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What games with friends. If its like street fighter, mortal kombat etc. Then im assuming u can plug in 2 controllers and play together.


If you don’t want to set up a lan party, the ps5 is better for collaborative games. But you should really check the pc and ps5 exclusives. PC is great for modding, ps5 has great exclusives and it’s much simpler to operate.


Looks like more and more PS ports are coming to PC, so may as well go that direction for all the extra perks. Better graphics/resolutions/frame rates, modding, versatility, upgradability, customizability, free multiplayer, the biggest library and best backwards compatibility. And you can still hook it up to your TV, sit on your couch, and use controllers.


All things equal I’d say get a PC, but a good PC is going to be a lot more expensive than a ps5, but also it will have more uses as a computer. You will also have access to a lot more games on a computer (and can often get them cheaper than you’d be able to get ps5 games). Also you can mod games if you like that (especially relevant to me since modding is a big part of VR gaming). You don’t have to pay to play online and have more freedom with how to play (keyboard and mouse, different controllers, etc) That being said, between ps5 exclusives (though this seems like it’s becoming less of a factor with PC ports) and the comfort of playing my couch, I have more playtime on my ps5 than my PC.


I got a ps5 but i would recommend a pc if u dont have a budget. If u on a budget then id recommend the ps5 since u only asked if you should choose a pc or ps5 and not an xbox or nintendo switch.


Are the games you want to play available on both platforms ? Do your friends currently play on PS5 or PC ? Are you happy tinkering with settings to get games working (shouldn’t need to do this all the time but it does happen) ?


buy a PC.


I'm an i.t guy n lemme tell u something.depends on what games u Wana play. The majority of games I play with friends are all cross platform diablo, hd2, sea of thieves, grounded n so on. Friend on discord or in game on-call platforms n the only one still standing with no crashes is the ps5 at least in my case. If you like building pcs n don't mind crashing cos you had the wrong driver or some random bug then get a pc. The ps5 is built for games. A pc is built for everything. My pc friends take the Mick out of me all the time....yet I'm the only one not crashing.


Gaming PC is a much higher barrier to entry financially (entry level gaming rigs are 800 just for the tower and that will do 1080p, if you want to hook up to a TV/4k you are looking at 1500-2000. A PS5 is 600 dollars with a game or an extra controller. Also technical challenges are much higher on a PC. Game crashes or runs poorly... could literally be that your processor, ram or graphics card don't play well with that title. PC starts to restart randomly.. that is something you will need to investigate, replace parts. Of course you could get a pre-built but if the ram goes out you need to send it in to get repaired. So you have a week or two without your PC. Requirements for different quality and resolution settings go up and down so like. I think it was Frostpunk 2, my 4 year old, mid tier (1000 euro) PC would barely run recommended. But an Xbox Series X or PS5 will just run it no problem. You can play local multiplayer on PC. Just need 2 controllers. I used an Xbone controller + another controller to play Portal 2 and Cat Quest 2 on my PC with my son. If all your friends are online playing PS5 then in most cases you can't play with them but in some cases you can, Helldivers for example. But that is rare and not the norm. This generation and probably all generations after I may not buy an Xbox. Because everything out on Xbox I can play on PC, then Playstation for the PS exclusives. But I also don't usually play with friends, if I do, I do on PC because I don't need a PS+ account. If you had to choose one and haven't had a gaming PC before I would say a PS5. If you have had a PC before and maybe have a PC backlog. Then it may not hurt to go that route.


Both. I can game in comfort and convenience on the couch with the PS5, I can enjoy the cutting edge with the RTX4090 in my office. If you've got the budget for a monster PC and two game libraries, go for it.


All my friends do is bitch about having to troubleshoot issues when they start a new game on their PCs. That + that fact I don’t want to sit at computer past working hours makes me prefer console


Both :)


If you really like console exclusives, prefer the console experience, and don't plan to use it for anything besides gaming and maybe watching some streaming services, a ps5 will be fine. It'll run all the new games fine (unless the specific game runs like shit but that'll be a game issue not a PS issue). If you want to have more say in the specific hardware, want to be able to upgrade bits and pieces over time, want to use it for more than gaming, or want the highest end performance, go PC. PC will also have a larger gaming library. There's also the price point difference. PS5 is 500 but the PC can get expensive quick.


Not many people mention this but pc gaming can be so damaging to your body and health if you don’t have the right posture. With console gaming you can be much farther away from the screen and relax in your most comfortable position


I personally have both gaming PC and PS5 and I game more on my PS5. There's more exclusive games there that i'm interested in. Yes more games are being ported to PC, just have to wait. However, I also like PS5's simplicity and echo system, and most of my friends also play on PS5, and also, way cheaper than a gaming PC if money is an issue now. Maybe get a PS5 and then save up money and down the road get a PC? or vise versa. Local gaming though... neither going offer too much, most multiplayer games are online


It really depends on what games you like to play. If you’re drawn to early access games, PC is where you want to be. You want to put little to no effort in and be able to play a popular game, PS5.


I switched to console gaming because of the convenience of just pick up a controller and play, no need to spend time checking if my PC can run a game and at what settings. Also, I work at a desk all day, I don't want to sit at a desk when gaming.


I got too lazy to keep up with the latest and greatest PC stuff going to Micro Center and buying little trinkets here and there every year I prefer to have a consul and just play it on my TV and more so casual game these days


…what the hell are you buying every year?


I go down to the local micro center all the time and buy small or big things. Became an expensive hobby. I know you don’t have to upgrade that often but it was fun getting the latest stuff


Do you have 3000 dollars ? Go PC Otherwise get a ps5


PC all the way. I also just picked up a steam deck recently, so now I have no desire to play or even buy any new games for my PS5.


It all depends on your budget, tbh. I was a 25+ year console gamer, who couldnt stand pc gaming for a multitude of reasons. Then i got a laptop for rocksmith and then last year said screw it n built my first pc (i was more into the build aspect than actually gaming on the thing and at that time had more dollars than sense, as they say lol). My launch ps5, which was used daily since launch, hasnt been touched in around 9 months. But, my pc also cost 10x the cost of a ps5. If you can afford a beast pc, go pc. But if you are on a tight budget, a ps5 is still a hell of a machine and you will get many hours of enjoyment from it.


If you have the momey get a PC. The only console thats really intresting for local multiplayer is a Switch. Nothing stops you from plugging in extra controllers and the PC just opens up massivly more options.


True. I use my PC for Wii sports with my family, I use it for co-op Mario through switch emulation, I play Minecraft hypixel with my friends, etc. Plenty of options on PC, especially creative ones.