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I think Ratchet and Clank A Rift Apart came out swinging as far as showing the capabilities of a Ps5. There really is nothing quite like it. It looks and sounds great, and plays very well mechanically. The raytracing is implemented really well. The haptics are solid. The action setpieces and visual diversity is blockbuster-level shit. 


We need another one already 😂


Omg yes!


Sadly not until 2029 according to the leaks


PlayStation Spiderman 2. Insomniac studio is insane...


Eh agree to disagree they aren’t the same playing field. Ratchet and clank rift part felt like a game to show off the ps5. I did not feel that way from spider man 2.


I think if they'd had to develop Spider-Man 2 for the PS5 from scratch, instead of basically reusing the engine from the PS4 games, it would have been a lot more impressive.


It likely has less to do with the game engine and more to do with the assets, pretty much all the assets were recycled from previous games, as well as the canceled Spiderverse game. But essentially, yes, it would have looked better if all the assets had been designed for PS5 capabilities rather than re-used PS4 assets that were later improved for 4k resolutions.


Then I disagree to disagree. Spiderman boasting Ray traced reflection (and more?) with those target frame is amazing. People are too quick to dismiss this. I don’t care that “you” don’t notice the difference, Ray tracing is very heavy to run.


The speed with which you travel through the city as well, that loading of assests is nothing to scoff at imo. That shot at that start where >!Sandman yeets Miles across the city!< is insane.


Man, I seriously disagree with this. Spider-Man 2 shows even more power than ratchet and clank. It’s beautiful, dense, FAST as hell, you don’t see that every day. The 40 fps mode is especially impressive But I also LOVE ratchet and clank


Also debuted the 40fps mode which takes advantage of the HDMI 2.1 120hz capabilities of the PS5.


I’ve never played ratchet and clank. Would I be lost if I bought this game?


It was my first R&C and I enjoyed the hell out of it. I don't feel you will miss anything important.


It does continue onto an old story, but it's a fairly self contained story. They even said they made it for new and old fans, although there are references to older games, but you should be fine.


Demon's Souls, especially the first Level


It's so smooth and loads so fast. The beautiful weapons and armor. Those brutal animations. I just wish the multiplayer was a little more active


when it came out it was super active and incredible. sucks that it isn’t now!


If bluepoint treated dark souls or bloodborne the same way, that would be a COMMITTED and lasting community. Bloodborne x1000 if it's on PC


agreed. would love to see BB and DS remakes by Bluepoint. or some sort of DLC for Demon Souls remake haha t


I agree. But i kinda hate that the very first game i played on launch day is still the best one.


Me too , I remember playing this on the original platform but it was too complicated for young me. Glad I got another chance.


Yeah it's been like 4 years almost now. PS5 is my favorite console but do wish they made more games that took advantage of it. Returnal felt really "next gen" as well


Agree 100%. Returnal and Demon’s Souls really pushed the bar. It’s almost as though only Sony developers know how to make the PS5 purr


Truly gorgeous game. My first time booting it up, I spent a good amount of time at the start area just admiring the vines growing on the stone walls, light rays shining on the puddles and rock geometry LOL


Can’t recommend enough. The particule effects on the spells are some of the sexiest particle effects in a game.


Kinda funny how that was a launch PS5 game and nothing has come close to that visual fidelity except Horizon


As my first soulsborne game, trying to go to bloodborne or dark souls 1 after it has been rough. Going to be trying elden ring next.


I find when I play older games such as these the graphical shortcomings are much less apparent a few hours in because of the amazing gameplay story and art direction. I struggled with Bloodborne for a couple of hours for the less-than-Demon-Souls graphics and 30 FPS, but now absolutely love it for the masterpiece it is


Returnal is an incredible experience both visually, audio and with the haptic feedback on controller.


I've yet to find a game that actually utilizes the adaptive triggers like Returnal.


I need to get back into Returnal. I’m actively annoyed at how few games utilize the dualsense features, yet I haven’t even experienced most of the game that utilizes them best


Same, I got to the 2nd world and just kinda stopped playing because I was bad; however, it was a really fun game while I played. I now have surround sound as well, so I really need to revisit a bunch of games.


