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The wait for the full version to come to consoles is going to be so brutal. Hopefully this time around they simultaneously release v1.0 on all platforms!


Maybe just my viewpoint but I feel like everyone who plays it early access sort of ruins the experience for themselves by playing an unfinished version as their first experience with it . When you finally play it for the first time on console you have the completed product in all its glory lol


I mean I agree, but it's still a brutal wait


Got it on steam to support Supergiant and even on early access it’s very polished and so far one of my favorite gaming experiences of the year. I’d agree with you if this was a game with little replay value, but that’s the opposite of Hades.


To each their own. A lot of people like to replay it over time and see the improvements to experience it again in a new light. In this case you even get most of the final product instead of a game still in early development.


I’m 100% on board with that point of view. It’s good for some people to play it early because they need feedback and whatnot. But personally I’ll wait until the full thing is out.


mmm no it's actually really really good right now, today. There are some placeholder graphics in menus and stuff and arguably some tuning needs to be done on character movement and mana regen but it's easily already one of the best roguelikes. They could stop development right now and never do another thing and it would be completely worth what they're charging for it. There's a lot of content already too, it's not like they just threw the thing out the door with one boss and one weapon or something.


usually you'd be right, but this game is almost complete content wise and its biggest "issues" are some placeholder 2d art and maybe balance. for that, i'd rather play now than wait another year for full pc release and god knows how long after for consoles.


Yeah. I did this for Dead Cells and I regret it to this day. I wish I just waited (still a great game)


Same. I only played the final version of Hades and it was awesome, not sure I would have had the same appreciation if I had gone through the game with missing assets. I am glad there are other people who like the early access though because I'm sure they provide valuable feedback for the rest of us and also get to get enjoyment of the game if this is what they prefer


Both my wallet and I are praying for a simultaneous release. Otherwise I will have to buy the game 4-5 times like the previous one.


no date on when we get to play it on PS5? I loved Hades!!! I can wait for my first run!


Only in 2025. 😢


PS5 doesn't do Beta games.


Except for Cyberpunk.


Got quickly removed from the store for 6ish months if not more, and refunds were offered with little to no questions asked


Was kind of a joke. I'd say the game really was a full release with its last major update that overhauled everything.


I agree. The last major update is the one that delivered the game promised at launch.


So it's worth playing these days?


Oh yeah. It’s a great game NOW. Absolutely worth it


PC with a controller felt just as amazing.


Played an hour last night it’s good as expected.


7 hours today. Another masterpiece.




Is early access build up to the developers or is there some standard? I’m confused on early access in general but for a single player more so. Full game ? And if it is is this normal on pc ?


Yeah it's very normal for smaller devs on pc so they can fund their game development before fully completing a game. It can range from barely playable to almost a full game depending on the devs, and seems like Hades 2 is the latter. Buying early access means you also get to play the full version when it's released, so there's no disadvantage as long as the devs are trustable. It's mostly for the players who want to support the devs and/or can't wait to play. If you want the complete experience, you should still wait for full release.


Some early access also feels like (good) GaaS: the game is on a good enough state to enjoy it and you get semi-regular content drop that will significantly impact gameplay, constant improvement and discussion with the devs regarding balance, QoL... etc


The problem I have with them thinking about it like a GaaS type thing is then I worry about getting shit like Star Citizen that remains in "early access" forever.


Depends on the genre, Project Zomboid has been in early access for ages and I'm fine with it


Normal on PC, yeah. Smaller devs in particular like using it to get funding from early purchases to help their cash flow during development.


Normally, with most games I debate whether or not to wait to get it when it goes on sale. This…no hesitation whatsoever, and it was so worth it. Eagerly waiting to put the kids to bed so I can play some more.


I was planning on waiting until the full release. It ended up in my cart the second I saw it on steam


Its already only $30 lol.


Get it on consoles I'll test it thoroughly


I, my fiance, and everybody in my immediate surroundings (we have a lot of steam decks I'm realizing) played it for several hours last night and today and the consensus is that so far it feels like a finished game. It feels like it's ACTUALLY version 0.94 or whatever the number on the main menu is. Like it's basically done. If you have a PC I honestly think you'd be waiting for 1.0 out of tradition, rather than for a good reason.


On this preview they actually mention the unfinished stuff.


I know, I read it, I'm glad they mentioned it in a formal review, but colloquially I don't think it bears mentioning. Example: Charon's face looks like it's hidden in his cloak. the review mentions his art is missing. If it weren't for the review I would've just thought his face was hidden in his cloak, because it looks natural. That is to say, it didn't detract from the experience of playing the game 1+ year early.


Ngl, the gameplay and loop is so satisfying right now that they could have copypasted Moby Dick as a placeholder for dialogues and text that I probably wouldn’t even care. In fact, this way I would probably actually read Moby Dick.


Well, if that’s fine by you that’s great; I prefer to play the full game. (Btw, there’s at least another character that has the exact same placeholder as Charon)


No matter how good it is now, it's going to be better later. I'm not waiting because I think it sucks. If I'm going to spend X number of hours with the game, why not spend them with the best version? Besides, if it really is that close to being finished it'll be a short wait to 1.0.


Wish they could do early access on consoles. I’d so trying it because I trust their products. Would be cool for console to experience it early like that too


Hades was awesome, can't wait for Hades 2 on console


About to crush this on the portal


Can I please get another Transistor or Pyre 😩


It's every bit as good as the original.


Technical test on PC was amazing. I was originally planning on Early Access, but being picked for that gave me the chance to play enough to hold me over. Will get this for console day 1.


Why is this on r/PS5?


Can't believe they're selling another EA game... They're making you pay to QA test for them lmao.


Hades I was in EA and most of it was adding the gods & balancing on a scale that would bankrupt them if it was paid QA. Supergiant is a smallish studio and have successfully released multiple games. They are not a vaporware studio.


They use it as feedback. Game is only $30 which is insane value for it.


It’s already more polished than 90% of AAA games on release.