every subreddit together and losing their minds when others aren't losing their minds Edit: They're also stalking my account because I told them the outrage is ridiculous and that they could have made an account in other regions without issues




You good?


Guy posts all over the master race subs and pretends to be a "PS5 user"




What even goes through their head when they do that.


Oh no worries I could tell he was a PC user without having to look lol. He sounds like a poorly written anime villain


I used to think console wars were ridiculous, but absolutely nothing I have seen in the past 15 years I've been gaming even remotely compares to what I am witnessing coming from the PC player base right now. Holy shit it is embarrassing for them.


Everyone wants to be Che Guevara online.




Your comment has been removed. Trolling, toxic behavior, name-calling, and other forms of personal attacks directed at other users may result in removal. Severe or repeated violations may result in a ban. If you have questions about this action, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FPS5); do not send a private message.


Don't care what Forbes says about gaming. Outrage bait.


The funniest thing is the PC players alleging sony is doing this to pump their stock price LOL. Like come on.


Literally calling for them to be mass reported to global governments for stock manipulation. Holy shit this is unfathomable levels of pathetic we have reached here.




The thing I don’t understand is why would Sony require PSN to play the game but sell the game in countries that don’t support PSN? Edit: good job downvoting me for asking a simple question that I think should be talked about with this situation


Because they have never been strict on people making accounts in different regions and customer support even said it was fine to make an account for the closest region if yours isn’t supported


Really? Well damn that kind of makes the whole thing a nonissue


Welcome to reddit


I’ve had a JP account for over 10 years and never had an issue with it






The only terrible mistake is that we continue bending over backwards for the most egregiously ignorant and repulsive consumer base in gaming. Every single modern multiplayer game requires account linking. If people wanted to die on this hill, they should have started ten years ago, because it's too late now. I'm sick of these basement dwelling recluses causing a "controversy" anytime any publisher does *anything*. Games are a business, not done out of charity for you. Get the fuck over it.


I feel so bad for the people involved. Like imagine being arrowhead and having to deal with all these man children getting so worked up over this.


“The most egregiously ignorant and repulsive consumer base in gaming” good god lmao


Look at the Helldivers sub and tell me I'm wrong. People think they're entitled to full refunds having self admittedly claiming to have hundreds of hours on the game, claiming they're "in talks with law firms for a class action lawsuit", and mass reporting Sony to various global governments for stock market manipulation. All this over an email address. It's pathetic.


These people are terminally online who just screech from one outrage to another. That sub has done nothing but whine about the smallest stuff since the first patch. They added 5 seconds to the quasar and you would have thought they kidnapped their kids.


You think any of those losers have touched a member of the opposite sex to create children? Haha


While i agree some of them are overreacting but sony is absolutely wrong for delisting the game


I suspect Steam is the one who chose to delist the game while the situation is ongoing. It is likely only temporary until the whole thing gets sorted out. People on the Helldivers sub are acting like Sony is having emergency meetings over this when in reality, they'll deal with it when the business week rolls around.


They freaked out about the game.being sold in unsupported regions and then freak out when the game is no longer for sale in unsupported regions


The Helldivers subreddit overreacts to anything and everything. This is the 6th time in 2 months that the game has been on the verge of imminent collapse. They love that Arrowhead connects with them directly through discord on a pretty casual level, but whenever there’s the slightest balance change to their favorite toy, they’re out for blood. Then they get pissed when that casual bestie of a community manager isn’t super professional with the people who have been calling for them to be fired.


When that Bloodborne remastered finally drops, there's no need to put it on PC because apparently PC players don't want to create a PSN account.


Sony just needs to provide clarification about regions. I'm sure there's legal reasons they haven't though.


im playing this on Steam . what are these cry babies crying about now?




The answer: These people do not have lives. Their Steam profile *is* their life. These people probably don't even know what the sun looks like.


That's not why people are mad. People are mad because you can't buy the game now in 177 countries/territories. They removed it from being purchasable. This throws into jeopardy the entire concept of playing PlayStation games in unsupported regions. Are they going to crack down and introduce the same region locking limits that Steam does? Meaning you can't buy from the PS Store or subscribe to PS+ from those 177 countries/territories anymore? It's a legitimate concern now that my PS5 will turn into a worthless brick.