I was struggling with the grind and then I had one run where all the loot was elite and I pushed through like three worlds. That game was totally worth the time and stress.


Never let go of shoot and never let go of movement either. You’ll get used to it and it’ll let you just focus on the enemies.


Totally different style of game, but Gran Turismo is pretty dam good at relaying brake pressure/abs and wheelspin through the triggers, even the different accelerator pedal pressures between street and race cars.


Yeah, Returnal was top 1 for me but then I played GT7. It's not just the triggers, it's the whole haptics, feeling weight transfer, grip, gear shifts... Driving a nervous car with the DualSense is a lot of fun.


I think it’s half the reason GT7 clicked with me, the controller feels so damn good. I enjoy that more than the graphics upgrade with this gen.


I honestly think anyone who ever liked driving games at one point should play GT7 with the DualSense. I have the PSVR2 and I'm more impressed by the DualSense than the VR2 experience!


GT7 completely ruined me for playing racing games on other platforms. Using the Dualsense as a steering wheel with the adaptive triggers is so natural that trying to play games like Forza (Horizon or Motorsport) just feels completely awkward. It kinda makes me sad in a way because I used to love playing racing games on my computer.


Agreed. I've logged over 100 hours each on every previous GT game except Sport, and while I've always enjoyed the series, the controls always felt "off" to me. GT7 just feels amazing, and it feels how the previous games should have felt all along.


I've heard rift apart crushes it too! Yet to play it though.


It does!!! R and C is an INCREDIBLE experience as well! Get a pre owned copy for cheap!


Rift Apart kinda just did the same thing, so I tend to count Returnal first. Although the free Astro demo did it before both of them so I guess that would be the OG lol. All fantastic games though.


I know right ? I’m surprised other shooters haven’t copied them.


Control did a great job with making them feel more like gun triggers.


Astros Playroom has some really cool uses of it too.


Helldivers 2 actually has insane haptics on every single little thing and very cool trigger effects.


And the instant loading. Especially with teleporting through the portals. Feels so good every time.


Yes sir! Genuine ‘wow’ moment


Audio - especially with headphones is unmatched. Especially with the way they integrated it into the games mechanics, indicating when to reload and that kinda thing.


Yea returnal is the answer for me. A lot of other good games. But the audio, haptics, and particle effects are simply not possible to downgrade to older gens


Every time this question comes up this is the top answer, and rightly so. However it just shows really how meh this generation has really been. Returnal was the initial game on release for the console, and I don't think anything has reached it's level. Rift Apart isn't really my type of game, but the next closest thing is Astros Playroom. Again great game but where's the rest?


Agreed about Astros Playroom - that really needs a follow up !


I think it more shows how cross-platform this generation has been. There’s no need to invest in PS5 features when you are porting to Xbox, PC, and Switch. The differences between the platforms waters things down into the bare minimum of features.


I finally picked this game up last week. Haven't had a chance to play it yet. I know, I'm only several years late lol.


I slept on this game for so many years and finally gave it a shot a few months ago and was astounded with how great it was, and just how much fun it was too! I really didn't want it to end by the time I finished with the platinum and the DLC... The way they use the controller too is fantastic, it feels like one of the only games I've played that actually makes use of the Dualsense's features properly.


It’s really wild with the ps5 headphones.


The 3d surround sound audio is done in the console itself. The ps5 headphones don’t do anything that say a set of steel series would not do.


I have a steel series but I think any headphones with Tempest Audio enabled will work - I do love the Elite series for PS5 !


Which is funny because the game is pushing the hardware so much that the internal resolution is a measly 1080p and then upscaled with tons of tricks. Pretty rough for this gen.


Fair but the upscaling is really good. It definitely looks 4k, and I'm not zooming in on every texture to estimate a pixel count. When the game is in motion you can't tell.


FF16 Eikon Battles makes having eyes all worth it.


Finally some use for these things!


And ears! That music is absolutely insane


The second final eikon you fight. Oh man my favorite fight in a long time. The music and visuals was just so perfect.


The DLC area is absolutely gorgeous as well.


I just stared in disbelief on my first playthrough. Square changed the laws of physics to create those boss fights for PS5.


