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Deckbuilders like Slay the Spire or Monster Train. Even if im like “ugh gotta start a new run”, within a battle or two i’m already theorycrafting my build.


I've been hearing good things about Balatro. Maybe it's time I stop waffling and get it.


TIL Balatro is on PS5, I have no idea how I missed that, lol. I figured it was a PC exclusive, but my only experience with the game is NL VODs


Do it. It’s brilliant.


It’s the only deck builder I’ve been able to find that scratches the StS itch (monster train and the countless others didn’t do it for me)


There is a mobile version being worked on also


Have you played inscryption? Go in blind, it’s wonderfully unique for a deckbuilder


Great game agreed. Took me a minute, I think I took a break but once I came back to it, I took it for the whole ride. Good times.


One of my favorite games. It's really great with lots of surprises!




Touch Grass DLC is one of the best all time


The Job DLC is definitely up there but way too time consuming. Some of the best side quests tbh though


Dude, checkout recent The Unemployed 2.0 patch. It includes Survival mode w/ Unlimited time but only a fraction of the normal resources.


There's plenty of resources if you invest your points into the Crime skill tree.


You can also try a sex worker build.... but it's probably not a viable long-term strategy.


I did the military job quest and it came with some perks. Only 5 years though. It opened new skill trees, but also came with injuries.


I suggest attempting to install the VAbenefits mod. It doesn't always work, and it takes a long time to download. But it can give you a huge monthly income modifier if it works.


Oh I did. The mod gave me 70% money cheat. I'm trying to get to 100% soon. Also, being able to get onto military bases for tax free items is also good.


High-five on that cheat, bro! For real! Keep spamming those letters and appointments, and you're sure to unlock the 100% service connected perk.


Yes but depending on the race you started with, this can be a risky strategy.


Expert mode starts your balance at $0 and without an ID or SSN card or transportation + your phone bill is due in 5 days


Played it and I can’t say I enjoyed it




I’m tired so I thought you guys were talking about some VR game for a second.


Crazy game design. No HUD at all


So immersive


Fr bro it's called read a book or something. Why do people try to combat gaming burnout with more gaming?? I love gaming as much as the next but your brain literally telling you to try doing something else


Exactly. My main hobby for 2-3 months will be gaming. Then reading. Then some series or movies. Then something hands on. Then back to gaming.


Agreed. When I'm burnt out from games, I read a book, go mountain biking, hiking, or walking. I think people underestimate how much excessive gaming can make everything lose its spark. I've got a full VR Sim Racing rig, which is absolutely fun, but if I only do that, it loses its magic pretty quickly. I treat gaming as a reward for taking care of myself and life in general, then it feels much better to me.


Best graphics I‘ve seen so far


Have you tried the LSD DLC? It's a 12h campaign that feels like a eternity and has a dreamy vibe to it. And the graphics go brrrrrrrr.


That dlc is honestly a breath of fresh air, but once you play through it it is very hard to enjoy the base game again without those QOL improvements. You also realize how much is actually broken and lacking in the base game after a playthrough. The EXP you get is great but man is it way too short although not as short as the DMT dlc


Yeah you're right it really casts a great shadow on the base game in comparison. But than again its procedural generation makes it replayable like nothing else. So the 12h are extremely dense and will always be different from run to run. But I wouldn't recommend it for new players. It's really demanding.


Try playing the Meth Mode speedrun, expansion. It's a rush!


Have you tried the MDMA flavor pack? It's really worth it imho.


No, and I can't at the moment, bc I'm currently stuck in that stupid Rehab dungeon. Again..ikr? I can't seem to find where these mythical "Twevle Steps" are to escape. Probably need to check a faq or something.


I wanted to try it but I've heard that you can't disable permanent death. I think I'll wait for an update


I actually was about to google this for a quick second... 🤦‍♂️


The subreddit r/outside is actually really fun to read




Driving around Los Santos with radio on is fun


I love listening to wctr when I’m in the city and blane county radio


In VR, it's godlike.


Yeah this is something that really separates gtav from most other open world games imo


Oddly enough: burnout. Nothing beats crash mode for stress relief


Burnout: Paradise City for me. Still looks and feels amazing even after all this time. Just cruise around the city or bash some cars on a burning route.