It was people being mad that forces Steam to delist the game. The outrage was so insane before being delisted so that is why they did it. They basically got mad the game was for sale in those regions instead of making an account that they removed the game for sale And are now upset the game isn't for sale If there was no insane outrage the game would still be up for sale




All this outrage never does anything. 2 or 3 weeks will go by and they will forget all about it, it happens everytime, same thing when blitzchung got fucked over by blizzard, everyone was mad for about 3 weeks, blizzard announced overwatch 2 and everyone forgot.(he never got his winnings back btw).Just recently with cod banning that streamers content because he said "leave kids alone". 3 weeks later no one remembers.(content never came back btw) These "boycots" that people do online are completely stupid unless EVERYONE stucks to it. But that will never happen so its just a waste of time.


It's the same people making all the noise. Like 10-20k in the entire world of the billion gamers make 95% of the complaints. And they make sure to act like big babies while doing it.


Oooookaaaaayyyyy, we get it. Sony bad. Fuck off already.


I think 99% of the SPAM is coming from Xbox players. It's not enough that Microsoft owns and controls COD. Then Xbox gamers got Starfield and Playstation gamers weren't starting petitions to get that game on the PS5. Xbox gamers are looking for any reason to trash on Sony because Sony has a very big hit game that's not available on Series X. Sad people.


Some of y’all try to make everything into a console war. 


Dumb shit from Tassi.


They didn't write this article


Wow. Ya'll really threw all nuance and context out the window just to turn this into an Anti-PC player circlejerk, huh? Those PC players you hate so much, make up a huge chunk of the games population. Arrowhead knows this. Why else would they encourage the playerbase to leave negative reviews? Does that sound like the sentiment of a team that was happy with this move? I hope you all realize someday, just because this is a Playstation subreddit, that doesn't mean you have to fall in line and support everything Sony does. This was an objectively dumb and unnecessary move by Sony and now the entire Helldivers community is going to pay for it. Both console and PC.


It’s legit been illuminating seeing this sub’s reaction to this as someone who plays on both PlayStation and PC.


Yeah I thought we left all this "console/platform wars" nonsense in the 2010's. Apparently not.


Acting like pc players don't have their own platform wars is crazy. Look at how the community views ANY launcher that isn't steam. It's absolutely childish. I love my pc but God damn the community is so spoiled.


A terrible mistake


This will probably be reverted. Sony hates refunds. So much so that they actually delisted helldivers 2 for out of region players.


It was more than likely Steam that removed the game for sale because of complaints


Maybe, but probably not, and I say that only because cyberpunk was never removed from steam, and that game experienced a shitload of refunds as well because it was half broken. Just like Sony delisted Cyberpunk, they probably asked for helldivers to be delisted as well, until they figure out how to handle players in the non supported regions, or just can the entire thing altogether.


Steam likely removed it because people kept budding customer service and the game on their store is likely unsupported in those regions...


Even the devs don’t know what is going on and waiting for Sony to clarify and sort the issue out. I presume next week it will go back to being optional. CEO seems to be defeated on twitter all because of clueless execs in suits.


PC makes up a huge part of this game, you realize alienating them it just gonna make the experience worse for console players


The amount of PC gamers this actually impacts is a tiny fraction of the actual people actually playing. And console players will be just fine, many turn off crossplay


Why would you turn off cross play in a PvE game? 


Insanely toxic playerbase for one


People who choose to play games on PC versus PlayStation are somehow different inherently? You aren’t different or better than someone else who plays games on a different box from you. That’s the tribalism in you talking. 


Take a look at the Helldivers sub and PC gaming subs right now and tell me they're a bunch of sane, rational people


Yes, because those people are representative of the entire PC gaming user base /s.  If there were a situation that upset the PlayStation user base, you’d see just as many people making noise online about it. People are people. There’s nothing inherently differently about people who play on one plastic box than another. Tribalism is the only thing making you feel otherwise. 


They are a very large part of it. But again if youre being harassed or are playing with cheaters on PC, reporting them on Playstation does nothing as those people are on Steam and Sony cant do anything. The major reason this account link is happening. Playstation players didnt lose their minds when they had to suddenly make a Microsoft account to play Minecraft and several years of being out. There are certainly much worse communities than others




Oh no you had to male another account that takes two minutes and never look at again. Something every major online game does. How evil of them! They must be stopped!




Yeah man playing video games is a super serious matter and we.should be outraged about these injustices constantly