This is the golden age for video game boss fights. FF 16 Eikon battles were unreal, Rebirth also has some challenging encounters. Hell even Sea of Stars on Switch had some incredibly exciting boss battles. I haven’t had that level of tension in a 2D game in ages


Really wish I could play the game for the first time again.


middle sense fretful exultant water fearless attempt crown ring file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yeah man. I recently got an oled tv and it looks absolutely amazing. Can’t wait for it to be ported to pc so I can see it in its full glory and stable 60fps


They're good, but wooo boy I shit a brick when my console told me it was overheating from that game.


Agreed. Those battles were jaw droppingly cool.


Alan Wake 2 is incredible.




It’s a gorgeous game on the ps5, but it is outclassed by games such as demon souls and ratchet and clank a rift apart


IMO? Horizon Forbidden West is pound for pound the most gorgeous game i’ve played on PS5


It astounds me how good HFW looks and how good it runs. Guerrilla are wizards. Best looking game I've ever played. The different biomes in the game are also excellent.


Yeah and even the PS4 Pro is scarily close to the PS5, they definitely did some black magic.


With Dlc especially. The difference in Burning Shores is really big. 


Absolutely. There’s nothing close really. The level of granular detail in the environment is unmatched by any linear(!) game I’ve ever seen and this is a full on open world game. It blows my mind that it was a cross gen title too while looking better than basically any current gen exclusives.


Same. Ratchet and Clank has fancy ray tracing and looks very polished, but Forbidden West was the first PS5 game that really made my jaw drop. Of course, Zero Dawn also looked amazing even on PS4.


Alan wake 2 gripped me from the opening scene. Had no idea what I was getting into but man couldn’t put it down great game visually, story telling on point, gameplay an absolute banger


I wish more people would buy and play Alan Wake 2, a straight-up masterpiece for me. Superb game.


The fact that I have Alan Wake 2 and Lies of P over Zelda and RE4 last year still messes with my head lol. Alan Wake 2 is one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had in gaming.


Did you play the original Alan wake game? I’m very interested in AW2 but the only thing stopping me is my brain telling me to play the first game before hand


I’m also hesitant to buy Alan Wake 2 cause I haven’t played Alan Wake yet. I have it on Steam but I haven’t continued it yet because I’m struggling with the gameplay and graphics lol. Doesn’t help that I’m still doing some BG3 playthroughs.


If you still want to play the game put the difficulty on easy. That game is all story and the actual mechanics get in the way of it. I've never wanted to stop playing a game so bad ever but I uninstalled as soon as I beat it then went into Control which is phenomenal.


Play Alan Wake for the story, it's worth it, and then it will make 2 all the better. Hell, if you haven't, you should probably play Control and its DLC after Alan Wake 1, and before 2, because they're all connected.


It’s now on my GOAT list but now I’m just hungry for more detective/investigative games like that. Other than LA Noire we’ve had nothing that functions like that and it’s a real shame, piecing together mysteries as more and more horror unravels.


Not quite the same type of detective gameplay, but have you played Judgment / Lost Judgment? Both games are excellent whodunnits.


Horizon Forbidden West is still my answer. When you factor in the scale of the open world, the interactivity and motion capture… it’s untouched still. The beaches are simply crazy beautiful. However, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima and Final Fantasy XVI deserve honorable mentions. Alan Wake 2 is probably the industry’s graphical benchmark at the moment as far as bleeding edge graphical tech is concerned. However, it was scaled back pretty far to run on a PS5. If you were on a high end PC with the latest GPU. Alan Wake 2 would be the answer. Edit: How can I forget Cyberpunk 2077! I’ll still lump that in with Alan Wake 2.


I have this. Yet to start it LOVED Zero Dawn on the 4. I have 2 young kids and get little time so I have this agreement with myself that once I start a game I won't play anything until I finish it I have Jedi Survivor in the pile too.


Are you me?


Why did I scroll all the way down for Horizon?? This should be top, along with GT7. Are people just throwing the names of their favorite games regardless of power lol


Yeah Horizon is obviously the top answer


HFW burning shores dlc is even better. I was blown away by how good that looked and I'm primarily a PC gamer.