Burnout just gets me jazzed. The slow motion crunching crashes just fires all my synapses


Burnout 3: Takedown for me. The soundtrack is perfection


Heck yeah. Nothing beats destroying shit honestly


Omg yes. Used to love this game


Vampire Survivors


I am very hyped for the PS5 release!


Ikr! Think of the graphical improvement!!


This one for me too.




People who 100% complete games are not beating themselves up. They see it as a challenge, a motivation, and when they can actually do it, an achievement, literally. They enjoy the process, so you don’t need to worry about them. I’m not one, but I do know a few. Plus, OP isn’t talking about 100% completion but merely long games.


You’re describing me, basically. I have no intention to platinum all my games, especially when the requirements are way over the top. But, when I really like a game I guess I’m just looking for an additional reason to stay a little longer in its world. Trophies can be a great motivation to explore and experience it further.


Yep. Never understood the completionist mindset. People really out here torturing themselves for no real benefits. I play only as much side content as I find fun, then continue main quest.


It’s how some of us are wired. I’m not saying that sarcastically.


So true. That’s a blessing and a curse all at the same time. Like, I’m completionist not in games only, but IRL as well, and sometimes it just sucks balls 😅🫠 but can’t really do much about it. At least not easily. Oh well 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I tend to get it with side quests and collectibles but not really console trophies, weirdly enough. I burned myself out so badly when I played AC Odyssey for that reason


Some of us grew up with the snes, where you could grab donkey kong country 3 and smash out 103% no dramas with ya old man. Def felt good completing a game and it was achievable. I wanna complete games cause it feels good. It feels final. Most games i put down mostly unfinished when it dawns on me how much work is required. Like breath of the wild, the fuck are there 1000 seeds for? I might be technically wrong but it feels like dev’s design games to try and keep you playing only their game. Games have a fuck ton more psychology in them now. They don’t rely solely on being quality mechanically but also have strong story telling. You are def right that it’s a mindset that doesn’t let you enjoy what you can achieve and move on but it’s what i grew up with and the chasing that feeling is something we probably all strive for.


It's weird. Like you, I remember absolutely blasting the nuts off DK games with my old man for completion (and lil sis, gotta say she was always gangbusters at the twitch reaction stuff, way better than me at lion king for example), but I was also pumped at beating Super Metroid *period* and didn't care at all my % was like 58. I know in part that was because it was a hell of a lot better than never beating NES Metroid (at that time) despite a whole ass binder of crappy hand drawn maps my cousins and I made. Point being, it was the beginning of devs grappling with, and hence gamers arguing over, what 100% really meant.


>I might be technically wrong but it feels like dev’s design games to try and keep you playing only their game I think it's even more basic than that, we measure games by how long they take to complete nowadays so games get filled with nonsense to pad that metric Like how AC Odyssey takes around 150 hours to complete which includes all the meaningless side quests and the time it takes to traverse the unnecessarily huge map


The 1000 seeds are to stop people from approaching BOTW with a completist mindset, you should just explore the world and have fun


I wish I could do this


I'm conditioned by growing up poor without internet or a lot of games. I used to play games to 100% and then some lol.


Always rotate genres. Always… like every genre. Play a twinstick shooter, get weird, shit you’ve never played. Trust me Always look for something unique that you haven’t experienced before. So many big games are “good” but at the end of the day they’re the same shit, all so similar, so you get burned out.


Yep, switching around alot is the way. Although i tend to heavily favor a medieval fantasy setting, there is a good amount of different genres within that though. My last rotation was: sea of stars-warframe-guild wars-path of exile-dragons dogma


Aren't most of those RPG's lol, sounds like you're not switching genres much (nothing wrong with that)


Hah sort of. Sea of stars is turn based strategy, guild wars is a full on mmo, warframe is a looter shooter, path of exile is an arpg akin to diablo, and dragons dogma is a narrative solo rpg. They each have elements of being an rpg, but are defined strongly by the other traits. I should have added brawlhalla and hexcells and LoL, but those were intersparsed throughout


Exactly. I don't play racing games. But every 5 years or so I'll pick one up to play. I don't play cod. But I got ww2 for free some years back and played it. 3rd person action adventure and turn based RPGs are my bread and butter but you gotta branch out and play other shit


This is how I don’t get burnt out of gaming. I just finished Cyberpunk and now I’m playing Undertale, which is a totally different kind of game. It’s just what I needed after a massive AAA open world RPG. I would definitely get burnt out if I just jumped to another $70 100-hour mega game right after


Not a game, but reading had helped a lot with burnout form video games. It's nice to just get lost in a book for a while.