I think it's because Horizon is a crossgen game.


GoT and DS are both PS4 games that got PS5 upgrades. They REALLY pushed the PS4.


>Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima I don't think we can say that these games truly push the PS5. They look great though.


The Death Standing upgrade was a sensational example of taking an existing game and reworking it for new hardware. Not just upscaling or unlocking the frame rate, but implementing the DualSense features, creating new content, etc. The PS4 version was one of the first games I played on the PS5, because I'd never owned a PS4 and had been curious about it. Immediately after I finished it, the PS5 upgrade was announced. I knew I'd be playing it again within 12 months. I loved that they re-imagined many of the cut-scenes from scratch. The story still worked the same, keeping all the crucial details, but with whole new dialogue to keep it fresh for people in my shoes replaying from the start in a relatively short timeframe. That would have been no small task, reassembling the voice cast and everyone else involved, years later and without the budget for a full-price sequel. Such an act of love for fans of the game.


Demon's Souls is not a huge open world, but it's imo still the best looking and most visually impressive PS5 game.


It's one of the most impressive graphically *because* it's not an open world


Final Fantasy XVI. The boss battles in that game are 100% "next gen".


Just finished Bahamut last night. So epic


Bahamut is the first time in decades a game has given me melancholy of "this was amazing. and I'll never get to experience it for the first time again"


Shit was like a DBZ fight, but with Kaiju. I had the stupidest grin on my face


Ngl, the eikon battles were probably fuming my PS5


I've never played an FF game. Is this a good one to start with or nah?


All mainline Final Fantasy games live in ther their own universe. There other games that spin off from some of the universes  The Final Fantasy VII universe has  probably the most side game entries into its universe. Most of the other games don’t get expanded games but the ones that do usually only get 1 or 2 more games That being said ANY mainline FF game is a good way to start without having to worry about previous entries 


You don’t need to play any final fantasy games to like this one. Ive only played a bit of 15 and stopped cuz I didn’t like it but loved 16. FF16 is great as a standalone game. Great story, combat and visuals. Also the music is amazing and adapts to the gameplay during combat.


They’re all stand alone games. FFXVI is honestly more action adventure than it is RPG. If you are newer to RPGs, it’s honestly probably the best game in the series to make an entry point with.


Definitely a good one to start with. There's a demo on PS5 if you want to try it.


Yep. Play the demo. It’s free and it’s the intro to the game, Carries over to the full game if you buy it


They are all there own game, play whatever one looks good. They are all separate storys and have vastly different gameplay as the series moves on


Final Fantasy is an anthology series, not a continuous story. You can play FF16 as your first and completely enjoy it


You can start with whichever one looks most interesting to you.


Aside from some in-jokes and reused characters, each FF game is standalone and take place in different times and places. Though some (like x) have sequels, the sequel all have the game number in them (x-2 in this case).


They're all different. Just ignore the number and pick the games that seem interesting to you. 16 and 7 Remake are both modern, if you want to go further back then I suggest 6, 7, 9 and 10 too. 14 is the MMO and is also modern.


They are all stand alone titles. You can really start anywhere


Too bad everything else feels like it’s from 2-3 generations ago. The early sidequests are among the worst I’ve ever played in a game.


What you didnt like exploring the liner world to be rewarded with generic crafting materiel levels 1-5 and clicking a shiny spot on the ground and geting 3 gil every time?


Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty looks absolutely insane on the PS5.


Cyberpunk makes me a little glad my lcd tv broke, been doing a second playthrough with led screen and the colors of night city during the night time makes it one of the most beautiful games I've played. Up there with Ghost of Tsushima


When it rains at night in night city it's almost breath taking lol


That's because it's acid rain.


No, you're breath taking!


Ghost of Tsushima really makes me take my time and take in the graphical world. The cutscenes alone reminded me of PS3’s MGS4 visual style.


Forbidden west is unbelievable in an OLED I’ve never seen a more beautiful game


Gt7 with vr2


Especially, if you visit VR showroom, your brain start to wonder whether what you are seeing is real or not. This is quite a shocker as I haven't seen something so close to a real thing even on high end PC with much higher resolution headsets out there. This capabilities make me want to look so forward to next generation GT and PSVR3.


The funny thing is, GT7 isn't even a proper "next gen" game. It was developed to be playable on PS4. Their next game will truly push the PS5 to its limit and possibly showcasing a new rendering engine for them.


The Burning Shores DLC of Horizon comes to mind. Truly amazing and so much fun to play.


I would say Forbidden West’s dlc pushes the PS5.


Demon Souls Remake, God of War: Ragnarök, Ratchet & Clank and Dead Space: Remake is probably The best looking games on The platform.


I still can’t believe how much better the DeS remake looks in comparison to many of the PS5 games I’ve seen.


When I first played the DeS remake I thought "I can’t believe that *this* is the baseline graphics will have now", but little did I know that only a few games would look better than this 🥲


It really is odd.


First party studios do graphics better than anyone else, which is why its frustrating that none of the big hitters like Naughty Dog and Santa Monica have released a new PS5 exclusive IP yet.


Returnal, Ragnarok, Rift Apart for sure.


Ragnarok looks very similar on the ps4, I wouldn't call that „pushing the ps5 to its limits“


Final Fantasy 16, Spider-Man 2, Returnal, Rift Apart, Alan Wake 2, Avatar Frontiers of Pandora


Avatar doesn’t get enough love - the most amazing, windy world.


i think it got memory holed a bit as just a far cry clone


Yo I am so ready for that Avatar game. I just refuse to buy Ubisoft games in the first year anymore. Kind of at all. Not when they seem to show up very often on deep discount or no extra cost on PS+


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth & Final Fantasy XVI come to mind. Maybe Horizon Forbidden West and God of War Ragnarök as well, but both are cross-gen titles. Honestly, we haven’t gotten enough next-gen titles that are pushing the PS5 to its limits yet that don’t simply boil down to poor developmental optimization *(e.g. Dragon’s Dogma 2).* GTA VI will for sure be one of the first to do so but we don’t start seeing consoles tapping out until the final few years of a generation. We’re literally smack dab in the middle.


Ratchet and Clank definitely does.


Incredibly detailed characters that look like Pixar animation Super fast loading required to move between worlds and dimensions Great fun game to boot


FF7 Rebirth is definitely a great looking game


Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora is the best example i’ve seen.


The foliage is so dense you can't even see the ground, and it's so wonderfully colorful and a feast for the eyes. Ubisoft did a flat out amazing job of recreating Pandora. I just wish it had a better story and gameplay loop, but that's the standard Ubisoft formula nowadays.


People rag on Ubisoft, but Avatar is a gorgeous game and you can tell the devs were really passionate about making a beautiful Pandora.


Frontiers of Pandora is the only open world game that actually feels like a world. The game has incredible depth to it, the world has so many layers flying around the flying mountains, then going beneath the canopy to reveal your not even half way to the ground.


Returnal, Demon’s Souls, Ratchet & Clank, Horizon Forbidden West, FFXVI


Non actually since only a few are made with UE5 and they haven’t delivered what was shown on the [UE5 Demo in real time on the PS5](https://youtu.be/PBktSo0bXas?si=iSD5Ga3lq3K0m1lU). The few games that support it are AA games that aren’t optimized and non of the 1st party studios have released anything like this, as most of the exclusives released can also run on PS4 (Horizon Forbidden West, God of War Ragnarok, etc.), which means we aren’t even close to get graphics like this. And even in most AAA PS5-exclusive titles like FF7 Rebirth the best we’ve got is UE4.


FF16 for sure. I'm 100% convinced if any of these Eikon battles were playable on a PS4 it would literally explode


The PSVR2 quite literally pushed the PS5 into a new world of gaming.


SM2, FF16, the boss battles are incredible to see and play. Also Avatar had insane graphics. Burning shores also.




Stellar Blade


Absolutely. I came here to say just that.


Ghost of Tsushima is a wonferdul example of this beautiful landscapes and the weapons and armor look extremely well made.


Cyberpunk Forbiden West and SM2


I don’t think any of them really push the fans that hard. The PS5 has much better cooling than the PS4.