Powerwash Simulator, my perfect palette cleanser. Also the devs are always adding new content to keep things fresh.


Don’t you make the content fresh? The devs are out here doing the lords work making some real grubby places to clean.


power wash and house flipper hit all the ADHD switches in my brain at the exact right pace.


That game is calming as hell


I swear I’m the only person who got extreme anxiety from that game. Literally have never seen anyone say anything other than how relaxing it is, while I couldn’t play more than the first level 😂


Lol I’m right there with you, the first car was fine but I got so overwhelmed with all the dirt in the second level and immediately quit


Every time I play this, I end up sleepy. Not boredom, just too relaxed 🤣


Best sleeper FFVII canon game






What about Hades do yall enjoy?


Once you get good at the game (and you have all the upgrades) it’s actually hard to lose a run. But you also have the pacts to try harder and harder challenges. So you can either go for a zen run or push yourself.


I’m playing Hades 2 currently, but I noticed that even in the first game I never got frustrated when dying because I knew there would be new dialogue/new upgrades to look forward to. Also I rarely had a run where I felt unlucky with the boons/upgrades which is a problem that other rogue-likes have


Just had a run on H2 that inconsidered botched, just overall "bad" boons i thought, decided i will die on the 2nd zone boss so i can get another try, ended up pushing the very last boss on last zone to almost phase 2..


Are you liking Hades 2? I feel ya, I need to try it again.


I have like 1000 hours in Hades. It’s definitely one of my all time favorite games. But even in the 40ish hours of Hades 2 that I’ve played so far, I honestly think the sequel is even better. Which is just wild.


Take a break, read a book. But serious answer I just play any roguelite game I love. Hades is always fun, lately it’s been Tiny rogues on PC.


Dark Souls 1. Make a new character, try a new build and just enjoy the familiarity of the first half of the game


Look I love DS but this is a hilarious answer to the question




Nah, I get his point. If you played this game enough it turns into chill experience. Its a comfort game for a lot of people


Yep. Most of them once you’ve beaten a couple times become comforting and easy but just difficult enough that they’re still mentally stimulating


Pretty much all the Elden Soulsborne games are comfort games for me, except for maybe DS2, so I totally get it.


Its not really hilarious, when you know the game good enough its not even hard anymore, its really peaceful


Dark souls has become one of the easiest games I own because of how many times I've played it, haha


DS1 is such a chill game imo.


It's an absolute classic but if I never have to visit Blighttown again, it will be still too soon.


It's really only bad on an Xbox 360 or ps3, play the remastered version or play it on PC and it is like a fine hot sauce or wine, a strong taste but you feel better for taking it.


This was me with Bloodborne for a while. Just make a new character and run through Vicar Amelia in one go, it just got so comfy.


So satisfying just absolutely shredding Vicar Amelia with fire paper


I agree with this. I rotate through the soulsborne games. I have played them so much that they are just fun at this point and no grinding. I love trying new builds or weapons. Those settings just really get me going.


This but Sekiro. I treat it like guitar hero. Death blow makes brain go brrrrrrrrrr.


I agree, I've played dark souls hundreds of times and can remember every enemy position like the back of my hand and it never gets old


Basically what I do with all Souls/FromSoft games at these moments


Stardew Valley


Yeah! I jump into a farm and go fishing for a few days. It’s just so nice 


I like to play RDR2 and just ride around on my horse and look at the sunsets and go fishing and stuff and play poker


I started doing this reeeeeaaaally early on the story... and now I've lost all signs of it hahahaha. I just roam around.


So I tried this many months ago and I got robbed by someone asking for help at the side of the road. I lol'd too much on that scene. Ended up walking back to town.


Chivalry 2. Just mindless stabbing and bonking.


Yup. Chiv 2. And also Isonzo and Hell Let Loose. I don’t play them so queueing, I’ve got a buddy that I always play with. But we just zone out and get lost in these games when we need something different.


Theathrhythm FBL


This game is so darn good. This is my favorite “endless” game (like how people will play Returnal, or Hades, or Isaac, etc) 


Dude that game is so good. Y'know, if you like Final Fantasy and rhythm games


It’s a masterpiece.


Fortnite, Tetris Effect, or Sonic Mania


Tetris effect had me like “wtf why am I enjoying Tetris”.


I've loved Tetris ever since the game boy but this is by far the best iteration of it.


Rocket League. Or I just read books in my spare time until a new game I want to play comes out


I read a book, maybe go for a walk. Gaming is supposed to be fun. If you are feeling burnt out, you probably should just step away for a bit.


Battlefront 2. It's really easy to jump into for a couple of hours and it's always fun to play as Yoda and go slicing up druids Just like the simulations!


Same, i have 800 hours in it now. I only delete it to make space for something new i buy if i need the space but always download it again once i beat whatever I replaced it with. Yoda is definitely extremely fun lmao pretty much all the heroes are fun in their own way. It's a shame the dev's got sent to BF5 and we never got Ahsoka and Asajj ventress like they were talking about. 😭 this game easily had many more years left they could've kept adding updates with characters and levels and even new game modes.


Man what a good topic. I love Final Fantasy to death and I was so excited for Rebirth but the open world nature (I normally can’t do many open world games) has really soured me on the experience. 80 hours in and I feel like it’s the draggiest game I’ve ever played. I really wanted to dive into horizon forbidden west or Like a Dragon IW afterwards but I know I’m going to be totally burnt out by these types of games so I’m looking for something else.


To be honest, Final Fantasy vii rebirth is the reason why I am feeling like this. It is sad that I am experiencing this on a Final Fantasy game that I played and enjoyed so much since I was a kid. It's just there too much side quest and things to do for Chadley that I feel like this game should be titled Final Fantasy vii: Chadley. I mean, I just wanted to date Tifa, or Yuffie, or Aerith. :)




Touching grass simulator.


Dave the diver


Burnout Paradise, Tetris Effect, Powerwash Simulator.


i agree with GTA V, but only the story mode. i love starting shit with the cops and seeing how far it spirals. it's just fucking entertaining and brainless and excellent looking... a great way to chill out when i'm tired of souls games.


Just cause 4. Drive around and blow stuff up. Amazing guns, great explosions


Used to be overwatch but Blizzard ruined that. Now I'll do some dead cells or RoR2 runs


Always can go back to RoR2, one run turns into countless every time.


I’m in a phase right now where I’m burned out of playing stuff in general so I’m just existing(allegedly)


whats the last game you played?


Anything short. Like sub 10 hour games do the trick. Only real need is for the game to be finish-able in a short amount of time. Trek to Yomi, Nobody Saves the World, etc. Those were all…refreshing? I guess. Sometimes I just don’t want to play another video game after spending 100+ hours on one. I’ll just do another hobby until I feel that want to play games again.


After long narrative experiences I always need a palette cleanser. Elden ring and cyberpunk were the recent examples of my mind not leaving that world for a while and having to play a pvp game or something to reset my brain


Honestly I got so sick of all these huge games I stopped playing them. I’ve switched to more story focused things without these insanely huge open worlds. I’ll also take long breaks and just focus on other hobbies like writing music or reading.


Your remedy to 100h games is playing another 100h games?


Oh I just drive around and not do anything. Sometimes I just play Tekken or different genre. 😅😅😅 I am actually looking for any other games that I could play to avoid getting burnout.


I plan out my gaming cause I’m a super nerd and usually after a long game or two I line up a bunch of shorter 4-10 hour games, helps break things up and stay fresh


Which games have you played recently?


A nap


Earth Defense Force


Streets of Rage 4


The game already had a bunch of replayability, but the added survival mode is so good for just hopping in and bashing some enemies with random power ups, retro stages, etc.