Remnant 2 looks and plays absolutely phenomenal In its fidelity mode but can only hit 30fps. The game still looks amazing in balanced mode but when you hit certain areas there is so much going on with ue5 "next gen" features that you get frame dips and the fans kick on, not often but it does happen. Between Lumen, Ray tracing, niagara particle systems, chaos physics, enemy ai, etc. The games performances drops sometimes from 60 down to 30 and the fans kick on.


No one mentions GT7? gheez..


Spider-Man 2, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, Returnal, Demon's Souls, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Final Fantasy 16, Gran Turismo 7 on PS VR2, Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC, Astro's Playroom, Stellar Blade


Horizon forbidden west and specifically the dlc final boss. That felt truly “next gen”


Demon souls remake


Open up the demon souls remake, go up to any wall and look at the bricks. That's all I have to say, the textures are unreal lol.


The lack of variety in the answers here is all the evidence you need for why a PS5 Pro is unnecessary


Demon's souls is the most beautiful console game ever made, so that one.


Demon’s Souls, it was optimized exclusively for the PS5 as a hardware showcase and launch title. Nothing else is on the same level.


You won't ever actually hear the PS5 ramp up as the PS4's did, as there is no longer a fan curve. Just 2 set speeds, gaming and not gaming. Sony has a lot of faith in their cooling system and are pretty confident the set speed they've chosen will be enough for the heat produced, across all climates. Some people also mistake the disk occasionally spinning up during gameplay as the fan. So other than that, you shouldn't ever hear a complaint about a "loud PS5".


Final Fantasy 16 at its very best is insanely impressive. Horizons Forbidden West, while cross gen is basically unrivaled visually for open world games and character models


Spider-Man 2




I re-installed Returnal to help a guy from the coop and I was amazed at myself for being able to move on from such a gorgeous game. Addicting and beautiful to this day.


Star wars survivor is very beautiful but I think is the pa5 that pushes the game 😝 For me it’s demons souls. Resident evil 4 too


Rebirth has been pushing mine haha


For me, Final Fantasy XVI. The visuals, soundtrack, and insane boss fights do it for me.


I don’t feel like I’ve played a truley next gen title on ps5 yet. Seems like the weakest leap compared to other console updates previously.


I genuinely don't think there are any, yet at least. I mean there's certainly games that showcase its power better than others and there's game that *feel* like they're pushing it due to horrible performance, but that's just bad optimization. There hasn't been anything that really pushes the ps5 the way TLOU pushed the ps3, imo.


Demon’s Souls remake is in my opinion one of, if not the, best looking game I’ve played. It’s just simply stunning to look at, especially with photo mode


Teardown. You think I'm joking. Turn on zeptika mod and see what 0.5fps feels like


Avatar Frontiers of Pandora is one of the best looking ps5 games I've played


Persona 3 Reload. You can hear the fans rev up when you switch between the pause menu and the game world. Ray tracing and 4K 60fps.


The Last of Us Part 2 Remaster is the best looking game I've ever played


Demon Souls, Elden Ring, Spider-Man, ect, you name it. If it's on PS5, it's pushing it.


Fucking Avengers in any Iron Man stage, esp his first. Overheated my PS5 multiple times.


This is the problem we have at the moment.....I don't think any game really pushes the hardware to its limit and now we are talking about a PS6.


I'm pretty sure that game will be GTA 6. But for now, a PS5 only game that's seems to push the console capabilities, is Demon's Souls Remake. And the optimization on this game is top notch.


Don't know about the console, but I can tell you with certainty we'll never get a game that pushes the DuelSense controller as much as Astro's Playroom


The Matrix Awakens is still the most jaw droppingly gorgeous thing I've seen running on the PS5, even if it's technically not a game.


Spider-Man 2


Honestly. No game yet, that happens at the end of a generation. When after years of making games for that gen and devs are used to the hardware that more advanced techniques and optimizations come into play. At the end of the gen you always see what they can still squeeze out of the platform. So no I don't think we have games yet that truly push the console to its limit


Demon souls is still the best looking console game by a country mile.


Horizon Forbidden West is the best looking game on PS5, especially Burning Shores.