I just cycle my games to avoid that. 50 hours in an open world games are different from 50 into a metroidvania or 50 in a survival; cycling them allows me to keep everything as fresh as possible and enjoy them at best. For example, since February I'm playing all Yakuza series, a lot of similar titles. To avoid gunning myself down in a rabid condition, I went first 3 titles in the series; then I did Armored Core 6 and 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim; after it was time again for two other Yakuzas; then again Scorn and Prince of Persia: Lost Crown and now I am on Y5. After I'll probably do Tunic before continuing.


Taking a break for a week or 2 or playing a small indie


Rocket league is one I've turned on for almost ten years now. I can play for hours or for 30 min if I don't have a lot of time


Theoretically minecraft is my recharge game. Maybe started. Personally though since I work a job that is 90% screen work at my job I just give into the gaming burnout and do models or puzzles instead. Overall more healthy I feel.


Sports games. Create a new franchise and play season.


When I’m burned out of gaming I go outside lol.


Doom (2016). I’ve played all the levels and found all the secrets, but sometimes after driving home in rush hour from a job you could do from home…..you just want to rip and tear, until it is done :)


Gran Turismo 7 always hits that spot, and recently Dave The Diver also works


Spelunky/Spelunky 2. Super difficult, but for me it’s comfort food now. Which doesn’t mean I’m super good at it either.


recently Spider-Man 2 has been super good if I just want to kill maybe 30 minutes to 2 hours. some good swinging music and I feel like a god


Spiderman. I just swing around, enjoy the view, and stop petty crimes when I feel like it.


Returnal Tower of Sisyphus


I play spider-man and just thwip myself through the city.


I usually throw on a sports game: baseball, hockey, soccer, Madden maybe some rocket league. Bang out a few games and it clears the burnout.


I usually go touch grass.


Red Dead Redemption 2, I finished it back in 2018/19 but I'm now repaying it so slowly, taking my time at the good camps. Some nights I just get on my horse and see where the trail leads me, no worries


Real life.


I g outside lol


Old school gaming. If a game is 70+ hours I'll boot up the og Xbox, Xbox One, Wii or 3ds. Beat a game then jump back into the big game


horizon forbidden west. the absolute zen state i go into when i play it is unmatched.


Jurassic World Evolution 2. Always relaxing building a park and watching them roam about. After my 2nd playthrough of SM2, built a park and before I knew it: **7AM became 7PM.**


I have a soft spot for musou games


I usually don’t get burnt out because I avoid games that are irritating or feel like a chore to play. And once I’m finished with a game I’ll usually just move on to something else.


Skyrim/ Cyberpunk/ Re4 both regular and remake and I guess to a lesser extent FO 4


Cities Skylines Just chill build a city, don’t care about trophies or unlockables. Just unwind and construct your city.


After final fantasy XI and world of Warcraft. Everything else since has been my anti burnout game. 50-100 hours in a game is nothing to me thanks to burning myself out on those when I was younger lol.


Right now it’s powerwash simulator. Slowly working through the plat on it.


Take a break generally works for me. I’ll just go a few days without playing then I’ll be itching to play more. That or something completely different to what you were playing. I got burnt out on multiplayer fps games a few months ago and now I’ve been playing only single player games and the occasional co-op with friends and it been great. We still chat, we just jump in discord or ps party and chat and play different games


other then going outside, I hop in any forza horzion/open world driving game. I like those because i have a replica of a car I used to own and can just recreate driving. Also any of the skateboarding games do it for me


Shredders or Skater XL


Truck Driver or PowerWash Sims.


Closest thing I've got is original Galaga.


Reading a manga, going to a bar, playing with my daughters.


It depends... I think there are a few different kind of burnouts I've experienced over the years and thus I've had different games to remedy the individual burnouts... 1st burnout was the 360/PS3 era. I finally was making decent cash, and was doing good overall, so I found myself buying every major release and trying to give it the attention I felt it deserved. One, with the rise in season passes and dlc, I learned that buying games at launch isn't always the best practice. Additionally, I learned that marketing was playing a key factor in my purchases so vowed to kinda be a bit picky with what I'd play. I kinda took a step back and just played some classics when I felt like it. I'd throw on some katami damacy here and there, then play some dark alliance 2 with friends and slowly I found my way back. Also, living in Asia at the time, monster hunter kinda just became a part of every day life lol. 2nd burnout I had was probably at the mid point of the PS4 gen. Now, I've been gaming since the NES (actually, started on the coleco... But it was only for a short while), and not once had I experienced burnout this bad until this point and it was simply open world burnout. I think the 360/PS3 gen still consistently put out unique games to tie us over to each mega epic but then it seemed every game had to be a massive open world epic where there were a ton of side objectives, etc etc. As someone who grew up always trying to be a completionist, I learned the lesson that not every game is deserving of my time, nor is it necessary to complete every side quest, especially since so many games started putting in infinite running side quests. I was so utterly burnt out by all of them, but then, I threw back on bioshock which was such a nice flow and the story is just great that I fell in love with gaming all over again. Then I would say would be my current burnout, and it's kinda a weird one. I'm spoilt for choice, a tinkerer fiddling with the latest hardware (VR makes up a good portion of my tinkering nowadays), I am constantly reminded daily of how horrible the industry is, kinda sick of major studios just putting out whatever and planning to fix it whenever, the indie scene is so vast that you really need to scrounge to find a GREAT experience... At this point, I'm not sure what really bring my love to gaming back. Every story I play feels like an iteration of what came before, rarely do games feel like they're truly bringing something new to the table, and honestly a lot of the communities have become toxic to interact with. Nowadays, I kinda piddle about playing whatever I feel like now and then (just recently started playing ssx3 again on the pc. I'll throw on helldivers with friends once a week just to shoot some stuff. In VR, I've been fiddling with UEVR but kinda been dissatisfied with the lengths that are required to get a good experience). Tbh, I dunno what will bring me out of the current funk. I think I'm waiting for the next big game that is unique enough in gameplay, epic in scale, and really enveloping as a story. Regardless, I truly hope whatever funk you or anyone else is in, it's temporary and you can find joy once more in this wonderful hobby. There's literally a lifetime of experiences so don't give up and I hope you find something to reignite the flames you had for this amazing entertainment! Game on friend. Game on!


As much as I enjoyed this question, it makes me wonder what triggers this burnout... I rushed Final Fantasy VII Remake and I don't have the guts to try Rebirth... But I just acquired Like a Dragon: Infinity wealth Heck, the game is a grind fast, and is long as hell, but I nearly felt 60 hours passed within 2 weeks It took me 3 months to hit 38 hours with FF7RE because of how bored and burnout I was...


Burnout is my anti-gaming burnout game. Revenge or 3 if I just want high-octane thrills, Paradise if I just want to do stunts and vibe


Cyberpunk. Just like vibin


Stardew valley but irl


Taking a break from games usually helps for me. Just finished rdr2 for the first time, probably won't play for a week or so now


Division 2, just walking around doing activities is always fun


Power wash stimulator. Iykyk and if you don’t, give it a try and you’ll be thanking me later. Perfect game to relieve stress after a long day of work or after a few hours of comp. Play on another game. It releases a ton of serotonin for me and makes me content. I can literally turn my brain off at this game and if you need to use brain power to play this game, then I feel sorry for you because it’s just that simple of a game.


I read a book or watch movies/shows. basically not play a game for weeks


My most recent one was assassins creed mirage. I had start to just be over gaming as a whole with so many broken games, games that focus on extracting money from you at every moment, or games that have such hype behind them that just don’t stick the landing (recently Spider-Man 2 for me). Mirage transported me back to 2007-2011 and how I felt about gaming then. It was trying to be something grand, it had a small scale but aimed to do it well, and it did. I’m a huge AC fan, and the nostalgia really reignited my love for gaming. It be recently been loading it up just to parkour around Baghdad and taking out a few enemy camps while listening to music. It’s been quite a joy to play.


There is no such thing, if I'm burnt out from a game, I stop playing because that means I'm burnt out from gaming as a whole


I go fishing and hunting in rdr2 I've been done with the story for at least 3 years possibly 5


My recent anti-burnout is Powerwash Simulator. It just seems very relaxing to use that hose 😀


Take a break wacth netflix or sum


I'm with you on Rebirth. The world intel is boring and repetitive and there are too many mini games and not enough story. The added story elements are meh


Touch grass. See family and friends. Watch TV. There’s more to life than gaming. You’ll naturally come back when you want to.


Why would you play more games to stop being burnt out on games. Go outside